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    GOD OF THUNDER Kemo's Avatar
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    Angry AEW Double Or Nothing Coverage - May 25, 2019

    Double or Nothing


    Kenny Omega vs. Chris Jericho

    AAA World Tag Team Championship
    The Young Bucks (c) vs. Pentagon Jr. and Fenix

    Cody vs. Dustin Rhodes

    SCU (Christopher Daniels, Frankie Kazarian, and Scorpio Sky) vs. CIMA, T-Hawk, and Lindaman

    Britt Baker vs. Nyla Rose vs. Kylie Rae

    Angelico and Jack Evans vs. The Best Friends

    Aja Kong, Yuka Sakazaki, and Emi Sakura vs. Hikaru Shida, Riho Abe, and Ryo Mizunami


    Casino Battle Royal
    Sonny Kiss, Brandon Cutler, Ace Romero, Brian Pillman Jr., Glacier, Sunny Daze, MJF, Joey Janela, Dustin Thomas, Billy Gunn, Jimmy Havoc, Michael Nakazawa, Jungle Boy, Luchasaurus, Private Party, Shawn Spears, TBA
    *Winner receives a shot at the AEW World Championship

    Sammy Guevara vs. Kip Sabian

    21-Man Casino Battle Royal (Winner gets future shot a AEW World Championship)

    MJF, Dustin Thomas, Sunny Daze, Brandon Cutler, and Michale Nakazawa start things off. MJF immediately goes after Thomas and calls him "Lt. Dan" from Forrest Gump, Cutler immediately swings on MJF. Nakazawa brings out the baby oil and uses it to his advantage to slide out of a few moves. MJF talking a whole lot of trash thus far.

    Brian Pillman Jr., Isiah Kassidy, Jimmy Havoc, Joey Janela, and Shawn Spears enter.

    Shawn Spears heads out and gets a "10!" chant from the crowd. He goes right after MJF, but gets poked in the eye and MJF mocks the 10 pose. Spears returns fire with a neckbreaker, does his ten hand pose and then gives a middle finger. Glacier sends out Sunny Daze, MJF sends out Glacier

    Billy Gunn, Glacier, Ace Romero, Marq Quen, Sonny Kiss, Tommy Dreamer, Luchasaurus, Marko Stunt and others enter.

    One last guy to go as every swings away on each other. Plenty of bodies still to go. Dream heads into the ring and sends a trash can into the ring, clipping Luchasaurus. Dreamer starts smacking everyone with a trash lid. Havoc wants a shot from Dream, then gets a cutter.

    Adam Page is the 21st and last entrant.

    Page swings away on anyone in the ring. MJF goes after Page and gets dropped too. Janela and Page meet in the middle of the ring and swing away on each other. Spears lights up Romero in the corner as Luchasaurus wants a piece of Page, but Romero ends up taking out Luchasaurus. Page tried to lift up Romero and the knee gives out. Stunt takes on Romero, but ends up getting pounced out of the ring and onto Private Party! Jungle Boy with a dropkick to Romero's back and sends him out of the ring.

    Thomas with a 619 and then a 450 splash down on Janela. MJF blasts Thomas and sets him on the top turnbuckle, he then grabs Spears and suplexes him out of the ring! MJF with a counter shot to send Thomas out of the ring. Cutler sends Gunn out, MJF tosses Cutler. Luchasaurus ends up sending Janela out and down through a table! Dreamer eliminates Kiss. Cassidy finally gets into the ring and sends in the lights kicks on Dreamer's leg. Dreamer plays along and punches Cassidy, he kips up with hands in his pockets. Dreamer then just sends him out of the ring. Havoc with staple gun to Dreamer's head and down low, he's out of the match.

    Jungle Boy nearly thrown out by MJF, but Havoc bites on Jungle Boy's fingers and he's out. Down to the final four: Page, Luchasaurus, Havoc, and MJF. The three go after MJF at first, he rolls out to the floor, but not over the top rope. Luchasaurus sends out Havoc. Page and Lucha face off in the ring with MJF still sitting out on the floor. Page gets dropped on his knee, Luchasaurus charges, Page drops down and out he goes. Page thinks he won, MJF sneaks in and tries to throw him out. Page hangs on, hits buckshot lariat and sends MJF out of the ring.

    Winner: Adam Page receives future AEW World Championship match

    - Backstage, Alicia A talks with Kylie Rae about tonight's show. Rae is super excited about tonight's match and talks about how cool tonight is. She ends up getting quieted by "The Librarian" Peter Avalon, he then gets "Shhhh'd" by Leva Bates. They end up in a "shush-off" as Rae just smiles and watches on in the background.

    - Hype video for Cody vs. Dustin Rhodes. We see clips of the two brothers from over the years and both of their days in WWE.

