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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Exclamation WWE Money in the Bank 2014 LIVE Coverage and Discussion

    Join us for WWEs Money in the Bank Live Coverage!
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    WWE World Heavyweight Championship
    Ladder Match

    Alberto Del Rio vs. Bray Wyatt vs. Cesaro vs. John Cena vs. Kane vs. Randy Orton vs. Roman Reigns vs. Sheamus

    WWE Tag Team Championship Match
    The Usos (Jimmy and Jey Uso) (c) vs. The Wyatt Family (Luke Harper and Erick Rowan)

    Money in the Bank Ladder Match
    Bad News Barrett vs. Dean Ambrose vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Jack Swagger vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Seth Rollins

    WWE Divas Championship Match
    Paige (c) vs. Naomi

    Rybaxel (Ryback and Curtis Axel) vs. The Gold Brotherhood

    Summer Rae vs. Layla

    Big E vs. Rusev

    Money in the Bank by the numbers!

  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    LIVE Coverage
    Money in the Bank
    29th June, 2014
    Location: Boston, MA
    Announcers: Jerry Lawler, JBL and Michael Cole


    Renee Young replaced Josh Mathews as the host of the Kickoff show. Booker T received a nice chant as they came on the air. Christian was the guest alongside Booker and Alex Riley.

    They noted that Daniel Bryan would be addressing the fans for the first time since he was stripped of the WWE World Heavyweight championship.

    Tom Phillips was now in the social media area pushing fans to be interactive.

    They aired a video recapping the Bryan situation setting up the ladder match to crown the new champion tonight.

    The panel was asked their thoughts on the favorites. Christian said there were too many variables to name one. Alex went with Bray Wyatt. They discussed Roman Reigns’ chances.

    Backstage, Byron Saxton interviewed Reigns. He was asked how he planned to assess and attack his opponents. He said that he’s assessed and now he’s going to attack and attack. When it’s over, everyone will know that “this big dog runs this yard. Believe that.”

    They did a video feature looking at MITB statistics.

    They noted Bad News Barrett was injured and would not be competing tonight then discussed the other competitors in the MITB Ladder Match.

    Michael Cole introduced Daniel Bryan, who came out all happy and full of energy after having his WWE World Heavyweight championship taken away. Boy, does he look stupid. The crowd gave him a big reaction and chanted for him as he smiled in the ring. They chanted “Yes” and he tried to “sssh” them so he could speak and they chanted, “No” so he said, “Well, OK” and led the “Yes” chant. The fans were having a fun time with this.

    Michael Cole asked him how the recovery is going and when we would see him back in the ring. Bryan said he doesn’t know yet. He said that the strength in his arm hasn’t returned and they are talking about doing a surgery, but he promised he would be back and be better than ever. They turned the interview into promotion for the Money in the Bank title match. He predicted John Cena would win and the crowd booed that. He then said Randy Orton was a possibility and that was booed as well. He said that Roman Reigns was incredible and the crowd popped. Bryan was asked how he felt being stripped. He said that he felt disrespected because he didn’t know until he watched on TV. So, how did the title belts get to the TV taping? He said they stripped him because no one could beat him. He said he hated they were so smug about it. Well, he sure doesn’t seem pissed. Bo Dallas came out and did some mic work, saying Bryan not being able to get back in the ring tonight is a “pain in the neck.” He said that Bryan might not be able to climb the ladder tonight but he can climb to the top in life, if he “Bo Lieves!” Bryan, who was smiling at all this, told Dallas he was asking like a “Bo-Ner.” The crowd chanted that. He told Dallas to “Bo-Leave.” Dallas left the ring and Bryan did his “Yes” chant to end the segment.

    Money in the Bank PPV

    WWE Tag Team Championship Match
    The Usos (c) vs The Wyatt Family

    The Usos started out fast working on Harper with kicks. Harper came back with a dropkick on his own. Rowan tagged in and drilled one of the Usos with a big shoulderblock. He and Harper worked him over in the corner.

    The Usos came back and scored a two count on Harper with a flying bodypress. The Wyatts cut them off and worked over Jey. Jimmy finally made the hot tag and cleaned house, using the Rikishi back splash on Rowan and hitting a twisting senton off the ropes for a two count. He drilled Harper with a superkick for a two count.

    The Wyatts worked on Jey but Jimmy nailed a superkick on Erik, sending him to the outside. He rolled up Harper for a two count but was caught with a sit down powerbomb. The crowd was super into this. The Usos went for dives but were beaten down.

