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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Default This Day in History - 11th Aug, 2016

    On this day in history in ....

    1953 - Future WWF, WWE and WCW World champion Hulk Hogan is born in Florida. As noted in the headline, that means Hogan turns 60 today, brother!

    1966 - Lester Welch defeats Sputnik Monroe in a tournament final in Tampa, Florida to win the NWA Florida Heavyweight Title.

    1967 - Mr. Wrestling defeats El Mongol for the Georgia Heavyweight Title in Atlanta, ending Mongol's third title reign.

    1980 - Bill Irwin defeats Bill Dundee in Memphis, Tennessee for the AWA Southern Heavyweight Title, ending Dundee's second title reign.

    1986 - Steve Simpson defeats Buzz Sawyer in Ft. Worth, Texas to win the World Class Television Title.

    1989 - Jeff Jarrett & Matt Bourne defeat Cactus Jack & Sheik Braddock for the USWA Tag Team Title in Dallas, Texas.

    1990 - D.J. Peterson & The Trooper (aka The Patriot) defeat Wayne Bloom & Mike Enos for the AWA World Tag Team Title in Rochester, Minnesota. Peterson & Trooper would be the final AWA Tag Champions, as the company would shut down in 1991.

    1990 - Brian Lee & Don Harris defeat Rex King & Joey Maggs for the USWA Tag Team Title in Memphis, Tennessee.

    1991 - Masahiro Chono defeats Keiji Mutoh to win the first ever G-1 (Grade One) tournament in Tokyo, Japan. Chono would go on to win the New Japan tournament on three other occasions, earning the nickname "Mr. August".

    1997 - Nitro defeated Raw in the Monday Night Wars, as WCW Nitro earned a 3.8 rating with a show that featured Curt Hennig defeating Randy Savage via DQ, The Steiners defeating Chris Benoit & Steve McMichael, and Eddie Guerrero defeating Chris Jericho. Raw pulled in a 2.9 with a show that was headlined by Shawn Michaels defeating Mankind, Patriot & Ken Shamrock defeating Owen Hart & Davey Boy Smith, and Flash Funk (2 Cold Scorpio) defeating Brian Pillman.

    2001 - Kintaro Kanemura defeats Hayabusa to win the World Entertainment Wrestling (FMW) World Singles Title in Tokyo, Japan.

    2009 - WWE broadcast ECW. Richard Trionfo filed the following TV report:

    We start off with a look back at last week’s ECW title match between Tommy Dreamer and Christian where Christian retained the title.

    We are live from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and your announcers are Matt ‘Wasn’t there a former WWE Champion from Edmonton?’ Striker and Josh ‘Gretzky, Messier, Fuhr, and Coffey were the real Four Horsemen’ Mathews.

    We have to relive the ECW Idol from last week’s Abraham Washington Show before our first match.

    Match Number One: Zack Ryder versus Shelton Benjamin

    They lock up and Ryder backs Benjamin into the ropes and he connects with shoulders in the corner. Benjamin with a knee and punches but the referee pulls Benjamin off. Ryder with a missile drop kick for a near fall and then he sends Benjamin into the turnbuckles. Ryder with a running boot to the face and then he gets a near fall. Ryder with a reverse chin lock. Ryder with a knee and he tries for a suplex but Benjamin is able to land on his feet and he hits a neckbreaker. Benjamin and Ryder exchange punches until Benjamin gains the advantage and hits a back body drop. Benjamin with an Irish whip and a Stinger Splash but he runs into an elbow on a second try. Benjamin with a German suplex and bridge for a near fall. Ryder goes to the floor and then he drops Benjamin on the ropes. Ryder with a leg lariat for a near fall. Benjamin counters the Zack Attack and he catapults Ryder into the turnbuckles. Benjamin with a power bomb into the turnbuckle followed by Paydirt for the three count.
    Winner: Shelton Benjamin

    Gregory Helms is in the back with Paul Burchill and Katie Lea. Helms asks Burchill about his match but Burchill says that he is not going to answer questions from a laughing stock. Helms wants to know about Paul’s match with Yoshi Tatsu. Burchill says that he knows that Helms is The Hurricane. Burchill punches Helms and connects with a knee to the midsection followed by another punch.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and did you know that if you want original programming, WWE has more than HBO and Showtime.

    Match Number Two: Vladimir Kozlov versus Kevin Brooks

    Brooks with a waist lock but Kozlov with a take down and kick. Kozlov with a front face lock and then he tosses Brooks into the turnbuckles. Kozlov with a kick and a backbreaker. Kozlov with a helicopter to Brooks. Kozlov with a spinebuster for the three count.
    Winner: Vladimir Kozlov

    After the match, Ezekiel Jackson comes to the ring and it is his turn to beat up the Demento in the ring. Jackson picks up Brooks and he hits the uranage. Kozlov doesn’t appreciate Jackson upstaging him so he hits another spinebuster. Kozlvo leaves the ring.

    If you missed Searching for Shawn Michaels, it is coming up next. We go to commercial.

    We are back and it is time to see a recap of Triple H making a mockery of his loss to Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes, and then we see Triple H invade a cafeteria followed by the ‘Suck It’ Granny.

    We have guest ring announcers for the next match and they are the Bella Twins.

    Match Number Three: Paul Burchill with Katie Lea versus Yoshi Tatsu

    Yoshi with a cross body and Japanese arm drag into an arm bar. Burchill with a forearm and knee to the midsection. Burchill with a gutbuster followed by knees to the midsection. Burchill with a seated abdominal stretch. Burchill with a kick but Yoshi with a series of forearms and a leg drop. Yoshi with kicks to the ribs followed by a rolling snap mare into a kick for a near fall. Burchill with a kick but Yoshi with a spinning heel kick for a near fall. Yoshi with a series of elbow drop but Katie hits Yoshi with her belt and the referee calls for the bell.
    Winner: Yoshi Tatsu by disqualification

    After the match, Burchill attacks Yoshi and then he sends Yoshi into the turnbuckles and he kicks Yoshi. The referee pulls Burchill away and Hurricane’s music plays and he hits a cross body followed by a Thesz Press and punches. Burchill recoils upon seeing the HurriPose and he leaves the ring.

    Hurricane offers his hand to Yoshi Tatsu and Yoshi accepts it.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back with a Moments Ago Moment of the return of The Hurricane

    Burchill and Katie are in Tiffany’s office and he says that he will do whatever it takes to be safe. Tiffany says that she will talk to Hurricane and she tells Paul not to threaten her.

    Match Number Four: Tyler Reks versus Tom James

    They lock up and Reks with an arm drag. They lock up again and Reks with a clean break but James with a forearm and knee. Reks with a flying clothesline and then he sends James shoulder first into the turnbuckles. Reks works on the shoulder and he puts James in a hammer lock. James with an elbow and forearm. Reks with the punch to the midsection followed by a flap jack. Reks goes to the apron and he hits a missile drop for the three count.
    Winner: Tyler Reks

    Abraham Washington is walking in the back and we go to commercial.

    We are back and it is time for the show that makes you believe in the Magic Hour, the Abraham Washington Show. The people of Edmonton show their love for Abraham. Abraham says that he has decided to take the show on the road to get rid of the stench of Shelton Benjamin singing by going to Edmonton. Abraham says that he is not going to bash the fans for being Canadians. Washington says that he does not feel safe in a country where white people hit a black object. Abraham wishes Hulk Hogan a happy birthday.

    Washington brings out his guest, ECW Champion Christian.

    Christian says that this isn’t the Peep Show and then he calls Washington ‘Arsenio’. We see the video package that started tonight’s show. Washington does not approve of the match and then he comments on Christian’s looks. Washington asks Christian if he is still friends with Dreamer and he says that they are friends. Christian gets a shot in on Washington. Christian threatens to knock out Abraham’s teeth if he says anything negative about him. Christian says that he is still feeling the effects of the match with Dreamer. Christian says that he is ready to be the face of ECW. Washington says that his next guest is the number one contender for the ECW Title. He brings out William Regal.

    Regal tells Christian if what he did last week was extreme, Christian hasn’t seen anything yet. Regal says that the English are the most brutal and barbaric. He tells Christian to watch what he is going to do to Christian’s friend in their match. We go to commercial.

    Match Number Five: Tommy Dreamer versus William Regal

    Regal tries to work on the bandaged arm and he takes Dreamer to the mat. Dreamer punches Regal and follows that with a back elbow. Regal goes to the floor and Dreamer follows after him. Dreamer sends Regal into the announce table and the apron. Dreamer tries to suplex Regal to the floor but Regal sends Dreamer into the ring post. Regal with a boot to the arm against the ring post. Regal with boots to the arm and then he puts Dreamer in a hammer lock. Dreamer gets to the ropes. Regal with an uppercut to the arm but Dreamer with a punch and then he wrings Regal’s arm twice. Regal with a knee to a charging Dreamer. Regal with an arm bar. Dreamer with an elbow but Regal with forearms and he tries for a superplex but Dreamer with a clothesline from the turnbuckles. Dreamer with punches to Regal followed by a clothesline and a knee lift. Dreamer takes too long for a DDT and Regal with an arm wringer. Regal misses a running knee and Dreamer with a sit out spinebuster. Dreamer puts Regal in the Tree of Woe and it is time for the baseball slide into the corner. Dreamer with a power slam but Regal gets his foot on the rope. Regal drops Dreamer’s injured arm on the top rope and Regal with the running knee to the head for the three count.
    Winner: William Regal

    After the match, Regal puts Dreamer in the Regal Stretch. Christian comes to the ring and Regal scurries out of the ring. Christian checks on Dreamer and we go to credits.

    2011 - Former boxer turned professional wrestler Scott LeDoux, who worked for Verne Gagne's AWA, passed away due to complications from ALS.

    2011 - TNA broadcast Impact. Stu Carapola filed the following TV report:

    Welcome to the Impact Wrestling Report, here on PWInsider.com!

    We kick the show off with a look at this past weekend's PPV main event where Kurt Angle used a chair to beat Sting for the World Title, as well as postmatch comments from Angle, who says he just took advantage of an opportunity by using the chair and now he's in control, not Hogan, Dixie Carter, or Sting.

