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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Default RAW LIVE Coverage & Discussion - 5th Aug, 2016

    RAW Pre-Show
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    RAW LIVE Coverage & Discussion - 5th Aug, 2016
    Location: Kansas City, Missouri
    Announcers: Michael Cole, Byron Saxton, and Corey Graves

    We begin with a look back at the events that took place at the end of Raw in the Universal Title Match when Triple H returned to Pedigree two of the last three men in the match to help Kevin Owens become the new Champion.

    We see Stephanie McMahon earlier tonight talking about the celebration for Kevin Owens. They need to overdeliver. Mick Foley stops by and Stephanie hangs up.

    Mick says that Stephanie's husband made him look like a fool last week and she did nothing about it.

    Stephanie tells Mick that she will not apologize for what happened. She knew nothing about that. She was behind Seth Rollins.

    Mick and Stephanie argue over who is telling the truth.

    Mick talks about the first time he saw Stephanie after his Hell in a Cell match. He says that Stephanie has always been the girl with the shy smile. Why should he believe her.

    Stephanie says she was embarrassed as a leader and commissioner. She was embarrassed as a wife. She is dealing with a lot of different things. How does she represent herself in the boardroom or on Monday Night Raw. She had nothing to do with this. She did not respond because she did not know how. Look her in the eyes and tell her that she is not the girl with the shy smile.

    Mick says if he does not believe her that means she is a good liar and a bad person.

    Balloons fall from the rafters

    Stephanie McMahon brings out Kevin Owens for his celebration.

    Kevin talks about the reaction and he tells Stephanie and Mick this is amazing. It is exactly what he wanted.

    Stephanie says that Kevin does deserve it.

    Kevin says he does deserve it. More than anything, he deserves the title. In fact, last week when he won the title, the entire arena was chanting 'You Deserve It' and they were 100% right.

    Kevin says he does not deserve a crowd of idiots hijacking his moment. They are hijacking it again this week. You are trying to make it about yourselves. You are not great or special by chanting for him. Kevin says he is great and he is special. He says he knows he deserved this since he first set foot in this ring. Last week, he beat three superstars last week to become the champion. Triple H did give him one last little nudge, but he did 98% of the work. Triple H just made it right and put him where he belongs, at the top of the industry.

    Kevin says Monday Night Raw is now officially known as the Kevin Owens Show.

    Seth Rollins' music plays and he comes to the ring.

    Kevin wants to know what Seth is doing here and Seth tells Kevin it has nothing to do with.

    Seth wants to know why Stephanie is doing this to him. He put this company on his back and he got injured. He came back faster than anyone else and then this happened to him.

    Kevin says this is all about him because it is the Kevin Owens Show.

    Seth says Kevin is only a puppet right now and he tells him to shut up.

    Stephanie says she did not know anything about it and Seth calls bull crap.

    Mick defends Stephanie and Seth wants to know if he is in her pocket.

    Mick says he has Stephanie's back.

    Seth says Kevin has been Triple H's special project since he debuted in NXT. If you want to make Kevin Owens the face of the New Era, he will be the one to burn it down. You and your husband will be on your knees begging him.

    Kevin says that is a great story. Where was this passion these last few months. Ever since you came back from your little injury, the architect has only been designing blueprints for total failure.

    Seth punches Kevin and he kicks Owens to the floor. Seth knocks Owens off the apron.

    Stephanie tells Seth that he is indefinitely suspended.

    Mick tells Stephanie that Seth is not suspended. Mick says you are acting as if this is personal. This is Monday Night Raw. We do not hand out suspensions when someone is wronged. We hand out rematches. It was agreed that Mick would make the matches and he wants Stephanie to respect that. He has no love lost for Seth Rollins and he never really liked him, but he is talented. Mick is not putting that type of talent on the shelf. Seth Rollins will face Kevin Owens at Clash of the Champions.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Stephanie tells Mick if she usurps her power again, she will not have a job.

    Mick says that he cares what people are saying.

