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  1. #1
    Starring At Alexa's Ass A Blissful Ass's Avatar
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    Perth, Western Australia, Australia
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    Default WWE Extreme Rules May 22nd 2016 - Live Coverage & Discussion Thread

    Date: May 22, 2016
    Location: Prudential Center, Newark, NJ
    Announcers JBL,Michael Cole & Byron Saxton

    Important Links:

    Latest News on PPV / Have a Fun Bet on Bookie!


    WWE World Heavyweight Championship
    Extreme Rules Match
    Roman Reigns vs AJ Styles

    Submission Match for the WWE Women's Title
    Ric Flair is banned from ringside
    Charlotte vs Natalya

    WWE United States Title Match
    Rusev vs Kalisto

    WWE Tag Team Title Match
    The Vaudevillains vs The New Day

    WWE Intercontinental Championship
    The Miz (w/ Maryse) vs Kevin Owens vs Cesaro vs Sami Zayn

    Asylum Match
    Dean Ambrose vs Chris Jericho

    Texas Tornado Match
    Usos vs Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows


    No Disqualification Match
    Dolph Ziggler vs. Baron Corbin

    Last edited by A Blissful Ass; 05-20-2016 at 04:00 AM.

  2. #2
    Starring At Alexa's Ass A Blissful Ass's Avatar
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    Perth, Western Australia, Australia
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    - The 2016 WWE Extreme Rules Kickoff pre-show opens up with fans filing into the Prudential Center in Newark, New Jersey. Renee Young welcomes us and she's joined by Booker T, Jerry Lawler and Corey Graves. They hype tonight's show. Renee says the WWE Network has a 90% satisfaction rate. Renee sends us to Tom Phillips in the Social Media Lounge. He will have Rusev in the lounge for questions later this evening. We get hype for the first-ever Asylum match between Chris Jericho and Dean Ambrose tonight. They show the Asylum structure hanging above the ring full of weapons.

    - We come back from a break and get hype for the WWE Women's Title match. Paige and Becky Lynch join the panel to discuss the match. Paige predicts Charlotte will retain because she's sneaky. Lawler goes with Charlotte, Becky goes with Natalya and Booker agrees. Paige and Becky leave the panel as Renee hypes tonight's No DQ match. We take a break and come back to The Dudley Boyz coming out.

    - Mauro Ranallo and Byron Saxton are on commentary. Some fans boo as Bubba Ray Dudley and D-Von Dudley hit the ring. ECW chants start up now. D-Von asks what would Extreme Rules be without The Dudleyz. Bubba says they have been in more extreme matches than the entire locker room combined. Bubba asks if everyone remembers ECW and of course they do.

    Bubba tells fans to shut their mouth and stop acting like sheep. Bubba says in reality, The Dudleyz were responsible for killing off ECW because it went to the toilet when they left. Bubba says the toilet is where most of these "New Era" stars' careers will be going. They go on and tease getting the tables but diss New Jersey instead. They are above extreme now. The music hits and out comes Big Cass to a big pop.

    Cass cracks a joke about Bubba eating the table and all the food on it. Cass says the stars of the New Era will prove that they do what Bubba and D-Von used to do in front of bingo halls, but they do it better and in front of millions of people. Cass goes on with his promo and approaches the ring. He enters and gets attacked. Cass fights back but goes down to one knee. Fans chant for Enzo Amore as Cass tries to fight back to his feet. Cass moves and Bubba clotheslines D-Von. Cass boots Bubba and hits the East River Crossing on D-Von. Cass leaves and grabs a mic, leading the crowd in a "S.A.W.F.T" as we go to replays.

    - We see Rusev and Lana getting ready in the Social Media Lounge.

    - Renee sends us backstage to Jojo. She's with Maryse and WWE Intercontinental Champion The Miz. Miz mocks a movie promo and Maryse applauds him. He does a second take and apparently nails it. We go back to the panel for discussion on tonight's Fatal 4 Way and then to the Social Media Lounge with Tom Phillips, Rusev and Lana. Rusev isn't worried about Kalisto's speed because he has size. Lana says Kalisto is a cheater and he will see what happens tonight. They answer a few more questions and we go to a video package for tonight's main event.

    No DQ Match: Baron Corbin vs. Dolph Ziggler

    We go back to Mauro and Saxton as the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal trophy is at ringside. Baron Corbin makes his way out first as Eden does the introductions. Dolph Ziggler is out next to a pop.

    Corbin mushes Ziggler to start. Ziggler fires back and unloads on Corbin for a 1 count. Ziggler takes Corbin to the corner for more strikes. Corbin launches Ziggler to the floor. Ziggler fights back but Corbin pulls Ziggler face first into the ring post. Corbin rolls him back in the ring and nails elbows in the corner. Corbin with more offense and a pin attempt. Corbin ties Ziggler up in the ropes and works him over while talking trash.

    Corbin keeps Ziggler on the mat now. Ziggler breaks free with a jawbreaker and moves as Corbin charges. Corbin lands on the floor but comes back in. Ziggler with clotheslines and a splash in the corner. Ziggler gets hype after a neckbreaker. Corbin avoids an elbow drop and rolls to the floor. Ziggler grabs him but Corbin snaps him over the top rope. Corbin comes in and Ziggler nails a dropkick, then the elbow drop for a 2 count. Ziggler counters a move but gets caught in a big Deep Six for a 2 count. Ziggler ends up hitting a big DDT after a few counters. Ziggler with the Fame-asser for a 2 count.

    Ziggler unloads with strikes, elbows and headbutts. Corbin ducks a superkick and nails a stiff low blow. Fans boo as Ziggler falls to the mat in pain. Corbin nails End of Days for the win.

    Winner: Baron Corbin

    - After the match, Corbin stands tall as we go to replays. We come back and Corbin smirks as the referee checks on Ziggler. We go back to the panel to wrap the pre-show.

    Last edited by A Blissful Ass; 05-23-2016 at 05:14 AM.

  3. #3
    Starring At Alexa's Ass A Blissful Ass's Avatar
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    Main Show

    - The 2016 WWE Extreme Rules pay-per-view kicks off with a video package. We're live from the Prudential Center as the pyro goes off. Michael Cole welcomes us and he's joined by JBL and Byron Saxton at ringside. We see the international announce teams at ringside.

    Texas Tornado Tag Team Match: The Usos vs. Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson

    The Usos are out first, followed by Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson to a big pop. The teams start brawling at ringside and go at it. Jimmy Uso ends up beat down at ringside, allowing Jey Uso to dive out onto Gallows and Anderson. Jey brings it back in and hits a crossbody on Anderson for a 2 count. Gallows runs Uso into the ring post on the floor. Jey dives out but Gallows catches him. Anderson dives off the apron for a big double team move.

    Lots more back and forth action in and out of the ring. Anderson runs over Uso on the floor. Gallows stops Jey from diving out by holding his leg. Anderson runs in and hits Jey with a knee to the face. Anderson launches Uso into a big boot from Gallows for a 2 count. Fans boo as The Usos go up for double splashes. Anderson pushes Uso off to stop the sequence. Uso misses a corkscrew on Gallows. Gallows takes a Samoan Drop. Anderson takes out Uso for a 2 count. Anderson yells at Uso on the floor and charges but runs into a big superkick.

    Uso hits the Rikishi splash against the barrier but Gallows floors him. Gallows tosses Uso into the crowd. Gallows yells at Anderson to get up. Gallows grabs the ring bell and brings it in but gets superkicked. Uso goes for a splash but Gallows moves and he hits the bell. Anderson comes in for Magic Killer on Uso for the win.

    Winners: Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson

    - After the match, The Club stands tall as we go to replays. The Usos are down on the floor as referees help them to the back. Gallows and Anderson look on from the ring.

