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  1. #1
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Default This Day in History - 8th Aug, 2016

    On this day in history in ....

    1960 - Red & Lou Bastien defeat Al Costello & Roy Heffernan for the U.S. Tag Team Title, the precursor to the WWWF (then WWF, then WWE) Tag Team Title.

    1961 - Verne Gagne defeats Gene Kiniski for the AWA World Heavyweight Title in Minneapolis, Minnesota, starting his second title reign.

    1963 - Verne Gagne defeats Fritz Von Erich for the AWA World Heavyweight Title in Amarillo, Texas to start his fifth title reign.

    1981 - Wahoo McDaniel defeats Roddy Piper for the NWA United States Heavyweight Title in Greensboro, North Carolina.

    1993 - Tito Santana defeats Don Muraco for the ECW Heavyweight Title in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to end Muraco's second title reign.

    1997 - Dutch Mantel defeats Jerry Lawler for the USWA Unified Heavyweight Title in Memphis, Tennessee. Mantel would be the final champion, as the promotion would close in November of 1997. On the same card, Steven Dunn & Flash Flanagan defeat PG-13 for their third USWA Tag Team Title run, and ending PG-13's 14th title reign.

    1998 - WCW held their Road Wild Pay-per-view in Sturgis, South Dakota at the annual Sturgis motorcycle rally. Here are the results:
    - Meng defeated The Barbarian, with Jimmy Hart, via disqualification when Hugh Morrus attacked Meng. Hacksaw Duggan made the save.
    - Public Enemy defeated Disco Inferno & Alex Wright, with Magnum Tokyo, when Johnny Grunge pinned Disco Inferno after Tokyo accidentally splashed him.
    - Saturn defeated Raven and Chris Kanyon in a Falls Count Anywhere Triangle Match with Saturn pinned Raven after a Death Valley Driver.
    - Rey Mysterio, Jr. defeated Psicosis with a springboard hurricanrana.
    - WCW Television Champion Stevie Ray defeated Chavo Guerrero, Jr. with a Slapjack.
    - The scheduled Rick Steiner vs. Scott Steiner match didn't take place, because Rick had "injured" Scott with a chairshot before the show. The match was rescheduled for Fall Brawl.
    - Steve McMichael defeated Bryan Adams.
    - Juventud Guerrera defeated Chris Jericho to win the WCW Cruiserweight Title with a rana off the top rope. Dean Malenko was the guest referee, and helped Guerrera by launching him into the rana.
    - Bill Goldberg won a nine man Battle Royal which included The Giant, Scott Hall, Curt Hennig, Konnan, Lex Luger, Kevin Nash, Scott Norton, and Sting. Goldberg, the only non-NWO participant, pinned The Giant with a jackhammer to win the match.
    - Diamond Dallas Page & Jay Leno defeated Hulk Hogan & Eric Bischoff when Kevin Eubanks gave Bischoff a Diamond Cutter, allowing Leno to pin him.
    - Following the wrestling, country star Travis Tritt performed on the PPV.

    2010 - WWE signed the then-reigning ROH champion Tyler Black to a developmental deal. Black is currently in developmental under the ring name Tyler Black.

    Continued ...

  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Continued ...

    2010 - TNA held an ECW-themed PPV, Hardcore Justice in Orlando, FL. Buck Woodward filed the following PPV report:

    The PPV opened with a "slide show" style video package of old still photos from ECW, with voiceovers from various stars putting over their past. They spliced in some shots of the outside of the ECW Arena in South Philadelphia, as it looks today. The package ended with Tommy Dreamer saying this was their "Last Stand".

    Ring announcer Stephen DeAngelis welcomed us to the show, as the fans chanted "ECW", and introduced the "Human Suplex Machine", Taz. Taz welcomed the fans to Hardcore Justice, and there was a "Taz" chant. Taz said he had looked into the eyes of the wrestlers in the back, and it was going to "get extreme" tonight. There was another "ECW" chant. Taz said that there have been "haters and doubters" about what they did "back in the day." Taz said they were about more than just "violence" and that they revolutionized the business. Taz said this was a shoot, and that anyone who wants to "piss" on what they did "never got it, is never going to get it, and can kiss his ass". Taz then did his classic closing line, "I'm Taz, the Human Suplex Machine, beat me if you can, survive if I let you!"

    Tazz then joined Mike Tenay at the announce table, for the opening six man tag, refereed by John Finnegan.

    The FBI (Little Guido, Tony Mamaluke, Tracy Smothers with Big Sal E. Graziano) vs. Kid Kash, Simon Diamond & Johnny Swinger.

    Kid Kash got a "welcome back" chant as he came out. Tenay said Diamond & Swinger were angry with the FBI because the FBI got a title match with Mikey Whipwreck & Tajiri at the Hammerstein Ballroom ten years ago. DeAngelis did full introductions for each wrestler. Tony Mamaluke was introduced as "Tony Luke", even though there was a "TM" on his tights. There was a huge chant for Guido as he was introduced. There ring was bathed in blue light after the bell for some reason, with the lights on the audience dimmed.

    Kid Kash and Guido started, and there was a "Where's My Pizza?" chant as Kash and Guido exchanged early pinfall and rollup attempts. Tony Luke tagged in, and Mike Tenay explained that there were names they couldn't use for legal reasons, thus the "tribute" to South Philly's best sandwich shop. Swinger tagged in and hit Tony with a back suplex. Tony whipped Swinger into Diamond and tagged out to Smothers. Tracy and Diamond faced off, with Smothers hitting a series of shots and a side kick, then elbowed DIamond, sending him to the floor. There was an "FBI" chant. Simon took the mic and said "Simon has a problem." The fans chanted "Shut The F*** Up" as Taz wondered if they were in Philly. Diamond blamed Kash for them not being a "fine oiled machine" then said they can outdance the FBI. Diamond said they were going to have an "Extreme Dance Off". Diamond and Swinger danced, while Kash just watched. Tracy got on the mic and said Michael Jackson was rolling in his grave. Smothers said if they can't dance better than them, "everybody dies" and the FBI danced. Big Sal then got in the ring and danced, to an ovation. Kash, Swinger and Diamond cleared out the FBI, except Sal. Sal knocked Swinger and Diamond out of the ring, and we had a huge brawl on the floor. Kid Kash then launched himself off referee John Finnegan, into a springboard off the top rope and into a flip dive onto the pile on the floor.

    The match then settled back down, with Kash hitting Tony with a backbreaker for a two count. Kash and Luke chopped each other, then Luke hit a clothesline. Luke charged Kash, who powerslammed him into the turnbuckles. Guido tagged in and knocked Diamond and Swinger off the apron before hitting Kash with a series of kicks, a bodypress and a legsweep. Guido dropkicked Kash, but Swinger broke up the cover. Luke went to the ropes, but Diamond stopped him. Swinger and Kash went to double superplex Luke, but Tracy and Guido got in and we had a Tower powerbomb/superplex spot. Everyone started hitting their finishers, including Diamond hitting the Simon Series on Guido, Kash giving Luke a Moneymaker and Guido giving Kash a Sicilian Slice and more. Guido hit the Tomikaze (UnPretteier) on Diamond for the pin at the ten minute mark.

    Winners: The FBI (Little Guido, Tony Mamaluke, Tracy Smothers with Big Sal E. Graziano)

    Mike Tenay talked about calling the show, and said if Joey Styles had been "contractually available" he would give up the announce seat to him. Tenay and Taz then explained that due to Jerry Lynn's back injury, tonight's main event would be Rob Van Dam vs. Sabu.

    They had a "Where Are They Now?" segment, with taped comments from ECW founder Tod Gordon, Pitbull Gary Wolfe and The Blue Meanie. They thanked the fans for their support.

    They then had an "I Remember" segment with AJ Styles talking about the famous Tommy Dreamer vs. The Sandman caning angle.

    Al Snow did a backstage promo with Head, telling Head to "stop chanting those letters" because Head was going to get them in trouble. Stevie Richards tried to calm Snow, who began ranting about his old WWF gimmicks. Super Nova, in Hollywood Nova gear, showed up, and they joked about how his blue shirt had no logo on it, due to legal issues. Nova then brought in a Blue Meanie imposter, with Snow joking that "legally, we can't even get the real guy!" The Meanie imposter had "BV2.0" on his shirt. Nova said it was like replacing a character on a TV show. Richards then said that tonight was his night to prove something to the fans and his peers, and that he had a match to get ready for, leaving Nova and the fake Meanie.

    C.W. Anderson vs. 2 Cold Scorpio.