    We cue the intro, and then it's off to the Impact Zone for a show-opening promo with Immortal. Bully Ray starts by telling Abyss that he's turning into a major disappointment because he lost to AJ Styles at Hardcore Justice, and tell him he's on thin ice with Bischoff. Tonight, there's going to be a Bound For Glory Series match with Bully Ray, Gunner, Scott Steiner, and Crimson, and Crimson's undefeated streak is going to end tonight when he gets the seven points. Ray turns his attention to Ken Anderson, and he says Anderson's probably expecting him to come out and talk smack to him, but he's not going to do that because Anderson stood toe to toe with him and kept coming. He underestimated how tough Anderson is, and Anderson proved how tough he is because he's a tough SOB, and Immortal benefits by having him here. Whatever problems there are between them are squashed (even though he pinned Anderson at the PPV because he's a better wrestler), and now it's about Immortal...and Ray becoming the World Champion. Ray extends his hand to Anderson, but Anderson just laughs at him. Ray is flabbergasted, and says Anderson really is a stupid son of a bitch and can't believe Anderson isn't taking him seriously. Anderson unloads on Bubba with right hands, Steiner tries to pull him off but Anderson nails him too and winds up getting beaten down by all of Immortal until Bubba lays him out with a shot from his chain. Anderson is busted open, and Steiner locks him in the Recliner while yelling "Bleed, you son of a bitch, bleed!" Security tries to run in, but Immortal gets rid of them and goes back after Anderson. Steiner chokes Anderson with the chain until D-Lo Brown, Al Snow, and Pat Kenney come in and tell them that's enough as the EMTs bring a gurney down to ringside. Immortal leaves as Anderson is left in a bloody heap.

    After commercial, we see Anderson being wheeled out with a neck brace on and loaded into an ambulance during the break, then we go to Eric Bischoff's office where he admits he was wrong about Anderson, and thanks Bubba for kicking him out of the group. Hogan's on his way here and so is Kurt Angle, and he has no idea where Angle's head is at. Bischoff tells Abyss that he's not done with him, and they need to talk.

    But before we hear what they have to discuss, we're off to the ring for our opening match...

    #1 Contender's Match: Madison Rayne vs Mickie James

    HARDCORE COUNTRY! Madison takes a little time to take her tiara off, and Mickie rolls her up for a quick 2. Mickie cocks her arm back, and Madison begs off, but sweeps Mickie's legs and covers for 1. Madison goes to the eyes and boots Mickie in the face and gets a 2 before just grinding Mickie's face into the mat. Madison with a hair pull and then she tries a stump puller, but Mickie counters to a victory roll for 2. Mickie with a roaring dropkick to the face for 2, then drills Madison with a few hard forearms and hits a flapjack. Mickie comes off the top with a Thesz Press, then puts Madison's tiara on and bows to the crowd just in time to duck a clothesline from Madison, and Mickie follows that right up with the DDT for the win.

    Winner: Mickie James

    Mickie will now challenge Winter for the Knockouts Title, presumably at the next PPV.

    Kurt Angle arrives at the Impact Zone and there's music in the background that makes it sound like he's walking into a really crappy dance club. I discover why when I realize who's in the ring...

    Robbie E vs X Division Champion Brian Kendrick

    Robbie nails Kendrick from behind and puts the boots to him before choking him on the ropes. Kendrick charges back at Robbie with a wild forearm shot, but Robbie beats him back down and grounds Kendrick with a rear chinlock. Kendrick is wearing his Neidhart pants again. Robbie and Kendrick go to the outside and Robbie winds up arguing with Cookie, but gets back in the ring and goes toe to toe with Kendrick. Kendrick comes back with a series of running clotheslines and tries Sliced Bread #2, but Robbie shoves him off into the corner. Cookie gets on the apron and tries to shoot hairspray into Kendrick's eyes, but Kendrick ducks and the hairspray goes in Robbie's eyes instead. Kendrick hits Sliced Bread #2 and that's all she wrote.

    Winner: Brian Kendrick

    Robbie and Cookie argue all the way up the ramp and into the back.

    Devon walks into the Pope's locker room and tells Pope that he'll give him props: he beat him straight up because Devon wasn't going to take the points the way Pope was going to give them to him. He tells Pope he better not doublecross him out there tonight when they're forced to team together, and Pope says they both need the points and someone has to get them.

    Jeff and Karen Jarrett are in the garage arriving at the Impact Zone, in full Mexican regalia.

    Robbie E and Cookie are still arguing backstage, and Robbie basically dumps Cookie and walks off.

    We see clips from the Bound For Glory Series matches at the PPV, and then we're off to the ring to continue the competition...

    Bound For Glory Series: the Pope & Devon vs Beer Money vs AJ Styles & Rob Van Dam

    Christopher Daniels joins Mike and Taz at the broadcast booth and then we go to commercial, and when we come back, Daniels challenges AJ to a rematch and walks off. Meanwhile in the ring, Devon and Pope are tagging in and out while working RVD over, and Pope drop toeholds RVD into a diving headbutt from Devon for 2. RVD comes back with a body scissors cradle for 2, then AJ tags in and hits a slam and bicycle kneedrop on Pope for 2. AJ tags Storm and they hit a Hart Attack and Storm covers, but AJ pulls him off at 2. Storm gets caught in the wrong corner and Devon rips his head off with a flying clothesline for 2, but Storm comes back with a spinning back elbow and tags Roode in. Roode runs over Pope with clotheslines and a flying forearm, followed by a spinebuster for 2. RVD comes in but gets caught with a leaping enziguiri by Storm and Roode DDTs RVD, then AJ comes in with a flying clothesline to Pope, Devon spinebusters AJ, neckbreakers Storm, and shoves Roode off the apron. Pope tells Devon to go to the ropes and he holds Roode, but Roode moves and Devon's clothesline wipes Pope out and allows Roode to hit the Perfectplex and get the win.

    Winners: Beer Money (Roode scores the win and gets 7 points)

    Roode now leapfrogs Storm into second place, and the current top three standings are Crimson in first with 43 points, Roode in second with 35 points, and Storm in third with 33 points.

    Kurt Angle is backstage, and he's...WALKING!

    The new World Champion, with chair in hand and the belt slung over his shoulder, comes out to share his thoughts with the fans in the Impact Zone. Angle thanks the fans for all their emails and tweets asking why he did what he does because he stands for truth, justice, and the American way. He apologizes to Sting and meant everything he said last week, but after that he was told things that left Sting in the wrong place at the wrong time, and it's about Angle getting his integrity back. Someone called Angle and told him that he had been talking to Jeff and Karen and they were sorry for what they did to Kurt, and Angle said there was a third person who was supposed to look out for his best interests and didn't, and that person was Dixie Carter. He went to Dixie and told her about Jeff and Karen, and she said she didn't know anything. He wanted to break Jeff's neck, but he took the high road because he thought Dixie was watching his back. Dixie was behind Sting, so Angle had to get his integrity back and that's why he took Sting out. Dixie's plan was to make him the centerpiece of the company and surround him with young talent, and now he's going to take all the young talent out one by one until there's nobody left but Kurt Angle, and he'll make sure she never gets her company back ever again.

    Angle goes to leave, but is cut off by Sting, who stalks toward him with the bat in hand. He uses the bat to swat the chair out of Angle's hands and Angle drops to his knees to beg for mercy, but Hulk Hogan comes out of the back with another chair and smashes it over Sting's back. Angle tells Sting that Hogan was his informant, and he's going with Hogan because Hogan cares about him. Hogan continues beating on Sting with the chair, and takes him into the ring where he lays him out with a right hand. Angle comes into the ring as well, and he gives Hogan a big hug and then Hogan raises Angle's hand.

    We go to commercial, and when we come back, we see that Hogan continued destroying Sting during the break. After that, we get a nice promo hyping Bound For Glory, and then it's back to the ring...

    ODB & Jackie vs Knockouts Tag Team Champions Tara & Miss Tessmacher

    Tessmacher and Jackie start and Tessmacher gets a side headlock, Jackie shoves her off into the ropes and gets a shoulderblock, but Tessmacher gets a dropkick and a drop toehold, then tags out to Tara, who comes in with a sunset flip for 2. ODB comes in and gets armdragged, then Tessmacher comes in and whips ODB hard into the corner and does her ass move.ODB is pissed off, but Tessmacher doesn't let up and gets a small package for 2. ODB has finally had enough and rips her head off with a clothesline, but Tara tags in and cleans house on the People Who Don't Work Here, and hits a rolling neckbreaker on Jackie for 2. ODB goes to rake Tara's back, but Jackie tells her no because they're trying to be on their best behavior to get jobs. ODB tags in and rams Tara to the corner, then gets a Scott Hall fallaway slam and slaps her boobs and crotch at Tessmacher. ODB goes up top, but Tara nails her and hits a superplex. Tessmacher tags in and cleans house on both ODB and Jackie, ODB nails Tessmacher from behind and they double team her, but Jackie tells her to stop because they need to play by the rules. Tara spears ODB and Tessmacher rolls Jackie up for the win.

    Winners: Tara & Miss Tessmacher

    The two teams have an uncomfortable staredown, but ODB and Jackie reluctantly shake their hands and leave quietly.

    A bunch of X Division guys are hanging around outside Hulk Hogan's office. What could they want?

    Okay, we're back from commercial and the X Division guys are in Eric Bischoff's office. He says that this will be nonviolent, but because they all had such great performances and because Abyss failed, the X Division is here to stay and now has a weight limit of 225 pounds. He welcomes them to Impact and informs them that next week, they will all be in a Gauntlet match to determine who gets the next shot at the Wizard of Oz (indicating Brian Kendrick). Aries says he and Bischoff are a lot alike and he doesn't like these guys any more than he does, but he's going to do his best to make this a division Bischoff can be proud of. Bischoff says that he wants to talk to Aries and kicks the rest of them out.

    We go out to the ring, where Jeff and Karen Jarrett are back from Mexico in their Mexican clothes. Jeff says that he and Karen have been crowned the King and Queen of Mexico, but people still think it's some kind of ruse even though he singlehandedly took down the biggest wrestling company in Mexico, it's not enough. Then someone told him he needed to learn the intricacies of hispanic culture, and also get endorsed by Mexicans so that the Immortal World Title will be taken seriously. He's gone around to all the Mexican cities from Guadalajara to Vera Cruz to Houston to Miami to San Juan and all the other Mexican cities out there, and found a couple of Mexicans to endorse him: Jose and Jos-B, the undocumented and unlicensed guys who manicure the lawns here at Universal Studios. Jose and Jos-B come out and Jarrett helpfully turns them toward the camera, then asks Jose to endorse Jeff and Karen and tell everyone that they are the king and queen of Mexico. Jose says "que?" and Karen says "No, Dos J. Don't you know the freakin' alphabet?" Jose doesn't speak English, so he tells Jos-B to convince Jose to endorse him, but they see Hector Guerrero sitting at the Spanish announce table and mark out for him. Jose says stuff in Spanish I don't understand and then names all the members of the Guerrero family. Jos-B says more stuff in Spanish, so Jeff lays the both of them out until Hector Guerrero leaves the broadcast table and runs down to ringside, grabs a chair, and gets into the ring to chase the Jarretts off.

