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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Default WWE Smackdown LIVE Coverage & Discussion - July 24th, 2018

    WWE Smackdown Live Coverage - 24th Jul, 2018
    Location: Evansville, Indiana
    Announcers: Tom Phillips, Byron Saxton, and Corey Graves.

    A limo arrives at the building and the Miz emerges with his wife, Maryse, the stars of Miz and Mrs., debuting tonight after Smackdown. They are not alone because they have brought their daughter.

    Randy Orton makes his way to the ring and he has something to say, even though he is dressed to fight as well.

    We take a look at Randy's return to a WWE ring when he attacked Jeff Hardy after Jeff's loss to Shinsuke Nakamura at Extreme Rules.

    Randy says he has heard all of your theories about why he did what he did. It was not any unfinished business. It was not about the Smackdown Top Ten List. Do you want to know why he did what he did? Look in the mirror. He did it because of you. Randy says he has busted his ass for you for sixteen years. When he began his career, who was around when he started? No one is left. Everyone who walks down that aisle eats at the table he set. Yet, he gets no respect. He does not get the respect that he deserves. Why is that? Is it because he does not paint his face or flail his arms? Is it because he does not change the color of his merchandise to take money from you? Is it because he does not show up once a year? Is it because he did not come from an indie, wrestling in bingo halls or steal a hand gesture?

    He did this in front of millions of people. He started as the Legend Killer, but he realizes who the real legend killer is. It is each and every one of you. Randy says he won't let you win. Now, he is THE legend and it will be his mission to put every superstar you put on a pedestal. He started with Jeff Hardy. That is why Jeff is not here tonight. When he is finished with Jeff, he will not come back. Randy says he will end Jeff's career. Jeff's career is inspiring with twists and turns. Randy says he is only interested in the chapter he writes for Jeff, the final chapter.

    You can call him what you want, but you only have to call him by the three most destructive letters in wrestling . . . R . . . K . . . O.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back with a look back at last night's announcement by Triple H and Stephanie McMahon.

    We see footage from earlier in the day when Zelina Vega and Lana discuss who deserves to face AJ Styles. Rusev challenges Almas to a fight on Rusev Day.

    Rusev (w/ Lana) vs Andrade Almas (w/ Zelina Vega)

    Almas with a kick and forearm followed by a side head lock. Rusev goes for a belly-to-back suplex but Almas lands on his feet. Rusev with a shoulder tackle and then he sends Almas to the ropes but Almas hangs in the ropes and goes fully tranquilo. Almas goes to the floor. Rusev follows and they return to the ring. Rusev blocks a kick and connects with a clothesline. Rusev sets for a suplex and hits it. Rusev has Lana join him on the apron to pose.

    Almas returns to the ring and Rusev with a kick and a series of elbow drops. Rusev with a knee to the midsection followed by an Irish whip. Almas moves and Rusev hits the ring post shoulder first. Almas with a triangle in the ropes and then he releases the hold. Almas with kicks and then he kicks Rusev again despite the referee's warning. Almas with a drop kick and Rusev goes to the floor. Almas goes to the floor and he connects with a forearm after blocking a punch. The return to the ring and Almas with another forearm and kicks. Almas with an arm bar.

    Rusev gets to the ropes and Almas with a boot before releasing the hold. Rusev with an Irish whip but Almas with a back elbow. Almas with a tornado reverse DDT and he gets a near fall. Almas returns to the arm bar. Rusev with chops while Almas holds on to the arm bar. Rusev with an arm drag and punches. Rusev with punches but Almas with a knee. Rusev with a series of round kicks and then he hits a running hip into the corner and he follows with a running spin kick.

    Rusev runs into a boot from Almas and Rusev with a knee and round kick to the temple for a near fall. Rusev sets for the Machka Kick but Almas moves and he chops Rusev. Rusev is not happy at Almas and Rusev with a series of forearms. Almas with a boot followed by a spinning back fist. Rusev with a Machka Kick when Almas sets for the running double knees.

    Meanwhile, Lana and Zelina have something to say to each other and Vega with a slap. Lana takes Vega down and Aiden English comes out to pull Lana off Vega. Aiden gets between Vega and Lana and Vega jumps on Aiden's back and Lana goes down.

    Rusev thinks Aiden injured Lana and the distraction leads to the hammer lock DDT and the three count.

    Winner: Andrade Almas

    After the match
    Lana blames Aiden while Aiden is conflicted on the floor.

    R Truth is in the locker room and he says it is the first time he is competing since Wrestlemania and he has to face Samoa Joe. Truth asks Tye if he saw what Joe did last week. Truth reminds Tye that he was knocked out. Tye reminds Truth who he is and he asks Truth what is he going to do. Truth says he is going to show Samoa Joe what is up.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Aiden and Lana argue while Aiden says that Rusev is not returning his calls. Rusev says that is enough. Maybe none of you is good enough for Rusev Day and Rusev walks away.

