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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Default RAW LIVE Coverage & Discussion - 4th Jan, 2016

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    WWE RAW Results - 4th Jan, 2016 2015
    Location - San Antonio, Texas
    Announcers - Michael Cole, Byron Saxton, and John Layfield

    We start off with a look at last week on Raw when Vince McMahon insulted Roman Reigns’ family and then assaulted an officer to get arrested. Then Vince returned to Raw to announce tonight’s main event for the WWE Title with Vince McMahon as guest referee.

    We start things off with Stephanie McMahon making her way to the ring.

    However, we have a musical showdown because Roman Reigns’ music plays while Stephanie is still on the stage.

    They make their way down to the ring and they stare each other down before Roman enters the ring first.

    Roman says that he doesn’t think they need Stephanie out here tonight. It is about her father, not Stephanie tonight. He tells Stephanie that he is going to call out Vince McMahon right now.

    Stephanie tells Roman that he will have to deal with disappointment all night since Vince is not here tonight. He will be here to referee the main event. She says the odds are not in Roman’s favor.

    Roman says this is his life. He says if he loses, he does not have a job. If he does not have a job, he cannot support his family. Roman says this is his life. This is his family. No one is going to take that away from him.

    Stephanie appreciates Roman’s passion, but she asks if people really think Roman can beat Sheamus tonight. She says it is sad and pathetic because you hang on to hope because your mundane little lives will never change. You have the hope that something will be different. Hope is not a strategy. Nobody competes with Vince McMahon and wins in the end.

    You had a nice little moment when her father got arrested last week. Stephanie says that all charges have been dropped. Stephanie says that she is the boss and Roman is the help. Stephanie says she will not fire Roman. After you lose tonight and never get a title match again, she will use him. He will wrestle every night all over the world until your body breaks down and you cannot go again. Do you know what happens then? The people who chant for you now, forget you. They will cheer for the new arrogant superstar.

    Stephanie says that she is going to do to Roman what her father did to his father.

    Roman says you better worry about your father. If he does anything tonight, you won’t be picking him up from jail, you will be picking him up from the hospital.

    We take a look what happened last week between Neville and Kevin Owens followed by Kevin Owens’ attack on Neville.

    Dean Ambrose makes his way to the ring and he stops to talk to Roman before Roman goes to the back. Dean will be on commentary for the next match.

    We go to commercial.

    Kevin Owens vs Neville

    Neville with a drop kick and Owens goes to the floor. Neville with a corkscrew plancha and then he kicks Owens around ringside. Neville with a cannonball off the ring steps. Neville with an enzuigiri followed by a drop kick to send Owens to the floor again. Neville goes up top for a shooting star press onto Owens.

    Neville goes up top and then Owens moves. Neville with a shoulder and flips back into the ring. Owens with a super kick to the ribs but Neville gets his boot up. Owens puts Neville on the turnbuckles and then he DDTs him and rolls Neville to the floor.

    Owens tells the referee to count. Owens goes to the floor and he sends Neville into the ringside barrier.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Neville is down on the floor and Owens wants the referee to count faster. Neville gets a miracle boost to get up at nine and in before ten. Owens sends Neville to the floor and then Owens sends Neville into the ringside barrier. Owens tries to send Neville groin first into the post but Neville escapes and he sends Owens into the ring post. The referee continues his count until Neville returns to the ring.

    Neville with a baseball slide on the apron to the temple and Owens is down again. Neville with a 450 splash from the apron despite having the injured ribs. They get back into the ring and Neville gets a near fall. Owens with an elbow but Neville with an enzuigiri. Neville puts Owens on the turnbuckles and Neville climbs up. Neville is pushed off and then he gets back up and Owens crotches Neville and hits a cannonball followed by the pop up power bomb for the three count.

    Winner: Kevin Owens

    After the match
    Owens starts up the ramp but he sees Neville down on the floor and Owens kicks Neville. Ambrose gets up from the announce table and hits a suicide dive. Owens rolls to the floor and Owens with a thrust kick to Ambrose and then he rearranges the announce table. Ambrose sends Owens into the ring steps and he slams Owens’ head on the table. Ambrose goes to the ringside barrier and he hits an elbow drop off the ringside barrier through the table.

