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    Angry WWE Stomping Grounds Coverage - June 23rd, 2019

    WWE Stomping Grounds 2019

    At the first-ever WWE Stomping Grounds this Sunday, Universal Champion Seth Rollins battles Baron Corbin, WWE Champion Kofi Kingston battles Dolph Ziggler in a Steel Cage, Raw Women's Champion Becky Lynch battles Lacey Evans, Roman Reigns battles Drew McIntyre, SmackDown’s Women’s Champion Bayley battles Alexa Bliss and more.

    June 23, 2019 at 7:00 PM ET (Preshow at 6:00 PM ET)

    Tacoma Dome, Tacoma, Washington


    WWE Universal Championship
    Seth Rollins (c) vs. Baron Corbin
    Special Guest Referee: TBA

    WWE Championship (Steel Cage)
    Kofi Kingston (c) vs. Dolph Ziggler

    WWE RAW Women's Championship
    Becky Lynch (c) vs. Lacey Evans

    WWE SmackDown Women's Championship
    Bayley (c) vs. Alexa Bliss

    WWE US Championship
    Samoa Joe (c) vs. Ricochet

    WWE SmackDown Tag Team Championship
    Daniel Bryan and Rowan (c) vs. Heavy Machinery

    WWE Cruiserweight Championship
    Tony Nese (c) vs. Akira Tozawa vs. Drew Gulak

    Roman Reigns vs. Drew McIntyre

    Big E and Xavier Woods vs. Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn

    - The WWE Stomping Grounds Kickoff pre-show opens live from the Tacoma Dome in Tacoma, Washington as Jonathan Coachman welcomes us. He's joined by WWE Hall of Famer Booker T, Charly Caruso and David Otunga. The panel hypes tonight's pay-per-view on the WWE Network and they go over the card. Booker says we will find out Baron Corbin's Special Guest Referee for the match with WWE Universal Champion Seth Rollins later on tonight. They confirm that the Triple Threat for the WWE Cruiserweight Title will happen on the Kickoff.

    We get a video package on events leading to tonight's Steel Cage match for the WWE Title. We go to Booker and Charly down in the ring with the Steel Cage lowered around it. Booker talks about what the cage matches are like and what you need to do to win. We go back to the panel and Otunga and Coach have been joined by Xavier Woods and Big E of The New Day. They make it clear that they have Kofi's back, even though he doesn't need help. We get a video package for tonight's WWE Universal Title match. Kayla Braxton is backstage with Corbin, who asks why would he tell anyone who he has picked for the Special Guest Referee. Corbin knocks Rollins and says tonight he will slay The Beastslayer. We go back to the panel. Charly and Booker are back. They discuss that match and we get a promo for tonight's SmackDown Women's Title match.

    Coach praises Ricochet and previews tonight's match with WWE United States Champion Samoa Joe. Ricochet joins the panel now. Ricochet says this opportunity has been building and he's excited for it. Ricochet says it's huge for him, means everything and he's worked hard for it, sacrificed for it. He talks about traveling the world to perfect his craft, and he's not taking his first singles title shot for granted. He also gives Joe some props but calls him a relentless bully. Joe interrupts from backstage as the screen splits. Joe rips into Ricochet and says he will prove tonight that there are levels to this, and that Ricochet isn't on his level. Joe promises Ricochet will see blood, but tonight won't be his night. Joe walks off. Ricochet says we've heard enough talking and he will deliver his message in the ring later. The camera cuts backstage to SmackDown Tag Team Champion Daniel Bryan yelling at referee Charles Robinson for walking into the shot while they're preparing for an interview. Rowan is with Bryan as he turns to the camera and rants on how the WWE tag team division is treated like a joke by the other teams. Bryan says they are not only defending the titles tonight, they're defending an idea and trying to save the division from people like Heavy Machinery. He praises Tucker and Otis for their wrestling backgrounds, but knocks them for how they act. Rowan also says a few words before Bryan goes back to yelling. Bryan says they are trying to save the division from being a joke and the other teams should be thanking them. Bryan says they aren't doing it for the other teams, they're doing it for an idea, for the division and for the planet because they are The Planet's Champions. Bryan goes on ranting and they walk off as we go back to the panel. Booker agrees with Bryan and says he knows where Bryan is coming from. Otunga also agrees. The panel talks more about tonight's card and leads us to a video package for Roman Reigns vs. Drew McIntyre.

    Triple Threat for the WWE Cruiserweight Title: Akira Tozawa vs. Drew Gulak vs. Tony Nese

    We go to the ring and Vic Joseph welcomes us to commentary. He's joined by Aiden English and Nigel McGuinness. Akira Tozawa is out first as Greg Hamilton does the introductions. Drew Gulak is out next, followed by WWE Cruiserweight Champion Tony Nese. We see fans still finding their seats in the arena.

