Goldberg recently sat down for an interview with Inside the Ropes. During the interview, the topic of Bret Hart sustaining a concussion in a match against him at Starrcade was brought up.

“I would have loved to have worked a little bit more with Bret Hart and I would have loved more than anything to have not kicked Bret Hart in the head,” Goldberg said during the interview. “And what happened, happened. There have been things said on the internet either by Bret or other people that I was malicious and he shouldn’t have been in the ring with me. Hey, I’m really sorry man but if I really wanted to hurt the guy, he would have never gotten up.”

Goldberg continued to say that the kick is something he regrets from his career.

“Accidents happen. He was an idol of mine and still is. That’s one thing that I will forever be remorseful for is the misplaced kick. He did kind of know it was coming but there are a couple of things that I wish I could have changed, that was one of them.”

Goldberg’s comments to Inside the Ropes can be viewed in the player below: