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  1. #1
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Default Wrestlemania 29 LIVE Coverage!

    ***MAIN CARD***

    ***PRE-SHOW MATCH***

    Wrestlemania 29 Pre Show:

    The pre-game show is streaming live right now. Josh Mathews and Matt Striker are the hosts outside. They threw it inside to Scott Stanford, Jim Ross, Dusty Rhodes and Kofi Kingston. So this is how Kofi gets on the show. I will be back when there is something besides promos to talk about.

    It is a lot of fun listening to Dusty and JR. I feel bad for Kofi that this all they have for him today.

    They showed The Miz in the back with Snooki. At least one JerseynShore person got in. Wade Barrett came in. Snooki liked Miz better. Lucky him.

    I laugh when I hear them talking about the NFL combine bench press record. Uh neither Mark Henry nor Ryback are 20 year old college kids are they?

    JR and Dusty were great in talking about Henry vs. Ryback match.

    They showed clips from Thursday's press conference.

    They are outside with fans. The weather is pretty good. Scares me to see grown man rooting for John Cena. They should know better.

    Time for dopes to send Touts. Bathroom break time.

    Now it's time for the build to The Shield vs. Orton, Sheamus and Big Show.

    Time for our match at Wade Barrett is defending the Intercontinental Title against The Miz. Miz comes out first. The Stadium looks great. There is a long rampway leading down. The Miz is wearing NY Jet green. The crowd booed. Maybe they are Giants fans, or maybe they just don't want to be reminded. I kid the Jets. Hell, I am an Eagles' fan. ... It may suck to be on the pre-show but at least there is still some sun out for them. ... Miz gets a near fall early but Barrett kicks out. Wade gets a two with a whirlybird sidewalk slam. Very impressive. He goes for the Bullhammer Elbow but Miz ducks it and puts on the Figure Four. The crowd is popping. Barrett gets away. He hits Wasteland for a two (the sound is ahead of the picture for me, which is weird). Miz gets the Figure Four again and Barrett taps out. The Miz is your IC Champ. The crowd gave him a nice pop. It was a fast match but it was fine for what it was.

    They saved pushing Rock vs. Cena for last. Sure looks like that will go on last. If Cena wins and the crowd riots, I hope they leave Mike Johnson and Jess McGrath alone. God, Cena saying his year went into a tailspin, despite headlining everything, it rubs me the wrong way. But they have my money so let's hope for a good show.

    4:00 away, we could hear them announcing JBL coming into the stadium. Uh oh, the YouTube feed went out. Eps said that the X Box feed is giving an error message.

  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Wrestlemania 29 Report, Caps and Results - 8th Apr, 2012
    Location - MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford, New Jersey
    Announcers - Jerry 'The King' Lawler, Michael Cole, JBL

    The New Jersey National Guard is on the stage with American flags.

    The Shield (Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, and Roman Reigns) vs Randy Orton, Big Show, and Sheamus

    The Shield make their way through the huge crowd, as is tradition.

    Reigns and Sheamus start things off. They lock up and Reigns with punches but Sheamus punches back. Sheamus with a knee and he sends Reigns into the turnbuckles. Reigns punches Sheamus. Sheamus with an Irish whip but Reigns with an elbow. Sheamus with a clothesline and forearm to the back. Sheamus blocks a hip toss and Sheamus with punches and a short arm clothesline for a near fall.

    Orton tags in and they send Reigns to the mat. Orton with a leaping knee drop and then he stomps on Reigns’ head and he does the Garvin stomp. Reigns with a knee and forearm. He tags in Rollins and Orton with a drop kick. Orton sends Rollins into the turnbuckles and Orton climbs the turnbuckles and punches Rollins. Orton with a slingshot suplex and he tags in Sheamus.

    Sheamus with a punch to the midsection and forearm to the back. Sheamus misses a short arm clothesline and Rollins with a drop kick to the knee. Ambrose tags in and he kicks Sheamus until the referee pulls him off. Sheamus with punches and a knee. Sheamus with a power slam and he gets a near fall.

