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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Exclamation TNA PPV 'Against All Odds' LIVE Coverage 2011


    On Sunday, February 13, TNA Wrestling presents "Against All Odds" live on Pay-Per-View from Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida, featuring Jeff Hardy and Immortal, Ric Flair and Fortune, Kurt Angle, RVD, Matt Morgan, Mr. Anderson and more!


    TNA World Title Match
    Ladder Match

    Mr. Anderson © vs. Jeff Hardy

    (If Kurt Angle wins, he gets custody of his kids, if Jeff Jarrett wins, Kurt Angle has to walk Karen Jarrett down the aisle on March 3rd.)
    Jeff Jarrett vs. Kurt Angle

    Last Knockout Standing Knockouts Title Match
    Madison Rayne © vs. Mickie James

    3 Way #1 Contenders Match For The X Title
    Max Buck vs. Jeremy Buck vs. Robbie E

    Street Fight
    Bully Ray vs. Brother Devon and His Two Sons

    Rob Terry, Gunner and Murphy vs. Scott Steiner and Beer Money

    Matt Hardy vs. RVD

    Samoa Joe vs. The Pope

  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Check out the forum and keep updated of new PPV updates in the shoutbox!
    Please feel free to comment (spoilers allowed) in this thread about the PPV.
    Members please beware of possible spoilers past this post.

    TNA Against All Odds 2011 - Live Coverage

    The 2011 TNA Against All Odds PPV kicked off with a video feature covering all the recent TNA storyline events, including Mr. Anderson's TNA title win, Fortune turning on Immortal and the Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Jarrett storyline.

    Mike Tenay and Taz welcomed everyone to the PPV, going over the top matches.

    They announced that Generation Me were unable to make it to Florida due to travel issues, so they won't be able to compete in their scheduled match to name the top contender for the X-Division championship.

    Robbie E and Cookie made their way to the ring.

    Robbie took the mic and said that he's got good news and bad news. He said that the good news was that since Generation Me had travel issues "aka were afraid of Robbie E", he was the new top contender to the X-Division championship. The bad news was that no one gets to see him wrestle tonight. He demanded the referee count Generation Me out of the ring to make it official and told him to hurry, since "we have to get to the clubs."

    The referee called for the bell and began making the count. Robbie E did a fist pump as each number was counted off. He won via countout and began celebrating, carrying Cookie around the ring.

    E began leaving the ring and Taz wondered if he even knew that Kazarian was going to defend the title tonight. As he made his way to the ramp, Kazarian's music began and out came the X-Division champion. He backed up Cookie and E towards the ring.

    Kazarian took the mic and said that while E was OK with getting out of there with a cheap victory but as a member of Fortune, he can't not let everyone get what they paid to see. He said that perhaps E didn't get the memo, but there is indeed going to be a championship bout tonight. He said it was going to happen right now.

    TNA X Division Title Match:
    Kazarian (c) vs Robbie E

    As Kazarian put down the mic, E attacked him on the ramp but Kazarian beat him back down to the ring. Kazarian tossed him in the ring and hit a Gutwrench suplex. Cookie tried to interfere but was thwarted. Kazarian set up E on the ropes, then kicked him off to the floor.

    Kazarian went to the top rope for a dive but Cookie went to interfere. Kazarian grabbed her but E grabbed Kazarian's legs and yanked them out from him. Kazarian took a hard bump down, crashing into the stairs. E slammed Kazarian's arm into the stairs.

    Kazarian fought back but was kicked down. E went to the ropes for a fistdrop and covered the champion for a two count. He shoulderblocked Kazarian into the corner. E argued with the referee, allowing Cookie to choke Kazarian in the corner. E used his boot to choke Kazarian against the ropes.

    Kazarian came back with a right hand and a side Russian legsweep for a two count. E cut him off and went back to work on Kazarian's shoulder and back. He used his knee to try and strangle Kaz, then nailed him with a snapmare. E locked in a side chinlock to try and force Kazarian down.

    Kazarian made a comeback with a clothesline and scored a close two count. He went for the inverted tombstone but E slipped out and went for a swinging neckbreaker. Kaz escaped and rolled him up for a two count. E kicked Kazarian into Cookie, who nailed him. E rolled up Kaz for another two count.

    E stalked Kazarian, slapping him and trash talking. Kazarian ducked a move and caught Robbie with the inverted tombstone for the pin.

