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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Default Smackdown LIVE Coverage & Discussion - 13th Sep, 2016

    Smackdown Live Pre-Show

    Smackdown LIVE Coverage a& Discussion - 13th Sep, 2016
    Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
    Announcers: Mauro Ranallo, John Layfield, and David Otunga.

    Tonight's show starts off with a look back at what happened on Backlash. We saw two titles awarded for the first time and we also saw AJ Styles become the WWE Champion.

    AJ Styles makes his way to the ring.

    AJ says the Champ is HERE. He says he hates to tell you that he told you so, but he wants to yell it . . . I TOLD YOU SO!! Everything he said he was going to do, he did. He told you that he was going to beat John Cena. At SummerSlam, he beat John Cena and he is the face that runs the place. Then he told you that he was going to beat Dean Ambrose. At Backlash, he beat Dean and became the new WWE World Champion. If he told you he could beat John Cena and Dean Ambrose with one arm tied behind his back, it is the truth. It is the gospel. AJ says if he gave you the lottery numbers, you would be a millionaire. If he tells you the sky is green, there is no need to look. The sky will be green.

    His lips do not lie. He says that he is the Champ that runs the Camp. AJ repeats himself. He says it one more time.

    John Cena's music plays and he makes his way to the ring.

    John says you can hear these people and they know what he knows. You have something that belongs to him and he would lilke it back.

    AJ says he will give it back and he gives John his wrist band since AJ has the World Championship.

    John says that AJ still has something that belongs to him and the bad news is that he would like to take it back. He wants the World Championship. The greatest champion has said that to be the man, you have to beat the man. If he can hold that gold one more time, he is in the conversation with the man. John says he couldn't think of a better person to make history off of than you. You are the face that runs the place. John says he is the man who doesn't quit. His goal is to say the Sixteen Time Champ is here.

    Dean Ambrose comes to the ring and he gets in AJ's face. Dean says you made the biggest mistake of your life on Sunday, boy. He says he can handle losing the title, but you kicked him in the jewels to steal the title from him. You have made Dean your enemy. Your life changes when you are his enemy. Dean promises to make your life miserable. He will take back his title and he will do it with interest. He will bury you in the ground . . .

    John asks Dean about complaining about hanging AJ by his crotch and the complaining about a low blow. Steve Austin was right and you have not shown that you have balls.

    Dean says that John must be mistaking him for someone who gives a damn about you or what you say. He has heard enough of your rah rah. You are a lazy part-timer. You are better off doing television shows, movies, and talk shows because you cannot hang with him. WWE uses you for media appearances but you cannot get it done in the ring. Dean says you couldn't get past this chump at SummerSlam, so how are you going to beat him.

    Shane McMahon's music plays and he shuffles on the stage before making his way to the ring.

    Shane says with the talent in the ring and the emotion, he had to come out. He tells AJ that him and John Cena tore the house down at SummerSlam. You defeated John Cena clean and that is a huge accomplishment. Shane says he does not like AJ saying he is the face that runs this place. He earned it by beating Cena. He says Dean and AJ tore the house down at Backlash. Shane says AJ took the easy way out to win the title. Shane says that is not how he saw a new champion being crowned. AJ is the WWE Champion.

    Shane says Dean will get his one-on-one rematch, but not right now.

    At No Mercy, AJ Styles will defend the WWE Championship against John Cena. . . . and Dean Ambrose in a Triple Threat match.

    Shane says emotions are going so bonkers so tonight John Cena and Dean Ambrose will be in a tag team match against AJ Styles and a partner of his choosing. Shane says if AJ cannot get a tag team partner, the General Manager can find one for him.

    We go to commercial.

    Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso vs Zack Ryder and Mojo Rawley

    Jey goes after Ryder's injured leg and he takes him down and tags in Jimmy who continues to work on the leg. Jey tags in and he kicks Ryder. Jey with a knee bar but Ryder kicks Jey and tags in Mojo. Jimmy tags in and Mojo with a clothesline and a pounce. Mojo with a Stinger Splash and Jey misses a splash on Mojo. Mojo sends Jey into Jimmy and Mojo with a splash into Jimmy. Jimmy with a super kick to Mojo and Jimmy tags in and hits a frog splash for the three count.

