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    GOD OF THUNDER Kemo's Avatar
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    Angry WWE Extreme Rules Coverage & Discussion - July 15th, 2018

    Traditional rules go out the window at WWE Extreme Rules, streaming live Sunday, July 15 at a special start time of 7 ET/4 PT on WWE Network.

    WWE Championship
    AJ Styles (c) vs. Rusev

    Extreme Rules
    Raw Women's Championship

    Alexa Bliss (c) vs. Nia Jax

    30-minute Iron Man Match
    Intercontinental Championship

    Dolph Ziggler (c) vs. Seth Rollins

    SmackDown Women's Championship
    Carmella (c) vs. Asuka

    Bobby Lashley vs. Roman Reigns

    United States Championship
    Jeff Hardy (c) vs. Shinsuke Nakamura

    Steel Cage Match
    Braun Strowman vs. Kevin Owens

    Finn Balor vs. Baron Corbin

    SmackDown Tag Team Championships
    The Bludgeon Brothers (c) vs. Team Hell No (Daniel Bryan & Kane)

    Raw Tag Team Championships
    Matt Hardy & Bray Wyatt (c) vs. The B-Team (Bo Dallas & Curtis Axel)

    Kickoff Show:

    Tables Match
    The New Day vs. SAnitY

    Sin Cara vs. Andrade Almas

    - The 2018 WWE Extreme Rules Kickoff pre-show opens live from the PPG Paints Arena in Pittsburgh, PA. Renee Young welcomes us as we see the Steel Cage hanging above the ring. Renee is joined by David Otunga, Sam Roberts and WWE Hall of Famer Booker T.

    The panel goes over tonight's matches. Renee sends us backstage to Charly Caruso. She talks about Hulk Hogan being reinstated to the WWE Hall of Fame and how he's backstage mingling tonight. Charly says everyone is happy to have Hogan back in the family. She says the whole locker room is waiting to see Bobby Lashley vs. Roman Reigns and Team Hell No vs. SmackDown Tag Team Champions The Bludgeon Brothers tonight. She will be joined later by Shinsuke Nakamura and fans can tweet their questions with the #AskShin hashtag. We go back to the panel and Renee talks about Braun Strowman vs. Kevin Owens in a Steel Cage match. Finn Balor joins the panel and gives props to Strowman, saying he doesn't envy Owens tonight. They talk Balor vs. Constable Baron Corbin tonight and Balor says he's not worried about the size difference. Balor leaves the panel and Renee hypes the Kickoff matches. We see the Steel Cage and James Ellsworth's Shark Cage hanging above the ring. The panel briefly discusses Asuka vs. SmackDown Women's Champion Carmella before Renee sends us to the ring.

    Sin Cara vs. Andrade "Cien" Almas

    We go to ringside and Tom Phillips welcomes us. He's joined by Corey Graves and Byron Saxton. Sin Cara makes his way out first as Greg Hamilton does the introductions. Andrade "Cien" Almas is out next with Zelina Vega.

    The bell rings and Almas rocks Cara to start. They go at it and Cara sends Almas flying out of the ring for a breather. Almas comes right back in but Cara dumps him over the top rope to the floor. Cara runs the rope for a suicide dive but Almas blocks him in mid-air and launches him into the barrier as Vega cheers him on.

    Almas brings it back into the ring and stomps. Almas with a low dropkick to the face. Almas keeps control, tangling Cara in the ropes and clubbing him to the mat. Almas can't get the pin but keeps control. Cara fights back and they botch a sequence as Almas hits a back elbow, sending Cara to the floor. Almas and Vega pose on the ropes together as we go to a break.

    Back from the break and Almas has Cara down by his arm. Cara fights up and out, turning it around with several moves now. Cara counters and spikes Almas into the mat for a close 2 count as Vega looks nervous at ringside. More back and forth in the ring now. They go to the second rope in the corner and trade shots. Cara gets caught in the ropes and almost knocked down but he counters and sends Almas flying out to the floor. Almas lands hard. Almas comes back to the apron as Cara leaps from the top, taking them both back down to the floor.

    Cara brings it back into the ring and goes to the top for the Frogsplash. He nails it but Vega is on the apron to distract the referee as Cara goes for the pin. Almas takes advantage and drops Cara with a big kick. Vega chants for the knees now. Almas runs and hits the flying knees in the corner. Almas goes on and hits the Hammerlock DDT for the pin.

    Winner: Andrade "Cien" Almas

    - After the match, Vega hits the ring and celebrates with Almas. We go to replays. Almas and Vega leave together as his music hits.

    - Renee is joined by Shinsuke Nakamura from backstage. He acts like he can't hear her and says he has a bad connection. Sam asks a question and Nakamura calls him a clown. Booker agrees with Sam being a clown but asks how important a title change will be tonight. Nakamura says he respects Hardy but tonight he will take away his canvas, paint and title. Renee thanks Nakamura for the interview and he just smiles, then acts like he can't hear her. The panel discusses Team Hell No vs. The Bludgeon Brothers next. Otunga predicts Team Hell No will win but Sam and Booker believe Harper and Rowan will retain. We see video of RAW General Manager Kurt Angle throwing out the first pitch at the Pittsburgh Pirates MLB game this weekend. Renee leads us to a video package for Nia Jax, Ronda Rousey and RAW Women's Champion Alexa Bliss. The panel discusses tonight's RAW Women's Title match until Drew McIntyre and WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler interrupt. Ziggler talks about how everyone wants to just see them on RAW. He gives some props to Seth Rollins but is confident about retaining tonight. Drew says he has the best seat in the house for the match. Ziggler tells Booker that he's no longer about stealing the show, he's about winning. Ziggler says they are the main event of the show, no matter what spot they're in. Drew and Dolph walk away now. Renee sends us back to the ring.