    R Truth vs Samoa Joe

    Joe with punches but Truth with a leg lariat and clotheslne in the corner. Truth with a flying forearm but he misses a kick and Joe with a head butt. Joe with an STJoe and then he applies the Kokina Clutch.

    Winner: Samoa Joe

    We see Asuka in the back and she is asked about the Evolution PPV. Asuka says she is so excited and she is ready. Asuka says tonight, Billie Kay is NOT READY FOR ASUKA.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Billie Kay and Peyton Royce talk about Evolution and then they say Asuka is not the same since they beat Asuka on Smackdown. They say they are better than Asuka.

    Asuka vs Billie Kay (w/ Peyton Royce)

    Billie has something to say to Auska that makes her laugh but Asuka with a punch and arm bar. Billie with a knee and take down for a near fall. Billie rakes at the face and pie faces her. Billie calls Asuka a loser and Asuka gives her THE LOOK. Asuka with a drop kick and pop up knee. Asuka with a Shining Wizard for a near fall. Asuka pulls Billie from the ropes and applies an ankle lock into a waist lock. Billie misses a boot but Asuka with a round kick and a second kick. Asuka with a third round kick for the three count.

    Winner: Asuka

    Shinsuke Nakamura says that Jeff Hardy was so close last week, but Nakamura reminds Jeff he is the champion. Nakamura says Jeff has been bitten by the viper. He tells Randy to be careful because he bites back.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and we see Miz, Maryse, and Monroe taking photos.

    Smackdown General Manager Paige is in the ring and she has a table with a contract on it. Paige says she is have so much fun being the General Manager. Paige says she will be excited to see her girls steal the show at Evolution. Paige says she will get to see Trish Stratus and Lita. She says that we are heading into the biggest show of the summer and it is about time that she announces the challenger for the most important WWE Championship.

    First she brings out the WWE Champion, AJ Styles.

    AJ thanks the crowd and he says that he is a husband and a father and when Stephanie McMahon announced Evolution, he thought about his little girl. He says that he can tell her that if you want it bad enough, get it. There is nothing that you cannot do or accomplish. AJ says that is why he is proud of the company he works for. AJ says that he is proud to defend the most prestigious championship in the world at the biggest event of the summer, SummerSlam. It was where he tore the house down against John Cena and where his feud with Kevin Owens ended.

    AJ signs the contract and he says all he needs is his opponent.

    Paige says AJ's opponent will be . . .

    James Ellsworth comes out and Paige tells AJ it is not going to be him. He says that he is out here to tell you that the real reason he came back to WWE is that title. Ellsworth asks who is more worthy than him? He reminds us that he has beaten AJ three time. He says that they say a fourth time is the charm.

    AJ disputes Ellsworth.

    Ellsworth says that AJ is shocked and scared that he is out here. Ellsworth will make it quick.

    Paige tells Ellsworth to stop it and she calls him a joke.

    Ellsworth says that Paige is the joke. We cannot understand her and look at how she looks.

    Paige says that we don't make fun of people around here.

    Ellsworth says that Paige is pale as a ghost.

    Paige tells James that she has had enough of Ellsworth and she says she has two words for him. You're Fired.

    Paige calls for security to get rid of James.

    AJ is alone in the ring with the contract while James is taken out of the arena. Paige kicks Ellsworth out of the building and she tells security to keep him out.

    Meanwhile, back in the ring, Samoa Joe attacks AJ Styles and he applies the Kokina Clutch.

    Joe walks over to the contract and signs it.

    Joe leaves the ring and tells AJ 'Tick Tock'

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Joe walks in the back and Paige wants to know what he did out there. She picked Joe because he was unpredictable and has a killer instinct. Joe says what Paige had planned was pedestrian. What he did was phenomenal.

    Carmella appears behind Paige and she asks why would Paige fire James and kick her out of the building. Paige tells Carmella to buy a new boyfriend. Carmella reminds Paige she is her champion and she will be the champion at Evolution. She beat Asuka and Charlotte twice and she will beat Becky Lynch right now.

    Non Title Match
    Carmella (c) vs Becky Lynch

    If Becky wins this match then Becky faces Carmella for the Smackdown Women's Title at SummerSlam

    Becky with a waist lock and arm drag into am arm bar. Becky tries for DisArmHer but Carmella gets to the ropes. Becky blocks a kick and Becky goes for DisArmHer again. Carmella with a rollup for a near fall. Carmella with a forearm and she sends Becky to the mat. Becky bridges out of a cover and then Becky with a flying shoulder tackle. Carmella goes to the floor and Becky goes to the apron and hits a running forearm. They return to the ring but Carmella rolls back to the floor. Becky misses a baseball slide and Carmella sends Becky into the ringside barrier.

