- TNA was interested in running a second event while in Japan next month for Bound For Glory, in either Osaka or Gifu, but those plans were nixed this past week due to the many TV tapings that are already scheduled over the next three weeks.

Regarding Bound For Glory matches, we noted before that The Great Muta and Tajiri vs. Sanada and James Storm is planned and that match is actually slotted as the main event in Japan. No word yet if that match would air as the main event on the actual pay-per-view broadcast.

The card was still not finalized at last word but it is expected to be announced in the next week. Talk is that there will be three TNA vs. TNA matches, two Wrestle-1 vs. Wrestle-1 matches and four matches that will feature talent from both promotions. There's also no confirmation on whether or not the Wrestle-1 vs. Wrestle-1 matches will air on pay-per-view.

On the TNA side, they have discussed Low Ki vs. Samoa Joe for the X Division Title and The Wolves vs. Team 3D for the Tag Team Titles in a Full Metal Mayhem match. The tag match would depend on whether or not Bully Ray re-signs with the company but it's not expected. TNA wanted to put The Hardys in that match but there's an issue with Jeff Hardy possibly not being allowed into Japan due to his felony drug conviction.