    The bell rings and Gulak immediately rocks Nese to drop him. Tozawa attacks Gulak and unloads. Nese gets back involved and Gulak ends up on the outside. Tozawa and Nese go at it now. Nese with a series of strikes to drop Tozawa for a 2 count. Nese and Tozawa trade counters. Gulak runs back in and we get a three-man German suplex that sees Nese get a close 2 count. Nese and Gulak are on the floor now. Nese with a big superkick. Tozawa lands a suicide dive and hits Nese. Tozawa runs the apron and leaps off next, taking Gulak down against the barrier. Fans pop for Tozawa as he shouts for a louder pop.

    Tozawa brings Nese back in. Tozawa goes to the top and nails a missile dropkick for a close 2 count as Gulak makes the save. Tozawa sends Gulak to the floor and goes back to work on Nese. Nese rocks Tozawa on the top and brings him back down for more offense. Nese with a Gutbuster for a 2 count as Gulak makes the save again. Gulak and Nese trade holds now. Gulak suplexes Tozawa on top of Nese while he hangs upside down in the ropes. We go to a quick break.

    Back from the break and Nese drops Tozawa but Gulak drops Nese. Gulak pulls Nese back into his Gu-Lock submission as fans pop. Tozawa finally comes flying in to break the hold with a senton. More back and forth between Tozawa and Gulak now. Tozawa with a hurricanrana. Tozawa powers up with Gulak on his shoulders, dropping him over the knees. Tozawa with a running low dropkick for another close 2 count. Tozawa gets dumped to the floor by Gulak as he charges. Nese charges Gulak now and drops him with a kick. Nese springboards in with a big moonsault but Tozawa breaks the pin up just in time.

    Nese and Tozawa trade big chops in the middle of the ring. Tozawa finally drops Nese with a big right hand after a fake. Nese rocks Tozawa while he's up top. Nese climbs up for a superplex but Tozawa fights him off. Tozawa rocks Nese and leaves him upside down. Gulak runs up Nese's body and hits the superplex on Tozawa. Nese goes for a 450 but nobody is home. Gulak ends up nailing another big move on Nese but Tozawa comes right back with a Shining Wizard on Nese for a close 2 count as fans pop for them all. More back and forth between all three. Nese rocks Gulak in the corner but Tozawa rolls him for a close 2 count. Nese with a big Buckle Bomb to Tozawa for a close 2 count as Gulak leaps to break it up.

    Gulak rocks Nese with elbows in the middle of the ring. Nese suplexes Gulak into the turnbuckles. Gulak rocks Nese as he charges. Nese slides out of a Torture Rack. Tozawa kicks Nese off the apron to the floor. Gulak and Tozawa tangle again. Gulak ends up hitting the Torture Rack neckbreaker on Tozawa for the pin to win the title.

    Winner and New WWE Cruiserweight Champion: Drew Gulak

    - After the match, Gulak takes the title and celebrates as his music hits. Nese and Tozawa recover as we go back to the panel.

    - We go back to the panel for more talk on the show. We see RAW Women's Champion Becky Lynch backstage walking to the ring. That's it for the Kickoff.

    - The first-ever WWE Stomping Grounds pay-per-view opens with a video package.

    - We're live from the Tacoma Dome in Tacoma, Washington as Michael Cole welcomes us. He's joined by Renee Young and Corey Graves.

    RAW Women's Title Match: Lacey Evans vs. Becky Lynch

    We go right to the ring and out comes RAW Women's Champion Becky Lynch to a big pop. Lacey Evans is out next. Cole shows us the Spanish and German announce teams at ringside. We get formal ring introductions from Mike Rome.

    Fans start chanting for Becky as the bell rings. They lock up and go at it. Becky takes it to the corner and gets in Evans' face but gets slapped. They have more words as fans chant for Becky. They go at it and Becky takes Evans to the floor for a leg lock but Evans quickly gets the bottom rope. More back and forth between the two. Becky takes Lacey from turnbuckle to turnbuckle. Becky with a springboard kick out of the corner. Becky ends up hitting a baseball slide kick while Evans is on the floor. They come back in and Evans finally turns it around with a shot to the ribs.

    Lacey wraps Becky around the ring post and slams her into it over and over as the referee warns her. Fans boo Lacey as she drags Becky over for a 2 count. Lacey with more shots to the ribs now. Fans chant "you can't wrestle!" as Evans keeps Becky down and focuses on the ribs. Evans takes Becky to the corner and kicks away at the ribs as the referee warns her. Lacey focuses on the injured left arm and the ribs, pounding on Becky while keeping her grounded. Fans try to rally for The Man.

    Evans with two pin attempts while keeping Lynch grounded with elbow strikes. Becky clutches her ribs while trying to mount offense. Evans comes right back with a tackle for a pin attempt but Becky powers up out of nowhere and rocks her for a pop. Becky springboards with another kick. Evans turns it back around in the corner and looks to go for a superplex but Becky rolls her to the mat and over, going for the Disarm-Her. Evans tangles and we get a 2 count. Becky goes back for the hold but can't get it all the way locked in as it's broken. Becky charges but Evans sends her face-first into the turnbuckle. Evans launches herself into another big ribs shot in the corner but Becky kicks out at 2.

