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  1. #1
    GOD OF THUNDER Kemo's Avatar
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    Angry WWE Smackdown LIVE Coverage - September 3rd, 2019

    Kofi Kingston’s journey brings him back to Madison Square Garden

    WWE Champion Kofi Kingston is returning to where the spark was first lit.

    What will Kingston’s return to The World’s Most Famous Arena bring? And how will the WWE Champion respond to The Apex Predator’s recent attacks on The New Day just five nights before he and Orton collide for the WWE Title at WWE Clash of Champions?

    WWE Smackdown LIVE Coverage - 10th Sep, 2019
    Location: Ontario, Californi
    Announcers: Tom Phillips, Corey Graves, and Byron Saxton.

    A gong sounds and the lights go down as the Undertaker makes his way to the ring.

    Undertaker says he wanted to come out here and take a minute and absorb all of this. For the past 30 years, I have considered these hallowed grounds his home. He does not know how many more times he will come home, but there is one thing that he wants everyone to remember about this place. The Titans that were born here, the legends that made their names here, and the heroes that were created right here in Madison Square Garden. It is rewarding to him that each of those souls, he took a piece of them with him. They will not be forgotten because the echoes of their memories will go through these hallways for all of eternity.

    Now, we usher in a new era of superstar . . .

    Sami Zayn interrupts and he dances around the stage before addressing the Undertaker.

    Zayn tells the people the Undertaker is in the ring. The Phenom and Dead Man. Sami says New York respects legends and you are a legend. Truthfully what he finds impressive about Taker's career is his history in this arena. You have been selling out this arena not for ten or twenty years, but for thirty years. Madison Square Garden has been your yard. Sami says he has nothing but the utmost respect for Zayn. Sami says that it shouldn't be you opening Smackdown in Madison Square Garden. Even you can admit that it probably should have been him.

    Nothing but respect. When is enough enough? Sami says he knows how much Taker loves WWE and you are about paving the way for the future. Sami says the future is here. The future is now and the future is Sami Zayn. Sami says these unruly fans in New York want nothing more than Sami Zayn to take out the Undertaker, but that is not why he is here. Sami says he is here to ask him to turn around and to leave this ring right now. Sami says he wants Taker to do the right thing and pass the torch. The future of Madison Square Garden and the WWE are in good hands with Sami Zayn.

    Taker starts to walk out of the ring but Taker is not going to do what Sami wants and Taker looks at Sami celebrating. Taker returns to the ring and he choke slams Sami.

    Shane McMahon is in his office and Chad Gable enters. Shane calls him shorty and then he praises Gable for his performance in the King of the Ring. Shane says Elias cannot compete in the King of the Ring Tournament because he broke his ankle

    Chad says he gets a bye into the finals.

    Shane says as Best in the World, he knows about tournaments so he should earn his way. Shane says Chad will have an opponent and it will be someone from Raw or Smackdown, maybe even someone who was already eliminated.

    We go to commercial.

    Miz vs Andrade Almas (w/ Zelina Vega)

    They lock up and Almas misses a chop and Miz with a wrist lock. Miz with an arm drag and arm bar. Almas with a chop and Almas goes Tranquilo in the ropes and Vega joins him on the mat. Miz goes to the apron and then gets a near fall with a rollupo. Miz with a flapjack. Miz goes Tranquilo and then he catapults Almas over the top rope to the floor. Vega gets on the apron to distract Miz and Almas almost hits Vega. Miz with a rollup for a near fall. Miz with an elbow but Vega rakes the eyes and Almas with a drop kick that sends Miz into the corner.

    Almas with a running double knee strike for a near fall. Almas chokes Miz in the ropes. Almas sets for a suplex and hits it and holds on for a second one. Almas goes for a third one but Miz blocks it and Miz with a suplex. Miz with a punch but Almas with a back elbow for a near fall. Almas sends Miz to the floor. Almas with a double sledge off the ring steps. Almas Irish whips Miz into the ringside barrier. Almas goes to the apron for a slingshot senton and hits it. Almas gets a near fall. Almas with a reverse chin lock.

    Miz with elbows and he lands on his feet on a belly-to-back suplex attempt. Miz with a kick and DDT. Miz with a knee and then he hits Reality Check for a near fall. Miz with kicks and he misses a round kick. Miz holds on to the ropes to stop an O'Connor Roll attempt. Miz with chops and kicks. Miz with a running knee into the corner followed by a second one. Almas misses a knee and hits the turnbuckle and goes to the floor. Miz with a drop kick through the ropes and Almas is sent into the announce table. Miz looks at Nakamura and then he kicks Almas. Miz sends Almas into Nakamura.

    Miz sends Almas into the ring and Vega grabs the ankle and Almas with a back elbow for a near fall. Almas goes up top and goes for the double jump moonsault but Miz catches Almas and hits Skull Crushing Finale for the three count.

    Winner: Miz

    After the match:
    Nakamura attacks Miz and hits Kinshasa.

    Shane McMahon is in the back and he asks Apollo Crews and Matt Hardy if they have seen Chad Gable. Shane finds Chad and Chad asks about his opponent and Shane says Elias approves his pick.

