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  1. #1
    Main Eventer John's Avatar
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    Default Wrestling > MMA.

    Why Wrestling > MMA.

    Recently, we’ve had alot of discussions about Wrestling and MMA. Some posters believe that MMA is superior to wrestling (One of their arguments is that it’s “REAL” and, because of that, its better), whilst some think that MMA cannot hold a candle to Wrestling. Personally, I believe that Wrestling is better than MMA. At the moment, I’ve been watching wrestling for almost 10 years. I haven’t missed a Raw and Smackdown since 2002. I have watched two UFC PPVs (112 and the one with Brock losing) and I found the process to be tedious. I just don’t find the shows to be as exciting as a WWE show.

    WWE Shows usually have more wrestling than their competition, but the wrestling seems to be not as important as the storyline building and entertainment side of the show. WWE stars are given a chance to develop a character and (If done correctly) then the star will be over in a similar way to what Vickie showed this past week on Raw. The, sometimes, larger-than-life characters are what makes wrestling fun and is what interests people into investing their faith in somebody.

    The wrestling featured on WWE PPVs is usually good and we receive several good matches a week. For example, this week on WWE TV we have seen: Daniel Bryan/Regal, Cena/Dolph, Orton/Miz and the huge 6-man match between Del Rio, Barrett and Miz against Orton, Cena and Mysterio.

    TNA is a (Somewhat) strong competitor to WWE as they do actually feature several good wrestlers who can produce great matches. They just don’t use them correctly, to produce awesome matches.

    MMA is a sport (Barely) which includes two bland guys (Who haven’t had chance to connect with the audience as there is no promos) punching eachother. Sure, it would be good to see a UFC PPV when I can’t sleep and have nothing else to do, but I wouldn’t choose it over a WWE PPV.


  2. #2
    Mid-carder Coruptyed's Avatar
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    ive watched wrestling as long as you, even longer seen the transistions etc. Ive watched ufc for almost 3 years now and i have to believe that mma is much better then wwe. You say theres no promos? If you watch spiketv there are build ups where the interview the fighter and they hype the fight. How is it the ufc ppv's draw more then wwe ppv's? and half the audience like myself are watching ufc in bars. The excitement in a ufc fight is way higher then wwe. Yes wwe does storylines as well as tna. I have found i fast foward through raw now only to watch randy orton, daniel bryan. Sick of people like cena nexus(yes there cool idea but there starting to get shoved down our throats to) week in and week out. UFC doesnt do that once a fighter wins or loses you dont see them for another sometimes 5 months, if they are over with the crowd earlier. That keeps it exciting. The ultimate fighter on spiketv is actually more interesting then wrestling at the moment. Its unscripted so its unpredictable where as wwe is so predictable anymore, sometimes they throw the odd curve ... sometimes. If you havent watched many mma fights how can you judge the two? i used to think wrestling was but not anymore. And the biggest thing talked about right now is the guy who through a kick while pushing off the cage... and others about wwe superstars fighting for mma(i dont consider lashley or batista in this but hey.. )
    The One, The Legend, The Icon


  3. #3
    Main Eventer
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    I know that UFC wouldn't have storylines like pro-wrestling would but I do know they have promos and interviews and stuff where the guys sometimes mouth off on the other guy (depending on if the guy is arrogant or whatever). Anyway, personally I prefer having storylines that really give the face-off something more of a meaning rather than these two guys don't like each other and they're going to fight for a title to show the other who's better so I like pro-wrestling more than MMA. As Jim Ross as stated before, and I totally agree with, MMA is no threat to pro-wrestling because they're two DIFFERENT things. Besides that, it's not like UFC has a weekly live show every Monday/Tuesday/Thursday/Friday night, do they? So what really stops a pro-wrestling/MMA fan from watching both products and just enjoying both? And why does one have to come down on the other? People are allowed to like what they want, it gets annoying when people want to come down on MMA for "not being exciting" in your eyes or "gay" in Gunner's eyes Or when MMA fans come down on pro-wrestling fans saying that it's "fake." Why fight and argue about it, just let people watch and enjoy what they want because I'm sure some MMA fighters watch pro-wrestling and obviously pro-wrestlers watch MMA (Undertaker).