    We go to the back where a limo enters the building and Vince McMahon emerges.

    JoJo asks for comments about what happened last week. Vince says all charges were dropped. That happens when you can afford a really good attorney. The irony of what happened last week is that while he may have broken the law last week, he is the law this week.

    We go to commercial.

    Titus O’Neil vs Stardust

    Stardust with punches and he does a cartwheel. Titus sends Stardust into the corner and chops him. Titus with another chop. Titus charges into a boot and he is sent to the mat. Stardust with kicks and knees. Stardust with a rake of the eyes. Stardust with a Beautiful Disaster for a near fall. Stardust gets another near fall. Stardust with a forearm to the back. Stardust works on the arm.

    Stardust with knees to the back and then he applies a reverse chin lock. Stardust sends Titus to the mat and gets a near fall. Stardust with another kick to the midsection. Titus pushes Stardust away but Stardust with kicks in the corner. Stardust with a reverse chin lock. Stardust kicks Titus in the back of the leg and Stardust freaks out at the ‘Cody’ chants. Titus moves out of the way when Stardust goes for the leg and Titus with a clothesline.

    Stardust with a kick but Titus with a boot. Titus barks and hits a splash into the corner and then hits Clash of the Titus for the three count.

    Winner: Titus O’Neil

    Becky Lynch is in the back getting ready for her match and Charlotte stops by. Charlotte asks Becky if she asked for the match tonight.

    Becky says she is excited for the match and hopes Charlotte is too. Charlotte reminds Becky she won the last time they wrestled. Becky says they should go out and have another good match. Becky says unless Charlotte is afraid that she will lose.

    Becky and Charlotte agree to wrestle in the spirit of competition. Ric Flair stops by and wooos and repeats ‘spirit of competition’ and wooos as he leaves.

    We go to commercial.

    Non Title Match in the Spirit of Competition
    Charlotte (c) (with Ric Flair) versus Becky Lynch

    They lock up and Charlotte sends Becky into the corner and gives a clean break. Charlotte with an arm drag but Becky with arm drags of her own. Becky with a leg sweep for a near fall. Charlotte with a take down and Charlotte gets a near fall. Becky and Charlotte block a hip toss. Becky kicks Charlotte away when she tries for a figure four and then they kip up and cartwheel so Flair struts on the floor.

    Charlotte and Becky with a test of strength and Charlotte does the Flair flip to the apron and Charlotte with a rollup for a near fall. Becky with a back slide for a near fall. Becky with a sunset flip for a near fall. Becky with an arm drag.

    Charlotte wants Becky to help her up and Charlotte chops Becky to thank her and then Charlotte with punches but Becky escapes. Charlotte with a neck breaker and Becky with a back elbow. Charlotte puts Becky in the ropes and Charlotte with a neck breaker and she kips up. Charlotte with knee drops.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Charlotte with knees while she has Becky in a cravate. Becky punches Charlotte but Charlotte sends Becky to the mat. Charlotte gets a near fall. Charlotte with a figure four head scissors and she drives Becky’s head into the mat and Charlotte wooos. Becky leans back and gets a near fall. Charlotte rolls Becky over and then clotheslines Becky and gets a near fall.

    Charlotte with an overhead suplex and then she puts Becky on the turnbuckles. Becky kicks Charlotte from the turnbuckles but Charlotte catches Becky off the turnbuckles. Becky applies a sleeper. Charlotte hits a backpack stunner and then Charlotte sets for the figure four leg lock but Becky with an inside cradle for a near fall. Becky with forearms and European uppercuts. Becky with clotheslines followed by a drop kick.

    Becky with a double jump side kick that is blocked and Charlotte with a running boot for a near fall. Charlotte with chops but Becky with forearms. Becky with an Irish whip and forearm followed by the double jump side kick and an Exploder for a near fall. Becky with a snap leg drop. Ric grabs the leg the second time she tries it. Charlotte with a rollup for a near fall.

    Becky with a rollup and a handful of tights for the three count.

    Winner: Becky Lynch

    After the match
    Ric argues with Becky and then Charlotte kicks Becky from behind and punches Becky. Charlotte with a spear. Charlotte with a knee drop.