    Show makes the tag because he did not want to be left out and Show with a head butt. Show pulls off Ambrose’s vest and Show with a chop to the exposed flesh. Show with more chops followed by an Irish whip and running butt splash but Ambrose with a drop kick to the knee. Rollins tags in and he hits a knee off the turnbuckles followed by boots to the head to keep Show on the mat.

    Rollins with a near fall but a powerful kick out. Reigns tags in and he hits a flying forearm and he gets a near fall. Reigns with a forearm to the head and he tags in Ambrose. Ambrose kicks Show and connects with forearms. Ambrose with a kick and then he rubs his forearm across Show’s brow.

    Rollins tags in and he kicks Show and punches him. Rollins with a forearm to the back and kicks. Rollins with a flying knee and he takes Show down again and he gets a near fall. Reigns tags in and he connects with a head butt. Reigns with a reverse chin lock. Show with a Saito suplex and both men are down.

    Rollins tags in and he kicks Orton off the apron and then Show with a back drop from his knees. Sheamus tags in and he hits two running double sledges and he sends Rollins into the corner and then he hits the running knee lift. Sheamus sends Rollins to the apron for the forearms across the chest and then Ambrose makes the blind tag. Sheamus with the forearms across the chest to Ambrose.

    Sheamus brings Ambrose in and he hits the Finlay slam. He does the same to Rollins and he lands on Ambrose. Sheamus goes up top but Reigns pulls Sheamus off the turnbuckles. Ambrose and Reigns go after Sheamus. Orton fights off Ambrose and Reigns but Rollins with a suicide dive and he hits the ringside barrier.

    They get Sheamus up for the Cerberus Bomb but Show spears all three men. Sheamus crawls to his corner and Show wants the tag but Orton steals the tag and he clotheslines Ambrose twice. Ambrose misses a clothesline and Orton with a power slam and he sends Ambrose into the ropes for the IEDDT and he connects. Orton twists into the mat and he waits for the RKO but Rollins comes off the turnbuckles. Orton RKOs Rollins off the turnbuckles and Reigns with a spear to Orton and Ambrose gets the three count.

    Winners: Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, and Seth Rollins

    After the match
    Show gets into the ring and he takes off his knee pad and he wants to know what Orton did taking the tag. Sheamus is on the floor. Show punches Sheamus when he enters the ring and then Show punches Orton.

    We see the Rock/John Cena video package.

    We take a look from above MetLife Stadium and we find out that it was 55 degrees when the show started. We see Snooki in the crowd.

    Mark Henry vs Ryback

    They get face to face and they exchange some pleasantries before they collide and neither man gets an advantage. They do it again with the same result. Henry with a punch and Ryback fires back. Ryback with the advantage in the ring, but not from the crowd. Ryback with a clothesline with no effect. Henry is staggered a bit on a second clothesline. Henry with a shoulder tackle and Ryback is down.

    Henry with a power slam for a near fall. Ryback with kicks and he tries to suplex Henry but Henry blocks it and he sends Ryback to the apron. Henry sends Ryback into the ring post. Henry knocks Ryback off the apron. Ryback returns to the ring and Henry kicks him. Henry with a forearm to the kidneys. Henry with a bear hug and he turns it into a waist lock. Henry with a shot to the ribs and then he runs Ryback into the turnbuckles. Henry clotheslines Ryback over the top rope to the floor and Henry tells us that is what he do.

    Ryback gets back into the ring at nine and Henry with forearms to the back. Ryback with punches and kicks but Henry with a head butt. Henry returns to the bear hug. Ryback with head butts to try to escape the hold. Ryback tries for a hip lock take down but Henry maintains the advantage and Henry slams Ryback.

