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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Default Smackdown LIVE Coverage & Discussion - 6th Aug, 2016

    Smackdown Live Pre-Show
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    Smackdown LIVE Coverage & Discussion - 6th Aug, 2016
    Location: Lincoln, Nebraska
    Announcers: Mauro Ranallo, John Layfield, and David Otunga.

    Daniel Bryan is in the ring and we see the Women's Title Belt displayed.

    Daniel welcomes everyone to Smackdown. He says in five days at Backlash one Superstar's life will change forever when we have the Six Pack Elimination Challenge. He says six women will walk into this ring and we will get the inaugural Smackdown Women's Champion. Before that match on Sunday, we will have all six women in a six person tag match. Daniel says we are going to have a women's champion's forum.

    Daniel brings out Becky Lynch first.

    Becky says she was standing behind that curtain and she says she thought she was going to hear Nikki's name first.

    Daniel says he loves his sister in law, but Becky was the first draft pick.

    Daniel does make a plug for Total Bellas.

    Daniel asks Becky what would it mean to be the first Women's Champion.

    Becky says it would be worth it to win and know all of the travel and being away from home was worth it. Maybe there was a reason why she lost at Wrestlemania. There is a reason why she was the first female draft pick. Winning on Sunday will be the greatest night of her life.

    Natalya's music plays and she makes her way to the ring. Natalya chants BORING. She says the draft was the worst day of her life. She got stuck with Becky. Smackdown was supposed to be her kingdom and she has been haunted by Becky's unnatural hair color.

    Becky wants to know what happened to Natalya.

    Alexa comes out and says previously on the Real Whiners of the WWE, will Natalya get over her shortcomings? Will Becky forget about the past? Will Daniel be anything more than a Bella trophy Husband?

    Carmella comes out and she says we all saw what she did to Nikki Bella. On Sunday, you all . . .

    Becky asks Alexa if she is going to take that from Carmella.

    Alexa says that Carmella is the least of her troubles.

    Natalya says that she is the Queen of Harts.

    Natalya, Alexa, and Carmella try to corner Becky and . . .

    Naomi comes out to make the save and then Nikki makes her way to the ring.

    Natalya hits Nikki and then Naomi and Becky take care of Alexa, Carmella, and Natalya.

    Dean Ambrose takes someone's coffee in the back and he does not like the way it tastes so he puts a lot of sugar in it. He says it is a lot better.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Daniel tells Shane that he should have to deal with the women next time.

    Shane says the tag match tonight will be explosive.

    Miz shows up with Maryse. He says he comes from his vacation on his private island and all you care about is the women's title? Miz says he is facing a man who did not earn his title match, a loser Dolph Ziggler. Miz says that Daniel is still bitter at what he said.

    Daniel says the women in the ring were ready to fight, unlike you Miz. Daniel says that Miz will have his match on Sunday and if he does not want to, he can hand over the title now.

    Miz' music plays and he walks to the ring.

    Dolph Ziggler is at the announce table for this match.

    Non Title Match
    Miz (c)(with Maryse) vs Apollo Crews

    Miz with a waist lock into a side head lock. Crews with a shoulder tackle. Crews with a few waist lock take downs. Miz backs Crews into the corner. Miz with punches and kicks but Crews blocks a side head lock take down. Miz with a side head lock and Crews flips over Miz and hits a drop kick. Miz goes to the floor. Crews goes to the apron when Miz moves. Miz tries to pull Miz off the apron but Crews remains on the apron and hits a moonsault.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Miz picks up Crews and connects with a forearm but Crews punches back. Miz goes for a knee but Crews with a rollup for a near fall. Miz hits Reality Check for a near fall. Miz chokes Crews in the corner and the referee warns him. Miz with a snap mare and he stretches Crews. Crews punches Miz. Miz with a sunset flip and Crews rolls through and hits a sunset flip for a near fall. Miz with an Awesome Clothesline. Miz goes up top and Crews catches Miz and hits an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Crews with an elbow to Miz followed by clotheslines and a kick. Crews with a running boot to the head and a splash into the corner. Crews with a clothesline and then he sets for the toss power bomb and Miz rakes the eyes.

