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    Starring At Alexa's Ass A Blissful Ass's Avatar
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    Default WWE Raw Live Coverage & Discussion Thread - 14th March 2016

    Venue: CONSOL Energy Center
    City: Pittsburgh PA

    Announcers: JBL Michael Cole & Byron Saxton


    Spoiler: WWE Legend Booked For Monday's RAW

    I noted last week that WWE Hall of Famer Mick Foley was scheduled to appear on an upcoming RAW for a WrestleMania 32 related angle as Foley is also expected to appear live at the big event in Dallas on April 3rd.

    Foley is booked to appear on tomorrow's RAW in Pittsburgh, according to PWInsider. As noted, Shane McMahon, Brock Lesnar and The Undertaker will also be appearing this week.


    WWE announced this afternoon on Twitter that WWE Tag Team Champions New Day will be defending their titles against The League of Nations again on tomorrow night's Raw, with a bit of a twist -- Alberto Del Rio and Rusev will be the combination they face.

    The duo of King Barrett and Sheamus came up short against New Day during last night's WWE Roadblock special. No member of League of Nations has ever held the WWE Tag Team Championship in their careers.

  2. #2
    GOD OF THUNDER Kemo's Avatar
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    New Day made their entrance and got a mild “New Day Rocks” chant. They brought the box of BootyO’s with them. There were some boos as they entered the ring and played up the BootyO’s cereal and said it was a legit item on WWE’s website. They boasted about being two-time champions and drew more boos than cheers. They got the crowd to chant along with “New Day Rocks.”

    Michael Cole, JBL, and Byron Saxton checked in on commentary as League of Nations made their entrance. Cole explained that New Day beat Sheamus and King Barrett at Roadblock on Saturday…

    Big E and Xavier Woods (w/Kofi Kingston) vs. Rusev and Alberto Del Rio (w/Sheamus, King Barrett) for the WWE Tag Team Championship.

    Cole noted that Freebirds Rules were in play for New Day. JBL credited the idea to Ole Anderson and Eddie Graham. Woods managed to play the trombone on the apron when he wasn’t the legal man. Once Woods tagged in, he was distracted by Barrett, which led to Del Rio catching him with a running enziguri in the corner heading into the break.

    LON isolated Woods and took turns working him over. At one point, Del Rio applied the Cross Arm Breaker while hanging over the ropes. Woods tapped, but it didn’t count because ADR was on the ropes. The broadcast team didn’t make a fuss over that. Big E took the hot tag and performed some impressive power moves on Rusev, who came back with a spinning kick for a two count.

    The heels came back and Del Rio double stomped E on the apron. Saxton noted that it’s the hardest part of the ring. Rusev got a nice near fall on Woods. Kingston, who had a wrap on his arm, mixed it up with Barrett on the floor and got the better of the exchange. Rusev reached out and grabbed Kingston. Woods rolled up Rusev and held his tights while getting the pin.

    Big E and Xavier Woods beat Rusev and Alberto Del Rio in 13:45 to retain the WWE Tag Team Championship.

    After the match, LON attacked the New Day members and left them all lying. It included a double stomp from Del Rio on Woods in the corner, and then Rusev applied the Accolade. The LON members mugged for the crowd and were booed as they took bows heading into the break.

    The broadcast team spoke about the previous match and angle and suggested that there had been a changing of the guard in the tag division…

    Dean Ambrose’s music interrupted the broadcast team and he headed to the ring wearing street clothes. The false finish in the Roadblock main event was recapped. Ambrose spoke about how close he came to winning at Roadblock and said Pittsburgh would have been the biggest party this side of Mardi Gras.

    There was a loud “Let’s Go Ambrose” chant. Ambrose paused to let the fans chant and then said people can ask Triple H how he feels. He said Hunter learned what happens when you underestimate him. Ambrose said that brings him to WrestleMania.

    Brock Lesnar’s music played and he walked onto the stage with Paul Heyman at his side. Heyman introduced himself and said he’s the one voice of reason that is saving Ambrose from taking a hellacious beating from Lesnar. Ambrose scoffed at the notion that he needs protection and dared Heyman to “let the beast off his leash.”

    Heyman said one of the selling points for WrestleMania is seeing how severe the ass kicking that Lesnar dishes out. He begged Ambrose to stop provoking Lesnar. Ambrose said Lesnar is doing his “bouncy thing” and looked ready to fight.

    Heyman hyped WWE Network as the only place to see WrestleMania and brought up the free month for new subscribers. He billed the Lesnar vs. Ambrose match as the main event of the show. Heyman closed the segment and headed backstage with Lesnar’s music playing.