    Henry returns to the bear hug. Ryback powers out of the bear hug but Henry with punches. Ryback with punches and he runs Henry into the corner and connects with shoulders. Ryback with a running clothesline into the corner. Ryback sets up for the lariat and he connects. Ryback with a kick and he tries for Shellshock and he gets Henry up but Henry grabs the ropes and Henry falls onto Ryback.

    Henry gets the three count.

    Winner: Mark Henry

    After the match
    the medical staff checks on Ryback but Mark Henry comes back into the ring and he tells them to let Ryback suffer. Ryback with a spinebuster and then he says he will finish it. Ryback gets Henry on his shoulders and he hits Shellshock.

    Michael Cole announces that the WWE is entering into a partnership with the Special Olympics for the 2014 Games in Princeton.

    WWE Tag Title Match
    Daniel Bryan and Kane vs Big E Langston and Dolph Ziggler (with AJ Lee)

    Ziggler wants AJ to give him a kiss and Bryan with a round kick to the head but Ziggler kicks out. Ziggler gets to the floor and Bryan with a suicide dive onto Ziggler. Bryan brings Ziggler back into the ring and he kicks Ziggler in the chest and arm. Langston tags in and Bryan tags in Kane.

    They lock up and Langston pushes Kane into the ropes. Kane with punches but Langston catches Kane and hits three back breakers and he drops Kane to the mat. Langston with a shoulder to the midsection in the corner. Langston runs into a boot from Kane and Kane grabs Langston by the throat but Langston powers out and he punches Kane. Kane punches back and Langston with a body block and Kane goes down.

    Langston with a front face lock and Ziggler tags in and he punches Kane. Ziggler with a drop kick and he gets a near fall. Langston tags in and he punches and kicks Kane. Langston with punches to the midsection. Kane with a leaping DDT. Ziggler tags in and knocks Bryan off the apron. Kane with a punch and Irish whip. Kane with a splash into the corner and then Ziggler misses a splash into the corner and Kane with a side slam for a near fall.

    Kane misses the clothesline from the top and Ziggler with a Fameasser for a near fall. Ziggler drop kicks Bryan and Bryan goes to the floor. Ziggler goes up top and he is met by an uppercut and Kane gets a near fall but Langston breaks up the cover with a splash. The straps are down and he picks up Kane. Kane gets to his feet and he sends Langston over the top rope to the floor and Bryan with a flying knee.

    Ziggler with a Zig Zag for a near fall. AJ gives Ziggler the briefcase and AJ distracts the referee. Ziggler misses with the briefcase and Kane with a boot and a choke slam. Bryan tags in and hits the diving head butt for the three count.

    Winners: Daniel Bryan and Kane

    We have a sea of dancers to lead us into the Wrestlemania debut of Fandango (with Sue)

    Fandango vs Chris Jericho

    Fandango dances around before locking up and Jericho with a double leg take down and punches. Jericho with chops but Fandango goes to the floor. Jericho follows and Jericho with another double leg take down and punches. Jericho punches Fandango and he kicks him in the corner until the referee pulls him out of the corner.

    Fandango with punches and kicks but Jericho drops Fandango on the top rope and Fandango bounces to the mat. Jericho with an Irish whip but Fandango floats over. Jericho with a Codebreaker but Fandango falls to the floor so he may have saved himself. Jericho with a baseball slide and then he goes up top and hits a cross body.

    Jericho sends Fandango head first into the apron and then he chops Fandango against the ringside barrier. They return to the ring and Jericho slaps Fandango in the head. Jericho with a boot to Fandango and then he sends Fandango over the top again.

    Jericho goes for the springboard drop kick and Fandango with a round kick to the head. Fandango gets a near fall and then he punches Jericho. Fandango assumes the position and he kicks Jericho in the head.

    Fandango with a reverse chin lock and he punches Jericho in the back of the head. Jericho with shoulder tackles to Fandango. Fandango sends Jericho over the top rope but Jericho lands on the apron and then Jericho with a double sledge from the top. Jericho misses a bulldog but he does not miss the Thesz Press. Jericho with an enzuigiri and he gets a near fall.