    Evans shows off and poses but the crowd boos her. Lynch takes advantage and unloads on Evans to make the comeback. Evans with a right hand to the ribs. Becky comes right back and hits a flying forearm shot. Fans cheer for Becky as she looks to mount offense again. Becky charges into the corner and stomps away as the referee warns her. Becky with the Bexploder suplex for a close 2 count. More back and forth now as Evans keeps coming. Evans finally turns it around and levels Lynch but can't get the 3 count. Evans shows frustration and argues with the referee.

    Evans goes to the top but Becky cuts her off and sends her to the mat. Lynch immediately applies the Disarm-Her and Evans taps out as soon as it's locked.

    Winner: Becky Lynch

    - After the match, Lynch takes the title and celebrates as her music hits. We go to replays. Evans looks on, leaning up against the barrier, as Becky is all smiles in the ring.

    - We get a new vignette for Ali, the same one we covered from YouTube this afternoon.

    - Kayla Braxton is outside of Baron Corbin's locker room in the back. Paul Heyman comes out and has been in there meeting with Corbin. Kayla says people are speculating on Heyman being Corbin's Special Guest Referee for tonight. She also asks about Brock Lesnar being here tonight. Heyman says the question to ask is if WWE Champion Kofi Kingston or WWE Universal Champion Seth Rollins are here. Fans in the arena boo Lesnar's name and Heyman walks off. Corbin comes walking out and creepily wonders if Kayla is hanging outside of his door for something besides an interview. Corbin says he has picked the referee tonight and it's someone who won't do him favors, who will call it down the middle. Corbin says he doesn't need help beating Rollins, he just needs a shot and then if needed, he will deal with Lesnar. Corbin walks off.

    Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens vs. Big E and Xavier Woods

    We go to the ring and Tom Phillips welcomes us as Sami Zayn comes out. Kevin Owens is out next. Tom is joined by Graves and Byron Saxton. Out next comes The New Day's Xavier Woods and Big E.

    The bell rings and Owens immediately rocks Woods with several big superkicks, also knocking Big E off the apron. Owens goes to the top and hits a big senton but somehow Woods kicks out. Sami comes in for the double team on Woods. Sami with a Blue Thunderbomb on Woods for another close 2 count. Owens goes to the top and hits a Frogsplash on Woods but somehow he still kicks out at 2. Owens yells and argues with the referee, he can't believe Woods is still in it after the quick attack of big moves.

    Sami tags back in and unloads on Woods while he's down. Big E is back to the apron and waiting for the tag as Sami keeps Woods down, talking trash. Owens ends up hitting a corner cannonball on Woods for another close 2 count. Owens drops a senton on Woods and another, while taunting Big E. Owens with a 2 count. Owens takes Woods back to the corner and tags in Sami. Owens yells at the crowd while Sami unloads on Woods. Owens hits Woods with a boot to the face while Sami has the referee distracted.

    Woods finally starts fighting back with chops on Sami. Sami takes Woods down to the mat and applies a Crossface. Woods rolls over for a 2 count. Sami grabs the leg to stop Woods from reaching Big E. Sami drags Woods back and tags Owens in for the double team. Big E warns Owens from the apron as Owens plays mind games. Woods ducks a clothesline and rocks Owens with a kick.

    Sami tags in and knocks Big E off the apron. Sami goes for Woods but Woods counters and they're both down. Owens tags in and misses a shot but Big E is down off the apron. Woods tangles with Owens and drops him on his face. Big E is back on the apron now. Sami and Big E tag in at the same time as Big E unloads with overhead throws for a pop. Big E with a big belly-to-belly suplex now as fans pop. Big E dances over Sami now. Big E knocks Owens off the apron and elbows Sami down again. Big E runs the ropes for a splash on Sami but Sami kicks out at 2.

    Fans rally for The New Day now as Big E stalks Sami. Sami fights Big E off with elbows. Big E runs into a boot in the corner from Sami. Sami goes to the top and fights Big E off with strikes as fans boo. Big E blocks a tornado DDT but Sami lands on his feet. Big E counters the follow-up and drives Sami into the mat for a close 2 count. Woods finally gets Big E on his shoulders, and splashes him down onto Sami for a pop. Woods runs and hits a big leg drop in the corner but Owens breaks the pin just in time. Big E sends Owens over the top to the floor. Big E scoops Sami as Woods goes to the top for the double team but they can't hit it as Sami counters and sends them both down. Sami with a Helluva Kick to Woods. Owens tags in and hits a Pop-up Powerbomb on Woods but Big E breaks the pin just in time. Fans chant "this is awesome!" now. Big E levels Sami with a big clothesline but Owens hits a superkick on Big E. Woods blocks the Stunner and drops Owens with the big rolling elbow. Fans try to rally for The New Day once again. Woods kicks Sami on the apron. Big E hits a big Spear, sending Sami from the apron to the floor and the barrier. Woods with an enziguri to Owens. Woods goes to the top but Owens knocks him off. Owens nails a big Stunner to Woods and covers for the pin to win.