    Mike Kehner is the referee for this one. Scorpio got a nice ovation and chant, while Taz talked about how Scorpio and Dean Malenko broke his neck during a match where Taz teamed with Eddie Guerrero. Scorpio and Anderson exchanged arm locks and holds. Scorpio offered a handshake, but Anderson spat at him. Anderson threw some punches, then they traded shots until Anderson put Scorpio in a headlock. Scorpio tossed him in the ropes and leapfrogged him, then hit a dropkick. Scorpio sent Anderson to the floor, then hit a corkscrew plancha, getting an "ECW" chant. Scorpio hit a top rope bodypress for a two count. They traded forearm shots, then Anderson hit a superkick for a two count. Anderson stomped on Scorpio's arm, then threw him into a corner, shoulder first. Anderson kept working on the arm, but Scorpio hit a back kick, and unloaded with punches until Anderson blasted him with a left hand for a two count.

    Anderson went to pick Scorpio up off the mat, but Scorpio hit a legsweep for two. They traded some pinfall reversals, then Anderson ducked a superkick and backdropped Scorpio to the apron. Scorpio got back in and hit a rolling capo kick in the corner, then hit a somersault senton on Anderson. Scorpio went for a moonsault, but Anderson got his knees up, then hit Scorpio with a spinebuster for a two count. There was a chant for Scorpio. Anderson hit some forearms, but then ran into a Scorpio superkick. Scorpio went to the top rope and dropped the Bomb (moonsault legdrop) for the pin at the seven minute mark.

    Winner: 2 Cold Scorpio.

    After the match, Scorpio pulled Anderson back into the ring and held out his hand. They shook hands and Scorpio held up his arm.

    Another "I Remember" segment. Velvet Sky said there are similarities between ECW and TNA. Matt Morgan talked about being a bouncer at Bar Anticipation, where "the Philadelphia promotion" ran a show. Mr. Anderson also put over the "Philly based promotion".

    Backstage, Rob Van Dam and Bill Alfonso talked about the classic Jerry Lynn-RVD feud, and Van Dam said Lynn was training so hard, he hurt himself. Van Dam said he had to think about his opponent for tonight, and that there are many loose ends from back in the day, like his TV title reign. Van Dam said, if this is going to be for one night only, he had to pick Sabu to be his opponent. Bill Alfonso said he would "call it right now the middle" and manage both men. Van Dam did the old "Sabu/RVD" post and Bill Alfonso blew his whistle.

    PJ Polaco (Justin Credible) vs. Stevie Richards.

    Credible was wearing one of his ECW-era Justin Credible shirts. Richards was accompanied by Nova and "Blue Tillie", the Meanie impersonator. Credible was referred to as PJ Polaco, although the fans chanted "Justin Credible". Richards got a chant for his introduction as well. Credible hit Richards with a shoulderblock at the start, then Richards grabbed a headlock. Richards hit his own shoulderblock, backing off Credible. Credible hit some knees to the gut, then chopped Richards. Richard returned fire and whipped Credible into the corner. Credible was then slid into the ringpost, groin first. The battled went to the floor, where Credible hit a suplex. Credible got back in the ring and hit a slingshot splash onto Richards on the floor. Credible stomped Richards in a corner, then pulled him out into a powerbomb for a two count. Credible gave Richards a jawbreaker, then stomped him in a corner.

    Richards reversed a whip and sent Credible into a corner. Credible tried to leapfrog him, but Richards tossed Credible to the floor. There was a "We Want Meanie" chant as Tillie did Meanie mannerisms on the floor. Richards hit Credible with an elbow and a side slam. Richards hit a powerbomb for a two count. Richards went to the middle rope, but jumped into a Credible superkick for a two count. Credible hit the That's Incredible spinning tombstone piledriver. Credible covered, but pulled Richards up at two, then argued with Nova. Credible stood over Richards and said "That's not just the coolest, that's not just the best, that's..." and Richards jumped up and superkicked him for the pin at the six minute mark.

    Winner: Stevie Richards.

    Post-match, Credible took a Singapore Cane and blasted Richards with it. The lights went out, and when they came back on, The Sandman was in the ring. Sandman smiled at Credible, who looked incredulous. Credible swung his cane, but Sandman ducked it and hit the White Russian Legsweep. Sandman then blasted Credible with a caneshot. Sandman broke Credible's cane in half then stood over Credible. There was a "Welcome back" chant starting up as they went to the next video package.

    They had a "Where Are They Know?" segment, and showed Francine with her little daughter Molly. Francine thanked the fans, TNA, and gave best wishes to everyone she worked with in ECW. Francine noted she was retired, but had a great 15 year run in wrestling.

    They put up a graphic dedicated to those men and women that were "no longer with us" but didn't name any of them.

    Rhino vs. Al Snow vs. Brother Runt.

    Some fans had the old Styrofoam heads in support of Al Snow. Rhino got the biggest reaction of the three during introductions. Runt went for an early cradle on Rhino after Snow got knocked out of the ring, but Rhino clotheslined him. Rhino set up for a Gore, but Snow tripped him. Snow avoided a clothesline from Runt, but Rhino knocked him to the floor. Runt dodged a charging Rhino, sending him to the floor. Runt dove off the top rope to the floor, but Rhino and Snow caught him and slammed him on the ramp. Snow tossed Rhino into the ring, but missed a slingshot legdrop. There was a "We Want Head" chant. Snow headbutted Rhino to the mat, then went for a moonsault, hitting it for a two count. They showed members of the TNA roster watching on a monitor in the back.

    Rhino suplexed Al Snow, and Runt immediately gave Snow a double stomp off the ropes. Runt went for an Acid Drop on Rhino, but Rhino threw Runt to the mat. Runt kicked a charging Rhino and gave him a flying headscissors. Runt hit Snow and Rhino with punches and chops. Runt went for a double Acid Drop, but Rhino and Snow tossed him to the floor. Rhino elbowed Snow, who bumped into the referee. Snow picked up Head and hit Rhino with it. Runt picked up a chair, but instead of hitting Snow, he did the old Eddie Guerrero trick of tossing it to Snow and acting like he was hit with it. However, before the referee could see him with the chair, Snow threw the chair down and acted like he was hit too. The referee turned and didn't know who was hit with the chair. Snow went to hit Runt with Head, but Runt ducked it and hit Snow with the Acid Drop, walking up Rhino in the corner, for the pin, eliminating Snow. Rhino immediately hit Runt with a Gore and pinned him, winning the match.

    Winner: Rhino.

    Mick Foley, who was reading Hulk Hogan's book for some reason, discussed the Tommy Dreamer and Raven feud, noting at one point he endorsed Dreamer as being "Hardcore" and he also turned on Dreamer and followed Raven at one point. Foley said this match was going to be their final battle, and he was the man that could survive whatever happens and make sure the three count is made.

    More comments from TNA stars. Chris Sabin said the first Hardcore match he ever saw was Terry Funk vs. Sabu in a barbed wire match, and that Rob Van Dam was his favorite wrestler.

    Axl Rotten & Kahoneys (Balls Mahoney) vs.

    The fans chanted "Balls" as Kahoneys shrugged over his new name being announced. Balls took the mic and said they were the most extreme tag team in the history of the business, but they don't have a match. They laid out an open challenge to anyone with the "guts or nuts" to come out. "Well, well, well.." out walked Joel Gertner, in a fur coat and shorts, with Team 3D. Brother Ray and Brother Devon were clad in tie-dye. The fans chanted "Dudley Boys". The fans then chanted "Testify". Joel Gertner did one of his classic innuendo laced introductions, invoking Lady Gaga, and getting a "That's Hardcore" chant. It really was a great intro, and I can't do it justice by typing it up. Gertner even teased calling them "The Du.... Team 3D".

    Brother Ray got on the mic, and said the fans were looking at "four of the most hardcore men" in the history of wrestling. Ray said the fans didn't want to see a wrestling match, and they should give the fans what they paid to see. Ray said it should be a "South Philadelphia Streetfight" and the brawl was on. Balls and Ray fought on the floor, while Axl went at it with Devon. They used a split screen to follow both fights at the same time. Taz and Tenay were laughing about Balls' new name, and Taz noted they shouldn't be since they had four guys beating each other up. The fight, as you would expect, went into the crowd, Taz and Tenay were making jokes about not having HD TV back in the old days, while the fans chanted "ECW' as the brawl continued in the crowd. The participants made it back to ringside, and they started using weapons, including a frying pan and cookie sheet.

    Axl Rotten gave Brother Ray a bionic elbow in the ring, and blasted him with a cookie sheet. Axl went at it with Devon, with Axl hitting him with a trash can lid. Brother Ray knocked Axl down, and Balls entered the ring with a lightsaber. Seriously. The fans chanted "Use The Force". Devon tossed Ray another lightsaber, and we had a lightsaber duel, with Balls "stabbing" Ray between the arms. Ray took the lightsaber and hit Balls in the nads with it. Brother Ray then did his old dance move before knocking Balls down. That got a "ECW" chant. Axl gave Brother Ray an inverted DDT for a two count. Devon gave Axl a neckbreaker for a two count. Balls gave Devon a spinebuster for a two count. Fans chanted "We want tables! We want fire!" as the two teams dueled with chairs. Axl and Balls got the better of it, but couldn't get the pin. Axl and Balls complained to referee John Finnegan, who tried to clothesline them, unsuccessfully. Team 3D hit Axl and Balls with hard chairshots to the head.

