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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Default RAW LIVE and Discussion Thread - 26th Nov, 2012

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    RAW Results - 26th Nov, 2012
    Location - Lafayette, Louisiana
    Announcers - Jerry 'The King' Lawler, Michael Cole

    Ryback vs Titus O’Neil (with Darren Young)

    They lock up and Titus with a side head lock and Ryback escapes the hold. They lock up again and Titus with a knee and forearm followed by a punch and elbow. Titus with more elbows and punches and the referee tries to separate Titus and Ryback. Ryback sends Titus into the corner and he punches him. Ryback with an Irish whip but Titus with a kick to the knee and a shoulder tackle.

    Titus with a clothesline and then he barks. Titus with more kicks and punches to Ryback. Ryback with a Thesz Press and then he slams Titus’ head into the mat. Ryback sends Titus face first into the mat and Titus goes to the floor. Ryback with a shoulder tackle to Titus on the floor. Ryback sends Titus back into the ring and Darren grabs the leg to allow Titus to hit Clash of the Titus but Ryback kicks out at one.

    Ryback blocks a second Clash of the Titus and then he sends Titus into Young on the apron. Ryback with a spinebuster and then he winds up for the lariat and he hits it. It is time for the marching muscle buster and the three count.

    Winner: Ryback

    After the match
    Ryback says that whether is one CM Punk, three outsiders dressed in black, or all four of them. He will stand in this ring until he gets what he wants. Ryback wants to be fed more.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Ryback is demanding to be fed more.

    Security makes their way onto the stage and head to the ring in a flying wedge formation to confront Ryback. The five men stand opposite Ryback and one of them has the guts to get in Ryback’s face.

    Ryback throws that member of security over the top rope to the floor. Ryback wants one of the others to do something and be a man.

    Vickie Guerrero comes out and she tells Ryback that she is a very understanding person and she knows that he feels angry and embarrassed for being put through a table twice last week. She says that as the managing supervisor of Raw, he will not be able to put his hands on security of hold her show hostage.

    Ryback says that there is no choice. He wants CM Punk at TLC. He ain’t going anywhere until he gets that.

    Vickie tells Ryback that she will give him a match against CM Punk but she wants him to leave the ring.

    Ryback tells her to shut up. He says that he was not finished speaking. He wants CM Punk at TLC in a TLC Match. If she doesn’t give him what he wants there is no amount of security that can stop him from tearing this ring from post to post.

    Vickie gives Ryback his match under one condition. She asks Ryback to leave the ring so she can get on with the show.

    Ryback puts down the mic and Ryback takes a step towards security and they scatter.

    Michael Cole says that Rosa Mendes is livid over what Hornswoggle did to her with the flowers.

    Rosa is shown yelling at Hornswoggle. Hornswoggle says that it was a joke. Who would want to kiss her and give her flowers. Rosa says that everyone wants to kiss her.

    Alberto Del Rio tells Rosa not to let this little piece of trash deal with her because no woman will deal with him. Alberto tells Rosa he will take care of Hornswoggle.

    Great Khali comes up from behind and tells Alberto to leave his friend alone.

    Alberto Del Rio (with Ricardo Rodriguez) vs Great Khali (with Hornswoggle)

    The match is joined in progress and Khali with a chop to the chest and Del Rio collapses into the ropes in pain. Rosa watches from the back while Khali gets ready to chop Del Rio again. Khali with a chop to the back of the neck and Del Rio goes down. Del Rio with kicks to the leg and a drop kick to the knee.

    Del Rio with a kick and then he starts to work on the arm. Del Rio with an arm bar. Del Rio with a kick to the back of the head for a near fall. Del Rio wraps Khali’s arm in the ropes to add more pressure.

    Del Rio with the step up enzuigiri into the shoulder. Del Rio tries for another charge into the corner but Khali with an elbow followed by a boot and a few clotheslines. Khali with a chop to the top of the head. Ricardo gets on the apron and Hornswoggle gets fed with some of Ricardo’s rear end.

    Del Rio with a single arm breaker and then he applies the cross arm breaker and Khali taps out.

    Winner: Alberto Del Rio

    After the match
    We see Rosa excited over Del Rio’s win.

    CM Punk and Paul Heyman enter Vickie’s office and Punk wants to know why Vickie gave Ryback a WWE Title match for TLC. Punk reminds Vickie that it is CM Punk 2, Ryback 0. Then she puts him in a TLC Match.