    Winners: Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn

    - After the match, Owens and Zayn hit the ramp to celebrate as Owens' music hits. We go to replays. Big E checks on Woods in the ring and stares down the winners as they celebrate to the back.

    - Back from the break and Nikki Cross approaches Alexa Bliss backstage. Cross is excited to be in Bliss' corner tonight because Bayley doesn't deserve the SmackDown Women's Title. Bliss says tonight, it's she and Cross against the world.

    WWE United States Title Match: Ricochet vs. Samoa Joe

    We go to the ring and out first comes the challenger Ricochet. WWE United States Champion Samoa Joe is out next.

    Back and forth to start the match. Joe rocks Ricochet. Ricochet comes back with a series of moves, sending Joe out of the ring. Ricochet charges out but Joe steps to the side. They go at it and Joe rams Ricochet back-first into the apron. Joe slows the match down now and brings Ricochet back in. Ricochet looks to mount offense but Joe catches him in mid-move and drives him into the mat with a Uranage. Ricochet kicks out at 2.

    Joe keeps control and levels Ricochet for a close 2 count. More back and forth as Ricochet looks to make a comeback. Joe drops him in the corner with an enziguri for another close pin attempt. Fans look to rally for Ricochet now as Joe keeps him grounded. Ricochet breaks a hold with a jawbreaker. They trade shots on their feet now and Joe rocks Ricochet for the upperhand, knocking him back to the mat. Some fans chant for Joe now as he yanks Ricochet up into a big sitdown powerbomb for a 2 count.

    Joe keeps Ricochet grounded again and focuses on his neck, taunting him to give up. Ricochet tries to fight free. Ricochet with forearms but Joe chops him down to one knee again. Ricochet finally lands an enziguri, and another to drop the champion as fans pop for Ricochet. Ricochet is slow to get up, as is Joe. More back and forth now but Ricochet sends Joe flying into the corner. Ricochet launches in with a shot to the gut. Ricochet with a flying clothesline from the top. Joe goes to the floor but Ricochet runs the ropes, leaps out and takes him down. Ricochet brings it back in and hits another missile dropkick. Ricochet with a springboard moonsault from the second rope but he's slow to make the pin due to his ribs. Joe kicks out.

    Ricochet looks to keep strikes going on Joe but it backfires. Joe ends up catching Ricochet with a big powerslam out of nowhere for a 2 count. More back and forth now as they trade counters. Joe with a German suplex and then levels Ricochet with a big clothesline and turns him inside out for a close 2 count. Joe shows some frustration now. Ricochet fights out of a hold. Joe catches a kick and launches Ricochet, flipping over onto his head. Joe goes for the Coquina Clutch but Ricochet breaks free and drops Joe over the top rope, sending him to the mat.

    Ricochet goes to the top now as fans cheer him on. Ricochet lands on his feet as Joe moves. More back and forth. Ricochet drops Joe over his knees. Ricochet goes to the top and hits the 630 for the pin to win the title.

    Winner and New WWE United States Champion: Ricochet

    - After the match, fans go wild as Ricochet's music hits. He can't believe he won. We go to replays as Ricochet celebrates and clutches the title. We see Ricochet enter the Gorilla Position backstage, being greeted by a group of Superstars, including WWE Hall of Famer Triple H.

    SmackDown Tag Team Titles Match: Heavy Machinery vs. Daniel Bryan and Rowan

    We go right to the ring as Heavy Machinery's Tucker and Otis leave Ricochet's celebration. SmackDown Tag Team Champions Daniel Bryan and Rowan are out next. Bryan gets a big home state reaction, bigger than Tucker, who has family and friends in the crowd. Tom shows us the other international announce teams in the arena.

    The bell rings and the big chants for Bryan continue. Otis looks to start off with Rowan but fans and Otis want Bryan. A big "yes!" chant breaks out and Bryan tags in as the loud chants continue.

    Bryan and Otis get a feel for each other and Bryan lands some kicks. The loud Bryan chants continue. Otis takes control and lifts Bryan for a big suplex, holding him in the air. Tucker tags in and Otis passes him over with Tucker taking control of the suplex mid-move. Tucker finally drops Bryan to the mat for a 2 count. Fans continue chanting for Bryan as Tucker works him over. Tucker lands a huge clothesline for a 2 count. Bryan ends up countering and tagging Rowan without Tucker seeing it. Rowan comes in and levels Tucker with a big crossbody.

    Rowan takes Tucker to the corner and unloads. Rowan with a big splash and a dropkick to Tucker for a 2 count as a "we recycle!" chant starts up. Rowan keeps Tucker grounded now. Rowan with more offense and a tag to Bryan as they take Tucker back to the corner for some big double team moves. Bryan pulls Tucker to the corner and slams his leg around the ring post, and again.