    Miz goes to the floor and he is by the announce table. Miz punches Ziggler because Ziggler got saucy. Crews goes for a baseball slide but Miz moves. Miz sends Crews into Ziggler and then the ring post. Miz with a Skull Crushing Finale for the three count.

    Winner: Miz

    After the match
    Miz gets out of the ring, but he leaves the title belt in the ring. Maryse goes into the ring to get the belt. Ziggler asks if Maryse is the strong one who does the dirty work.

    Smackdown Live Studios:
    Renee Young is with AJ Styles.

    Renee asks AJ about what happened last week wtih Dean Ambrose. She asks if AJ has some harsh words for Dean. AJ asks if one of the production assistants gave Renee that footage. He asks him if he has a family and what would happen if he got fired. Would his family think that was funny.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back with a look at American Alpha. Jason says they are trying to revolutionize tag team wrestling. Chad says that they are going to make tag team wrestling the coolest and it will be because of them.

    The Usos are in the back and Charley asks Jimmy and Jey about their match against American Alpha. Jey says Gable and Jordan deserve to be on Smackdown. They are the underdogs. The Usos run this tag team division.

    Bray Wyatt appears in the smoke on the big screen and he is talking to himself. He says the man that has to fight for everything just to survive. What man would scour the woods for food to see the next day? There lurked another creature. An alpha, an apex predator. Both have the same mentality . . . survival. The predator had nothing to fear. The predator had no morality, not conscience. The predator terrorized men, tearing them limb from limb. It is survival of the fittest.

    Mankind evolved and learned to adapt. It learned to build and create. Those predators then became playthings. History repeats itself Randy. You are no longer the great predator, Bray says he is. He is the evolution. Bray says he is a God and the weapon holds is greater than anything you can wield. It is your heart. It is something you cannot compete with. It is something you will learn to fear. At Backlash, predator becomes prey.

    Bray tells Randy to run.

    Nikki Bella makes her way to the ring.

    We go to commercial.

    Nikki Bella, Naomi, and Becky Lynch vs Carmella, Natalya, and Alexa Bliss

    Alexa and Naomi start things off and Alexa pie faces Naomi and Naomi responds with Speedball kicks and a round kick. Naomi gets a near fall. Carmella tags in and she blows a kiss at Nikki before locking up. Naomi with a waist lock take down into a front face lock. Naomi with a wrist lock. Becky tags in and she works on the wrist. Carmella rolls through and gets a leg trip. Becky with a matrix escape. They block hip tosses and Becky with a back slide for a near fall. Carmella holds on to the ropes on an O'Connor Roll attempt so Becky goes with a leg nelson cover.

    Nikki tags in and she goes after Carmella and Carmella goes to the floor.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Becky tags in and hits two clotheslines followed by a leg lariat and running forearm into the corner. Becky with an exploder for a near fall. Becky with a forearm and she kicks Alexa on the apron. She stops Carmella but Natalya pulls Becky off the apron. Natalya kicks Becky and sends her back into the ring. Carmella with forearms and she gets a near fall. Carmella chokes Becky in the ropes and then Natalya kicks Becky. Carmella dances around and then she tags in Natalya and they send Becky to the mat and Natalya gets a near fall. Natalya with a sleeper. Becky with an arm drag but she cannot make the tag.

    Natalya runs Becky into the corner and then Alexa tags in and they make a wish with Becky's legs. Alexa kicks Becky in the ropes and then sends her face first into the mat and then she stomps on Becky by the ropes. Alexa gets a near fall. Becky with forearms and Alexa with a knee. Becky with an inside cradle for a near fall. Alexa kicks Becky and tags in Natalya. Natalya with a snap mare and drop kick.