    Sammy Guevara vs. Kip Sabian

    Mat wrestling gets us started with a couple stalemates. Sabian with a second rope springboard hurricanrana and follows it up with a leg lariat. Guevara gets sent out to the floor. Sabian fakes a springboard and kicks Guevara in the head, second rope flip, clearing out Guevara. He tosses Guevara back in the ring and he immediately hits the ropes and takes out Sabian.

    Back in the ring, Guevara kicks away on his opponent, but gets caught with a dragon screw leg whip. Sabian works over Guevara's leg, but he's able to get to the bottom rope. Guevara with a flurry of attacks, finishes with a standing shooting star press, cover, 1-2. Sabian recovers and goes back to work on Guevara, pin, two. Guevara with a superman forearm. Guevara looks for a suplex over the top rope, they land on their feet and Guevara immediately goes into a suplex! Guevara lays Sabian on the barricade, Guevara hits a shooting star press from the apron down on Sabian. Back in the ring, Guevara calls for a 630, but Sabian gets the knees up. Torture rack position, hits deathly hallows, cover, 1-2-3.

    Winner: Kip Sabian

    - Vignette for Sadie Gibbs showing off some of her skills in the ring.

    - Backstage, Jim Ross makes his way up to the announce table.

    - Outside, a pickup truck pulls up, we see Pharaoh first, then Brandi Rhodes, and finally Cody. He sips some coffee, gives Brandi a kiss and heads in. Inside, Kenny Omega is apparently watching the show on a laptop and gives the camera a big thumbs up. Matt Jackson is walking around backstage and meets Michael Nakazawa. Matt tries to put on a friendly face, but then gets angry as he heads off. Nick asks him if he's okay, Matt says yeah. Matt and Nick are asked about their credientials, Nick superkicks the guys and papers fly.

    The group comes out to hype up the crowd. Cody goes to welcome the crowd, Matt takes the mic, Nick grabs it, Kenny then snatches it away to welcome the crowd. "AEW!" chant from the crowd. Matt says it's so cool to see 20k people, Cody says it's more like 13k, Matt says this is pro wrestling, you round up. Cody goes along with it and says they set the attendance record with 20k fans! Brandi notes this is the first sensory inclusive event in wrestling history. Cody says this is a revolution as we fade to black.

    Welcome to Double or Nothing from the MGM Grand Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada.

    Your announcers are Jim Ross, Excalibur, and Alex Marvez.

    SCU has something to say before the match. Scorpio Sky says this is the worst town he has been in. Daniels says Las Vegas is a bad bad town. Their favorite worst town, but tonight, you're gonna have yourselves a real good time. The All Elite Era starts tonight. Who better to kick it off than the official ambassadors of California love. Kazarian says he has three letters to say and he gets everyone to say SCU.

    SCU (Frankie Kazarian, Christopher Daniels, and Scorpio Sky) vs Strong Hearts (Cima, T-Hawk, and Lindaman)

    Cima and Daniels start things off. They shake hands and they lock up. Daniels with a side head lock. Cima with a wrist lock take down. Cima with a side head lock and they go back and forth with shoulder tackles until Daniels takes Cima down. Daniels with an arm drag but Cima with an arm drag. They each go for an arm drag but both go to a stalemate. Kazarian and Hawk tag in and Kazarian with a side head lock. Hawk with a wrist lock. Kazarian with a reversal. Kazarian blocks a hip toss and Kazarian with a fireman's carry for a near fall. Kazarian with a short arm clothesline for a near fall.

    Hawk chops Kazarian and Hawk with a shoulder tackle. Hawk with a waist lock and Kazarian with an elbow. Sky tags in and hits a drop kick. Sky goes for a suplex but Hawk blocks it and Sky with a waist lock. Hawk catches Sky on a leap frog attempt and hits a power bomb for a near fall. Daniels and Kazarian are knocked off the apron. Lindaman tags in and they hit a double back elbow and Lindaman with a splash for a near fall. Sky with an elbow and forearms. Daniels holds Sky on the ropes and Sky with a slam. Daniels with a slingshot elbow drop and Kazarian with a slingshot leg drop. Cima and Hawk are knocked off the apron. Sky with an elbow to LIndaman and Daniels with a leg sweep and Kazarian with a hesitation drop kick for a near fall.

    Daniels tags in and he punches Lindaman. Kazarian with a neck breaker and Daniels gets a near fall. Lindaman holds on to the ropes. Lindaman sends Daniels into the ropes and Cima with a springboard knee drop to the back. Hawk tags in and he is sent into the turnbuckles but Hawk with a drop kick to Sky's knees and Hawk chops Kazarian off the turnbuckles. Cima with a running double knee strike to Daniels. Hawk with punches to Daniels. Cima tags in and Hawk with a snap mare and Cima with a slingshot senton. Sky is held back by the rferee and Daniels is given a double back elbow. Daniels is sent to the mat and Hawk and Cima with a double drop kick.