    Fandango sends Jericho to the apron and Jericho goes up top for a cross body and he gets a near fall. Fandango with a kick and he sends Jericho shoulder first into the ring post. Fandango with a splash in the corner followed by a Flatline and he goes up top for the Fandangobama Jam and he connects but Jericho kicks out.

    Jericho with a rollup for a near fall. Jericho blocks a drop kick and he tries for the Walls of Jericho but Fandango kicks him away. Fandango with a clothesline and both men are down. Fandango goes up top again but Jericho hits the ropes and Fandango falls to the mat. Jericho puts Fandango on the top turnbuckle and he chops Fandango. Jericho tries for a superplex but Fandango with head butts and Jericho falls to the mat.

    Fandango misses the Fandangobama Jam but Jericho does not hit the Lionsault properly and he appears to have hurt his knee. Jericho tries for the Walls of Jericho but Fandango gets an inside cradle and the three count.

    Winner: Fandango

    We are back and we see footage from the pre show when Miz defeated Wade Barrett to become the new Intercontinental Champion.

    We have a video package for the Rock.

    We have a video package of some of the great moments in WWE history.

    It is time for a performance by Diddy.

    We take a look at the Jack Swagger and Alberto Del Rio feud with a video package.

    Zeb Colter is in the ring and he says that they are Real Americans. This past week he walked the filthy streets of New York and he has a question. When did ‘we’ let ‘them’ take over? Wasn’t New York a beacon of American prosperity. Now it isn’t worth the beads we paid for it. It is a cesspool of criminals and illegals who crept across our borders and they speak Spanish . . . Italian . . . Greek . . . Chinese . . . and something they call Yiddish as they plot against us. He says that you can boo him, but you know you agree with him. Either you are too afraid to say something or too gutless to do anything about it. Tonight, Jack Swagger will reclaim this country when he walks out the World Champion.

    Jack tells everyone ‘We The People’.

    World Title Match
    Alberto Del Rio (with Ricardo Rodriguez) vs Jack Swagger (with Zeb Colter)

    Swagger backs Del Rio into the corner and he punches him but Del Rio with punches and he sends Swagger into the turnbuckles. Del Rio with a kick and Swagger goes to the floor. Del Rio with a drop kick through the ropes and they fight on the floor.

    They return to the ring and Del Rio goes to the turnbuckles and Colter distracts Del Rio long enough to allow Swagger to pull Del Rio off the turnbuckles. Swagger sends Del Rio shoulder first into the ring post. Swagger works on the arm in the ropes and then he connects with a short arm clothesline for a near fall.

    Swagger with a key lock on Del Rio. Del Rio with a punch and crucifix rollup for a near fall. Swagger with a big boot to the head. Swagger with the double jump Swagger bomb for a near fall. Swagger tries to use the ring post to work over the leg for the ankle lock but Swagger is pulled into the post by Del Rio.

    Del Rio kicks Swagger in the head. Swagger returns to the ring and Del Rio with a punch. Swagger runs Del Rio into the corner. Del Rio with a kick and two clotheslines to Swagger. He avoids a clothesline from Swagger and he hits a tilt-a-whirl back breaker. Del Rio kicks Colter and then he hits Swagger with a super kick but he can only get a two count.

    Del Rio tries for the float over into the cross arm breaker but Swagger counters and he hits a power slam for a near fall. Swagger goes for the knee and he applies the ankle lock. Del Rio kicks Swagger into the corner and Del Rio misses the enzuigiri. Swagger tries for the Swagger bomb but Del Rio pulls Swagger into the buckles. Del Rio with forearms to the back followed by a lungblower for a near fall.

    Swagger tries for a German suplex but Del Rio blocks it and he hits a German suplex of his own. Del Rio tries for the cross arm breaker but Swagger locks his arms and Swagger hits the Doctor Bomb and he can only get a two count. Swagger with the ankle lock and Del Rio tries to figure out how to escape. Swagger pulls Del Rio into the center of the ring and Del Rio applies the cross arm breaker.