    Jimmy Uso was tossed back into the ring. They nailed a double powerbomb but Jey hit the ring for the save. Harper missed a running boot and was caught up on the ropes. He was kicked off the apron. Rowan laid out Jimmy. He went to the top but he was crotched when Jimmy hit the ropes. Jimmy went for a move off the ropes but was punched and shoved off.

    The Usos rebounded and nailed a double superplex off the top into the ring. The Usos each hit a Superfly Splash and scored the pin.

    Your winners and still WWE Tag Team champions: The Usos

    They recapped the end of the Shield and the Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins feud.

    Ambrose cut a promo and said he doesn’t know how bad Ambrose wants to rip him apart. He said the briefcase means everything because it contains a WWE World Heavyweight championship match. He said the question is whether he grabs the case or uses the ladder to smash his face? He said, “Who not do both?” He said that Seth’s daddy, Triple H, is going to be mad at him, because now Seth has put Ambrose into a position to get his hands on a title match.

    WWE Divas Championship Match
    Paige (c) vs Naomi

    They locked up and ended up going through the ropes to the floor while locked up. Paige forced her against the guard rail and they battled to the apron and back into the ring. They both went for dropkicked upon their return. Paige slammed her to the mat and Naomi went to the floor.

    Paige went to the apron and was yanked off the apron to the floor. Naomi went for a charging dive over the ropes and took Paige out. As Paige returned, Naomi dropkicked her for a two count. Naomi went to the top for a bodypress and scored several two counts.

    Naomi used a rollup for a two count. Naomi reversed it and then locked Paige in a surfboard style submission. Naomi them used a variation of the Backlund Bridge for another two count. Naomi went to the top but Paige cut her off and they ended up tumbling over to the floor. It was a brutal looking bump. Naomi smacked her face on the way down.

    Naomi went for a backslide but Paige rolled through and locked on a stump puller. Paige turned it into a pinning combination for another two count. Naomi came back with a leg lariat and a rana. Naomi showed some real fire and nailed the Rearview for another two count.

    Paige made a comeback with a DDT for the pin.

    Your winner and still WWE Divas champion: Paige

    Damien Sandow came out dressed as Paul Revere. He said that if he knew all these people would be living here, he wouldn’t have warned anyone about the British. He said that the one thing he is sure about is that Boston lives in the shadow of NYC.

    Out came Adam Rose and all the Rosebuds. Former TNA star Rosita was one of them. I am amazed WWE hasn’t signed her. He said Boston was the place to party. Sandow tried to hit him and Rose did his falling stagedive into the Rosebuds. They tossed him back on the apron and Sandow tried again but was backdropped over the top to the floor.

    Adam Rose vs Damien Sandow

    Rose controlled Sandow early but was tripped and beaten down with knees and punches across the back. He covered Rose for a two count and locked in a side chinlock. Rose fought his way back but was cut off.

    Sandow yelled, “The elbow is coming” and dropped an elbowsmash on a two count. Rose finally made a comeback with a series of rights and a running elbow in the corner. Rose stomped him and went for the Choo Choo clothesline but Sandow cut him off with a clothesline and nailed a full nelson slam for a two count. Rose made a comeback and nailed his finisher for the pin.

    Your winner: Adam Rose

    After the match:
    The Rosebuds all danced. Very weird.

    They showed Jon Stewart of "The Daily Show" sitting in the front row with his kids.

    They aired pre-taped promos from each competitor talking about why they were going to win Money in the Bank.

    Money in the Bank Ladder Match
    Rob Van Dam vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Jack Swagger vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose

    Ambrose went right after Rollins. The ring cleared with everyone battling. Kingston nailed the Boom Drop with a ladder and dumped Jack Swagger out of the ring. He set up the ladder and climbed but Ambrose shoved it over. Kingston landed on the top rope and springboarded off into a dive on RVD and Swagger on the floor.

    Rollins and Ambrose battled in the ring and each tried to scramble to the top. Dean smacked him into the ladder and yanked him to the mat by his hair. He set a ladder in the corner and tried to suplex Rollins into it. Rollins blocked but Ambrose turned it into an underhook suplex onto the ladder. Lots of Dolph chants early.

    Ambrose climbed up but was yanked down by Swagger. Everyone scrambled up the ladder. Kofi drilled RVD into it. Kingston and Ziggler battled on the top. Swagger took them out. Ambrose clotheslined Swagger over the top. Dean was dumped out. Kingston and Dolph charged up again. They ended up battling back to the floor and Rollins nailed them and then RVD caught him with a ladder. RVD used several kicks.

