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  1. #1
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Default AEW Dynamite: Winter Is Coming Live Coverage - December 15th, 2021

    AEW Dynamite

    UOWForums LIVE Coverage
    Location: Curtis Culwell Center in Garland, Texas
    Announcers: Excalibur, Taz and Tony Schiavone

    AEW World Championship Match
    Adam ‘Hangman’ Page (c) vs Bryan Danielson

    Danielson preens to the croiwd. Big moment for the champion as we lock up. It's a tight one. Shove by Danielson, Page misses a chop. Test of strength, armtwist by Danielson, Page turns it into an armbar. Northern Lights Underhook by Danielson. Danielson looks as confident as ever. Shoulderblock by the champion, Page avoids a charge. Top wristlock by Danielson. We have a little shove fest between the 2. Lockup, headlock takedown by Page, he scores a 1 count and then a big boot to the chest. Danielson gives him a mock cheer. Lockup, armtwist reversals into a chop by Page. Takedown by Danielson, he applies an Indian Leg Lock. He rakes the eye and reminds the ref that he has a 5 count. Surf Board by Danielson into a Dragon Sleeper. Chops by Danielson into a headbutt. Page responds in kind.

    Neither gains the edge in a suplex faceoff. Page with a 10 count of punches in the corner. Danielson with a single leg into a a series on dives on Page's legs. Leg lock by Danielson. Danielson stomps on the knee of Page then fires away at the midsection. Big kick by Page, Danielson kicks him off the apron but a big clothesline sends the challenger to the floor. Page sends him back and dives off the top. Danielson meets him with a side kick. The challenger drives the knees into the ribs and nails a clothesline. Sidekicks by Danielson and he catapults the champion across the bottom rope. Uppercut by Danielson. Danielson with the side kicks into chops. Danielson with a diving knee to the back.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and this is everything we thought it would be. Test of strength. Neckbreaker by Page. Chop and punch by the champ into a fallaway slam. Chops by Page. Page crotches the challenger on the top rope and lariats him to the floor. Tope suicoda by the champion. Page nails the moonsault to the floor. Page rolls him back. Crucifix for 2 by Danielson. Page with a DVD for 2. Dallas is loving this. Chops by Page. Page with forearms and an elbowstrike. Page misses a moonsault. Danielson with a rollup for 2. Body punches by the challenger. Rollup by Page. Ankle lock by Danielson.

    Knees to the back by Danielson. Chop by Daniealson into a pair of running knees. Pop up powerbomb for 2 by the champion. Danielson rolls out to avoid the Buckshot. Dropkick by Page, Danielson shoves him off the top turnbluckle and sends him shoulder first into the post. Page is cut

    We go to commercial.

    We're back and we're easily 30 minutes in. Page gets nailed by a dropkick on the floor. Running knee by the challenger. Danielson drives the knee into the champion on the apron. Danielson with a 9 count of punches in the corner. Danielson shoves his boot into Page's face. Referee checks the cut on Page. Danielson wrenches the arm. Uppercut by Danielson. Fallaway by the champion. Cattle Mutulation by Danielson. Kicks by Danielson, he unfortunately nails the corner post. Page crotches him on the post. Page sets him up on the barricade and nails him with a kick. Danielson avoids a German and Page applies a Figure 4. The challenger makes the ropes.

    We go to commercial.

    We're back and both men struggle to their feet. Uppercuts by the challenger. Armbar by Danielson, he rolls into a triangle. Page makes the ropes. Danielson lowers the knee pad and kicks Page's head. We're told that this is the longest AEW match in history, Page hits a tombstone and the challenger kicks out at 2. Chops by Page. Knee and a suplex by Danielson for 2. Danielson with a belly to back off the top. 2 count by the challenger. Armbar by Danielson. Page makes the ropes. Page with a Deadeye on the apron. Page misses a moonsault and goes through a table on the floor.

    We go to commercial.

    We're back and the challenger has a rear chinlock on Page. Yes kicks by Danielson, Page blocks the knee. Page with a clothesline and kicks the shoulder. Danielson sets him up on the top and applies a german. Page lands on his feet and nails a lariat. We have to be going an hour. Forerm exchange, headbutts by Danielson. Danielson with a series of rollups, both men are down. Danielson kicks Page's head in. Hangman with a deadeye for 2. Both are exhausted as Page stomps Danielson's head. Danielson evades the Buckshot and applies the LAbelle lock.

    One minute warning. Page slingshots him into the ropes and nails a lariat. Buckshot lariat by the champion as the bell rings.

    Winner: DRAW (60 min time limit expires) Adam Page retains AEW Championship.