    Vince McMahon is talking to someone and Sheamus enters. The assistant leaves.

    Vince says he senses history in the making. The match itself needs some integrity so he wants to go over the pre fight instructions. No outside interference. No use of foreign objects. No gouging, biting, or low blows. He tells Sheamus he will obey his commands. He tells Sheamus to let the luck of the Irish be with you.

    We go to commercial.

    Ryback vs Big Show

    Show backs Ryback into the corner and he punches Ryback and then chops him. Show with an Irish whip but he misses a running splash into the corner. Ryback with a clothesline and Ryback sets for the marching muscle buster but Show with a choke slam instead. Show pushes Ryback over the top rope to the floor.

    The Wyatt Family graphic appears and the lights go out. They come back on and they are around Ryback.

    No Contest

    The Wyatt Family attacks Ryback on the floor. Wyatt sends Ryback to Strowman and Strowman chokes out Ryback. Wyatt has some instructions and they surround the ring with Big Show still standing in there after a minute of watching.

    They get on the apron on all four sides.

    Show looks around and he goes after Bray. He punches Harper and Rowan. Show stands face to face with Strowman. Wyatt attacks Show from behind and all four attack until Wyatt stands on the turnbuckles. Harper with a thrust kick to Show.

    The Wyatts leave the ring.

    Wyatt says at the Royal Rumble they will rise and they will all fall down.

    We go to commercial.

    Rusev and Alberto Del Rio vs Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso

    Jimmy and Del Rio start things off. Del Rio knocks Jey to the floor and the referee has to control them. They lock up and Del Rio with a side head lock. Del Rio with a shoulder tackle. Del Rio blocks a hip toss but Jimmy with a clothesline and chop. Jey tags in and he hits a forearm into the corner. Jey with a snap mare and he gets a near fall. Rusev tags in and he kicks Jey.

    Rusev with kicks to the back. Rusev with head butts. Jey with punches to Rusev but Rusev blocks a hip toss and connects with a knee. Jey sends Rusev into the turnbuckles. Jimmy tags in and they go for a double hip toss but Rusev blocks it. Jimmy and Jey with a double flapjack. Jimmy with a top wrist lock.

    Rusev grabs the leg and takes Jimmy to the mat. Del Rio tags in and he kicks Jimmy in the back. Del Rio with a snap mare and drop kick. Rusev tags in and he connects with a knee into the corner. Rusev with an Irish whip but Jimmy slides and connects with an uppercut. Jey tags in and he goes up top and connects with a double sledge to the arm. Jey is sent to the apron but he drops Rusev on the top rope. Jey punches Del Rio but Rusev stops Jey on the turnbuckles and hits an overhead belly-to-belly throw.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Rusev misses the Asiatic Spike on Jey. Jey with kicks but Rusev blocks it. Rusev avoids the dragon whip and Rusev with a drop kick to send Jey to the floor. Del Rio tags in and Del Rio with a kick to the back. Del Rio with a clothesline into the corner and follows with a second one. Del Rio with a DDT and he gets a near fall. Del Rio with a thrust kick and then he tags in Rusev.

    Rusev with a reverse chin lock. Jey with punches but Rusev with a knee and he goes after Jimmy on the apron. Jey with a Samoan drop and Jimmy and Del Rio tag in. Jimmy with clotheslines and a thrust kick followed by an uppercut. Jimmy with a belly-to-back suplex to Del Rio and then he sets for the running butt splash into the corner and he connects. Jimmy gets a near fall.

    Jimmy discusses the count with the referee. Del Rio with an arm breaker. Del Rio misses a super kick. Jimmy with a dragon whip and he goes up top but Del Rio crotches Jimmy on the turnbuckles. Del Rio with a shot to the back and he climbs the turnbuckles and sets for the double stomp.

    Jimmy moves and Jey tags in. Jimmy with a super kick and Jey with a superfly splash for a near fall that is broken up by Rusev. Jimmy clotheslines Rusev over the top rope to the floor. Jimmy misses a slingshot plancha. Jey hits Rusev with a suicide dive. Del Rio with an enzuigiri to Jey and then he sends Jey shoulder first into the ring post. Del Rio goes up top and hits the double stomp with Jey in the ropes. Del Rio gets the three count.