    Kevin Owens stops by and he points out what Seth Rollins did all while Kevin is wearing a suit and he points out that Seth was given a title match.

    Mick says he is going to honor Kevin's hard work with a match against Sami Zayn.

    Chris Jericho stops by and he wants to know who the hell Mick is and how could he disrespect the longest reigning Universal Champion. Why are you rewarding Seth Rollins? Is he a Holy Foley mark?

    Stephanie says that she supports Mick's decision.

    Mick says the stupid idiot is putting Chris in a match against Seth Rollins.

    We see why Dana Brooke has a clipboard tonight and then we see her getting patted on the head by Charlotte.

    Non Title Match
    Bayley vs Charlotte (c) (with Dana Brooke and clipboard)

    Bayley makes sure that Dana doesn't take her stuff before locking up. They lock up and Charlotte backs Bayley into the corner and Charlotte takes Bayley's head band and flicks it away. Charlotte with a waist lock take down. Bayley with a waist lock and Charlotte with an elbow and she pie faces Bayley. Bayley with punches but Charlotte with a wrist lock. Bayley with a reversal and Japanese arm drag or two. Charlotte with a knee and she sends Bayley into the turnbuckles.

    Charlotte sends Bayley into the turnbuckles, but she hugs up and Bayley sends Charlotte into the turnbuckles. Charlotte goes to the floor to regroup. Bayley goes to the floor and then she kicks Charlotte through the corner but Bayley is limping. Charlotte goes back to the floor. Charlotte knocks Bayley down.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Charlotte with a figure four head scissors and she rolls Bayley around the ring. Charlotte gets a near fall. Bayley kicks Charlotte and hits a cross body for a near fall. Charlotte sends Bayley into the turnbuckles and then she drops her knee on the injured knee. Charlotte wrings the injured leg into the post. Bayley struggles to stay on her feet and Charlotte with a spinning toe hold but Bayley kicks Charlotte. Charlotte wtih a single leg crab on Bayley. Charlotte with a KneeDT after Bayley kicks Charlotte a few times. Charlotte tries for a slam but Bayley escapes but she collapses when she lands on the mat. Charlotte returns to the injured leg.

    Bayley with a rollup for a near fall. Charlotte wtih chops to Bayley. Bayley with forearms and she hits a corkscrew back elbow. Bayley with forearms and double sledges. Bayley with a hobbling shoulder into the corner and then she misses an elbow when Dana pulls Charlotte out of the way. Bayley knocks Dana off the apron. Charlotte with a rollup and Bayley kicks out and sends Charlotte at Dana and they bump heads. Bayley with a belly-to-belly suplex for the three count.

    Winner: Bayley

    After the match:
    Bayley celebrates.

    We have a video package about the work that WWE is doing in conjunction with Connor's Cure regarding Pediatric Cancer.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back with a Cruiserweight video package with a focus on Gran Metalik, Jack Gallagher, and Akira Tozawa,

    Charlotte is yelling at Dana about her loss. She wants to know how hard her directions were. You were to take notes. The girl who shouldn't be on Raw just beat her. She says she was embarrassed by the Sesame Street Kid.

    Dana says she will make it up to Charlotte. Charlotte slaps Dana.

    Bo Dallas takes the mic and he says you reap what you sow, There is nowhere to go. Bo-Lieve in Bo.

    Bo Dallas vs Kyle Roberts

    Bo with a spear and punches to Roberts. Bo with a cravate and knees. Bo with Roll The Dice for the three count.

    Winner: Bo Dallas

    Owens and Jericho are walking in the back. Chris says he is going to beat down Seth because Kevin is his best friend. He says that Kevin has a new suit and a nice haircut. Chris reminds Kevin he is the longest reigning Universal Champion. He will give Seth the Gift of Jericho. Chris wants a hug from Kevin and Kevin gives it to him.

    Kevin tells Chris to do IT.

    We go to commercial.

