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  1. #1
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Default WWE Smackdown LIVE Coverage & Discussion - May 8th, 2018

    SmackDown Preview
    Styles’ rivalry with Nakamura returns to SmackDown more dangerous than ever

    In the wake of a volatile WWE Backlash pay-per-view, WWE Champion AJ Styles and Shinsuke Nakamura remain embroiled in a bitter rivalry, and SmackDown LIVE braces for WWE Money in the Bank with three explosive Qualifying Matches.

    *How will Styles and Nakamura settle their heated rivalry?*
    *Jeff Hardy takes on The Miz in a Money in the Bank Qualifying Match*
    *Charlotte Flair to battle Peyton Royce in a Money in the Bank Qualifying Match*
    *Daniel Bryan and Rusev to lock horns in a Money in the Bank Qualifying Match*

    **In a dark match before the Smackdown episode went live on the air, Asuka defeated Sonya Deville.**

    WWE Smackdown Live Coverage - 8th May, 2018
    Location: Baltimore, Maryland
    Announcers: Tom Phillips, Byron Saxton, and Corey Graves.

    General Manager Paige makes her way to the ring.

    Paige welcomes everyone to Smackdown. She says we saw the first co-branded pay per view and she says it was a smashing success. We witnessed the first singles victory from the returning Daniel Bryan. She mentions Carmella's victory over Charlotte Flair. She also mentions the WWE Title situation.

    Paige says their match was on its way to becoming an instant classic until they got into a low blow confrontation that neither man could recover from. Paige says she did not see that happening when she made the No Disqualification stipulation. We will hear from both men tonight.

    Paige mentions that there will be two ladder matches at Money in the Bank. One for the men and one for the women. Paige says she needs the best that Smackdown has to offer so they can bring the briefcase back to this brand. There will be qualifying matches starting . . . NOW.

    Money in the Bank Qualifying Match
    Non Title Match

    Jeff Hardy vs The Miz

    They lock up and Hardy with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. They lock up again and Miz with a waist lock. Hardy with a standing switch. Miz with a wrist lock. Hardy with a shoulder tackle and near fall. Miz rolls to the floor and Hardy follows. Jeff with Poetry in Motion off the ring steps. Hardy rolls Miz back into the ring and he goes up top but Miz goes to the opposite side of the ring.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Hardy with arm drags into an arm bar. Miz with an arm drag but Hardy rolls through with an arm bar. Miz with punches. Hardy with a kick and he goes for a sit out jaw breaker but Miz with a knee and he gets a near fall. Miz with a knee to the back and a reverse chin lock. Hardy with elbows and Miz goes for Reality Check and hits it. Miz gets a near fall. Miz stretches Hardy and Hardy with elbows. Miz lands on his feet on a belly-to-back suplex attempt. Hardy with elbows but Miz sends Hardy to the floor. Miz misses a baseball slide through the ropes. Miz crotches Hardy on the ringside barrier.

    Miz misses clotheslines when Hardy ducks. Hardy with a head butt and clothesline off the ringside barrier. They return to the ring and Hardy with punches and a kick. Hardy with a running forearm and reverse atomic drop. Hardy with a leg drop to the midsection followed by a drop kick for a near fall. Hardy with a kick and Miz avoids the Twist of Fate. Miz goes for a backslide but Hardy blocks it. Hardy gets to his feet and he kicks Miz and hits a Twist of Fate. Hardy goes up top for the Swanton and Miz rolls to the apron. Hardy misses a shoulder and Miz with a kick and neck breaker in the ropes.

    We go to commercial.

    Miz pulls Hardy to the floor and the referee checks on Jeff. Hardy gets back into the ring before the ten count but Miz still wants to be declared the winner. Miz with a kick and he gets a near fall. Miz with a running boot to the head and he hits a second boot for a near fall. Miz misses a running boot when Jeff ducks and Jeff gets a near fall with a rolup. Miz with an Awesome Clothesline followed by a double sledge from the turnbuckles.

    Miz sets for the Skull Crushing Finale but Jeff escapes. Miz goes for the figure four leg lock but Hardy with an inside cradle for a near fall. Miz with a sleeper. Hardy with a jawbreaker to escape the hold. Miz and Jeff exchange punches as they get back to their feet. Hardy with a side Russian leg sweep and then he hits a leg drop to get a near fall. Miz with a sleeper but Jeff runs Miz into the turnbuckles. Jeff with an elbow and he hits Whisper in the Wind for a near fall.

    Miz avoids the Twist of Fate and Miz is sent to the apron. Hardy with a leg sweep and a baseball slide to send Miz to the floor. Hardy with a slingshot pescado onto Miz. Hardy sends Miz back into the ring and then he goes up top for the Swanton but Miz crotches him. Miz with a punch and he sets for a superplex. Hardy blocks it and he punches Miz and hits a sunset flip power bomb for a near fall.