    Winners: Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso

    Miz walks in the back with his wife Maryse.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Curt Hawkins advises us of some facts. He says it is time to face the facts.

    Miz makes his way to the ring with his wife Maryse.

    Miz says for weeks Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler, and most of the WWE Universe has been calling him a coward. Miz says you can call him a coward because he walked out of Backlash with his wife by his side and the Intercontinental Title on his shoulder. He says he has held the title longer than Pat Patterson, Triple H, and Dolph Ziggler. He has made it more prestigious than it ever was.

    Dolph Ziggler interrupts and he says it is a funny thing that Miz is holding the title belt while trying to act like he is the champion. You know deep down inside that no matter what you do, any Superstar in the back who has laughed, you know why. The WWE Universe will never see you as a top guy. You will never ever be a true main eventer. They will always see through you Miz.

    Miz says he is the main event on every show he is on. If he lived and died based on the fans, put him six feet under, just like Dolph's career.

    Dolph says he is at a crossroads in his career. Miz is crushing it, but you will always have that asterisk by your name, just like your win at Backlash. Do you really want to earn some respect? He asks for one more match. No gimmicks, no valets, no girlfriends, no wives, no Maryse, no stunt doubles . . . just you and me.

    Maryse want to get Dolph to clarify what he is saying. Maryse wants to make sure that she is hearing that Dolph wants another match.

    Daniel Bryan's music plays and he makes his way onto the stage. Daniel says he could not shut his mouth while Miz' wife was talking. He says Maryse cheated and she is the only reason Miz is still the champion. He says Dolph will get his rematch.

    Miz says that Dolph did not earn the right to be the number one contender in the first place and he does not deserve a rematch. Miz says he wants his title renegotiated and Daniel will not get what he wants until Miz gets what he wants. Miz says the title will not be defended until he gets what he wants. He will be calling his own shots and there is nothing that Daniel can do about it.

    Miz leaves the ring with Maryse when Daniel enters the ring.

    AJ Styles walks in the back and he sees Baron Corbin and Baron wants to know what AJ wants.

    AJ says he knows that Baron has a match against Apollo Crews but why not be his partner tonight.

    Baron says he would rather be AJ's opponent than partner and he walks away.

    We go to commercial.

    Baron Corbin vs Apollo Crews

    Corbin attacks Crews before the bell rings and he knocks Crews off the turnbuckles. Crews is sent into the ringside barrier and then Corbin hits End of Days on the floor.

    Jack Swagger's music plays and he makes his way to the ring.

    Corbin leaves the ring.

    Jack takes the mic and he says call him Jumpin' Jack Flash because as of 12:01 AM, Smackdown is his home. He says you may think you know his abilities in the ring, but he promises you that you don't know Jack. Forget everything you know about Jack. He will be a big problem. He says we will be a big problem.

    Becky Lynch walks in the back.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Becky Lynch makes her way to the ring.

    Charly Caruso asks Becky if winning the title has sunk in yet. She says that it is fitting that the first place Becky Balboa would show off the title is in Philadelphia. She says she had the fight of her life against five other women. Eventually it became one and she is the first Women's Champion. She says there is a saying that the journey is greater than the destination but they never went on this journey and never ended up at this destination. She says she is a fighting woman so come at me Bros.

    Number One Contender Match
    Naomi versus Alexa Bliss vs Carmella vs Nikki Bella vs Natalya

    Nikki goes after Carmella as the bell rings and Carmella gets to the floor. Natalya runs Nikki into the corner and Natalya with a knee. Natalya with an Irish whip into Naomi and Alexa in the corner and Natalya with a rollup. Natalya with a discus clothesline followed by suplexes to Nikki and Alexa. Natalya with a Michinoku Driver to Naomi for a near fall. Nikki with a face buster for a near fall.

    Carmella goes to the floor to avoid Nikki and she is happy that she can get out of the ring, but she should not be so happy after Nikki hits a flying clothesline off the steps. Naomi with a sunset flip from the apron on Natalya but Nikki breaks up the cover. Nikki with an Irish whip and Naomi kicks Nikki and then Naomi with a head scissors on the turnbuckles. Nikki with an Electric Chair drop and both ladies are down.