    Chris Jericho vs Seth Rollins

    Rollins with a drop kick to stop Jericho's comments and then he punches Jericho. Rollins with a chop and kicks in the corner. The referee pulls Rollins out of the corner. Rollins with a chop but Jericho goes to the floor. Rollins with a suicide dive onto Jericho. Rollins with a punch and he keeps Jericho from exiting through the crowd. Rollins with a chop and punch. Jericho is sent into the apron and then Jericho tries to talk to the bell ringer but Rollins pulls him away and sends him into the ring.

    Jericho kicks Rollins when he returns to the ring. Jericho with punches and chops. The referee warns Jericho. Jericho kicks Rollins and slaps him. Jericho with an Irish whip but Rollins with a clothesline and punches followed by a slap. Rollins sends Jericho to the floor. Rollins Irish whips Jericho into the ringside barrier. Rollins chops Jericho and then he goes into the ring to break up the count. Rollins with a forearm as Jericho hangs over the apron and then Rollins connects with a boot to the head.

    We see Owens watching in the back on the monitor.

    Jericho uses the referee to shield himself and he hits a springboard drop kick.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Jericho chops Rollins in the corner. Jericho with an Irish whip and he charges into the corner but Rollins stops him and hits a Flatliner into the turnbuckles. Jericho and Rollins exchange chops and punches. Rollins with slingblade for a near fall. Rollins with a forearm into the corner and he hits a second one. Rollins with a boot when Jericho charges into the corner and Rollins with a Blockbuster for a near fall.

    Jericho with an elbow and Rollins tries to send Jericho over the top rope but Jericho lands on the apron and goes up top. Rollins with a kick and Jericho counters and tries for the Walls of Jericho but Rollins with a rollup for a near fall. Rollins with a knee and then he goes for a springboard knee to the temple, but Jericho moves and he locks in the Walls of Jericho. Rollins reaches for the ropes and he gets there to force Jericho to release the hold. Jericho thinks he won the match.

    Jericho kicks Rollins and he pulls Rollins up from the mat but Rollins lands on his feet and he hits an enzuigiri followed by a super kick for a near fall. Rollins goes up top and Jericho crotches Rollins. Jericho sets for a superplex but Rollins pushes Jericho off. Jericho moves when Rollins goes for a frog splash. Jericho with a Lionsault for a near fall. Jericho kicks Rollins but Rollins with a thrust kick. Jericho has a Codebreaker blocked. Jericho with an enzuigiri. Rollins with a Pedigree for the three count.

    Winner: Seth Rollins

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Cesaro says Sheamus is acting like he has already won. This is about a title opportunity. When he breaks Sheamus' spirits, the cracks will show and he will be back in this series.

    Sheamus said that last week he injured Cesaro's back. He is going to go up 3-0 and he will be one win away from winning this series. He says he is the one worthy of a title opportunity.

    Michael mentions that Match four takes place in London on Wednesday night.

    Match Three of the Best of Seven Series
    Sheamus (2-0) vs Cesaro (0-2)

    Cesaro goes for a quick rollup and then he punches Sheamus and hits a running European uppercut in the corner. Sheamus with an Irish whip and he hits the turnbuckles and Cesaro gets a near fall. Cesaro with a corkscrew uppercut. Sheamus with a back body drop and Cesaro goes to the floor. Sheamus follows and Cesaro with a clothesline. Cesaro with a European uppercut and he sends Sheamus back into the ring. Sheamus with a tilt-a-whirl power slam for a near fall.

    Sheamus with knees to the back. Sheamus argues with the referee while the referee wants to check on Cesaro. Cesaro with punches and Sheamus goes for the Cloverleaf but Cesaro with a kick to avoid it. Cesaro with European uppercuts. Sheamus with an Irish whip and Cesaro shows the pain as he comes off the ropes. Cesaro is unable to hit the pop up European uppercut. Sheamus with a uranage back breaker for a near fall. Sheamus with two more and then he hits a fourth uranage back breaker and he gets a near fall. Sheamus goes for Splash Mountain but he turns it into a back breaker when Ceasro tries to get out of the hold.

    Sheamus with a Brogue Kick for the three count.