    Team 3D gave Balls the What's Up headbutt, then did the "Get The Tables!" bit. They set up a table, and Gertner gave Brother Ray some lighter fluid. The fans chanted "ECW" as Brother Ray put the fluid on the table. Devon lit the table on fire, and they powerbombed Balls through it. Devon then pinned Balls.

    Winners: Team 3D.

    The fans chanted "Thank you" and Brother Ray said they are the most extreme tag team of all time. Enter New Jack and Mustafa, The Gangstas, with a generic version of "Natural Born Killaz" playing. They had a trash can full of weapons and went to town on Team 3D. They used a crutch, trash can, and staple gun. Joel Gertner tried to get in to help, and New Jack blasted him with an acoustic guitar. The brawl suddenly stopped, and all six men (Axl and Balls as well) all hugged and raised each others arms as the fans applauded. Tenay called it "a tribute to hardcore wrestling".

    Raven cut a promo about how when he grew up with Tommy Dreamer, Dreamer was a better athlete and a tougher man, but as they got older, Raven became the better athlete and the tougher man. Raven said Dreamer couldn't handle that, and that's why he set out to hurt him emotionally. Raven said Dreamer stole his girl, and now has the family and life he should have had. Raven said he has waited ten years for his chance to ruin Dreamer's "moment of glory" tonight.

    More comments from TNA wrestlers about that "hardcore" promotion. Kazarian talked about being in training with Killer Kowalski and being able to go to some of the shows and see those wrestlers worked. Kazarian let out an "ECW' but it was bleeped.

    They had a segment about Joey Styles, with Brother Ray, Rob Van Dam, Jerry Lynn, Simon Diamond, Rhino, The Sandman, Stevie Richards, and Tommy Dreamer all thanking him for his calls of ECW matches over the years and praising him for his work in ECW. They also mentioned they wished he was there tonight. Taz also added his thanks to Joey Styles.

    Tommy Dreamer vs. Raven, with Mick Foley as the referee.

    Teresa (Beulah), the wife of Tommy Dreamer, was at ringside with Dixie Carter. Raven came out and smiled at her, as well as Dreamer's daughters. Dreamer came out with a T-Shirt that said "Thank You" on the back. Dreamer kissed his daughters before entering the ring. Foley told them that he would give them "a lot of room" and all he wanted was that they keep the match between the two of them, with no one else getting involved. Raven kicked Dreamer in the groin as Foley was still talking, starting the match. Raven immediately took Dreamer to the floor and gave him a side Russian legsweep into the guardrail. Back in the ring, Raven wedged a chair in a corner and went to whip Dreamer into it, but Dreamer reversed it and sent Raven into the chair. Back on the floor, Dreamer pounded Raven. Dreamer took a beer from a fan and spit a mouthful at Raven, then hit him with the can. Dreamer pounded Raven in a corner of the guardrail and bit him. Taz was talking about driving around with Tommy Dreamer and Paul Heyman during all this.

    Dreamer set up two chairs and went to suplex Raven on them, but Raven blocked it and gave him a drop toe hold into the chairs. They went to the floor, and Raven busted open Dreamer with a chair. Tommy's family was removed from ringside. Raven missed a chairshot on the outside, but threw Dreamer into the steps. Dreamer was a bloody mess. Raven set up a chair, but Dreamer gave him a drop toe hold into it. Tommy took a sign that said "Tommy, use this sign". Dreamer hit Raven with it, and revealed it was a Dead End street sign. Raven was now bleeding as well. Dreamer suplexed Raven on the street sign. Dreamer put a ladder in the ring, while some fans chanted "This is Hardcore" while other fans were quiet. Dreamer bit the bloody Raven, then gave him a catapult into the ladder, which was laid across the bottom rope.

    Dreamer put Raven on the top rope, then put the ladder across the middle rope to do a superplex, but Raven crotched Dreamer between the steps of the ladder. Raven then drove Dreamer to the mat from the top rope. Raven went for a DDT, but Dreamer blocked it and hit a Spicoli Driver. Dreamer put Raven in the Tree Of Woe and stood on his crotch. Dreamer put the street sign in front of Raven's face and dropkicked it. Dreamer went under the ring and pulled out some barbed wire. Dreamer put Raven in a crossface with the barbed wire going through his mouth. Nova and Tillie ran out and attacked Foley and Dreamer before Raven could tap out.

    Nova and Tillie worked over Foley, then Dreamer. Nova helped Tillie go to the top rope, where he missed a splash. Dreamer gave Nova and Tille a DDT/neckbreaker combo. Raven then DDT'd Dreamer, and Foley crawled over to count, but Dreamer kicked out. Raven shoved Foley over not counting to three, and Foley unloaded on Raven with punches. Foley then pulled out Socko (not an ECW gimmick) and gave it to Raven. Lupus (at least they said it was him, Taz didn't even seem sure, and he looked nothing like he did in ECW if it is the same guy) came out to help Raven, legdropping Dreamer off the top rope, but Foley gave him a Barbed Wire Socko. The fans chanted "Holy S***" and Taz choked that they were indeed an alternative. Foley battered Lupus to the back.

    Raven handcuffed Dreamer's hands behind his back. Foley got back to the ring. Raven hit Dreamer with a chairshot to the back. Teresa (Beyuah) came out and begged Raven to stop. Teresa hugged Raven, but Raven hit Dreamer with a chairshot anyway. Raven threatened her with the chair, but Foley stopped him, so Raven gave him a low kick. Raven blasted Foley with the chair. Raven stood over Teresa, and she hit Raven with a low blow. Dreamer, still handcuffed, gave Raven a DDT and covered him. Foley counted, but Raven kicked out at two. Dreamer went for another DDT, but Raven hit Dreamer with a chairshot to the leg, and DDT'd Dreamer for the pin.

    Winner: Raven.

    After replays of the Dreamer-Raven match were shown, Dreamer and Teresa were shown leaving the ring, with Dreamer getting an ovation from the crowd.

    Jeremy Borash and So Cal Val were plugging TNAWrestling.com. The Gangstas showed up, with New Jack remarking how Borash used to wait in line and get autographs. New Jack told the "little white girl" that "one you go black, you get bad credit" and sent her off with Mustafa. New Jack then informed Borash that since she is now gone, Borash is his "bitch" and walked off with him.

    A video package on Paul Heyman was now shown, with many wrestlers praising his passion and vision. Raven said he and Heyman were like "Scorsese and DeNiro." Simon Diamond noted how Heyman was the first person to involve the Internet in pro wrestling and "pull back the curtain."

    Rob Van Dam vs. Sabu.

    Rob Van Dam came out with his TNA World Title belt and was accompanied by Bill Alfonso. Fonzie then ran to the back so he could accompany Sabu to the ring. The bout was introduced as a non-title bout. Sabu dove at RVD's leg at the bell, and the fans chanted "This is Classic" before they had actually made contact. Sabu backed Van Dam into a corner, and Van Dam went to the floor and did his "Rob Van Dam" pose. There were chants for both men. Sabu grabbed a leg, but RVD kicked it away. Van Dam went for a hammerlock, but Sabu snapmared him to the mat. Sabu grabbed a chinlock, and Van Dam went to suplex out of it, but Sabu landed on his feet. RVD went for a sweep kick, but Sabu jumped over it. Both men yelled to Fonzie for a chair. He slid one in, and both men went to pick it up. Sabu got it and hit RVD with it. Sabu hit a chair launch into a leg lariat in a corner, then sent RVD to the floor. Sabu hit a baseball slide kick that sent RVD over the guard rail into the crowd.

    Sabu did a chair launch into a springboard off the top rope into the crowd, landing on RVD. The fans chanted "ECW" and "This is Awesome." Back in the ring, Sabu got a two count and put RVD in a camel clutch. Sabu threw a chair on RVD's back, then reapplied the camel clutch. Sabu stomped RVD's head, then went for another chair launch, but RVD kicked the chair into Sabu's legs. Van Dam gave Sabu a monkey flip into the chair, with Sabu catching his elbow on the chair. RVD threw the chair at Sabu and got a two count. Sabu ducked a shot and gave RVD a clothesline for a two count. Sabu worked over RVD with punches. Both men went for a second rope springboard kick at the same time, and they collided. Bill Alfonso got in the ring and gave both men water bottles. Yep, we had a water break.

    Sabu and RVD both went to the floor and got tables and slid them in the ring. They then fought outside, including RVD hitting a kick off the ring apron to the floor. RVD put Sabu gut first across the guard rail, then hit a legdrop from the ring apron. RVD put Sabu on the ring apron, put a chair on Sabu, then hit a slingshot legdrop. Back in the ring, RVD got a two count. Sabu ran into an RVD elbow. RVD went to the top rope, but Sabu threw a chair at him. Sabu then hit a top rope rana on RVD, sending him into the chair on the mat. Sabu hit an Arabian facebuster for a two count. The fans chanted "You've still got it" as Sabu used a camel clutch on RVD. RVD came back with a chair shot, and Sabu was bleeding from the back of the head. RVD crotched Sabu on the top rope, then measured him and had Fonzie hold a chair in front of Sabu's face so he could hit a top rope kick and send the chair into his face.