    WWE United States Title Match: Rusev vs. Kalisto

    We come back from a break and Eden introduces Lana, to do the introduction for Rusev. Cole shows us more international announce teams, including Sho Funaki helping with the Japanese commentary. WWE United States Champion Kalisto is out next.

    Rusev misses a kick and Kalisto nails some of his own. More back and forth. Kalisto goes for a corkscrew but Rusev knocks him out of the air. Rusev stomps away and keeps control. Rusev drops Kalisto with a big kick as some fans chant for Lana. Rusev drops a big elbow and covers for a pin attempt. Rusev keeps control and applies a bearhug and takes it to the mat. Rusev breaks the hug but drops a big knee to the back. Rusev puts Kalisto in a Torture Rack now.

    Kalisto gets a sleeper locked in at one point but it's broken. More back and forth. Kalisto with a big DDT out of the corner. Kalisto with kicks now. Rusev pushes him off and catches him. Kalisto lands on his feet and ducks clotheslines. Kalisto with a corkscrew and a hurricanrana for a 2 count. Kalisto springboards in but rolls through and dumps Rusev over the ropes. Kalisto ends up sending Rusev face first into the steel ring steps. Kalisto springboards in but Rusev kicks out at 2.

    They come back in and Kalisto goes to the top. Rusev catches him and slams him on the apron. The referee checks on Rusev and backs Rusev off. A trainer comes over and checks on Kalisto but Rusev drags him in the middle of the ring by his foot. Rusev stomps on Kalisto but the referee stops him and checks on Kalisto again. Rusev stomps and applies The Accolade for the win and the gold.

    Winner: Rusev

    - After the match, Rusev celebrates with Lana as we go to replays. He goes in front of the announcers and raises the title. Rusev leaves as trainers check on Kalisto in the ring.

    WWE Tag Team Title Match: The New Day vs. The Vaudevillains

    Back from a break and out comes WWE Tag Team Champions Big E, Xavier Woods and Kofi Kingston. They talk about their time machine getting destroyed and make some TV-14 jokes. They end it with a "New Day rocks" chant until the music interrupts. Fans boo as Simon Gotch and Aiden English begin their entrance.

    Woods starts off with a big clothesline on English. Woods keeps control until English dumps him to thew apron. Woods fights Gotch off but English knocks him into the ring post. Woods hits the floor and Gotch, who tagged in, unloads on him as the referee counts. Gotch brings Woods back in for a 2 count. English comes back in to work Woods over. Another tag to Gotch. Big E and English get tags at the same time. Big E with two big suplexes. Gotch comes in but also takes a suplex. Big E with a third belly to belly on English. Big E dances over English, runs the ropes and hits the big splash.

    Big E ends up trying to spear English off the apron but hits a knee instead. English drops Big E for a close 2 count. Kofi talks trash at ringside. Gotch stops a Big Ending from happening. Big E gets sent into the steel steps. English brings Woods back in and they hit the Whirling Dervish but Woods barely kicks out. Gotch comes back in but Woods fights them both off. Big E finally gets the spear on English, knocking him from the apron. Kofi nails Trouble In Paradise on Gotch while the referee isn't looking. Woods follows up and gets the pin for the win.

    Winners: The New Day

    - After the match, The New Day celebrates as we go backstage.

    - Renee Young is backstage with AJ Styles, who says he will become the new WWE World Heavyweight Champion no matter what.

    - We get a video for tonight's Fatal 4 Way.

    Fatal 4 Way for the WWE Intercontinental Title: Kevin Owens vs. Cesaro vs. Sami Zayn vs. The Miz

    We go to the ring and out first comes Kevin Owens. Cesaro is out next, followed by Sami Zayn. WWE Intercontinental Champion The Miz is out next with wife Maryse as the red carpet comes down the ramp.