    Lindaman tags in and he kicks Daniels and connects with a forearm. Daniels with elbows and forearms. Lindaman with a jaw breaker and he knocks Sky and Kazarian down in the corner. Lindaman sends Daniels into Hawk's boot. Hawk tags in. They Irish whip Daniels adn Lindaman with a splash and Hawk with a hip toss. Cima and Lindaman with a double drop kick while Hawk has Daniels in a leg submission. Sky hits Hawk to break up the hold. Daniels lands on his feet on a suplex attempt and hits an STO. Sky and Lindaman tag in and Sky with clotheslines to Lindaman and a back elbow to Hawk. Sky with a double stomp to Cima's back. Sky with an elbow to Lindaman and then Hawk with a knee and Cima with an enzuigiri. Lindaman with a German suplex on Sky for a near fall.

    Lindaman with a slam and he goes to the turnbuckles but Daniels grabs the leg. Lindaman with a sunset flip but Sky rolls through and hits a drop kick. CIma and Kazarian tag in and Kazarian with elbows and a spinning heel kick. Kazarian with a neck breaker to Hawk. Kazarian with an O'Connor Roll to Cima and hits a Northern Lights suplex on Hawk for a near fall. Deniels tags in and hits a stomp from the turnbuckles and htis a suicide dive on Lindaman. Cima drop kicks Kazarian and then he hits a MIchinoku Driver. Sky is tripped by Lindaman and he hits a drop kiick. Kazarian with a shoulder and slingshot DDT. Hawk sends Kazarian to the floor and they Daniels and Hawk with clotheslines at the same time.

    Daniels gets to his feet to stop the count. Daniels with a forearm and Hawk with punches. Daniels hits Angel's Wings but he does not realize Lindaman tagged in and he hits a deadlift German suplex for a near fall. Cima with Meteora and Lindaman gets a near fall. Cima is sent to the apron and Kazarian with a guillotine leg drop. Kazarian with a head scissors to Hawk on the floor. Sky with a flip dive onto Hawk and Cima. Lindaman with a kick and Irish whip to Daniels. Kazarian gets Lindaman up for the Best Meltzer Ever and the three count.

    Winners: SCU

    Allie joins the announce team.

    Britt Baker vs Nyla Rose vs Kylie Rae vs Awesome Kong

    Before the match starts, Brandi Rhodes comes out and she is in wrestling gear. Brandi says don't look confused and look at her like she lied to you. When she said each of you could win this match, she meant it. When she said this Triple Threat match could be a great match, she meant it. Brandi says she wants a match that is awesome.

    The bell rings and Rose and Kong go face to face. Rae and Baker go after Kong and it has no effect. Kong with a spinning back fist and kick to Rose to send Rose to the floor. Rae goes for a sleeper but Kong with a snap mare. Kong slams Baker onto Rae. Kong misses a splash and then she goes to the floor when Baker moves. Rae with a rollup for a near fall. Rae with a shoulder tackle and Rose is knocked off the apron. Rae with a rolling senton and Baker gets a near fall with a rollup. Baker with a Japanese arm drag. Rae with a forearm and Baker fires back. Rae with an Irish whip and misses a splash into the corner. Baker with a cross body off the apron onto Kong but Kong catches Baker. Rae with a suicide dive to take Kong and Baker down.

    Rose gets a near fall on Rae. Rose with a leg drop for a near fall. Rae with forearms to Rose's back. Rose with a spinebuster. Rose gets a near fall. Rose goes for a power bomb but pushes Rae way when Baker gets back in the ring and Baker with Slingblade for a near fall. Baker kicks Kong back to the floor and then Rose with a forearm to Baker and a Samoan drop. Baker is kicked to the floor and Rose kicks Rae and goes for a power bomb but Rae with punches and a sunset flip for a near fall when Baker breaks up the cover. Baker with an Irish whip to Rae and follows with a knee but Rose with a splash on both. Rose slams Rae.

    Rose goes to the turnbuckles but Baker with a forearm to stop Rose. Rae goes to the turnbuckles as well for a double superplex. Kong gets back into the ring for the Tower of Doom. Kong goes to the floor after Baker. Kong sets for a power bomb but Baker escapes and Kong with a spinning back fist to Baker. Kong sets for a power bomb on the apron but Baker escapes and hits a super kick. Rae kicks Kong off the apron and Rose spears Kong into the ring steps.

    Baker with a rollup on Rae for a near fall. Rae with a hip toss and rolls through for a thrust kick. Rae with a waist lock but Baker with elbows and a standing switch. Baker with a forearm and a swinging neck breaker for a near fall. Rae blocks a super kick from Baker and Rae with a German suplex for a near fall. Baker with a super kick and shoulder breaker for the three count.

    Winner: Britt Baker

    We take a look at Kenny Omega in the back.