    Rob Van Dam hit a split legged moonsault on Sabu for a two count. Van Dam set up a table, but Sabu threw a chair at RVD, then hit a double legdrop for a cover, but RVD was under the ropes. Taz laughed about the referee enforcing the rules after the use of chairs. Van Dam hit a Rolling Thunder backsplash on Sabu with a chair laid across him. RVD hit a dropkick to Sabu in the corner with a chair for a two count. Sabu blocked a whip and hit a nice tornado DDT for a two count. Sabu hit an Atomic Arabian Facebuster for a two count. RVD was put on a table, and Sabu went to the top rope with a chair. Sabu went for the Atomic Arabian Facebuster, but Van Dam moved and Sabu crashed through the table. Van Dam then hit the Five Star Frog Splash for the pin at the 18-minute mark.

    Winner: Rob Van Dam.

    The announcers wondered how Rob Van Dam would be able to handle Abyss this Thursday on Impact after such a brutal match. Other than one commercial for Impact, this was the only mention of Thursday's broadcast.

    Rob Van Dam helped Sabu up, and they embraced and raised each other's arms. After replays from the match were shown, we saw most of the wrestlers on the card come out carrying beers. The fans chanted "thank you" as they toasted in the ring. Noticeably absent from the celebration was Raven. Dixie Carter was shown at ringside with a beer. The fans chanted "F*** You Vince." Tommy Dreamer got on the mic and thanked Mike Tenay and Tazz for calling the show. He then thanked Atlas Security and Dixie Carter. Brother Ray carried Dixie around the ring and put her on the apron as fans chanted "TNA". Tommy Dreamer said "To all the men and women in TNA, we set the bar, and we expect you to raise it". Dreamer said it was "One hell of an F'N PPV" and thanked Dixie as the show ended.

    A commercial for TNA Bound For Glory ended the program.

    2011 - WWE broadcast Raw. Richard Trionfo filed the following TV report:

    We are live from San Jose, California and your announcers are Michael ‘When are the 49ers going to start playing here’ Cole, Jerry ‘When are the Athletics going to start playing here’ Lawler and Jim ‘When are the Raiders going to start playing here’ Ross.

    Triple H makes his way to the ring because he has something to say. He says in six nights it will be one of the most historic nights in the history of the WWE. It will be one of those nights where the entire face and landscape of this business changes. It will be the wwe champion John Cena against the WWE Champion CM Punk. He says that change has been a big thing around here. In the last month we have gone from no WWE Champion and Vince McMahon in charge to Hunter being in charge and there being two WWE Champions. It is a situation he will rectify Sunday in that match. There will be one Undisputed winner and one Undisputed WWE Champion. Hunter says that he is here to resolve the ‘undisputed’ part. Since this is the WWE anything can happen.

    To ensure that there is one champion, you empower one man to make things happen. One man whose power will be respected and absolute. It is a man who is larger than life. It is a man who casts a shadow over CM Punk and John Cena. It is a man who casts a shadow over the entire WWE. It is him. At this point in time, he is the only person he can absolutely trust here. Hunter says that he will stand in the ring and he will officiate that contest. He will officiate it like he sees it. When the dust clears on Sunday, there will be one Undisputed WWE Champion.

    Tonight will be the official contract signing between John Cena and CM Punk. Before we get there, they will each be in matches tonight. John Cena’s match will take place right now.

    Cena has something to say to Hunter before his opponent comes to the ring. Hunter tells Cena not to tell him how to officiate the match.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and we hear what John Cena was saying to Triple H before the commercial. Cena told Hunter that this shouldn’t be an ego thing. Hunter says that whatever happens will happen because he wanted it to.

    Match Number One: John Cena versus Jack Swagger

    They lock up and Swagger with a front face lock and he rolls Cena around the ring and he slaps Cena in the head. Swagger does a lap and Cena with a clothesline followed by an Irish whip and suplex into a near fall. Cena with a reverse chin lock into a side head lock. Cena with a shoulder tackle followed by an Irish whip and splash into the corner followed by a drop kick for a near fall. Cena with an arm bar. Swagger with a belly-to-belly suplex for a near fall.

    Swagger with kicks to Cena followed by punches and more kicks until the referee pulls him out of the corner. Swagger with a hard Irish whip and Swagger hits the double jump Swagger Bomb for a near fall. Swagger traps Cena’s arms and Cena struggles to get to his feet. Cena with a knee to the midsection followed by a gutwrench suplex and both men are down.

    Cena misses a splash into the corner when Swagger moves out of the way. Swagger with a running shoulder tackle to Cena for a near fall. Swagger with a key lock on Cena. Swagger with a hard Irish whip followed by another Irish whip and a flying shoulder into the knee. Swagger does a lap and then he goes for the ankle lock but Cena is able to try for the STF but Swagger escapes. Cena with two flying shoulder tackles followed by the Blue Thunder Bomb and then it is time for the five knuckle shuffle. Cena finishes off the Vintage Legendary Sequence with the Attitude Adjustment for the three count.

    Winner: John Cena

    We go to commercial.

    We are back with a SummerSlam Recall: 1991 for Curt Hennig versus Bret Hart for the Intercontinental Title.

    Ricardo Rodriguez interrupts Scott Stanford to introduce Alberto Del Rio. CM Punk calls himself the voice of the voiceless when he is the voice of the gutless. When he won the title in Chicago, he run when he saw Alberto ready to cash in his briefcase. Alberto says that he will show Punk what would have happened that night in Chicago.

    Jim Ross and Michael Cole talk about the R Truth and John Morrison feud and we go back four months ago in the days of the Glass Jar for Michael Cole and the night that R Truth turned heel.

    R Truth tells us that he is a Gooooooooooooooooooood R Truth. Josh Mathews asks Truth why would he take advantage of his friend. Truth says why a few dozen times. Truth asks a few major questions about the important things in life. He wants to know why God created spiders. Why does he hate spiders? He says that spiders are creepy. They have them nasty, hairy legs and they are quiet. When they get a chance, they bite you. Ain’t nobody friends with spiders. Back in the day, grandma would get some carrots, potatoes, and a big old turnip to make some spider stew. Truth says that the only person who would eat the spider stew is Little Jimmy, but that is a different subject. Truth says that he is going to step on that spider tonight and squish him into the mat and the spider’s name is John Morrison.

    We go to commercial.

    Match Number Two: Rey Mysterio versus Miz

    Miz attacks Rey on the stage while he does his entrance with the pyro. Miz with knees and then he sends Rey into the WWE logo on the stage. He slams Rey’s head into the logo a few more times. Miz is held back by the officials but he gets in a few more shots.

    Michael Cole goes to the ring to find out why Miz attacked Rey. Cole says that was an unbelievable display of audacity.

    Miz takes the mic and he asks Cole if he knows who he is facing at SummerSlam and he has no idea. Miz says that the emphasis is on the WWE Title, but it should be on him because he is the most Must See Champion in WWE history. Miz says that he is all over the media and trending all over the world. He says that if he has to do that to Rey in order to get attention for himself, then he will do it. Miz wants someone to declare him the winner of the match by forfeit.

    A referee comes to the ring and he tells Justin Roberts to announce that Miz will have a new opponent instead of a forfeit.

    Match Number Two: Miz versus Kofi Kingston

    Kofi looks over his shoulder while he poses for the crowd on the turnbuckles because of what Miz did to Rey.

    They lock up and Miz backs Kofi into the corner and he gives a clean break but he tries for a punch and kick but he misses. Kofi with a side head lock into a hammer lock. Miz with an elbow into a side head lock. Miz with a shoulder tackle. Kofi with a leap frog and a drop kick for a near fall. Kofi with a side head lock and then Miz punches Kofi in the corner. Miz with kicks to Kofi.

    Miz with an Irish whip and then he sets for the Awesome clothesline but Kofi turns it into a Thesz Press and he punches Miz. Kofi clotheslines Miz over the top rope to the floor and then he hits a suicide dive onto Miz and he returns to the ring. We go to commercial.

    We are back and Miz with a reverse chin lock on Kofi. We see footage from the commercial break when Miz pulled out the ring skirt to crotch Kofi followed by a clothesline on the floor. Back to the live action, Kofi gets to his feet and he kicks Miz in the leg. Kofi slides under for a rollup Miz misses a running boot and Kofi gets a near fall. Miz hits the right handed Awesome clothesline and then he goes up top for a double sledge to the top of the head and he gets a near fall.