    Alexa rolls in and gets a near fall on Naomi and then she gets one on Nikki. Natalya picks up Alexa by the hair and Natalya with a knee and Irish whip. Natalya with a shoudler in the corner. Naomi with an enzuigiri to prevent Alexa from hitting Code Red. Naomi with a Bubba Bomb on Alexa and Natalya with a drop kick to Alexa for a near fall. Nikki with a kick and X Factor on Natalya for a near fall. Naomi with Rear View for a near fall. Naomi with a baseball slide to Natalya but Natalya slams Naomi's face into the ring steps. Nikki sends Natalya into the ringside barrier. Nikki with a shoulder to Alexa from the apron and then she runs Alexa into the turnbuckles. Alexa kicks Nikki down and goes for Twisted Bliss but Nikki stops her. Nikki goes for the TKO but Carmella with a kick to Nikki and Alexa sends Carmella to the floor and gets the three count.

    Winner: Alexa Bliss

    AJ is still in the back looking for a partner and he sees KANE. He tells Kane the face that runs the place needs a tag team partner. The Phenomenal One and the Devil's Favorite Demon . . . that has a good sound to it.

    KANE laughs and walks away.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Shane McMahon is in the ring with the carpet and table along with a contract. Shane says Smackdown is all about opportunities. Shane says he wants to single out one individual and he took advantage of it and became a Smackdown Tag Team Champion and he earned his spot on the roster.

    Shane brings out Heath Slater and he is joined by his fellow tag team champion Rhyno.

    Shane says he is a man of his word and they have some official business to get down to.

    Heath takes the contract and he signs it to officially join the Smackdown roster.

    Heath takes the mic and he screams. He wants to thank Shane McMahon and Daniel Bryan for making this happen. Heath wants to thank Beulah and he tells her that we are moving to a double wide. Heath thanks Rhyno. There was a lot of talk that he could do it on his own but he did not think he could. He found Rhyno. He is his friend, he is his partner, and they are Smackdown Tag Team Champions. They will take on anyone, anywhere, and any place.

    Heath says he wants to thank his kids. He wants to thank Roscoe, Betty Lou, Justin, Josh, and . . .

    The Ascension come out and Konnor says anyplace, how about here. Viktor says anytime, how about now. They suggest anyone and it is them.

    Heath says we have the table in the ring so they cannot do it now.

    Shane likes the idea and gets everything out of the ring for a match.

    We go to commercial.

    Smackdown Tag Team Championship
    Heath Slater and Rhyno (c's) vs Konnor and Viktor

    The match is joined in progess and Viktor works over Slater. Viktor runs Slater into the corner and Konnor tags in and Konnor with a splash and Konnor with a knee. Konnor sends Rhyno to the floor. Viktor tags in and hits a knee off the turnbuckles. Rhyno breaks up the cover and he sends Konnor into the ring post. Slater tries to get to Rhyno and he kicks Viktor away. Rhyno tags in and he connects with back elbows and Rhyno with a clothesline and shoulder in the corner. Rhyno with a spinebuster for a near fall. Slater climbs on Konnor's back and Konnor sends Slater to the floor. Rhyno with a shoulder to Konnor and then he hits a GORE on Viktor for the three count.

    Winners: Heath Slater and Rhyno

    AJ Styles sees Daniel Bryan and Daniel asks AJ if he has found a partner. Daniel says they have found a partner and it is James Ellsworth. AJ storms off.

    Mauro, David, and John talk about the Cruiserweight Classic Finale that will air live on The WWE Network tomorrow night.

    Randy Orton makes his way to the ring.

    Randy tells Bray all you do is talk. You say you're the face of fear and he finally know what that means. You are the face of fear because you are afraid. You are afraid of him. You were afraid of him on Sunday so you attacked him from behind. It did not work. You are not the first and you won't be the last. Randy says he is in the ring by himself so if you have the balls, come to the ring and face your fear.