    We also see Chris Jericho in the back.

    Best Friends (Chuck Taylor and Trent) vs Angelico and Jack Evans

    Evans and Trent start things off and Evans with a side head lock. Evans holds on to the side head lock. Evans goes for shoulder tackles but he bounces off Trent. Trent with a shoulder tackle to show Evans how it is done. Taylor tags in and he hits a drop kick. Taylor kicks Angelico and then Trent and Taylor with forearms into opposite corners. Trent and Taylor go for a hug but Angelico and Evans with drop kicks to the back. Angelico and Evans kick Trent and they Irish whip Trent into the corner. Evans with an elbow into the corner and then he hits a stomp to the chest when Trent was on Angelico's shoulder.

    Angelico and Evans with kicks to Trent. They hit a modified dream sequence and then Evans is flipped onto Trent with help from Angelico for a near fall. Angelico tags in and hits a back elbow. Angelico with a slam and then he applies a single leg crab. Angelico runs into boots from Trent and Trent gets a near fall. Evans kicks Trent and then knocks Taylor off the apron. Evans tags in and they Irish whip Trent and Trent is on the turnbuckles and then he falls to the mat. Trent with a clothesline to flip Evans. Taylor tags in and he clotheslines Evans and hits a back elbow.

    Taylor with a drop kick and Angelico tags in and connects with a knee. They Irish whip Taylor and Angelico hits the turnbuckles when Taylor floats over. Taylor sends Evans into Angelico in the corner and then Taylor with a Falcon Arrow and he gets a near fall. Taylor with an Irish wip and Evans sends Chuck to the apron. Taylor with an Asai DDT to Angelico on the floor. Taylor goes to the turnbuckles but avoids Evans. Taylor with a double stomp to Angelico's back. Trent with a tornado DDT on Evans. Taylor with a double stomp onto Evans' back for a near fall.

    Trent tags in and Evans with a jaw breaker to Taylor. Evans kicks Trent away and hits a Pele Kick. Taylor with a knee to Evans and Trent with a flying boot to Evans. Taylor with Sole Foot and Trent with a half and half suplex to Angelico. Trent and Taylor hug Taylor with a crucifix toss into a cutter from Trent for a near fall. Evan with a reverse Yoshi Tonic to Trent followed by a spinning heel kick to Trent. Angelico sends Evans onto Trent for a near fall.

    Taylor holds Angelico and Evans comes off Trent's back for a moonsault onto Taylor on the floor. Trent jumps into the corner but is met with a knee from Angelico. Angelico with a Crucifix Buckle Bomb followed by a 630 splash from Evans but Taylor breaks up the cover. Taylor with forearms to Angelico but Angelico with a knee. Taylor is sent to the floor. Trent with an inside cradle for a near fall on Evans. Angelico punches Trent and Trent is sent into the turnbuckles.

    Angelico misses a pescado on Taylor. They hit a Doomsday Knee on Evans and Taylor with a flip dive onto Angelico. Trent gets Evans up for Strong Zero and the three count.

    Winners: Best Friends

    After the match, Angelico is reluctant to shake hands but they all hug.

    The lights go out.

    The Super Smash Brothers appear in the ring

    The lights go back on

    The lights go out again.

    The lights come back on and there are masked men around the ring and they pull Trent and Angelico to the floor.

    They hit a twisting Flatliner on Evans and then a back breaker on Angelico. They take care of Trent.

    The lights go out again.

    All Out is announced for August 31 at the Sears Center.

    Aja Kong, Yuka Sakazaki, and Emi Sakura vs Hikaru Shida, Riho Abe, and Ryo Mizunami

    Shida and Yuka start things off and Yuki stops Shida and tells her to look at something but Shida does not do it and she misses. Shida misses a kick and Kong and Ryo tag in. They lock up and Kong pushes Ryo away. They lock up and Ryo tries to move Kong and Kong does not budge and she backs Ryo against the ropes. Kong with a chop and Ryo goes for a shoulder tackle but Kong does not move. Ryo tries a few more times and has the same result. Ryo finally takes Kong down. Kong iwth slaps to Ryo. Kong with a double sledge to Ryo. Riho and Sakura tag in and they go for a Greco Roman Knuckle Lock. Riho bridges and gains the advantage. Riho with a satellite rollup for a near fall. Sakura with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker. Yuka tags in and she hits a seated splash.

    Yuka with a head scissors take down. Riho with an Irish whip and Yuka with a boot. Yuka with a drop kick for a near fall. Yuka with a slam and Sakura tags in. Sakura with Mongolian chops and she toss Riho by the hair. Saukra with a surfboard and she tosses Riho away. Kong tags in and snap mares Riho and kicks her in the back. Riho with forearms and Kong with a head butt. Kong iwth a slam to Riho followed by an elbow drop for a near fall. Sakura and Yuka hold Ryo and Shida aside. Kong with a piledriver for a near fall when the cover is broken up. Yuka tags in and gets a near fall.