    Winner and Still X-Division Champion: Kazarian

    Christy Hemme interviewed Scott Steiner and Beer Money. Scott Steiner was all over the place with a silly interview, saying he was going to have the same match he always had, kicking someone's ass.

    Beer Money picked it up, saying that they were going to take Immortal's flunkies out. James Storm started a "You suck" chant, saying that the fans will be chanting that for their opponents tonight.


    AJ Styles' music and out came Styles in street clothes. Styles joined Tenay and Taz at the announcing position.

    6 Man Tag Match:
    Scott Steiner & Beer Money Vs. Rob Terry & Gunner & Murphy

    The announcers were pushing Terry vs. Steiner as a battle of two of the biggest physical specimens in the business. AJ Styles noted that Ric Flair would return to Impact Thursday.

    Steiner and Gunner started off. Steiner shoulderblocked him down and chopped away at him. Gunner went for a leapfrog and failed, so Steiner tossed him with a belly to belly suplex. Murphy got tossed as well. Terry tagged in and the two faced off. Fans were chanting for Steiner.

    Terry began making bodybuilding poses, so Steiner kicked him low while the referee wasn't looking, then dropped an elbow. Murphy tagged himself in and locked up with Steiner. Steiner controlled him and then tagged in Storm. Storm nailed an inverted atomic drop and a clothesline for a two count. Murphy caught him with a knee to the gut and tagged in Gunner, but Storm nailed a kneelift and a hangman's neckbreaker.

    Gunner came back to toss Storm over the top but Storm skinned the cat and worked over Gunner with a series of clotheslines and punches in the corner. Terry nailed Storm, who was then caught with a clothesline. The Immortal members worked over Storm in the corner. Gunner slammed Storm and dropped an elbow for a two count.

    They continued controlling Storm as Murphy locked in a rear chinlock. Storm fired back but was grabbed by the hair and slammed backwards to the mat. Terry tagged in and picked up Storm, hitting a big over the shoulder powerslam for a two count. He went for another but Storm slipped out and nailed the Backstabber.

    Storm went to make a tag but Murphy tried to prevent it. Storm kicked him off and tagged in Robert Roode. Roode went for a move but there was a miscue and Gunner ducked, Roode, undaunted, saved it by rebounding with a big clothesline. Roode then clotheslined Terry out of the ring and hit a rolling snapmare off the ropes on Gunner for a two count. Storm drilled Gunner with a spinebuster for a two count but Murphy broke it up.

    Terry went after Steiner and attacked him on the floor. Beer Money made a comeback and teased DWI but Terry tried to attack them. He nailed Murphy and was hit with a double suplex by BeerMoney. Roode nailed a spinbuster on Gunner, thrn Murphy. Terry grabbed him for a chokeslam but Roode slipped out and nailed a spinebuster as well.

    Roode went to the ropes for a suplex on Gunner but instead tagged Steiner, who nailed a top rope Frankensteiner and scored the pin.

    Winners: Beer Money and Scott Steiner

    Christy Hemme interviewed Brother Devon. Devon said that while his sons did everything he taught them to do on Impact, he's not letting them be involved in the match tonight.

    They weren't happy. He said that he didn't want them to be a sacrifical lamb tonight and told them that while he knows they weren't happy, they were still his sons and they needed to do what he asked. He told them that he loved them but they needed to watch, not get involved. They finally agreed.

    Samoa Joe vs. Pope Dinero

    Pope's tights were mocking Joe's "gonna kill you." They locked up after Pope ducked out of the ring early. He tried to get the better of Joe but the second Joe was obviously unphased, Pope walked out of the ring and tried to head up the aisle back towards the locker room. Okada, dressed like Kato from the Green Hornet, backed him to the ring, where Joe did a dive to the floor. They noted he was Joe's camerman that helped him expose Pope. They called him Okato, which came off so lame.

    Back in the ring, Joe nailed a headbutt but Pope cut him off and suplexed Joe over. Joe popped right back up and clotheslined Pope. Joe peppered Pope in the corner with strikes and punches. He nailed a back splash in the corner followed by an enziguiri.

    Joe began working over Pope again but the referee (Jackson James of course favoring the heels) stopped Joe, which allows Pope to thumb him in the eye. Pope tossed Joe to the outside, slammed him into the apron, and tossed him back in the ring. Joe mounted a quick comeback but was clotheslined as he rebounded off the ropes.

