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  1. #1
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Default LionDens Thoughts and Notes on Wrestlemania 29

    I been around wrestling for over 30 years and for those of you that do not know me, I have run wrestling forums and websites for over 10 years, so I thought I might share my thoughts on this Wrestlemania 29 as I watched it, this is not a live coverage, just my thoughts as i watched. Don't hate me for my opinions lol we all have them

    Awesome opening sequence to the show.

    Here we go

    Shocked this the first match.

    Shield vs Sheamus, Orton and Big Show

    Sheamus, Orton and Big Show look so pumped. Love how The Shield came through the crowd and awesome hearing the crowd give them a loud pop. Cole lol he says no one has ever ripped off The Shields vest before when Sheamus did it at a PPV earlier this year. Reigns diving through the ropes at Orton and smashing his head on the barrier .. ouch. I am not sure Big Show turned heel, he was just pissed off Orton stole his tag. Not sure why he hit Sheamus which was botched. Glad they made The Shield continue to look strong by this win but the bookers need to keep this up and not mess it up as they always do. Awesome match for a opener.

    Signs were not allowed to be brought in but there thay are .. as always. At least the signs WWE allow. Dictatorship at its finest.

    lol Snooki, still find it funny one of the Jersey Shore stars asked for comp tickets and got denied.

    Ryback vs Henry

    Rybacks first wrestlemania and look how over he is with the crowd .. take note Vince concernng Fandango. Damn Henry is huge lol Ryback is not a small fella. WOW Ryback is strong lifting 400 pounds. I can see why they made Henry win if they are going to push him, I believe he may go for a title, maybe the Heavyweight title. Unbelievable stregnth by Ryback to do the Shell Shock, a good ending and understandable so Ryback does not look weak either. A bit of a slow match but what can you expect from 2 huge guys, still solid in its own way and these 2 will be pushedin the next few months i believe

    lol JBL with his Rey Mysterio toy and Cole saying he upset because Rey beat him in one of the shortest matches in Mania history and JBL saying he was sick that day lol classic..

    Good for WWE to be involved in the Special Olympics. If it not just for their gain that is. Nice to see them on stage though and get recognized.

    Team Hell No vs Ziggler and Big E (With whore AJ)

    lol King about AJ: "She been on more man hunts than the FBI". Team Hell No won the titles last Sept, that is a good run by these 2, about 8 months. lol at the quick 18 sec count at the beginning reminiscing last year, I am impressed WWE actually remember that since they seem to forget a lot of things. *Mental Note* Need to take caps of AJs ass. Damn Big E another strong man, lifting Kane like that and holding him move after move. lol Big E splashin on Kane when he pinning Dolph, I wonder who got hurt more from that, Kane or Dolph. I am surprised Team No won but I have to admit, they looked like a great team tonight, they worked well together. I would love to see Bryan in a match with The Shield. Kanes final Choke Slam on Ziggler was awesome. Love the cowd yelling yes, Team Hell No are really over with the crowd, 80,000 screaming yes, even gave me goosebumps lol. I thought Big E did well for a Mania debut, he is not suppose to be a technical wrestler as such, he is what he is, a powerhouse and he did what he had to do and well. I can see Big E feuding or at least having a match one day with Ryback or Henry, I am guessing WWE will save that for a PPV. I would have rather see Team Hell No break up so Bryan can go back to singles and Kane be the monster he suppose to be but I guess WWE have plans for that another time. Pretty good match over all.

    I might be sick of Cena for many reasons lol but what he does for 'Make a Wish Foundation' is incredible. I do respect him for that. Good on him.