    It's time for our weekly segment where Eric Young is going around trying to become a TV star. This week, he's in Los Angeles buying maps to the stars' homes to find people to beat up and, shockingly, most of their homes are gated and locked. He does find someone I don't recognize, and we'll find out what happened there next week.

    We go out back where a still-bloody Ken Anderson stumbles out of his trailer and into the Immortal trailer to go after Bully Ray, but Gunner blindsides him and then Anderson gets beaten down again with the chain.

    Matt Morgan joins Mike and Taz on commentary for tonight's main event...

    Bound For Glory Series: Crimson vs Gunner vs Bully Ray vs Scott Steiner

    The referee gets in front of Immortal and tells them that two have to get out. Bully Ray starts off and circles Crimson, but tags out to Gunner before making contact, and Crimson overpowers Gunner and runs him over with clotheslines and a big backdrop. Crimson with a three quarter nelson and kneestrikes to the head, followed byh a neckbreaker for 2. Crimson charges Gunner in the corner and Gunner gets his elbow up and hits a running clothesline for 2. Now Bully Ray wants the tag, and he comes in just as Crimson gets to his feet, again circles him reluctantly, and tags out to Steiner. Steiner just unloads on Crimson with heavy right hands, then hits an overhead release suplex for 2. Steiner with the elbowdrop and pushups, then hangs Crimson on the ropes so Gunner can choke him from the outside. Steiner puts the boots to Crimson and tags Gunner so they can give Crimson a double suplex for 2. Gunner and Steiner continue to double team Crimson, but Crimson takes Steiner out with a flying clothesline and then rams Gunner into Bully Ray, knocking him off the apron, and rolls Gunner up for the win.

    Winner: Gunner

    Crimson immediately ducks out to the entry ramp before Immortal can lay him out, and Kurt Angle runs out and nails Crimson, takes off his shoe and beats him with it, then rolls Crimson into the ring and repeatedly drills him in the head. Angle pulls off Crimson's knee brace and now beats him with that, then waits for him to get to his feet and lays him out with it before hanging Crimson over the second rope to the outside of the ring, and locks him in a really nasty looking leglock in the ropes as we go off the air.

    Continued ...

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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Continued ...
    2011 - WWE broadcast Superstars. Richard Trionfo filed the following TV report:

    We start off this week’s show with the Smackdown brand and your announcers are Jack Korpela and Matt Striker.

    Match Number One: Ted DiBiase versus Trent Barreta

    Barreta with chops to Ted but Ted with a shoulder tackle. Trent with a running back elbow and then he goes up top and he comes off but he is met with a drop kick from Ted for a near fall.

    We see Cody watching from the back. Ted chokes Trent in the corner and then runs his boot across Trent’s face. Ted with a snap mare followed by a kick to the head and he gets a near fall. Trent with a punch and then he avoids the short rebound clothesline and Trent gets a near fall with a sunset flip. Ted gets a near fall and then he punches Trent.

    Ted with a reverse chin lock but Trent with a kick and he tries for a sunset flip but Ted will not go over and Ted with a kick. Ted with a delayed vertical suplex to Trent for a near fall. Ted with an elbow to the top of the head followed by a reverse chin lock. Trent tries to get to his feet and he succeeds. Ted with knees and then he tries for a belly-to-back suplex but Trent lands on his feet and he chops Ted and follows it with an enzuigiri. Ted with the short rebound clothesline and he gets a near fall. Ted sets for Dream Street but Trent counters with a rollup and then he hits a flying knee. Ted goes to the floor to stop Trent’s momentum. Trent with a flip dive onto Ted and both men are down on the floor.

    Trent sends Ted back into the ring and he gets a near fall. Trent with a running back elbow into the corner and then he tries for a springboard move but he misses and Ted gets a near fall. Ted runs into boots from Trent and then he goes up top again but Ted pulls Trent off and then Ted hits Dream Street for the three count.

    Winner: Ted DiBiase

    We go to commercial.

    Match Number Two: Alicia Fox versus Tamina

    Tamina side steps Alicia and then she has something to say to Alicia. They lock up and Alicia with a snap mare and a kick. Tamina sends Alicia into the corner but Alicia with an elbow followed by a rollup. Tamina with a kick and then she grabs Alicia by the hair and sends her to the mat. Tamina chokes Alicia in the ropes.

    Tamina slams Alicia’s head to the mat and then she applies a reverse chin lock. Tamina with a diving head butt and she gets a near fall. Tamina with a rear chin lock but Alicia with an elbow to the midsection to try to escape the hold. Tamina with a knee but Alicia with a flying shoulder and drop kicks for a near fall. Alicia with forearms followed by a kick. Tamina gets Alicia up for a Samoan drop but Alicia with elbows to escape and then she hits a scissors kick for the three count.

    Winner: Alicia Fox

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and it is time for the Raw portion of the show and your announcers are Scott Stanford and Josh Mathews.

    Match Number Three: Brodus Clay versus Aaron James

    Clay with a few punches followed by an elbow drop and then he puts his weight James’ back. Clay with a punch and then he uses the ring post for extra leverage. Clay with a forearm to the back and then he connects with a forearm to the back of the head. Clay with a running power slam and he pulls James up after a two count. Clay with an Irish whip and then he hits a splash into the corner followed by a cross body for the three count.

    Winner: Brodus Clay . . . Flawless Victory

    We go to commercial.

    We are back with the CM Punk/John Cena hype video package.

    We run through the FOUR matches that have been announced for SummerSlam on Sunday.

    Match Number Four: Santino Marella and Evan Bourne versus David Otunga and Michael McGillicutty in a Non Title Match

    Otunga and Santino start off and Santino teases a kick or two. Otunga with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. They lock up and Otunga with another side head lock. Santino tries to escape and he almost gets out but Otunga is able to hold on to the side head lock. Otunga with another shoulder tackle and Otunga poses. They lock up again and Otunga with another side head lock.

    Santino with a top wrist lock and side head lock and a shoulder tackle that takes David to the mat. They lock up and Santino works on the arm and he tags in Bourne who double stomps the arm and then he takes Otunga down with an arm drag. Bourne with an arm bar and he tags in Santino and Santino with a shot to the arm from the turnbuckles. Santino with a side Russian leg sweep for a near fall. Santino with another near fall.

    Bourne tags back in and Santino with a drop toe hold and Bourne with a baseball slide to Otunga’s head. Otunga with an elbow and punch and Michael tags in and he punches Bourne. Michael with a kick to the midsection and then he sends Bourne into the corner. Michael with a hard Irish whip for a near fall. Bourne with a kick to the leg but Michael with a knee of his own. Michael with a snap suplex for a near fall.

    Otunga tags back in and Michael with a running back elbow but Bourne misses the splash by Otunga. Bourne misses a knee in the corner and Otunga chokes Bourne. Michael punches him as we go to commercial.

    We are back and Santino misses the diving head butt. Otunga with an elbow drop and he gets a near fall. He punches Santino and he sends Santino into Michael’s boot. Michael with a boot to the midsection and then he hits a back breaker for a near fall. Michael with a forearm to the back and then he pulls Santino to the center of the ring. Michael with an elbow drop for a near fall. He then puts Santino in a reverse chin lock.

    Santino gets to his feet and then Michael sends Santino to the mat. Otunga tags in and he hits a running back elbow for a near fall. Otunga with a short arm clothesline and then he stands over Santino. Otunga with another short arm clothesline for another near fall. Otunga with a rear chin lock and he puts his knee in Santino’s back.

    Santino goes to the wrong corner for the tag and Otunga with a clothesline. Michael tags in and he works on Santino’s eyes with his boot. Santino with an inside cradle for a near fall. Michael with a drop kick and he gets a near fall. Michael with a knee to the back and then he puts Santino in an arm bar. Otunga tags back in and Michaels sends Santino into him for a clothesline and a near fall.

    Santino punches Otunga and then hits a split Stunner. Bourne and Michael tag in and Bourne with a rana followed by a few leaping leg lariats and a double knee to the head. Bourne sends Otunga to the floor and then he hits a crucifix driver for a near fall. Bourne goes up top while Otunga pulls Michael to the floor. Bourne with a splash and then he connects with a knee.

    Santino tags in and he sets up with his Cobra sleeve. Santino hits Otunga with the cobra even though he is on the apron and not in the match. Michael with a running neck breaker for the three count.

    Winners: David Otunga and Michael McGillicutty

    2011 -Ring of Honor held their Boiling Point PPV. Richard Trionfo filed the following iPPV coverage.

    Welcome to PWInsider.com’s coverage of Ring of Honor’s Boiling Point iPPV from Providence, Rhode Island.

    Your announcers for tonight’s iPPV are Kevin Kelly and Nigel McGuinness.

    Nigel and Kevin discuss the main event where Kevin Steen will defend the World Title against Eddie Kingston. They also talk about the mixed tag match.

    Match Number One: Roderick Strong (with Truth Martini) versus Mike Mondo

    They follow the Code of Honor but Strong messes with Mondo’s hair. They lock up and Strong with a side head lock and teak down. Mondo with a head scissors but Strong escapes. Strong works on the wrist but Mondo reverses. Mondo takes Strong to the mat and then he reverses. Mondo with a drop toe hold and then Strong goes to the floor.

    Mondo holds the ropes open for Strong to return to the ring. Strong mocks Mondo’s height for a test of strength. Strong with a kick and chop. Mondo with a chop of his won and then Strong unloads with a series of chops. Mondo with a head butt and chops to Strong. Strong with forearms and chops to Mondo followed by forearms.

    Strong with a front face lock but Mondo backs Strong into the corner. Mondo with a rolling snap mare and then he works on the legs and does a headstand into a bridge to add more pressure. Strong escapes with a chop. Mondo misses a charge into the corner. Mondo goes to the turnbuckles but Strong sends Mondo to the floor.

    Strong backs Mondo into the guardrails and then he chops Mondo. Strong with chops and Mondo responds with head butts. Strong is bleeding from the nose and he kicks Mondo in the head.

    Strong returns to the ring to stop the count. Strong returns to the floor and he kicks Mondo. They return to the ring and Strong with a chop and kick. Mondo slaps Strong in the face but Strong with a drop kick for a near fall. Strong chops Mondo and Mike almost goes over the top rope to the floor. Strong with a second chop and Mondo goes to the floor.

    Mondo runs Strong’s back into the guardrails. Strong gets Mondo on his shoulders and he sends Mondo into the ring post. Strong with a suplex on the floor. Strong sends Mondo into the ring and gets a near fall. Strong with a reverse chin lock and he traps the arm with his leg. Mondo gets back to his feet and he punches Strong.