    Bryan with more offense and a tag to Rowan. Rowan unloads on Tucker while he's down, with elbow drops and a big running splash. Tucker still kicks out at 2 and Rowan argues with the referee. Rowan rakes at Tucker's face in the corner now. Rowan runs into a boot in the corner. Tucker side-steps and Rowan runs into the ring post next. Bryan and Otis tag in at the same time. Otis runs over Bryan a few times and fans boo him.

    Otis scoops Bryan for the spinning slam and finally slams him as the boos continue. Otis gets sent face-first into the turnbuckles by Bryan. Bryan with the big running attacks in the corner now as fans cheer him on. Otis scoops Bryan in mid-air for a big sitdown powerbomb but Bryan kicks out at 2. Fans chant for Bryan again. Otis goes to the corner for a Vader Bomb but Bryan moves out of the way. Rowan is still down on the outside after a shot on the apron. Fans chant "yes!" as Bryan delivers the kicks to Otis while he's on his knees. Otis starts hulking up to his feet and Bryan can't believe it as he delivers more kicks. Otis just takes the kicks. Otis catches a kick and launches Bryan over his head for boos.

    Otis with a clothesline in the corner to drop Bryan. Otis hits The Caterpillar and tags in Tucker. Otis catapults Bryan into a Tucker slam but Rowan breaks the pin up. Rowan sens Otis out of the ring to the floor. The referee orders Rowan out. Bryan delivers kicks to Tucker now. Tucker rocks Bryan with right hands and unloads. Tucker ducks a kick and slams Bryan into the mat for more boos from his own home state. Tucker goes to the top for a moonsault but Bryan rolls out of the way for the most part. Rowan and Otis tag in at the same time, staring each other down as they approach and face off in the middle of the ring. Rowan strikes first and they trade shots.

    Rowan and Otis keep colliding in the middle of the ring but no one is going down. Bryan tags in and Otis doesn't see it. Otis catches Rowan's crossbody and slams him. Tucker tags in for The Compactor but Bryan sends Tucker to the floor, as the legal man. Bryan goes to the top and nails a flying knee to Otis' face. Bryan runs the ropes for a dive to Tucker but Tucker rocks him at the ropes. Tucker leaps and takes out Rowan on the floor. Tucker rushes back into the ring but Bryan immediately rolls him into the pin to retain.

    Winners: Daniel Bryan and Rowan

    - After the match, Bryan and Rowan head to the stage with their titles as Bryan's music hits. We go to replays as Heavy Machinery stands tall in the ring and looks on. Bryan and Rowan pose on the stage with the titles as Heavy Machinery talks trash from the ring.

    - Back from a break and Tom leads us to a video package for the next match.

    SmackDown Women's Title Match: Alexa Bliss vs. Bayley

    We go to the ring and out first comes Alexa Bliss with Nikki Cross. SmackDown Women's Champion Bayley is out next. We get formal ring introductions from Greg Hamilton.

    Bayley tries to get in Bliss' face early on and it almost backfires. Bayley is showing a much more aggressive style tonight. Back and forth early on. Bliss with shots in the corner after turning it around. Bayley drops Bliss face-first into the corner for a 2 count. Bayley goes on and tries to take Bliss back to the corner but Bliss drops Bayley's face into the corner. Fans do dueling chants now as Bliss uses the middle rope on Bayley as the referee warns her.

    Bliss keeps Bayley grounded now. Bayley looks to make a comeback but Bliss drops her with a backbreaker. Bliss works Bayley around the ring now, keeping her down as Cross looks on. Bliss stands on Bayley and stomps her into the mat over and over. Bliss covers for a 2 count and yells at the referee, showing some frustration.

    Bayley comes back with a crossbody and a 2 count. More back and forth now. Bliss charges like she's going to splash Bayley in the corner but sh stops and smacks her in the mouth instead. Bayley comes right back out of the corner and drops Bliss but can't get the pin. They go on and Bliss shows some frustration as Cross cheers on Bliss on. Bayley ends up dropping Bliss with a high knee. Bayley tries for the dropkick through the ropes on the floor but Bliss moves. Bayley goes shoulder-first into the ring post and Bliss works on her shoulder now. Bliss brings it back into the ring for a close 2 count.

    More back and forth in the ring as Bayley tries to protect her arm. Bayley ends up hitting a big sunset flip powerbomb into the corner. Bliss rolls out to the floor and Cross checks on her. Bayley runs the ropes and nails a big dive to the floor, taking Cross down. It looks like Cross may have put herself in the way. Bliss sends Bayley into the ring steps. Bliss with a sunset bomb on the floor. Bliss yells at Bayley and brings her back into the ring.

    Bliss goes to the top for Twisted Bliss but Cross runs in the ring and distracts everyone out of nowhere for an awkward spot. The referee sends her back out. Bliss pushes Bayley back to the mat and goes for Twisted Bliss but she lands on knees. This leads to Bayley hitting the Bayley-to-Belly suplex for the pin to retain.