    Tables Match: SAnitY vs. The New Day

    We go to Tom, Corey and Byron on commentary. The New Day is out next with pancakes for the crowd. SAnitY is out next.

    The bell rings and all 6 Superstars start brawling. Big E and Kofi Kingston take Killian Dain and Alexander Wolfe on the outside while Xavier Woods sends Eric Young to the floor. The New Day keeps control on the outside and stand up the first table. Wolfe and Dain cut them off. Young and Wolfe double team Big E in the ring now. Young decks Wolfe after Big E moves out of the way. Big E tries to spear Wolfe and Young off the apron but they hit him with knees. Wolfe with a spinning neckbreaker as Young follows up with a big elbow drop from the top.

    Wolfe works over Big E in the ring as the screen splits and we cut to a break. Back from the break and Woods and Kofi take out Young and Wolfe on the floor with dives. Dain runs the ropes and leaps out, taking Woods and Kofi down on the floor. Wolfe works over Kofi back in the ring now. Dain and Young start setting up tables at ringside. Wolfe takes Kofi to the top and instructs his partners to stack the tables at ringside. Wolfe goes to put Kofi through the tables but Kofi resists. Young enters the ring and nails Kofi. Woods and Big E take out Dain on the floor. Big E runs in and stops Young and Wolfe from double teaming Kofi, still up top in the corner. Woods and Big E grab Young and Wolfe for powerbombs but Kofi leaps off the top and assists in bringing them to the mat for a big pop.

    Woods and Big E place Young on a table outside while Kofi goes to the top. Dain brings Kofi to the mat and stops it. Dain ends up slamming Woods onto Big E in the ring now. Kofi hits Trouble In Paradise to Dain in the ring. Kofi goes to leap out to put Young through a table but Wolfe makes the save. Kofi and Wolfe tangle on the apron now. Kofi hangs on as Young goes to the top. Wolfe bites Kofi on the apron, trying to make him fall from the apron to the table on the floor. Young leaps from the top, putting Kofi through the table with a big elbow drop. SAnitY wins.

    Winners: SAnitY

    - After the match, Kofi and his partners try to recover as SAnitY gets to their feet.

    - We go back to the panel and Renee announces that Ronda Rousey has arrived to the arena. The panel goes over tonight's matches again. We see Rousey walking with husband Travis Browne and a friend/handler out in the concourse. Renee talks about Bobby Lashley vs. Roman Reigns and leads us to a video package for that match. We cut backstage to RAW Tag Team Champions Bray Wyatt and Matt Hardy. Matt sends a warning to The B Team and Wyatt says they are here, they are next.

    - The 2018 WWE Extreme Rules pay-per-view opens up with a video package for tonight's matches.

    - We're live from the PPG Paints Arena in Pittsburgh, PA as Michael Cole welcomes us. He's joined by Corey Graves and Jonathan Coachman.

    RAW Tag Team Title Match: The B Team vs. Bray Wyatt and Matt Hardy

    We go to the ring for tonight's opener and out come RAW Tag Team Champions Bray Wyatt and Matt Hardy. Out next comes The B Team, Curtis Axel and Bo Dallas, as JoJo does the introductions.

    Cole introduces us to the international announce teams at ringside. We also see suspended RAW Superstar Ronda Rousey with husband Travis Browne in the front row. Rousey gets a pop from the crowd. The bell rings and Hardy is going to start off with Dallas. Dallas swings to start but Hardy blocks it and unloads. Hardy sends Dallas into the corner and then into another corner, whipping him hard. Dallas goes down and Hardy mounts him with strikes. Hardy drops a leg on Dallas for a 2 count. Dallas rolls to the floor to regroup with Axel.

    Hardy tells Dallas to come fight him. Dallas comes back in but Hardy tags in Wyatt for a pop. The brothers size each other up but Dallas tags out before they get physical. Axel comes in and Wyatt strikes first. Wyatt takes control and works Axel over. Wyatt misses a splash in the corner. Axel stomps away in the corner now. Axel charges but Wyatt squashes him to the mat. Matt tags in and goes to work on Axel in the corner. Hardy slams Axel's head into the turnbuckles as the "Delete!" chant starts up. Hardy plays to the crowd and clotheslines Axel in the corner. Hardy with another corner clothesline, and another. Hardy with a bulldog attempt but it's blocked. Hardy keeps control and hits an elbow from the rope for a 2 count. Axel and Hardy trade counters. Axel drops Hardy with a boot to the face. Dallas tags in and they double team Hardy in the corner. Fans do dueling chants for The B Team now. Dallas drops Hardy again for another 2 count.