    Natalya walks across Becky's midsection and then she hits a Michinoku Driver for a near fall. Natalya with a front face lock. Becky with an inside cradle for a near fall. Natalya with a neck breaker for a near fall. Natalya mocks Becky by holding her arm out to feign a tag. Becky with punches but Natalya with a knee. Becky with a kick and a rollup for a near fall. Becky misses an enzuigiri and Natalya pulls Becky into the corner. Alexa tags in and she misses an elbow drop. Nikki tags in and hits two clotheslines followed by a drop kick. Nikki misses a forearm but she does not miss an elbow. Nikki with a springboard kick for a near fall. Alexa with a jaw breaker.

    Carmella tags in and Nikki gets Carmella up and hits the TKO but Alexa breaks up the cover. Natalya with a discus clothesline and then Naomi takes care of Natalya. Alexa with a jumping knee drop and she rolls through into a handspring knee drop. Becky with a spear to send her and Alexa to the floor. Carmella with Code of Silence and Nikki taps out.

    Winners: Natalya, Carmella, and Alexa Bliss

    The Usu's are seen walking in the back.

    We go to commercial.

    Semi Final Match: Tag Team Title Tournament
    Chad Gable and Jason Jordan vs Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso

    The Usos shake hands and then they attack Gable and Jordan after the bell rings. Gable sends Jey to the floor when he charges and then Jordan with a shoulder to Jimmy in the corner and then Gable tags in and they hit Grand Amplitude.

    Winners: Chad Gable and Jason Jordan

    After the match
    Jimmy and Jey applaud the effort of Gable and Jordan. They shake hands again and then they super kick Jordan and attack Gable. Jordan is sent into the ring post. Jimmy holds Gable and Jey with a jumping thrust kick to the back of the knee. Jimmy goes up top and hits a frog splash onto the leg. Jason Jordan comes into the ring with officials and The Usos leave the ring.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back with a look at what happened in the first semifinal match and what happened after the match when the Usos shocked the world by turning on American Alpha.

    John says he is embarrassed by what the Usos did and Otunga says that is not the Usos he knows.

    Randy Orton is walking in the back and he is asked by Charley about Bray Wyatt's comments and how it changes his strategy on Sunday.

    Randy says Bray likes to tell stories. Once upon a time, there was a guy who hadn't eaten for days and he would have to get food or he would have to die. That man found a rabbit and killed the rabbit. He sees a snake off to the side, lying there, waiting. Only one could have the rabbit. The man took a few steps, looking at the rabbit. The man stood over the rabbit and looked at the snake and he remembered that snakes are more afraid of you than you are of them. The snake attacked.

    The snake never stopped wanting the rabbit, but he then wanted both. He waited for the man's overconfidence to get to him.

    Randy says he will be waiting patiently at Backlash and then Bray will not know what hit him.

    Fandango is in the ring. He tells everyone unfortunately his tag team partner Tyler Breeze cannot be here because he is in Dubai. Fandango says he has found someone to tango with Fandango. Fandango asks her for her name and it is Patty. He asks her about her tattoos and it means she likes nature.

    Fandango tells her that her hips lie and then she tells him that her hips tell the truth and you cannot handle the truth.

    Fandango asks for anyone else with fire in their belly and . . .

    Kane comes out to the ring.

    Fandango says he loves it. He calls Kane a big red dancing machine. He says he wants to feel it in his belly.

    Kane choke slams Fandango.

    AJ Styles is in the back and he sees some people talking and AJ thinks they are taking a photo of him. AJ looks and sees it is a photo of that person's family. AJ throws the phone against the wall. He says that is not how you treat the face that runs this place.

    We go to commercial.

    We see Heath's family in the front row.