    Strong with a knee to Mondo as Mondo comes off the ropes. Strong with a kick to the head but Mondo with a clothesline and shoulder tackle. Mondo with knees to the head but Strong sends Mondo to the apron. Mondo avoids a shoulder and he connects with knees to the head while he has Strong in a cravate.

    Mondo pulls Strong off the apron and has him in the ring skirt. Mondo with a boot to the back of the head and then he gets a near fall when he pulls Strong back into the ring. Mondo with a front face lock but Strong backs him into the turnbuckles. Mondo with a boot to a charging Strong and then Mondo goes up top for a moonsault but he can only get a two count.

    Strong goes to the floor and then he pulls Mondo to the mat and Strong with an enzuigiri to the head. Mondo with an Irish whip into the apron but Strong with a back body drop into the ropes. Mondo with a headstand followed by a head scissors that sends Strong into the guardrails.

    Mondo goes up the ramp to charge at Strong and he hits a running shoulder tackle that sends Strong into the guardrails. Both men are down and the referee checks on both men. Strong gets back into the ring while Mondo holds on to his elbow.

    Mondo gets back into the ring and the referee checks on him. Strong gets back to his feet and Mondo refuses to let the referee stop the match. Strong with a running knee into the corner followed by a uranage back breaker for a near fall.

    Strong sets for the gutbuster but Mondo escapes. Strong with a boot and Mondo with a boot. Mondo with a spinebuster for a near fall. Strong with an omoplata but Mondo counters with a rollup for a near fall. Strong with a roaring elbow followed by a gutbuster from a fireman’s carry but Mondo kicks out.

    Strong tries for a suplex but Mondo counters with an inside cradle for a near fall. Mondo with a rollup for a near fall. Strong with a leaping knee followed by the Sick Kick for the three count.

    Winner: Roderick Strong

    After the match, Strong refuses the handshake for the Code of Honor and leaves the ring.

    Caleb Seltzer joins Kevin and Nigel at ringside to do commentary as a representative of PWF Northeast.

    Match Number Two: Matt Taven versus QT Marshall versus Antonio Thomas versus Vinny Marseglia (Winner Gets a Contract)

    We see the Code of Honor but Thomas and Taven have some words for each other before the match starts.

    Taven and Thomas start things off. Thomas with a rollup but cannot get a near fall. They lock up and they roll around the ring. Thomas with a side head lock but Taven with a near fall. Taven and Thomas criss cross and Taven hits a hip toss. Thomas with a hip toss of his own and he kicks Taven in the head.

    Thomas with a front face lock and Marseglia tags in. Vinny with a rollup but Taven with a rollup of his own. Vinny with a hip toss but Taven with a rollup for a near fall. Taven misses a round kick and then he catches Vinny.

    Marshall and Thomas attack Vinny and Taven from behind. The referee tells Thomas and Marshall to leave the ring. Vinny with a kick to Thomas and a drop kick to Marshall that sends him to the floor. Taven skins the cat. Vinny goes for a suicide dive but Marshall with a forearm to the head. Taven with a plancha onto Marshall and Thomas.

    Taven tries for a German suplex but Vinny blocks it. Taven lands on his feet on a belly-to-back suplex attempt. Marshall makes the tag and he clotheslines Vinny and he throws Taven to the floor. Vinny hits a side Russian leg sweep and gets a near fall. Marshall with an Iris hwihp but he misses a charge into the corner. Vinny with a running back elbow into the corner.

    Vinny goes to the turnbuckles but Marshall with a drop kick to counter a cross body attempt. Thomas tags in and he connects with a European uppercut to Vinny followed by a Northern Lights suplex and bridge for a near fall. Vinny with punches and then Thomas with a rollup for a near fall.

    Thomas gets another near fall. Marshall tags in and Vinny with punches but Marshall with a drop kick that sends Vinny to the apron. Marshall ties up Vinny in the ropes and he connects with a punch. Marshall tries for a suplex from the apron and Thomas tags in and hits a cross body on Vinny but Marshall breaks up the cover.

    Thomas with a kick and leg sweep to Marshall. Thomas with a step over toe hold and then he hits a suplex on Vinny and gets a near fall but Taven with a splash from the top to break up the cover. Vinny kicks Thomas away and Thomas and Marshall collide. Taven with kicks to Thomas and then to Marshall. Taven with a rana to Thomas but Marshal charges at Taven and Matt with a back body drop.

    Taven with a hangman Roll the Dice on Thomas for a near fall. Thomas with a thrust to the throat and then he sends Taven into the turnbuckles. Marshall tags himself in and Marshall sends Thomas into the turnbuckles. Marshall punches Thomas. Marshall with a double jump leg lariat for a near fall. Marshall with an Irish whip to Vinny followed by an exploder suplex. Taven with a springboard kick to the head. Taven with a springboard moonsault for a near fall on Marshall.

    Marshall sets for a running power slam but Taven counters with a DDT but Marshall gets his foot on the ropes. Taven pushes Marshall to the floor. Marshall drops Taven’s throat on the ropes. Marshall sends Vinny to the apron but Vinny drops down and Marshall goes to the floor. Vinny with a pescado onto Marshall and Thomas.

    Vinny goes up top but Taven with an enzuigiri. Taven sets for a superplex but Thomas starts Taven. Vinny with a sunset flip power bomb but Marshall pulls Vinny into the ring post. Marshall tries for a power bomb but Taven with a jumping spin kick. Taven misses a springboard round kick. Marshall with a running Dominator for the three count.

    Winner: QT Marshall

    We see a video package to set up the match between Adam Cole and Bob Evans.

    Before the match, Bob Evans has something to say and Maria and Mike will let him speak. He is calling out Adam Cole because he is a sweet little boy. Professional wrestling is a man’s sport. He says that Adam has a sweet little mouth that is perfect for pounding.

    Match Number Three: Adam Cole versus Bob Evans

    We see the Code of Honor followed.

    They lock up and Evans backs Cole into the corner but he misses a punch when Cole gets out of the way. They lock up again and Evans misses another punch and Cole with kicks to the leg. Evans pushes Cole down to the mat but Cole with a drop toe hold. Cole with elbow drops to the leg. Evans with forearms to try to get out of the hold. Cole with knees to the hamstring and he works on the knee.

    Evans with a kick to the head but Cole with a kick and drop kick to the back. Evans with forearms and punches but Cole punches back. Evans goes to the floor and Cole follows. Evans drops Cole on the guardrail. Evans with a back breaker onto the apron.

    Evans pulls Cole into the ring and he slams Cole and then drops him to the mat. Evans chokes Cole in the turnbuckles. Cole with kicks but Evans with a punch. Evans tries for a fisherman’s buster but Cole gets back to his feet. Cole tries for a sunset flip and he finally gets Evans over and gets a near fall. Evans with elbows to the back and then he applies a rear chin lock.

    Cole with punches to Evans but Evans with a spike elbow drop. Evans chokes Cole in the ropes and then he pulls the mouth. Evans with a boot to the head but Cole punches him back. Evans with a bear hug. Evans picks up Cole and drops him to the mat and then he gets a near fall. Evans with a knee to the back followed by a kick and knee to the back of the neck.

    Evans with a dead lift belly-to-back suplex for a near fall. Evans punches Cole and then he chokes Cole. Cole kicks Evans in the leg. Evans punches Cole and Cole punches Evans in the leg. Evans slaps Cole and Cole slaps back. Cole with an enzuigiri and then he gets a near fall. Cole gets sent to the apron but Cole goes to the floor and hits an enzuigiri.

    Cole goes up top but misses a splash. Evans with a running shoulder tackle for a near fall. Evans with head butts to the shoulder and then he tries for another belly-to-back suplex but Cole blocks it. Cole with forearms to the back of the head but he misses a super kick. Evans hits a sit out choke slam and gets a near fall.

    Cole with a super kick for a near fall. Cole with a waist lock and he sets for the Florida Key but Evans blocks it and connects with an arm drag. Cole with a super kick and Cole applies the Figure Four Leg Lock but Evans is able to block it for a moment. Evans punches the knee and he tries to roll over to reverse the hold. Evans taps out.

    Winner: Adam Cole

    After the match, Mike Bennett attacks Cole and he is joined by Maria Kanellis. Eddie Edwards and Sara Del Rey come to the ring to help out Cole.

    Michael Elgin, Roderick Strong, and Truth Martini come to the ring and Kevin Kelly joins them for an interview.

    Truth says that they are the greatest cohesive unit in all of professional wrestling. Truth says that he can see the future. Tonight, Kevin Steen will retain the World Title. That is not a shot to Eddie Kingston. Eddie is a great athlete, but the destiny of the title has a different path. At Death Before Dishonor in Toronto (or Chicago), it will be Rhino versus Kevin Steen for the World Title. The World Title comes home to the House of Truth. At the next pay per view.

    Kevin interrupts and he says that Michael Elgin and Roderick Strong cannot get along.

    Truth says that there is a lot of hoopla over that and the crowd starts chanting hoopla. There is a tag team tournament and Roderick Strong and Michael Elgin will prove that they are on the same page because they are going after the World Tag Titles.

    Michael says that great minds think alike. The image in his head is the same as Truth’s with him walking out of Toronto with the title. Michael says that he has sat down with Ring of Honor officials all week and he signed some papers. Michael Elgin will wrestle the Ring of Honor World Champion in . . .

    Strong interrupts and he says that Truth promised him Elgin’s title shot in Toronto. Strong asks what would happen if he went on strike. Strong says that he is on strike from the House of Truth. When Elgin gets his title shot in Toronto, he is going to be in the front row watching Elgin’s fat ass fail.

    Elgin tells Strong that he can go on strike because after Toronto, Strong will have to address him as Champ.

    Match Number Four: Michael Elgin (with Truth Martini) versus Charlie Haas

    The Code of Honor is not followed.

    The fans are not really fans of Haas as the match starts. They lock up and he pushes Elgin but Elgin slaps Haas. Elgin sends Haas into the turnbuckles and then he punches Haas. Elgin with an Irish whip and splash into the corner. Elgin sends Haas into the opposite turnbuckle and then Elgin with a shoulder tackle from the turnbuckles for a near fall.

    Elgin with a delayed vertical suplex to Haas. Elgin gets a near fall. Haas with a punch but Elgin with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Elgin is distracted by Strong and Haas with a kick to the back of the knee. Strong sits at ringside and he has some of the Camp Strong training beverages with him.

    Haas kicks Elgin in the back of the leg and then he slams Elgin’s injured leg into the guardrails. Elgin kicks Haas into the guardrails. Elgin pulls Haas back onto the apron and then Elgin punches Haas but Charlie holds on to the ropes. Elgin sets for a dead lift superplex but Haas fights it. Haas kicks Elgin in the back of the leg one more time. Haas with a punch and then he removes Elgin’s knee pad. Haas wrings the leg into the post.

