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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Default WWE Smackdown LIVE Coverage & Discussion - June 5th, 2018

    SmackDown Preview
    The rivalry between WWE Champion AJ Styles and Shinsuke Nakamura has grown so intense, the only way they can seemingly settle their score is in a Last Man Standing Match. Their title bout for WWE Money in the Bank becomes official tonight, when Paige hosts a contract signing. The last time these two were in each other’s vicinity, a huge brawl broke out. Will Paige be able to keep the peace?

    *Charlotte Flair and Becky Lynch to square off*
    *Naomi & Jimmy Uso to face Lana & Aiden English in Mixed Tag Team action*
    *Paige to host contract signing for AJ Styles vs. Shinsuke Nakamura
    *Carmella promises to "unmask" Asuka on SmackDown LIVE*

    WWE Smackdown Live Coverage - 5th Jun, 2018
    Location: Corpus Christi, Texas
    Announcers: Tom Phillips, Byron Saxton, and Corey Graves.

    Carmella makes her way to the ring and she has something to say.

    She tells everyone to get on their feet and shower her with the praise she deserves as the Smackdown Women's Champion.

    They boo her and she says tonight is not about her. It is about her opponent at Money in the Bank, Asuka. She says she felt like everyone deserves to know the truth. Asuka is not who you think she is.

    We have a video package for Asuka.

    Carmella says that Asuka was incredible. She was poised and dangerous. Remove the mask and let's reveal this truth together. This is the real Asuka.

    We take a look at Asuka's match against Charlotte Flair at Wrestlemania. Then we see Asuka's debut on Smackdown and her loss in a tag match.

    Carmella says that was painful to watch. The truth is that Asuka's loss at Wrestlemania shattered her and she has not been the same since. Carmella says she has no fear. Asuka is no longer undefefeated. She is defeated. It used to be Nobody was ready for Asuka, but now everyone is ready for Asuka.

    Asuka's music plays and it shuts up the champion. Asuka makes her way to the ring.

    Before Asuka can say or do anything after posing in the ring, Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville make their way to the stage.

    Mandy says Carmella didn't have to go through all of that, she could have asked her. Asuka is a shell of herself. Asuka did beat her and she is dangerous, but Mandy says she was a second away from beating Asuka. Mandy says she knows she can beat Asuka tonight.

    Sonya says that Mandy did what she was supposed to do, she left just enough of Asuka for her. Tonight, it is her turn.

    Carmella says it is Sonya's turn but who will Asuka face tonight?

    Before Asuka can choose her opponent, Paige makes her way to the stage.

    Paige says no one speaks for her. As far as she remembers, she makes the matches around here. Asuka has unfinished business with both ladies so Asuka gets to choose.

    Asuka takes the mic and she wants both.

    Paige makes the match official.

    We go to commercial.

    Asuka vs Sonya Deville and Mandy Rose

    Sonya starts things off for her team. Sonya has a kick blocked and Asuka with a kick to the leg. They lock up and Mandy makes the tag. Mandy with a kick and Asuka escapes trouble. Sonya tags back in. They lock up and Asuka with an arm bar and wrist lock. Sonya with a reversal and Asuka with a reversal. Sonya with a take down and she goes for a knee bar but Asuka gets to the ropes. Asuka with a single leg take down. Sonya with a hip toss but she misses the sliding knee and Asuka with a drop kick. Sonya with a forearm.

    Sonya with punches to the midsection and then Mandy tags in and kicks Asuka. Sonya tags back in and she sends Asuka into the turnbuckles and connects with shoulders until Mandy comes in and connects with shoulders and punches. Mandy with a reverse chin lock. Mandy gets a near fall and returns to the reverse chin lock. Mandy with a shoulder tackle but Asuka stays on her feet. Asuka with a running hip attack. Asuka with a running hip strike into the corner and then she goes up top and hits a missile drop kick.

    Carmella gets up from the announce table and she distracts Asuka as Sonya tags in and hits Asuka from behind.