    Winner: Sheamus (3-0)

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Epico and Primo are in the ring. Epico says Labor Day marks the end of summer in the United States. Primo says every day is summer in Puerto Rico.

    Epico and Primo are interrupted by Enzo Amore and Colin Cassady's music.

    Enzo and Colin do their introduction.

    Enzo says there are a couple of haters. Enzo says that you are here to sell time shares in Puerto Rico and no one is buying anything from you. Enzo says we are in the United States and he points out that this is Labor Day. Enzo says their speaking is so painful that he feels like he is in labor.

    Colin asks if he is having some gas.

    Enzo says he is going into labor. Colin tells Enzo to lay down since he has seen a lot of ER.

    Enzo and Colin discuss what to call the 'baby'. Colin says it should be named after The Shining Stars and there is only ONE WORD to describe them.

    Enzo Amore and Colin Cassady vs Epico and Primo

    Primo and Colin start things off and Colin sends Primo to the floor and he back drops Epico onto Primo. Enzo with a suicide dive onto Epico and Primo.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Epico with a punch but Enzo with a sunset flip for a near fall. Epico and Enzo bump heads and both go down. Epico keeps Enzo from making the tag and hits a belly-to-back suplex and holds on for a German suplex and then hits a brainbuster to finish the trio of suplexes. Epico does his Kevin Owens mocking Enzo imitation. Epico punches Enzo and then Primo tags in and hits a splash to the back and goes to the floor. Primo misses a drop kick into the corner and he gets caught in the ropes.

    Colin makes the tag and so does Epico. Colin with a forearm to Epico and a splash to Primo. Colin with a slam to Epico followed by a leaping elbow drop. Colin with a Stinger Splash and boot to the head. Enzo tgs in and Primo grabs Colin and pulls him to the floor. Enzo hits a cross body on Primo and Epico with a rollup for the three count.

    Winners: Epico and Primo

    After the match:
    Enzo and Cass look shocked that they lost.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Sami Zayn is with Tom Phillips. He is asked about facing Kevin Owens tonight after the end of their feud.

    Sami says beating Kevin would end things and allow him to move forward. He beat him, but Sami says he feels directionless and Kevin is the Universal Champion. Sami says it stings and there is some jealous.

    Kevin stops by and he tells Sami to tell the truth about the jealousy. Kevin says he was the one chasing Sami. Getting signed by the WWE first and being drafted before Kevin. But Kevin has the title and he won the race. This means that he is better than Sami. Sami was at his best when Kevin was there to back him up. Kevin says he is the Universal Champion and Sami is nothing.

    Sami says that he was not nothing at Battleground. They will not be done. Sami says he will win the WWE Universal Championship and he will do it on his own. He won't need Triple H to hand it to him on a platter.

    Nia Jax vs Ann Esposito

    Nia grabs Ann by the throat and backs her into the corner and then throws Ann into the turnbuckles. Nia with a splash into the corner. Ann with a forearm and kicks. Ann with a sleeper but Nia backs Ann into the turnbuckles. Nia with a snap mare and a kick to the back. Nia tosses Ann into the corner and Nia with a running hip into the corner three times. Nia with a power slam for the three count.

    Winner: Nia Jax

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows are in the ring.

    They introduce themselves and they say they are retirement specialists. Luke says after retiring the Dudley Boyz, they are looking forward to retiring the New Day as tag team champions at Clash of Champions. Karl says they are going to show what the New Day will be like under their care.

    Luke says from the Gallows and Anderson Old Farts Home, welcome the Old Day.

    The 'New Day' make their way to the ring in a scooter, with help from a walker, and a cane.

    Luke asks them what in the hell happened to you.

    Not quite Kofi says that they beat the pee pee out of them at Clash of Champions.

    Karl asks Not Quite Xavier how are they treating them.

    Luke calls Almost Big E someone who has given up. Luke says he is here to serve him with some metamucil but he has already soiled himself.

    The Real New Day make their way onto the stage.

    Xavier asks Fake Xavier who is his favorite X Man. Big E asks if Almost Big E is his grandpappy.

