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    GOD OF THUNDER Kemo's Avatar
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    Angry WWE Smackdown LIVE Coverage & Discussion - April 3rd, 2018

    Styles & Nakamura team up before WrestleMania showdown

    The rivalry between WWE Champion AJ Styles and Shinsuke Nakamura is heating up as their WrestleMania dream match draws near. Last week, The Artist saved the titleholder from an attack at the hands of Chad Gable & Shelton Benjamin, then stopped just short of drilling Styles with a Kinshasa and letting him know what lies ahead in New Orleans. This week on SmackDown LIVE, Styles and Nakamura will join forces to take on Gable & Benjamin. Will they be able to focus on tag team victory, or will the bad blood lead to defeat?

    Smackdown LIVE Coverage - 3rd Apr, 2018
    Location: Nashville, Tennessee
    Announcers: Corey Graves, Tom Phillips, and Byron Saxton

    Daniel Bryan makes his way to the ring.

    Daniel welcomes everyone to Smackdown. Daniel brings out his tag team partner on Sunday, Shane McMahon.

    Shane comes out and he is not able to fully shuffle his way to the ring. He tries to shuffle in the ring, but cannot complete the task.

    Shane thanks everyone for the applause and he says he has to correct Daniel Bryan. Daniel is a role model because he has fought and clawed his way over the last three years. That is to compete in the ring. He congratulates Daniel for being medically cleared to wrestle. Shane says he couldn't be more excited to be Daniel's tag team partner. Shane mentions some of the medical maladies he has suffered and he blames it on Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens. Shane says he is medically cleared.

    Daniel says there is one thing he has to address as the General Manager of Smackdown. Over the past six months, he says he has made some mistakes, especially when it comes to Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn. They have been friends for fifteen years and he let that affect his decisions. Daniel says that Shane was right all along and he apologizes to Shane.

    Shane says he has done some reflection and he says he can be a little hot headed and a little stubborn.

    Daniel disputes the fact that a McMahon could be stubborn.

    Daniel says if they are going to resolve their differences, he learned a lot being in the WWE. When a tag team has its differences, there is only one way to resolve it.

    The people in Nashville want a hug and Shane offers his hand. Daniel says he shook Shane's hand two minutes ago. Nashville does not want to see them shake hands. Daniel asks Nashville if they want to see them hug it out.

    Shane says he is not much of a hugger but he appreciates it.

    They hug and the crowd applauds it.

    Shane says that worked. They are definitely on the same page now.

    Daniel says them being on the same page is bad news for Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn. They are going to get payback for what they did to him, Shane, and everyone else.

    Shane thanks Daniel for reinstating them because he is looking forward to getting rid of that cancer from Smackdown and after Sunday, they will never be seen on Smackdown again.

    We go to commercial.

    Non Title Match
    Charlotte Flair (c) vs Natalya

    They lock up and Charlotte with a side head lock. Natalya with a head scissors and Charlotte escapes and struts. Natalya with a single leg take down but Charlotte escapes. Natalya poses for the crowd and Charlotte with a rollup for a near fall. Natalya with a suplex and side head lock take down. Charlotte with a rollup for a near fall. Natalya goes for the knee but Charlotte stays on her feet. Natalya poses for the crowd again.

    Natalya with a waist lock but Charlotte with a front face lock into a cover for a near fall. Charlotte with a front face lock. Charlotte gets another near fall and returns to the front face lock. Natalya stomps on the foot and Irish whips Charlotte but Charlotte moves out of the corner and gets a near fall with a rollup. Charlotte with a front face lock and Charlotte with a double leg take down into a cover for a near fall. Charlotte sends Natalya into the turnbuckles and kicks Natalya.

    Charlotte pulls Natalya out of the corner and gets a near fall. Chlarlotte with a figure four head scissors and she drives Natalya's head into the mat. Charlotte holds on to the figure four head scissors and she rolls Natalya around the ring. Natalya rolls to the floor. Charlotte misses a baseball slide when Natalya moves. Charlotte with a kick and chops. Natalya sends Charlotte into the ring post.

    Natalya kicks Charlotte and sends her back into the ring for a near fall. Natalya with a sleeper and then she sends Natalya to the mat by the hair and then she poses for the crowd one more time. Natalya kicks Charlotte in the ribs and then she chokes Charlotte in the ropes. Natalya runs into a boot in the corner. Charlotte with a chop but she misses a second one and Natalya with a punch and discus clothesline. Natalya walks across Charlotte and poses again. Natalya with an Irish whip but Charlotte with a kick when Natalya punches her. Natalya with forearms in the corner but Charlotte with a flatline into the turnbuckles.

    Natalya goes to the floor and she trips Charlotte on the apron. Natalya sends Charlotte into the ringside barrier and then Natalya poses on the ringside barrier. They return to the ring and Natalya tries for an abdominal stretch but Charlotte fights it off momentarily. Charlotte escapes and reverses the hold. Natalya escapes with a hip toss. Charlotte with a Flair flip in the corner and she sends Natalya down with a shoulder. Charlotte goes up top but Natalya press slams Charlotte and gets a near fall. Natalya with a surfboard but Charlotte is able to escape and she chops Natalya.