    Miz with a reverse chin lock and punches to the face. Kofi punches Miz and takes Miz down with an arm drag. Miz runs into an elbow from Kofi and Kofi with another rollup for a near fall. Kofi with chops to Miz followed by a drop kick. Miz counters the Superman punch and he tries for The Reality Check but Kofi blocks the second neck breaker. Kofi leaps into the corner but Miz moves. Kofi with a double jump corkscrew cross body for a near fall.

    Miz with a DDT to Kofi and he gets a near fall. Miz sets for the Awesome Clothesline again but Kofi moves and hits the pendulum kick. Kofi goes up top but Miz punches Kofi to stop him. Miz tries for a superplex but Kofi with forearms and he hits a sunset flip power bomb but Miz is able to kick out. Kofi sets for Trouble in Paradise but he misses. Miz tries for the Skull Crushing Finale but Kofi sends Miz into the turnbuckles. Kofi gets on Miz’s shoulders and Miz hot shots Kofi and then hits the Skull Crushing Finale for the three count.

    Winner: Miz

    CM Punk walks in the back and Josh Mathews stops him. Josh asks Punk for his thoughts on Triple H naming himself the referee. Punk says that he isn’t shocked because Hunter has a bigger ego than his father in law. Punk says that Hunter should keep his nose out of their business. He says that Hunter needs the spotlight even though it is the biggest WWE Championship match. Punk says that the best thing for business on Sunday is for him to be the WWE Champion. Punk says that he is going to take care of Alberto Del Rio tonight and he will show Del Rio what would have happened if he cashed in at Money in the Bank.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Did You Know that WWE wrestled all over the world?

    Match Number Three: Alberto Del Rio with Ricardo Rodriguez versus CM Punk in a Non Title Match

    They lock up and Punk misses a round kick when Del Rio moves out of the way. Del Rio with kicks to Punk and the referee warns him. Del Rio works on the arm. Punk with a back heel kick to Del Rio and then he connects with shoulders in the corner followed by an Irish whip but Del Rio moves when Punk charges into the corner. Del Rio works on the arms against the ring post and he pulls the arms into the post. Del Rio with an arm breaker for a near fall.

    Del Rio with an arm bar. Punk with kicks and he tries for a sunset flip but Del Rio does not go over and he connects with an elbow drop. Del Rio with a punch and then he tries for a splash into the ropes and Punk moves out of the way and Del Rio goes to the floor while Punk tries to get the feeling back into his arms.

    Del Rio returns to the ring and Punk with a neck breaker and knees to the head. Punk with an Irish whip and a running knee into the corner followed by a bulldog. Punk goes to the apron for the springboard clothesline and he hits it. Punk signals that it is time for Del Rio to go nappy time Del Rio is on Punk’s shoulders but Del Rio escapes and he sends Punk shoulder first into the corner followed by a lungblower for a near fall. Del Rio kicks Punk in the head.

    Del Rio sets for the float over into the cross arm breaker but Punk gets away and Punk with a round kick followed by a Go To Sleep for the three count.

    Winner: CM Punk

    We are back with the WWE Rewind: The Divas Battle Royal from last week and Beth Phoenix showing that you do not hug your opponent in wrestling.

    Match Number Four: Beth Phoenix versus Eve Torres

    They lock up and Beth backs Eve into the ropes and Beth with an elbow instead of a break. Eve with a drop kick to the belly button and then she is sent to the apron. Eve with an elbow but Beth knocks Eve off the apron. Beth sends Eve into the ringside barrier. They return to the ring and Beth gets a near fall.

    Beth picks up Eve by the hair and drives her to the mat again. Beth picks up Eve by the hair again and then she drops an elbow and gets a near fall. Eve with an enzuigiri to Beth followed by a forearm and a bicycle kick but Beth stays on her feet. Beth with an Irish whip and then she hits a running forearm to the back. Eve with a round kick to Beth and then Eve goes up top for the moonsault but Beth stops her and then she hits the Glam Slam for the three count.

    Winner: Beth Phoenix

    After the match, Beth wants the mic. She says that she is sick of Divas like her and Kelly Kelly making a mockery of the Divas division. No more booty popping. No more splits. No more stink faces. Beth says that she has been meaning to ask Eve a question but before she can ask the question, Kelly comes from behind and hits Beth with the title belt.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back with footage of Miz and John Cena from the Teen Choice Awards.

    Match Number Five: Dolph Ziggler with Vickie Guerrero versus Alex Riley in a Non Title Match

    Before the match starts, Riley gets on the mic and she tells Vickie that he doesn’t want to say that she has bad breath but it smells like death took a dump in her mouth.

    Riley with a clothesline to Ziggler and he gets a near fall. Vickie yells at Riley and Ziggler kicks Riley and the referee warns him while Vickie continues to yell. Riley with a back elbow and then he tries for the sleeper but Riley is able to avoid it. Vickie pulls the ropes away from Riley but Riley backs Ziggler into the ropes. Riley with a spinebuster and Vickie gets into the ring and she yells at Riley Vickie tells Riley to stop smiling at her and then she slaps Riley. The referee calls for the bell.

    Winner: Alex Riley by disqualification

    After the match, Ziggler and Vickie argue. Ziggler pie faces Riley and then Riley hits Dolph and Dolph collides with Vickie and Vickie goes down as well. Vickie leaves the ring and they yell at each other from a distance.

    It is time to discuss the WWE Championship Match on Sunday and we have a video package with an imposing voice over to show the history of the build over the last month.

    It is time to run through the card for SummerSlam.

    Match Number Six: R Truth versus John Morrison in a Four Months and Two Surgeries in the Making Match

    Truth with punches and knees to Morrison but Morrison with a vintage clothesline followed by a leg lariat and then he hits the standing C4 for a near fall. Morrison with a European uppercut followed by punches and he sets for the corkscrew split legged moonsault but he senses that Truth moved out of the way and he lands on his feet. Truth goes to the floor and Morrison with a corkscrew pescado over the ring post.

    Truth rolls back in and then back to the floor. Morrison goes outside the ring and he sends Truth into the ringside barrier. Morrison tells Truth that he tried to end his career on May 2nd. Truth sends Morrison into the ring bell pit and Morrison punches Truth. Morrison stands on the barrier and Truth trips Morrison and Morrison hits the barrier with the back of his neck.

    Morrison holds his neck while the referee makes his count. Morrison rolls back in and Truth kicks Morrison. Truth with a hip toss and then he hits Morrison in the head as he works on the neck. Truth with a reverse chin lock on Morrison. Truth with a sit out gourdbuster and then he tries for Shut Up but Morrison holds on to the ropes. Morrison with kicks followed by an Irish whip and a kick in the corner. Truth with a kick followed by Shut Up and he gets the three count.

    Winner: R Truth

    Triple H and John Laurinaitis are in the back looking over the contract as we go to commercial.

    We are back and we are reminded that Rey Mysterio will face the winner of the WWE Title match on Sunday next Monday on Raw in San Diego.

    We find out that the WWE Universe thinks that John Cena is going to win on Sunday by a 54/46 margin.

    Christian is in Sacramento and Cole asks what up and Christian says that he is trying to disrespect the champion. Christian says that he is focusing on the announcement that he is going to make. He tells the COO that it would behoove him to appear live this Friday on Smackdown because he is certain that Hunter will want to hear what he has to say.

    Triple H is joined by John Laurinaitis in the ring with the official contract signing table.

    CM Punk makes his way to the ring and he stands in the corner.

    John Cena comes out next and they put their belts next to each other and Punk’s is bigger.

    Hunter says that they can cut through the chase, but Punk interrupts. Punk says that we know the match is official and we know where it is going. Punk wants to know why they are out here. Punk wants to know the last time a contract signing didn’t end with some horrible physical calamity. Punk suggests that we can turn over the table and beat people up or we can make it entertaining.

    Punk says that he is on the set of Conan O’Brien and he says that he is getting ready to show a clip. Punk says that he has a clip from a movie star with his thoughts about John Cena. Punk says it isn’t Triple H, it is a real movie star.

    Punk sends it to Dwayne. We go to a video from the Rock where he talks about why John Cena is angry. He says that it is the same process where he puts on his tough guy sneakers and his tough guy jean shorts that nobody has put on since 1992. He puts on his tough guy wrist bands so he can get his superhero powers. He says that Cena looks like a transvestite Wonder Woman. Then his music hits and Rock does an instrumental version. He says that Cena is full of energy and fire until his music stops. Then he hears what eats away at his soul. Rock does the dual chant. Rock says that Cena goes to his home town and he gets booed because men don’t like him and they can smell a phony punk a mile away.

    Punk mouths ‘wow’ after seeing that.

    Punk says that they aren’t saying ‘Cena Sucks’ but they are saying ‘CM Punk’. He says that for everything that Dwayne said that was right. Cena might be a phony, but Rock is as big a phony as Cena is. Maybe Dwayne will be upset. Punk says that he doesn’t want Dwayne to say things in the same voice about him so he will sign the contract.