    Lesnar remained on the stage and walked toward the ring. Lesnar’s music stopped playing. Heyman came and could be heard saying, “What are you going? That was it.” Ambrose had a crowbar in the ring. Lesnar took a slow lap round the ring with Ambrose calling for him to enter the ring.

    Lesnar finished his lap and stopped. The crowd booed thinking he was leaving. Lesnar teased entering the ring, but he ducked away when Ambrose came at him with the crowbar. Lesnar smirked. Cole questioned what would have happened if Ambrose had struck Lesnar with the crowbar. They cut to break with Lesnar and Heyman still at ringside.


    ***GAME OVER!***

  3. #3
    GOD OF THUNDER Kemo's Avatar
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    Ryback vs. Sin Cara (w/Kalisto)

    Kalisto wore white and Sin Cara once again wore his black gear. JBL said a good big guy beats a good little guy every time. Saxton argued. Ryback dominated the early offense.

    Kalisto tried to start a “lucha” chant at ringside. The crowd responded with an audible “We Want Angle” chant. Sin Cara got a hope spot, but Ryback caught him going for a springboard move and put him down with Shellshocked. Ryback looked at Kalisto and performed the move a second time and then stared at Kalisto while pinning Sin Cara.

    After the match, Ryback said that’s what happens when a good big guy beat a good little guy. “Believe me, size matters,” Ryback said. Ryback challenged Kalisto to a title match at WrestleMania. Poor Ryback had to drop the mic and leave before Kalisto could respond…

    Ryback beat Sin Cara in 4:15

    Mad Dog Vachon, Junkyard Dog, and Road Dogg clips aired as part of a WWE sponsorship with Burger King, which is shilling hot dogs…

    Stephanie McMahon headed to the ring for a promo to a flat reaction. She welcomed viewers to Raw and received a mixed reaction. Steph said that’s the part where they should cheer not boo and told the fans to get with the program. Stephanie introduced Triple H.

    Triple H made his entrance wearing a suit and carrying the WWE World Heavyweight Championship while the broadcast team hyped his WrestleMania match against Roman Reigns. Hunter and Steph kissed, then she wiped the lipstick from his lips.

    Hunter said the world watched Roadblock hoping that Ambrose was the one to stand up to authority and stop the tyranny by winning the title. “And then he failed,” Hunter said. Triple H said the fans relate to Ambrose and Reigns because they hope they can end the reign of the authority. He talked about how fans leave high school full of hope. He said they get married and have kids and lose hope. He said their wives hate them and now the guys sit around and drink with their friends and bitch about the authority in their lives.

    Hunter said the biggest hope of the average person is that they win the lottery. He said 30 years in, maybe employers give them a watch. However, the wife has left them and the kids don’t visit “because you’re a loser.” Hunter took this scenario all the way to the nursing home. Hunter said that’s how all the fans live their lives.

    Hunter said the fans love Reigns because he gives them hope. There were some boos. Hunter said Reigns will fail and the Authority always wins. Just as he was about to wrap up his promo, Dolph Ziggler’s entrance music played.

    Ziggler came to the ring. “Speaking of failure,” Stephanie said. Ziggler said that was a good one. Ziggler said he heard them talk about guys knowing their place. He said he knows his place and it’s busting his ass in the ring every night.

    Stephanie accused him of pandering like Cena. She teased firing him and Ziggler asked how many times they can tease him with that. He said you eventually get to the point where you have nothing to lose. Ziggler said he is not going to quit coming to work and no matter what they say, he’s not going to quit.

    Ziggler said he couldn’t take any more of them talking about the fans the way they did. He said he and Dean Ambrose are not failures, they were screwed by the system. Ziggler said they could fire him, but he’s not going anywhere and he wasn’t going to quit. Stephanie was about to fire him when Hunter stepped in.

    Hunter said the fans love Ziggler. Hunter got the crowd to deliver a round of applause for Ziggler when he asked a couple times if they love him. Hunter said he’s a lovable loser like the fans. Hunter said Ziggler is really good and could be great, but maybe he doesn’t have the right people backing him up. He said if the right people were giving Ziggler advice then maybe he could get everything he wants out of life.

    Ziggler said he wouldn’t side with Hunter and Stephanie if they were the last people on Earth. He called Stephanie egotistical and idiotic. Stephanie slapped him. Stephanie said she’s going to break his spirit. Dolph said he wouldn’t quit no matter what type of punishment match they put him in.

    Stephanie booked Ziggler in a match against Triple H. Dolph and Hunter had a stare down and then Hunter’s music played to end the segment. Cole said Ziggler’s WrestleMania moment hangs in the balance.