    BTW, why is this in the WWE section than the General Wrestling or somewhere where it would count for both pro-wrestling and MMA?
    Last edited by JohnCenaFan28; 12-27-2010 at 05:43 PM.

  4. #4
    Rabid Wolverine Metalitia's Avatar
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    I still don't really view the 2 as being a fair comparison for each other particularly.

    I quite like both but what I like in each is different to one another.

    In wrestling I like that you can and are supposed to get into it and follow the action, you know that whatever happens there is going to be a reaction to it and it'll always interlink with various things. It's more fun to follow in that respect because whilst I much prefer the in ring stuff, all the rest adds to it and makes it quite fun to follow at times.

    MMA however I enjoy in a much more simple "This guy sounds like he should be impressive". I don't follow it particularly and you don't need to either. A fights set, you find the background and style of the guys (or pick it up yourself after seeing a few of they're fights) and you get interested in it that way.

    With wrestling sometimes it's like "Ok I want this guy to win because if he does he can go on and feud with this other guy". Whereas MMA it's more "This guy is immense but this dud is fast and his striking is shit hot so it should be a good fight".

    The only real similarity between them is that you can use some elements from an amateur wrestling background to incorporate into some elements of MMA.

    As a spectacle though they are entirely different so to say one is better than the other is niether here nor there for me.
    __________________________________________________ ____

  5. #5
    The Mac


    John u have based your opinion off one of the worst UFC PPV's in the company's history 112 was a huge embarrasement and if you would actually pay attention to the shows and the stuff before it there are many interviews with the main fighters hyping the card (im sure u heard about frank mir wanting to kill brock lesnar) i have watched the ufc since the first one, watched wrestlling for as long as i can remember and although both are great in their own way if i had to choose only one to watch for the rest of my life it would be ufc, the knockouts are brutal, submissions are epic unlike wwe where john cena hugging someones back is considered a submission and the best reason why mma is better.... undertaker wished mma was mainstream when he was younger because he would have never gone into wrestling lol

  6. #6
    (S)WINNING! Swinny's Avatar
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    Eel and Metalitia about summed up my opinions on the matter. They're two completely different things with two completely different purposes and there's no reasons why you can't enjoy both, I know I do.

  7. #7


    Both companies have terrible shows at times and for new fans and people that don't watch it much if they were to watch that then they would think that's what it's like all the time and might put people off.

  8. #8
    Danger zone Punisher's Avatar
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    If you've only watched a few pay-per-views in the past however long you said. you obviously shouldnt be the one comparing the two things together. You've lost all respect from me of this being legit once I saw that. You cant say that a ford is better than a chevy when you never driven either car. You're making your mind up about a subject you never fully understood about because it threatens what you like. And that my friend makes you... you can fill in the blank

    gfx credit: Role Model

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  9. #9
    The Mac


    Quote Originally Posted by Punisher View Post
    If you've only watched a few pay-per-views in the past however long you said. you obviously shouldnt be the one comparing the two things together. You've lost all respect from me of this being legit once I saw that. You cant say that a ford is better than a chevy when you never driven either car. You're making your mind up about a subject you never fully understood about because it threatens what you like. And that my friend makes you... you can fill in the blank

  10. #10
    The Eating Machine! Kenpachi Zaraki's Avatar
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    ^^^ oh wow bunch a MMA kiss-asses right here. Wait till I'm back full time then I'll show you losers why MMA is just as lame as it is

    If Kenpachi used his Bankai, Armageddon, Ragnarok, and every other form of the apocalypse would march from the depths of hell with their demonic legions of death.... then take one look at him and turn tail and run.

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