    Cena stops Punk and he says that Punk has everyone going crazy. Cena says that a guy like Dwayne the Rock Johnson is doing this. He is a future Hall of Famer. He is main eventing WRestlemnia. He is a bona fide movie star, currently filming GI Joe. He says that Rock doesn’t have anything annoy him. Cena says that Rock is annoyed at him for the way he dresses.

    Cena says that Punk’s issues are the issues of the voiceless. He is too part of the system or too PG. Maybe he is the modern day Hulk Hogan and he moved the hand from behind his ear to in front of his face.

    Cena says that the Rock is a star and he has his millions. He could talk trash about the Rock and he will never win over the millions. CM Punk has his fans and Cena says that he knows that he could increase his workrate, add to his five moves or doom, or work on his heel promo and win them over, but he doesn’t have to do that. Cena says that he was originally angered by the comparison to the Yankees, but he realized that the Yankees are the most hated and most beloved team in sports.

    Cena acknowledges that there are people who hate him. Cena says that when he runs to the ring, it is like coming to the ring in pinstripes. He doesn’t care about the people who hate him He cares about the people who wear the colors and are loyal to him. Those are the people he cares about.

    Cena says that there is nothing phony about that. Punk speaks his mind and he might throw a lot of stones at glass houses. He wanted the private jets, to be in movies, and on ice cream bars. Punk wants to come back as the underground voice of the voiceless He tells Punk that if he wants to see phony, he should look in the mirror.

    Hunter says that Cena makes a good point. Hunter says that at the end of the day Punk is a guy who held out for more money and a few perks. Hunter says that Punk ran away and didn’t negotiate face to face.

    Punk asks Hunter who fires him. Is it him or ‘Funk Man’. Did Johnny face to face fire Vladimir Kozlov personally. Did he fly to Florida to tell Harry Smith that he is no longer wanted here. Did he fire Chris Masters face to face or did he call him and tell him it was a budget thing. He gets Johnny to do the hard jobs. He says that it is not about them.

    Punk tells Cena that it is about them and the WWE Championship. It is easy for Cena act all holier than thou when he has been given chance after chance. Cena is on a pedestal and he looks down on everyone. Punk says that he won the ECW Title, his first title in WWE. The next day, Cena pat him on the back and congratulated him and said that he almost gave up on him after rarely saying anything to him. Punk says that he has held a grudge since then. Punk says that Cena gave up that dream to be a bodybuilder and a sports entertainer and couldn’t hack it. Punk says that he started as a professional wrestler and he held out for some perks. Punk says that he wants that ice cream bar. He says that Cena is the lion while he is the hyenna. He has to hold people up to get the perks that are handed to Cena.

    Punk says that Cena won his first WWE Title seven years ago in Los Angeles. On Sunday he is walking out of Los Angeles with nothing. Cena will be a big star the next day starring in Marine 4 or having his fight with Dwayne. He will have his legion of fans who will pee in their pajamas every time they think about him. John will not have the WWE Championship because CM Punk says that he will be the WWE Champion.

    Punk signs the contract.

    Cena tells Punk that was a fine speech. Cena tells Punk that he has a lot of pressure on him Sunday because Punk won one match in Chicago at Money in the Bank. Punk has every right to be the WWE Champion. Has Punk thought about what happens if he loses at SummerSlam. Cena says that he will be facing the Rock at Wrestlemania. He says that Punk needs this match more because people are watching him. Punk might speak his mind, but he has to back it up when the bell rings. If he doesn’t back it up, Punk is a loudmouth one hit wonder. Cena tells Punk that he will be known as Buster Douglas, Yahoo Serious, or Milli Vanilli. If Punk does not produce when it is on the line, it is gone, (Cena snaps his fingers) just like this. He wishes Punk luck.

    Punk says that luck is for losers and he would rather be a one hit wonder than a phony.

    Cena says that they have been talking for a while and Punk wants to entertain people. Cena says that the talking is wearing thin.

    Punk says that he likes the talking, but he can put his fist down Cena’s throat.

    They get face to face and Laurinaitis gets in the middle. Punk with a round kick to Laurinaitis and then Cena goes after Punk but he accidentally hits Hunter.

    Punk wants to know if the fix is in.

    We have a Three Way Dance Stand Off.

    2011 - Ring of Honor announced they had signed Jay Lethal to a deal with the following announcement:


    Ring of Honor management are happy to announce that they have come to terms with Jay Lethal and he is now officially under ROH contract. The former ROH Pure Champion was a part of Ring of Honor from 2003 – 2006 and in that time frame captured the ROH Pure Title, contended for the ROH Tag Titles, and battled everyone from CM Punk to Samoa Joe to Christopher Daniels.

    Returning to the fold at “Best in the World 2011”, Lethal defeated “The Prodigy” Mike Bennett and is now scheduled to challenge for the ROH World TV Title against champion El Generico THIS Saturday night in Chicago Ridge, IL!

    “Jay Lethal is a wrestler that the ROH fans have watched grow up right in front of them.” Said ROH Executive Producer Jim Cornette, “From his days with Special K to his battles over the Pure Title, Jay Lethal became a man in front of the ROH fans and now that he’s back in Ring of Honor, we can all see how much of a fighter he has become. It’s exciting to have him back here with us, and I for one look forward to seeing him and Generico go at it on SBG TV!”

    Tickets for this weekend’s SBG TV Tapings where Lethal will take on Generico are still available right here in the ROH Store at this link!.

    2013 - WWE broadcast NXT. Richard Trionfo filed the following TV report:

    This week is ‘Face Off’ Week. Dean Ambrose faces Adrian Neville for the United States Title, Summer Rae and Emma will dance. Bo Dallas will face Leo Kruger for the NXT title.

    We are in Winter Park, Florida and your announcers are Tom ‘Tom’ Phillips and Alex ‘Talking up a storm’ Riley.

    Byron Saxton announces that Tyler Breeze has entered the building.

    Match Number One: Adrian Neville versus Dean Ambrose for the United States Title

    They lock up and Ambrose backs Neville into the corner and he pie faces Neville but Neville pushes back. Ambrose holds on to the ropes to stop an O’Connor Roll but Neville with a leg lariat. Neville sends Ambrose into the turnbuckles and he kicks Ambrose in the chest.

    Ambrose with punches and then he runs his forearm across the face and then he runs Neville’s face across the top rope. Neville with punches and then he takes Ambrose down with a head scissors. Neville sends Ambrose into the turnbuckles and he kicks Ambrose.

    Ambrose with an Irish whip but Neville floats over and then he hits a cross body for a near fall. Neville with a hammer lock but Ambrose gets to his feet and he hits a short arm clothesline. Ambrose punches Neville and then he tries to send Neville into the turnbuckles but Neville reverses. Neville with a round kick to the side of the head.

    Neville goes up top but Ambrose rolls to the floor and Neville returns to the mat. Neville misses a baseball slide and Ambrose with a clothesline on the floor. We go to commercial.

    We are back and Ambrose with a series of snap elbow drops and he gets a near fall. Ambrose stomps on the abdomen but he misses a short arm clothesline. Neville with kicks but Ambrose with a knee to the midsection. Ambrose with a series of punches and he puts Neville in the ropes and Ambrose with a drop kick for a near fall.

    Ambrose with a bow and arrow but Neville is able to counter into a lateral press. Ambrose punches Neville. Ambrose with a head butt followed by chops. Ambrose with a hard Irish whip followed by a suplex and he gets a near fall. Ambrose with a sleeper to Neville and then he turns it into a Cobra Clutch. Neville gets to his feet and Ambrose tries for a belly-to-back suplex but Neville with an elbow.

    Neville gets to his feet and he goes to the apron when Ambrose charges into the corner and Ambrose hits the ring post with his shoulder. Neville with a springboard cross body for a near fall. Neville with a back heel kick and clotheslines. Neville with a head scissors and Ambrose goes to the floor. Neville with a baseball slide and then he hits a corkscrew plancha.

    Neville rolls Ambrose back into the ring and Neville goes up top for the Red Arrow and he hits it but Rollins and Reigns break up the cover and the referee calls for the bell.

    Winner: Adrian Neville (by disqualification)

    After the match, Rollins and Reigns attack Neville. Corey Graves and Xavier Woods make their way to the ring to make the save for Neville.

    We go to commercial.

    We go to the back where Enzo Amore and Colin Cassady meet up with Sylvester Lefort and Scott Dawson.

    Enzo says that he is doing fine. He says that Scott has a big match against Mason Ryan. Enzo tells Scott about Mason Ryan. He says that Mason is S-A-W-F-T. Colin says that Mason is sawft. Enzo says that Scott will crush him.

    Scott says that it will be a piece of cake. Sylvester says that all that matters is the money.

    Colin and Enzo start talking and CJ Parker photo bombs them. Enzo says that he would miss his sister’s wedding to see that.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and it is time to Step Up for the Breakin’ Krush Groove Dance Battle between Summer Rae and Emma. We see footage of Emma defeating Summer in a wrestling match and it set the stage for tonight.