    Sonya with a snap mare and body scissors. Sonya with a reverse chin lock. Asuka bridges back to get a near fall. Sonya with a spinebuster for a near fall. Mandy tags in and she chokes Asuka. Mandy punches Asuka and then applies a modified abdominal stretch with a chin lock. Asuka with punches and Mandy blocks a kick and hits a reverse suplex for a near fall. Mandy chokes Asuka in the ropes. Sonya tags in and she kicks Asuka.

    Mandy tags back in and she sets for the butterfly suplex but Asuka blocks it and gets a near fall with a rollup. Asuka knocks Sonya off the apron and she connects with a running kick to Mandy. Both women are down in the ring. Asuka with forearms and Mandy fires back. Mandy misses a clothesline and Asuka with a drop kick. Asuka blocks a kick and hits a German suplex. Mandy with an elbow and Sonya makes the tag. Asuka kicks Mandy and then she hits the pop up knee followed by a hip attack for a near fall that is broken up by Mandy.

    Mandy is sent to the floor and Sonya with a rollup for a naer fall. Sonya and Asuka have kicks blocked and then both with round kicks and both are down. Asuka with a round kick to Sonya but Sonya with a spear for a near fall. Sonya with knees to Asuka. Asuka catches Sonya on a Superman punch attempt. Asuka with the Asuka Lock and body scissors. Sonya taps out.

    Winner: Asuka

    After the match
    Carmella goes into the ring and she shows Asuka her title belt. Mandy tries to attack Asuka but Asuka with a spinning back fist. Carmella hits Asuka from behind with the title belt and then Carmella hits a thrust kick.

    Miz is in the back and he almost chops the pancake steward. The New Day arrive on the other side of the locker room. They apologize for acting like jerks. Big E says they have been playing around too much and now they are taking it seriously. Kofi says that Miz gave them a reality check. Kofi says they were given some hard truths last week. Big E wants Miz to help them reveal their member to the WWE Universe.

    Miz wants to know what is the catch.

    They tell Miz that Miz will be able to choose the man who will become Mr Money in the Bank.

    Miz is blindfolded and they switch hats so Miz reaches into a hat full of pancake batter.

    Miz asks if that was funny because it won't be funny when Samoa Joe puts you to sleep, when Rusev gives you a Machka Kick, and when he gives them a Skull Crushing Finale.

    We go to commercial.

    Luke Harper (with Erick Rowan) vs Karl Anderson (with Luke Gallows)

    Harper with a drop kick as the bell rings and then he punches Anderson. Harper with a forearm to the back followed by a running shoulder to the back and Harper gets a near fall. Harper with a chop in the corner and then he chokes Anderson. Harper rakes the eyes and follows with a palm thrust to the throat and then to the face. Harper with a Bossman Slam. Anderson with a thrust kick but Harper with an uppercut. Anderson avoids a thrust kick in the corner and gets the three count with a rollup.

    Winner: Karl Anderson

    We take a look back at last week's Dance Off between Lana and Naomi.

    Naomi tells Lana you tried to bust a move on her last week. It won't happen at Money in the Bank. She will snap you bald and then snap the briefcase. Jimmy and Naomi welcome them to the Uso Penitentiary.

    We go to commercial.

    Lana and Aiden English vs Jimmy Uso and Naomi

    The men start things off and they lock up. Aiden with a side head lock. Jimmy with an uppercut to the throat and Aiden complains about the moneymaker. Lana checks on Aiden and they try to attack Jimmy and Naomi. They block kicks but Jimmy and Naomi with enzuigiris and then Naomi with a plancha onto Lana and Aiden.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Naomi misses a series of round kicks but she finally hits one. Lana hits Naomi from behind while Naomi torments Aiden. Lana with a kick and she gets a near fall. Lana chokes Naomi in the ropes. Lana with a running double knee strike to the back and she gets a near fall. Lana slams Naomi's head into the mat and she applies an arm bar with a chin lock. Lana sends Naomi face first into the turnbuckle. Naomi with a kick but Lana stops Naomi from making the tag.