    Charlotte with more chops followed by a neck breaker and boot to the head. Charlotte gets a near fall. Natalya with an elbow and she applies a sleeper. Charlotte with a backpack stunner and then goes up top for a moonsault but Natalya gets her feet up. Natalya with a discus clothesline and both women are down.

    Carmella's music plays and she comes out but the referee is a little slow.

    The referees discuss but Charlotte kicks the briefcase out of the ring.

    Charlotte and Carmella circle each other in the ring and Charlotte with a boot. Natalya with a rollup for a near fall. Charlotte with the figure four leg lock and she bridges to force Natalya to tap out.

    Winner: Charlotte Flair

    After the match:
    Asuka's music plays and she makes her way to the ring to preview what we will see later tonight on the Mixed Match Challenge.

    Asuka has a mic and she says at Wrestlemania, the Queen will bow down to the Empress because no one is . . . Charlotte takes the mic and she says she is ready. The question is are you ready?

    AJ Styles says that Nakamura has been pretty clever over the last few weeks, but then he stopped short before hitting Kinshasa and patted him on the head like a dog. This dog bites. He always scrapped with the big boys and that is why he has been emotional his entire life. AJ says his emotions are not his weakness, they are his strength. Nakamura has one weakness and he is taking AJ too lightly. We are far from the Tokyo Dome. This is Wrestlemania. This is a dream match, but the reality is that he is going to beat Shinsuke Nakamura.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and we see a few of the bars on Broadway across from the arena.

    It is time to see how we got to Daniel Bryan's return match with a video package.

    Bobby Roode makes his way to the ring in full wrestling gear to join the announcers for the next match.

    We go to commercial.

    Sunil Singh comes out and he sings the introduction for Jinder Mahal.

    Aiden English comes out and asks which Singh he is as he freestyles Rusev's introduction.

    Rusev vs Jinder Mahal (w/ Sunil Singh)

    They lock up and we see Randy watching a monitor in the locker room. Rusev with a drop toe hold but Mahal gets to the floor to avoid the Accolade.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Rusev with punches but Mahal with a kick. Mahal with a Harley Race knee for a near fall. Mahal with kicks and knee drops. Mahal with a neck breaker followed by a knee drop for a near fall. Mahal with a forearm to the back and he wraps the arm in the ropes. Mahal with a punch to the midsection followed by a knee to the back. Mahal with a top wrist lock. Mahal with punches followed by a snap mare and top wrist lock. Rusev with punches to Mahal followed by a round kick and a thrust kick. Rusev with a running hip strike into the corner followed by a jumping spin kick for a near fall.

    Mahal gets to the ropes to avoid being put in the Accolade. Rusev is sent to the floor and then Mahal with a kick when Rusev returns to the ring to get a near fall. Mahal goes for a suplex but Rusev escapes and he hits a knee to the midsection followed by a kick to the head. Rusev sets for the MACHKA kick but Sunil gets on the apron and Rusev with a round kick. Mahal with a rollup for a near fall. Rusev with punches and then he hits the MACHKA kick for the three count.

    Winner: Rusev

    After the match:
    Rusev celebrates in the ring and Orton with an RKO. English attacks Orton and Aiden goes to the turnbuckles but Bobby Roode gets up from the announce table and he pushes English off the turnbuckles and Orton with an RKO. Roode and Orton stand together in the ring and Roode picks up the US title belt and he hands it to Orton but he holds on to the belt for a moment before letting Orton take it back.

    Shinsuke Nakamura was asked what is he doing to AJ Styles. Nakamura says AJ thinks he is playing games. Nakamura says AJ is right, but he takes this game very seriously. He has come to America for one reason . . . Wrestlemania. He does not take AJ Styles lightly. He knows AJ very well and he knows that AJ is very emotional. AJ will make mistakes and when he does, Nakamura says he becomes WWE Champion with a Knee . . . To . . . FACE.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and The New Day are in the back and they are here to hype that Wrestlemania is free for new subscribers. The Usos show up and Jey says that while Wrestlemania is free, the New Day and Bludgeon Brothers will pay a price. The Bludgeon Brothers show up and smash the camera.

    Tye Dillinger, Zack Ryder, Fandango, and Tyler Breeze vs Dolph Ziggler, Baron Corbin, Mojo Rawley, and Primo

    Ryder and Rawley start things off and Rawley sends Ryder to the mat. Ryder with forearms. Mojo runs into knees in the corner and Ryder with a missile drop kick for a near fall. Rawley runs Ryder into the corner and all eight men get into the ring for a moment. Breeze tags in and Ziggler tags in as well. Dillinger tags in and he clotheslines Ziggler and punches Corbin off the apron. Ziggler avoids the Tye Breaker and Tye avoids a super kick. Dillinger is distracted by Corbin and Ziggler with a super kick and both men are down.

    Corbin tags in and he punches Dillinger in the corner. Mojo tags in and he punches Dillinger. Rawley sends Dillinger into the turnbuckles and then he rolls around the ring and he misses a shoulder into the corner and hits the turnbuckles. Fandango and Primo tag in and Fandango with jabs and clotheslines. Primo with a kick but Fandango with a Falcon Arrow for a near fall. Ryder and Ziggler go over the top rope to the floor.