    Paul tells Vickie that the champion has a legitimate gripe. Vickie is dealing with the AJ scandal and maybe she is not dealing with a clear head. He understands the politics of it. Vickie is biased against John Cena so she is also biased against CM Punk.

    Vickie says that Ryback is getting the match because of Brad Maddox at Hell in a Cell and what Ambrose, Rollins, and Reigns. Punk denies any involvement. She tells Punk that he will face the person who win the RawActive Poll: Daniel Bryan or Kane.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back with the Slam of the Week: Ryback’s visit through his second table of the week thanks to Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, and Roman Reigns.

    Jerry says that those three men have to be working with CM Punk.

    We go to Michael Cole’s sit down interview with the NXThree.

    Michael says that he has known them for a while and he has worked with them in NXT, but it seems odd to be doing this interview under these circumstances.

    Dean wants to know who these people are and he tells Michael to ask him the question.

    Cole wants to know if they are working with CM Punk. Dean says nope.

    If they aren’t working with Punk, why are they here.

    Seth says that is the question you need to ask. They have been sitting in NXT and they saw everything. People up here have to answer to Booker and Vickie and they have to answer to the Board. The Board has to answer to the WWE Universe. It is a popularity contest. They saw things heading in the wrong direction and they righted those wrongs. They are a shield from injustice in WWE.

    Cole says that what they have done has benefited CM Punk.

    Seth says that it might be benefitting Punk, but Ambrose says that it is about right and wrong. It doesn’t matter who it was, they were going to do it. Ambrose says that being a champion for 365 days is a huge milestone these days.

    Cole asks Roman for his thoughts and Roman says that when he wants to say something, he will.

    Ambrose says that they are not renegades or mercenaries. They are not the nWo. They are here to do what is right. They are a shield from injustice.

    Roman says that he has something to say. They have said enough and this interview is over.

    Cole says that he believes what they are saying and there is no affiliation with CM Punk.

    Lawler does not agree with Cole.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Tamina is in the Goldman Box. She says that she does not like a woman who does not know her place. She tells AJ to watch because this is a warning not to mess with Vickie Guerrero again.

    Alicia Fox vs Tamina Snuka

    Alicia with a kick and forearms followed by more kicks in the corner. Alicia with forearms and kicks but Tamina with a hot shot onto the turnbuckles. Tamina runs Alicia into the turnbuckles followed by a short arm clothesline. Tamina with a European uppercut.

    Tamina with a clothesline to the back of the head. Alicia with an inside cradle for a near fall. Tamina with a clothesline and then she hits a Samoan drop. Tamina pulls Alicia towards the corner and Tamina goes up top for a Superfly Splash and she hits it.

    Winner: Tamina Snuka

    We see photos of some of the wrestlers traveling to see members of the military on the John C. Stennis.

    John Cena is walking in the back and we go to commercial.

    We are back and John Cena makes his way to the ring. He says that Dolph got what was coming to him. Cena mentions that he has been in the WWE for ten years and they have shared a lot of moments. He has had Wrestlemania moments with Triple H, Shawn Micahels, and the Rock. However, he has never been more interrogated than being asked about how good a kisser AJ is.

    Vickie Guerrero interrupts John’s revelation about AJ’s kissing ability. Vickie with a series of Excuse Mes. She says that she loves to say I told you so. After his display of that disgusting lust between him and AJ last week, it confirms that they are having an affair.

    Vickie says that it is the season to give and she has a gift for him and AJ.

    John is hoping that the gift is Vickie’s retirement.

    Vickie has matching bathrobes for John and AJ. This is a token of appreciation for them so they can bask in the honeymoon phase. The one thing that she will enjoy more than see them squirm week after week, he will be looking forward to seeing it implode and see their who world come crashing down.

    Vickie runs through the problems that AJ has caused. AJ cost Daniel Bryan the World Title at Wrestlemania. Then she proposes to CM Punk without going on a date. Kane even confirmed that AJ is unstable.

    AJ’s music plays and she makes her way to the ring.

    Vickie asks AJ if she has been acting like a lovesick puppy.

    AJ does not deny it. She says that she has had some issues in the past, especially when it came to men. She is trying to learn and become a better person. They might have had an inappropriate relationship when she was GM, but now she can date whoever she wants. She can do whatever she wants.

