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    Default This Day in History - 22nd Aug, 2016

    2005 - The NWA Legends Fanfest held a live card as part of their gathering in Charlotte, NC. Mike Johnson filed the following live report:

    Pre Show Notes: There are 116 fans in attendance, so many of the convention fans didn't stay for the show. Summerslam was also likely a factor....The original plan was for Chris Sabin to face AJ Styles tonight but since he was unable to work due to his jaw injury, former WWE star Shannon Moore was brought in....Famed NWA enhancement talent George South was in attendance. Oliver Humperdink and Howard Brody were also in attendance.

    Chris Escobar vs. George South Jr. - South knocked Escobar out of the ring with a shoulderblock several times. South got a nearfall after a hiptoss. They did some good back and forth wrestling on the mat. Escobar worked over South's neck but he made a comeback. South worked an armbar for a submission attempt. Escobar bit him on the arm in retaliation for South biting him earlier. South got a two count with a legdrop, mocking Hulk Hogan. Escobar locked in a rear chinlock. South got to his feet and dropped backwards for a two count. South backdropped Escobar. South missed a moonsault. Escobar went for a leg lariat off the top but was caught and nearly pinned. South hit a powerbomb for the pin. Solid opener.

    Mark Nulty introduced Kharis and Stalker, The Lost Souls, announcing they won a match via forfeit. They are heavy long haired guys in black t-shirts. They said they came tonight to give the fans barbed wire and fire, but their opponents didn't want any part of them. Gary Hart was introduced as a consultant for the AIWF, said to be their home federation. He said it's a shame that some primadonnas prevented the Souls from competing tonight. Hart said he wasn't going to deprive the fans in Virginia (huh?) of quality wrestling. I was told that the part of the promo about an opponent walking out was true as a planned fireball spot was stopped by the venue due to safety concerns. The wrestler then didn't want to take the new planned finish and walked out just before the opening bout.

    Eastern States Wrestling Women's champion Bambi vs. Peggy Lee Leather - Bambi got a quick near fall with a rollup. Leather tried to claim Bambi pulled her hair. Leather hit several stiff punches. Bambi got a two count with a sunset flip out of the corner. Bambi took her over with a pair of hiptosses into an armbar. Leather took over working on her arm. Bambi chopped her several times. Bambi was tied to the tree of woe and stomped. Leather locked her in a rear chinlock. Bambi came back with a rollup for a near fall. Leather threw her out of the ring. She slammed Bambi into the apron. Bambi was beaten down but hit a sunset flip for a one count. Leather hit a big splash for a near fall. Bambi hit a clothesline for the big comeback. She unloaded with a ton of chops to the chest and belly. Bambi hit a bulldog out of the corner but Leather got her foot on the ropes. Bambi was tossed out. As the referee counted, leather loaded her glove. Bambi hit a sunset flip over the ropes for a near fall. They chopped the hell out of each other, with Bambi finally getting the pin with a jackrabbit rollup.

    Stan Lee vs. Brad Anderson - Lee has bleached blonde hair and a red robe with a black butterfly on the back. He has flames on the front of his tights with "Great Balls of Fire" inscribed in the back. Anderson got a nice reaction coming out. Correction from yesterday: Brad is the son of Gene, the nephew of Ole. Lee slapped Anderson when he broke clean in the corner. Anderson retaliated with a big forearm the next time they broke a clinch. Anderson controlled early. He hit an inverted DDT. Lee worked over his hamstring and ankle. Anderson missed a charge in the corner hitting his leg. Lee worked over the leg. Lee used the ropes while inverting Anderson's ankle but was caught on the third attempt. Anderson tried to slam Lee but his knee buckled. Anderson's leg was slammed into the ringpost. He tried to make a comeback but was cut off. Lee locked in the figure four but Anderson quickly reversed it. Lee went to the top to complete the Ric Flair homage and was tossed off. Anderson hit a hammerlock bodyslam. He hit the old One Man Gang 747 finisher for the pin. Anderson destroyed Lee after with another hammerlock slam and cinched in an armbar making him tap. It was what it was.

    Shannon Moore vs. AJ Styles - This was billed as their first ever meeting. Hometown boy Moore got a standing ovation and a bigger pop than Styles. Moore worked in his punk rock persona that never got out of the gate in WWE. This was the first bout for Styles since hurting hiss knee at the TNA PPV. They did a feeling out process and back and forth counter wrestling. Styles did a leapfrog and sold his knee bothering him. AJ scissored his neck but his did a kip up. Styles kicked Moore and worked him over with a headlock. Styles hit a great plancha over the top to the floor. AJ hit a backbreaker over the knee for a near fall, then held up Moore for a vertical suplex before dropping him. Moore took over with a backflip into a dropkick to the knee as Styles charged him out of the corner. Moore worked on the knee with kicks, taking Styles down. Styles missed a kick and Moore continued to focus on the knee. Moore hit a fisherman's suplex for a near fall. The crowd started to rally AJ. Moore snapped a catapult sending AJ into the bottom rope throat first. Styles kept trying to come back. Moore caught his leg and hit a Dragon Screw Legwhip. Moore went back to working the knee and leg. Moore back suplexed Styles. Styles finally nailed a kick to the head. Moore tried to stop his offense but Styles hit the Pele Kick. They exchanged forearms. Styles got a two count with a suplex variation and followed up with a backbreaker. Styles missed a charge into the corner hitting his jaw. Moore hit a leg lariat off the top for a two count. Styles went for the Styles Clash but Moore evaded and went for a one legged crab. Styles made it to the ropes. Styles hit his backflip into an inverted DDT for a near fall. Some fans thought it was three. He went for a tornado DDT out of the corner but it was turned into a Northern Lights Suplex with a bridge for two. Moore locked on a Boston Crab but Styles struggled to the ropes. Styles locked Moore in a forward roll up for the pin. Styles took off his kneepads and checked on his knee immediately.

    Styles said that if he has any pull, Shannon Moore will soon be in TNA. He said that whether its in the X Division, the Tag or the World title division, they will face in the ring again. He said that it used to be people worked to make it to WWE but its time for a "new generation". The crowd popped and chanted TNA.

    Moore thanked all the fans for their support as he broke into the business and made it to WWE. But said that's in the past. He said he is looking to the future and put over Styles saying that he deserves all the accolades he gets because he busts his ass and gives the fans what they want, professional wrestling. They hugged and left the ring.

    A good main event. Both worked really hard and AJ did a good job working around his injury and making it part of the match. I could see some saying the finish was anticlimactic but the work and the circumstances more than excuse that.

    Post Show Notes: No Greg Valentine as advertised although he was here earlier today....Not as strong as the first evening of wrestling overall, but for $10 it was more then worth it based on the main event. ... Styles is worth everything he gets paid and more. Moore looked great and seemed to be hungry to prove himself post-WWE.

    2007 - WWE broadcast ECW in SciFi. Mike Johnson filed the following TV Report:

    Welcome to PWInsider.com's live coverage of ECW on Sci Fi. New theme song again this week.

    The show opened with ECW General Manager Armando Estrada inside a ring filled with weapons. Estrada said last week, he made an impact. He said this week, he was going to do it again. He announced that tonight's show was going to start with a match under Extreme Rules. The crowd liked that. Estrada introduced the competitors.

    Big Daddy V vs. Tommy Dreamer - Extreme Rules

    Dreamer unloaded with several punches and went for a bodyslam, only to be pummelled down by V. Dreamer began beating on V with a Singapore Cane, but again was knocked down. V broke the cane in half. He set up a shopping cart in one corner of the ring, then bodyslammed Dreamer. He whipped Dreamer into the cart face-first. V went for a running splash into the cart but Dreamer avoided it and V hit the cart.

    Dreamer went under the ring to retrieve a table but was distracted by Matt Striker. V laid out Dreamer on the floor. He rolled Dreamer back into the ring. V set up the table in the center of the ring. He went to grab Dreamer but Dreamer began nailing him with a trash can. Dreamer tried to go for a DDT, but V grabbed Dreamer and dropped him backwards with a Samoan Drop through a table on Dreamer. V scored the clean pin.