    Kofi says if that is them from the future, they shouldn't be sharing the same space. If they touch just the tips . . . of their fingers, the entire WWE Universe would be destroyed.

    Xavier suggests they beat up the bald guys.

    Karl and Luke leave the ring.

    We have a stand off between the Real New Day and the Fake New Day. The pretenders do the dance and then Big E, Kofi, and Xavier show them how to do it.

    Big E gives the signal after they try to hit Big E wtih the walker. The New Day takes care of the poor facsimile of The New Day.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Titus O'Neil is on commentary.

    Darren Young (with Bob Backlund) vs Jinder Mahal

    Jinder with forearms. Darren with a discus forearm and a neck breaker for a near fall. Mahal with an elbow and hot shot. Mahal with a Harley Race high knee for a near fall. Mahal with a kick to the back of the head and a drop kick. Mahal with a leaping knee drop for a near fall. Mahal with a chin lock. Young blocks punches and connects with punches of his own. Young with clotheslines and then he hits an overhead belly-to-belly throw. Young with a baseball slide and Titus goes to the ring.

    Mahal with a rollup but Young rolls through and hits Gut Check for the three count.

    Winner: Darren Young

    After the match
    Young attacks Titus from behind and he takes Titus down. Young punches Titus and he continues the attack as Titus tries to get away. Darren continues the attack on Young and he gets into the ring as Titus finally goes up the ramp.

    We go to the trainer's room and Alicia Fox exits.

    Nia asks Alicia how is her girl doing. Alicia wants to know what is Nia's problem. Nia says this is not a reality show and there are real life repercussions.

    Alicia tells Nia to get out of her face as she throws napkins and then she accidentally hits her in the face with a box. Nia pushes Alicia and walks away.

    We go to commercial.

    Tom Philliips is in the back with Sin Cara. He asks him why did he take the match. Sin Cara says that Braun disrespected his heritage and he will defend his culture.

    Braun Strowman vs Sin Cara

    Cara with a drop kick but Strowman with a shoulder tackle. Cara with a head scissors that sends Strowman into the corner. Strowman with a clothesline followed by a forearm to the back and a nerve hold. Strowman with an elbow and he returns to the nerve hold. Cara with a jaw breaker but Strowman sends Cara to the floor. Cara with punches and kicks on the floor. Cara is sent over the ring steps and Cara with a drop kick off the steps.

    Strowman pulls Cara out of the ring and sends Cara into the ringside barrier. Strowman returns to the ring and the referee makes the ten count.

    Winner: Braun Strowman (by countout)

    After the match
    Strowman with a running tackle from behind to Cara.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Sasha Banks makes her way to the ring.

    Sasha says there is a saying that every journey has an end. Every story has a final chapter. For years and years, the WWE Universe was searching for a revolution. Before there was a Facebook and Twitter, there was a revolution. There were women, women like Mae Young and Fabulous Moolah. Women like Alyundra Blaze. Women like Trish and Lita. They wrote the first chapter.

    On July 15, 2015, Stephanie McMahon introduced the next generation of women in the WWE. No more Bra and Panties matches. No more stupid butterfly title. They did it. They finally became what they deserved all along, to be called Superstars. This revolution is more than the WWE. This revolution is every mother, sister, and daughter. Her revolution is every time she steps into the ring.

    Every time she steps into the ring, she does it for every little girl who has a dream of being better. She does it for everyone who wants more. She used to get up at 6:00 AM to pick up soda cans to get money to go to a WWE show. That is why she fights so hard. Every time she is in this ring, it means so much to her.

    Sasha says at SummerSlam, she was pushed to her limits, she was pushed beyond her limits. Charlotte tried to break her back. She is not out here to make any excuses. Charlotte beat her. Sasha says she met with the doctors and she has some bad news.

    Dana Brooke's music plays and she says the only champion in the WWE is Charlotte. She will send a message. She will finish what Charlotte started at SummerSlam. Your journey will end on her terms.