    AJ says that she can do this, and she rubs John’s face. She then slaps John in the rear end. AJ gets ready to kiss John and Vickie tells AJ to move on.

    AJ says that Vickie being boss was the only way for her to land a man. She is not that lovesick puppy any more. There is only one female dog in the ring.

    Dolph Ziggler’s music plays and he makes his way to the stage. He wants to break up the hen party. They are losing fact of the real story here. John Cena cannot deal with the fact that he tackled John Cena through a bathroom wall and he just took it. For some reason, completely unprovoked, John cheap shotted him on Smackdown. That did not sit right with him.

    Why would John Cena resort to such cowardly tactics. Dolph says that it hit him. He knows what is eating John Cena inside. Last week, when he kissed AJ and she jumped in his arms and shoved her tongue down her throat, Cena knows that AJ was thinking about Dolph the entire time.

    John says that he knows that he is going to walk up there and shove that briefcase down his throat.

    Vickie says that it will be settled tonight in the ring. Dolph Ziggler will face John Cena tonight.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and we see Robert Griffin III getting the Fourth and Pain Award after the game on Thursday.

    Wade Barrett joins Michael and Jerry at the announce table.

    Tensai vs Kofi Kingston

    Kofi with a kick to the legs but Tensai pushes Kofi into the corner and he connects with an uppercut. Kofi with a kick from the turnbuckles but Tensai catches him off the ropes. Tensai with a shoulder tackle. Tensai with a head butt and elbow drop and then he does it again and gets a near fall. Tensai works on Kofi’s neck.

    Kofi punches Tensai but Tensai with a knee and chops. Tensai with a leg drop to the arm and he applies a Fujiwara arm bar for a moment. Tensai with an arm bar. Kofi with punches but Tensai with a knee and Irish whip. Kofi with a double jump chop to the head from the turnbuckles. Kofi with more chops followed by a drop kick.

    Kofi with a superman punch followed by the Boom Drop and then he gets ready for Trouble in Paradise. Tensai blocks the kick but Kofi moves when Tensai charges into the ropes and he tries for a pendulum kick but Tensai grabs the legs and he connects with a clothesline and gets a near fall.

    Tensai tries for a Vader Bomb but Tensai lands on his feet. Kofi with a kick from the floor followed by a springboard cross body for the three count.

    Winner: Kofi Kingston

    After the match
    Barrett comes into the ring with the title belt and he hands it to Kofi and he leaves the ring. Barrett has an evil smile on his face as he walks to the back.

    Daniel Bryan says that nobody likes Kane. Kane wonders what proof Bryan has. Kane says that he is going to win. Bryan says that the states in blue are voting for him while the states in red are voting for Kane. Bryan says that no states have voted for Kane. At least the vote is global and Bryan is winning everywhere. Bryan says that maybe Kane is winning in hell. Kane grabs Bryan by the throat and he says that maybe he can send Daniel there to find out.

    Josh Mathews interrupts and says that it is time to see who won the vote. Kane wins with 59% and Kane says that the polling was skewed and red rules.

    Daniel Bryan will face Rey Mysterio.

    Daniel Bryan vs Rey Mysterio

    They lock up and Bryan with an arm drag and he yells no. They lock up again and Bryan with another arm drag and he yells out no again. Rey with kicks to the leg and a wrist lock but Bryan with a reversal. Bryan takes Rey to the mat but Rey with kicks to the leg. Rey kicks Bryan to the ropes but Bryan puts Rey on the top rope. Bryan tries to push Rey to the floor but Rey takes Bryan over the top rope.

    Rey misses a seated splash off the apron but Bryan does not miss a running knee from the apron. Bryan with a knee drop to the chest and he gets a near fall. Bryan works on the arm and he turns it into a hammer lock while he stands on the other arm and gets a near fall.

    Bryan holds on to the hammer lock and Rey gets to his feet. Rey with a flying mare to escape and then he sends Bryan into the turnbuckles with a drop toe hold. Bryan with a clothesline to Rey. Bryan throws Rey under the ropes but Rey gets back into the ring. Bryan goes to the floor while Rey returns to the ring and we go to commercial.