    Miz kicks Hardy when Hardy goes for a hesitation kick. Miz blocks a Twist of Fate and Jeff avoids a Skull Crushing Finale. Hardy with a rollup for a near fall. Hardy with a mule kick and hesitation kick in the corner. Hardy with a Twist of Fate and then he goes up top. Jeff hits the Swanton but Miz with a crucifix for the three count.

    Winner: Miz (Entered in the Money in the Bank match)

    Sheamus is in the locker room having a snack and Cesaro wants to know what is he doing. Sheamus says he is eating Lucky Charms because that is the only thing that makes him feel good after losing to Xavier Woods. Sheamus says it was a bigger upset last week than Liverpool losing last week. Cesaro says something and Sheamus is not happy because he thinks Cesaro thinks he could do better. Sheamus tells Cesaro to wrestle Woods tonight. Cesaro says no one makes a fool of the Bar two weeks in a row.

    Cesaro opens his bag and it is full of pancakes. Sheamus opens his bag and they are full of pancakes.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back with a Sanity video package.

    We see photos from the WWE Championship match from Backlash.

    We see Nakamura’s locker room and Renee Young tries to get some comments.

    Nakamura emerges and she mentions that Nakamura has not been cleared to wrestle. She asks if this is over between him and AJ. Nakamura says No . . . speak English. He says he forgot how to speak English. Renee asks Nakamura if there is anything that he would like to say to AJ. Nakamura says AJ is nuts and so is he. They are not finished.

    We take a look at footage from the Smackdown Women's Title Match.

    Carmella says that she beat Charlotte and she says it many many times. She says she will not celebrate in a low rent city like Baltimore. She will throw a Royal MellaBration in London. It will be bigger than the Royal Wedding. The royal family will not be invited and neither will Ric or Charlotte Flair.

    We go to commercial

    Billie Kay says she is so sorry for Charlotte's loss but she has some positive news. They say that she is an inspiration. Billie says her uncle Craig watched her match and he had a stutter. After seeing the look on Charlotte's face when she lost, it really . . . set him into hysterics. He was laughing for an hour straight with tears streaming down his face. He fell off the couch. It cured his stutter. Billie thanks Charlotte for that.

    Billie wants to bottle that look and make it a fragrance. She will call it 'Dissapointment . . . By Charlotte." Peyton tries to do a Charlotte imitation. Peyton will have to make her have that look again.

    Money in the Bank Qualifying Match
    Peyton Royce (w/ Billie Kay) vs Charlotte Flair

    They lock up and Charlotte backs Peyton into the corner and gives a clean break. Peyton misses a forearm and Charlotte with a few waist lock take downs. Peyton with an elbow to the head and Charlotte blocks a kick and chops Peyton. Charlotte with a fallaway slam. Charlotte sends Peyton to the floor.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Charlotte is on the floor. Peyton brings Charlotte back into the ring and applies a reverse chin lock. Charlotte with a jaw breaker. Peyton sends Charlotte into the turnbuckle and gets a near fall. Peyton with forearms and she sends Charlotte into the turnbuckles. Peyton chokes Charlotte in the corner. Peyton stretches Charlotte in the ropes and then connects with a knee to the midsection.

    Peyton with elbows to the collarbone and then she applies a reverse chin lock. Peyton with a knee to the midsection but Charlotte with a kick and neck breaker. Charlotte with forearms to Peyton as she blocks shots from Peyton. Peyton with a knee but Charlotte with an Irish whip and chops. Charlotte struts and then she chops Peyton again. Charlotte misses a boot but Peyton misses a spinning back heel kick. Charlotte with a belly-to-back suplex. Peyton goes to the floor and Charlotte with a pescado that hits Billie. Peyton with a neck breaker on the floor.

    They return to the ring and Peyton gets a near fall. Charlotte pushes Peyton away and connects with an elbow. Billie drops Charlotte on the ropes when Peyton distracts the referee. Peyton gets a near fall. Charlotte with a rollup for a near fall. Peyton misses a spin kick in the corner. Charlotte with a boot to Peyton. Charlotte goes up top for a moosault and lands on Peyton's knees. Peyton with an inside cradle for a near fall. Peyton with a knee for a near fall.

    Peyton sets for a suplex but Charlotte escapes and hits a spear for a near fall. Charlotte goes for the figure four but Peyton with a rollup. Charlotte with a rollup and then she applies the figure four and bridges to force Peyton to tap out.

    Winner: Charlotte Flair (Entered in Money in the Bank Match)

    The announcers recapped the events of Big Cass vs. Daniel Bryan at Backlash.

    Dasha Fuentes interviewed Daniel Bryan backstage as he was warming up and asked if he was recovered from being attacked by Cass at Backlash after their match. Bryan said that he was good to go tonight in Baltimore, the city where he cashed in and won the World Championship. He said he would continue to prove that the bigger his opponents are, the faster they will tap.