    RVD whipped Rollins into the corner and then kicked him into it. He set up Rollins on the ladder and nailed Rolling Thunder. Swagger got involved and RVD nailed him with the Five Star Frog Splash. The crowd was super into RVD. He went to the top but Kingston met him. Kingston nailed him and sent him to the floor. The crowd didn’t like that.

    Swagger got involved and Kingston nailed him with the ladder. RVD and Kingston went at it. RVD snapped him throat-first over the ropes. He went to the top but was stopped. Kingston went for a superplex. Swagger nailed him with the ladder from behind and drove Kofi to the floor. Swagger set the ladder up in front of the turnbuckles where RVD was dazed. He pulled RVD up and set up for a superplex. RVD headbutted him, sending him to the mat and teased another Frog Splash. Rollins attacked him before he could execute it. RVD got the better of the exchange and went for a superplex. Swagger came from behind and powerbombed RVD off the ladder, saving Rollins/

    Ambrose hit the ring and attacked Rollins on the top of the ladder and nailed the superplex. This match is nuts. Ambrose began trashing Rollins. He went for a ladder but Ziggler dropkicked it into him. Ambrose was sandwiched between the ropes and the ladder. Swagger nailed Ziggler and catapulted him into the ladder and Ambrose.

    Swagger nailed Kingston and drilled a ladder atop of him. He nailed the Vader splash out of the corner on a ladder. Swagger set up a ladder in the middle of the ring and climbed up to get the case but was met by RVD. He was knocked down. Ambrose nailed the Nigel McGuinness lariat off the ropes.

    Rollins dispatched RVD and he and Ambrose battled atop of the ladder. Rollins was nailed off the ladder. Ambrose went for the cage but Swagger grabbed him. Ambrose was pulled down but turned it into a DDT.

    Rollins began climbing back up and Ambrose knocked the ladder over, causing him to snap onto the ropes. Ambrose appeared to have “hurt” his shoulder and was forced out of the ring by WWE’s medical staff. Rollins went for the case but RVD returned to battle him atop the ladder. Behind threm, Kingston bridged the ropes with another ladder and came up behind RVD. All three of them began battling. RVD was nailed and his leg was caught as he went down. He grabbed at his hamstring after hitting the mat.

    Rollins and Kingston battled on the top. Kingston backdropped him over the ladder down onto the bridged one below. That was brutal. Kingston went for the case but Ziggler nailed him and hit the Zig Zag. Ziggler then nailed Swagger with the Stinger Splash and beaten with punches. Ziggler nailed the Famouser on RVD and superkicked Swagger, who was looming with a ladder. He ducked Trouble in Paradise and nailed a Zig Zag on a ladder. The crowd was loving all this.

    Ziggler went to the top of the ladder but Swagger returned and put the Patriot Lock on him as he was on the ladder. Ziggler kept climbing with his arms despite the hold. He kicked off Swagger finally but his leg was hurting. He slowly pulled himself to the top of the ladder and just as he had his hands on the case, Rollins attacked him with a chair.

    Ambrose hit the ring with a chair and beat the hell out of him. He tossed Rollins to the floor and climbed to the top of the ladder. He went to the top and Kane’s music and pyro hit. He hit the ring and Ambrose kicked him away. Kane rebounded and pulled Dean down, then chokeslammed him.

    Kane tombstoned Ambrose. Kane held the ladder for Rollins to grab the case.

    Your winner: Seth Rollins

    After the match:
    Triple H and Stephanie McMahon came out applauding Rollins and held his arms up.

    Byron Saxton interviewed Randy Orton. He said his chances of winning tonight are better than anyone else’s. When asked about Seth Rollins’ win, he said Rollins was a hell of a competitor but it was obvious at this stage of his career, he needed all the help possible to win. Orton said that whether anyone likes it or not, he’s going to end up the WWE World Heavyweight champion tonight. Saxton asked him about Roman Reigns and Orton glared at him and walked away.

    Stardust & Goldust vs Ryback & Curtis Axel

    It was all the Rhodes boys early. Axel cut off Goldust with a dropkick for a two count. He and Ryback took turns working over each other. Goldust fought his way out of a chinlock but was taken back down by Axel.

    Ryback tagged in and worked over Goldust. Lots of Goldberg catcalls. He went for the Meathook but Goldust escaped and tagged Stardust. He nailed a springboard elbow to the top of the head and a DDT. Axel was sent out of the ring. Axel drilled Goldust into the guard rails.