    We are back and Rey with a kick to Bryan but Bryan with an Irish whip. Bryan misses a charge into the corner. Bryan sends Rey to the apron and Rey with a kick. Rey goes up top but Bryan crotches Rey and puts him in the tree of NO. Bryan with a baseball slide and more kicks to Rey. Bryan sets for the Mexican surfboard but he decides to rake the nose and then he drops an elbow to the back.

    Bryan with a European uppercut and then he throws Rey under the bottom rope again. Rey sends Rey shoulder first into the ring post. Bryan gets a near fall and then he applies an arm bar. Bryan with a head butt and then he puts Rey on the top turnbuckle. Bryan sets for a superplex but Rey with a head butt to send Bryan to the mat. Rey with a seated splash followed by a head scissors. Bryan with a sunset flip but you never give Rey a sunset flip because he rolls through and he kicks Bryan in the head and gets a near fall.

    Rey kicks Bryan into the ropes and he tries for the 619 but Bryan ducks out of the way. Bryan tries for the No Lock but Rey gets to the ropes before it can be applied. Bryan with kicks of no to Rey and he tries for the No Lock. Rey catapults Bryan into the turnbuckles and Rey with a 619 using the ring post. Rey goes up top for the dive onto Bryan for the three count.

    Winner: Rey Mysterio

    Alberto and Ricardo are walking in the back and Rosa stops Alberto and she thanks Alberto for defending her honor. Alberto tells her whatever she needs.

    Josh Mathews is in the locker room with Dolph Ziggler. Josh asks Dolph if he has given Cena extra incentive. Dolph says that he is Mister Money in the Bank, the sole survivor, and he beat Randy Orton on Smackdown. Cena is busy dealing with an attention craving nutcase. He can’t wait to see the look on AJ’s face when she beats her boyfriend tonight.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Michael and Jerry recap the history between Dolph Ziggler and John Cena over AJ Lee.

    Who Likes AJ More Match
    Dolph Ziggler vs John Cena

    They lock up and Ziggler with a side head lock. Cena with a hip toss and arm drag into an arm bar and his knee seems fine so far. Ziggler gets to the ropes. They lock up again and Cena with another side head lock. Cena blocks a hip toss and hits a hip toss of his own. Cena with a side head lock take down. Ziggler with punches to get out of the hold.

    Cena with a shoulder tackle followed by an Irish whip but he runs into a Ziggler elbow. Ziggler with a jawbreaker and both men are down as we go to commercial.

    We are back and John Cena is on the floor and the steps are not in its usual position. We see Ziggler Irish whipping Cena into the steps during the commercial. Ziggler with sit ups against Cena. Cena gets a near fall due to Ziggler’s arrogance. Ziggler with a clothesline. Ziggler with a series of elbow drops and then he spins and waits for the leaping elbow drop but he takes too long and Cena moves.

    Cena with two shoulder tackles followed by the Blue Thunder Bomb. Ziggler with a kick to the head and then he hits a leaping DDT for a near fall. Ziggler misses a splash into the turnbuckles and Ziggler kicks Cena away. Ziggler with a sleeper to Cena and Cena falls to his knees. Cena backs Ziggler into the turnbuckles and he applies the STF. Ziggler fights to get to the ropes.

    Ziggler with a drop kick to Cena. Ziggler goes up top for a cross body but Cena rolls through and gets Ziggler on his shoulders for the Attitude Adjustment but Ziggler lands on his feet and then he hits the Zig Zag but Cena kicks out.

    Cena and ZIggler exchange punches and then they throw in some kicks. Ziggler with a rollup for a near fall. Cena with a Blue Thunder Bomb and it is time for the Five Knuckle Shuffle, but Cena’s knee gives out.

    The medical staff checks on Cena while Ziggler exposes the turnbuckle and AJ comes to the ring. Vickie comes to the ring and yells at AJ. The referee tells Vickie and AJ to leave. Ziggler tries to use the briefcase but he misses. Cena with the Attitude Adjustment for the three count.

    Winner: John Cena

    After the match

    AJ gets into the ring to celebrate with Cena. John and AJ kiss.

    Sheamus is walking in the back and he is smiling as we go to commercial.

    Sheamus vs Antonio Cesaro

    They lock up and Cesaro with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. They lock up again and Sheamus with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Sheamus with a side head lock take down. Cesaro with a punch in the corner but Sheamus punches back and he sends Cesaro into the turnbuckles. Cesaro with an Irish whip but Sheamus with a forearm out of the corner. Sheamus with a suplex and he gets a near fall.