    Riho with a rollup and double stomp. Ryo tags in and she hits shoulder tackles but then she tries it on Kong. Ryo with a spear to Kong. Ryo chops Yuka. Ryo with rapid fire chops followed by an Irish whip and running forearm into the corner. Ryo with a running clothesline into the corner Yuka blocks a uranage but Ryo with a German suplex and clothesline. Riho and Kong tag in and Riho with a head scissors take down followed by a Tiger Feint Kick. Riho comes off the turnbuckles and is met with a kick from Kong. Kong with a back drop driver for a near fall. Kong misses an elbow drop off the turnbuckles.

    Shida tags in and she goes for a suplex but Kong blocks it. Shida with an enzuigiri and Sakura with a knee to Shida's back. Kong misses Shida with the can and Shida grabs the kendo stick. Shida hits the can a few times. Kong hits Shida in the knee and head with the can. Sakura tags in and she hits a cross body into the corner and hits a butterfly back breaker. Shida with a forearm and Sakura with a forearm. They go back and forth with forearms. Sakura with a chop and Shida with a knee and Riho with a knee to the back. Shida sends Sakura into the turnbuckles and then sets for a Gorilla superplex. Ryo with a leg drop from the turnbuckles but Yuka breaks up the cover.

    Riho with a knee to Yuka. Kong with a chop and a double suplex to Riho and Ryo. Yuka with a cross body onto Riho and Ryo. Kong with a brainbuster to Shida and Sakura goes up top and hits a moonsault for a near fall even though the bell rings. Sakura goes for a butterfly driver. Kong with a back fist that hits Sakura by accident. Shida with a flying knee for the three count.

    Winners: Hikaru Shida, Riho Abe, and Ryo Mizunami

    Cody vs Dustin Rhodes

    Brandi goes under the ring and gives Cody a sledgehammer and Cody goes up the ramp and destroys the throne on the stage.

    Both men show the emotion from the Dusty chants before locking up. They lock up and Cody sends Dustin to the mat. Cody with a drop down uppercut and he sends Dustin to the floor. Cody with a suicide dive. Cody with a forearm to the back and then he sends Dustin back into the ring but Dustin spins on the apron and kicks Cody. Dustin with a cannonball off the apron and they return to teh ring.

    Dustin with a bulldog and then he climbs the turnbuckles and punches Cody. Dustin with jabs and then he goes for a Bionic double sledge but Cody goes to the floor. Cody goes into the crowd to calm things down. Dustin holds on to the ropes on an O'Connor Roll and Brandi throws a beverage in Dustin's face. Cody with a cutter for a near fall. Cody with a seated abdominal stretch. Cody with a dragon screw leg whip for a near fall. Dustin with punches but Cody with a kick. Dustin with an Irish whip and Cody floats over and Dustin goes into the turnbuckles.

    Cody with a power slam for a near fall. Dustin with clotheslines and a drop down punch and boot to the head. Cody with an Irish whip and he misses a splash into the corner. Dustin with a punch and then he puts Cody in the ropes. Cody removes the turnbuckle pad and tosses it at Dustin. Dustin throws the pad into the crowd and Cody sends Dustin into the exposed turnbuckle. Cody kicks Dustin in the corner and Dustin falls to the floor.

    Brandi with a spear to Dustin and Cody says he did not approve of that. Brandi is sent to the back by the referee.

    Diamond Dallas Page comes out and carries Brandi to the back.

    Dustin is bleeding from the forehead and Cody punches Dustin in the wounded forehead. Cody sends Dustin into the ring. Cody takes some of Dustin's blood and wipes it on his chest. Cody with a boot and he gets a near fall. Cody punches Dustin and kicks him in the head. Dustin misses a punch and falls to the mat. Cody with a drop kick. Cody gets a near fall. Cody with a punch to the forehead. Cody kicks Dustin in the corner. Cody with more punches to Dustin's forehead. Cody with a hard Irish whip. Dustin with an Irish whip but Cody holds on to the turnbuckles and avoids a punch. Cody with a curb stomp for a near fall.

    Cody goes to the turnbuckles and htis a double sledge to Dustin. Dustin avoids Cody off the turnbuckles and Dustin with a power slam for a near fall. Cody with a figure four leg lock. Dustin tries to roll over to reverse the hold but Cody blocks it. Dustin is able to reverse the hold. Cody rolls to the ropes and the hold is released. Cody takes off his weight belt and he is going to whip Dustin with it. The referee takes the belt and Dustin with an atomic drop. Dustin pulls down Cody's tights and hits him in the rear end with the belt. Dustin with Code Red for a near fall.