    Summer makes her way to the ring first. Emma makes her way to the ring second.

    Byron Saxton is your host and he says that each Diva will have the chance to dance. There will be four rounds of action and the winner will be decided by the crowd. Summer will go first because she asked for it.

    Summer wants the music stopped because Emma has made a farce of dance. She demands her true music and she does her Fandango free Fandancing. Emma tries to top Summer with her own Emma-Dance.

    After the dancing, it is time for the fans to choose the winner and it is Emma.

    Emma does her victory dance and Summer attacks her from behind and Summer with a step over leg drop.

    We go to commercial with a Leo Kruger promo where he says that the people will be laughing at Bo when he loses the title tonight.

    Match Number Two: Tyler Breeze versus Danny Burch

    Tyler takes some photos before punching and kicking Burch. Tyler takes some more photos. Burch with a punch but Breeze with an enzuigiri and he takes a few more photos. Breeze with a spinning heel kick for the three count.

    Winner: Tyler Breeze

    After the match, Tyler takes some more photos and he gets down next to Burch on the mat and poses.

    We go to Renee Young who is with Bo Dallas. Renee congratulates Bo on his victory but Bo interrupts Renee. He says that he did not survive, he pinned him. It is all that matters. Antonio is a good kid and he has a bright future.

    Renee asks about Leo Kruger, who pinned him last week. Bo says that he was pinned, but it was all on Sami Zayn. He likes Sami but he is inexperienced. He has never been in the ring with a champion. Sami has his back at all times. Bo says that he is a former Tag Team Champion.

    Bo says that Leo is strange and a dangerous man, but he’s got this. When the champ is down . . . don’t stop Bo-Lieving.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Scott Dawson will face Mason Ryan next week. The Shield will face Corey Graves, Adrian Neville, and Xavier Woods as well.

    We are told that Emma is not medically cleared to wrestle so Summer Rae will face Paige for the NXT Women’s Title next week.

    Byron Saxton tells us that Tyler Breeze has left the building.

    Match Number Three: Bo Dallas versus Leo Kruger for the NXT Title

    Kruger goes to the floor to try to gain a psychological advantage over the champion. Kruger uses the referee as a shield and he kicks Bo and then he kicks Bo in the corner until the referee warns him.

    Bo with a few drop kicks followed by a reverse atomic drop and a cross body for a near fall. Bo with a Northern Lights suplex for a near fall. Bo with a hammer lock into a key lock. Kruger with punches but Bo with a forearm. Kruger with a back elbow and then he hits a Mick Foley clothesline and both men go over the top rope to the floor. Kruger returns to the ring and then he hits a baseball slide and Dallas is down. We go to commercial>

    We are back and Kruger with a reverse chin lock. Bo with punches and he gets out of the hold. Kruger with a hard Irish whip. Kruger gets a near fall. Kruger with a snap suplex and he gets a near fall. Kruger with an elbow to the head. Bo with punches to Kruger. Kruger with a knee to the midsection. Kruger runs Bo into the turnbuckles and then he puts Bo on the turnbuckles.

    Kruger with punches as he sets for a superplex. Bo blocks the attempt but Kruger with a head butt and he tries for the superplex again and Bo holds on to the ropes. Bo with a punch and Kruger goes to the mat. Bo with punches and a clothesline off the turnbuckles and both men are down.

    Kruger waits for Bo to get to his feet and he runs into an elbow. Bo with punches and a few forearms. Bo with a punch to the midsection and then he hits a clothesline. Bo with a bulldog using the turnbuckles but he can only get a near fall. Kruger with a double thrust to the throat but Dallas with an inverted DDT for a near fall.

    Bo with Panic Attack in the corner and then he punches Kruger. Bo with forearms and punches to Kruger. Bo with forearms and punches to the back. Kruger gets a second wind and he punches Bo and then he connects with clotheslines. Kruger with a spinebuster and then Kruger sets for the Slice and he connects but Bo kicks out.

    Kruger tells Bo ‘ta ta’ and he goes for the GC3 but Dallas is able to get to the ropes despite Kruger’s attempts to add more pressure to the hold. Kruger releases the hold. Kruger punches Bo and Bo goes to the mat. Kruger goes up top but Bo gets his knees up and Bo with an arm bar submission and Kruger taps out.

    Winner: Bo Dallas

    After the match, Bo celebrates as the smoke machines go off and Bo holds the title belt over his head.

    2015 - CZW held their Retribution iPPV. Mike Johnson filed the following live report:

    Welcome to PWInsider.com's coverage of Combat Zone Wrestling "Retribution" at the Flyers Skatezone in Voorhees, NJ. The iPPV can be ordered at www.highspots.com.

    Before they went live on the air, CZW held a ten bell salute for Roddy Piper, then played his theme song out of respect. That was all class, CZW.

    The show opened with Nick Gage (who is in great shape!) coming out with Dewey Donovan. He demanded the mic from the ring announcer. He said, "Murder, Death, Kill" and the fans chanted "MDK." He said tonight is about him and the Gulaks. The crowd chanted, "F*** the Gulaks." The Gulaks' music played and out came Drew and Rory Gulak (formerly Mondo). They entered the ring ready to wrestle. The crowd threw toilet paper at them.

    Gage drilled Rory with a hard slap that sent him to the floor. Drew followed him but Biff Busick hit ringside and tossed them back in the ring. They brawled as security and officials hit the ring and pulled them all apart. Gage began drilling everyone he could with Chokensteins.

    In the end, Gage and Busick were left in the ring as security pulled the Gulaks to the back.

    Gage said, "Hey fake Mondo, we are going to f***ing kill you and Drew, you should have found a better partner than your p****y brothers, because it's f***ing on. Murder, death, f***ing kill."

    Good segment to build to later.

    Sumie Sakai & Brittany Blake vs. Penelope Ford & Takumi Iroha

    This is a showcase match for Marvelous Puroresu, the promotion Chigusa Nagoya is running. They have a show tomorrow in Queens, NY as well. Lots of athletic stuff early from Ford and Sakai. Sakai is from Japan but has lived here and worked the Northeastern indy scene for years. She has good facials Blake is beyond adorable but obviously very early in her career based on her ring work but had some spots where she looked great. She nailed a nice missile dropkick on Ford. She followed up with a monkey flip. Sakai slammed Ford and Blake came off with a STIFF double stomp from the top Ford nailed a dropkick and made the hot tag to Iroha.

    Iroha, from Japan, worked over Sakai, then dragged Blake into the ring and peppered her with forearms. This built to a spot where Iroha had both of her opponents on her shoulders for a Samoan Drop. She worked over Blake and went for a powerbomb but Blake turned it into a twisting headscissors and tied her up on the mat for a submission. Sakai tagged in and nailed a missile dropkick for a two count.

    Sakai missed a moonsault but turned a powerbomb into a rana for a two count. Iroha unloaded with kicks and made the cover but Blake broke it up. Ford caught her in a front facelock to neutralize her. Iroha wiped out Sakai and scored the pin.

    Your winners, Penelope Ford & Takumi Iroha!

    Real good back and forth tag match.

    Greg Excellent with Chrissy Rivera vs. Dick Justice with Dan Barry

    They announced this as for the honorary CZW Junior Heavyweight championship. Excellent was billed as the pride of Roscoe's Chicken & Waffles. I popped for that and if you have ever eaten there in Los Angeles I bet you did too.

    They tied up but neither man could get the better of the other. They were playing for laughs and did a lot of stuff in slow motion. Half the crowd loved it, half hated it. I'd write a recap but it wouldn't read as well as its playing. They both ended up counted out on the mat after they were "laid out" and it was ruled a double knockout.

    Afterward, they got in each other's faces. Rivera took issue with something and tried to grab Justice. Barry pulled him back. They face a faceoff and left the ring.

    Marvelous Puroresu showcase: Takaaki Watanabe & Chigusa Nagayo vs. The Dub Boys, Nate Carter & Dave McCall

    I am popping for the fact I get to see Chigusa Nagoya live, I have to tell you. Nate and Watanabe started out and went back and forth. Nagayo tagged in and Dave brought her over to his corner to tag Nate. She nailed him with a spinkick but was nailed with an axe kick for a two count.

    The Dub Boys controlled her in their corner and double teamed her. Nagayo nailed several chops on Nate but was overcome by headbutts and a slam. Dave tagged in and nailed several knee strikes in the corner. Nate tagged back in for a diving headbutt for a two count. He charged her in the corner but missed and nailed his shoulder.

    Watanabe tagged in and cleaned house on the Dub Boys. They came back and used a Hart Attack variation for a two count. Nagayo tagged back in and nailed a big suplex on Nate. They exchanged blows. She nailed a belly to back suplex and started drilling him with kicks to the legs. bDave tried to interfere but was caught and they placed both Dub Boys in submissions at the same time.