    Winner: Bayley

    - After the match, Bayley clutches her title and leaves as her music hits. Cross checks on an emotional Bliss in the ring and hugs her.

    - We see recent happenings with the WWE 24/7 Title, including how Drake Maverick lost it to R-Truth at his wedding on Friday.

    - Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson interrupt Ricochet's United States Title photo shoot backstage. They annoy him a bit and we see AJ Styles appear. AJ congratulates Ricochet and says he will see him on RAW. AJ, Gallows and Anderson leave together

    - We get a video package for the next match.

    Drew McIntyre vs. Roman Reigns

    We go to the ring and out comes Shane McMahon first. He stops on the stage and is joined by Drew McIntyre. They head to the ring together. Out next comes Roman Reigns.

    Drew meets Reigns at ringside before the bell rings and they start brawling. Reigns sends Drew into the barrier and then brings him into the ring. They brawl as the bell rings. Shane looks on as Reigns mounts Drew with right hands in the corner. Reigns clotheslines Drew over the top to the floor. Shane checks on Drew as Reigns runs the ropes, leaping out to take Drew down on the floor. Shane just avoids being hit. Reigns chases Reigns through the crowd now.

    They come back to the ringside area and Drew intercepts Reigns, knocking him out in mid-air. Drew sends Reigns shoulder-first into the steel steps and then brings him back into the ring for punches and chops and kicks in the corner as the referee warns him. Drew with a big overhead throw for a close 2 count on Reigns.

    Shane gets cheap shots in on Reigns while Drew has the referee distracted. Drew keeps Reigns grounded with offense and covers for another 2 count. The referee warns Shane. Drew mounts Reigns with strikes. Shane gets involved once again, allowing Drew to hit a Spinebuster for a 2 count. Drew with another big suplex for a close 2 count. Drew keeps Reigns grounded now. Reigns tries to mount offense but Drew rocks him with a clothesline and they both go down. Reigns kicks out at 2. More back and forth now. Reigns finally catches Drew in a Samoan Drop as Shane looks on worried.

    Reigns finally mounts offense and sends Drew into the corner. Reigns rocks Drew with big clotheslines as the fans count along. Reigns with a huge boot to the face. Reigns calls for the Superman Punch but Shane jumps on the apron. Reigns knocks Shane off instead. Reigns runs around the ring and hits a Superman Punch off the steps on Shane. Drew comes over and Reigns ends up missing a Drive By. Drew grabs Reigns by his legs and catapults him face-first into an announce table.

    Drew brings Reigns back into the ring and drives him into the mat. Drew covers for a close 2 count. Drew ends up taking Reigns to the corner and climbing up for a superplex. Reigns rocks him up top and the back & forth continues. Drew finally hits a superplex but Reigns kicks out at 2. Reigns avoids a Claymore Kick but Drew kicks out of the backslide. Drew drops Reigns with a Glasgow Kick headbutt. Drew goes back to the top but Reigns rocks him in mid-air with a Superman Punch. Drew still kicks out at 2. Reigns readies for a Spear but Drew kicks him. They tangle and Reigns nails a big Spear for a close 2 count as Shane pulls the referee out of the ring.

    The referee sells a knee injury on the floor. Shane hits the ring and attacks Reigns, positioning him in the corner. Shane goes to the top and hits a Coast 2 Coast, barely connecting. Shane drags Reigns into the middle of the ring and Drew covers. Shane brings the original referee into the ring but Reigns kicks out at 2. Shane and Drew can't believe it. Fans chant for Reigns as Drew stalks him in the ring. Drew readies for a Claymore now, yelling at Reigns to get up. Drew charges for it but Reigns nails a Superman Punch instead. Shane charges but Reigns sends him back to the floor. Reigns follows up with a big Spear to Drew for the pin to win.

    Winner: Roman Reigns

    - After the match, Reigns stands tall as his music hits and we go to replays. Reigns hits the corners to pose while we see Drew down on the outside. Shane sits up against the barrier and looks on as Reigns makes his exit.

    - Back from a break and Tom shows us how Drew Gulak won the WWE Cruiserweight Title on the Stomping Grounds Kickoff pre-show earlier tonight.

    - We get a video package for tonight's Steel Cage match as the structure is lowered into place.

    Steel Cage Match for the WWE Title: Dolph Ziggler vs. Kofi Kingston

    We go to the ring and out first comes Dolph Ziggler to the cage as Greg Hamilton goes over the rules. WWE Champion Kofi Kingston is out next to a pop.

    Hamilton goes formal ring introductions as Kofi raises the title and taunts Ziggler with it. Ziggler is fired up. The cage door is locked as they size each other up to start the match. Ziggler avoids a kick and they do some more trash talking as the match starts slow. Ziggler shoves Kofi first. Ziggler tries to escape first but Kofi stops him. They tangle a bit and Ziggler lands a dropkick. Ziggler goes for the opened door but Kofi rolls him up for a 1 count. Ziggler catapults Kofi into the cage wall but he uses that to climb up. Ziggler brings him down. Kofi blocks a superkick and nails a dropkick for a 2 count.