    Pope worked over Joe and nailed his diving shot over Joe's back, landing on the floor. Pope drilled Joe with a neckbreaker for a two count. Pope came off the ropes but was caught with an inverted atomic drop, kicked in the face and nailed with a back senton splash for a two count. Pope nailed Joe in the face as Joe lifted him over his back and removed a turnbuckle pad as Joe recovered.

    Pope tried to slam Joe into it but Joe stopped him and they went back and forth with near falls. Pope came off the ropes but Joe grabbed him in a rear naked choke. Pope tapped out immediately, so quickly it wasn't even funny.

    Winner: Samoa Joe

    After the Match:
    Joe had words with Jackson James, to the point I thought he had DQ'd Joe for using the choke. Pope asked for a handshake and Joe, after hesitation, accepted it. Pope nailed Joe and slammed him into the exposed buckle, busting him open.

    Okada tried to help but was laid out. Joe went after Pope, who retreated out. Pope smiled as he left while Joe was pissed.

    Christy Hemme interviewed Mickie James.

    James said she was excited about her title shot tonight. She said that the only reason Madison Rayne has the title is because Tara laid down for her but tonight, when Rayne lays down, she won't be getting back up.

    TNA Knockouts Championship:
    Last Knockout Standing
    Madison Rayne (c) vs. Mickie James

    Someone has a sign that read "I'll pay Flair's bar tab."

    They battled to the floor immediately. Rayne went after James, who caught her with a kick on the floor. Rayne came back to slam James into the ring steps. The referee began to count her out but she made her way up and back to the ring.

    James unloaded on Rayne, who retreated to the floor. Rayne tried to walk out but James charged and nailed her from behind. Rayne came back and began unloading with shots across her back, then whipped her into the railing. They went back and forth on the floor. James reversed an Irish Whip and Rayne hit her head on the ringpost. Rayne recovered and nailed a DDT. The referee began counting James down but she made her way back to her feet.

    Rayne went after James but James caught her and tossed Rayne to the floor, where the referee began counting her down. James nailed a bodypress off the apron to the floor. They began counting both women down but Rayne went under the ring. James followed. They emerged on the other side of the ring. Rayne tried to nail James with her loaded glove but James moved and Rayne hit the ring steps. Rayne was kicked and was down but James picked her up and tossed her in the ring.

    James went to the ropes but Rayne nailed her and sent her falling from the ropes to the floor. James pulled herself up to her feet at the nine count. Rayne went to nail James with the glove but James grabbed her arm and snapped it off the ropes. James came off the top with a Thesz Press, then hit a spinkick. James grabbed the glove from Rayne's hand. Tara hit the scene so James nailed her with the glove.

    As James stood over Tara, Rayne nailed her with brass knuckles and James was counted out.

    Winner and Still Knockouts Champion: Madison Rayne



    Jeff Hardy said he was going to get his title back and wished Ken Anderson well, "you a**hole."

    Matt Morgan came to the ring and said he was going to cut through all the garbage. He demanded Hernandez come to the ring, and Hernandez obliged. Morgan told him to start talking before he kicked Hernandez' ass all over the Impact Zone. Hernandez called him the "Great White Hope."

    He said that everyone wants a great White Hope so he went to Mexico with his culture where he's treated like the star he truly is. He said that here in TNA, he is treated like a second class citizen so he was back to tell everyone that this is Hispanic America, their country and Morgan is the new minority. He said that he was back to stick it to everyone who didn't appreciate him and if Morgan didn't like that, "the punk ass white boy" could get out of his country.

    Morgan went to respond but Hernandez nailed him with a low blow then hit a Death Valley Driver.

    Matt Hardy said that "Cold Blood" is something that society forced him into.

    He said that he was the good guy that went above and beyond and it never got him anywhere. He said that in the last year, he fought through a career threatening injury and his brother came to TNA. Matt said that he was punished for what Jeff decided to do. He then said that he was 3-0 against Rob Van Dam and was going to continue his undefeated record tonight. He said was going to do it with a smile on his face and cold blood in his veins.

    Matt Hardy vs. Rob Van Dam

    Hardy looks to have dropped some weight and looks way better. What a difference a month makes. They locked up and Hardy backed Rob into the corner. Rob fired away with punches. They went back and forth, with Rob finally nailing a kick to end the flurry.

    Rob went for a monkey flip but was caught and dropped on the turnbuckles and nailed with a clothesline. Hardy slammed him into the turnbuckles and began working him over with shots in the corner.