    Shane leaves and returns and says that Gable will be facing Shane.

    We go to commercial

    Mandy Rose (w/ Sonya Deville) vs Nikki Cross (w/ Alexa Bliss)

    Nikki runs to the ring and attacks Mandy before the bell rings. The match starts and Nikki with a cross body. Mandy kicks Nikki away but Nikki with a sleeper. Mandy backs Nikki into the turnbuckles to escape. Nikki with a cross body but Mandy catches her and hits a fallaway slam. Mandy gets a near fall. Mandy kicks Nikki in the corner. Mandy with a straitjacket choke. Mandy taunts Nikki while maintaining the choke. Nikki with a jawbreaker and a back elbow.

    Nikki with a kick and Mandy tries to send Nikki into the turnbuckles but Nikki blocks it and Nikki sends Mandy into the turnbuckles. Nikki with forearms followed by a splash and bulldog. Nikki goes up top and Sonya goes to the apron but Alexa pulls Sonya off the apron. Nikki misses a cross body and Mandy misses a knee. Nikki with a rollup for the three count.

    Winner: Nikki Cross

    We go to catering where Otis watches Tucker mix a smoothie and Otis drinks it.

    We go to commercial.

    We see Bayley in the locker room and Ember Moon shows up. Bayley asks if she has a problem. Ember says they talked about elevating the women's division two weeks ago, and then you attack Becky with a chair. She says it is something Sasha would do. Bayley says she did it for the division, not because of Sasha.

    Ember asks if beating down Becky elevates the women's division. Ember says this is because Bayley is struggling to be relevant as champion. Bayley asks Ember what does she know about being a champion. Ember says that the champion was pinned by Charlotte last night.

    Ember tells Bayley to save it for the ring.

    Otis Dozovic and Tucker Knight vs John Silver and Alex Keaton

    Knight and Keaton start off and Tucker with waist lock take downs and a slam. Knight with a hip toss. Silver tags in and Knight with a hip toss. Knight kicks Keaton. Tucker with an Irish whip and clothesline to Silver. Otis tags in and Otis with a splash to Silver and Keaton. Otis with the caterpillar. Tucker passes Silver to Otis for the Compactor and the three count.

    Winners: Otis Dozovic and Tucker Knight

    Shane is in the back talking to a production assistant.

    Kevin Owens enters the office and Kevin says Shane wanted to see him. Shane says Kevin asked him to reconsider the fine and as the benevolent leader, he is willing to eliminate the fine.

    Kevin wants to know what is the catch. Shane says it is a job. Shane gives Kevin a referee's shirt. Shane says the King of the Ring Tournament means a lot to him. Shane says that Kevin's family is important to him. If you do your job correctly, that fine goes away. Shane asks Kevin if he gets his drift.

    Kevin starts to ask Shane a question but he walks away dejected.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back with a look at the Roman Reigns and Erick Rowan situation.

    Erick Rowan makes his way to the ring.

    Rowan says all his life, people don't seem to get him. All of you think that he is controlled by somebody and they tell him what to do . . . until last week. All of you need to look him in the eyes because you are afraid to look him in the eyes and see what it is that makes him tick. You need to look deep into these eyes to see who he is. He is a schemer and manipulator. All you see is a big brute who victimizes and terrorizes.

    Roman Reigns' music plays and he makes his way to the ring.

    Roman with a Superman punch that sends Rowan to the floor. Roman goes to the floor and Roman runs into a boot. Rowan sends Reigns into the ringside barrier. Roman with a punch and he sends Rowan into the crowd. Rowan and Roman exchange punches. Rowan sends Roman back into teh ringside area but Roman with another Superman punch as Rowan tries to get back into the ringside area.

    Security comes out and they are as useless as ever as Roman hits another Superman punch. Rowan picks up a 'fan' and power bombs him onto Roman and other members of security. The shiny suited agents and some referees hold their arms out to tell Rowan to leave. Rowan with a cross body onto security and Roman. Rowan with a kick and he pulls Roman up the ramp. They make their way to the stage and Roman with a Superman punch while officials try to calm Rowan down. They fight by the throne. Rowan grabs the jib cam and hits Roman with it.

    Roman gets back to his feet.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back with a look back at Rowan's attack on Roman Reigns on the stage.

    Rowan is in the back and he mumbles that he is going to teach Roman.

    Charlotte Flair is at the announce table to watch the next match.

    Non Title Match
    Bayley (c) vs Ember Moon

    Ember with a drop kick as the bell rings and then she lands on her feet on a hip toss. Ember with an arm drag to send Bayley to the floor. Bayley with a knee and she sends Ember to the timekeeper's area but Ember stops and punches Bayley. Bayley with a forearm and kick. They return to the ring and Bayley gets a near fall. Bayley sends Ember into the turnbuckles. Bayley with a reverse chin lock. Bayley with an elbow to the back of the neck. Bayley with a biel to Ember and then Bayley with a running shoudler into the corner. Ember with a Codebreaker to a charging Bayley and both women are down.