    Your winner, Big Daddy V!

    Match was too short to be anything more than a squash. Dreamer was killing himself to try and get V over as a monster.

    Backstage, Vince McMahon and Jonathan Coachman were seen walking backstage.

    Summerslam promo. That music is really grating on my nerves at this point. Joey Styles hypes up the ECW title at Summerslam. Wow, a year ago it was Big Show defending against Sabu. What a year. They air the CM Punk promotional package.

    They announce CM Punk & Boogeyman vs. ECW champ John Morrison & Miz later.

    Backstage, Vince McMahon questions that Coachman believes his "bastard son" could be in ECW. Coachman, reprising the segment that was cut from Saturday Night's Main Event, says Vince had an encounter in a bathroom stall in New York City and brings in Balls Mahoney. Mahoney calls Vince "Dad." McMahon tells him to "Get this thing away from me." Mahoney tells him he could have Balls as his son. Vince responded, "I don't." Balls says, "Embrace it, you have Balls!" He responded, "I have no balls!" Mahoney is sent out. Coachman tries to talk to McMahon but is told to shut up.

    Elijah Burke vs. Balls Mahoney is next.

    Elijah Burke vs. Balls Mahoney

    Tazz and Joey Styles talked about the possibility of Balls being McMahon's son. Mahoney and Burke do some standard back and forth counters to start. Mahoney shoulderblocks Burke down. Mahoney waistlocked Burke, who escaped and went to work on Balls' arm. Mahoney catches him with an armdrag and cinches in an armbar. Mahoney ducked a clothesline and began unloading with a series of punches. Burke cuts off Mahoney and tosses his shoulder-first into the ringpost. He slams Balls' leg into the ringpost. Burke launches himself off the turnbuckle, dropping an elbow. Burke goes back to work on the arm. They are actually telling a good story in the ring.

    The crowd starts to get behind Mahoney. He makes his way back to his feet, but Burke nails him in the gut, then drills Balls with a kneedrop. Burke bites Mahoney, then charges across the ring with a forearm to the shoulder and back. Burke began pulling on Mahoney's arm, trying to force a submission. Mahoney fights to his feet after Burke misses an elbow, but Balls misses one as well. Burke works over Balls with punches.

    Mahoney finally makes a comeback with his trademark offense. Balls hits a sit down Tiger Driver but Burke gets his shoulder up at two. Burke misses a splash in the corner and Mahoney rolls up Burke for the pin. Match was decent.

    Your winner, Balls Mahoney!

    They aired a promotional piece on ECW champion John Morrison.

    Video piece on Triple H's return this Sunday at Summerslam.

    Backstage, Balls Mahoney encountered The Miz and Extreme Expose. Miz called him Balls McMahon saying that he hopes he could be a McMahon because that's the only way he could get a girl like Kelly Kelly. Kelly began to protest but Miz cut her off. Mahoney asked him what his problem was and challenged him, but Miz said he has a main event match later. Mahoney told him he hopes he breaks his neck. Miz walked off and Kelly said goodbye to Balls, winking at him. Mahoney said it was a good night.

    They showed Stevie Richards' win last week. Backstage, Kevin Thorn was asked by Joey Styles if Stevie had his number. Thorn said that he doesn't but before he could finish his sentence, Stevie attacked him from behind. They had a pretty good brawl before being broken up.

    Tazz and Joey ran down the Summerslam lineup.

    Backstage, Vince said tonight was a bust. Coachman said he had one more possibility, who had M as his middle initial. He brought in CM Punk. McMahon told Punk he was extremely talented but he couldn't be Vince's son. Vince pointed out the Straightedge thing and said that his son wouldn't do that. Punk said that the other thing he wouldn't do is have some "dirty unprotected sex with some skank who then files a paternity suit against me, which gets me kicked out of my own house and leaves me a living, breathing national disgrace." He smiled at McMahon, then walked off.

    CM Punk & Boogeyman vs. ECW champion John Morrison & The Miz (with Extreme Expose)

    Miz and Punk start off. Punk unloads with several muay-thai kicks. Punk tagged Boogey in. Boogey grabbed a ton of worms but Miz retreated and hid behind Extreme Expose at ringside. Boogey spit worms at them. ECW went to commercial and when it returned, Punk was tagging in Boogey to face Morrison. They had a quick exchange ending with Morrison nailing Boogey with a enziguiri. Boogey comes back with a big boot to the face. Boogey grabbed Morrison by the legs as Morrison held onto the bottom ropes, then flipped him upside down. Miz tagged in but was splashed by Boogey. He tried to beg off but Boogey grabbed him. Punk blind tagged in and kicked Miz in the back of the head. Miz maneuvers Punk into the corner but Punk, on the turnbuckles, kicks him off. Morrison blindsides Punk and sends him to the floor. Miz works over Punk on the floor. He and Morrison tag in and out. Morrison works over Punk's neck. Punk tries to surprise him with a small package but Morrison escapes. They continue to work over Punk. He goes to tag Boogey but Morrison knocks Boogey off the apron to the floor. Punk hits a dive to the floor on Morrison, then nails a springboard clothesline on Miz. He catapults Miz into the corner with Miz taking it badly. Morrison blind-tagged in, then hit a corkscrew neckbreaker on Punk for the clean pin.

    Your winners, ECW champion John Morrison & The Miz!

    Morrison stood over Punk talking trash, then posed for the crowd as the show ended.

    2008 - TNA broadcast Impact on SpikeTV. Richard Trionfo filed the following TV Report:

    We start off tonight’s show with a look at an alliance between Matt Morgan and Abyss? Then we see Sheik Abdul Bashir beat Jay Lethal. Joe goes after anyone who gets in his way. We then see Hernandez go after the men who took the title from him and Homicide. Then we see A.J. Styles use a guitar to win Kurt’s gold medal.

    We see Kurt Angle arrive at the Impact Zone and Jeremy Borash asks Kurt about the guitar. Kurt says that he was here to get his medal back and then he is going to get back at the sob who stuck his nose in his business. Kurt says that it is not two years ago. It is Planet Angle now.

    We are live on tape and your announcers are Mike ‘I Prefer Bertha Faye to Tropical Storm Fay’ Tenay and Don ‘Who wants TNA sandbags’ West.

    We see footage of Homicide being sent through a table two weeks ago. Then we see footage of Homicide getting hit in the head with a beer bottle to lead to LAX losing the titles.

    Match Number One: Robert Roode with James Storm and Jackie Moore versus Hernandez with Hector Guerrero and Salinas
    Roode goes after Hernandez as he enters the ring and then Roode punches Hernandez outside the ring. He tries to slam Hernandez into the rail, but Hernandez blocks Roode and then they return to the ring. Roode with a knee and then he punches Hernandez. Roode with chops to Hernandez and then it is Hernandez’s turn to chop Roode. Hernandez with an Irish whip and splash into the corner followed by a delayed vertical suplex. Hernandez sets for the plancha onto Roode but Roode and Storm separate. Hernandez chases Roode around the ring and since Jackie was on the apron on the other side of the ring, he did not see Storm clothesline Hernandez on the floor.

    Storm and Roode Irish whip Hernandez into the ring steps. Roode rolls Hernandez into the ring and Hernandez powers out of the cover. Roode slams Hernandez into the turnbuckle and then he chops Hernandez followed by a snap mare and leap frog neck breaker to Hernandez. Roode gestures to Salinas at ringside and that allows Hernandez to get in a few punches. Roode with a swinging neck breaker for a two count. Roode with a reverse chin lock. Hernandez gets to his feet and he runs Roode into the turnbuckles. Hernandez gets sent to the apron but he hits a slingshot shoulder tackle and then he hits a clothesline and back body drop.