    Del Rio gets Swagger to break the grasp with his arms. Swagger counters and returns to the ankle lock. Del Rio gets to the ropes and Swagger releases the hold. Swagger goes to the ankle again but the referee warns him because Del Rio is on the ropes. Del Rio escapes a gutwrench suplex and Del Rio with a kick to the head.

    Del Rio with the running step up enzuigiri and Colter puts Swagger’s leg on the ropes to get the count stopped. Ricardo goes to Colter but Colter kicks Ricardo’s crutches. We have a Mexican-American standoff with Colter and Del Rio. Swagger hits Del Rio from behind and then sends him into the ringside barrier. Swagger gets back into the ring at nine. Del Rio floats over and applies the cross arm breaker and Swagger taps out.

    Winner: Alberto Del Rio

    We see the Undertaker/CM Punk video package.

    Undertaker vs CM Punk (with Paul Heyman)

    Punk tries to do his best to tire Taker and avoid him. Punk with a slap to the face and Punk goes to the floor. He gets back in the ring first and he punches Taker and connects with forearms. Taker grabs Punk and puts him in the corner but he misses with a punch. Punk with a punch and he eggs on Taker.

    Punk with a kick but Taker with a boot to the head. Taker sends Punk to the floor and he punches Punk against the ringside barrier. Taker with an Irish whip and Punk goes over the ringside barrier into the Lillian Garcia cubicle. Taker sends Punk into the announce table and then Taker starts to rearrange the Spanish announce table. Taker with a bear hug and he runs Punk’s back into the ring post.

    Taker returns Punk to the ring and then he pulls Punk’s head over the apron and Taker with a punch. Taker goes to the apron and he hits the vintage leg drop. Heyman shows some frustration with what has been going on in the last minute of the match. Taker punches Punk in the corner and then he gives ‘that look’ to the referee.

    Taker kicks Punk in the ribs and then he goes to the turnbuckles and it is time to go Old School but Punk with an arm drag to stop Taker. Punk pops up to his feet and he hits a drop kick to the back. Punk with a forearm and kicks to Taker. Punk with a kick and Punk goes to the turnbuckles for his version of Old School and he connects.

    Punk with a side Russian leg sweep for a near fall. Punk with a key lock on Taker. Taker gets back to his feet and he backs Punk into the corner and he punches Punk. Taker with a punch to the head. Taker with an Irish whip and Punk hits the ring post. Taker misses a boot into the corner and Taker hits the turnbuckle with his knee.

    Punk goes up top and hits a double sledge on Taker and Taker is down. Punk with a neck breaker to Taker and he gets a near fall. Punk with a shoulder to Taker’s shoulder but Taker with punches to Punk. Punk with a swinging neck breaker when he ducks a punch from Taker and he gets a near fall.

    Taker with a knee and suplex. Taker runs into a boot from Punk and Punk goes Old School a second time but Punk is too cocky and he gets crotched. Taker punches Punk and he falls to the floor. Heyman wants to know what happened. Heyman gets on the apron to stop Taker’s dive to the floor. Punk hits a springboard clothesline but he can only get a near fall.

    Punk with a running knee into the corner and then he hits a short arm clothesline. Punk goes up top for the elbow drop and he hits it and gets a near fall. Punk signals that it is time for someone to go to sleep. He gets Taker on his shoulders but Taker escapes and he gets Punk up and hits a choke slam but Punk kicks out. Punk and Taker exchange punches with Taker ahead on points. Taker punches Punk in the corner and the referee warns Taker. Taker with an Irish whip and clothesline into the corner. Taker with Snake Eyes but Punk with a drop kick to stop the running boot from Taker and Punk gets a near fall.

    Punk clotheslines Taker over the top rope to the floor. Punk goes to the Spanish Announce Table and he rearranges it a bit more. Taker with a head butt to Punk and then Taker sets for a power bomb through the table but Punk escapes. He kicks Taker onto the table. Punk looks at the turnbuckles and he is going to go up top. Punk hits the elbow on Taker but the table does not break.