    Dana throws the mic at Sasha and Sasha with a lungblower into the Banks Statement. Dana taps for no reason and Sasha releases the hold.

    Sasha calls Dana 'Miss Piggy' and then she says that the title is coming back to her at Clash of Champions.

    We go to commercial.

    Non Title Match
    Kevin Owens (c) vs Sami Zayn

    They start off by throwing punches at each other and Owens goes to the floor. Owens with a kick and forearm followed by a chop. Owens sends Zayn into the ringside barrier and he kicks Zayn. Owens sends Zayn back into the ring and Owens kicks Zayn. Zayn with punches but Owens with a chop and back elbow. Zayn leaps over Owens and hits a leg lariat. Owens goes to the floor. Owens pulls Zayn out of the ring and he punches Zayn and sends Sami into the ringside barrier. Zayn leaps onto the ringside barrier and he hits a moonsault that catches Owens in the head.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and the Chin Lock Master is showcasing his expertise on Zayn. We see footage during the commercial break when Owens hit a super kick. Owens with a knee and then he drops Zayn midsection first on the top rope and Owens follows with a back senton and he gets a near fall. Owens reminds Zayn he is the champion and he punches Zayn. Zayn punches back. Zayn backs up towards the ropes and Owens goes over the top rope to the floor. Zayn with a flip dive onto Owens.

    Owens rolls to the other side of the floor and Zayn with another flip dive onto Owens. Zayn with a Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall. Zayn sets for a half nelson suplex but Owens with an elbow and clothesline into the corner. Owens tries for the cannonball but Zayn gets up and he hits an Exploder into the turnbuckles. Owens rolls to the apron to avoid the Helluva Kick. Owens goes to the apron as well and Owens with a kick and a power bomb onto the apron. Zayn blocks it and he punches Owens. Zayn sets for a half nelson suplex on the apron but Owens with elbows.

    Zayn gets back into the ring and Owens drops Zayn on the top rope. Owens with a clothesline into the corner followed by a cannonball. Owens sets for a pop up power bomb but Zayn leaps over Owens and Zayn with a half nelson suplex for a near fall. Zayn kicks Owens and sets for the arm drag using the ropes but Zayn lands awkwardly and appears to have reinjured his ankle. The referee checks on Sami on the floor and Zayn says he is okay to continue. Owens gets Zayn up and tries for a power bomb. Zayn escapes and hits a half nelson suplex on the floor.

    Zayn rolls Owens back into the ring and Zayn sets for the Helluva Kick but he cannot run across the ring. Owens with a super kick and power bomb for the three count.

    Winner: Kevin Owens

    After the match
    Roman Reigns' music plays and he makes his way to the ring since he was also screwed over by Triple H last week.

    Reigns gets on the apron and then he gets into the ring.

    Owens backs up and leaves the ring.

    Chris Jericho makes his way to the ring and he goes onto the other side of the ring.

    Mick Foley's music plays and he makes his way onto the stage.

    Mick says this is what they are going to do. He knows that Roman wants a piece of Kevin Owens and the Universal Title. Next week, Roman will face Kevin Owens and if he can win, he will be part of a Triple Threat at Clash of Champions.

    Jericho tries to attack Reigns, but that does not work and Reigns with a spear to Jericho.

    We go to credits.

  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    An "official celebration" for Kevin Owens' WWE Universal championship victory has been announced for tonight's episode of RAW

  3. #3
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    The WWE Universal Championship receives Kevin Owens side plates.

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    - Bo Dallas is backstage at RAW tonight.

    - Rusev and Lana will miss TV this week as they are in Bulgaria for their "family and friends" wedding.

    - No Paul Heyman or Brock Lesnar tonight.

  5. #5

  6. #6
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    Sasha Banks has posted to Twitter saying she will be sharing some bad news tonight on WWE RAW.

  7. #7
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Damn Lita is hot on the Pre-Show lol

  8. #8
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    lol Charlotte on Pre-Show - Sesame Street Bayley

  9. #9

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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Cool opening to RAW Wish Triple H had come out.

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