    Ember with forearms and kicks, ending with an enzuigiri. Ember with a running forearm into the corner followed by a springboard cross body for a near fall. Ember with a kick to the back and then Beyley with a rollup but Ember counters and gets a near fall. Bayley with a rana and knee to knock Ember off the apron. Bayley goes for a suicide dive but Ember with a kick to the shoulder. Ember comes off the turnbuckles but Bayley moves. Bayley with a belly-to-belly suplex for the three count.

    Winner: Bayley

    After the match:
    Charlotte enters the ring to have a moment with her opponent on Sunday. Charlotte points at the title belt and gesticulates that it will be hers. Charlotte offers a hug but Bayley leaves the ring.

    Kevin Owens is in the back and he is thinking about having to be the referee for Shane McMahon's match against Chad Gable.

    We take a look back at what happened last week between Kofi Kingston and Randy Orton.

    We see Kofi Kingston looks at at the photo of him getting ready to hit the Boom Drop on Randy Orton ten years ago in Madison Square Garden.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and WWE Champion Kofi Kingston makes his way to the ring.

    Kofi says it feels good to be back in the World's Most Famous Arena. This building will always hold a special place in his heart because this building is where his career changed forever. This is where he stood up to one of the top superstars to prove that he belongs here. That is what happened when he whooped Randy Orton's ass all over this building. The icing on the cake was when he laid Randy out and put his ass through a table. The entire arena, the entire city was chanting his name and he knew he would be back inside this ring as your WWE Champion and that day has come.

    Kofi says he sees some kids in the crowd and they might not know what happened and some might have forgotten it. We take a look at the Boom Drop Kofi hit on Orton.

    That is just a small taste of what he is going to do to Randy Orton at Clash of Champions when he remains your . . .

    Orton starts to 'Stupid' and he says he can't continue to listen to the two things that Kofi has done. Win the WWE Championship and that Boom Drop. Randy says he has won the WWE Title 7 times, won the Royal Rumble twice, and won Money in the Bank. Randy says he will win on Sunday. Whether it was that phony Jamaican accent or that Power of Positivity bulls***.

    Kofi goes into the crowd to confront Orton and Orton hits Kofi with a chair. Orton sends Kofi into the guardrail and then he puts Kofi onto a table and Kofi escapes an IEDDT attempt. Kofi with punches and Kofi has the chair. Kofi hits Orton in the back with the chair and he does it again. Kofi pulls a table over. Kofi asks Orton if they want to relive history. Orton with punches and Kofi is on the table. Orton grabs the chair and Kofi kicks Orton. Kfoi with punches. Kofi gets another table. Kofi puts Orton on the table and Kofi hits Orton with the chair to send Orton back onto the table. Kofi goes to the railing and he hits another Boom Drop onto Orton.

    We go to commercial.

    King of the Ring Semifinal Match
    Guest Referee Kevin Owens
    Chad Gable vs Shane McMahon

    Shane gets on his knees as the bell rings to mock Chad. Shane leaps at Gable and punches Gable. Gable goes for Chaos Theory and hits it for the three count.

    Winner: Chad Gable (Advances to Finals)

    Shane makes this a two out of three falls match.

    Kevin wants to know if Shane is serious.

    Shane attacks Gable from behind and slams him head first into the announce table. Shane sends Gable into the timekeeper's area.

    Fall Number Two:

    We are back and Chad struggles to get back into the ring as the referee makes his count but Chad gets back into the ring. Shane poses on the turnbuckles and he kicks Gable in the head. Shane with a slam. Shane with an elbow and back heel kick. Gable with a crucifix and Kevin hesitates on the count and Shane kicks out. Shane kicks Gable and then rolls up Gable and gets a near fall. Shane with punches but Gable with kicks. Gable with a running swinging neck breaker. Gable goes to the turnbuckles and hits a moonsault and Kevin makes a very slow count and Shane kicks out.

    Shane is sent to the floor but Shane with a Northern Lariat and TKO for a near fall. Shane goes to the floor and he grabs a chair. Kevin warns Shane about using the chair. Shane gives Kevin the chair and Shane tries to kick Gable low but Gable blocks the kick and Gable with an ankle lock. Gable with a grapevine of the leg and Shane taps out.

    Winner: Chad Gable (still Advances to Finals)

    After the match
    Kevin tells Shane he did what he could and Shane tapped out. Shane clotheslines Owens from behind and kicks Owens.

    Shane with 'punches' to Owens.

    Shane takes the mic and he tells Kevin that he is fired many times.

    Shane hits Owens with the mic.

    We go to credits.

  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Always cool to see The Undertaker.

    Go Orton!!!!

  3. #3
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Sami Zayn the idiot. lol

  4. #4
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    McMahon better not win King of the Ring. lol

  5. #5
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Why does Reigns and Rowan even have a match at Night of Champions? lol Got to keep pushing Reigns I guess.

  6. #6
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    I have a feeling Orton will win at Night of Champions

  7. #7
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Ohhhhh Shane McMahon lol

  8. #8
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Well at least Shane lost. lol

    Not a bad SD.

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