    Hernandez with a kick and then he hits a uranage slam from a back breaker position. Hernandez with an Irish whip but he runs into a boot. Roode hits another leap frog neck breaker from the second turnbuckle for a near fall. Roode tries for the fisherman’s suplex but Hernandez with a gourdbuster and then he sets for the border toss. Jackie gets in the ring and Salinas with a spear to Jackie. The referee does not focus on the action in the ring. Hernandez hits a shoulder tackle. Storm grabs Hernandez and Roode stops short. Hernandez sends Roode into storm and then he hits a modified Samoan drop for the three count.
    Winner: Hernandez

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Jeremy Borash is with A.J. Styles and Kurt Angle’s medal. A.J. points out that he has a gold medal tonight. Jeremy asks A.J. if he heard what Kurt said earlier. A.J. says that there is no mystery because we know where he gets the black bat. A.J. says that he understands why Kurt wants his medal back so he is going to give Kurt a chance to win it back. He will put it about fifteen feet in the air and they can climb a ladder to get it.

    We see Kurt Angle being held back by three members of security as Kurt wants his medal back.

    Match Number Two: Eric Young and BG James versus Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin
    Sabin and Young start things off and Young works on the arm. Sabin reverses and he hits an arm drag on Young. Sabin with a back kick to Young instead of a clean break. Young floats over and then he hits a drop kick on Sabin for a near fall. Sabin with a back kick and then he tags in Shelley. Young with a drop toe hold and then he puts Shelley in an arm bar. BG tags in and he kicks Shelley in the arm. Sabin makes a blind tag and BG with a series of jabs, but Sabin hits a missile drop kick and Shelley with a flatline. Shelley with a drop toe hold and Sabin with an elbow drop. Sabin hits a drop kick while Shelley holds BG’s head up for Sabin. BG with a double DDT and all three men are down.

    Young tags in and he punches Shelley and Sabin. Young with the Flair flip to the apron and then Young avoids Shelley. Young with a rollup on Sabin for a two count. Young with forearms to Sabin and then Shelley with a cross body on Young while Sabin hits a drop kick to BG on the apron. Sabin and Shelley work over Young in the corner. Shelley tries for a move to the floor but BG moves. Young hits a wheelbarrow into a TKO for the three count on Sabin.
    Winners: Eric Young and BG James

    After the match, Young and BG want to shake the hands of the Machine Guns, and Shelley reluctantly shakes the hands but Sabin spits in his hand and slaps BG. There is a scuffle in the ring and then security comes into the ring.

    Jeremy Borash is outside Booker’s dressing room and he warns Kurt to be careful when he goes in. Kurt enters the dressing room. Booker tells Kurt to remove his foot guards and then Booker yells at Jeremiah. Kurt asks Booker for a favor. He says that there is a ‘Sting’ operation between the two of them. Booker things he means Sting and that they are on the same side about Sting. Kurt says that he means guitars. Kurt tells Booker that he has a ladder match and he wants Booker in his corner in case a person with a guitar shows up. Booker says that he can help Kurt with his problem, but Booker says that he has a problem to deal with. Booker says that he has to battle a rhinoceros to get into his Four Way to Glory match. Booker offers Kurt some champagne but Kurt says that he does not drink. We go to commercial.

    We are back with a look at the problems between Jay Lethal, Sonjay Dutt, and SoCal Val.

    It is time for Karen’s Angle and her guest is So Cal Val. Karen brings up the problems with Sonjay and Jay. Val says that she doesn’t know what to do. Val says that she is lost. Karen says that Val doesn’t have a choice. Karen reminds Val that Jay gave her an ultimatum. Sonjay Dutt shows up and he says that he loves Val. Sonjay says that he would never put Val in the position that Jay did. Sonjay asks Val to tell him what he needs to do to get her. From out of nowhere, Jay Lethal appears and he attacks Sonjay. Val tells Jay to get off Sonjay. Val tries to separate them and Val gets knocked down. Sonjay checks on Val and Jay has no idea what is going on.

    Mike tells us that Val suffered a concussion and facial bruising.

    It is time for a Consequences Creed Rough Cut package. Creed talks about his video collection and how he watched Kurt Angle win the gold in 1996. Creed talks about a match that he won that he did not expect to win. Creed mentions that he was told to be the best that he can be.

    We go to commercial.

    Match Number Three: Matt Morgan versus Frankie Capone
    Capone attacks Morgan before the bell and then he climbs on Morgan’s back. Morgan with a snap mare to get Capone off his back. Capone with forearms and then Morgan tosses Capone into the corner. Morgan with a running splash into the corner and Capone goes down. Morgan chokes Capone in the ropes and then he hits a splash and goes to the floor. Morgan with a forearm to the back and then he hits a leg drop on the apron. Morgan misses a clothesline but he does not miss the bicycle kick. Morgan sets for the Hellevator and the three count.
    Winner: Matt Morgan

    After the match, Brother Ray comes out and he tells Matt to look at him. Ray says that the blueprint just beat up a blueberry. Ray says that Morgan beat someone with no future in the business. Ray tells Morgan to step back. Ray says that if Morgan wants to fight somebody, why not fight him. Devon attacks Morgan from behind and Team 3D attack Morgan.

    Abyss’s music plays and Team 3D stop beating up Morgan. Abyss brings bad humor to Team 3D as he punches both men. Morgan hits Devon and then Team 3D leave the ring.

    We see Gail Kim get ready for her street fight. We go to commercial.

    We are back and Mike says that he had a chance to talk to Kevin Nash. Mike asks Nash about his relationship with Samoa Joe. Nash says that he was instrumental in getting Joe into TNA. He saw something unique in Joe who would help the roster. Nash says that he has become friends with Joe. Mike asks Nash about what Joe did last week. Mike asks Nash if he has gotten to Joe about the mental aspect. Nash says that Joe is usually three steps forward and two steps back. Joe’s temper hurts him and who knows what it might cost Joe in the future. Mike asks Nash about Sting and what he is up to. Nash says that he does not want to speak for Sting but they go back twenty years. Nash says that back then, there was a locker room full of men, not boys. Nash says that his first house show, Harley Race entered and he gave Race his chair. Nash says that now the young guys don’t give up their chairs. Nash says that they understand things, but they don’t care. Maybe that got Sting upset. Nash says that Sting will be there next week.

    We go to an interview from earlier today when Lauren tried to talk to Angelina Love and Velvet Sky. Lauren tells Angelina that she will face Taylor Wilde at No Surrender. She says that she will win the title and give the belt a make over. We enter the dressing room after Kip James arrives and they attack Taylor.

    Jeremy Borash is with Rhino to talk about his match with Booker. Rhino says that there is a lot of drama going on and not a lot has to do with wrestling. The boys are choosing sides and that is not what he is about. Tonight, he has to go through Booker T in that ring. When he does that, he will be in the main event at No Surrender. Tonight, he will rip Booker in half with a GORE.

    We go to commercial.

    Match Number Four: Booker T with Sharmell ‘not quite Whisper’ T versus Rhino in a Four Ways to Glory Match
    They lock up and Rhino backs Booker into the corner and he makes a clean break. Booker with a hammer lock and Rhino with a reversal. Booker with chops and punches to Rhino. Booker and Rhino block hip tosses and Rhino with a short arm clothesline for a near fall. Rhino with chops and then he raises his arms because he is sure. Rhino with a leg drop for a near fall. Rhino punches Booker in the corner and then he shows that he is sure one more time. Booker with a thumb to the eyes and then he tries for a back heel kick but Rhino avoids it and he punches Booker. Rhino with a spinebuster and he gets a near fall but Sharmell puts Booker’s foot on the rope. Sharmell argues her case and Christian Cage comes behind Sharmell and she tries to slap Christian but Christian takes Sharmell to the back. We go to commercial.