    Fandoodle vs Jericho

    OMG. The only good thing about Fandildos entrance are the beautiful women dancing, to bad they not on every entrance he has, this dancing gimmick has to go. No Summer Rae Most people I know do not like the dancing gimmick but most people I know and read comments by like his Fan ... dan ... goooo deal when he talks but the bookers did not even let him do that? LMAO Jericho and the different names for Fandicko. WTF .. what is Fandrunko dancing for at the beginning of the match? WTF is this, Jerichos on the mat all dazed and Fandoodle just stands there and dances / poses. Ok, Fandorko throws Jericho into the ring post, we have a close up of Jericho and somehow Fandumbo ended up on the other side of the ring lieing on the mat, WTF happened lol. Ok, from what I read the last 6 days, people love his leg drop off the top rope ... ummm YaY Not a bad match but I feel it went to long, Fandingo has some moves but IMO he should never have debuted on Mania, I hope he does more in the future. Jericho carried this match and Fanpotato was lucky he had such an experienced person in there with him. Jericho did not look weak for losing because he and the announcers sold he hurt his knee which they may use for him to go on tour with his band. Good on Jericho for putting him over, I bet a personal request from Vince. Fandribble must be Vinces secret child or grandson.

    LMAO if Miz came jumping out at a friends kids B'Day party I would honestly just start laughing lol

    Poor ol Miz, 2 years ago he in a main event at Mania, last year he was lucky to be on Mania, this year he in the pre-show ... I am guessing next year he will be in the concession stands lol

    Why are they having another promo for Rock vs Cena ...

    I really enjoyed that Rocky themed music but I wish we had the video package on our screens for it instead of roaming around the areana. Of course then Piddy had to come on and ruin it lol. Okie dokie Piddy, so ... if your tough, you apparantly never wave your hands in the air? OMG ... this song "I'm Coming Home' ... I mean it is a good song but for those of you that have been here on the forum the last 6 days, you know this song is just everywhere lol I can not even count how many times I have heard it now and to be honest, if I did not hear it for a few months, that might still be to soon.

    I know not a lot of you will not agree with this but the last 4 matches seemed like a RAW for me without commercials or backstage promos. Do not get me wrong, they were enjoyable and good in their own way, especially the opening match but just did not feel like the biggest show of the year.

    Del Rio vs Swagger

    They will not allow any kind of swearing except Rock saying ass now and then or even some Attitude like era angles but allow this racism LMAO, The logic in WWE is amazing. Zebs and Swaggers gimmick is boring now. This is not the Cold War, No Iraq war (technically), so they just pick on everyone. lol That is everyone but the North koreans who actually want to destroy the US and say it in public lately. Need Jim Duggan ... Why all of a sudden are there different countries flags being held up (coincidence when Zeb carries on lol). I do not remember the Israeli flag being held up before lol. I understand Mexicos flag being held up while Del Rio out there, even though the guy holding it backwards lol A good match, not spectacular, I feel there be more between these 2 in the future but I really do wish Zebs gimmick would end, it bores me and many others.

    I Australian, so do not know much about the National Guard, no disrespect to them or you guys from the US. They help in tragedy, that I know which is awesome

    Undertaker vs Punk

    Awesome video package for Taker vs Punk. I do not care whatever anyone says, IMO Moody would have loved this and I think it is great he was used for this storyline because he got shown one last time at a Wrestlemania how great he was. R.I.P ... Punk did so well with this storyline.

    Awesome ... Living Colour lol I am not old Great to see a live band for a entrance once again, especially Punks. LMAO, I love Heyamn, he is one of the greatest in the wrestling industry. He coming down that ramp is great. Anyone else notice Punk wearing Takers old purple colors? Punk and Heyman go so well together. Awesome entrance by Punk and love how they pushing the urn to keep the storyline alive properly ... this how it done. LMAO Punk screaming at the first gong. Undertakers entrance, what can you say. This is the greatest .. yes, I said greatest entrances ever in any wrestling promotion. I will defy anyone to find another. Undertakers entrance is mesmerizing and this is incredible with those arms reaching up for him lol awesome! Love how Taker gets his own name plate on the screen, ironically, purple lol. After seeing Taker at his beginnings and since his more dramatic entrances, these still give me goosebumps, all these years later.