    Cesaro with a head butt to Sheamus followed by a knee in the corner. Sheamus with punches but Cesaro sends Sheamus to the apron. Sheamus with a punch and then he drops Cesaro’s neck against the top rope. Cesaro with a baseball slide to Sheamus.

    Sheamus sends Cesaro into the ringside barrier. Cesaro trips Sheamus on the steps and Sheamus lands awkwardly on the steps as we go to commercial.

    We are back and Cesaro with a waist lock as we see the footage from prior to the commercial break when Sheamus landed on the steps. Cesaro with a European uppercut while Sheamus responds with forearms. They go back and forth and Sheamus gains control. Sheamus with two running double sledges followed by a shoulder into the corner but Cesaro knows the knee lift is coming and he hits a clothesline and gets a near fall.

    Cesaro picks up Sheamus and hits the deadlift side salto for a near fall. Cesaro puts Sheamus in the ropes and connects with a series of European uppercuts. Sheamus with a punch to the midsection followed by knees and the ten forearms across the chest. Sheamus with the slingshot shoulder tackle. Sheamus with the uranage back breaker for a near fall.

    Sheamus with an Irish whip but Cesaro with a boot. Sheamus tries for White Noise but Cesaro with elbows. Sheamus with a power slam for a near fall. Sheamus tries for the Cloverleaf but Cesaro powers out of it and gets to the ropes. Cesaro with a modified torture rack for a near fall. Sheamus kicks Cesaro in the head and Sheamus pulls himself up to the turnbuckles for the shoulder tackle but Cesaro with a European uppercut. Cesaro gets Sheamus set for the Gotch Style Neutralizer but Sheamus with a back body drop and then Sheamus with a Brogue Kick that sends Cesaro to the floor.

    Big Show’s music plays while Cesaro is counted out.

    Winner: Sheamus (by Count Out)

    After the match
    Sheamus tells Big Show that if he is going to bring the chair out with him, he better use it. Sheamus tells Show that he will be happy to make Show’s retirement a reality. Whether it is 100 chair shots, that is what he will do to keep him from leaving the building as the World Champion. Show may have called him barbaric, but when he gets his hands on that chair, he will show Show what barbaric is.

    Show breaks the chair and then he punches it and breaks it against the ramp.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and we take a look at the appearance that some members of the WWE on the USS John C. Stennis. Eve, Layla, R Truth, the Miz, and Vince McMahon were on the tour.

    Damien Sandow makes his way onto the stage and he has something to say. He tells them to silence the music because he is about to speak. For reasons of good form, he finds that it is imperative to reiterate to everyone that the reason why he is in the WWE is to rescue us from the doldrums of your own ignorance.

    Therefore, he will further his crusade by finishing the mouth breather of an opponent tonight. He tells everyone You’re Welcome.

    Damien Sandow vs Zack Ryder

    They lock up and Sandow wants the referee to get Ryder away from him since they are in the ropes. They lock up again and Sandow with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Ryder with an arm drag and Sandow goes to the floor. Sandow with a shoulder from the apron and then he connects with a forearm to the back.

    Sandow with an elbow to the upper chest followed by a forearm to the back. Sandow gets a near fall. Sandow with kicks for a near fall. Sandow with a reverse chin lock. Sandow pulls Ryder to the mat by the hair and then he drops a knee on the chest. Sandow with knees to the chest and then he hits the side Russian leg sweep. Sandow sets for the Elbow of Disdain and he hits it and gets a near fall.

    Sandow with a quarter nelson and chin lock but Ryder with punches. Sandow with a forearm to the head followed by a knee to the head. Sandow’s head gets driven to the mat by Ryder and both men are down.

    Ryder with a back elbow and knees. Ryder with a missile drop kick followed by a running forearm into the corner and that means it is Broski Boot time. Sandow gets to the floor and Ryder with a boot to the head. Ryder sends Sandow back into the ring and Ryder goes up top but Sandow hits the ropes and Ryder gets crotched.

    Sandow sets for and hits Terminus for the three count.

    Winner: Damien Sandow

    Sandow with the Cartwheel of Calculus.