    Punk rolls back into the ring and he holds his knee. The referee makes his count and Taker struggles to get back into the ring but he gets in before the referee can get to ten. Paul tells Punk to do whatever he has to do. Punk rolls over to make the cover but Taker applies Hell’s Gate but Punk is able to counter with a jackknife cover.

    Punk tries for the Anaconda Vice and he locks it in. Punk gets a near fall but Taker sits up and he gets back to his feet. Punk escapes the choke slam and hits Go To Sleep but Taker with the Tombstone and Punk kicks out at two.

    Taker and Punk exchange punches on their knees. Punk with a head butt and punch followed by a chop but Taker with punches. Punk with a kick and Taker does not budge. Taker grabs Punk and the referee goes down. Punk with a back heel kick. Punk hits the knee into the corner but Taker sets for Last Ride and Punk hits Taker with the urn after being handed it by Heyman. Punk with the cross armed cover and Taker kicks out at two.

    Paul cannot believe what he is seeing after all of the chances that Punk has had.

    Punk with the throat slash. Punk gets Taker on his shoulders again but Taker with elbows. Punk with a reversal into the tombstone. Punk reverses and then Taker with the Tombstone for the three count.

    Winner: Undertaker

    After the match
    Undertaker reclaims the urn and he goes up the ramp and does the Undertaker salute.

    We see a John Cena video package.

    We have the Triple H/Brock Lesnar video package before their match.

    No Holds Barred . . . Triple H’s Career on the Line
    Triple H (with Shawn Michaels) vs Brock Lesnar (with Paul Heyman)

    Lesnar tries to take Hunter into the corner but Hunter with punches. Lesnar with knees to the midsection and then he sends Hunter to the apron and floor and Brock follows. Hunter with an Irish whip into the ringside barrier. Hunter sends Brock face first into the announce table and then he punches Lesnar.

    Lesnar sends Hunter into the apron and then over the ringside barrier and into the crowd. Brock grabs a chair but Hunter clotheslines Brock off the ringside barrier. Brock with a kick and forearm to the back. Hunter returns to the ring and Brock brings the chair into the ring but Hunter with a running high knee. Heyman takes the chair out of the ring.

    Hunter throws Brock to the floor and Hunter follows. Brock with a punch to the midsection and then he sends Brock head first into the ring steps. Brock with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex on the floor. Lesnar hot shots Hunter on the announce table. Lesnar suplexes Hunter onto the Spanish Announce Table and that table is finished.

    Brock lets out a scream after the impact.

    Brock with a knee to the midsection and then he hits another overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Brock has a maniacal laugh after he looks at Hunter. Brock chases Shawn Michaels away from checking on Hunter. Brock returns to the ring and he kicks and punches Hunter. Hunter with a punch but Lesnar with a clothesline and a near fall.

    Brock with a kick and Hunter punches back. Lesnar with a knee and Irish whip but he runs into a boot from Hunter. Brock with a belly-to-belly suplex and he gets a near fall. Lesnar with a waist lock but Hunter with elbows. Lesnar with a German suplex while Paul tells Hunter to stay down. Lesnar gets a near fall. Lesnar with another German suplex for a near fall.

    Hunter kicks Lesnar and then he punches Lesnar in the corner. Lesnar with an Irish whip and Hunter does the Hunter flip over the turnbuckles toe the floor. Lesnar goes to the floor and Michaels backs up. Hunter with a clothesline and punch to Lesnar and then Hunter clotheslines Lesnar into the Garcia Cubicle. Lesnar is sent into the table and Hunter takes the chair from Lesnar and he hits Brock with it.