    Dustin puts Cody on the turnbuckles and punches Cody. Dustin with a superplex and Dustin follows with Final Cut for the three count. Cody with a low blow and Beautiful Disaster followed by CrossRhodes for a near fall. Dustin with a head butt and Dustin with CrossRhodes and Cody kicks out. Dustin and Cody exchange punches. Cody with a kick and drop down uppercut. Dustin with a kick and drop down punch. Cody with a bicycle kick and Dustin with a slingblade variation but Cody gets a near fall. Cody with a Kudo Driver. Cody stops the referee from making the ten count for Dustin. Cody with CrossRhodes for the three count.

    Winner: Cody

    After the match, Cody returns to the ring and he takes the mic.

    Cody says you don't get to retire here. Cody has a favor for Dustin. In front of God and the whole world. Before AEW was a thing. It was him, Kenny, Matt, Nick, and it was Tony. He put his name on a match for Fight of the Fallen. It was him and a partner of his choosing against the Young Bucks. Cody says he doesn't need a partner. He does not need a friend. He needs a brother.

    Dustin and Cody hug.

    The announcers talk about the AEW title.

    We see highlights from the Battle Royal on the Buy In Show when Adam Page earned a title match against the winner of the Kenny Omega/Chris Jericho match.

    We go to Jack Whitehall in the ring and he introduces Bret Hart to present the AEW World Championship Belt.

    Bret says it is great to be back in Las Vegas. He defended the World Title here 26 years ago. It is great to be here to tonight. He says he wants to thank AEW to be the first presenter of the title belt. He brings out Adam Page.

    Maxwell Jacob Friedman makes his way to the stage. Maxwell says you are looking at the youngest and fastest rising star in wrestling today. Maxwell makes a comment about someone coming up behind Bret. Maxwell says you boo him because you are jealous. You are jealous that you are looking at the quintesential future of AEW. You are jealous that you are looking at the future face of this company because a horse cannot be the face of this company.

    Maxwell says that as strong or fast a race horse is, do you know what happens when they have a bum leg. They become as useful as these white trash hicks so you take them around back and blow their stupid little brains out. How about you do the right thing and save the agony of him coming into the ring to beat him to a pulp. We know you got a fluke victory. How about you relinquish your title shot for a real man. He tells Bret he is going to be the best there is, the best there was . . . that catchphrase sucks. Why not give up your title shot because he is better than you.

    Page misses with a punch and he tells Seabiscuit to take it easy.

    Jungle Boy comes out behind Friedman and he tells him to get back to the ring.

    Maxwell says he is busy and it was a good chat.

    Jimmy Havoc's music plays and Friedman is not sure what to do.

    Friedman tries to talk to Page to get out of this but he backs into Havoc and Jungle Boy.

    Friedman tries to punch Jungle Boy but he blocks the punch. Jungle Boy and Havoc punch Friedman. Page sends Friedman into the crowd and Havoc and Jungle Boy go after him.

    We see Bret holding the belt over his head.

    AAA Tag Title Match: The Young Bucks vs The Lucha Bros

    Pentagon and Matt start things off. They have some words before locking up. Pentagon removes his glove and Matt stops Pentagon from saying Cero Miedo. Pentagon goes for the Penta Driver but Matt escapes. Fenix tags in and Matt wants to stay in. Matt with a kick and side head lock. Nick makes the tag and Matt almost bumps into Nick. Matt and Nick iwth a slingshot but Fenix counters with a double arm drag that sends them to the floor.

    Nick with a single leg take down and Fenix with a handspring flip and he lands on his feet. Fenix goes to the floor and Nick goes to the apron and misses a thrust kick on the apron. Nick and Fenix miss super kicks and round kicks. They push each other on the ramp. They go back into the ring and Nick with a shoudler tackle but Fenix stays on his feet. Fenix goes for a shoulder tackle but Nick stays on his feet. Fenix with a chop and Nick chops back. Nick with forearms and Fenix with a rolling drop kick and then Matt is sent into the turnbuckles and Pentagon with a kick and Fenix with a forearm. Fenix and Pentagon with a double super kick. Nick gets a super kick from Pentagon and Fenix. Pentagon with slingblade. Fenix hits a Victory Bomb of Pentagon onto Nick for a near fall.

    Nick with a round kick to Pentagon and Nick with a head scissors and arm drag on Pentagon and Fenix. Matt tags in and flips over Pentagon and clotheslines Fenix. Matt with a clothesline to Pentagon. Matt sends Pentagon into the turnbuckles. Matt drops Fenix from a military press and spears Pentagon. Nick tags in and he hits a double sledge off the turnbuckles. Matt tags in and hits a double sledge to the arm. Nick tags back in and comes off the turnbuckles but Pentagon pulls Matt into the way and Nick with a double stomp to Matt. Nick kicks Pentagon.