    Hardy escaped a backdrop and nailed a spinkick, sending Matt to the floor. As Matt returned to the ring, Hardy dropkicked him off the apron. He went for a moonsault off the apron, but Hardy grabbed his legs and slammed him into the apron. Hardy worked over Van Dam on the floor, running him backwards into the railing. Hardy went for a suplex on the floor but Van Dam got the better of it and dropped him across the railing, then hit a corkscrew legdrop across Hardy's back.

    Van Dam tossed Hardy back into the ring but as he returned, Hardy kicked the ropes ito RVD's nether-regions and caught him with a Cactus DDT for a two count. This is markedly better than their first meeting. Back on the floor, Hardy picked up Van Dam and dropped him face first on the railing.

    Back in the ring, Hardy nailed a legdrop and scored a two count. He grabbed Van Dam by the hair as he continued to work him over. Hardy locked in a full nelson from a sitting position but Van Dam fought his way back to a standing position. Hardy cut him back off and began slapping at Van Dam. Hardy cinched in a cravate but Van Dam began mounting a comeback.

    Hardy charged at RVD in the corner. Van Dam elevated him up and over the ropes to the apron but Van Dam was knocked down. Hardy went to the top but Van Dam kicked him as he came off the ropes. Van Dam began mounting a comeback. He went for Rolling Thunder but Hardy rolled out of the way. Van Dam landed on his feet and hit a standing moonsault for a two count. Van Dam nailed a split legged moonsault on Hardy for another two count.

    Van Dam missed a kick and was nailed with the Side Effect for a two count. Hardy went for the Twist of Hate but was shoved off and kicked stiffly in the corner. Van Dam went to the top but Hardy cut him off with an uppercut. Hardy went for a superplex but was punched away. Hardy fired back with another shot and backdropped RVD over in a scary looking moment. Hardy went for a moonsault but Van Dam rolled out of the way, Van Dam went to the top and hit the Five Star Frog splash, handing Hardy his first TNA loss.

    Winner: Rob Van Dam

    Christy Hemme tried to interview Bully Ray about Devon not bringing his kids to their match tonight. He bullied her and then said he wants them to be brought to the ring.

    He said that he was the man who could make real men out of them because all they would learn from their dad was how to be a second rate sidekick who takes orders. He said that the kids' problem was that they were born "out of their mother's ass." He said he was going to take out Devon once and for all.

    Street Fight:
    Bully Ray vs. Brother Devon

    Ray went and hid after he came out. He charged Devon with a chain but Devon caught him and nailed him. They brawled around ringside. Devon drilled Ray with a drink. Back in the ring, a bunch of weapons were tossed into the ring. Devon drilled him with a Singapore Cane. Ray nailed him with a punch but Devon came back with another shot to the head.

    Devon placed Ray's head under a chair as Devon's sons came to ringside. He told them to go to the back, turning his back on Ray. Ray nailed Devon with a shot across the back. He began screaming at the brothers and spit at them. Ray nailed Devin with a trash can lid, then placed a chair over his head instead.

    Devon's son's grabbed Ray to stop him but he escaped and threatened them with a chain. Devon recovered and worked over Ray with a series of punches and clotheslines, then backdropped him over. One of Devon's sons nailed Ray with a trashcan. They grabbed Ray's legs to set up the Devon "Wazzup" flying headbutt on Ray. They did the old Dudleys "Tables" spot to get the crowd to yell it.

    Devon set up the retreived table but was hit from behind with a low blow. Ray began handcuffing Devon's hand to the corner. Ray began trashtalking Devon. Devon's sons hit the ring again to try and free him but Ray nailed one of them from behind, laying him out. The other son unloaded on Ray but was laid out. Ray covered the second son and scored the pin as Devon was trapped and forced to watch.

    Winner: Bully Ray

    After the Match:
    Ray teased putting one of the sons through a table. Devon's facial expressions and reaction to all this was awesome. One of the best things he's ever done.

    Brother Ray mocked him, screaming, "Oh my brother, Testify" and raised a chair to nail Devon, then stopped and stood over the sons. Devon began screaming for security and begged Bubba to stop. Bubba dropped the chair and pulled one of the sons over to the table, then powerbombed him through it.

    Security finally freed Devon, who was screaming for Bubba and was out of his mind as he checked on his children.

    One son left on a stretcher as the other one was carried off by Devon.

    Jeremy Borash interviewed Jeff Jarrett.