    Haas with another punch to the head before he wrings the leg into the ring post one more time. Haas with a kick to Elgin. Haas watches Elgin struggle to get to his feet and he kicks and punches Elgin. Elgin with a chop to the chest but Haas with another kick to the head. Haas drives the knee into the mat.

    Haas punches Elgin in the corner and then he puts Elgin’s leg in the rope. Haas with a running back splash into the injured knee. Haas with a punch to the head and he hits another splash into the injured leg. Haas with a kick to the hamstring and then he works on the knee. Elgin with a kick to the back of the head and he is able to get free.

    Elgin blocks a punch and he connects with punches of his own. Haas with a take down and he punches Elgin. Haas continues to work on the injured leg with a kick to the hamstring and then a leg drop. Haas with an Indian Death Lock and Elgin with a chop. Haas returns fire. Elgin gets out of the hold but he cannot get back to his feet.

    Haas with crossfaces in the ropes and then he goes for a splash to the back but Elgin moves and Haas crotches himself in the ropes. Elgin with a boot to Haas followed by a slingshot back elbow from the apron.

    Haas misses a splash into the corner and Elgin with clotheslines in the corner. Elgin sends Haas into the turnbuckles. Elgin with a running knee to the head but he can only get a near fall. Elgin tries for a dead lift German suplex but Haas with an elbow. Elgin with a German suplex and he gets a near fall.

    Elgin tries for the power bomb but Haas blocks it. Elgin with an enzuigiri and Haas goes to the floor. Strong stands over Haas and tells him that he is his favorite wrestler. Elgin goes for a suicide dive but Strong stands between the ring and Haas. Haas trips Elgin on the apron. Haas punches Elgin and Haas opens a beer in Martini’s face. Strong wants to do a beer bash with Haas and they do it. Elgin runs Haas into Strong and both men go into the guardrails.

    Elgin takes a beer and he pours them on Strong. Elgin signals that it is over and he limps to Haas. Strong spits beer in Elgin’s face and Haas with a rollup for the three count with a handful of Elgin’s tights.

    Winner: Charlie Haas

    We see footage from a tag match in Milwaukee with the Briscoes facing Kevin Steen and Jimmy Jacobs.

    Match Number Five: Jay and Mark Briscoe versus Jimmy Jacobs and Steve Corino

    Corino and Jay start things off. They lock up and Jay with a side head lock and shoulder tackle but Corino stays on his feet. Corino with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Corino and Jay miss a few punches and clotheslines but Jay with a leg lariat and he tags in Mark. They hit a double shoulder tackle and Mark gets a near fall.

    Mark with punches to Corino and an uppercut. Mark with a head butt. Corino goes to the floor to regroup but Mark with a hesitation drop kick through the ropes. Mark sends Jacobs into the guardrails. Corino with a Saito suplex that sends Jay to the floor. Mark with a flying kick to Corino and Steve goes to the floor. Mark with a moonsault onto Jacobs, Corino, and his brother.

    Mark with a kick to Corino and then he sends Steve into the ring post. Mark with a head butt and then he sends Corino’s head into a table at ringside. Mark hot shots Jacobs onto the apron. Jay punches Corino on the floor while Mark waits in the ring. Mark with a kick to Corino when Steve is sent back into the ring. Mark with a DDT and he goes to the turnbuckles for a back senton.

    Mark chokes Steve in the corner with his boot. Corino sends Mark into the turnbuckle. Jacobs tags in and Mark is sent into Jacobs’ boots. Jacobs mocks Mark and hits an elbow drop for a near fall. Jacobs chokes Mark in the ropes and Steve is tagged back in. Mark tags in Jay and Jay knocks Jacobs off the apron. Jay with a forearm to Corino followed by a back body drop. He brings Jacobs in and he takes care of both men. Jay gets Jacobs on his shoulders and then Jacobs and Corino with a neck breaker and STO combination for a near fall.

    Corino and Jacobs work over Jay and Jimmy sends Jay into the turnbuckles. Jacobs punches Jay in the corner and then he pulls Jay by the ears into his corner. Steve tags in and they connect with punches to Jay. Corino with a near fall.

    Corino with an elbow to the back of the neck. Corino with an Irish whip but he runs into a boot from Jay. Jay with a flatline into the turnbuckles and both men are down. Jacobs and Mark tag in and Mark with chops to Jacobs. Mark with a thrust to the throat followed by another palm thrust. Mark with a drop kick that sends Jacobs into the corner and Mark gets a near fall. Mark with an Irish whip but Jacobs gets his boot up. Mark with a chop. Jacobs kicks Mark and he hits a suplex and tags in Corino.

    Corino with a knee to Mark but Mark with chops to Corino. Corino with a knee and a downward spiral for a near fall. Corino with a discus clothesline followed by two belly-to-back suplexes for a near fall. Corino misses a clothesline and Mark with a jawbreaker.

    Jay tags in and he connects with a series of punches followed by a Death Valley Driver for a near fall. Jay with a neck breaker and he gets a near fall. Corino with a Saito suplex and he tags in Jacobs. Jacobs misses a back senton and lands on Jay’s knees. Jacobs with a spear for a near fall.

    All four men are in the ring for a moment but Corino takes care of Mark. Mark trips Corino and hits a side Russian leg sweep into the guardrails. Jay with a spinebuster to Jacobs followed by an elbow from the top from Mark but Corino breaks up the cover.

    Jay floats over but Jacobs with an Ace Cutter off the turnbuckles for a near fall. Mark suplexes Corino on the floor. Jay avoids the Contra Code and then the Briscoes hit the Doomsday Device on Jacobs for the three count.

    Winners: Briscoe Brothers

    It is time for intermission.

    We are back from intermission and it is time for the second half of the show and that means guardrails being battered.

    Match Number Six: Two Out of Three Falls Match: Tommaso Ciampa (with RD Evans) versus Jay Lethal

    Fall Number One

    There will be no Code of Honor followed in this match by Ciampa, but RD Evans will shake Jay’s hand to comply with the Code of Honor. Lethal slaps Evans.

    Ciampa goes after Lethal but Lethal punches Ciampa. Lethal almost Irish whips Ciampa into Evans. Lethal with a belly-to-back suplex and then Lethal slaps Evans. The referee checks on Ciampa’s knee which appeared to buckle.

    Ciampa limps away from Lethal but Lethal catches up to him. Ciampa with punches to Lethal but Lethal with a kick and super kick. Lethal hits the Lethal Injection for a near fall. Lethal with the Lethal Combination and he gets the three count.

    Lethal 1 Fall . . . Ciampa 0 Falls

    During the rest period, Evans checks on Ciampa.

    Fall Number Two

    Lethal with kicks to Ciampa followed by a kick to the midsection and a chop in the corner. Lethal climbs the turnbuckles and punches Ciampa in the head. Lethal with a biel and drop kick for a near fall. Lethal with a punch and chop. Ciampa with a knee but Lethal suplexes Ciampa over the top rope and both men go to the floor.

    Ciampa runs Lethal’s back into the apron and then they return to the ring. Lethal hits a springboard drop kick and Ciampa goes back to the floor. Lethal chops Ciampa against the apron but Ciampa with a clothesline that sends Lethal into the guardrail.

    Ciampa says that he is going to break Lethal’s back. Ciampa moves the protective mat from the floor and he tries to suplex Lethal onto the exposed floor but Lethal reverses and he suplexes Ciampa onto the floor. Lethal does the same to Evans.

    Lethal rolls Ciampa back into the ring and he gets a near fall. Lethal with a boot to the back of the neck. Lethal with a chop and punch. Lethal with an Irish whip and running discus clothesline. Lethal pulls Ciampa out of the corner. Ciampa with a kick but Lethal with a chop and then he tries for a rana but Ciampa gets Lethal up. Ciampa with a knee to the head and he hits Project Ciampa for the three count.

    Lethal 1 Fall . . . Ciampa 1 Fall

    Fall Number Three

    Ciampa crawls over to Lethal and gets a near fall. Ciampa chops Lethal in the back of the neck. Lethal chops back. They alternate chops until Lethal gains control and he punches Ciampa and chops him in the ropes. Ciampa with an Irish whip and knee to the midsection. Ciampa sets for the running knee but Lethal blocks it and hits the Lethal Combination into the turnbuckles but can only get a near fall. Lethal points to the turnbuckles and he goes up top for the elbow drop.

    Ciampa recovers and punches Lethal. Ciampa climbs the turnbuckles and he sets for an Air Raid Crash from the turnbuckles. Lethal punches Ciampa off the turnbuckles and he hits a double sledge from the turnbuckles. Lethal with a neck breaker for a near fall. Lethal with a suicide dive onto Evans and then Lethal goes up top for the elbow drop and he gets a near fall. Lethal signals for the Lethal Injection but Ciampa stops Lethal. Ciampa goes to the apron and Lethal follows. Ciampa with the Air Raid Crash onto the apron.

    Ciampa and Lethal get back into the ring at nineteen so the match continues. Ciampa shows Lethal that he is ‘Number One’ and Lethal punches Ciampa. Ciampa punches back and they exchange punches and chops. Ciampa with a boot to the head and Jay fires back with a boot of his own. Ciampa with a knee to the head but Lethal with a bicycle kick. Lethal with a super kick for a near fall.

    Evans gets on the apron and Ciampa with a low blow while the referee is not looking. Prince Nana comes out and he pulls Evans off the apron and he sends him into the guardrails. Ciampa takes care of Nana and Lethal with a low kick followed by a back handspring Lethal Injection for the three count.

    Winner: Jay Lethal (2 Falls to 1 Fall)

    Match Number Seven: Eddie Edwards and Sara Del Rey versus Mike Bennett and Maria Kanellis

    The Code of Honor is followed for this match.

    Maria wants to start and Sara obliges. Maria tags in Bennett before locking up and Edwards is tagged in as well. They lock up and Bennett works on the arm and wrist. Eddie with a reversal into an arm bar. Bennett with a knee and side head lock. Bennett with a shoulder tackle. Edwards tries for an O’Connor Roll but Bennett holds on to the ropes. Edwards with a rana followed by a kick, chop, and back senton for a near fall.

    Bennett with a back elbow in the corner. Edwards floats over on an Irish whip and he kicks Bennett and hits a running kick to the chest. Edwards with a chop to Bennett. Bennett with a jawbreaker followed by an elbow to the back of the head. Sara makes the blind tag and Sara with a kick to Bennett. Edwards with a chop and Sara with kicks.

    Edwards with a back heel kick and Sara with a kick to the back of the head. Sara asks Maria if she wants to get involved. Del Rey with kicks to the chest and a back heel kick. Maria pulls Sara down by the hair and Bennett tags in Maria.