    Lana with elbow drops and she gets a near fall. Naomi with a jaw breaker and then Lana keeps her from making the tag. Lana pulls Naomi by the hair but Naomi drops down and gets a near fall with a rollup. Both women with clotheslines at the same time and both are down. Jimmy tags in and he hits clotheslines on Aiden and follows with a thrust kick and uppercut. Aiden avoids a Samoan drop but Jimmy with a dragon whip. Jimmy with a running hip into the corner and Lana breaks up the cover. Lana slaps Jimmy. Naomi with an alley oop drop kick. Aiden with a running hip into the corner and then he sets for the running hip strike.

    Naomi with a cross body followed by a super kick to Aiden for the three count.

    Winners: Jimmy Uso and Naomi

    Paige is in the office with Shinsuke Nakamura and AJ Styles for the contract signing. Paige reminds AJ and Nakamura about the rules for a Last Man Standing match. Paige guarantees that there will be a winner.

    AJ asks to make a statement. He says it seems like they have been at this forever. Now he thinks he understands why Nakamura does what he does. Nakamura knows that he cannot beat him. That is why he hides behind the low blows and he picks a stipulation where he can do whatever he wants. AJ says he will be walking out of Money in the Bank the same way he walked in, as WWE Champion.

    AJ signs the contract and then Nakamura says the pen is out of ink.

    Nakamura asks to borrow AJ's pen. Nakamura looks at the pen and he says the pen is broken.

    AJ yells at Nakamura and tells him to stop playing these games and stand up.

    AJ slaps Nakamura and leaves.

    Nakamura pulls out a pen and signs the contract.

    We go to commercial.

    Becky Lynch vs Charlotte Flair

    They lock up and Becky with an arm drag. Charlotte goes for the leg but Becky goes for the arm and Charlotte sends Becky to the floor. Becky returns to the ring and Charlotte with a single leg take down but Becky kicks Charlotte away. Becky with a side head lock take down. Charlotte with a side head lock. Charlotte with a cartwheel and leap frog followed by a head scissors take down. Becky bridges out of a cover and gets a near fall. Charlotte escapes a cover.

    They exchange a spot of tea but then they both go for a kick and block it. They ask the other to put their feet down and they oblige. They both go for cross bodies and go down. Becky with a drop kick and snap leg drop followed by a snap elbow drop. Charlotte avoids a twisting leg drop and she applies a figure four head scissors. Charlotte rolls Becky around the ring and she gets a near fall. Becky with arm drags into an arm bar. Becky with a hammer lock and she bridges over to add more pressure.

    Charlotte with forearms and Becky goes for DisArmHer but Charlotte escapes and she chops Becky. Charlotte misses a chop and Becky with European uppercuts> Charlotte with a back slide for a near fall. Charlotte with a chop. Charlotte with a belly-to-back suplex but she runs into a boot and Becky with a springboard back kick. Charlotte with a back breaker for a near fall.

    Becky with a flying forearm and she goes to the turnbuckles. Becky with a leg drop for a near fall. Charlotte with a rollup for a near fall. Becky with a forearm but Charlotte with a spear and Becky rolls to the floor. Charlotte with a pescado. Charlotte rolls Becky back into the ring and Charlotte goes up top for a moonsault but Becky gets her knees up. Becky with an inside cradle for a near fall. Charlotte is kicked away by Becky and Becky with DisArmHer and Charlotte taps out.

    Winner: Becky Lynch

    Samoa Joe is in the interview area and he asks Dasha if she sees a vicious man. Someone with the moral compass of a man who will stop at nothing. You will find that those things are true. People will look at him and see a man who made a promise. He promised that he would put Daniel Bryan to sleep. Joe put the ladder underneath the briefcase and he climbed the ladder and seized the briefcase. He says he felt a collective shiver down their spine on Smackdown because the saw the truth. The WWE Champion is a marked man. Very soon, everybody will get it.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and there will be a Summit next week involving the women in the Money in the Bank Match from the Smackdown brand.

    Big Cass makes his way to the side of the stage.

    Renee asks Cass about his match against Daniel Bryan at Money in the Bank and how will he make sure the result is different.