    Kofi rocks Ziggler in the corner and works him around into another corner. Kofi charges but Ziggler moves and Kofi hits the turnbuckles. Ziggler sends Kofi's ribs into the steel. Ziggler rakes Kofi's face into the steel now. Fans try to rally for Kofi but Ziggler keeps control and hits a neckbreaker for a close 2 count. Ziggler launches Kofi face-first into the steel wall again. Ziggler keeps Kofi grounded in the middle of the ring now as fans do dueling chants.

    Ziggler sends Kofi face-first into the steel again and covers for a 2 count. Kofi tries to create an opening but Ziggler sends him back into the corner and unloads with body shots as fans boo. Kofi rocks Ziggler with an elbow. Ziggler with a kick to the face. They tangle and Kofi hits a missile dropkick from the corner. Kofi with more offense now. Kofi with a dropkick. Kofi leaps but Ziggler side-steps and sends him into the corner face-first. Ziggler drops Kofi for a 2 count. Ziggler ends up taking it to the corner and disrespecting Kofi, talking trash and taunting him. Kofi comes back and smashes Ziggler into the steel, and again. Kofi rams Ziggler face-first into the steel once again. Kofi with some trash talking and slapping around now. Ziggler with a kick to the knee. Ziggler goes for the Fame-asser but it's blocked. Ziggler ends up colliding face-first with the steel. Kofi rolls him up for a 2 count.

    Kofi goes to the top but Ziggler keeps climbing and grabs his leg. Ziggler brings Kofi back to the top turnbuckle and they trade shots up high. Kofi sends Ziggler to the mat for a pop. Kofi leaps and hits a huge crossbody from the top for a close 2 count. Kofi tries to escape but Ziggler runs up and grabs his legs. Ziggler rams Kofi's face into steel and sends him to the mat. Ziggler tries to escape now. Kofi runs up and stops him. They both meet on top of the cage now. They both fall back to the mat and keep trading shots. Kofi ends up hitting a SOS but Ziggler kicks out just in time.

    Kofi charges with Trouble In Paradise but it's blocked again. Ziggler goes for the leg and drops back, landing on the leg. More back and forth now. Ziggler with a leg hold but Kofi tries to break it with the bottom rope, but can't inside the cage. Ziggler connects with a big superkick, almost knocking Kofi out of the cage door as it's opened. Ziggler pulls Kofi back into the ring and the door is closed again. The referee checks on Kofi as Ziggler keeps the submission tight. Kofi sends Ziggler flying and breaks it. Kofi goes for Trouble In Paradise again but it's blocked. Ziggler with an ankle lock now as Kofi screams out in pain.

    More back and forth between the two. Ziggler finally nails a Zig Zag but Kofi still kicks out at 2. Fans try to rally for Kofi. More action on the mat and counters. Ziggler tries to back out of the door as it's opened. Both feet are out of the door but not on the floor yet. The door is closed as they get back to their feet. Ziggler counters and tries to crawl out of the door again. Kofi grabs his legs and pulls him back. Ziggler with a thumb to the eye and a kick to the face to knock Kofi back. Ziggler has the door opened again as he tries to crawl out once again. Kofi leaps over Ziggler and lands on the floor first, winning the match and retaining the title.

    Winner: Kofi Kingston

    - After the match, Kofi clutches the title at ringside as The New Day's music hits. We go to replays. Big E and Xavier Woods rush down to ringside to celebrate with Kofi now. We get another replay of how Kofi leaped over Ziggler to escape the cage. Charly Caruso meets The New Day on the stage and asks Kofi what's next for him. Kofi talks about how he respects Ziggler and goes on about how he retained the title like he said he would. He does not answer her question. We get one more replay of the finish and go back to The New Day celebrating on the stage.

    - We see an upset Drew McIntyre walking backstage with Shane McMahon. Kayla Braxton asks Drew if Roman Reigns got the last laugh. Drew doesn't care about that. Shane says we will find out how bad Reigns is on RAW tomorrow night as he faces Drew and Shane in a 2-on-1 Handicap Match. Shane says we will see whose yard this is - his.

    - We get a video package for tonight's main event.

    WWE Universal Title Match: Baron Corbin vs. Seth Rollins

    We go to the ring and out first comes Baron Corbin. Corbin enters the ring and has Mike Rome give him a grand introduction. Out next comes WWE Universal Champion Seth Rollins to a pop. Rollins waits with a steel chair and raises it in the air as Corbin watches from ringside. Fans boo as Corbin takes the mic to reveal his Special Guest Referee. Rollins takes a mic to interrupt and threatens to use his chair on whoever tries to come out and take his title as referee. Corbin goes on and introduces Lacey Evans as the referee for tonight's main event. Evans comes out in her referee gear, as Cole talks about how Evans lost to Rollins' girlfriend earlier tonight, RAW Women's Champion Becky Lynch. Evans hits the ring and gets in Rollins' face to talk trash as fans chant for The Man. Evans grabs the chair to take it and Corbin drops him to take advantage. Corbin with chair shots to Rollins now.