    Bray appears on the TitanTron and he says a wise man knows when to stay down. This world we live in is cruel and unfair. He gave Randy a gift. He gave him a way out. All you had to do was stay down and you didn't. Instead you chose to embarrass him. Bray says he did not like that. He knows what he must do. He cannot stop. Until death do us part. Not fire, daggers, or bullets will end this. Don't sleep. DO NOT SLEEP.

    The lights go out and then they go back on and Bray is at ringside behind Orton.

    Bray sits on the announce table and he removes his hat and vest.

    Randy waits for Bray, but Bray is not going to fight him.

    The lights go out and they come back on and Erick Rowan is in the ring and he attacks Randy from behind.

    Rowan tries to continue his attack but Orton with an RKO

    We go to commercial.

    James Ellsworth makes his way to the ring but Miz attacks Ellsworth from behind with a clothesline and then he punches Ellsworth and Miz says he is the main event so he gives Ellsworth a Skull Crushing Finale on the ramp.

    AJ is shocked at the status of his tag team partner.

    Miz walks to the ring and he says he is the main event.

    AJ asks Miz if he wants to be his partner and they shake hands.

    Styles and Miz (substituting for James Ellsworth) vs Dean Ambrose and John Cena

    The match is joined in progress and Miz tags in and kicks Cena and gets a near fall. We see footage of AJ hitting a Ushigoroshi during the commercial break. Miz stands over Cena and Cena blocks a punch. Cena goes after Styles and Miz with a kick and DDT. Miz chokes Cena in the ropes and then Styles hits an enzuigiri on the apron. Miz with the Awesome clothesline. Miz goes for a second Awesome Clothesline but Cena moves and Miz lands awkwardly in the corner. Ambrose tags in and he connects with a forearm on Styles and a back elbow. Ambrose with a running clothesline.

    Styles with a boot and he comes off the turnbuckles but Ambrose catches him and hits a uranage back breaker. Ambrose goes up and hits the elbow to the chest and gets a near fall. Ambrose sends Styles into the turnbuckles and punches him. Ambrose punches Miz off the apron and then sends him into the ringside barrier. Ambrose misses a clothesline and Styles with a Pele Kick.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Miz and Ambrose are down. Ambrose sends Miz into the turnbuckles and puts him on the turnbuckles for a butterfly superplex but Miz with punches and a head butt to send Miz to the mat. Miz with a double sledge off the turnbuckles and Styles tags in. Styles kicks Ambrose and he knocks Cena off the apron with a forearm. Cena distracts the referee in the ring and Miz works over Ambrose in the corner. Styles with a punch and chop. Styles with another punch and he has something to say to Cena. Ambrose sends Styles into the corner and he chops Styles.

    Styles with punches and a kick to the ribs. Styles with a rear chin lock. Ambrose with a kick and forearms but Styles with a forearm and kicks. Ambrose with a swinging neck breaker. Cena and Miz tag in and Cena with two flying shoulder tackles followed by a Blue Thunder Bomb. Cena with a five knuckle shuffle to Miz and Styles tries to interfere. Ambrose sends Styles to the floor and hits a suicide dive. Cena with an Attitude Adjustment to Miz for the three count.

    Winners: Dean Ambrose and John Cena

    After the match
    Cena poses on the turnbuckles and then Dean with a kick and double underhook DDT.

    We go to credits.

  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Possible spoilers:

    There is a steel cage at Smackdown.

    Also, interesting to note that Raw's Jack Swagger is backstage. Since WWE began a storyline last night that his RAW deal is expiring, it could be that they will continue that tonight.

  3. #3
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Wonder if Heath Slater will actually sign the contract tonight or will something screw it up lol

  4. #4
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    lol King on the pre-show, "I saw this Philadelphia crowd boo Santa Claus one night." lol

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    Legend In My Spare Time Role Model's Avatar
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  6. #6
    Legend In My Spare Time Role Model's Avatar
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    Slater gets his live contract signing. This could be segment of the year.
    Last edited by Role Model; 09-14-2016 at 01:05 AM.

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  8. #8
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    We starting off with Styles!

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  10. #10
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Should get interesting now with these 3 lol

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