    Cass says he is a big man unlike Daniel Bryan who is only an inch taller than Renee. Cass has a little story. He was backstage at Wrestlemania 30 while he was in NXT. He walked down the hallway and he was walking behind Daniel Bryan, who had just won the WWE Championship. Cass says all he could think was 'seriously? How could this pathetic little man be the WWE Champion?' That main event victory was a fluke, just like his victory at Backlash. Cass says he will give credit where credit is due. He picks a punch for someone with as petitte a stature. A good big man will always beat a good little man.

    Cass says poor little guy. Cass says he almost feels bad for Daniel. Daniel asked for that. He asked to come back to WWE and he asked to come back to the ring. Little did he know that he would have a seven foot shadow following him. Daniel Bryan has never been in the ring with anyone as big as him, as educated as him, or as big a star as him. Daniel has never been in the ring with someone who holds a grudge like him. Cass says that is why he will do everything he can do to dismantle Daniel Bryan and embarrass him. Cass says he will take his scrawny little arms and rip them off his body.

    Daniel Bryan needs to take his ball and go home. He needs to do what he does best, playing a garden gnome on Total Bellas. Daniel will be beaten and battered. He will come to the slow realization that a pathetic little man like him will never survive in this big man's world.

    Sin Cara is in the interview area and he is asked about the interaction between him and Andrade Almas. Sin Cara says he has known Almas since he was fourteen years old and then something happened.

    Zelina Vega shows up and she wants to know if she is what Cara is talking about. She says she is the best thing that happened to him. He was nothing when he was with you. You forced him to hide behind a mask. She told him that he did not have to hide. Vega says that she went to Paige to get a match between them for next week.

    Almas attacks Cara from behind and sends him into a storage case.

    We go to commercial.

    Kofi Kingston, Xavier Woods, and Big E vs Samoa Joe, Miz, and Rusev

    Miz and Woods start things off and Miz with kicks. Miz with an Irish whip but Woods floats over and connects with a rolling elbow for a near fall. Woods with a European uppercut and snap mare. Kofi tags in and they hit double team moves. Big E tags in and he hits a splash for a near fall. Joe tags in and Big E with a belly-to-belly suplex. Woods tags in and he hits a double sledge from the turnbuckles. Joe with an elbow and enzuigiri to Woods.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Miz with a snap mare and reverse chin lock on Woods. Miz pulls Woods back to the mat when it appears he is on his way to make the tag. Miz with a knee to the midsection and then he sends Woods into the turnbuckles. Miz puts Woods on the turnbuckles and sets for a superplex but Woods blocks it. Woods punches Miz off the turnbuckles. Woods with a missile drop kick and both men are down. Joe tags in and Rusev attacks Big E on the floor and sends him into the ring steps. Woods with a kick and knee. Both men are down in the ring.

    Miz and Kofi tag in and Kofi with a springboard chop followed by running chops and a drop kick. Kofi misses a leaping clothesline but he hits a cross body for a near fall. Miz avoids SOS but Kofi hits a jumping clothesline. Kofi with the Boom Drop. Joe distracts Kofi and Miz with a kick and DDT for a near fall. Miz sets for the Skull Crushing Finale. Rusev tags in and Rusev goes for a belly-to-back suplex but Kofi lands on his feet. Big E tags in and he hits an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Rusev with a knee and kick to stop a suicide dive attempt. Joe tags in and Rusev Irish whips Big E into the corner for an STJoe.

    Rusev goeas over the top rope when Woods ducks. Woods with a plancha onto Rusev. Miz tags in and Joe is sent over the top rope. Miz goes for the Skull Crushing Finale but Big E escapes. Big E with a spear through the ropes as Kofi hits a springboard coffin drop. Kofi tags in but Rusev with a Machka Kick to Kofi. Joe with the Coquina Clutch on Woods. Big E goes into the ring post shoulder first.

    Miz gets the pancakes and he throws them at Rusev and Joe instead of Big E. Rusev with a Machka Kick to Miz and then Joe with a back senton. Big E tags in for the Midnight Hour and the three count.

    Winners: Kofi Kingston, Big E, and Xavier Woods

    We go to credits.

  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    A few things to know before tonights Smackdown:

  3. #3
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Not a bad show, good last match.

  4. #4
    GOD OF THUNDER Kemo's Avatar
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    Thanks for the LC!


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