    We are back and Booker hits the back heel kick and he gets a near fall. Booker with a snap mare and Booker with a rear chin lock. We see footage from during the break when Rhino misses a GORE and Booker hits a super kick to gain control. Back to live on tape action and Rhino gets to his feet and he gets out of the hold. Booker with a jumping side kick. Booker picks Rhino up and he hits a kick to the midsection but he misses an axe kick. Rhino with a running shoulder tackle and both men are down. They get back to their feet and Rhino with punches. Rhino with a shoulder tackle and clothesline to Booker followed by a running shoulder into the corner. Rhino hits a belly-to-belly suplex and then Rhino goes up top. Rhino tries for a diving head butt or frog splash but Booker moves out of the way. Booker with the axe kick for the three count.
    Winner: Booker T

    We go to the back where Lauren is with Gail Kim. Lauren does a monologue about the history between Gail and Kong over the last year. She asks if a street fight is a good idea. Gail tells Lauren that is a stupid question. Gail says that she is not going to pack up her bags and leave. Kong has beaten her and hurt her. Gail says that she has been portrayed as a good girl but she is not. She will do everything to win the title. Gail says that you will see a different side of Gail tonight.

    We see Awesome Kong and Raisha Saeed walk in the back and we go to commercial.

    We are back and we take a look back at the X Division Title Match between Consequences Creed and Petey Williams with interference by Sheik Abdul Bashir.

    Match Number Five: Petey Williams with Rhaka Khan versus Consequences Creed for the X Division Title
    Williams with a waist lock but Creed with a standing switch and then he takes Williams to the mat but Williams gets to the ropes. Creed with an arm drag or two to Williams and he puts Williams in an arm bar. Creed with a cross arm breaker but Williams with a front face lock. Creed with a hammer lock. Williams with a head scissors but Creed gets out of the hold. Creed punches a charging Williams in the midsection. Williams with a shoulder tackle and it is time for Williams to pose. Creed takes Williams down and works on the leg. Creed with a rolling and jumping clothesline. Williams sends Creed into the guardrail. Williams returns to the ring and he distracts the referee but Khan is unable to take advantage. Creed with a rollup and bridge for a near fall. Williams tosses Creed by the hair. Williams chokes Creed in the ropes and then Williams hits a hesitation drop kick into the back.

    We see Sheik Abdul Bashir standing on the ramp. Williams sends Creed into the turnbuckles. Creed hits an elbow drop for a two count. Williams with a jaw breaker and a spinning heel kick. Williams punches Creed and hits a clothesline. Williams misses the flex elbow two times. Creed with a cross body and then he hits a back elbow. Creed with a slam to Williams and then he goes to the apron and he goes up top. Creed hits a leg drop for a two count. Creed runs into a forearm from Williams. Williams hits the side Russian leg sweep and then he gets ready for the Canadian Destroyer but Creed with a reverse atomic drop. Williams with a swinging neckbreaker for a two count. Creed sends Williams into the turnbuckle and then he hits a springboard bulldog. Creed with a forearm and enzuigiri. Creed presses Williams over his head and then hits a gutbuster.

    Bashir comes to the ring and Creed knocks him out. Creed sends Williams over the top rope to the floor. Creed hits a somersault plancha onto Williams and Bashir. Creed goes up top but Williams with a kick to the midsection. Williams runs into a superkick. Creed gets Williams up but Bashir attacks Creed and the referee calls for the bell.
    Winner: Consequences Creed by disqualification

    After the match, Bashir goes after Creed. Williams argues with Bashir.

    TO THE BACK where Eric Young, Shark Boy, and Curry Man interrupt the Rock and Rave Infection. Super Eric issues a summons for disgracing music. Curry Man tells them to tone it down. Curry Man propositions Christy Hemme. Shark Boy tells them to shut up. Lance and Rave attack Curry Man and Shark Boy as we go to commercial.

    Match Number Six: Awesome Kong with Raisha Saeed versus Gail Kim in a Street Fight
    Kong charges at Gail but Gail moves and Kong goes to the floor. Gail with punches to Kong, but Kong fights back. Gail with forearms but Kong with a punch to Gail. Kong drops Gail on the guardrail. Gail kicks Kong and connects with a forearm. Kong Irish whips Gail into the ring post. Kong sends Gail into the crowd. Gail with forearms to Kong but Kong with a chop. Kong misses a splash into the wall. Gail with a double sledge from the bleachers. Gail slams Kong’s head into the rail. They fight into the bleachers. Kong slams Gail’s head into the bleachers and then she chokes Gail. Kong hits Gail with an umbrella but Gail with forearms. Kong kicks Gail and then Kong sends Gail back into the ringside area.

    Kong gets a kendo stick and she chokes Gail with it. Kong tries to hit Gail with the kendo stick, but Gail blocks it and Gail hits Kong with it. Gail kicks Saeed and then Saeed is sent into the guardrail. Kong with a clothesline to the back of the head. Kong misses a clothesline and hits the ring post. Gail rolls Saeed back into the ring and Gail hits her in the back and midsection. Gail with a cross arm neck breaker. Gail picks up the chair that Kong brings into the ring. Gail with a VanKiminator for a two count. Gail wedges the chair in the turnbuckles. Gail with a forearm. Gail tries for a sunset flip but Kong tries to drop down. Gail moves out of the way. Gail with a series of clotheslines and Kong stays up. Gail is Irish whipped into the corner where the chair was and Kong charges into the chair. Gail with a two count on a sunset flip. Kong catches Gail on a cross body. Kong with an Implant Buster for the three count.
    Winner: Gail Kim

    After the match, Kong kicks Gail and Saeed brings in a chair for Kong. Saeed kicks Gail in the midsection. Saeed sets up the chair for an Awesome Bomb onto the chair. Kong throws the referee out of the ring. Another referee comes into the ring and Kong tosses him to the mat. Gail’s sister gets into the ring and she tries to help Gail. Kong sees a new victim and it is time for her to hurt a second member of the Kim family. ODB and Roxxi come to the ring with chairs and Kong leaves the ring.

    We go to Kurt Angle walking in the back with his ladder. We go to commercial.

    Match Number Seven: Kurt Angle with Anglevator, Ladder, and Booker T versus A.J. Styles with Samoa Joe in a Ladder Match for Kurt’s Gold Medal that is currently in A.J.’s possession prior to it being hung above the ring
    Angle sets up the ladder as soon as he gets to the ring. Angle climbs the ladder while Booker punches Styles. Samoa Joe comes to Styles’s aid.

    The match begins and Styles punches Angle. Angle with a rake of the eyes. Angle tries to hit Styles with the ladder but Styles moves and the ladder goes to the floor. Styles with a kick and snap mare followed by another kick to the back. Angle tries for a German suplex but Styles lands on his feet. Angle hits another German and Styles is not lucky enough to land on his feet this time. Angle and Styles fight over the ladder and Angle runs Styles into the guardrail with help from the ladder. Angle pulls the ladder back into the ring, but Styles pulls it out. Styles punches Angle. Angle with a kick, but Styles with the phenomenal drop kick. Styles with a slingshot pescado onto Angle. We go to commercial and Sharmell comes to the ring.

    We are back and Angle is choking Styles with his shirt. We go to highlights from the commercial break when the battle hit the announce table. Then we see Angle with a low blow. We go to live on tape action and Styles chops Angle but Angle with a drop toe hold that sends Styles onto the ladder. Angle with a suplex to Styles. Angle puts the ladder back up but Styles with forearms to Angle. Styles with forearms in the corner but Angle with a German suplex to Styles. Angle with a choke to Styles. Angle with forearms to the back and then he tries for the Olympic Slam, but Styles counters with a DDT and both men are down. Styles with clotheslines to Angle and then Styles with a neck breaker from a fireman’s carry. Styles sets up the ladder and then he moves it near the center of the ring. Angle gets up and he pushes Styles off the ladder. Styles slams Angle’s head into the ladder.