    Corbin tags in and goes over the top rope when Fandango drops down. Ryder with a Rough Ryder to Mojo. Dillinger sends Primo to the floor. Ziggler knocks Dillinger off the apron and then Breeze with a super kick to Ziggler. Corbin throws Breeze onto everyone on the floor and then he hits End of Days on Fandango for the three count.

    Winners: Baron Corbin, Mojo Rawley, Primo, and Dolph Ziggler

    After the match:
    Corbin goes up to the Andre the Giant Battle Royal trophy and stares at it.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Shelton Benjamin says they don't care that everyone wants to see Nakamura and Styles at Wrestlemania. Chad says you will get a watered down version of them on Sunday when they win tonight.

    Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn enter through the crowd and they get on the announce table. Kevin says that this is the Kevin and Sami show and Wrestlemania will be the Kevin and Sami Show.

    Sami says they saw what happened earlier and they have apologizes to make. They will not apologize to Daniel but they will apologize to Daniel's wife and child. They are going to send Daniel back to Brie and all of her love and support will not put him back together. Kevin talks about Brie's advice to Daniel.

    Sami says it is their dream to fight Daniel and obliterate them. Kevin says that will be their Wrestlemania moment.

    Sami says they deserve the boos and he tries to get a WE DESERVE IT chant going.

    We see Shane and Daniel watching on a monitor and they are going to do something about it.

    Officials wave their arms to stop Kevin and Sami but it does not work.

    Kevin says that Shane will be a failure to his father again after they lose on Sunday.

    Their mics are cut off and Kevin and Sami go back through the crowd.

    Shane McMahon and Daniel Bryan make their way to the stage.

    Daniel wants them to put the camera on Kevin and Sami. He tells everyone to film Kevin and Sami because this is history in the making. It is the last time we will see Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn on Smackdown.

    Shane suggests that the crowd serenade Sami and Kevin since they tried to get them to sing earlier.

    We go to commercial.

    Shinsuke Nakamura and AJ Styles (c) vs Chad Gable and Shelton Benjamin

    Nakamura and Gable start off and Gable with a take down and both men with reversals. Gable grabs an ankle but Nakamura gets free and misses a round kick. Nakamura with a wrist lock and Gable with an escape and single leg take down into an arm bar and wrist lock. Nakamura with a reversal into a wrist lock. Nakamura tags in AJ by patting him on the head. Gable escapes while AJ and Nakamura argue. Benjamin and Gable attack AJ and Nakamura and Benjamin and Nakamura go to the floor while Gable works over AJ.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and AJ with an enzuigiri to Gable and both men are down. Benjamin tags in and so does Nakamura. Nakamura with a jumping kick followed by a forearm and axe kick to Gable. Nakamura with an enzuigiri to Benjamin followed by a running knee into the corner. Gable tags himself in and Benjamin with a running knee into the corner when Gable pulls him out of the way. Gable with a moonsault for a near fall. Gable with a key lock.

    Nakamura with punches and Gable with a German suplex for a near fall. Benjamin tags in and he applies an arm bar. Nakamura with punches but Benjamin with a knee and punches. Benjamin with a snap mare and he gets a near fall. Benjamin with a reverse chin lock and body scissors. Benjamin and Nakamura go back and forth with forearms. Nakamura with a knee but he misses a kick. Benjamin with a dragon whip. Benjamin runs into a jumping spin kick and both men are down.

    AJ and Gable tag in and Styles with clotheslines and strikes to Gable followed by a clothesline. Styles with a Pele kick to Benjamin. Gable with an inside cradle for a near fall. Styles with an Ushigoroshi. Styles looks at a tired Nakamura on the apron and he looks at Nakamura as he goes to the apron and hits the Phenomenal Forearm for the three count.

    Winners: AJ Styles and Shinsuke Nakamura

    After the match:
    Styles goes to the floor and gets his WWE Title belt and shows it off to Nakamura without getting too emotional.

    Shelton Benjamin attacks Nakamura but Nakamura is able to fight off Benjamin while Styles thinks about helping.

    Styles teases a Phenomenal Forearm and he gets Nakamura to flinch. Styles pats Nakamura on the head and leaves the ring as Nakamura shows some emotion.

    We go to credits.

  2. #2
    GOD OF THUNDER Kemo's Avatar
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    Thank you, LD for doing coverage for me.


    ***GAME OVER!***

  3. #3
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kemo View Post
    Thank you, LD for doing coverage for me.
    No probs Not a bad Smackdown leading into Wrestlemania. To bad they did not have more time.

  4. #4
    GOD OF THUNDER Kemo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LionDen View Post
    No probs Not a bad Smackdown leading into Wrestlemania. To bad they did not have more time.
    I was really bummed that I wasn't able to attend the show. I was working on getting tickets, but everything fell through at the last minute. Hopefully I'll be able to attend Hell in a Cell this year since it's going to be in Nashville.


    ***GAME OVER!***

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