    Dallas keeps Hardy grounded now. The B Team keeps control of Hardy with quick offense and tags. Axel drives Hardy into the mat for a close 2 count. Axel takes Hardy back to the mat and keeps him down. Fans rally for Hardy as he fights to his feet. Axel shuts him down but Hardy nails the Side Effect. Dallas and Wyatt tag in at the same time. Wyatt clotheslines Dallas and knocks Axel off the apron. Wyatt with a splash int he corner. Dallas blocks Sister Abigail thanks to Axel. Wyatt ends up planting Dallas with the Uranage. Fans cheer for Wyatt as he stands tall. Wyatt turns upside down in the corner and tags in Hardy. They go for the double team but Axel gets on the apron. Dallas shoves Hardy into Wyatt, sending him to the floor. Dallas takes advantage and comes from behind, slingshotting Hardy from the top to the mat for the win and the titles.

    Winners and New RAW Tag Team Champions: Curtis Axel and Bo Dallas

    - After the match, The B Team takes the titles and the big celebration begins. Hardy and Wyatt aren't happy as they recover. Axel and Dallas celebrate up the ramp as their music plays. Charly Caruso interviews them on the stage. Axel says this is unbelievable. Dallas says they proved the "B" in B Team stands for the best. Dallas chants their name as the music starts back up and they celebrate.

    - We go backstage to Charly Caruso and RAW General Manager Kurt Angle, who has an announcement on WWE Universal Champion Brock Lesnar. Angle says he recently opened up talks with Paul Heyman and Lesnar about the next title defense. Heyman stopped those talks and Lesnar isn't interested in fighting anyone. Angle goes on about how Lesnar shows up at UFC without defending his title in WWE, saying Lesnar doesn't care about WWE. Angle says he's tired of it and the fans are tired of it. Angle says Heyman and Lesnar must come to RAW and agree on terms for the next match or Lesnar will be stripped.

    Finn Balor vs. Baron Corbin

    We go to the ring and out first comes Finn Balor. Baron Corbin is out next. JoJo isn't happy as she has to re-announce Corbin as the Constable appointed by RAW Commissioner Stephanie McMahon.

    Back and forth to start the match but Corbin quickly takes control. Corbin dominates Balor and talks trash about his size. Corbin manhandles Balor some before taking him to the mat and keeping him down. Balor tries to fight back but Corbin plants him into the mat. Corbin takes his time and stomps on Balor, keeping him down. Corbin with another big power move but he takes his time and Balor kicks out at 2. Corbin with a big forearm. Corbin keeps Balor grounded again. Balor looks to make another comeback and drops Corbin with the enziguri. Balor goes to the top but Corbin grabs him and brings him to the mat. Corbin with a chokeslam - backbreaker combo for another close 2 count. Corbin argues with the referee.

    Corbin with more power moves to dominate Balor. Balor catches Corbin with a Slingblade out of nowhere. Corbin still keeps control and catches Balor in a Deep Six for another pin attempt. Corbin delivers elbows to Balor now. Balor fights back again and goes to the top for Coup de Grace but Corbin cuts him off. Corbin looks to hit the End of Days but Balor counters and rolls him up for the win.

    Winner: Finn Balor

    - After the match, Corbin is furious over the win out of nowhere as Balor quickly goes to the floor while his music hits. We go to replays and come back to Balor celebrating to the back.

    - The cameras go backstage and we see The Bludgeon Brothers attacking Team Hell No. Rowan and Harper destroy Kane and Daniel Bryan, then leave with their sledgehammers. Kane clutches his knee.

    - We get a promo for tonight's SmackDown Women's Title match.

    SmackDown Women's Title Match: Asuka vs. Carmella

    We go back to Tom, Corey and Byron at ringside. Asuka is out first as we see the other international announce teams in the arena. We see the shark cage in the middle of the ring. SmackDown Women's Champion Carmella is out next with James Ellsworth. WWE crew members enter the ring to work on the cage as Ellsworth is ordered in by the referee, and Asuka. The cage is raised up above the ring and the bell rings.

    Back and forth to start. Ellsworth drops a chain to Carmella but Asuka catches him. Asuka tells the referee but Carmella takes advantage of the distraction. We get a close 2 count as Asuka keeps control. Carmella kicks Asuka down in the corner and stomps on her back. Carmella goes for the chain but the referee stops her. Ellsworth drops the spray to Carmella now. Asuka blocks the spray and hits a back-fist. Asuka keeps control and nail a dropkick. Asuka with more offense and a hip attack for another 2 count.

    Asuka drops Carmella into the Asuka Lock but it's broken. They go to the floor and Asuka keeps control. Ellsworth gets free from the cage but gets hung upside down when trying to get down to the mat. Asuka enters the ring and beats Ellsworth up while he's stuck upside down, dangling from the cage. Fans boo as crew members come into the ring and Ellsworth is put back into the cage. Asuka takes out the crew members. Asuka kicks Ellsworth while one leg is still dangling from the cage now.

    Asuka waits for Ellsworth to get up in the corner now. Carmella comes from behind and sends Asuka face-first into the side of the cage. Asuka goes down and Carmella covers for the win.