    Winners: Alberto Del Rio and Rusev

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Dolph is in the Goldman Box. He says it is that time of year, including the Royal Rumble. He gets to punch his ticket for the biggest show of the year, Wrestlemania.

    Dolph Ziggler vs Heath Slater (with Bo Dallas, Adam Rose, and Curtis Axel)

    They lock up and Ziggler with an arm bar and rollup for a near fall. Ziggler with a front face lock but he misses a super kick and Slater gets out of the way. They lock up and Slater with a waist lock and Ziggler with a double leg take down. Ziggler with a bow and arrow into a rollup for a near fall. Ziggler with a front face lock and Slater tries to get Ziggler off but Ziggler with a rollup for a near fall.

    Ziggler with a drop kick and splash into the corner followed by a neck breaker and an elbow drop for a near fall. Ziggler with a front face lock and he backs Slater into the corner. Slater with a punch and he connects with a kick to the midsection and another punch. Slater with more punches. Ziggler with a kick and swinging neck breaker but Ziggler misses a Stinger Splash. Slater with a high knee for a near fall.

    Slater with elbows to the back and he follows with a knee to the back before applying a reverse chin lock. Ziggler with a hesitation DDT. Ziggler sets for the super kick but Rose gets on the apron and that distraction allows Slater to get a near fall with a rollup. Slater with a rollup for a near fall. Bo distracts Ziggler and Slater gets the rollup for the three count.

    Winner: Heath Slater

    After the match
    Heath Slater says it looks like he has found some friends.

    Adam says they are four unique flowers ready to ride off into the stratosphere.

    Curtis Axel says he was lost and now he is found. The chains are off.

    Bo says man is not measured by the time he gets knocked down. He is measured by the number of times he gets up. They stand together.

    Heath says they are trending worldwide. Social Outcasts.

    Bo says BOLIEVE.

    The New Day are in the back and Big E has a gong.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Roman Reigns is in the locker room. Vince McMahon stops by and he says that despite Roman’s uncalled for comments earlier, he wanted to go over the rules for the match. Roman is told there is no outside interference, foreign objects, gouging, low blows, eye scratching. Roman needs to obey Vince’s commands at all times.

    It is time to not be sour as you clap for the World Famous Two Time Champs. IT’S A NEW DAY.

    The New Day make their way to the ring but Big E is gongless.

    Big E wants everyone to pipe down. Two Thousand and Sixteen will be the most magical year of their lives. Big E says it is lit. It starts tonight when they break Kalisto and those dirty disgusting Dudley Boys faster than Mike Tyson busted his booty on his hoverboard.

    Xavier says they will recreate that moment. Xavier gives Francesca to Kofi and then Xavier does his best Mike Tyson impression.

    Kofi reminds them that Mike Tyson is a WWE Hall of Famer and then he says Mike fell pretty hard. Kofi says out with the old and in with the New Day.

    Kofi has a present for all of you.

    There is a countdown on the TitanTron . . .

    and Chris Jericho interrupts as he makes his return.

    Chris welcomes everyone to Raw is Jericho. He says that he is one of the most charismatic showmen in WWE history. Chris says he is back to save the WWE.

    Xavier says that just because you are a living legend, have you been watching WWE in 2015? They saved the WWE with the Power of Positivity.

    Chris says he is positive that he is looking at three unicorn horn wearing jackasses. Chris says they look stupid. Chris says one minute of Y2J is more entertaining than all of Raw. Everything in the WWE needed a boost with a little Y2J.

    Chris says he misses the Jerichoholics. He wants to apologize for having to sit through five minutes of Green Day and their Rooty Tooty gyrations.

    Big E wants to know who Chris is calling Rooty Tooty Booty.

    Chris repeats it so the crowd has to do it.

    Chris tells them to shut the hell up. Chris says he has something important to say. On January 24th at the Royal Rumble, Chris Jericho is officially in the Royal Rumble match. Chris says he will throw out 29 other superstars including the three of you if necessary. He will go on to the main event of Wrestlemania for the second time.

    Chris says that now that he is back in the WWE, everyone will never EEVER be the same Agayne.