    Maria with a kick to the midsection and she chokes Sara in the ropes. Bennett chokes Del Rey in the ropes and then Edwards is sent back to his corner by the referee. Maria with head butts and then Bennett is tagged back in.

    Bennett with a snap mare but Sara with a kick to the head and Eddie is tagged back in. Edwards with a missile drop kick. Edwards with chops to Bennett. Edwards with rapid fire chops in the corner. Bennett with an Irish whip but he runs into a boot. Edwards puts Bennett in the tree of woe. Edwards with a hesitation drop kick and then Sara with kicks. Edwards with a baseball slide into Bennett while still in the tree of woe and Edwards gets a near fall.

    Edwards chops Bennett. Maria grabs Eddie’s leg. Eddie goes to the apron and he sets for the running knee off the apron but Bennett catches Edwards and hits a spear onto the floor. Bennett sends Edwards into the guardrails. They return to the ring and Bennett gets a near fall. Bennett with a slam and then he chokes Edwards with his boot.

    Maria tags in and she kicks Edwards and applies a front face lock. Bennett tags back in and Bennett with a snap mare and key lock. Bennett with a knee and he tries for a belly-to-back suplex but Edwards lands on his feet. Edwards with a Codebreaker. Bennett with a slap but Edwards with a super kick. Bennett fires back with a lariat that flips Edwards.

    Maria tags in and she gets a near fall. Maria kicks Edwards and Edwards with a single leg trip and Del Rey tags in. Del Rey with three running boots to Maria. Del Rey kicks Bennett off the apron. Del Rey gets Maria on her shoulders but Maria escapes. Sara with a series of forearms followed by an Irish whip. Bennett tags in when Del Rey charges into the corner with a Liger Kick. Edwards tags in and he hits a suicide dive onto Bennett.

    Eddie misses a double stomp and Bennett with a boot. Edwards with a backpack Stunner for a near fall. Edwards puts Bennett on the turnbuckles and he chops Michael. Bennett tries for the Box Office Smash but Eddie rolls through and he applies the Achilles Lock. Maria slaps Eddie but he holds on. Sara has Maria in the ankle lock but Maria goes under the ring.

    Bennett with the Achilles Lock on Edwards. Del Rey emerges from under the ring and he has Maria’s ring gear in her hands. Sara throws it at Bennett and Eddie with a rollup into the Achilles Lock and Bennett taps out.

    Winners: Eddie Edwards and Sara Del Rey

    After the match, Bennett takes Bobby Cruise’s jacket and covers Maria with it.

    Steve Corino joins Nigel and Kevin at the announce table.

    It is announced that there are no rules and Anything Goes.

    Match Number Eight: Ring of Honor World Championship Match: Kevin Steen versus Eddie Kingston

    Kingston attacks Corino at ringside and then Steen and Kingston exchange punches. Kingston attacks Jacobs as well. Kingston Irish whips Steen into the guardrails and Kingston with a chop. Jacobs with a rake of the eyes but Kingston returns to the ring and hits a suicide dive onto Steen, Corino, and Jacobs. Kingston sends Jacobs and Corino to the back.

    Eddie kicks Steen and sends him back into the ring. Kingston looks under the ring and he gets a chair. Steen blocks the chair shot and hits a Codebreaker using the chair. Steen with a flip leg drop onto the chair on Kingston’s head but Steen can only get a two count.

    They go back to the floor and Steen Irish whips Kingston into the guardrails. Steen suplexes Kingston onto one of the steel ROH signs that cover the guardrails. Steen looks under the ring and he gets a turnbuckle and he hits Kingston with it. Steen gets a table from under the ring and he puts it against the guardrails. Eddie avoids going into the table and he stops short. He suplexes Steen through the table.

    Kingston rolls Steen back into the ring and Eddie gets another table from under the ring. Eddie puts it on the apron and the Yes chants distract him long enough to allow Steen to recover and hit a baseball slide into the table.

    Steen thinks about bringing the table into the ring but he decides to hang it between the ring and guardrails. Steen tries to suplex Steen through the table. Kingston tries to reverse it and suplex Steen through the table but Steen blocks it. Steen power bombs Kingston through the table.

    The referee checks on Kingston who is not moving after being power bombed through the table. Some other officials come to ringside to check on Kingston and then they call for the medical staff to check on Eddie.

    Steen gets on the mic while they are checking on Kingston. Kevin addresses a fan in the crowd and he uses some colorful language.

    Steen says that they were off to a great start. Kevin says that Jim Cornette is at home watching this. He says that he has to give Jim credit because by bringing out people who are not on the roster so he does not have to worry if they get hurt.

    Steen tells Kingston that he dedicated this match to Larry Sweeney but he is being carried out.

    Kingston returns to the ring and Kingston punches Steen. Steen with forearms but Kingston punches back. Kingston with an Irish whip and Yakuza kick followed by a lariat and Kingston gets a near fall. Steen blocks the spinning back fist. Kingston with a half nelson suplex for a near fall.

    Kingston goes to the floor and he looks under the ring and he has another chair. Steen kicks the ropes when Eddie returns to the ring and then Steen with a DDT onto the chair. Steen gets the other chair and he puts it against Eddie’s head and Steen hits the cannonball. Steen rolls Kingston into the center of the ring and he gets a two count.

    Steen gets another chair and he brings it into the ring. Steen looks under the ring and gets another table. Steen brings it into the ring. Steen hits Kingston in the ribs with the chair. Kingston misses the spinning back fist again. Kingston with a Saito suplex through the table and he gets a two count. Kingston gets a chair and he sets it up. Steen spits on Kingston and then Kingston hits a Saito suplex through chair but Steen kicks out and Corino pulls the referee out of the ring.

    Rhett Titus attacks Corino and they fight to the back. Jacobs has a chain but Kingston with a spinning back fist to Jacobs. Steen with a low blow but he can only get a two count. Steen with F-Cin but Kingston kicks out. Steen gets a chair and he hits Kingston in the back with it. Steen sets the chair up and then he hits Kingston in the back with the other chair.

    Kingston spits in Steen’s face and Steen kisses Kingston before hitting F-Cinq through two chairs for the three count.

    Winner: Kevin Steen

    2014 - Edward Feldmann, who held the position of Senior Vice President of Creative was released from the company as part of cutbacks that saw an additional 3-5 writers let go. Prior to working for WWE, Feldmann had worked on a number of series in writing and production roles, including Arli$$, The Dennis Miller Show, The Wanda Sykes Show, Law & Order and Married with Children. He had worked right under Triple H.

    2014 - WWE held a Hulk Hogan Birthday Celebration edition of Raw. Richard Trionfo filed the following TV report:

    We are in Portland, Oregon and your announcers are John ‘Happy’ Layfield, Jerry ‘Birthday’ Lawler, and Michael ‘Hulkster’ Cole.

    The stage is full of presents for Hulk Hogan’s birthday celebration.

    We don’t start with a birthday celebration, we begin with one of the participants in the main event at SummerSlam. Brock Lesnar, with the Brock Bounce, and Paul Heyman make their way to the ring.

    Paul Heyman introduces himself and he says that he will be the advocate for the reigning and defending WWE Champion in six days, the conqueror Brock Lesnar. Before he beings his dissertation, he wants to give you a taste of what he does on Raw. He sells you on major events. If he has to come out here and explain the history making beating that John Cena will suffer on Sunday at SummerSlam, you are missing the point.

    Paul says that his client wants him to sell SummerSlam to the Cenation. He wants to address fans of John Cena. Bad things happen to good people when you step into the ring with Brock Lesnar. Paul says that those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

    Paul shows us some historical perspective. We see Brock defeating the Undertaker at Wrestlemania. If you were a fan of the Undertaker, he told you before Wrestlemania . . . and he did tell you before Wrestlemania, that this would be the look of shock on everyone’s face when Brock drove the Undertaker down into the canvas and put the streak out of the conqueror’s misery.

    If you were an Undertaker fan, you wouldn’t have missed SummerSlam.

    When Brock was a rookie, he got his hands on Dwayne Johnson. If you were a fan of The Rock, you were going to watch the show. Brock beat the Rock and he was out of action for 6 to 8 months.

    When Brock was finished with Hulk Hogan, he was gone for a year. If Hogan came back for revenge, there would not be a birthday celebration tonight.

    If you are a fan of John Cena, don’t miss SummerSlam. When Cena says ‘You Can’t See Me’, he ain’t lying. When Brock gets done with John, you aren’t going to see him around here any more.

    Paul says that he has gotten his hands on John Cena before. We get another historical perspective. We see photos from Extreme Rules 2012 when Brock faced John Cena. While John won the match, John will tell you that he lost the fight. The beating that Brock laid down on John Cena is something that needs to be addressed. When John got that tainted victory, Brock will not make an excuse. Brock was still battling diverticulitis. That Brock was Brock at 50% and he still laid down a beating that John couldn’t get up from. Brock is at 100%. The beating that John will face is that of a Shakespearean tragedy.

    John is a 15 time champ and he likes to have fun, but not at Brock’s expense. He says that he is not from West Newberry. His client is the conqueror, he is Brock’s advocating Jew. His client is the beat. On the 17th day of August, his client feast. Does John think that he is going to win because he is the Doctor of the Thugs. John says that his time is now, but Brock says that his calendar is out of date. He tells John to get it out of your system that the Champ is Here. We are six days away from the biggest arena on the West Coast when his client will conquer John Cena.

    Paul says that his client wants you to know that this is Brock’s house now. On Sunday, it will be Brock’s title. His client has already conquered the WWE Universe. That means that you are his servants. This ring is Brock’s home. If you will excuse him, he will take the man of the house out to dinner. John Cena has something to say and there is a birthday celebration for Hulk Hogan.

    When the man of the house is done eating dinner, he is coming back home.

    We see birthday wishes for Hulk Hogan from Flo Rida and Number One Artist Weird Al Yankovic.

    We go to commercial with Roman Reigns getting ready for his match against a hand picked opponent of the Authority.

    We are back and Kane is back in the suit, but he has his old music. Kane says that he is Director of Operations again for the Authority. He tells Roman that last week in your match against Kane, you were able to emerge victorious. That is almost like beating two men. Six weeks (sic) or six days before facing Randy Orton, the Authority wants to see how he will do facing two men.

    Match Number One: Roman Reigns versus Curtis Axel and Ryback

    Axel starts things off against Reigns. Reigns takes his time pacing around. Reigns pushes Axel into his corner. They lock up and Reigns with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Axel calls Reigns a coward and he pushes Reigns. Reigns punches Axel like a coward.