    The broadcast team hyped the match at ringside, then they hyped a Vince, Shane, and Undertaker segment for later in the show

    A shot aired of Stephanie McMahon walking backstage.


    ***GAME OVER!***

  4. #4
    GOD OF THUNDER Kemo's Avatar
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    Sami Zayn vs. The Miz

    Kevin Owens sat in on commentary and said it was a huge mistake for Zayn to save Neville from his attack last week. Owens mocked Sayn for teasing a dive to ringside and instead doing a flip off the ropes. “Good job, you landed on your feet,” Owens remarked. At ringside, Miz whipped Zayn into the barricade, but Zayn leapt onto it and did a backflip onto Miz heading into the break.

    Zayn dove onto Miz at ringside. Owens stood up and jawed at Zayn. Miz struck Owens from behind. Cole reminded viewers that Owens walked out on him during a Smackdown match. Miz was distracted by Owens after returning to the ring. Zayn caught him with a Helluva Kick and got the win. Zayn and Owens had a staredown afterward…

    Sami Zayn beat The Miz in 7:15

    The broadcast team recapped LON’s attack on New Day… Backstage, Renee Young interviewed LON. Del Rio said they sent a message. Barrett said it will translate to any message. Rusev said no one makes fun of him or LON and asked if they are laughing now. Sheamus challenged New Day to a match at WrestleMania. Sheamus said it won’t be a comedy, it will be a tragedy…

    Brie Bella and Alicia Fox made their entrance for a match against Team BAD

    A video package focussed on Conor’s Cure expanding with The V Foundation. Daniel Bryan, Brie Bella, and Stephanie McMahon were featured in the video package.

    Naomi and Tamina vs. Brie Bella and Alicia Fox

    Just as the match was about to start, Lana’s music played and she made her entrance. Brie performed a facebuster off the ropes on Tamina and had her pinned, but Naomi broke it up. Tamina popped right up like nothing happened. Lana climbed onto the apron and distracted the referee while Team BAD hit a double team move behind the ref’s back that led to the pin. Afterward, Alicia walked toward Lana, then turned around and ate a double superkick from Team BAD.

    Naomi and Tamina beat Brie Bella and Alicia Fox in 2:40

    Cole hyped Triple H in action for the first time on Raw in nearly three years. Cole said that if Ziggler wins, he gets to pick his match at WrestleMania…

    Backstage, The Social Medias pimped Burger King hotdogs. Their pitch was cut off by the director and the rest of the guys put a BK crown on Axel’s head. The other team members took the hotdogs he was carrying.


    ***GAME OVER!***

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    Backstage, JoJo interviewed Paige and tried to talk about Total Divas. Paige said it’s WrestleMania season, then spoke about making an impact inside and outside the ring. Lana showed up and told Paige that she used to be a strong European woman, but then she lost the title. Lana suspects it’s because Paige is always hanging out with weak Americans on Total Divas. Paige said Lana bounces from man to man and hasn’t even had a real match yet. Team BAD showed up and had Lana’s back.

    Cole hyped the Charlotte vs. Sasha Banks vs. Becky Lynch for the Divas Championship for WrestleMania…

    Backstage, Renee Young interviewed Charlotte and Ric Flair about the match. Charlotte said she knew Sasha and Becky “before they were Sasha and Becky.” Charlotte said she was holding Sasha’s hair back prior to her first NXT match because she was throwing out due to nerves. Charlotte said she doesn’t see Sasha as The Boss. Charlotte said Becky used to stand around and basically beg to be included.

    Young said Charlotte talks like she never cared about either woman. Flair said Charlotte called him once and said there were two women in NXT who were going to be great, but then added that she is going to be better. Charlotte said both women will learn on Thursday (Smackdown) that they can’t run from their pasts forever…

    Cole hyped Edge on ESPNews SportsCenter. The Uso Brothers made their entrance for the time filling match of the evening.

    The Uso Brothers vs. Bo Dallas and Adam Rose (w/Curtis Axel, Heath Slater)

    The Dudley Boyz sat in on commentary. The Uso Brothers held a superkick party (sigh). The Dudley Boyz left the broadcast table and jawed at the Uso Brothers from the entrance ramp. One of the Uso Brothers performed a top rope splash on Dallas and pinned him…

    The Uso Brothers beat Bo Dallas and Adam Rose in 2:00

    Backstage, Ambrose continued his tribute to Chris Ford and then asked, “What are you doing here?” Mick Foley showed up and said he needed to talk to Ambrose about his match with Brock Lesnar. Foley said he and Ambrose both know the match is a bad idea. Foley said Ambrose is going to get hurt badly and it seems like he’s looking forward to it. Ambrose said he’s not a baseball player and it is what it is.