    Jarrett asked if Jeremy really thought he would put "our kids" in jeopardy. He guaranteed that he would beat Kurt Angle tonight and that on March 3rd, Angle would walk the aisle and bring Karen Angle to the ring for the Jarretts to renew their vows.

    Christy Hemme interviewed Kurt Angle.

    Angle said that all he cares about it getting the custody of his children back. He promised that after he finishes kicking "Daddy Jeff's ass" they were coming home with him. "Its real, it's damn real."

    Jeff Jarrett vs. Kurt Angle

    They did a feeling out process early. Angle let Jarrett grab a headlock and then dropped him backwards in a suplex. Angle cinched in a hammerlock but Jarrett nailed him with a back elbow. Angle came back with a suplex. He continued working over Jeff and tossed him to the floor. Angle worked over Jarrett with a series of punches against the rail. Karen Jarrett acted like she was going to get involved but Kurt scared her off.

    Back in the ring, Kurt continued working over Jeff until Jarrett ducked out of a charge and Angle nailed his shoulder against the ringpost. Angle went to the floor, where Jarrett slammed him into the guard rail. Jarrett tossed him back in the ring and worked over Angle. Jarrett hit a flying bodypress but Angle rolled through for a two count.

    Jarrett began stomping and punching away at Angle. He whipped Angle into the buckles. Angle reversed a whip but Jarrrett kicked him in the face as he charged. Jarrett went to the ropes but Angle leapt to the ropes and suplexed him off. Both men were down as the referee counted them out. They met each other on their knees, exchanging punches. They went back and forth as they fought their way to their feet.

    Angle nailed a big forearm and a suplex for a close two count. Angle slipped out of a waistlock and went for the anklelock but Jarrett rolled through. Angle grabbed him for a series of German suplexes. Angle covered Jarrett for a two count. Jarrett went for the Stroke but Angle turned it into an anklelock. Jarrett escaped but missed a kick and got caught low.

    Angle nailed the Olympic Slam but Karen Angle got on the apron and distracted the referee. That allowed Jarrett to nail a low blow on Angle. Jarrett nailed the Stroke but Angle got his shoulder up at the last second. He went for another Stroke but Angle shoved Jarrett into the referee. Jarrett went all the way to the floor.

    Angle followed to the floor but Karen Angle raked his back. Kurt turned his attention to her but Jarrett blasted him from behind and then whipped Angle into the ring steps. Jarrett slammed him face-first into the steps. He tossed Angle into the ring and went to nail him with a chair but Angle nailed Jarrett. He went to use the chair but the referee grabbed it. Angle complained but Jarrett rolled him up for a two count. Angle came back with an exploder suplex for a two count.

    Angle went to the ropes but Karen distracted him, allowing Jarrett to nail him with a nasty looking Stroke off the ropes for another two count. Jarrett went to grab Angle, who slipped around and nailed a German suplex. Angle pulled the straps down and locked in the anklelock. Karen tried to grab Jeff but was pulled into the ring as Kurt pulled Jeff from the ropes. Karen distracted the referee as Jeff tapped. Angle let Jarrett go to grab the referee, allowing Jarrett to blast him with the chair. Angle got his shoulder up at the last second.

    Angle grabbed Jarrett for a quick small package for a two count. Jarrett was caught in a sunset flip but was able to drop down and capture Angle for the pin.

    Winner: Jeff Jarrett

    After the Match:
    Karen celebrated with Jeff on the floor and in the aisle while Angle was crying in the ring.

    That gave way to some intense back and forth staredown.

    Angle took off his boots and left them in the ring, which Taz put over as if Angle had just retired.

    Taz wondered if we had just seen Angle's last match.

    Christy Hemme interviewed TNA champion Ken Anderson.

    Anderson said that odds are stacked against him, since it's a ladder match and that's the bout that made Jeff famous. He said that he didn't want to sound like a "certain Governor, but there might be a conspiracy, Gorilla" while imitating Jesse Ventura. He said that Eric Bischoff has everyone running around trying to "save Jethro." He said that Jeff has all the girls screaming for them and they might love him as much as they love Justin Bieber. Anderson said he doesn't love Justin Bieber but loves competition. He said that people ask him if he's worried because it's Jeff's match but the reality is every match is his match. He said he was going to win tonight because he's the bigger ass****.

    TNA Championship Match:
    Ladder Match
    Mr. Anderson (c) vs. Jeff Hardy

    Jackson James is the referee outside the ring.