    Styles sets up the ladder one more time and A.J. climbs the ladder. Angle pulls Styles down and then he hits the Olympic Slam. Angle climbs the ladder and he has the medal but Angle is pushed off the ladder and he hits the mat hard. Angle and Styles both hit clotheslines and both men go down. Angle sends Styles to the apron. Sharmell grabs A.J.’s leg but A.J. kicks her off. Styles hits the springboard forearm on Angle. Joe attacks Booker. Booker gets a black baseball bat from Sharmell and Booker hits Joe with the bat. A.J. climbs the ladder and so does Angle. Angle punches Styles and then the lights go out as Jeff Jarrett’s music plays. The lights go back on and Styles has a guitar and he hits Angle with it. A.J. grabs the medal to win the match.
    Winner: A.J. Styles

    We go to credits.

    2009 - Viewers of KPBI-CA in Arkansas were given a surprise when they tuned in to see WWE Smackdown tonight, and instead saw "retro television" programming. It turns out that KPBI has dropped MyNetworkTV, leaving subscribers of Cox Cable in Arkansas with no other affiliate to watch the show on.

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    Continued ...

    2009 - WWE broadcast Smackdown. Richard Trionfo filed the following TV report:

    We are live on tape from Kansas City, Missouri and your announcers are Jim ‘I guess there is good BBQ here’ Ross and Todd ‘Does George Brett want to see Summerfest’ Grisham.

    Match Number One: Rey Mysterio and Cryme Tyme versus Chris Jericho, Big Show, and Dolph Ziggler

    Rey and Jericho start things off and Jericho with a kick and forearm followed by a choke with his boot. Jericho punches Rey and then Jericho drives Rey face first into the mat. Jericho tries to get Shad into the ring but the referee stops him. Rey gets boots up and then he hits a head scissors but Jericho with a clothesline. Rey hits an enzuigiri and Jericho falls into position but Jericho escapes the ropes but Rey with a knee. Rey and JTG with kicks to Jericho and JTG gets a near fall. Ziggler is tagged in and he kicks JTG and so does Jericho. Ziggler with a fireman’s carry into a reverse chin lock. Ziggler with a knee and punch followed by a series of kicks in the corner. Ziggler with an Irish whip but JTG floats over and hits a drop kick to the back and then JTG with a version of an X Factor. We go to commercial.

    We are back and Dolph with a reverse chin lock and he applies additional pressure on JTG. JTG tries to escape but Ziggler pulls him back to the mat. Jericho tags in and he punches JTG. JTG with a cross body for a near fall followed by a clothesline. Shad tags in and he sends JTG into Jericho. Shad with a slam and he tags JTG back in for a wheelbarrow slam onto Jericho for a near fall. Jericho with a kick and clothesline and Show is tagged in. JTG backs away from Show but Show with a chop and then he chops JTG while applying an arm submission. Show with a knee and then he tosses JTG across the ring. Show chokes JTG in the ropes and then Jericho punches JTG while the referee was keeping Shad and Rey on the apron. Jericho tags back in and he slaps JTG but JTG responds with punches and then JTG tries to make the tag but Jericho stops him. JTG gets a near fall on a cross body. Jericho stops JTG with an enzuigiri and then Jericho with an elbow drop for a near fall. Jericho with a reverse chin lock with the arm isolated but JTG is able to connect with a few punches and then he hits a drop down punch. Shad tags in and he hits a couple of clotheslines on Jericho. Shad with a big boot that takes Show to the floor. Shad with flying shoulder tackle and then he tags in Rey and Rey gets on Shad’s shoulders and hits a dive for a near fall but Ziggler breaks up the cover. Shad sends Ziggler to the floor and then Show hits a clothesline that takes him and Shad over the top rope to the floor. Rey with a bulldog for a near fall on Jericho. Jericho with an Irish whip but Rey escapes a belly-to-back suplex. Rey with a rana and Jericho goes into ‘that place’ and Rey hits the 619 but Show punches Rey and Ziggler tags in and gets the three count.
    Winners: Dolph Ziggler, Big Show, and Chris Jericho

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Jim Ross and Todd Grisham talk about what Matt Hardy did last week. We see footage of Matt coming to the aid of his brother after months of issues.

    Josh Mathews is in the locker room with Matt Hardy for a sit down interview. Josh mentions the sabotage and betrayal in the past and he asks about Matt’s change of heart. Matt talks about how growing up, if anyone tried to do anything to Jeff, they were doing it to him as well. Josh reminds Matt about what he did throughout the year. Matt stops Josh and says that it is hard to go from the big brother who is responsible and seeing his younger brother winning over a global audience to become the World Champion. The competitive nature that he had took over. Matt admits he made some mistakes and it was the biggest mistake he ever made. Matt says that he is glad that Jeff opened his heart to forgive him. They have moved on and nothing is going to feel better than to be standing with his younger brother in the ring.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and as Kane comes to the ring, we take a look back at Kane kidnapping Singh.

    Kane says that last week he proved that there is one dominant giant on Smackdown and it is not The Great Khali. The fear he instilled into the heart of Khali’s brother is the mark of a true monster. He says that Khali has never been a monster. Kane says that he saw that look as he left Khali face down. The look needed no translation. Kane says that Khali has compassion, emotion, and actually cares. Kane says that Khali cares while he detests. At Summerslam, he will put an end to the myth of the Great Khali once and for all. He tells Khali that he has never been afraid of him and he tells Khali to be afraid of him.

    Khali comes out and Kane is not afraid of him, after he goes and gets a chair. Khali knocks the chair away and then he punches Kane in the corner and he follows it with kicks. Khali gets the chair and Kane shows that he is not afraid as he escapes the ring and heads to the back.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and did you know that WWE has a web page that is pretty popular?

    We take a look at last week’s match between Mike Knox and Fit Finlay. We get some comments from Mike Knox and he looks very professorial by wearing glasses.

    Match Number Two: Mike Knox versus Fit Finlay

    Knox sends Finlay into the turnbuckles and he hits a series of shoulders. Knox pushes Finlay into the corner but Finlay with punches to Knox. Knox goes to the apron and Finlay with a baseball slide that knocks Knox off the apron. They fight on the floor and Knox wants to send Finlay into the ring post but Finlay escapes the hold and he sends Knox into the ring post. We return to the ring and Finlay gets a near fall. Knox with a knee and Irish whip but he charges into a boot. Knox pulls Finlay off the turnbuckles and he lands on his back. Knox with knees to the back. Knox with a back breaker and then he stretches Finlay on his knee. Finlay tries to escape but Knox with another back breaker. Knox with a knee to the back and then he continues to work on the back. Knox continues to work on the back with forearms to the kidneys. Knox with a short arm clothesline and then he hits a splash for a near fall. Knox knocks the shillelagh from the ring. Knox tries for a move into the ropes but Finlay moves. Finlay with clotheslines and a seated splash for a near fall. Finlay with a running head butt into the corner. Finlay cannot get Knox up because of the work on his back. Finlay is able to gather up enough strength to hit the fireman’s carry slam and get a near fall. Finlay goes into the corner but Knox moves and Finlay goes into the ring post. Knox gets a near fall and then he connects with elbows to the head followed by punches but Knox does not stop when the referee gets to five. The referee calls for the bell.
    Winner: Finlay by disqualification

    After the match, Knox with a forearm to Finlay and then Knox gets the steps but the time to move the steps allows Finlay to get the shillelagh and he hits Knox. Knox with a bicycle kick and then Knox hits Finlay in the head with the steps.

    The Hardys and John Morrison are standing in the back and Jeff needs to go because he is about to talk to the fans. We go to commercial.

    We are back and there are ladders all over the ring and ringside area for Jeff Hardy. Jeff tempts the fates by going under a ladder on his way to the ring. Jeff says that he has been thinking about what has been going on in the WWE for the last few months. He is proud to say that him and his brother are at peace. He says that the Hardys made the TLC match famous. Sometimes life is not fair and you are dealt a hand that is hard to play. Jeff says that his doctors told him not to compete. Jeff says that he is 31 and his doctors advised him to retire before it was too late. Jeff says that he is not one to follow doctor’s orders and he does not plan to start now.