    Winner: Carmella

    - After the match, Carmella takes the title and celebrates on the ramp as her music hits. Other workers free Ellsworth from the cage as Carmella smiles from the ramp. We get a replay. We come back to Asuka taking out the other crew members. Asuka goes back to work on Ellsworth now and beats him up again. Asuka with two German suplexes and another kick to the head. Asuka drops Ellsworth into the Asuka Lock and he taps out but she's not letting up. Asuka stands tall as her music hits and we go to replays.

    WWE United States Title Match: Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Jeff Hardy

    We go to the ring and out comes WWE United States Champion Jeff Hardy. Shinsuke Nakamura is out next. We get formal ring introductions from Hamilton.

    Nakamura immediately nails a low blow to Hardy before the bell even rings. The referee didn't see it. Hardy calls for the bell and Nakamura immediately nails a Kinshasa to win the title.

    Winner and New WWE United States Champion: Shinsuke Nakamura

    - After the match, Nakamura stands tall with the title as his music hits. We go to a replay of the squash match. Nakamura stands tall in the corner until Randy Orton''s music hits. Orton gets a big pop for his return. Nakamura retreats to the top of the announce table. Orton enters the ring and stares at him. Orton turns his attention back to Hardy and drops him, then delivers one big stomp. Nakamura watches in disbelief, clutching the title. Orton leaves the ring to boos while Hardy recovers on the mat.

    - Back from the break and we get a promo for the next match as the Steel Cage is lowered to the ring.

    Steel Cage Match: Braun Strowman vs. Kevin Owens

    We go to the ring and out first comes Braun Strowman to the cage. Kevin Owens is out next.

    The bell rings and Braun immediately stops Owens from retreating. Owens stuns Braun for a second and tries again but Braun brings him down with one arm. Owens tries to escape through the door and Braun stops him. Braun yells and begs Owens to fight him. Braun overpowers again and keeps dominating. Braun bounces off the steel after missing. Owens superkicks Braun down in the corner. Owens with the corner cannonball. Owens climbs the cage and nails a Frogsplash for a close 2 count.

    Owens crawls for the door but Braun stops him. Owens pleads again but Braun goes back to work and dominates. Braun launches Owens into the steel and fans chant for one more time. Braun sends Owens into the steel again. Fans want one more and Braun gives it. Braun scoops Owens and launches him face-first into the steel this time. Fans chant "get these hands" now. Owens fights Braun off and counters. Owens drops Braun with a Stunner. Owens climbs for the door again but Braun tries to drag him back. Braun gets up and closes the door, slamming it in Owens' face.

    Braun charges and hits the turnbuckle as Owens moves. Owens with a superkick. Owens brings Braun down to one knee now. Owens brings handcuffs out and cuffs Braun to the corner. Braun isn't happy but it's legal. Owens kicks Braun and beats on him while he's cuffed. Owens talks some trash as Braun tries to get free. Owens beats on him some more. Braun grabs Owens by his throat and nails a chokeslam.

    Owens tells Braun to suck it and that gets a pop. Owens blows Braun a kiss and starts climbing out. Braun rips free from the cuffs. Braun runs up to the top of the cage and cuts Owens off. They are both standing on top of the cage now. Braun grabs Owens by the throat and chokeslams him from the very top of the cage through the announce table down below. Owens wins.

    Winner: Kevin Owens

    - After the bell, everyone is shocked at the huge fall for Owens. Some fans are stunned and some chant "holy s--t" now. Officials check on Owens. Braun stands tall and poses on top of the cage and poses as a "get these hands" chant starts up. Officials call for help from the back as paradmedics wheel the stretcher out. We see replays of the big spot from various angles. Braun has made his way down to the floor now. He watches as they put a neck brace on Owens to load him onto the body board. Braun laughs at Owens and walks off. Braun's music hits as he turns back around and laughs from the stage. Braun marches to the back. We get more replays as Owens is loaded up onto the stretcher and wheeled away. Owens yells in pain as they wheel him up the ramp.

    - The announcers show replays of Nakamura vs. Hardy with Orton's return. Hardy is in the trainer's room but has requested his rematch take place on SmackDown this week. Tom says SmackDown General Manager Paige has not approved the match yet.

    - Tom says Team Hell No vs. The Bludgeon Brothers is up in the air for tonight. We see another replay of Kane and Daniel Bryan getting attacked by the champions earlier tonight. Tom leads us to a video package for the match.

    SmackDown Tag Team Title Match: Team Hell No vs. The Bludgeon Brothers

    We go to the ring and out first comes Daniel Bryan. Bryan is holding his ribs due to the earlier attack. SmackDown Tag Team Champions The Bludgeon Brothers are out next. It looks like this will be a Handicap Match now.

    The bell rings and Bryan attacks Rowan to start. Rowan fights him off but Bryan comes right back. Rowan smiles as Bryan sizes him up. Fans chant for Bryan now. Bryan with kicks in the corners but Rowan decks him. Rowan drops Bryan with a shoulder and takes him to the corner for stomps. Harper tags in and goes for a double team move but Bryan fights out. Bryan dropkicks Harper while he's on the top. Rowan gets sent to the floor. Bryan climbs up to the top with Harper and brings him down with the hurricanrana.