    Watanabe cleaned house with clotheslines and nailed a Fisherman's Buster on Nate for a two count. He went to the top but was caught with a spinebuster for a two count. Dave tagged in and nailed a double stomp for a two count. The Dub Boys were back in control but Watanabe battled his way out until being caught lifted into a Flatliner. Nagayo tagged in and nailed several chops.

    Watanabe drilled Nate with a Uranage for the pin.

    Your winner, Chigusa Nagayo & Takaaki Watanabe!

    OK match. Nagayo can still go but after 35 years in the ring (and a few retirements) you couldn't expect her to be what she was in the 80s. It was very cool to see her in the ring and the fans were very, very respectful of her. Watanabe looked good as usual and the Dub Boys showed some promise.

    CZW Wired champion Tim Donst vs. Frankie Pickard

    They went back and forth grappling until Pickard nailed a head scissor takeover. He controlled Donst early on and dropkicked him to the floor. He then nailed a tope con hilo to the floor. Back in the ring, Donst took back over. Pickard nailed several kicks and drove him headfirst into the buckles, then nailed several knees. He nailed a Fisherman's suplex for a two count.

    Pickard nailed a standing moonsault. Donst kicked up and locked in a submission. Pickard tagged. Donst locked it back in and refused to let go. Joe Gacy hit the ring and ran off Donst, who left through a side door. He said he didn't come for a match but to fight Donst and promised to use the knife Donst stabbed him in the back with to cut off his head. He then praised Pickard for a hard fought match.

    Barbed Wire Madness Match: Jake Crist vs. Danny Havoc

    They used lots of headlocks. No not really! There were all sorts of barbed wire boards and contraptions in the ring. They brawled all over the ring. Havoc slammed Crist into a barbed wire frame and it was all stuck in his hair as he pulle him up Havoc slammed him for a two count.

    Havoc continued working him over until being drilled with a lariat for a two count. Crust cut him off and slammed Havoc on the barbed wire. He grabbed an ironing board that I believe had tacks on them and ran it into Havoc's head. Havoc made a comeback and drilled Crist with a big foream for a two count.

    They battled to the top, where Crist went for a German suplex off the top into the barbed wire board in the ring. Havoc turned it into a superplex and nailed it. The crowd chanted, "CZW." They had to cut Crist's hair to get him out of the barbed wire this time. They battled on top above a contraption on the floor that had barbed wire atop of it. OI4K and the Nation of Intoxication all got involved and brawled. Havoc nailed an Ace Cutter through the contraption but was beaten down by OI4K. Crist nailed a tombstone on a barbed wire board for the pin.

    Your winner, Jake Crist!

    All the chaos you would expect.

    Niko Sozio vs. The Front's Ryan Galeone - If Sozio wins, he gets five minutes with The Front's Leader, Trooper Audubon

    They are taping this live before they go on the air with the iPPV and will insert it while the live show is at intermission. They are doing this to practice for when they go on the air on traditional PPV this October. Galeone has a nice athletic look, sort of a shorter Matt Morgan.

    Sozio started strong but was cut off. The crowd crapped all over the Front. Galeone nailed a really nice running dropkick for a two count. Galeone slammed him and nailed a kneedrop for another two count. He continued working over Sozio and went for a superplex but was fought off. He still recovered and caught Sozio on the top and pressed him above his head then dropped him into an over the shoulder powerslam. He followed that up with a powerbomb.

    Sozio came back to score the three count, earning five minutes with Trooper. Trooper sent a lackey to stop Sozio but the lackey ate a superkick. Trooper grabbed a Singapore Cane and entered the ring. They circled each other. He tried to nail Sozio who caught it, took it away and began caning him. Sozio feigned he was done and then cracked him across the head. Sozio beat him some more and stood atop of him with a foot on the chest for the three count.

    Your winner, Niko Sozio (twice!)

    Trooper was bleeding as he left.

    It was my first time seeing Galeone and he has some real promise. The match was fine for setting up the five minutes stip.

    Joey Janella vs. JT Dunn

    This is also being filmed for the intermission. They started out strong with some chops and some nice back and forth wrestling. Janella hit a nice dropkick and charged Dunn in the corner. Dunn kicked him. They went back and forth until Dunn scored a dropkick. He worked over Janella in the corner with punches and chops. Dunn had a trickle of blood from a stiff shot.

    Janella made a comeback and they exchanged punches. Dunn cut him off with a big lariat and a DDT for a two count. Some nice back and forth exchanges and kickouts. Dunn nailed a series of roaring elbows. Janella refused to go down and gave him the finger. He nailed another and scored the three count.

    Your winner, JT Dunn!

    Dunn's former partner in the Juicy Product David Starr laid him out after the match.

    Good stuff here. They worked a hard, athletic style.

    Dave Crist vs. Conor Claxton

    They slugged it out at the bell, exchanging punches and big boots. Claxton nailed several kicks but was caught and drilled down to the mat. Crist was sent to the floor, where Claxton nailed a tope con hilo over the top. Crist was whipped into the guard rail.

    Crist was worked over on the floor and drilled with a big running boot in the corner. He missed another charge and Crist punted him in the head while he was down, then began drilling him with kicks to the chest. Back in the ring, Claxton was able to stop a headscissors takeover mid-stream and nailed a powerslam for a two count. Crist returned with a superkick and a leg lariat for a two count.

    Claxton took control and went to come off the top with the wrench he carries but was knees in the groin as he came down and covered.

    Your winner, Dave Crist!

    Pepper Parks with CZW champion BLK Jeez & Cherry Bomb vs. Matt Tremont: Streetfight

    Tremont attacked Parks from behind in the aisle and they brawled into the crowd right away. The crowd loved the brawl and chanted "CZW." It was all Tremont until he missed a cannonball into the guard rail. Parks went to the top and nailed a bodypress into the first row, That got the biggest pop of the night.

    Parks worked over Tremont with chops against the guard rail. He finally tossed Tremont into the ring. He held Tremont for Cherry Bomb to slam several times. Parks bit Tremont on the forehead and beat him with punches in the corner. He measured Tremont and nailed him with a big boot in the corner for a two count.

    Parks kept beating Tremont down but he refused to stay down and pulled himself up. Parks grabbed a chair and drilled him in the gut with it. He wedged the chair in between the buckles and went to whip Tremont into it but the whip was reversed and Parks ate the chair.

    Tremont set up several chairs in the ring and slammed Parks atop of them. He went to the top but Parks recovered, caught him and slammed him into the chairs, then suplexed him across the chairs. He covered Tremont for a two count. They set up a piece of the guard rail in the corner but Tremont nailed Park. Cherry Bomb got on the apron but Tremont grabbed her and backed her into the railing. Parks charged and was backdropped onto the railing. He and Bomb both bumped off it. It looked great and was totally safe for Bomb.

    Tremont laid out Parks and scored the pin.

    Your winner, Matt Tremont!

    Entertaining brawl.

    Tremont took the mic and said that's what you call retribution but he wasn't done yet. He called himself "Mr. CNN" based on CNN doing the death matches story this week and said he needed to get retribution on BLK JEEZ. Jeez came back out to his theme music. Jeez ripped on the fans. Tremont said that twice, Jeez couldn't get the job done like a "f***ing man." Jeez said the only thing people will remember is that Jeez is still the champ. He said Tremont was a fat piece of sh** who was the one who didn't get the job done. He said he doesn't need to kiss the ass of the bloggers or the Internet and wondered what was so special about Tremont. Tremont said he doesn't need to tell anyone he's special, he just goes out and does what he needs to do. He challenged Jeez to man up and put the belt on the line right now. He promised to kick Jeez's ass. Jeez said this is the part of the show where everyone expects him to fight but not tonight. Tremont said Jeez is a prize fighter so he'll forfeit his own pay to fight Jeez for the belt right now.

    That was good enough for Jeez.

    CZW champion BLK JEEZ vs. Matt Tremont

    Tremont attacked him during the introductions but Jeez sent him to the floor and nailed a tope con hilo. They brawled on the floor. He nailed Tremont with chops and kicks. Tremont dared him to hit him harder. Jeez drilled him and nailed a splash off the ropes for a two count. The crowd was super into Tremont.

    Jeez nailed a tornado DDT for a two count but again, Tremont kicked up. The crowd was into cheering him on. Tremont reversed a whip and nailed a splash in the corner. They went back and forth. Jeez went up and nailed a leaping stunner for a two count.

    Jeez missed a moonsault, setting up the Tremont comeback. He nailed a sitdown powerbomb and scored the pin. The place went nuts for the pin.

    Your winner and new CZW champion Matt Tremont!

    Tremont was legitimately broken up over winning the belt and after taking a momento to celebrate in the ring. Fans actually threw streamers after he won. Tremont ran into the crowd to celebrate with the fans. When he returned, DJ Hyde was waiting in the ring to raise his hand. Nick Gage walked to ringside and tried to get in the ring but was held back by other CZW wrestlers.

    A great moment. Gage vs. Tremont will probably headline one of the CZW PPVs later this year I am guessing.

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    thanks for the nice read Lion

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