    The Young Bucks, Adam Cole, and Bobby Fish are shown backstage. Cole questions when the Best Friends will learn to leave them alone after they left them laying last week on Rampage. Fish says every time they see them they end up dividing and conquering. The Young Bucks suggest an eight-man tag team match for Rampage and claim they will also end Sue’s career. Cole then teases a surprise for next week.

    Wardlow w/Shawn Spears vs Matt Sydal

    Kicks by Sydal, Wardlow throws him into the corner. Wardlow catchres a hurancanraba and powerbombed him. 2 more powerbombs and Wardlow scores the pin.

    Winner: Wardlow

    After the match:
    After the match, Spears then attacks Sydal with a chair. MJF then calls Spears and he tells Wardlow that MJF wants him to get some champagne for after his match tonight.

    Tay Conti and Penelope Ford have some choice words for each other ahead of their Rampage match Friday.

    Malakai Black with a video promo about human nature and the coming house of Black.

    Serena Deeb vs Hikaru Shida

    Ground and pound by Shida, Deeb fights her off. Shida pounds her in the corner. Dropkick by Shida. Deeb sends her to the apron and applies a kneebar. Uppercuts by Deep but a one footed dropkick by Shida. Deel pounds Deeb's k nee into the post. Figure 4 on the post by Deeb.

    We go to commercial

    We are back! Deeb works over the knee but Shida fights back with forearms. Enziguiri by Shida into a suplex. DAMN I need a Deeb vs. Kamille rematch. Deeb sets her up in the buckle and applies a single leg crab. Deeb exposes the buckle hook and neckbreakers her across it. Powerbomb by Deeb and she drives the knees into the head of Shida. Last Chancery by Deeb, Shida makes the rope. 2 neckbreakers by Deeb but Shida with a Falcon Arrow. Forearm exchange. Deeb with a backdrop into a single leg crab. Shida palm strikes out. Deeb tears off the buckle pad. Shida fights her off and theu trade rollups. Shida sends Deeb into the exposed buckle and jackknife rolls her up for the pin.

    WINNER: Hikaru Shida

    Tony Schaivone is backstage with The Varsity Blondes. They argue about fighting the battle and how they need to avenge Julia Hart.

    We see highlights of the Immortal HOOK. We get a preview of a 10 man tag match on Rampage

    Dynamite Diamond Ring Match
    MJF vs Dante Martin

    MJF runs down Texas and CM Punk. He compares Punk to Ryback. Ouch. Headlock takeover for 1 by MJF. Stomp by MJF and he struts aroung the ring before getting slapped. Headlock by MJF. Monkey flip by Martin, he hits a 450 kneedrop for 2. MJF scurries out and hides from Martin's tope attempt. MJF misses an elbow but Martin crashes hard into the barricade. MJF poses for the crowd.

    We go to commercial.

    We're back and MJF tries a powerbomb but MArtin with a victory roll for 2. MJF puts his feet on the ropes for a 2 count until the ref catches him. Headbutt by Martin. Dropkick by Martin. Martin with a shooting star press to the outside. Taz is not happy. MJF walks out to avoid a springboard. MArtin with a 10 count of punches. Leg lariat by Martin into a rollup for 2. Backslide for 2. Headlock takedown for 1 by MJF. They trade rollups and near falls. Liger bomb for 2 by MJF. MJF flips off the crowd. Martin with a moonsult for 2. Ricky Starks ran down and distracts MArtin. MJF applies the Salt of the Earth armbar and Martin taps out.


    After the match:
    FTR then makes their way down and they celebrate with MJF…but then the lights go out! When they appear, String and Darby Allin are inside of the ring and they begin brawling with FTR. However, MJF hits a low blow on Sting and the heels take over…and then CM Punk appears with the bat. All three men instantly get out of the ring. Punk gets on the microphone and tells MJF if he doesn’t want to do it one on one, then he can bring his friends because he is going to bring his own and MJF can deal with it.

    We have a six man tag for next week.

    We go to credits.

  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    AEW Dynamite: Winter Is Coming Pre-Show

  3. #3
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    WOW! What a great match between Danielson and Page. They need a longer time limit. lol Looking forward to the rematch.

  4. #4
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    MJF good with the crowd and on the mic. lol

  5. #5
    Main Eventer TKO's Avatar
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    Shame no Briscoes
    RIP Bray Wyatt

    President Vivek Ramaswamy

  6. #6
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Always cool to see Sting Great ending to the show with Punk coming out, next week going to be a great 3 vs 3 match

    Great show tonight.

  7. #7
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HOOK View Post
    Shame no Briscoes
    With Danielson vs Page going 1 hr .. show was half over but it was worth it IMO.

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