    Bryan runs the ropes and dropkicks Rowan through the ropes. Bryan blocks the discus clothesline and applies The Yes Lock to Harper but Rowan pulls Bryan out of the ring by his leg. Rowan tags in and sends Bryan into the steel ring steps. Rowan scoops Harper and slams him on top of Bryan. Rowan brings it back into the ring. Rowan with a splash on Bryan for a close 2 count. Harper tags back in for some double teaming. Harper keeps control and tags Rowan back in. Rowan with a big pumphandle slam over his knee. Rowan slams Bryan again and covers for a 2 count.

    The champs continue to dominate Bryan with quick tags and power moves. Bryan finally sends Rowan to the floor. Bryan unloads on Harper but gets cut off. Harper goes to dive out to Bryan on the floor but he ends up nailing Rowan instead. All three Superstars are down on the floor now. Kane's music hits and out he comes, limping and wearing a brace on his foot.

    Kane hits the apron and waits for the tag. Kane tags in and goes to work on Harper. Rowan runs in but Kane chokeslams him. Kane with a chokeslam to Harper next. Kane stands tall and fans cheer. Kane calls for a Tombstone but his leg goes out. Harper kicks the leg and Kane goes down. Bryan tags in and nails a missile dropkick to Harper. Fans pop for Bryan and chant "yes!" now. Bryan with the Yes Kicks to Harper. Bryan kicks Harper's head off but Rowan tags in. Bryan didn't see it. Bryan charges with the knee to Harper but Rowan runs in and cuts him off. Rowan ends up dropping Bryan with a spin kick. Harper tags in for the double team out of the corner and they hit it. Harper covers Bryan for the win as Kane slowly reaches for the apron to come back in.

    Winners: The Bludgeon Brothers

    - After the match, Harper and Rowan stand tall with their titles and pose in the corners. The referee checks on Bryan. Kane is still on the floor, laying over the apron. Bryan rolls out beside him as Rowan and Harper exit with the titles.

    - Roman Reigns is backstage walking when The B Team pops up, still celebrating their RAW Tag Team Title win. They say Reigns can win tonight if they could, all he has to do is beat Bobby. Curtis Axel says Reigns can get the win tonight and then celebrate with The B Team as one. Reigns just stares at them and isn't interested.

    - Cole leads us to a video package for the next match.

    Roman Reigns vs. Bobby Lashley

    We go to the ring and out first comes Roman Reigns. Bobby Lashley is out next.

    They lock up and tangle into the corner. Some fans boo as the referee has to break them. They lock up again in the middle of the ring and Lashley slaps Reigns to the mat. Lashley takes Reigns down by his leg and they come right back up. Lashley slams Reigns again. They get back up and Reigns works on the arm. Lashley comes right back with a suplex. Lashley goes behind but Reigns fights him off with a back elbow. Reigns runs the ropes but Lashley leap frogs. Reigns stops and clubs Lashley from behind.

    Reigns fights Lashley into the corner now, taking him to the next turnbuckle. Reigns slams Lashley into another turnbuckle and keeps control. Reigns drops Lashley with another elbow and covers for a 2 count. Reigns keeps control and runs around the ring, nailing the Drive By. Reigns with another 2 count. Reigns keeps Lashley grounded in the middle of the ring and smiles.

    Reigns keeps control and sends Lashley out to the floor. Reigns launches Lashley into the barrier now. Lashley avoids a shot into the steel steps on the floor but Reigns pushes him off the steps and he hits the floor. Reigns breaks the count and whips Lashley shoulder-first into the steps. Lashley blocks a steps shot on the floor and ends up dropping Reigns on the floor. They bring it back into the ring and Lashley runs into Reigns. Some fans chant "boring" now.

    Lashley with a belly-to-belly throw on Reigns. Reigns ends up coming back and dropping Lashley. Reigns unloads with clotheslines in the corner now. Reigns charges but Lashley catches him in a powerslam for a close 2 count. More back and forth now with big shots between the two. Reigns charges but Lashley hits a crossbody in the middle of the ring. They both go down. Lashley climbs to the top and comes down with a double axe handle. Lashley plays to the crowd for some cheers.

    Reigns blocks a suplex and they tangle. Reigns ends up dumping Lashley over the top rope. Lashley lands hard on the floor and the referee starts counting. Lashley makes it back in at the 9 count. Reigns hits a big leg drop that brings Lashley in through the ropes. Lashley kicks out at 2. Fans do dueling chants for Reigns now. Lashley gets to his feet. Reigns calls for the Superman Punch to boos. Lashley blocks it and puts Reigns down with a spinebuster. Lashley with a vertical suplex, keeping it held before bringing Reigns down. Lashley with another close 2 count.

    They both get up at the same time and Reigns nails a Superman Punch as Lashley may have been going for the Spear. Reigns covers for a 2 count and can't believe Lashley kicked out. Lashley rolls to the floor for a breather as the referee counts. Reigns gets fired up on the floor and runs around at Lashley on the floor. Lashley catches him and launches him over his head with a big suplex, sending Reigns flying over the announce table. Lashley brings Reigns back into the ring and goes to the top. Reigns jumps up and nails a Superman Punch, knocking Lashley off the top. Reigns talks some trash and says this is his yard while standing over Lashley. Reigns looks to put Lashley away but Lashley jumps up with a Spear out of nowhere. Lashley covers for the win.

    Winner: Bobby Lashley

    - After the match, Lashley stands tall and has his arm raised as the music starts. We get replays and come back to Lashley celebrating up the ramp as Reigns recovers.