    Sami starts the match with a Helluva Kick on Owens, sending him out to the floor. Sami ends up sending Miz and Cesaro to the floor next to each other. Sami runs the ropes and nails a dive on both of them. Sami brings Miz back in for a 2 count as the "ole!" chants start up. Miz pulls Sami int the turnbuckle and stomps away. Miz keeps control as fans boo his showing off. Owens makes his way back in and he's hot. He sends Miz out and goes to work on Sami. Owens plays to the crowd after kicking Sami in the back. Owens talks trash while working Sami over. Owens with the senton on Sami for a 2 count.

    Owens stops Miz from coming back in. Owens goes back to work on Sami in the middle of the ring. Sami tries to make a comeback but gets crotched. They end up top and Owens headbutts Sami to the mat. Miz runs in and climbs up for a superplex. Sami joins him but Cesaro comes in and sends all three tot he mat from the corner. Cesaro covers Miz for a close 2 count. Cesaro with a 2 count on Sami as Owens rolls to the floor. Cesaro and Sami go at it now. Sam hits a Blue Thunderbomb but Miz nails a kick to the face for a 2 count on Cesaro and a 2 count on Sami. Miz and Sami trade offense now. Cesaro slams Miz and Sami at the same time with a big suplex.

    Cesaro cranks up the Uppercut Train on all three opponents. He drops Miz with an uppercut and goes for the Cesaro Swing but Owens stops it with a German on Cesaro. Owens clotheslines Miz in the corner and hits a cannonball on Cesaro, then one on Miz. Sami also takes a corner cannonball. Cesaro ends up hitting a big uppercut on Sami. Miz with a Skull Crushing Finale on Cesaro for a close 2 count. Lots more back and forth between everyone. Cesaro gets the Swing on Miz and goes around several times before applying the Sharpshooter. Miz breaks the hold by getting the bottom rope. Maryse reaches in and Cesaro pulls her in the ring with Miz still in the hold. Miz taps out but the referee is busy with Maryse. Cesaro thinks he won. Owens rolls Cesaro up for a 2 count. Cesaro sends Owens to the floor. Miz comes from behind but Cesaro blocks a Skull Crushing Finale. Miz fights off another Swing. Owens goes to the top and hits a Frogsplash on Miz. Cesaro with a Neutralizer on Owens but Sami breaks the pin.

    Fans do the "ole!" chants as Sami takes control. Close pin attempts between Sami and Cesaro. Fans chant "this is awesome" now. Cesaro blocks a Helluva Kick with a massive uppercut. Sami still manages to nail the Exploder suplex in the corner. Sami goes for another Helluva Kick but Owens runs in and superkicks him. Owens with a pop-up powerbomb on Cesaro but Miz pulls him out of the ring during the pin. Owens sends Miz into the barrier. Owens argues with Maryse at ringside. Miz ends up going back in and hitting a Skull Crushing Finale on Cesaro for another close 2 count. A big "yes!" chant starts as Cesaro and Miz are in the middle of the ring recovering. Cesaro dumps Miz to the floor. Sami hits a Helluva Kick on Cesaro. Owens breaks Sami's pin by pulling him out. Sami sends Owens from barrier to barrier. Miz goes back in the ring and steals the pin for the win.

    Winner: The Miz

    - After the match, Maryse and Miz leave with the title as Sami looks on shocked. We go to replays and come back to Miz and Maryse kissing on the stage with the title in the air.

    - We go back to the panel for discussion on tonight's show. They air a video package for the first-ever Asylum match.

    The Asylum Match: Chris Jericho vs. Dean Ambrose

    The Asylum is lowered around the ring as we see the various weapons at the top. This match can only be won by submission or pinfall. Chris Jericho is out first as Lilian Garcia does the introduction. Dean Ambrose is out next to a pop. He enters The Asylum and the cage is locked.