    Asuka and Shelton Benjamin did selfie style promos about Money in the Bank.

    Xavier Woods vs. Cesaro

    Lots of "We want pancakes" chants. Cesaro used his power to keep Woods off base. Xavier came back with a headscissor takeover. He worked over Cesaro with shots to the mid-section. Cesaro almost flung him into the referee but Xavier stopped himself from hitting the official. Cesaro nailed him from behind and then nailed a gutwrench suplex. Cesaro worked over his arm. Woods tried to fire back and they exchanged chops. Woods nailed a superkick to the knee.

    Cesaro caught him charging in and sent him up and over to the apron. Woods came in with a dive, scoring a two count. Cesaro rolled outside to the apron and snapped Woods' throat across the middle rope as he reached for him. Woods came back with a face-first wheelbarrow takedown. He went to the outside and ascended to the top rope,but Sheamus got on the apron. Woods went after him but Cesaro rolled him up, placing his feet on the ropes. Kofi Kingston shoved his feet off and Cesaro only scored a two count.

    Woods nailed a shining wizard. He went to the top but Sheamus got on the apron. Big E threw pancakes at him and Kingston knocked him off. Woods walked the ropes and went for a move but was caught with an uppercut in mid-air and pinned.

    Winner: Cesaro

    WWE Champion AJ Styles was interviewed backstage. They noted he wasn't clared to wrestle. Styles admitted he didn't want to fight the way he did at Backlash, using a low blow. He promised that if Nakamura was man enough to get back in the ring with him, he would finish him. The bruise on Styles' face was nasty looking.

    We go to commercial.

    When we return, there was a vignette showing mutilated action figures of different WWE Smackdown stars before revealing the WWE Smackdown Tag Team Champions The Bludgeon Brothers. They said they have their own set of toys and invited everyone to come play with them. They said they were waiting, then destroyed the camera with their Thor hammers.

    Paige told Sonya Deville she was banned from ringside for the next match.

    Becky Lynch vs. Mandy Rose

    Mandy had new, sultry ring entrance myusic and they used an effect to blur everything beyond her in the background. It was a big-time entrance.

    Lynch was aggressive early. Rose backed off and went to the floor to try and curtail the momentum. Rose nailed a dropkick and a big knee for a two count. She locked in a side headlock. Lynch fought her way out and attempted to cinch in the Disarmher, but Rose made it to the ropes. Lynch nailed an exploder and nailed a leaping forearm in the corner. Rose caught Lynch coming off the ropes and clotheslined her throat across the top rope, then rolled her up for the pin. The announcers pushed it as a big upset.

    Winner: Mandy Rose

    They showed footage of Daniel Bryan winning the World Championship from Big Show years ago in the same building.

    They announced Carmella would have a Royal Mellabration next week in London. Andrade Almas and Zelina Vega will debut as well.

    Money in the Bank Qualifying Match
    Daniel Bryan vs, Rusev

    Bryan did a lot of mat work, including trying to set up a bow and arrow, before unloading with several kicks to the chest. Rusev gained control but Bryan ducked him as he charged, pulling down the top rope;. Rusev sailed over to the floor. Bryan went for a dive but was caught by Rusev, then sent into the announcers' table as they went to the commercial.

    When they returned, Rusev was working over Bryan in the corner. Rusev was nailed and Bryan nailed his charging dropkicks into the corner. He placed Rusev on the top rope and nailed a rana off the top into the ring. Bryan nailed a series of Yes Kicks. Rusev ducked one and snatched Bryan down to the mat, trying to lock on the Accolade. Bryan escaped but was kicked down for a two count.

    Rusev finally locked in the Accolade but Bryan reversed it and went for the Yes Lock, but Rusev made it to the ropes. Bryan began unloading with kicks to his arm. Rusev kicked Bryan hard. Rusev went for a suplex but Bryan landed on his feet and was kicked. Rusev was stunned, but Aiden English pulled him out of the ring before Bryan could nail his running kick. Bryan nailed a dropkick to the outside on both. He nailed English and came off the apron with a knee to Rusev.

    Rusev was tossed back into the ring and was hit with a top rope missile dropkick. Bryan set up for a running kick but was nailed in the ribs and hit with the Machka Kick and pinned.

    Winner, Rusev (Entered the MOney in the Bank match)

  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Good first match between Miz and Jeff Hardy.

  3. #3
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Well that women's match between Charlotte and Peyton, plus segment before hand seemed to go forever. lol Not a bad match.

    Carmella continues to annoy me.

  4. #4
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Not a bad show tonight. Except for Carmella blabbering on

  5. #5
    GOD OF THUNDER Kemo's Avatar
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    Thank you for doing LC. I appreciate the help.


    ***GAME OVER!***

  6. #6
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kemo View Post
    Thank you for doing LC. I appreciate the help.
    Just like riding a bike. lol

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