    We go to commercial.

    Kofi Kingston, Big E, and Xavier Woods vs Bubba Ray Dudley, D-Von Dudley, and Kalisto

    Woods and Kalisto start things off and Woods says he wants Bubba. Bubba is okay with the tag being made. They lock up and Woods with a chop. They lock up and Bubba returns the favor with a chop in the corner but it is to the back because Woods flinched. Bubba with another chop and Kofi tags in. Bubba with a chop and wrist lock. Kalisto tags in and he hits a springboard double sledge to the arm.

    Kalisto with a wrist lock. Kofi with a reversal but Kalisto with a reversal of his own for a near fall. Kalisto with an arm bar. Bubba tags back in and he hits a delayed vertical suplex. Bubba gets a near fall. Kalisto tags back in and he hits a springboard double sledge to the arm. Kalisto returns to the arm bar.

    D-Von tags in and he connects with a head butt. Kofi with a punch and Xavier tags in and D-Von with a hip toss. Kofi and Woods go to the floor. Kalisto tags in and Bubba presses Kalisto over his head and tosses him onto The New Day.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Big E with a shoulder tackle and a belly-to-belly suplex on Bubba for a near fall. Xavier tags in and he punches Bubba. Bubba with a head butt but Woods with a drop kick and a snap mare followed by a kick for a near fall. Woods with a cobra clutch. Woods with a thrust kick and a kick to the chest for a near fall. Kofi tags in and slingshots into the ring with a kick. Kofi with a running kick for a near fall.

    Kofi with a kick and punches in the corner. Kofi misses a splash into the corner and Kalisto tags in and Kalisto gets on Bubba’s shoulders for a seated splash. Kalisto with a springboard corkscrew splash. Kalisto takes care of Woods and Big E. Kalisto with a Listo Kick and then Woods grabs Kalisto. Big E tags in and hits a splash on the apron.

    Big E sends Kalisto back into the corner and he kicks Kalisto. Woods tags in and kicks more. Kofi tags in and kicks him. Big E with kicks. Kofi tags in and gets Irish whipped into the corner for a drop kick as Woods plays along. The New Day dances for a moment and then Kofi kicks Kalisto into the midsection and he punches Kalisto.

    Woods tags in and he connects with a fist drop. Woods puts Kalisto in the ropes and hits a drop kick to the back and Woods gets a near fall. Woods with another cobra clutch on Kalisto this time. Woods with a snap mare and Sliding D. Kofi tags in and kicks Kalisto. Big E tags in and he hits the Kamala Splash and gets a near fall. Big E sends Kalisto to the apron but Kalisto with an enzuigiri. Big E goes for the spear through the ropes and Kalisto moves.

    D-Von and Woods tag in and D-Von with a clothesline and elbow. D-Von with a flying shoulder tackle and a neck breaker. D-Von with a spinebuster to Kofi. D-Von with a splash to Woods and a flying shoulder tackle. Woods with a rollup on D-Von for a near fall. D-Von with an elbow and Bubba with a back body drop.

    Bubba flips flops and flies with a Bubbonic Elbow. Bubba with a Bubba Bomb to Woods for a near fall. Kalisto with a handspring round kick to Big E followed by a suicide dive but Big E catches Kalisto and he runs Kalisto into the turnbuckles. Kofi tags in and Bubba slams Kofi and then D-Von goes up top for the Wassup head butt but Woods pushes D-Von off the turnbuckles. Bubba chases Woods.

    Big E tags in and they hits the spike Big Ending for the three count.

    Winners: Big E, Kofi Kingston, and Xavier Woods

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and it is time to take a look back at how we got tonight’s Main Event.

    WWE World Heavyweight Title
    Sheamus (c) vs Roman Reigns
    Guest Referee Vince McMahon

    Sheamus attacks Roman while Vince holds on to the title belt and Sheamus with a slam for a near fall. Sheamus with a clothesline for a near fall. Sheamus with an elbow to the head. Sheamus sends Reigns into the turnbuckles and he connects with knees. Sheamus climbs the turnbuckles and punches Sheamus but Roman gets out of the corner and Sheamus hits the turnbuckles. Reigns with a kick.