    Jeff climbs the ladder and grabs his belt that was hanging above the ring. Jeff says that this is where it happens. The space between the top of the ladder and the mat is his. He says that he loves the sound of breaking tables. He also talks about the sound of chairs smashing. It will take more than a steel chair to stop him from going to Summerslam.

    Speaking of CM Punk, he comes to the ring. He asks Jeff if he is nervous being so high considering the condition that Jeff is in. He says that Jeff is probably drunk, just like all of the people in the crowd. Punk wants to know what living in the moment ever got Jeff. Punk says that it got him a night in the hospital. Punk says that he does not know what is more pathetic. The fans hanging on every word from Jeff or Hardy’s egotistical addiction to the fans.

    Punk says that he cannot believe that people think that Jeff will win on Sunday. Punk says that even the general manager does because he made the TLC match. Punk says that Sunday will be Jeff’s last match. Punk says that when he takes back his World Title, it will validate everything that he has said. Punk says that he will prove that straight edge is better. He needs to get rid of Jeff to show the fans the difference between right and wrong. Punk tells Jeff that there is no turning back now because at Summerslam, he will hurt Hardy. He will remove Hardy and the stain of his bad examples from WWE forever.

    Jeff says that Punk cannot destroy him and what he has created over his ten years in the company. The fans will not listen to Punk. Hardy tells Punk that he will not beat him at Summerslam and he will beat Punk in his specialty. Punk tells Jeff that Hardy wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for the fans because the fans enable him. The fans try to live vicariously through a man who thinks that he can fly. Hardy says that he knows that he can fly. Punk has an idea and he tries to see if Jeff can fly and he tries to push Hardy off the ladder. Hardy lands on his feet and then Hardy with a Twist of Fate as the ladder also hits Punk in the neck.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Michelle McCool is going to love life at the announce table with JR and Todd.

    Match Number Three: Maria and Melina versus Layla and Natalya

    Maria and Layla start things off and Layla with a side head lock and then Layla counters a hip toss with a rollup for a near fall. Layla with a knee but Maria with a few clotheslines and a drop kick for a near fall. Melina tags in and Melina hits a drop kick of her own. Layla leaves the ring but Melina goes after her and returns Layla to the ring. Michelle gets up from her position at the announce table and Melina sends Michelle back into her seat. Layla hits a clothesline and then sends Melina into the announce table. Layla gets a near fall when they return to the ring. Natalya tags in and he hits the discus clothesline. Natalya starts to work on the knee and then she puts Melina in a surfboard but Natalya has her shoulders on the mat. Natalya adds some extra pressure on Melina’s back. Natalya with a front face lock and then she knocks Maria off the apron. Melina hits a Code Red for the three count.
    Winners: Maria and Melina

    It is now time for Word Up. Eve tells Shad and JTG not to let their match tonight get to them. Jesse stops by and Shad tells him to leave. Jesse takes Eve’s gimmick and announces the Word of the Day. Jesse gives JTG a pep talk and then he does the same thing for Shad. We go to commercial.

    We are back and Josh Mathews is in the stand up interview area and he has Rey Mysterio with him. Josh asks Rey about his match with Dolph at Summerslam and Rey talks about the show being in Los Angeles which is a few hours north of the 619. Rey says that he is going to put on a show in his home state and in front of his fans. Rey speaks in Spanish and then he says that Dolph got lucky tonight. He tells Dolph that he needs to bring it on Sunday if he thinks he is going to win.

    Todd and JR are in the ring and it is time to run through the card for Summerslam.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and WWE does a lot for the military.

    Match Number Four: CM Punk, David Hart Smith, and Tyson Kidd with Natalya versus John Morrison, Matt Hardy, and Jeff Hardy

    Kidd and Morrison start things off and Kidd with a side head lock take down. Kidd with a side head lock and a few kicks. Morrison with a flap jack and a pommel horse leg drop for a near fall. Matt tags in and he connects with forearms and then sends Kidd into the turnbuckles and he hits a hard Irish whip. Kidd with punches and then Smith is tagged in. Smith with punches and elbows to Matt. Smith chokes Matt in the ropes and then he connects with a forearm. Punk tags in after Smith puts Matt in a front face lock. Punk with forearms to Matt followed by an Irish whip but Matt moves when Punk tries for a knee in the corner. Jeff is tagged in and they hit Poetry in Motion. Jeff clotheslines Punk over the top rope to the floor. Kidd, Smith, and Natalya check on Punk while Morrison poses on the turnbuckles and then joins Matt and Jeff in the center of the ring as we go to commercial.

    We are back and Kidd misses a drop kick when Jeff holds on to the ropes. Matt tags in and they hit a double wheelbarrow suplex for a near fall. Matt with a front face lock on Kidd and then Morrison tags in and he punches Kidd and then hits a side head lock take down. Jeff tags in and he hits a leg drop and drop kick for a near fall. Matt tags back in and they hit a double back elbow and Matt gets a near fall. Matt misses an elbow drop and Smith is tagged in. Smith with a back breaker for a near fall. Smith with elbows to the head followed by a reverse chin lock. Matt with a jawbreaker and Morrison tags in. Morrison with a spinning leg sweep while Matt hits a side Russian leg sweep. Morrison with a standing shooting star press but Punk breaks up the cover. Morrison misses the Shining Wizard and Smith gets a near fall. Smith with a clothesline for another near fall. Punk tags in and he hits a running shoulder on Morrison and then Punk kicks Morrison in the back and then he punches Morrison. Morrison with an Irish whip and then he tries for the springboard spin kick but Punk sends Morrison to the floor. Smith with a running boot to Morrison and the referee sends the Hardys back to their corner. We go to commercial.

    We are back and Kidd with a side head lock on Morrison. Morrison with a back kick as he avoids a kick from Kidd. Smith tags in and he keeps Morrison from making the tag. Smith with punches to Morrison followed by a suplex and he gets a near fall. Smith with a cross face and reverse chin lock. Smith tries for a running power slam but Morrison gets out of the hold and then he hits the springboard spin kick and both men are down. Kidd tags back in and he keeps Morrison from making the tag with a double sledge to the back. Morrison kicks Kidd away and Jeff is tagged in. Jeff with a back body drop to Kidd and then he connects with a few clotheslines. Jeff with the sit out gourdbuster and then he knocks Smith and Punk off the apron. Jeff appears to set up for a power bomb but he turns it into a suplex. Jeff goes up top for the Swanton but Smith pulls Kidd out of the way. Punk tags in and he hits a series of snap leg drops on Jeff and he gets a near fall. Punk with elbows to the head and he gets another near fall. Punk with a reverse chin lock but Jeff with elbows. Jeff hits Whisper in the Wind and both men are down. Matt tags in and he hits clotheslines on Punk followed by an elbow. Matt with a running clothesline followed by a bulldog. Matt knocks Kidd off the apron and then he hits a neckbreaker on Smith. Matt with a Side Effect to Punk but Smith breaks up the cover. Morrison clotheslines Smith out of the ring and then Kidd goes after Morrison but Morrison back body drops Kidd onto Smith. Morrison with a corkscrew pescado onto Smith and Kidd. Natalya tries to distract the referee but it backfires because Jeff drops Punk on the top rope and Matt hits the Twist of Fate for the three count.
    Winners: Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, and John Morrison

    2010 - TNA released Rosie Lottalove after just a few appearances on TV. The story making the rounds was that that she just wasn't ready yet but the company was interested in seeing how she evolved and would be open to giving her a look down the line. She was signed when the company was looking for a monster-type of Knockout after Awesome Kong's departure. I was told the company really liked her personally but just didn't have anything for her at this stage of her career. Lottalove was trained by Team 3D.