    Ambrose strikes first and goes to work on Jericho in the corner. Jericho begs for the door to be opened but the referee won't do it because there are no escapes in this match. Ambrose runs Jericho along the steel of the cage and clotheslines him. Jericho drops Ambrose with an elbow. Jericho climbs to the top of the cage but Ambrose pulls him back down. Ambrose with a takedown off the ropes and right hands. Ambrose launches Jericho into the steel. Ambrose finally climbs up for a weapon but Jericho pulls him down. Jericho climbs up and they fight. Jericho reaches a mop first but Ambrose grabs it and hits him with it. Ambrose with a mop poke to the ear, sending Jericho to the mat.

    Ambrose brings the mop down and beats Jericho with it, then rubs the dirty end in his face. Jericho comes back and nails a missile dropkick for a 2 count. Jericho with more shots before climbing up for a weapon. Ambrose stops him and back suplexes Jericho to the mat. They climb up opposite sides now. Jericho grabs a barbed wire 2x4 while Ambrose grabs nunchaku. Ambrose ducks a shot and unloads with the chucks. Jericho tries to climb over the side of the cage but Ambrose holds onto him. Jericho grabs a kendo stick on beats on Ambrose at the top of the cage. Ambrose falls to the mat and Jericho smiles from the top of the cage. Fans boo him.

    Jericho with a few shots with the chucks. Jericho with a snap suplex for a 2 count. Jericho brings a strap down and beats on Ambrose while talking trash. Ambrose turns it around and grabs the strap now. Ambrose with big shots to the back with the strap, then all over. Ambrose mounts Jericho with right hands now. Jericho counters and launches Ambrose into the steel. Jericho wants the door opened again but the referee reminds him it stays shut. Jericho threatens the referee. Jericho climbs the cage again. Ambrose climbs up with him and stops him from climbing over. They trade shots on the top rope and Jericho gets crotched. Ambrose pulls a fire extinguisher down as fans cheer.

    Jericho brings a straitjacket down. Jericho blinds Ambrose with the straitjacket, blocks an extinguisher shot and nails an enziguri for a 2 count. Jericho keeps control and dropkicks Ambrose into the steel. Jericho talks trash and slaps Ambrose. Jericho tries to put the jacket on Ambrose now. Ambrose fights to his feet before the jacket is strapped in. Ambrose unloads on Jericho with punches and chops. Ambrose goes on and has the bulldog blocked but comes right back with a big clothesline. Ambrose with a 2 count. More back and forth. Jericho slams Ambrose over his knee. Fans chant for Seth Rollins now. Ambrose keeps control and finally hits the running bulldog.

    Ambrose climbs to the top of the cage once again. This time he stands up as Jericho gets to his feet. Ambrose nails a huge elbow drop from the top of the cage. Ambrose gets up first and climbs up to retrieve the mop bucket that's hanging. Ambrose pulls a bag of thumbtacks from the bucket and fans cheer. Jericho looks afraid and starts climbing out of the cage. Ambrose puts Jericho on his shoulders but Jericho rolls him up for 2. Ambrose goes to slam Jericho on the tacks but he blocks it again. Ambrose blocks a shot from Jericho to the tacks. More counters. Ambrose blocks the Walls of Jericho. Jericho sends Ambrose face first into the steel. Jericho goes for a Lionsault but Ambrose gets his knees up. Ambrose goes for Dirty Deeds on the tacks but Jericho counters again. Jericho gets the Walls applied this time.

    Ambrose finally breaks the hold with kendo stick shots. Jericho runs into a big boot and goes down. Ambrose climbs to the top with the kendo stick and jumps off but Jericho sprays the fire extinguisher at him and blinds him. Jericho nails a Codebreaker for a close 2 count. Jericho can't believe he kicked out. Jericho yells at Ambrose to stay down. Jericho nails Ambrose with the barbed wire 2x4 in the gut. Jericho with a 2x4 shot over the back. Ambrose gets up but Jericho hits him in the gut with it again. Jericho taunts Ambrose and tells him to get up. Ambrose catches a Codebreaker and slams Jericho onto the tacks. We see tacks sticking in Jericho's body and blood. Ambrose nails Dirty Deeds into the tacks for the win.