    Hunter rolls Brock into the ring and Lesnar with another German suplex and he gets a near fall. Paul and Shawn get on the apron and Lesnar knocks Shawn off the apron. Hunter with a spinebuster and he starts to get a second wind. Hunter with a kick and he sets for the Pedigree but Lesnar gets Hunter on his shoulders. Shawn tries for Sweet Chin Music but Lesnar blocks it and he hits the F-5 on Shawn. Hunter with a Pedigree for a near fall.

    Hunter has retrieved the GameHammer from under the ring. Lesnar intercepts things and he hits the F-5 but Hunter kicks out at two. Lesnar grabs the chair and hits Hunter in the back. Lesnar Irish whips Hunter into the ring steps. Lesnar picks up the ring steps and he waits for Hunter to get up. Lesnar hits Hunter in the head with the steps. Lesnar gets the other steps and he throws them into the ring.

    Hunter is rolled back into the ring and Lesnar signals that it is over. Lesnar hits Hunter in the side with the steps and he gets a near fall. Lesnar tells Hunter it is over and that he should retire. Hunter slaps Lesnar and then he punches Lesnar and he tries for the Pedigree but Lesnar with the Kimura. Hunter runs Lesnar into the turnbuckles to try to get out of the hold but Lesnar has reapplied the hold.

    Lesnar with knees and then he sits on the turnbuckles and applies the Kimura and he has applied a body scissors. Hunter picks up Lesnar and hits a spinebuster on Lesnar and both men are down. Hunter with a crotch chop and Lesnar misses a charge into the corner and hits the ring post with his shoulder. Hunter with a low blow.

    Hunter wrings the arm into the ring post. Hunter grabs a chair and he hits the arm against the post with the chair. Hunter brings the chair into the ring and he hits Lesnar’s arm on the steps with the chair. Hunter with a Kimura of his own and he applies a body scissors. Heyman grabs the chair but he turns around into Sweet Chin Music from Michaels and Heyman is down.

    Lesnar tries to fight through the pain and he picks Hunter up and power bombs Hunter on the ring steps to get out of the hold. Hunter reapplies the Kimura and Lesnar with another power bomb on the steps. Hunter applies it again and Lesnar with a spinebuster on the steps but Hunter hooks the head and Lesnar hits the steps and he is out.

    Hunter grabs the GameHammer and he hits Lesnar in the head with it. Hunter does the regeneration pose and then he picks up Lesnar to Pedigree him on the ring steps. Hunter gets the three count.

    Winner: Triple H

    We take a look at highlights from the Hall of Fame Ceremony.
    Howard Finkel is in the ring to introduce the 2013 Hall of Fame inductees

    Justin Roberts announces that they have set an attendance record for this building at 80,676.

    Match Number Eight: WWE Title Match: Rock versus John Cena

    Cena with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. They lock up and Rock with a side head lock. Rock with a shoulder tackle. They lock up and Rock with a side head lock. Rock blocks a hip toss and he connects with one and Cena goes to the floor to regroup. Cena with a kick and punches. Cena with a hard Irish whip and more punches in the corner. Rock with a clothesline after being Irish whipped into the corner.

    Rock with a series of punches and a hard Irish whip. Rock sends Cena to the apron and then Rock with an elbow to the throat. Cena with a clothesline and he gets a near fall. Cena with a reverse chin lock. Cena with a side head lock take down. Cena with a belly-to-belly suplex for a near fall. Rock with a sleeper. Cena escapes the hold and he gets a near fall.

    Cena kicks Rock and then he misses an elbow drop. Rock with a Samoan drop. Rock and Cena go back and forth with punches and Cena with a suplex and he gets a near fall. Cena runs into an elbow in the corner and Rock with punches. Cena with a flying shoulder tackle but Rock ducks on the second one. Rock with a punch and then he tries for a spinebuster but Cena tries for the STF.