    Ambrose said that when Foley was standing on top of the Hell in a Cell structure in the match with Taker why he kept going. Foley said the people looked like ants and he was terrified, but he’s Mick Foley and that’s what he did. “I’m Dean Ambrose and that’s what I do,” Ambrose said. Foley gave Ambrose a gift box and said it was a passing of the torch. Ambrose opened the box and it was a barbwire baseball bat.

    A graphic touted WWE’s success on Facebook and included another plug for Burger King.


    ***GAME OVER!***

  6. #6
    GOD OF THUNDER Kemo's Avatar
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    WWE World Heavyweight Champion Triple H (w/Stephanie McMahon) vs. Dolph Ziggler in a non-title match

    The crowd was very quiet as Ziggler applied an early headlock. Ziggler scored a couple of two counts and then threw a really nice dropkick that resulted in another two count. Hunter came back with an elbow and then ran Ziggler into the barricade heading into the break. [C]

    Ziggler started to comeback, but Hunter threw a high knee and fell down. Hunter covered Ziggler for two. Hunter dropped a knee on Dolph for another two count. Ziggler charged at Hunter, who tossed him to ringside. Hunter ran Ziggler into the ring steps. Cole noted that the shoulder that Hunter had been working on was run into the steps.

    With Ziggler down, Hunter sat on the top rope and looked to the crowd, which grumbled a bit. Hunter leapt off the middle rope and into Ziggler’s boot. Later, Hunter blocked a superkick, but Ziggler rolled him up for two. Dolph followed up with a Fameasser for a good near fall that woke up the crowd. Ziggler performed a DDT for a near fall.

    Hunter came back with a spinebuster. Stephanie showed good fire by yelling at Hunter to cover Ziggler. Hunter was slow to get up as he sold the effects of Dolph’s offense. Hunter picked up Ziggler for a Pedigree, but Ziggler superkicked him and covered him for another really good near fall.

    Hunter rolled to ringside and Dolph followed. Ziggler threw a shot to the back of Hunter’s neck and then rolled him inside the ring. Ziggler tried to follow, but Hunter shoved him off the apron and into the barricade. Ziggler beat the count and Hunter immediately tried to deliver his finisher just as he did at Roadblock, but Ziggler blocked it. Hunter hit the move moments later for the win…

    Triple H beat Dolph Ziggler in a non-title match in 17:30

    After the match, Roman Reigns’ music played and he made his entrance via the stage while Hunter looked to the area where he normally walks out. Reigns stood the the stage and stared at Hunter, who looked intimidated once he saw Reigns.

    Reigns headed to the ring and took Hunter down and punched him. They rolled around a bit and there were some boos whenever Reigns went on the offensive. Reigns took the fight to ringside and whipped Hunter into the barricade a couple times. Reigns slammed Hunter’s head off the ring post and then slammed Hunter’s head into the broadcast table repeatedly just as Hunter did to him. Reigns threw Hunter over the table and the boos grew with some cheers mixed in.

    Referees tried to intervene and Reigns shoved one of them down. Hunter grabbed soda can and slammed it onto Reigns’ head. Reigns came right back and Hunter tried to walk away, but Reigns jawed at him, caught him, and struck him repeatedly. “I’ve never seen Roman Reigns like this,” Cole said.

    Hunter escaped to the area next to the stage before Reigns caught him. They fought into the production area where Reigns slammed a case onto Hunter. JBL called for someone to stop Reigns. Cole said he’s not sure anyone could. Hunter had a cut on the side of his head as the fight continued into a backstage area. One of the referees limped out of the picture and then Reigns threw a trash bucket at Hunter.

    Reigns picked up a television monitor and slammed it onto Hunter. The Uso Brothers, Jack Swagger, and Mark Henry showed up and talked Reigns down, telling him to do it at WrestleMania.


    ***GAME OVER!***

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    The broadcast team recapped the Reigns and Hunter brawl and then hyped WWE Network being free for new subscribers. They are still leaving out the NXT Takeover: Dallas show, which is ridiculous… A brief video acknowledged Jacqueline Moore’s Hall of Fame announcement…

    Backstage, Goldust fought R-Truth dressed in a Penguin outfit. Goldust assumed Truth did it because it’s similar to something he would do. Truth said penguins have their mates forever, then asked Goldust if he would be his penguin. A yes chant started briefly, but Goldust told him no…

    Chris Jericho made his entrance and Cole said he would be in action after the break

    Jericho told a fan to sit down and shut up, and told him he knew where he could stick his sign. Jericho told the fans that he can’t believe they chose AJ Styles over him. Jericho said the response for Styles has been overwhelming, but his talent is not. Jericho said Styles is a hack. Jericho said Styles is arrogant and in over his head just like the fans are in life. Jericho asked Styles who his daddy is, then responded “me.” Neville made his entrance.