    Winner: Dean Ambrose

    - After the match, Jericho starts shaking as the referee checks on him. Ambrose has tacks all over him as well. We go to replays. We come back and The Asylum is being raised as Ambrose recovers and starts smiling. Jericho is getting to his feet and screaming as referees and a doctor tend to him. Ambrose makes his exit as Jericho sells the tacks, trying to kick a referee for pulling them out. Ambrose stops, looks back at the ring and laughs again.

    - We come back from a break and see Mick Foley's family at ringside.

    - They air a video package for tonight's Women's Title match.

    - We see Ric Flair backstage talking to his daughter.

    Submission Match for the WWE Women's Title: Natalya vs. Charlotte

    We go to the ring and out first comes Natalya. WWE Women's Champion Charlotte is out next. Ric Flair is banned from ringside and if he walks out, Charlotte forfeits the title.

    We get formal ring introductions from Eden. They lock up and Charlotte takes it to the corner. Natalya comes back and takes her down with headlocks. Natalya with another quick takedown that dazes Charlotte. Charlotte comes back and puts Natalya in a hold, telling the referee to ask her if she submits. Natalya gets free and turns it around. Natalya with a surfboard submission now. It's broken and they go at it again. Natalya ends up hitting a discus clothesline. Charlotte rolls back to the floor for a breather but Natalya follows. Charlotte with a chop and another. Charlotte with another chop against the barrier now. Natalya grabs Charlotte and sends her shoulder first into the ring post. They come back in and Natalya unloads with strikes in the corner. Charlotte with an elbow and a big boot to the face.

    Charlotte keeps control and works on the leg now. Charlotte with submissions but Natalya won't give up. Charlotte nails a moonsault from the top and applies a half Crab. It's broken and Natalya launches Charlotte with a German. She gets the Sharpshooter applied next. She keeps the hold applied until Ric Flair's music hits. The referee raises Natalya's hand as a person comes walking out backwards in a Flair robe. It turns out to be Dana Brooke in disguise. Charlotte tries to take advantage. Dana gets on the apron and Natalya struggles with her. Charlotte nails Natalya from behind and applies the Figure Eight for the win.

    Winner: Charlotte

    - After the match, Ric Flair comes out to celebrate with Dana and Charlotte in the ring. Dana boots Natalya and tells her to get out of the ring. Dana struts and dances with Flair as Charlotte raises the title.

    - We get a promo for tonight's main event.

    Extreme Rules Match for the WWE World Heavyweight Title: AJ Styles vs. Roman Reigns

    We go to the ring and out comes AJ Styles to a big pop. Fans start booing as they wait on Roman Reigns to come out. They get louder as the WWE World Heavyweight Champion makes his way out and raises the title.

    We get formal introductions from Lilian. The bell rings and they lock up. Reigns tries to overpower first but Styles uses his speed. Styles ducks a lock up but Reigns elbows him in the nose. Fans chant "you can't wrestle" as they trade holds. AJ with strikes in the corner until Reigns catches a kick and puts him down. Reigns with big blows in the corner. The boos continue. Reigns misses a right hand as AJ fires back. AJ charges and Reigns nails a jumping knee to the face. Reigns falls down and AJ rolls to the floor for a breather. AJ grabs a steel chair but turns around to Reigns dropping him with a right. Reigns rolls AJ back in and brings the chair.

    They end up on the floor and Reigns misses a chair shot, hitting the steel steps instead as Styles moves. Styles beats Reigns around on the floor now. AJ slams Reigns' head into the German announce team. Styles takes apart the Spanish announce table but stops and sends Reigns over the barrier into the crowd. AJ beats Reigns through the crowd but Reigns fights back. They fight over to the pre-show panel now. Reigns slams AJ on top of the glass table but it doesn't break. Fans chant "Roman sucks" now. AJ with a big kick to the face. Styles nails a Phenomenal Forearm off the table.