    They did the big fight intros before the match. There was a faceoff and Anderson went after Jeff with a flurry of offense, sending Jeff to the floor. Anderson followed and worked over Jeff. Jeff kicked him in the gut and went for the Twist of Hate but Anderson shoved him off, then sent Hardy into a ladder on the floor.

    Anderson grabbed a ladder and began bringing it to the ring but Hardy nailed him. Hardy grabbed the ladder but Anderson grabbed the other side and rammed him with it. Anderson was cut off as he returned to the ring. Hardy nailed a neckbreaker onto the ladder. Hardy went up the ladder but was pulled off. He nailed a twisting kick to Anderson and followed up with a kick to the chest.

    Hardy set up the ladder against the turnbuckles, like a ramp. He set up Anderson but was kicked in the gut. Anderson hit a side Russian legsweep onto the ladder. Anderson slipped out to the floor to grab another ladder. He set it up and climbed to the top, where he was met by Hardy. Hardy hit a sunset flip powerbomb off the top of the ladder to the mat.

    Hardy slammed Anderson and climbed to the top for a leapfrog legdrop on Anderson but the champion rolled out of the way. Hardy and Anderson went back and forth, culminating with Anderson being backdropped onto the ladder that was sitting in the corner.

    Hardy placed ladder upside down in the ring and began working over Anderson, dragging him around the ring. Anderson begins to mount a comeback with a series of right hands. Hardy cut him off and sent him to the floor, then kicked him into the guard rails. Hardy grabbed another ladder that was painted in Hardy's colors. He tried to throw it into Anderson's face but Ken caught it and slammed it back into Hardy's face.

    Anderson went to whip Hardy into the stairs but Hardy reversed it and Anderson slammed into the stairs, selling his arm and wrist. Hardy nailed Air Sabu off the stairs, hitting a kick on Anderson, who was knocked over the railing and into the crowd. Hardy hiptossed him back into the ringide area.

    Back in the ring, Hardy tried to suplex Anderson into the upside down ladder but Anderson reversed it. Hardy had a nasty looking fall into the ladder, which shifted as he crashed into it. Ouch! Anderson set up the ladder and began climbing to the top as Hardy struggled to catch up. Hardy finally dragged him off and nailed the Twist of Hate.

    Hardy pulled another ladder in but Anderson slammed him on it. Anderson went for the top rope rolling swanton but hit his head on the ladder as Hardy got out of the way. Hardy began setting up two ladders next to each other and began climbing them. Anderson met him towards the top. Hardy went for the Twist of Hate but Anderson fought him off. They battled back and forth on the top of the ladder.

    Hardy slammed Anderson's head into the top of a ladder, then went for the belt. Anderson shoved the title away. They battled atop the ladders, which slipped out from under them. They both crashed to the mat, with Hardy grabbing at the belt as they crashed. That was obviously supposed to be the finish but the belt didn't give way.

    Hardy tossed Anderson to the outside and climbed up and retrieved the belt as Anderson fought to get up the ladder.

    Winner and NEW TNA Champion: Jeff Hardy

    After the match:
    Jeff Hardy celebrates after the match, climbing his own painted ladder and raising the Title. A massive victory for him and perhaps an even bigger one for Immortal. They have been under a lot of pressure with Hogan being off the show and Dixie Carter's court-case, but winning the top Belt means everything and tonight Jeff Hardy got them that stroke back.

    We go to credits.

  3. #3
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    lol love that comment, 'into his ass and straight into his brain' lol

  4. #4


    Not really excited about this PPV tbh hope some good things happen.

  5. #5
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Travis View Post
    Not really excited about this PPV tbh hope some good things happen.
    Has not been great so far. I wonder how much Steiners contract is? I would have loved to have seen him go back to WWE with Nash and Booker.

  6. #6


    Hmm yea could of been interesting and a shot at TNA a mini MEM Reunion in WWE .

  7. #7
    Starring At Alexa's Ass A Blissful Ass's Avatar
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    Love Okada's little fetish type gimmick lol

  8. #8
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    This Pope and Joe match is kinda boring me.

  9. #9
    Starring At Alexa's Ass A Blissful Ass's Avatar
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    Pope Tapped out,Pope Tapped out,Pope Tapped out,Pope Tapped out

  10. #10


    Prefer Joe and Joe/Pope should have a great match tbh.

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