    2010 - Former Wrestlemania main eventer Bobby Lashley lost his first professional MMA fight. David Tees filed the following Strikeforce: Houston report:

    Bobby Lashley (5-0-0) vs. Chad Griggs (8-1-0)

    Referee: Jon Schorle

    Round One

    The round begins with Bobby Lashley quickly scoring a takedown on Chad Griggs and getting half guard, Bobby Lashley moves to side control on Chad Griggs. Bobby Lashley then attacks Chad Griggs with some light ground and pound, the fighters get back to their feet and Bobby Lashley scores another takedown and gets half guard. The fighters go back to the feet again and Chad Griggs hits Bobby Lashley with a knee strike, the referee separates the fighters after inactivity and Bobby Lashley scores a takedown on Chad Griggs and gets half guard as the round ends.

    Round Two

    The round begins with Bobby Lashley scoring a huge takedown on Chad Griggs and gets half guard, Bobby Lashley advances to side control on Chad Griggs. Bobby Lashley moves to full mount on Chad Griggs, Bobby Lashley starts attacking Chad Griggs with some violent ground and pound. The referee separates the fighters after inactivity so the doctor can check the cut on Bobby Lashley, the fight resumes with Chad Griggs blocking a Bobby Lashley takedown attempt. Chad Griggs attacks Bobby Lashley with hammer fists until the round ends.

    Following the end of the round, the referee determines that Bobby Lashley has taken enough and calls the fight.

    Fight Result: Chad Griggs def. Bobby Lashley by TKO via referee stoppage (5:00, R2)

    Post fight interview with Chad Griggs, who says this fight is the best day of his life and he felt that Bobby Lashley was getting tired.

    2010 - Ring of Honor taped ROH on HDNet at the ECW Arena in Philadelphia. Joshua Higham filed the following live report:

    The cage is up so we are starting with Kevin Steen & Steve Corino defeating El Generico & Colt Cabana in a Steel Cage Match. In the beginning, Steen took the key to the cage and hit it in his trunks. At the end, Generico went to the top of the cage, but Steen threw him to the outside. Steen then locked in the crossface on Cabana while Corino dug into Cabana with a fork, and Cabana tapped.

    2. Jay Freddie defeated Tony Kozina - There was no cameramen out for this one, so likely a dark match. Jay Freddie wins with a roll up. A surprising amount of reaction for Freddie.

    3. All Night Express defeated Dark City Fight Club - King caught Davis with a school boy roll up after Davis had hit Titus with the Pounce.

    Shane Hagadorn came out and called out Davey Richards for a confrontation. Hagadorn cut a pretty good promo blaming Davey for driving a wedge between Hagadorn & Eddie Edwards. Hagadorn told Davey "stay out of my way, or you'll get your ass beat." Davey hit Hagadorn, and the Kings of Wrestling came out and beat down Davey Richards. Eventually, Eddie Edwards made the save for his partner.

    4. Sara del Rey defeated Rachel Summerlyn - del Ray wins with a kneebar or heel hook.

    5. Christopher Daniels defeated Roderick Strong - This was a TV Main Event. House of Truth came out for the distraction. Truth tried to use the Book of Truth, but got crotched. Roddy hit Daniels with the book, but Paul Turner stopped the count when he saw the book in the ring, which allowed Daniels to hit the uranage and BME.

    Jim Cornette comes out and announces that there was some sort of an altercation in the back between Tyler Black and Davey Richards, and Richards will be out to address it publicly. Davey calls out Tyler and says he wants one more match with him before he goes on to "greener pastures". Tyler tells Davey that he doesn't understand why Richards would choose competition over cash. Davey says he will pay Tyler out of his own pocket for one more match if he named a price and calls Tyler a "b**ch." Tyler accepts the match.

    Cruise announces that later tonight we'll see Davey Richards vs. Tyler Black, and also Kings of Wrestling vs. Briscoe Brothers for the Tag Titles tonight.

    6. Adam Cole, Mike Sydal & Colby Godwin (a ROH student that looks massive compared to Sydal and Cole) defeated Brandon Locke, Mike Taven & Mike Bennett - Again, no cameramen. Cole pins Taven after a cross body, which happened after everyone else hit their finishers.

    7. Necro Butcher & Erick Stevens defeated Grizzly Redwood & Andy Ridge - Stevens pins Redwood after Ghanarea

    8. Davey Richards defeated Tyler Black - One fall, to a finish. Tyler did not bring the World Title out with him, so no mention of the title, making this non-title (and fueling speculation that he'll lose it before this would air). Davey wins with a cloverleaf in a great TV match. Crowd was solidly against Tyler. Davey cuts a promo after and tells Tyler to let his new co-workers and the name on his paycheck know, that if they want to see real wrestling, come to South Philly. Tyler did get a "Thank You Tyler" chant after the match.

    9. House of Truth defeated Super Smash Brothers - Josh Raymond pins Player Uno

    10. Eddie Edwards defeated Rhett Titus to retain the TV Title - Rushed ending. Edwards hit a dive to the outside on Titus and seemed to hurt his hand. They rolled Titus in the ring and Edwards immediately pinned him. Edwards was clutching his wrist and immediately ran to the back after the match.

    11. The Kings of Wrestling defeated The Briscoe Brothers to retain the ROH World Tag Team Titles - Kings teased leaving and not wrestling, Hero got in a confrontation with a couple of fans in the aisleway...fans were booted. Sara del Ray got ejected after hitting Mark Briscoe. Claudio pinned Jay after Shane kicked him in the junk. Hero had Mark tied up in a tree of woe at the end. Papa Briscoe jumped the rail and went after Hagadorn until the Kings bailed. Papa Briscoe got on the mic and called Shane a peckerhead, but didn't catch what else he said.

    Notes: The crowd thinned out noticeably after the Richards/Black match.

    2011 - , Stephanie McMahon took control of the WWE website as a result of structural changes made in recent weeks. Several weeks prior, the company has merged the website and magazine departments with the magazine side of things are now overseeing the website, an edict made by Stephanie McMahon that led to the departure of Brian Kalinowski.

    2014 - TNA broadcast Hardcore Justice 2014 as part of their Impact Wrestling series. Stu Carapola filed the following TV report:

    Welcome to PWInsider.com's ongoing coverage of Impact Wrestling: Hardcore Justice!

    Stairway To Janice: Abyss vs Bram

    They start brawling right off the bell and within the first minute, a ladder gets set up in the corner and Abyss suplexes Bram onto it. They brawl out to the floor and Bram starts working Abyss over with trash can shots. Abyss responds by bringing a pair of barbed wire boards into the ring and bashing Bram's face into the ring steps, busting him open. Abyss sets the boards up in the corners and tries to slam Bram onto one, but Bram breaks free and bashes Abyss in the head with a trash can lid. Bram sets up the ladder and tries to climb, but Abyss chokeslams him off the ladder. Abyss pours out a bag full of thumbtacks in the middle of the ring, tosses Bram through one of the barbed wire boards, and starts climbing for Janice. Bram tips the ladder over, bending it in the process, and Abyss falls through the other barbed wire board. Bram climbs the ladder and gets Janice, but Abyss catches Bram with a Black Hole Slam onto the tacks before he can use her. Abyss has Janice, but Bram kicks him in the ding ding, swings Janice into Abyss' breadbasket, and pins him for the win.

    Winner: Bram

    Wow, didn't expect that finish. Great brawl.

    Ethan Carter III is backstage with Spud and Abyss and says his time in jail provided him with a moment of clarity. His life has been a whirlwind of misery thanks to his Aunt Dee's demise, but those responsible will be held accountable.

    Magnus congratulates Bram backstage, but says that Bram won't outshine him because he's going to go through five other men tonight and get back what's his: the TNA World Title.