    Matt tags back in. Matt and Nick kick Pentagon and Nick with a head scissors to Pentagon. Nick drop kicks Fenix off the apron. Matt punches Pentagon. Matt with an Irish whip but Pentagon floats over. Nick runs into Matt and Pentagon monkey flips Nick into Matt. Fenix tags in and he misses a splash into the corner. Nick is crotched and then he kicks Nick and htis a springboard rana on Nick. Fenix with a rolling cutter for a near fall. Fenix chops Matt against the ropes. Fenix tags Pentagon in and Pentagon kicks Matt in the leg. Pentagon with more kicks to the leg.

    Pentagon with an Irish whip but he runs into a boot. Matt with a cutter in the corner and both men are down. Fenix tags in and he kicks Nick off the apron and Matt with a Northern Lights suplex into a second one and then he rolls through into a third one. Matt rolls through into a Sharpshooter but Matt with a Northern Lights suplex to Pentagon. Nick tags in and he clotheslines Fenix and then kicks Pentagon on the apron. Nick with a slingshot X Factor to Fenix followed by a moonsault off the apron to Pentagon. Nick with a running knee to Fenix in the corner followed by a bulldog to Fenix and clothesline to Pentagon.

    Matt tags in and they pull Fenix and Pentagon down and hit a double sunset flip into stereo sharpshooters. Fenix and Pentagon get to the ropes to force a break. Nick with a springboard 450 to a hanging Fenix for a near fall. Matt sends Pentagon to the floor. Matt sets for a buckle bomb and Nick with an enzuigiri. Nick tags in and they hit a Shiranui and Power bomb combination for a near fall. Pentagon chops Matt and Nick even if he is not the legal man. Matt with a super kick followed by one from Fenix. Nick with a super kick and Pentagon with one too. Pentagon and Matt with clotheslines and both men are down.

    Matt and Pentagon are on the apron and Pentagon with a kick to the leg. Matt with a punch. Pentagon with more kicks and Matt with more punches. Both with boots and both are down on the apron. Fenix with a forearm to NIck and Nick sends Fenix to the apron. Fenix with a kick to Nick from the apron and Pentagon with a Destroyer off Fenix's back to Matt and Fenix with a Destroyer to Nick for a near fall. Fenix with a splash off Pentagon's shoulders onto Matt and Nick on the floor. Pentagon with a Gory Special to Matt and hit hits a package pile driver onto Nick. Fenix with a senton for a near fall.

    Pentagon tags in and he attempts to hyperextend the arm and shoulder. Matt kicks Pentagon and he tags in. Matt with a Tiger suplex and Matt and Nick with a double super kick to Fenix. Matt with a Yakuza kick to Fenix and then he puts Fenix on the turnbuckles. Matt sets for a superplex but Matt hits a turnbuckle brainbuster. Matt and Nick go for More Bang for Your Buck and hit it but Pentagon kicks out. Matt goes for a package piledriver and hits it while Nick hits a double stomp and Nick with a dive onto Fenix while Matt gets a near fall. They set for a Meltzer Driver but Fenix stops Nick. Pentagon pulls at the arm and then he hits the Pentagon Driver for a near fall. Fenix tags in and he hits a super kick on Matt. Fenix with another super kick. Fenix with an arm wringer and a super kick to the arm pit. Fenix with a chop as he puts Matt on the turnbuckles. Fenix charges at Matt and Matt gets Fenix up and Nick gets to the apron for the Meltzer Driver for the three count.

    Winners: The Young Bucks

    Chris Jericho vs Kenny Omega (Winner Wrestles for AEW Championship against Adam Page)

    Jericho argues with the referee to remove the cracker barrel from the ring.

    They lock up and Omega backs Jericho into the corner but Jericho gets out of the corner and he pie faces Omega. Omega slaps Jericho. Jericho with a side head lock and Jericho with a shoulder tackle. Omega with chops. Jericho misses a chop in the corner and Omega with punches and an Irish whip. Omega runs into an elbow and then Omega goes for a V Trigger but hits the turnbuckles when Jericho moves. Jericho with chops. Jericho kicks Omega and Omega goes for a rana but Jericho counters into a Walls of Jericho but Omega gets to the ropes. Jericho with a baseball slide to Omega.

    Jericho sends Omega into the announce table and then he rings the bell as he sends Omega into the table. Omega and Jericho exchange chops and forearms. Omega slams Jericho onto the timekeeper's table. Jericho with forearms. Jericho Irish whips Omega into the guardrails but Omega stops and goes to the guardrails but Jericho pushes Omega into the front row. Jericho takes the camera and films Omega but Omega spits a liquid in Jericho's face and Omega with a jumping side kick. Omega with an elbow as they return to the ring. Omega with chops. Omega gets Jericho on his shoulders and Omega with a Finlay Slam followed by a moonsault for a near fall.