    Miss Taker with long hair but he looks fit. Punk using old school walk on the ropes lol only Punk. Crowd is behind Punk, they are cheering CM Punk which is cool. Taker always has great opponents. Great match, Taker keeping up, we can not expect the old Taker, he has so many injuries, none of us could even count how many lol but he is keeping up for now. Loved that, Punk tries old school again on the ropes and Taker knocks him off, Taker a little dazed, turns and sees Punk, stares andd then BAM in the face lol awesome. I was watching Taker destroy Punk and I was thinking, I do not mind him having one match a year, this is The Undertaker, he old and wrecked .. body wise but damn he can still wrestle when he wants to, not like the old days but just him being The Undertaker makes up for that. I am old school, do not hate me for that lol. Love the crowd cheering Undertaker / CM Punk .. respect for both. OMG Punk should know tables hate him lol OMG ouch. Taker might be 20 - 0 but Punk is 0 -20 with tables. The tables just do not want to break for him lol hopefully he has finally learnt to stop doing the Shane O Mac jump lol. Hellsagte, Takers MMA move, one of the only reason I wouold like to see him against Lesnar. That go to sleep by Punk i do not think was a botch as such, he may have hurt himself with his flying leap earlier but I think Taker just to big for it lol. WOOT Tombstone, only Taker and Kane allowed to do them. lol Heymans face at ringside when Taker kicks out from Punks cover. Crowd is going nuts. Awesome ending to the match .. awesome. The crowd nuts, goosebumps, Takers music .. what more do you want. This was a great match, well done to Punk as always but very well done to Taker, he kept up and looked great. Loved it. Only wrestler i know that can come back for a few weeks and cause such admiration and respect with one match in this scale ... maybe Stone Cold but nothing like this. Taker with the urn, awesome .. all i can say ... awesome. See you at Mania 30 Taker

    What the hell with all these pointless promos for Rock vs Cena. Yes, we know they are on tonight, thank you. I bouoght my ticket / PPV, I saw the card. Why show these promos? WTF? I feel like i am in a Twilight Zone episode. Well, since i know the 8 person tag is not on lol amazing it isn't ... I guess Triple H vs Lesnar the filler match for the main two strange booking. I see what they have done though, they have had the more less popular matches first and had the big 3 last. Silly IMO. I mean seriously, the crowd is pumped now, they need a softener and then a huge match again. Bad booking. If the past taught us anything, you build a crowd up, then let them relax and then build them up again, not try to keep them built up, it does not work. Damn Michelle Beadle is hot lol

    Rock vs Cena

    Here we go. Love the fans booing Cena lol If Cena does not turn heel tonight the fans will make him eventually. WTF is with this boring entrance, am I watching RAW? Let's hope I do not fall asleep again during this match lol. Rock does look fit but let's hope his cardio is up to scratch this year. lol booing of Cena, if he wins I hope they riot lol now that would be a Mania moment lol

    WTF is this, this where I fell asleep, most boring beginning of a match I have ever seen. WTF, do something. 5 mins in and i am bored shitless. I rather see Fandicko dance than this. Best bit so far is crowd cheering Cena sux. This is why I fell asleep, Punk and Taker, I was hyped up. lol I am really bored shitless watching this. Fandoodles match was better by this stage. Why are they doing sleeper holds when they have done nothing to need to relax for a bit lol Finally, boring chants lol. How can King say this crowd 50 / 50, half for the Rock and half for Cena lol all I heard was boos for Cena except maybe 1000 cheering for him. lol I seen about 3 moves from both of them so far, about 15 mins in. Is it just me or are they moving really slow lol. OMG The STF, the worst submission hold in history. lol How many counters can they do. Once again the STF, worst submission hold in history. LMAO how many times do these guys do their final moves that usually no one kicks out of but these two find them like a tickle. WTF is going on lol Two guys with 5 moves each does not work unless they creative and these two are not being creative. I know it the Rock but when a crowd boos you (Cena) hitting the other guy and your face, it just wrong lol

    How many Rock Bottoms can he do lol I remember when one took out anyone. Oh, let's kick out of the AA lol. How many counters so far lol and they keep doing moves that would beat anyone else lol. Cena does a Rock Bottom and of coourse, Rock kicks out. Ok, Cena makes a huge point on RAW that he made a mistake last year copying The Rocks move and what made him lose but he does it again now? lol Got to love that by Cena, holding on to the ropes, smart ass lol. Another counter WTF lol and now both lieing on the mat, why are they tired or even hurt, they seem to kick out and get up straight away. They have created a new match, it called the "Counter Match'. lol Hear the crowd booing, WWE trying to block it out with Cenas music. Worst top match of any Wrestlemania I have ever seen. Very disappointed in this match.