    - Back from a quick break and Cole talks about Lashley likely looking for a WWE Universal Title shot now that he's defeated Reigns. We see video from earlier tonight where Kurt Angle issued the ultimatum to Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman, threatening to strip him of the title.

    - We see Ronda Rousey, husband Travis Browne and a friend at ringside. Cole says she is still suspended until Wednesday but she bought a ticket for tonight to see the next match. Cole leads us to a video package for the RAW Women's Title match.

    Extreme Rules Match for the RAW Women's Title: Nia Jax vs. Alexa Bliss

    We go to the ring and out first comes Nia Jax. RAW Women's Champion Alexa Bliss is out next with Mickie James as Ronda Rousey looks on from the front row.

    The bell rings and Bliss stalls some, looking scared. Mickie is trying to hand a kendo stick into the ring but Jax keeps Bliss from her. Bliss angers Jax with a shot to the mouth. Bliss runs out and Jax follows. Bliss grabs the stick and hits Jax with it but Jax grabs it and tears it up. Jax fights off a steel chair shot and another as Mickie keeps handing weapons to Bliss. Jax blocks two trash can shots next. She's tossed the cans and the chairs into the ring. Bliss tries to run away but Jax grabs her and floors her on the outside. Jax brings it back into the ring and splashes Bliss in the corner.

    Jax tosses Bliss onto chairs and into one of the cans. We see Natalya also looking on from ringside, evening the odds with Mickie. Jax keeps control of Bliss and scoops her on her shoulders. Jax presses Bliss high in the air and drops her on the trash can. Rousey laughs and cheers Jax on. Mickie pulls Bliss out of the ring to safety and talks to her. Jax follows and brings Bliss right back into the ring. Jax gets smacked with a trash can lid, bringing her down to her knees. Bliss with more shots with the trash can lid. Bliss smashes a trash can over Jax's back next. Natalya cheers Jax to get up.

    Bliss wedges a steel chair in the corner. Bliss turns around and dropkicks Jax for a 2 count. Jax ends up nailing a big forearm to the face to turn it around. Jax with a headbutt next. Bliss sends Jax shoulder-first into the wedged steel chair in the corner. Bliss just barely got out of the way. Mickie gets on the apron and tries to hand a can lid to Bliss but Natalya runs over and pulls her off. Natalya unloads on Mickie on the floor. Bliss helps make the save and they double team Natalya, taking her out on the floor. Rousey looks on and looks ready to fight. Rousey finally hops the barrier and attacks Mickie, slinging her into the barrier a few times. Rousey pushes Mickie into the ring and scoops her on her shoulders. Rousey drives Mickie into the mat and takes her back outside, throwing her into the German announce table. Rousey has snapped.

    Rousey stares Bliss down as Bliss looks on from the other side of the ring. Fans chant Rousey's name. Rousey chases Bliss and stops her from escaping over the barrier. Mickie with a kendo stick from behind to Rousey and another. Bliss returns to the ring and goes to the top. Jax catches her in mid-air and picks her up for a Samoan Drop. Mickie runs in and hits Jax with a steel chair to stop the Samoan Drop. Bliss with a chair shot to Jax and another. Bliss drops Jax with a DDT onto the steel chair and covers for the win.

    Winner: Alexa Bliss

    - After the match, Mickie and Bliss retreat to the ramp as Natalya and Rousey hit the ring. Rousey stares Bliss down as we go to replays. Mickie raises Alexa's arm on the stage as she raises the title.

    - We go back to Tom and the blue brand announcers as Hardy vs. Nakamura is confirmed for SmackDown. Tom leads us to a video package for tonight's WWE Title match.

    WWE Title Match: Rusev vs. AJ Styles

    We go to the ring and out comes Aiden English to do the introduction for Rusev. They march to the ring together as the music plays. WWE Champion AJ Styles is out next. We get formal ring introductions from Hamilton.

    The bell rings and Rusev charges, backing AJ into the corner. They break and AJ turns it around with kicks and strikes in the corner, focusing on the leg. AJ ends up taking Rusev's left knee out. Rusev fights back and tosses AJ. Rusev catches a kick and drops AJ with a big strike. Rusev with a 1 count. AJ fights back again and brings Rusev to one knee. Styles with a big chop to the chest now. Rusev blocks a suplex as fans do dueling chants for the two. AJ counters the block and goes back to the leg. Rusev catches AJ off the ropes and drives him into the mat for another pin attempt.

    Rusev with a big suplex as English cheers him on. Rusev sells the leg kicks from earlier and hits another suplex. Rusev drops an elbow and covers for another 1 count. AJ turns it back around with more kicks. Rusev catches AJ with a big back bodydrop. Rusev with forearms to the lower back now. Styles goes down after a forearm to the face and Rusev covers for another quick pin attempt. Rusev takes his time and stalks AJ now. Rusev scoops AJ for a bearhug in the middle of the ring.

    More back and forth now. Rusev has AJ up top now. Rusev stuns him and climbs up. AJ slides out and kicks Rusev's leg out, sending Rusev flying to the floor. Rusev lands hard out on the floor. English comes over to talk him up. AJ launches himself out of the ring, taking Rusev down again. AJ brings it back into the ring. AJ ducks a right hand and drops Rusev with strikes, then a clothesline. AJ with a flying forearm. Fans do dueling chants again. More back and forth in the ring. AJ with a reverse DDT for a close 2 count.