    Cena with two flying shoulder tackles and Rock counters the Blue Thunder Bomb with a snap mare. Rock with a SharpShooter but Cena escapes. Cena with the Blue Thunder Bomb and it is time for the Five Knuckle Shuffle but Rock moves. Rock with a DDT and he waits for Cena to get up for the Rock Bottom. Cena counters and he applies a Crippler Crossface. Rock with a rollup for a near fall. Cena catapults Rock into the turnbuckles and Cena with another Blue Thunder Bomb and Cena hits the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Cena gets Rock on his shoulders for the Attitude Adjustment and Rock escapes and hits a spinebuster. Rock sets for the People’s Elbow but he takes too long and Cena applies the STF.

    Rock hits the Rock Bottom but Cena kicks out at two. Cena with an Attitude Adjustment but Rock kicks out. Cena goes up top for the Rocker Dropper but Rock moves and Rock with a spinebuster and it is time for the People’s Elbow. Cena kicks out at two and then Cena falls out of the ring. Rock pushes Cena into the ring and he punches Cena but Cena punches back. They go back and forth and Rock with the advantage. Rock with a cross body and Cena catches Rock and he gets him on his shoulders but Rock escapes and hits the Rock Bottom but Cena kicks out at two.

    Rock sets up for another People’s Elbow but he decides to go for the Five Knuckle Shuffle and Cena with an Attitude Adjustment for a near fall. Rock and Cena exchange punches and kicks. Cena with a rollup for a near fall. Cena with a Rock Bottom for a near fall. Cena signals for the Five Knuckle Shuffle but he thinks about it and will he do the People’s Elbow again? Rock throws the arm bands away and he mocks the Rock and he holds the ropes when Rock gets up. Rock escapes the Attitude Adjustment and Rock with a Rock Bottom for a near fall.

    Rock escapes the Attitude Adjustment and Cena escapes the Rock Bottom. They go back and forth with counters and escapes. Rock with a DDT. Rock has some not so kind words for Cena while he waits for John to get up. Cena with an Attitude Adjustment for the three count.

    Winner: John Cena

    After the match, Cena says something to Rock and they shake hands and hug. Cena leaves the ring to give Rock his moment. Rock goes around ringside and then Cena salutes him when he gets up the ramp. They raise the other’s hand as the fireworks go off to end the show.

    WWE Post-Show

    - The WrestleMania 29 post-show opens with Jim Ross, Kofi Kingston and Scott Stanford talking about the matches. We see Renee Young interviewing Big Show. He says he didn't turn on Randy Orton and Sheamus, they turned on him.

    Show says he tried this route and wants no part of it. He says nobody will take his thunder anymore. The only thing important to him now is himself.

    - JR predicts Big Show will be extremely dangerous in the coming weeks. Dusty Rhodes talks about Ryback vs. Mark Henry. They talk about how impressive the Shellshocked to Henry was.

    - Tony Dawson talks with Chris Jericho backstage. Jericho admits losing to Fandango was one of the greatest upsets in WrestleMania history. Jericho wonders how Fandango will capitalize off his big win.

    - They talk about Undertaker vs. CM Punk. Ross says it was the best match of the night and a match of the year candidate. Kofi agrees.

    - They talk about Alberto Del Rio vs. Jack Swagger next. Zeb Colter speaks backstage and says they were sabotaged. He says they're not done with Del Rio and have a score to settle.

    - We see Triple H backstage getting x-rays on his hand. The hosts talk about the HHH vs. Brock Lesnar match now. They close it by talking about John Cena vs. The Rock and how it could have went either way. We see still photos from the night and that's it from MetLife Stadium.

  3. #3
    The Mac


    very cool lion

  4. #4
    Main Eventer LG's Avatar
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    can't wait.

  5. #5
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Mac View Post
    very cool lion
    Thank you buddy, appreciate it.

    Quote Originally Posted by LegendaryGame View Post
    can't wait.
    Neither can I LG, 4 hrs till pre-show

  6. #6
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Couple from pre show, was testing:

  7. #7
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    I accidentally capped this pic, i thought it was kinda cool

  8. #8
    Main Eventer LG's Avatar
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    Awesome pics LD!!

  9. #9

  10. #10
    The Mac


    looks cool

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