    Stardust escaped the Muscle Buster and nailed CrossRhodes but Axel attacked him and broke up the pin. Axel went to nail him but Stardust ducked and hit how own partner. Stardust rolled him up for the pin.

    Your winners: Goldust & Stardust

    After the match:
    Axel immediately attacked Stardust but the Rhodes Boys made the save for themselves.

    Byron Saxton interviewed Fandango who had a blinged out referee shirt. He was asked how he can call the match down the middle. Layla said he can’t because he loves her. Summer Rae showed up and said that Fandango loves the person who helped build his career over the last two years. They got into each other’s face and almost began catfighting but Fandango sent them away.

    Rusev (with Lana) vs Big E.

    Lana took the mic and said that Rusev’s opponent will be waving the American flag, a flag that is supposed to represent a great nation. She said that is a joke. She said the leader of the world, Vladmir Putin prove Russia’s superiority. Rusev promised to crush Big E. They showed Big E. doing a spirited promo saying he was going to stand up for America.

    Big E. worked over Rusev early and tried to repeat the spear through the ropes but was kicked in the face. Rusev nailed a big back suplex. Rusev nailed a series of strikes and locked on a chinlock.

    Rusev missed a splash. Big E. was drilled with a series of punches before he really had a chance to capitalize and beat him into the corner. Rusev charged him but was caught with a Uranage out of the corner. Big E. charged him with a series of clothesline and avoided a Rusev kick before nailing an overhead belly to belly suplex. Rusev was then speared Rusev through the ropes to the floor. It looked brutal.

    E brought him back into the ring for a two count. Rusev was bleeding from the mouth or nose. Rusev pulled himself out to the apron and kicked Big E. as he charged in. Rusev nailed a thrust kick. He locked in the Accolade Big E. almost broke it but Rusev prevented that and sunk the move in even deeper. Big E. tapped.

    Your winner: Rusev

    Guest Referee Fandango
    Summer Rae vs Layla

    They began catfighting and Summer was tossed rudely to the floor. Layla was tripped and was stomped by Summer. Summer choked her in the corner. Layla come back and beat her on the mat and made several counts. The crowd was chanting, “Boring.”

    Layla locked in an old school Indian Death Lock. The crowd chanted for Punk. Summer Rae nailed a rana. Layla came back with a kick to the head and pinned her.

    Winner: Layla

    They showed Robert Flores from ESPN in the first row. Mick Foley’s kids were sitting behind him.

    World Heavyweight Championship Ladder Match
    Cesaro vs. Roman Reigns vs. John Cena vs. Kane vs. Randy Orton vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. Sheamus vs. Bray Wyatt

    Triple H and Stephanie sat by the announcers.

    They all started brawling. It came down to Sheamus vs. Kane and Reigns vs. Orton. Orton escaped so Sheamus and Kane sandwiched Kane between ladders. Reigns tried to climb a ladder but was nailed by ADR. Sheamus went up another but it was toppled over by Kane. Cesaro and Reigns battled on another but that was toppled over. Kane began cleaning house on everyone.

    He set up ladders then grabbed Orton for an apparent chokeslam but pulled him over to the ladder. He held it for Orton but Reigns nailed him and toppled the ladder. Orton looked like he hurt his arm or shoulder when he bounced off the ropes. Reigns used the ladder like a battering ram to Kane and then set up the ladder as HHH and Stephanie looked worried. Bray Wyatt prevented Reigns from getting to the top and they exchanged punches. Bray nailed Reigns but was caught with the Blue Thunder Bomb by Cena.

    Cesaro tossed Cena into the air and nailed an uppercut. He went to the top but was met by Sheamus. They battled as Wyatt spider-walked to the ladder and shoved it over. Sheamus and Cesaro hung from the belts, hitting each other. Cesaro kicked him off and hung from the belts but was finally pulled down.

    The announcers acknowledged that doctors were working on Orton. Orton did returned to the fray so whatever it was, he can work through it. He and Sheamus fought on the floor and Sheamus bridged a ladder between the announcers and the ring. He beat Orton into it and went atop the ladder bridge but Orton caught him and nailed the hanging DDT off the ladder.

    Everyone ended up back in the ring (except Sheamus) and they all battled and tried to scramble up the ladder. Cesaro clotheslined over the top to the floor by Kane. ADR missed a leaping enziguiri and was tossed out. Kane was left in the ring. Sheamus returned and battled with him, nailing him with ten shots across the chest. Sheamus nailed a clothesline off the ropes on Reigns. He nailed White Noise on Orton. He set up for the Brogue Kick on Orton but saw Cena coming and nailed him instead.