    Paul Heyman is outside CM Punk’s locker room and Josh Mathews asks Paul about Punk’s match against Kane. Paul says that he should be asked about the WWE Universe’s decision to have him face Kane. How does Punk feel about passing Randy Savage now that he is the champion for 372 days.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back with a look back at Michael Cole’s interview with Shield.

    Michael says that he has known them for a while and he has worked with them in NXT, but it seems odd to be doing this interview under these circumstances.

    Dean wants to know who these people are and he tells Michael to ask him the question.

    Cole wants to know if they are working with CM Punk. Dean says nope.

    If they aren’t working with Punk, why are they here.

    Seth says that is the question you need to ask. They have been sitting in NXT and they saw everything. People up here have to answer to Booker and Vickie and they have to answer to the Board. The Board has to answer to the WWE Universe. It is a popularity contest. They saw things heading in the wrong direction and they righted those wrongs. They are a shield from injustice in WWE.

    Cole says that what they have done has benefited CM Punk.

    Seth says that it might be benefitting Punk, but Ambrose says that it is about right and wrong. It doesn’t matter who it was, they were going to do it. Ambrose says that being a champion for 365 days is a huge milestone these days.

    Cole asks Roman for his thoughts and Roman says that when he wants to say something, he will.

    Ambrose says that they are not renegades or mercenaries. They are not the nWo. They are here to do what is right. They are a shield from injustice.

    Roman says that he has something to say. They have said enough and this interview is over.

    Non Title Match
    CM Punk (with Paul Heyman) vs Kane

    They lock up and Kane backs Punk into the corner and Kane misses a punch but Punk with a chop and it might have been a bad idea. Punk with kicks to the leg followed by forearms and chops. Kane sends Punk into the corner and he connects with a punch and uppercut followed by kicks.

    Kane with an uppercut but Punk with a kick to the chest. Punk with forearms and kicks. Punk with a front face lock but Kane drops Punk on the top rope and then he sends Punk to the floor with a big boot. We go to commercial.

    We are back and Punk with a kick to the hamstring and then he works on the leg. Kane punches Punk and Punk favors his knee as he goes to the floor. Punk returns to the ring and he kicks Kane. Punk with a suicide dive onto Kane. Punk kicks Kane in the corner.

    Punk with the running knee into the corner. He hits a second knee and then Punk signals for a third but Kane with an uppercut. Kane pushes Punk into the corner and he hits a clothesline. Kane with a second clothesline followed by a side slam for a near fall.

    Kane goes up top for the clothesline and he hits it. Kane signals for the choke slam but Punk avoids it and he hits a swinging neck breaker for a near fall. Punk tries for the springboard clothesline but Kane catches Punk by the throat and Kane hits a clothesline. Kane gets Punk up for a tombstone piledriver, but Roman Reign appears in the crowd. Punk clips Kane and we see Rollins and Ambrose in the ring.

    Punk hits the Go To Sleep for the three count.

    Winner: CM Punk

    After the match
    Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, and Roman Reigns surround the ring. They get on the apron and Punk retreats.

    Rollins and Ambrose go after Kane and Reigns joins in. Punk shows his relief that he is being protected.

    Daniel Bryan comes to the ring and he protects his tag team partner. Rollins, Ambrose, and Reigns go after Bryan.

    Ryback’s music plays and he makes his way to the ring. Punk goes into the crowd while Reigns, Ambrose, and Rollins are not afraid. Ryback pushes them off and then he takes care of them. Ryback with a power bomb to Rollins followed by lariats to Ambrose and Reigns.

    Punk returns to the ring and he goes after Ryback. Ryback gets Punk up for a power bomb but Reigns with a spear. Ambrose punches Ryback and then they set up Ryback for the Three Man Power Bomb.

    Ambrose, Rollins, and Reigns stand over Ryback and they stare at Punk. We go to credits with Punk standing victorious over Ryback.

  2. #2


    Not a bad RAW better than last week and solid matches.

  3. #3
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Just so sick of all AJ story lines lol

  4. #4

  5. #5


    Indy wet dream!

  6. #6
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PheTravenal View Post
    Indy wet dream!
    The ending was awesome.

  7. #7
    KONAN VERSION 1.0 Konan's Avatar
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    Jun 2009
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    For a second there I thought Punk was going to standing the ring with The Shield. Pretty good ending though.

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