    Ryback tags in and they lock up. Reigns with a side head lock and shoulder tackle but Ryback stays on his feet. Ryback tells Reigns to try again. Reigns looks like he is going to do it again but he clotheslines Ryback instead. Reigns with a punch. Ryback with shoulders in the corner followed by a punch and he pie faces Reigns. Reigns with punches. Ryback with an Irish whip but Reigns with a clothesline out of the corner.

    Axel distracts Reigns and Ryback hits him from behind. Ryback tries for a suplex but Reigns blocks it and hits a suplex of his own. Reigns with a back elbow and punch. Reigns knocks Axel off the apron and Reigns punches Ryback but Ryback with a power bomb out of the corner.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Reigns with punches to Ryback. Ryback with a knee and Irish whip but Reigns fights out of the corner. Ryback misses a clothesline and Ryback with a back elbow and boot that sends Ryback to the floor. Reigns goes to the floor and Axel tries to hit Reigns from behind. Ryback hits Reigns from behind and Reigns is sent into the ring post.

    Reigns is sent into the ring post by Axel and Ryback and the referee calls for the bell.

    Winner: Roman Reigns (by disqualification)

    After the match, Reigns is brought back into the ring and Axel with a knee and Ryback with a splash into the corner. Axel and Ryback get too cocky and Reigns with a clothesline to Axel and then to Ryback. Reigns with a Samoan drop to Axel followed by splash and clothesline to Ryback that sends him to the floor. Axel misses a splash and Reigns kicks the leg and Axel flips and falls into the Juggernaut spot for the Juggernaut Drop Kick.

    Axel and Ryback are in the ring again and Reigns hits the Superman punch on Ryback and then on Axel. Reigns with a spear to Ryback and then he gives one to Axel because he has to.

    Renee Young is in the ring to interview Roman Reigns. She asks him about the match with Randy Orton at SummerSlam.

    Roman looks around as he hears the Roman chants. Reigns asks Portland if it looks like he is ready. Randy left him laying recently because Randy thought Roman stole something from him. Reigns says that he will take everything from Randy on Sunday.

    Roman asks what is a Viper when its fangs are knocked down its throat. It is a worthless little worm.

    Kane walks in the back and Randy Orton stops him. Randy says that Roman says that he is not afraid of the Viper. Curtis Axel and Ryback couldn’t get the job done tonight. The demon couldn’t get it done last week. Randy says that he will end Roman Reigns at SummerSlam.

    Kane tells Randy something before he leaves. The match on Sunday will be one of Orton’s biggest challenges. The Authority wanted to make sure he is ready. That is why Randy will face Sheamus. Kane says that is what is best for business.

    Randy tells Kane fine and walks away.

    Rob Van Dam comes to the ring for his match and we go to commercial.

    Match Number Two: Seth Rollins versus Rob Van Dam

    Rollins with kicks to Van Dam and he chokes him in the corner. Van Dam with an Irish whip and spin kick into the corner. Van Dam with a standing moonsault for a near fall. Van Dam punches Rollins in the corner but Rollins gets out of the corner and he kicks Van Dam in the leg. Rollins with more kicks. Rollins with a back elbow for a near fall. Rollins with a reverse chin lock followed by an elbow to the bridge of the nose.

    Van Dam with a body scissors rollup for a near fall. Van Dam with punches but Rollins with an Irish whip. Van Dam with an elbow followed by a springboard thrust kick. Rollins rolls to the floor but Van Dam with a baseball slide.

    Van Dam puts Rollins on the ringside barrier but Rollins moves and Van Dam misses the guillotine leg drop after crashing and burning. We go to commercial.

    We are back and Rollins with a reverse chin lock. Van Dam with a kick to the head and it staggers Rollins. Rollins misses a splash into the corner and Van Dam with clotheslines and a slam. Van Dam signals for an hits a splash out of Rolling Thunder for a near fall. Van Dam with a thrust kick and Van Dam hits a split legged moonsault for a near fall.

    Van Dam flips over Rollins but Rollins with a kick. Van Dam with an Irish whip and he tries for a monkey flip but Rollins pushes Van Dam out of the corner and then Rollins with Black Out for the three count.

    Winner: Seth Rollins

    Rollins goes to the stage after the match and he looks at the presents for Hulk Hogan. Rollins sees a large gift box and we know the history of people in large gift boxes so Rollins looks at it. Rollins thinks he has avoids Ambrose, but Ambrose comes out of the box and he attacks Rollins. Rollins is sent to the floor by Ambrose. Ambrose forces Rollins to escape through the crowd.

    Dean tells Seth to run while he can because he cannot run away in six days. For just $9.99, he is going to get more than his money’s worth.

    Stephanie McMahon walks through the back. We go to commercial.

    We are back and Stephanie McMahon makes her way to the ring and we see what happened last week during the contract signing main event.

    Stephanie says that as a Principal Owner of the WWE, it is her mission to do what is best for the WWE Universe. She says that they some times get negative information about a superstar. Stephanie mentions that Daniel Bryan underwent surgery a few months ago and he is rehabbing the injury.

    Stephanie brings out Daniel’s physical therapist, Megan Miller. Stephanie wants Megan to come to the ring.

    Stephanie says that Megan has something to confess and Stephanie convinces Megan to tell everyone.

    Megan says that she has gotten to know Daniel and Brie. Her and her boyfriend have gotten to know them and have had dinner with them. She is doing whatever it takes to get Daniel back into the ring. She says that Daniel has an appreciation for the WWE and the fans.

    Megan starts to say something but she starts to cry. Megan says that her boyfriend left her and she cannot be Daniel’s physical therapist any more. It happened so innocently. At least at first.

    Stephanie asks Megan again what happened.

    She says that she has been having an affair with Daniel Bryan.

    Stephanie says that she is so sorry and she hugs Megan.

    Brie Bella comes to the ring and she confronts Megan.

    Stephanie says that it is the wife who is the last to know.

    Stephanie says that Daniel threw Brie away like a piece of trash. Stephanie says that Brie’s problem is not with her, but with Megan.

    Stephanie says that Daniel told Megan that Brie was a dead fish.

    Brie slaps Megan while Stephanie screams ‘Yes’. Brie then takes Stephanie down and despite her husband’s infidelity, Brie applies his Yes Lock.

    Officials come to the ring to pull Brie off Stephanie.

    Stephanie says that this is not happening at SummerSlam. It happens tonight.

    We go to commercial with birthday wishes from Drew Brees, AJ Hawk, and Aaron Rodgers.

    We are back with a Moments Ago Moment of the time that Raw made an Impact.

    Match Number Three: Jack Swagger (with Zeb Colter) versus Cesaro

    Swagger goes for the ankle but Cesaro with a front face lock into a side head lock. Cesaro with a shoulder tackle and he tries for a double stomp, but Swagger moves. Swagger with a waist lock take down. Swagger with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Swagger catches Cesaro on a leap frog attempt and hits a power slam for a near fall.

    Swagger with an Irish whip but Cesaro moves when Swagger charges into the corner. Cesaro with a gutwrench suplex. Cesaro kicks Swagger in the head and he punches Swagger in the corner. Cesaro with a kick and running European uppercut and Swagger is down. Cesaro with an abdominal stretch.

    While the feed tries to leave the network, Swagger tries to get out of the abdominal stretch. Cesaro with a back breaker and he applies an arm bar. Swagger with shoulders in the corner but Cesaro goes to the turnbuckles for a double sledge. Cesaro goes to the turnbuckles again and Swagger with a belly-to-belly suplex followed by a clothesline into the corner and a short arm clothesline.

    Swagger with a punch but Cesaro with a knee and he drops Swagger on the top rope. Cesaro with a running boot that knocks Swagger off the apron and Swagger hits the ringside barrier as we go to commercial.

    We are back and Swagger is in an abdominal stretch again. Swagger escapes but Cesaro returns to the abdominal stretch and he tries to take off the wrap around the injured ribs. Swagger escapes and then he hits the Swagger Bomb and gets a near fall after a clothesline and boot. Swagger goes for an ankle lock but Cesaro with an inside cradle for a near fall. Swagger blocks a kick and he punches Cesaro in the corner. Cesaro with a shot to the throat followed by a boot to the head for a near fall.

    Cesaro goes to the turnbuckles and hits a back senton and gets a near fall. Swagger goes to the apron and then he sends Swagger into the ring post. Cesaro climbs the turnbuckles for the Gorilla superplex but Swagger blocks it and he sends Cesaro to the apron. Swagger with a punch and clothesline that sends Cesaro back into the ring. Cesaro with a knee to the midsection after sending Swagger into the air. Cesaro with a running European uppercut for a near fall.

    Cesaro slaps Swagger to mock him. Cesaro with a double stomp but Swagger tries for the ankle lock. Cesaro gets to the ropes and he kicks Swagger. Cesaro with a boot from the apron and he goes up top but Swagger pulls Cesaro off the turnbuckles and he applies the ankle lock. Cesaro has to tap out.

    Winner: Jack Swagger

    After the match, Zeb says that they are in Portlandia. On Sunday, they will be at SummerSlam. He says that it will be DePortlandia. He has a message for whatever her name is for that love sick puppy. After SummerSlam, everyone from Los Angeles to Chernobyl will remember the 50 stars and 13 bars. Jack Swagger will own Rusev.

    The ‘We The People’ is hijacked by the Russian flag dropping and Rusev’s music.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back highlights of last week’s Chris Jericho versus Luke Harper match.

    Michael Cole had the opportunity to talk to Chris Jericho and Bray Wyatt earlier today.

    Bray tells Michael he can leave and Michael knows it is better to leave. Bray asks Chris if he remembers his dreams when he was a child. Chris remembered a scared little boy who wanted to live up to his daddy. He asks Chris if he can see the disappointment in his eyes. It drowned him. It left a hole, a hole so big that he sought out to fill it by becoming a savior of his own. Chris cannot save himself. Bray says that he knows a lot about Chris, but Chris does not know about him.

    Bray says that every time he tries to dream, all he hears is the screams. He never claimed to be a savior because he is not. The only thing he lives for is to help those people who cannot help themselves. Chris cannot whisper it any more. He has to scream until your ears bleed. You have to hurt someone before you can help them. Bray says that he has hurt a lot of people. He is not the least bit sorry. Bray says that he cannot resist.

    There are no consequences for his actions. He has no conscience. He does not subscribe to the laws of man. He hates everything this world has created. Bray says that he is a monster. Bray Wyatt, the Eater of Worlds. The human race is decimated with its lack of fortitude. Chris exemplifies that weakness. There is a pale horse on the horizon and it is coming for you . . . at SummerSlam. This smile will be the last thing that Chris ever sees.

    Chris says that he is not a savior, but after 15 years in the WWE, he has become a survivor. When you are a survivor, you don’t know what you are going to get from Chris Jericho. He cannot promise which Jericho we will see. He will follow the buzzards and shove them down Bray’s throat. He will be the first person in the WWE to leave Bray speechless.