    Jericho sends Omega into the turnbuckles. Omega tells the referee about his eye and Jericho kicks Omega. Jericho with a face wash. Jericho with chops. Omega with a chop and Jericho chops back. Omega with an Irish whip and he runs into a boot. Jericho with a missile drop kick for a near fall. Jericho punches Omega in the head. Omega chops Jericho. Jericho with a punch and Omega with chops. Omega with chops and Jericho with a clothesline. Omega and Jericho exchange punches and Omega with a rana. Omega clotheslines Jericho over the top rope to the floor.

    Jericho gets a table from under the ring. Omega goes for a suicide dive and Omega sees the table so Omega with a baseball slide into the table followed by a plancha onto Jericho holding the table. Omega drops the table onto Jericho. Omega with a springboard double stomp on to the table on top of Jericho. Omga sets up the table on the floor. Omega sends Jericho face first into the mat and gets a near fall. Omega with a spinning heel kick to the back of the head and then he goes for a V Trigger to the back of the head against the turnbuckles.

    Omega puts Jericho on the turnbuckles and sets for a belly-to-back superplex but Jericho blocks it. Jericho knocks Omega off the turnbuckles. Omega goes for a Dragon Superplex but Jericho with elbows to stop Omega. Omega with a belly-to-back superplex and both are down. Omega gets a near fall. Omega runs into a back elbow and Jericho with a Lionsault onto Omega's knees. Omega with a V Trigger and sets for One Winged Angel but Jericho escapes and hits a German suplex. Jericho with a Lionsault. Jericho with another Lionsault for a near fall. Omega blocks a Codebreaker and Omega with a V Trigger. Omega goes for a Tiger Driver but Jericho blocks it and Omega is back dropped over the top rope through the table on the floor.

    Omega struggles to get up and he gets to the apron. Jericho punches Omega and Omega fires back. They go back and forth. Omega with a head butt and Jericho with a punch and springboard drop kick. Jericho sends Omega into the turnbuckles and then he sets up for a superplex but Omega blocks it. Omega punches Jericho off the turnbuckles to the mat. Omega goes off the turnbuckles and is met with a Codebreaker. Jericho gets a near fall. Jericho slaps Omega and punches him. Omega with a punch. Omega with a Dragon suplex. Omega follows with another Dragon suplex.

    Omega sets for a third Dragon suplex but he turns it into a V Trigger. Jericho rolls through and goes for the Liontamer but Omega powers out of the hold. Omega with a kick and power bomb for a near fall. Omega sets for a V Trigger and he hits it but does not hit it perfectly so Jericho is able to apply a Liontamer. Omega gets close to the ropes but Jericho pulls Omega into the center of the ring and puts his knee in Omega's back. Omega rolls over and kicks Jericho. Omega with a discus punch and Omega with a V Trigger. Omega goes for One Winged Angel but Jericho counters with a DDT but Omega gets a near fall.

    Jericho with an enzuigiri and then he knees Omega in the head. Omega stops Jericho on a springboard move and he tries for One Winged Angel but Jericho counters into a DDT. Jericho with a Codebreaker. Jericho hits Judas Effect for the three count.

    Winner: Chris Jericho

    After the match, Jericho has the mic. He asks if you want to boo him after that. Jericho says he does not care. He says he got the crap kicked out of him but he is smart enough to know that his time is now. For months, he has been saying that Chris Jericho is AEW. This is not a company for the fans. This is a company for him. To prove to you the name value of Chris Jericho. We got a company, a fancy logo, a TV deal, we sold 13,000 tickets in 14 minutes. That happened because of him. He says when he beat Kenny Omega he was going to demand one thing from all of you and from AEW. Jericho says he is demanding a thank you.

    Jon Moxley makes his way through the crowd and into the ring but Jericho does not realize it until he is in the ring. Jericho wants to know what is he doing here. Moxley kicks Jericho and hits Future Shock on Jericho. Moxley with a kick to the referee and he hits Future Shock.

    Moxley stands over Omega and he picks Kenny up. Moxley kicks Omega and goes for Future Shock but Omega sends Moxley through the ropes to the floor. They fight into the crowd. Omega and Moxley fight to the back and Omega hits Moxley in the back with a chair. Omega sends Moxley onto the stage area and they fight onto the poker chips. Moxley with knees and Future Shock. Moxley gives Omega a Death Valley Driver onto the stage.

    We go to credits.

  2. #2
    (< . . o . . PowerPill! Smartmark's Avatar
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    Easily one of the greatest wrestling shows I have seen in a very long time. AEW does mean business, and last nights show proved that they are not fucking around. Some minor issues, but overall a show that had everything. It was funny, it was emotional, it was awesome athletesism in the ring.

    It just felt right somehow.

  3. #3
    Main Eventer TKO's Avatar
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    Apr 2019
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    Great show
    RIP Bray Wyatt

    President Vivek Ramaswamy

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