    Sheamus tossed Orton to the floor and set up as ladder in the middle of the ring. Kane grabbed his foot and dragged him to the outside. Sheamus reversed an Irish Whip and sent Kane into the stairs. Cesaro bridged a ladder between the corner and a ladder, then ran across it to stop Sheamus from grabbing the belts. They battled atop the ladder. ADR shoved the ladder inside the bigger one. Reigns tipped the ladder over, so it was supported by the smaller one jutting out. Cesaro held on hanging them pulled himself around to stop Sheamus from getting the belts. Cena set the structure back the way it should be. Cena joined the fight but was sent down crashing on the ladder bridge.

    Cesaro was knocked off and Sheamus went for the belt but was pulled down by Orton and Kane and beaten. Sheamus was dumped to the outside. It looked like Kane would help Orton get the belt but Reigns speared him. Orton smashed the ladder into Reigns’ head. Orton went for the RKO but was shoved off and nailed with the Superman Punch. Reigns began killing everyone with a ton of hot moves and sent Wyatt into the annnouncer’s table and speared Cesaro on the floor.

    Cena returned to the ring as Reigns was going for a ladder and they faced off. They went back and forth until Reigns speared Cena. The Authority were calling for Kane to get up. Reigns climbed the ladder but Orton pulled him down and nailed a series of shots across the back. Orton did his backbreaker variation off the ladder. Orton was bleeding from the back of the head. He went to climb the ladder but Wyatt nailed him with Sister Abigail.

    Wyatt climbed but was attacked by ADR with a leaping enziguri. He made it to the belts but was forced off the ladder and hit with a Brogue Kick by Sheamus. He climbed up but was yanked off by Cesaro, who nailed him with an uppercut as he came down, then nailed the Neutralizer. Cesaro climbed up but was yanked off into an RKO by Orton.

    Orton climbed up by Reigns grabbed his leg and peppered him with punches. They battled on the ladder, slamming each other’s head into the ladder. Orton was really blood by now. Reigns finally took him out with a headbutt but Kane grabbed Reigns and chokeslammed him down.

    Orton began climbing up again but Cena returned and nailed them both with AAs and got the belts.

    Your winner and new WWE World Heavyweight champion: John Cena

    They pushed that Cena now had won the belts 15 times.

  3. #3
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Since Bad News Barrett got injured on Smackdown it is not known whether he will compete at the PPV.

  4. #4
    Legend In My Spare Time Role Model's Avatar
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    Hoping the Uso train doesn't get derailed tonight. I'm not really looking forward to any of these matches beside the Ladder matches. The Ladder matches alone will make this a great show.

  5. #5
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    I agree, none of the non ladder matches really interest me. I really am starting to feel they may push Reigns in the World Championship maych. I do not see how having Cena win will help the WWE Network in any way. They need to try new guys at the top.

  6. #6
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Top 10 cashing in the briefcase!

  7. #7
    Legend In My Spare Time Role Model's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LionDen View Post
    I agree, none of the non ladder matches really interest me. I really am starting to feel they may push Reigns in the World Championship maych. I do not see how having Cena win will help the WWE Network in any way. They need to try new guys at the top.
    I agree Lion would be nice to see someone else win beside Cena/Orton but that's the biggest issue with this is that John Cena and Randy Orton, no matter how bland they are, make the most sense. The WWE has failed to build the other guys correctly.

    ADR can't cut a promo and has been worthless in 2014. Sheamus would be a good candidate but he has the US belt so he won't win. Bray Wyatt is a maybe but he needs to prove more in the ring. Roman Reigns has the crowd behind him, but its too soon as he's proven even less than Bray in singles matches. Cesaro got screwed when he was made to turn heel after WrestleMania and now he's unsure of what his character should be.

    So that leaves us to expect Cena/Orton to go over in this Ladder match.
    Last edited by Role Model; 06-29-2014 at 11:13 PM.

  8. #8
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    From what I have read, it seems they are going to be pushing Rollins, Reigns and Ambrose in the next few months. Whether Reigns or Rollins win tonight has to be seen. Even if one of the ex Shield win their matches, I believe Cena and Orton will still be in the picture with them to help push them.

    These 5 in particular will be going at it for a few months IMO. Cena winning tonight would just be boring and as I said, IMO will in no way help the WWE Network.

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    A couple of Pre-Show notes of Money in the Bank

    The Championship belts are hung above the ring, not the briefcase.

    AJ Lee is here in spirit at least as her face is all over the WWE truck.

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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    An image from the PPV as people roll in.

    Thanx to Titty Master

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