    They fight back to the ring and Reigns goes face first into the steel post. Styles removes a part of the protective padding on the barrier and sends Reigns into it. Styles pulls up part of the floor padding and exposes the concrete now. AJ goes for a Styles Clash on the concrete but Reigns breaks it and nails a big right hand to boos. Reigns sends Styles into the steps. AJ comes back and unloads on Reigns. Styles picks Reigns up on top of the German announce table and calls for a Styles Clash. Reigns blocks it and nails a right hand, knocking Styles onto the barrier. He falls to the floor on the other side with the crowd. Styles jumps up on the barrier and runs onto the announce table but Reigns backdrops him, launching him onto the Spanish announce table. AJ crashes through the table. Fans chant "you still suck" at Reigns.

    Reigns brings it back in for a 2 count. Reigns hits a Razor's Edge into a sitdown powerbomb for another close 2 count. Reigns calls for a Superman punch but AJ blocks it with a tackle and sends Reigns to the mat. Reigns clutches his knee as it buckled. Reigns sends AJ to the corner with a thrust. AJ gets a knee up and suplexes Reigns into the turnbuckles. AJ with a knee to the face from the apron as Reigns is on the floor. AJ jumps off the apron but Reigns catches him and launches him head first into the barrier. Reigns picks AJ up again and sends him flying through the main announce table with a big powerbomb.

    Reigns waits for AJ to get up. Reigns calls for a spear but AJ moves and Reigns hits the barrier and the table debris. AJ brings Reigns back in the ring but is slow to follow. Fans do dueling chants as AJ gets up to the apron. AJ jumps on the top rope for a springboard but Reigns immediately nails a Superman punch. AJ falls, hits the apron and then the floor. A referee checks on AJ. Reigns limps out of the ring. Reigns nails a spear when AJ gets up. Reigns brings AJ back in the ring but here comes Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson. They beat Reigns down.

    Reigns takes a Boot of Doom and they put AJ on top of him for the pin. Reigns kicks out just in time. The Club grabs steel chairs but The Usos run down with superkicks. Styles takes a superkick too. Uso nails a big splash on Styles and nudges Reigns. Reigns covers but AJ kicks out at 2. Anderson and Gallows nail The Usos on the floor. Reigns hits them both with Superman punches, in the ring and on the apron. Fans boo as Reigns readies for a spear. AJ blocks it with a kick. AJ goes for the Styles Clash and nails it for a close 2 count. Styles goes for a Clash on the steel chair but Reigns counters and drops AJ on the chair. Fans boo some more. Styles blocks a Superman punch with a pele kick. Styles hits the Clash on a chair but Uso appears at the apron and stops the pin. AJ covers for a close 2 count. Styles unloads with chair shots on Reigns. The Usos run in but AJ unloads on them with chairs too. AJ goes crazy with chair shots on all three. Fans cheer and AJ tosses the chair out of the ring. The Usos are on the floor. AJ takes his pad off and springboards in for a Phenomenal Forearm but Reigns spears him in mid-air for the win.

    Winner: Roman Reigns

    - After the match, there's a mixed reaction for Reigns as we go to replays. We come back to Reigns in the ring with his title. The referee raises his hand as fans boo. Seth Rollins runs out to a huge pop and grabs Reigns from behind for a Pedigree. The crowd goes nuts as Rollins lays Reigns out. Rollins picks up the WWE World Heavyweight Title and looks at it. Rollins raises up the title as fans cheer. Extreme Rules goes off the air with Rollins standing over Reigns.

    Last edited by A Blissful Ass; 05-23-2016 at 05:27 AM.

  4. #4
    Main Eventer Slayer_X's Avatar
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    Uuuuhggg the miz .

  5. #5
    Starring At Alexa's Ass A Blissful Ass's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slayer_X View Post
    Uuuuhggg the miz .
    Tell me about it Yawn

  6. #6
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Thank you for the coverage That Asylum Cage match was pretty crap, except for the ending.

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