    Match Number Four: AJ Lee versus Eva Marie in a Non Title Match

    They lock up and Eva with a wrist lock. AJ with a side head lock take down and Paige’s music plays and she skips to the ring.

    AJ with a running double sledge while Paige continues to skip laps around the ring. Eva with a rollup for the three count.

    Winner: Eva Marie

    After the match, Paige says that she knew that AJ would be mad after what happened on Smackdown. Paige has an apology for AJ. She says that she does not hate AJ. She says that AJ has a face that she wants to punch. Paige says that she will be leaving SummerSlam with her Divas Title.

    After Paige leaves, AJ attacks Eva Marie and then she sends her into the announce table and the apron. AJ continues her attack on Eva Marie.

    In case you wanted to see another rhyming promo, we take another look at Paul Heyman’s promo from the start of the show.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and the Usos will have an open challenge on Main Event.

    John Cena makes his way to the ring.

    John introduces himself as if he is Paul Heyman. He says in six days at SummerSlam, he is going to be maimed and conquered by BROCK LESNAR. That is if you believe the prognosticator of Prognosticators. There will be pain and punishment on Sunday. Brock will give him the beating of a lifetime.

    There is one thing Brock will not do on Sunday. That is win. This Sunday, Brock Lesnar will not win. In order to win, he will have to make John lose. John says that he is not laying down for Brock Lesnar. Any of you can take it any way you want. Brock does not deserve the title.

    He is not saying that he is unbeatable. One day, he will lose this championship, but it will not be on Sunday. It will not be to Brock Lesnar. John says that he does not like the guy. Brock is arrogant and he is a bully. He is selfish and uncaring. Every superstar knows this about Brock. Behind that giant screen it is not a social club. Brock Lesnar’s idiotic view of this business does not reward him with deserving the title.

    He has shared a lot of great moments. He has heard the cheers. He has heard the boos. He has been told that he cannot wrestle. He has heard “Let’s Go Cena”. He has heard ‘Cena Sucks”. John says that he comes with a smile on his face. People ask, when does John turn? When does he say enough is enough? When is he about more than the shirts, wristbands, and K-Mart shoes? When does John Cena unleash hell?

    This Sunday he fights a beast and to fight one, you need to be one. You will see a John Cena necessary to keep the title out of the hands of Brock Lesnar. Brock does not deserve the title. Brock believes that this is his house and you belong to him. That is not what the title stands for. Any idiot with a pea brain knows that this house will always belong to the people. This is your house.

    John tells Brock if this is your house, there is a stranger standing in your living room. Brock, there is a stranger in your house right now. Try to come down here and kick him out. John says we might have interrupted his dinner? Maybe he has diverticulitis or hepatitis, or punkassbitchitis. He tells Brock to come on out and tear him apart. He says that he is giving Brock the middle finger.

    John tells Paul if he wants a response. He won’t repeat history, he will make it. He will be the one who beats the one.

    This Sunday, the Champ is HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    We go to commercial.

    We are back with birthday wishes from Larry King and Florida Georgia Line.

    Stephanie McMahon comes out and she says that we will have to wait for SummerSlam, if Brie makes it to SummerSlam based on her actions earlier tonight.

    Megan Miller has decided to press charges and Brie is being arrested. Stephanie says that Brie is incredibly fragile since her husband is cheating on her.

    Stephanie says that what comes around goes around. If Brie makes bail, she will see Brie at SummerSlam.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Miz is at the announce table so that must mean Dolph Ziggler is going to wrestle.

    Match Number Five: Dolph Ziggler versus Heath Slater

    Ziggler throws Miz his Miz shirt. They lock up and Slater with a waist lock but Ziggler with a standing switch. Slater with an elbow and punch. Slater with a back elbow and he gets a near fall. Slater with a reverse chin lock. Ziggler with a drop kick followed by a snap mare and leaping elbow drop for a near fall.

    Slater with an inside cradle for a near fall. Ziggler with a kick and slam. Ziggler misses an elbow drop and Slater with a knee drop for a near fall. Slater with a reverse chin lock. Slater with a leg lariat and he gets a near fall. Slater with a reverse chin lock. Ziggler with a jawbreaker and clothesline followed by a drop kick. Ziggler misses a splash into the corner and then Slater misses a neck breaker.

    Ziggler hits the Zig Zag but Miz goes to the ring and Ziggler punches him. Ziggler grabs Miz and they fight around the ring and that causes Ziggler to be counted out.

    Winner: Heath Slater

    After the match Ziggler offers his hand to Slater but Slater tries to kick Ziggler but Ziggler blocks it. Ziggler with a Zig Zag.

    We go to commercial with Sheamus and Randy Orton walking in the back.

    We are back and Roman Reigns will be on MizTV on Friday night on Smackdown.

    Match Number Six Randy Orton versus Sheamus in a Non Title Match

    They lock up and Orton with kicks and punches. Sheamus with punches but Orton with a kick. Orton with an Irish whip and Sheamus comes out of the corner with a clothesline. Sheamus punches Orton in the corner and the referee warns him. Orton sends Sheamus into the turnbuckles. Orton with a clothesline in the corner. Sheamus gets his boot up on a third attempt by Orton.

    Sheamus with a slam and then he comes off the turnbuckles with a knee drop and he gets a near fall. Sheamus rakes the eyes and then he connects with a knee to the back followed by punches. Orton rolls away from Sheamus and Orton with a head butt and he tries to send Sheamus into the turnbuckles but Sheamus stops short. Sheamus with a short arm clothesline and he gets a near fall.

    Sheamus tries for the forearms against the ropes but Orton gets away and we go to commercial.

    We are back and Orton with a reverse chin lock. We take a look at some previously exclusive footage from the WWE App of Sheamus being sent into Yeatonville. Sheamus clotheslines Orton over the top rope to the floor. Orton with a power bomb of Sheamus onto the announce table.

    Orton with a reverse chin lock when they return to the ring. Sheamus with a belly-to-back suplex to escape the hold. Sheamus with two running double sledges followed by a shoulder in the corner, a knee lift, a knee in the corner and a near fall. Orton goes to the floor and he kicks Sheamus. Sheamus sends Orton into the ringside barrier and then they return to the ring.

    Orton with a kick to Sheamus on the apron and then Orton sets for the IEDDT but Sheamus gets into the ring. Orton is sent to the apron for the forearms across the chest. Sheamus with a Finlay Slam for a near fall. Sheamus tries for the uranage back breaker but Orton blocks it. Orton with a kick and a back breaker.

    Sheamus rolls to the apron and Orton brings him back in with an IEDDT. Sheamus avoids an RKO and Sheamus with a slingshot shoulder tackle followed by a power slam for a near fall. Sheamus pounds the mat and then his chest for the Brogue Kick but Orton avoids the Brogue Kick. Orton misses an RKO. Sheamus with a kick and he goes to the top turnbuckle for a shoulder tackle but Orton catches Sheamus and hits the RKO for the three count.

    Winner: Randy Orton

    We go to commercial, but get your party hats on . . . BROTHER!!!!!!!!!!!

    We are back with a tease of the John Cena/Brock Lesnar special that is going to air on the WWE Network. You can watch it if you are willing to pay $9.99 per month.

    Mean Gene Okerlund and Jimmy Hart are in the ring and it is full of red and yellow items. Gene introduces Hulk Hogan who goes through the parted Red Sea of Superstars on the stage.

    Gene says that he never had a birthday party like this before. We are going to celebrate Hogan in style.

    We have a video package for Hogan.

    Hogan says the video was amazing. All of the Hulkamaniacs in the WWE Universe, this is the first time that he has been speechless.

    Gene says a reception like this has to do a heart good. Hogan says that he wants to try to get something mustered in Portland, Oregon. He tells MEAN GENE something. All day long, people have been showering him with birthday presents. Even Vince McMahon gave him a present. Hogan says that everyone knows how much to subscribe to the WWE Network. It is $9.99. Vince gave him a birthday card with $9.99 in it. Vince wanted to make sure Hogan could subscribe to the WWE Network to watch SummerSlam, BROTHER.

    Hogan says that this has been the greatest birthday he has ever had.

    When you turn 61, you start to reflect on things. It is a two way street and he says that he hopes that he has touched everyone’s life as much as you have touched his life. He loves the Hulkamaniacs and he loves the WWE Universe.

    There is a woooo and Ric Flair makes his way to the ring.

    Paul Orndorff’s music plays and he comes to the ring and he has his robe.

    Roddy Piper makes his way to the ring

    The members of the original nWo, Scott Hall and Kevin Nash make their way to the ring.

    Scott Hall says the Outsiders are honored to be here to help him celebrate his birthday. He says that Hogan looks sweet in red and yellow. Scott wants to take a survey. How many came to see Hulk in the red and yellow? Did you like him better when he was rocking the black and white in the nWo? Hogan rips his shirt to reveal an nWo shirt.

    Kevin says that he has done a lot of things in his career, but he hasn’t done this . . . and Nash sings Happy Birthday.

    Brock Lesnar is not a fan of birthday songs and he makes his way to the ring with Paul Heyman at his side.

    Brock enters the ring and he tries to figure out who he is going to kick out of his house first.

    Brock bumps into Piper and then he gets in Flair’s face and then he gets in Hogan’s face while Heyman asks Hogan ‘whacha gonna do?’ Brock tells Hogan ‘party’s over grandpa.’

    John Cena comes to the ring and he is ready for a fight. Heyman yells at Brock and Brock smiles and leaves the ring.

    We go to credits.

    After Raw went off the air, WWE Network broadcast the following:

    The party continues on the WWE Network and John Cena says that you cannot have a party without a birthday cake. SlaterGator brings the cake to the ring but he trips and the cake goes in Titus’ face. Titus gives Slater some of the cake and Slater is bummed out and he throws some cake at Titus.

    Gene says that cake is toast so we go to Plan B, but Seth Rollins is nowhere to be found. A cake is brought into the ring and a 9.99 is put on the cake in candles.

    Everyone sings Happy Birthday one more time and there is no Brock interruption.

    Hogan shows his lung capacity from years of cardio and he blows out the candles.

    Cena leaves the ring to let Hogan take over his festivities.

    Everyone leaves the ring, except Hogan and Real American plays and he poses as confetti and balloons fall from the rafters.

    After the WWE Network went off the air, the celebration continued. Andru Edwards filed the following:

    Hogan music plays, and gets interrupted by Vince McMahon's! Vince makes his way to the ring and gives Hogan a hug.

    He raises Hogan's arm to the audience to more cheers, and then fairly quickly leaves the ring and heads to the back so Hogan can take in the cheers.

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