    Chris Jericho vs. Neville

    Cole recalled the match that Jericho and Neville had at the Beast in the East show. Neville got off to a quick start. Jericho went to ringside and kicked the ring steps, then shoved the camera and said, “Get out of my face.”

    After the break, Jericho rolled up Neville. The referee stopped his count at two. Jericho stood up and shoved the referee for the DQ.

    Neville beat Chris Jericho by DQ in 4:50

    After the match, Jericho took the mic and told the fans to shut their mouths. He said this is what happens when he is treated like a piece of trash. Jericho said he is the best in the world at what he does. He told the fans to go ahead and chant for Styles, which they did. Jericho continued to encourage them.

    AJ Styles made his entrance. Styles punched Jericho and then performed “the phenomenal forearm” (springboard forearm). Styles stood over Jericho as they got a shot of the two of them and the WrestleMania sign…

    At ringside, the broadcast team stated that Dish Network may drop some NBC channels including USA. They encouraged fans to join a “make Dish deliver” campaign… Saxton hyped the Undertaker and McMahons segment for after the break.


    ***GAME OVER!***

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    Cole hyped Charlotte, Becky, and Sasha in a “face to face to face” segment for Smackdown. Saxton questioned whether Roman Reigns would appear on Smackdown…

    Vince McMahon strutted his way to the ring. He made Lilian introduce him again because the crowd didn’t give him the reaction he deserved. Vince told the fans to imagine Shane standing in the ring the night after WrestleMania. He got the “What?” treatment as he said Shane promised better matches and an influx of new talent. Vince said it’s not going to happen, then introduced Undertaker as “my instrument of destruction.”

    [Overrun] Undertaker made his entrance and joined Vince in the ring. The Pittsburgh crowd came to life with the Undertaker chants. Vince told Taker not to put his hands on him every again. Taker glared at Vince and then removed his trench coat and hat, then rolled his eyes in the back of his head.

    Vince said he will consider it a lapse of judgement for Taker a couple weeks ago, then said it was a lapse in judgement for him to bring it up and he said he wanted to apologize. Vince said Taker knows him and knows his name. He said Taker doesn’t mind getting his hands dirty and doing the devil’s work. The fans chanted for Shane. Vince spoke up and silenced them as he spoke about what Taker would do to Shane. Vince said some might call them an unholy alliance, whereas he calls it what’s best for business.

    Shane McMahon made his entrance and did his silly dance on the stage and headed to the ring. The fans chanted “Shane O Mac” until Vince told them to shut up. Shane said Vince keeps throwing around the term “best for business” but he said Vince definitely isn’t what’s best for business anymore.

    Shane said he would give the devil his due. He said he finds himself in the match of a lifetime against Undertaker. Shane said he’s been watching footage of Taker and he thinks he knows how he is going to beat Taker. Shane said Taker is going to go to hit him “and I’m going to miss.” Shane corrected himself.

    Shane spoke about how he’s going to wear out Taker until he runs out of oxygen. Shane said he will turn his body into a 230 pound weapon. Shane said Taker knows that he won’t quit. Shane said he’s fighting for his children and the fans’ children as he fights for the future and legacy of WWE.

    Taker took a mic and said, “And it still ain’t gonna be enough.” Taker said what he has are his fists. Taker said that even more so than WrestleMania itself, his fists are his legacy. Shane said that Taker helped carry the company on his back for the last 25 years. Shane said Taker is the measuring stick.

    Shane said that’s why he’s so shocked that Taker is dancing around like a puppet while Vince is pulling the string. Taker put his head down and then said no one controls him. Shane said he sees it a bit differently. Shane said he has the misfortune of being Vince’s son, whereas Taker is just Vince’s bitch.

    Taker grabbed Shane by the throat. Shane slipped away and then Shane punched him a few times and then danced like a jackass. Taker swung at Shane, who escaped again. However, Vince shoved Shane into Taker, who chokeslammed Shane. Vince played cheerleader. Taker looked at Vince and then went after him, but Vince fled a ring pretty quickly for a 70 year-old. Taker’s music played while Cole spoke about how Vince threw his own son to the wolves and will be locking his son inside Hell in a Cell at WrestleMania.


    ***GAME OVER!***

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