    Becky gets back into the ring before the ten count and Carmella with forearms and she gets a near fall. Carmella with elbows to the collarbone and then she applies a reverse chin lock. Carmella with a head scissors but she misses a splash into the corner. Becky with a double jump side kick but Carmella with a near fall. Carmella rubs Becky's face in the mat and pie faces her. Becky with a drop kick and both women are down.

    Carmella and Becky with forearms as they go back and forth. Becky with a head butt and clotheslines followed by a back heel kick and European uppercut. Carmella with a Flatliner for a near fall. Carmella goes to the turnbuckles and goes for a tornado DDT but Becky blocks it and hits an exploder. Becky is sent to the apron and Becky with a forearm. Becky goes up top and Carmella hits the ropes and then hits a handstandcanrana for a near fall.

    Carmella has a thrust kick blocked and Becky goes after the arm. Carmella sends Becky into the turnbuckles and gets a near fall with a rollup using the ropes for extra leverage. Carmella has a kick blocked and Becky with an enzuigiri. Becky goes to the turnbuckles and misses a leg drop. Carmella with a thrust kick for a near fall. Becky applies DisArmHer and Carmella taps out.

    Winner: Becky Lynch

    Luke Harper and Erick Rowan say that four teams will fight, but there will be no winner, only punishment. Rowan says it does not matter who survives because the same result will await the winner . . . a Bludgeoning.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and the Usos are at the announce table for this match.

    First Round Smackdown Tag Team Title Number One Contender Match
    Big E and Xavier Woods (w/ Kofi Kingston) vs Killian Dain and Alexander Wolfe (w/ Eric Young)

    Wolfe and Woods start things off and Wolfe with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Woods with a roaring elbow for a near fall. Wolfe blocks an Honor Roll and hits a German suplex. Dain tags in and kicks Woods in the midsection. Woods with punches but Dain pushes Woods into the corner. Woods with a kick but Dain catches Woods and hits an accordion slam followed by a back senton.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Dain sets for a superplex on Woods but Woods blocks it and he knocks Dain off the turnbuckles. Woods with a missile drop kick. Wolfe and Big E tag in and Big E with two overhead belly-to-belly suplexes. Big E with a belly-to-belly suplex and then Big E sets for the Warrior Splash but Big E is distracted by Young. Dain catches Kofi. Young goes up top and Kofi stops Young. Big E gets Wolfe up and Woods hits Up Up Down Down for the three count.

    Winners: Big E and Xavier Woods

    After the match
    The Usos leave the announce table and go to the ring. Before anything can happen, the Bar make their way to the stage.

    Sheamus says they are back. Cesaro asks them if they were missed. Sheamus says they don't miss any of you. Cesaro says they miss their titles. Sheamus mentions their path to the titles at SummerSlam.

    Paige is with Miz, Maryse, and Monroe and Paige says she found a babysitter for Monroe. Sin Cara stops by and Miz says it is time to introduce the cutest baby to the WWE Universe.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Miz, Maryse, and Monroe make their way to the ring.

    Miz welcomes everyone to the Miz and Mrs. Premiere Party. He says we mourned the end of Team Hell No but those were the relics of the past. It is time to celebrate the future, his wife and him. Miz says it is an honor to share the spotlight with his co-star in front of the curtain and behind the scenes.

    Maryse says with the historic announcement about Evolution, the Evolution started with her. Her evolution keeps going because after Smackdown, her reality show will debut.

    Miz says it is Curb Your Enthusiasm meets This is Us meets Ruff Ruff Ref meets Survivor. Miz mentions that the cast of the show is here tonight, including an infant who has accomplished more in her life than Daniel Bryan since his return.

    Miz mentions that mentioning Daniel Bryan has put Monroe into dream land. He wants everyone to use their inside voices. We have a special preview of the show. but it does not appear to be what Miz wanted played.

    Daniel Bryan appears in the back and he says Miz and Misses looks like the greatest reality show ever. Daniel says that Kerwin is now 0 for 2 in the truck. Daniel says he is sorry, but why is he saying it back here. Daniel says he should apologize to Miz in person.

    Daniel is stopped at the ropes but he fights his way through security and he goes to the ring.

    Daniel enters the ring and Miz tosses 'Monroe' but it was a doll and Miz with a kick and Skull Crushing Finale.

    Miz tells Daniel that he does not steal his spotlight. It always has to be about Daniel Bryan. It was a ruse. That baby backstage was an actor. Would he bring his precious little angel to a city like this?

    Now your face is in the mat. If you want to see Monroe Skye, you can watch Miz and Mrs.

    We go to credits.

  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    All of the female Smackdown talents who were at Raw were flown to Smackdown this morning on the WWE corporate jet.

    Maryse is backstage, so expect her to appear to help promote the debut of Miz & Mrs. after Smackdown tonight.

  3. #3
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Nice to see Orton back as a heel.

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