    AJ gets to his feet first as fans do more dueling chants. Styles goes for the Styles Clash but Rusev rams him back into the corner. Rusev tries to avoid a Calf Crusher now. Rusev powers AJ up to the top and then knocks him off. AJ lands out on the floor. Rusev runs the ropes for a suicide dive but AJ meets him at the ropes with a forearm to the head. Styles comes back in and drops Rusev with an enziguri from the apron. AJ looks to go for the springboard 450 but he rolls through. AJ ends up going for the Calf Crusher but Rusev counters with an Accolade attempt. They trade holds and AJ nails a kick. Rusev knocks AJ out of a move mid-air. Fans do more dueling chants for the two. Rusev scoops AJ for a fall-away slam but it's countered. AJ goes for the Calf Crusher and locks it in. Rusev tries to make it to the bottom rope. English pushes the bottom rope towards him and the referee doesn't see it. Rusev finally gets the bottom rope and breaks the hold.

    Styles leaves the ring and goes after English now, chasing him around the ring. Rusev meets AJ on the floor and hits a big overhead belly-to-belly on the floor. Rusev brings it back into the ring and nails a Machka Kick for a close 2 count. Rusev gets up first and waits in the corner again. AJ ducks another kick and nails the pele kick to bring Rusev to one knee. AJ charges again but Rusev drops him into a knee. Rusev with a big kick for a close 2 count. Rusev goes for The Accolade now but the injured leg is bothering him. Rusev applies a half-Accolade but AJ goes for the bottom rope. Rusev pulls back on the neck but AJ still get the rope to break the hold. We see English exposing the top turnbuckle while no one is looking.

    Rusev gets fired up now. AJ gets up and goes to the corner. Rusev charges but AJ moves and Rusev hits the exposed steel. English can't believe it. AJ ends up going to the apron and hitting a big springboard 450 but Rusev still kicks out. AJ runs the ring and nails a big dropkick to English through the ropes. AJ goes to the apron and gets the crowd behind him. AJ nails the Phenomenal Forearm as Rusev gets to his feet. Styles covers for the pin.

    Winner: AJ Styles

    - After the match, Styles takes the title and has his arm raised as the music hits. English clutches his jaw on the outside while Rusev is still down in the ring. We go to replays. Styles hits the stage and raises the WWE Title as Rusev and English look on.

    - Back from a break and Cole plugs the Extreme Rules post-show on t he WWE Network with Bobby Lashley & Carmella talking to hosts Renee Young & Sam Roberts.

    - Charly Caruso stops Seth Rollins backstage and asks him about the main event. Rollins is aware he has 3 opponents tonight - 1 on the outside, 1 in the ring and the clock. Rollins doesn't know how many falls it will take tonight but he does know he will leave it all in the ring, then leave with the title. Rollins says there's only one thing left to do... burn it down. He walks off.

    30-Minute Iron Man Match for the WWE Intercontinental Title: Seth Rollins vs. Dolph Ziggler

    We go to the ring for tonight's 30-Man Iron Man main event and out first comes Seth Rollins. WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler is out next with Drew McIntyre. JoJo does formal ring introductions.

    Back and forth to start as McIntyre watches from ringside. Rollins takes it to the ropes and they break. Ziggler goes to take Rollins down by the leg and they trade holds on the mat. More back and forth early on. Ziggler kicks out of a pin attempt. They lock up again and Ziggler rolls Rollins up but he rolls through. Ziggler with a backslide for a 2 count. They go at it again and Rollins goes for a pin. Rollins with more quick pin attempts. Ziggler goes to the floor for a breather and a chat with McIntyre. The referee counts but Ziggler returns to the ring and goes at it with Rollins. Rollins drops Ziggler off the ropes and covers for a 2 count. Rollins slams Ziggler and covers for another 2 count in the middle of the ring.

    Rollins with a big chop to the chest. Ziggler sends Rollins to the apron. Rollins flies back in but Ziggler ducks. Ziggler drops Rollins with a right. Rollins counters a move and goes for the Buckle Bomb. Rollins nails the Buckle Bomb and rolls Ziggler up for the first 3 count at the 25:20 mark.

    Rollins keeps control and goes to the top but Ziggler rolls to the floor. Rollins leaps out and takes him out. The referee counts as Rollins works Ziggler over around the floor. McIntyre stares at Rollins. Ziggler drops Rollins and pounds on him. Ziggler with a neckbreaker for a 2 count. Ziggler drops Rollins again for another pin attempt. More back and forth now. The crowd keeps counting down the last 10 seconds of each minute. Rollins with a running forearm in the corner. Rollins charges again but Ziggler dropkicks his knee out. Rollins avoids a Fame-asser and rolls Ziggler up. They trade pin attempts. Rollins powers up for a Buckle Bomb but it's countered. Rollins comes right back with The Stomp for another pin. Rollins is up 2-0 at the 22:00 mark.