    Sheamus with a hard Irish whip for a near fall. Reigns with punches and a clothesline. Reigns gets Sheamus on his shoulders but Sheamus gets to his feet. Reigns with a punch and Neverending Story in the corner. Reigns clotheslines Sheamus over the top rope and he follows Sheamus to the floor.

    Sheamus sends Reigns into the ring steps. Vince looks at Lillian while Roman is hit in the head with the ring steps.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Sheamus with a reverse chin lock. Reigns with punches. Sheamus with a knee to the midsection. Sheamus puts Reigns in the ropes and he connects with forearms. We see footage from the commercial break when Sheamus slammed Reigns on the announce table. Sheamus with punches to the back. Sheamus with a Finlay Slam and he gets a near fall.

    Reigns with punches to Sheamus but Sheamus with a sleeper attempt. Reigns with a belly-to-back suplex to get out of the hold. Vince gives Sheamus some encouragement to try to cover Reigns but Sheamus with a European uppercut. Reigns with punches. Sheamus with a side head lock and Reigns with clotheslines followed by a flying clothesline. Reigns with a splash into the corner but Reigns is sent to the apron. Reigns drops Sheamus on the top rope and Reigns with the Juggernaut Broad Jump Drop Kick and Reigns with a Samoan Drop.

    Sheamus is able to kick out because Vince takes his time to make the count. Vince explains his cadence to Reigns. Reigns with a reverse chin lock in the ropes but Sheamus drops Reigns on the ropes. Sheamus with a knee lift from the apron. Sheamus with White Noise set up and Reigns with a one arm sit out power bomb. Vince gets something in his eye before he can make the three count.

    Vince says he has something in his eye but Reigns thinks he might be lying. Sheamus with a rollup for a near fall. Reigns with a Superman Punch and Vince refuses to make the count.

    Reigns wants to hit Vince and then Reigns sets for the spear but instead he hits Vince with a Superman Punch. Reigns avoids a Brogue Kick and Reigns with a spear but there is no referee to make the count. Reigns wants an official to come to the ring.

    Sheamus rolls to the apron and Reigns is alone in the ring who is conscious. Reigns goes for the Juggernaut Broad Jump Drop Kicka gain. Reigns with a Superman punch off the steps. Reigns sends Sheamus over the announce table.

    Vince wakes up and he sees Reigns at ringside.

    Reigns gets back into the ring and Vince tries to leave the ring. Reigns throws Vince down. Reigns grabs Vince and then he looks up. Reigns is stopped by Stephanie McMahon’s music.

    Stephanie runs to the ring and she makes her way to the ring. Stephanie gets on the ropes and Reigns throws Vince at Stephanie and Stephanie falls into the ring.

    Stephanie gets out of the ring and Roman looks at Stephanie and then Vince. Roman tells Stephanie to watch and Reigns sets for a spear but Sheamus with a Brogue Kick and a second Brogue Kick. Sheamus wants Vince to make the count so they send in Scott Armstrong but he can only make a two count.

    Sheamus argues with Scott Armstrong. Sheamus tells Armstrong to hold Reigns up for the Brogue Kick and Reigns with a Superman punch to Armstrong and Sheamus. Reigns with a spear and referee three makes the count.

    Winner: Roman Reigns

    After the match
    Vince punches the referee who made the three count.

    Vince takes the mic and he says that as the Chairman and CEO of this company that the next time you defend that championship, it will be at the Royal Rumble. If it is one versus all, it will be you defending the title against 29 other men in the Royal Rumble match.

    We go to credits.

  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Quick opening tonight.

  3. #3
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Good match between Neville and Owens.

  4. #4
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Well Ambrose got his revenge on Owens lol

  5. #5
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Just seems a unfair match between Titus and Stardust.

  6. #6
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Why is Flair even at ringside. He is not a manager.

  7. #7
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Becky Lynch and Charlotte have good matches but I see no reason for Flair to be at ringside. Well done Becky

  8. #8
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    I must admit, I would like to see Big Show vs Strowman.

  9. #9
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Wyatt family in the Royal Rumble should be good.

  10. #10
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Jericho in the Royal Rumble. Waste of a position since he will not win.

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