    lol His music still going to drown out the boos LMAO. Music stops finally and boos continue lol Cena won, why is Rock in the middle of the ring, we all know he be at Mania 30 because he on the cover of the game WWE 14 lol WTF lol he just stands there in the ring. This feels weird and awkward, leave the ring Rock. If he going to thank the crowd, why not get on the corner ropes as he does. Nice he respects his family. LMAO, still wondering why a Israeli flag is shown. Stupid ending and worst match of the night.

    Ok, I realize The Rock is older and does not have the best cardio anymore (just because your big, does not mean your fit) but this match was wrong for so many reasons. I twas so slow and boring, this is Wrestlemania, the main event of the year and these two bored the shit out of me.

    Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed my thoughts, agree or disagree, what our opinions all about. See you all at Mania 30 and yes, with The Rock but please God, no Rock vs Cena lol

    Final Notes:

    Undertaker and Punk should have closed the show. My gawd WWE, every year he should close the show but they just do not learn.

    No backstage promos?

    Cesaro should have been on it.

    lol No Pee Wee Herman lol Bet he got caught in a stall in the ladies changing room staring over the top of them.

    I remember when the Intercontinental Championship meant something.

    Why have so many promos for Rock vs Cena, not as if ratings will count, people already bought the PPV. They could have used this time for the 8 person tag match. 5 mins would have done for the match.

    I am glad Ziggler did not cash in MITB because it might have looked stupid after losing that match. Of course they could have made a storyline that he was angry about losing he went nuts and wanted a title .. anyway, we move on with Ziggler.

    Do not hate me for this Jerichoholics but to me, those 2 entrances have made this seem like it a gay match. First we have Dorkango with his dancing and stage production entrance and now we have Jericho with his pretty flashy jacket lol Not sure what it like in the States but this entrance would work at Sydneys Gay Mardi Gras. lol King saying during the match, "I think Jericho just kicked Fandango in the rear".

    This just seemed like a filler Wrestlemania before Mania 30. This will not be one of those memorable Manias, nothing really happened to make it stand out like for e.g. Punk winning etc. Just seems to me that WWE concentrated more on Axxess (which was a balls up) than the actual show. The technology angle seemed to fizzle since some cable companies would not let people buy the PPV, wwe.com stream dieing. I am sure there will be many meetings and yelling in the next few weeks about the last week.

    This Wrestlemania IMO seemed more like a hyped up RAW than the event of the year.

    Take care and see you at Mania 30

  2. #2
    Main Eventer LG's Avatar
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    Great post man.

    My thing is that WWE had a pre-show, the show, and then a post-show. During the show, they complain about damn time restraints, all they way to the point that they cut out America the Beautiful song and the eight man mixed tag match. I know that everyone probably didn't want to see the match, but just think how those guys felt after getting ready to be told on the show that their match is completely scrapped. I like Tons of Funk lol....One thing they could have done away with is the countless amounts of Rock vs Cena promos, omg who cares in seeing that again. And as RAW shows from last night, it will be damn Rock vs Cena III, just don't know where. I also agree that they didn't even do backstage promos, I mean come on people, get your head together. But truthfully and honestly, let's take the cold hard truth: WWE doesn't care, because they made $12 million dollars and more from Wrestlemania 29. It doesn't matter if we complain, they will do as they please and we will keep watching.

  3. #3
    On the bench! Rob's Avatar
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    Very well rambled, LD. I'm so tired of WWE being lazy with storylines. They should let the IWC write the shows for a month and see how things turn around.

  4. #4
    GOD OF THUNDER Kemo's Avatar
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    I f'n HATED Wrestlemania this year, and the only reason I watched it was hoping to see Ziggler cash in his Money in the Bank....So, then I said f' it and didn't watch RAW, only to finally turn it on right AFTER Ziggler won! Damn it man!

    Good post LD.

    By the way....I think this is our 10th year together....... ;)

    Where's my anniversary present?!? Haha...j/k.


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