    Evans finally takes the chair from Corbin as the bell rings. Corbin brings Rollins back in and plants him in the mat for a close 2 count. Rollins goes to the floor to regroup. Corbin drives Rollins back into the barrier and then sends him head first into the barrier a few times. Fans voice their displeasure at Corbin's referee choice. Corbin brings it back into the ring but Rollins rocks him and fires away with chops. Corbin runs out and back in the ring, leveling Rollins with a clothesline. Corbin keeps control and plays to the crowd for more boos. Evans insults Rollins.

    Corbin misses a knee and Rollins looks to make a comeback now. Corbin counters and drops Rollins on his head with a big DDT. Fans have chanted for AEW and CM Punk during this match, among other chants. Corbin keeps control and takes Rollins to the corner for a superplex. Rollins fights back and sends Corbin to the mat. Rollins leaps and lands on his feet and Corbin rocks him with a right to the throat. Corbin drops Rollins once again to continue dominating the match. Fans boo Corbin and Evans some more.

    Rollins finally drops Corbin with an enziguri but they both go down. Evans encourages Corbin to get up. Rollins and Corbin trade more shots in the center of the ring now. Evans warns Rollins. Rollins with a Slingblade and then a Blockbuster from the corner. Rollins clotheslines Corbin over the top rope to the floor. Rollins runs the ropes and dives, sending Corbin into the barrier. Rollins sends Corbin in and springboards at him with a knee to the jaw. Rollins goes on and covers for a pin attempt but Evans makes a really slow 2 count. Fans boo and Rollins isn't happy. Fans chant for Becky again.

    Corbin dumps Rollins to the apron. Rollins tries to springboard in but Corbin rocks him in the nose, dropping him on the apron. Rollins counters on the apron and ends up nailing a huge powerbomb through one of the announce tables. Fans pop big. Rollins tells Evans to count Corbin out and she finally starts counting but she's taking her time. Evans calls Rome over and tells him to announce that there are now no count outs in this match. Fans boo.

    Rollins goes back to Corbin and brings him in the ring. Rollins says Evans asked for it as he cranks up for the Stomp and fans chant "burn it down!" now. Rollins kicks Corbin and goes for the Stomp but Corbin rolls to the floor. Rollins runs for a dive but Corbin rocks him. Rollins with a big right hand now. Rollins goes on but Corbin decks him and chokeslams him on the apron. Corbin brings it back in for another chokeslam and a close 2 count. Corbin can't believe Rollins is still in it.

    More back and forth between the two now. Rollins drops Corbin and goes to the top. Rollins nails a big Frogsplash but Evans makes another slow 2 count, blaming it on a shoulder injury. Fans boo Evans some more. Rollins stares her down and leaves the ring but Corbin hits him with steel chair shots as he approaches. Corbin rolls Rollins back in and delivers more chair shots, right in front of Evans as she watches. Evans finally asks Corbin nicely to give the chair up. Evans calls Rome over again and tells him to announce that this is now a No DQ match. The chants for Becky get louder. Corbin goes to drop Rollins onto a chair but Rollins unloads. Rollins with a Falcon Arrow onto the chair. Rollins holds the pin but Evans isn't even dropping down to count it. Fans boo her.

    Rollins stops the pin and he looks like he's had enough. Rollins stands up and stares Evans down as she talks trash in his face. Evans slaps Rollins in the face. Rollins yells at her as she dares him to hit her. Evans saps Rollins again and kicks him low. Corbin tries to take advantage and Evans comes from behind with a low blow punch to Rollins. Corbin looks to put Rollins away with End of Days but here comes Lynch. Lynch rushes the ring and unloads on Evans as fans go wild. Becky sends Evans to the floor and leaps off the apron with a right hand. Lynch continues destroying Evans at ringside. Lynch with a Bexploder into the barrier. Referees run down to pull Becky off Evans.

    Referee John Cone enters the ring to call the rest of the match and Corbin doesn't like it. Rollins takes advantage and counters End of Days, nails a superkick, then hits the Stomp for the pin to retain.

    Winner: Seth Rollins

    - After the match, Lynch enters the ring and smiles down at Rollins as he's still on the mat. Rollins' music hits as Lynch raises his arm in the air. We see Evans and Corbin being escorted away. Lynch and Rollins embrace as she raises his arm again for a pop. Rollins raises Becky's arm for a louder pop. They laugh as Becky holds the ropes open for Rollins to exit the ring. The WWE power couple sits together on the apron, Rollins with his arm around his girlfriend. We go to replays, then come back to Lynch and Rollins marching up the ramp all smiles. The first-ever WWE Stomping Grounds pay-per-view goes off the air with Lynch and Rollins going to the back together as fans cheer them on.

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