Diamond Dallas Page has posted an interesting tale on his official website where his Mac PowerBook got wet somehow during a flight. Unfortunately, DDP, who is a public speaker, had his first big corporation presentation the next day in front of 1500 people, and the presentation was on the computer. Visit DDPBang.com for more.

The infamous documentary, "The Unreal Story of Professional Wrestling," will be airing at 3 p.m. on A & E later today. This program was made over the course of 1997 and 1998.

On Saturday, at the National Guard Armory in Quincy, MA will be PWF Mayhem Genesis FanFest, 6 to 7:30PM. Talent booked includes Spike Dudley, John Walters, Ariel, Jason Blade, Kid Mikaze, Evan Siks, Pride, Amber, Natalia, and more.
Credit: ImpactWrestling.com