    EC3, Rhino, and Spud come out to the ring, and Ethan says the most vile act in the history of wrestling happened two weeks ago when his Aunt Dee went through a table. He knows the New York mutants liked watching an innocent woman go through a table, and Kurt Angle had he and his buddies arrested last week when he demanded that Bully Ray be terminated. He has one thing to say to Kurt: thank you. He thanks Kurt for giving him a night in the darkness and a moment of clarity, and his vengeance will come to Bully in due time, but the man responsible is a hired mercenary who he took from the streets: what happened to his Aunt Dee was all Rhino's fault. Rhino tells EC3 that he might be looking at a dead man if he keeps talking to him like that, and he would rather be dirt poor than listen to another word coming out of his mouth, and he tells EC3 to take his money and shove it straight up his ass. EC3 slaps Rhino in the face, then straight up attacks Rhinand tosses him out to the floor. EC3 rams Rhino into the guardrail, then does it again. EC3 rolls Rhino into the ring and starts pounding him in the face until Spud tries to pull EC3 off. EC3 shoves Spud across the ring and knocks Rhino into next week with a running kneelift. EC3 stalks off as Spud stares after him in disbelief.

    Samoa Joe is backstage and says he doesn't just have a history with Low Ki, they have a legacy written in blood. Joe says Low Ki is supremely self-confident, but a lot of wrestlers just like him brought that confidence and still weren't able to beat him for the X Division Title.

    The Hardy Boys are backstage and say that they are here to prove that they're here to prove they're the best team in the world, and better than ever. There's a resurgence of tag team wrestling in TNA, and they are at the forefront of that resurgence.

    We see a video package hyping the Joe-Low Ki match, and then we're off to the ring for...

    X Division Title Match: Samoa Joe vs Low Ki

    They slowly circle each other and take their time before Joe fires a kick, Ki catches it and tries a double leg, Joe reverses and backs Ki into the corner. Joe breaks clean and backs Ki into the opposite corner, but Ki catches him in the hanging armbar. Ki releases and starts firing kicks at Joe, but Joe just bowls him over with a big elbow, pummels him with right hands, and knocks Ki into the corner with a leaping enziguiri. Joe catches Ki with a running boot and drops a senton and covers for 2. Ki blocks the Muscle Buster and comes off the top rope with a double stomp to Joe's back as he's slumped over the middle rope. Ki fires off a series of kicks, misses another double stomp, but hits the shotgun dropkick for 2. Joe blocks the Ki Krusher and powerbombs Ki for 2, counters the kickout into a Boston Crab, turns that into an STF, and Ki makes the ropes. Ki stops the facewash with a running kick, but Joe runs over Low Ki with a clothesline, sends Ki to the corner, and Ki springs right back out with a Tidal Crush for 2. Ki blocks the Muscle Buster again, but Joe sweeps Ki's legs out and hits it on the third try for the win.

    Winner: Samoa Joe

    Awesome match! Did not disappoint at all, and I'm glad they got time to do something good.

    The Hardy Boys knock on the Dudleys' locker room door and asks if they can talk for a minute. Devon says sure and invites them in.

    Jeremy Borash asks Ken Anderson for comments on Sam Shaw, and he says he sent Shaw up the river and he's out now because of Gunner, and asks if he's an idiot. Shaw comes in and tells him that's a great way to talk to his friend, and they start brawling backstage as we go to commercial.

    We're back from commercial, and go right into the action...

    I Quit Match: Ken Anderson vs Sam Shaw

    They brawl out of the back, Shaw tries choking him with his belt, but Anderson hoists Shaw up and hits a Finlay roll on the ramp. Gunner comes out to observe as Shaw gains control and repeatedly rams Anderson into the ring steps. Shaw gets a mic and tells Anderson to quit, but no dice, so Shaw goes back to pounding his face. They go inside and Shaw continues the pressure, catching Anderson in a Camel Clutch, but Anderson won't quit, and he gets out and starts a comeback with a series of clotheslines and a neckbreaker. Anderson dodges a charge and Shaw crashes shoulder first into the ring post, and Anderson gets Shaw in an armbar. Shaw finally quits.

    Winner: Ken Anderson

    Anderson keeps the hold until Gunner gets into the ring and backs him off.

    Team 3D and the Hardys come out of the locker room, and Bubba says the Hardys had a great idea that will breathe some life into the tag team division, but there's one more piece and they're going to go to the ring right now to find out if they're in.

    We go back to James Storm torturing Sanada in his barn. He tells Sanada that he's weak, and that he'll lead him to glory, salvation, and revalation because he is Sanada's light and strength. He says that he will make him the great Sanada, then he kicks the cameraman out again. The Great Sanada will be revealed next week!

    Knockouts Title/Last Knockout Standing Match: Gail Kim vs Angelina Love

    Gail attacks Angelina as she comes to the ring, but they head inside and Angelina nails Gaim and hits a Flatliner. Gail beats the count, Velvet hands Angelina a cookie tin but Gail ducks it and knocks Angelina flat out to the floor. Gail goes to the top to jumps off onto Angelina, but Velvet nails her with the cookie tin and Gail tumbles to the floor. Gail again regains the advantage and tries to DDT Angelina on the ring steps, but Velvet comes in and blindsides Gail, and the ref has no choice but to count. Gail yet again recovers and gets the ringpost figure four, and yet again Velvet interferes. Gail whips Angelina hard into the barricade, and Angelina tries to run, Gail comes after her with a chair, Velvet grabs Gail, and Angelina hits a Botox Injection that sends the chair crashing into Gail's face. Gail is in real bad shape, but somehow makes it to her feet. Velvet rolls Gail back into the ring and Angelina goes to the top rope, but Gail grabs Velvet and throws her into Angelina, dumps Velvet to the floor, then hits Angelina with a top rope Samoan drop onto a chair. Angelina can't beat the count, and Gail retains.

    Winner: Gail Kim

    Hell of a brawl, and hopefully now we can get on with splitting Velvet off from Angelina.

    Kurt Angle is backstage and says that tonight has been a great night of action, but Team 3D vs the Hardys vs the Wolves will happen in a three match series. The first team to win two matches wins the series, and whoever wins the first match gets to pick the stipulations for the next match.

    Bobby Lashley comes out with MVP and Kenny King to observe the main event, and MVP says that in Dallas, MVP was supposed to face Eric Young for the TNA World Title, but he got injured and couldn't keep his appointment. But without hesitation, his ace Bobby Lashley stepped up and said he got this for them, and MVP says he believed in him and told him to bring home the gold, and it's right over his shoulder like he thought it'd be. Eric Young, Jeff Hardy, and Austin Aries all went down in defeat to Lashley, and now this match will determine a new #1 contender. MVP asks if they look worried, and says that whoever wins the cage match will have already lost, and whoever wins is just going to be more food for the beast. MVP tells the fans to bow down and give props to the true King of New York, Lashley!

    Six Sides Of Steel/#1 Contender Match: Austin Aries vs James Storm vs Eric Young vs Bobby Roode vs Brutus Magnus vs Gunner

    Okay, the first man to run like a chicken and escape the cage becomes the next challenger to the most important title in the company, got it. Everyone fights everyone, Magnus nearly takes EY's head off with a clothesline, and Storm goes at it with Aries. Magnus stops Storm from escaping, and we go to commercial already. Okay then!

    We're back, and Bobby Roode and James Storm are going at it on the top rope while Gunner tries to stop Aries from escaping. Roode escapes the Eye of the Storm and gets Storm in the crossface while Aries gets Gunner in the Last Chancery and Young gets Magnus in the Sharpshooter. Aries comes off the cage with a missile dropkick to Roode, but Roode catches Aries with a spinebuster in return. Storm nails Young with the Last Call, Gunner takes Storm out with a clothesline and tries to escape, but Aries stops him. Everyone in the match does a dual Tower of Doom spot, Roode and Young are the last ones standing and they gawk at each other, then both race to get over the top and out of the cage. They do the Rumble 94 finish and land at the same time, and the referees argue over who wins, and of course, we run out of time before we get a final answer.

    Winner: ???????????

    I'm going to guess they wind up doing a three way and use that as a steppingstone to a singles match between Lashley and Roode at Bound For Glory, but no time to think about that now...COPS is on.

    Thanks for reading the Impact Wrestling Report here on PWInsider.com!

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