    Semi Final Match: Tag Team Title Tournament
    Rhyno and Heath Slater versus Zack Ryder and Mojo Rawley

    Slater and Ryder start things off and Slater with a clothesline followed by a reverse atomic drop and clothesline. Ryder with knees and then he hits a missile drop kick for a near fall. Rawley tags in and Slater is sent into Ryder and then Rawley with a knee and a back body drop and clothesline to send Slater to the floor. Ryder tags in and hits a baseball slide. Rawley with a clothesline to Rhyno,

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Rawley with a side head lock on Slater. Rawley with an Irish whip and he misses a Stinger Splash. Ryder and Rhyno tag in and Rhyno with elbows followed by a shoulder in the corner. Rhyno with a spinebuster and Mojo breaks up the cover. Slater tags in and Rawley goes over the top rope to the floor. Rhyno with a clothesline. Ryder with a rollup for a near fall. Ryder follows with a drop toe hold and then he misses the Broski Boot when Rhyno pulls him aside. Rhyno sets for the GORE and he hits it and gets the three count.

    Winners: Heath Slater and Rhyno (Advance to the Finals)

    After the match
    Slater celebrates with Beulah and the kids.

    Renee Young announces that American Alpha's status is questionable going into Backlash.

    The Usos show up and Jey says it feels a little different around here. He says he does not know if it came out right or wrong. Jimmy says American Alpha were in the wrong place at the wrong time. You turned your back on the Usos, but then you hoot and holler for American Alpha. They looked for respect and they are done with it.

    Dean Ambrose is getting some hairspray applied as we get ready for the face off.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Dean Ambrose makes his way to the ring and he has a bag with him.

    AJ Styles makes his way to the ring as well.

    Dean tells Charley is doing a good job but things could get crazy so he tells her to leave the ring.

    Dean says he has a gift for AJ and he says he put a lot of thought into it. AJ opens the bag and Dean says it is a participation trophy from bowlilng. Dean says that is the only trophy you are going to get from him.

    AJ asks Dean if he thinks this is a joke. You have no idea who you are dealing with. If you did, you wouldn't make him out to be a joke.

    Dean asks if AJ wasn't a joke last week when he got dropped on his groinal region.

    Dean says that is why they call it high risk.

    AJ asks if that was funny and Dean says everyone thought it was funny. Dean says he was giving AJ a high pitched voice to go with his soccer mom haircut.

    AJ asks if Dean thinks the arm band is a joke. He got this from the last man he beat. That is a trophy. AJ says he does not want Dean to hand him anything. In fact, that trophy over your shoulder will be the one he takes this Sunday. Just like he took his trophy from John Cena. He will beat Dean at Backlash. Make AJ a joke. AJ says John Cena took him very seriously and AJ reminds Dean that he beat John in the center of the ring.

    AJ tells Dean he is not John Cena.

    Dean says he is right he is not John Cena. Nothing against John. You were the better wrestler than John Cena on that night. It is a battlefield when they are in the ring. Dean says the only time they were in the ring, he beat AJ. Dean says he is looking at the future and at Backlash. He gets to walk out of the building as the champion. They do not give out trophies for the face that comes in second place.

    AJ kicks Dean in the ding ding and then he breaks the trophy over his knee.

    We go to credits.

  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Not a bad opening pushing the new Women's championship.

  3. #3
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Miz just does not seem to have the same cranky attitude he has had, I gope he keeps that crazy attitude.

  4. #4
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    I'd take Miz's title so Maryse would have to come get it lol

  5. #5
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    I would like Wyatt to be the new Undertaker but his gimmick is not dark enough just yet. Guess got to give him time.

  6. #6
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    I really like Naomis entrance

  7. #7
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Well, all those women entrances just took up a quarter of the show lol

  8. #8
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Gawd damn, these women are taking up at least half the show on TV lol

    Welcome to the Smackdown Live Women's Division Show!

  9. #9
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    A good Women's match for a build up to Backlash.

  10. #10
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    WTF was that lol. Uso's lose in about 1 mins.

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