    Rollins plays to the crowd some and then cranks up for another stomp. McIntyre runs in the ring and attacks Rollins. McIntyre beats him down. The referee argues with Rollins and tells JoJo to announce another fall. Rollins is up 3-0 now. McIntyre immediately clubs Rollins over the top to the floor. McIntyre destroys Rollins on the floor and brings him back in. The referee argues with McIntyre some more and ejects him from ringside. McIntyre turns around and hits a Claymore Kick on Rollins at the 20:00 mark. McIntyre finally leaves up the ramp and tells Ziggler to finish this. Ziggler crawls over and covers Rollins. It's now 3-1 at the 19:32 mark.

    Rollins gets up and Ziggler drops him with a superkick. Ziggler covers to get his second fall. It's now 3-2.

    Ziggler cranks up for a superkick in the corner as Rollins gets up. They trade counters. Ziggler sends Rollins into the ring post. Ziggler follows up with a Zig-Zag. Ziggler covers for another pin. It's now tied at 3-3 at the 17:50 mark.

    Rollins blocks a Zig-Zag and keeps control. Rollins goes to the second rope but has to land on his feet. Rollins with a Slingblade. Rollins sends Ziggler over the top rope to the floor. Rollins runs the ropes for a suicide dive but Ziggler meets him at the ropes with a forearm. Ziggler runs in and covers Rollins with his feet on the ropes. It's now 3-4.

    Ziggler keeps Rollins grounded by his arm now. Ziggler keeps Rollins down with the front facelock now but Rollins tries to fight up. They trade counters again and Ziggler jumps on Rollins' back for a Sleeper hold in the middle of the ring. Ziggler takes Rollins back down as fans chant for The Architect. Rollins fights up and rams Ziggler back into the corner. Ziggler keeps the Sleeper locked. The hold is finally broken and Rollins sends Ziggler to the floor. Rollins runs the ropes for a suicide dive. Rollins brings Ziggler back into the ring but Ziggler crawls out the other side. Rollins runs the ropes again and nails another dive.

    Rollins flies in from the top and takes Ziggler down for a 2 count. Ziggler fights back but runs into a boot in the corner. Rollins nails a Blockbuster and covers for a close 2 count. Rollins looks up at the clock as we approach the 9:00 mark. Rollins goes to the top but Ziggler dropkicks him, sending him down to the floor. Ziggler motions for the referee to hurry up and start counting Rollins out. Rollins makes it back in right at the 10 count. Ziggler goes for a DDT but it's blocked. Rollins with a kick to the face. Rollins drops Ziggler again and covers for another close pin attempt. Rollins goes to the top but Rollins hits the rope and crotches him. Rollins pulls Ziggler up to him in the corner. Ziggler climbs up with him but Rollins looks to be in control. Ziggler fights back. Rollins headbutts Ziggler to the mat. Rollins stands up and looks at the clock again. Rollins nails a Frogsplash but Ziggler kicks out at 2.

    Rollins ends up sending Ziggler back to the floor. Fans chant "burn it down" as Rollins brings it back in. Rollins takes Ziggler to the top and climbs up. Ziggler fights back and knocks Rollins to the mat. Rollins runs right back up to the top and hits the superplex. Rollins holds it and hits Falcon Arrow for a close 2 count. Rollins gets up first and looks out to the crowd as they cheer him on. Rollins cranks for a kick as Ziggler gets up. Rollins hits the kick but can't get The Stomp. Ziggler rolls up for a 2 count. Rollins slingshots Ziggler into the corner and rolls him up for a pin at 3:08. It's now tied at 4-4.

    Ziggler attacks Rollins and unloads on him. Rollins comes back and applies a Sharpshooter in the middle of the ring. Rollins goes for a Crossface after a minute or so. Rollins watches the clock get closer to 1:00 as Ziggler hangs on. Ziggler crawls for the bottom rope but he's nowhere near it. Ziggler avoids a Stomp and rolls out of the ring. Rollins goes after him and stops him from crawling over the barrier. Rollins brings it back in the ring at the 1:00 mark. Ziggler immediately hits a Fame-asser but Rollins kicks out at 2. Ziggler waits for Rollins to get up with less than 30 seconds left. Rollins nails a superkick as Ziggler goes for a superkick. Rollins shuts Ziggler down again but doesn't crawl to make the pin until the :02 mark. The timer runs out and the match ends.

    Match Ends in a Draw

    - After the match ends, JoJo announces the Draw and says Ziggler will retain. Ziggler stumbles out of the ring with the title as his music hits. Rollins looks on from the ring but the music hits and out comes RAW General Manager Kurt Angle. Angle give them props for the match but the WWE Universe and his hometown doesn't want to see a tie. Angle tells them to get back in the ring for Sudden Death Overtime.

    Sudden Death Overtime for the WWE Intercontinental Title: Seth Rollins vs. Dolph Ziggler

    They return to the ring and McIntyre appears out of nowhere to distract Rollins at the ropes. Ziggler takes advantage and immediately hits the Zig-Zag for the pin.

    Winner: Dolph Ziggler

    - After the match, Ziggler takes his title and celebrates with McIntyre at ringside. McIntyre lifts Ziggler up on his shoulders and they taunt Rollins. We go to replays. Rollins and McIntyre head to the back as Rollins looks on disappointed in the ring. Extreme Rules goes off the air.

  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Nice to see Randy Orton back.

    Thanx for the LC Kemo.

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