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    GOD OF THUNDER Kemo's Avatar
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    Angry AEW Double or Nothing Live Coverage - May 29th, 2022


    May 28, 2022 8:00 pm

    T-Mobile Arena, Las Vegas, Nevada

    Available on:
    B/R Live, Traditional PPV, FITE (Outside of the U.S.)


    AEW World Heavyweight Championship
    CM Punk vs. Hangman Page (c)

    AEW Women’s Championship
    Serena Deeb vs. Thunder Rosa (c)

    TBS Championship
    Anna Jay vs. Jade Cargill (c)

    AEW Tag Team Championship
    Keith Lee & Swerve Strickland vs. FTW Champion Ricky Starks & Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus (c)

    Owen Hart Foundation Men’s Tournament Final
    Adam Cole vs. Ring of Honor World Television Champion Samoa Joe

    Owen Hart Foundation Women’s Tournament Final
    Dr. Britt Baker vs. TBD

    Anarchy In The Arena
    Jericho Appreciation Society (Chris Jericho, Angelo Parker, Daniel Garcia, Jake Hager & Matt Menard) vs. Bryan Danielson, Eddie Kingston, Jon Moxley, Ortiz & Santana

    Six-person mixed tag team match
    American Top Team (Ethan Page, Scorpio Sky, and Paige VanZant) (with Dan Lambert) defeated Frankie Kazarian, Sammy Guevara, and Tay Conti

    MJF vs. Wardlow
    *If Wardlow loses, he can never sign an AEW contract

    The Young Bucks vs. The Hardys

    Death Triangle vs. House of Black

    “Buy-In” Pre-show
    Danhausen & Hook vs. Mark Sterling & Tony Nese

    – The Buy-In for AEW Double Or Nothing 2022 pre-show is now officially underway. The camera pans the T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas, NV. and then settles in at the commentary desk, where the duo of Excalibur and Tony Schiavone run down the scheduled lineup for tonight's show.

    – We are sent to our first video package that breaks down the build-up to a particular match on tonight's card. The first one up looks at The House of Black taking on Death Triangle in AEW Trios action.

    – The Acclaimed make their way out with Max Caster lighting things up with The Gunn Club, who he ends up calling Ass Boys. They get the PPV name wrong a couple of times until Anthony Bowens takes over and gets it right, before once again mocking their new friends as they head to the back.

    – We cut to the "My Demons Know how to Swim" promo from Saturday on AEW's social media channels, with Eddie Kingston drinking and talking about being scared of what he's going to do to Chris Jericho in tonight's Anarchy in the Arena match.

    – The commentators send us to another video package, this time looking at Owen Hart Foundation and AEW teaming up. This transitions to a look at the men's and women's finals of the inaugural Owen Hart Foundation Tournament, with Adam Cole vs. Samoa Joe and Dr. Britt Baker vs. Ruby Soho.

    HOOKhausen vs. Mark Sterling & Tony Nese

    This one starts out with HOOK and Tony Nese inside the ring and the Premier Athlete tries to pose straight away, which allows HOOK to take him down immediately. Nese gets out of the right straight away, and that allows Danhausen to tag in which Nese finds hilarious. He allows Danhausen to get a free shot in, and he puts on a headlock, but Nese then drops him with a shoulder tackle.

    Danhausen then showcases his own skills, avoiding Nese in the corner as he then hits a big boot, and he curses both of his opponents. Nese comes back in though, taking Danhausen down as the Premier Athlete begins singling him out with his aggressive style, beating him down in the corner.

    Sterling then tags in and hits a suplex, but he then misses with his attempt at an elbow drop so Nese comes back in. He cuts off the tag by blasting HOOK to the floor, but Danhausen turns it around by taking down his opponent and bringing HOOK in. Nese looks for a tag but there is nobody there, and that allows the Team Taz star to begin throwing Nese around.

    Nese tags out, and HOOK throws Sterling into the ring. Nese looks to distract him, but he gets thrown out of the ring as HOOK once again drops Sterling. He cuts the throat of Sterling, but Danhausen wants to be tagged in, he just puts his foot on Sterling and poses to get the win.

    Winners: HOOKhausen

    – The classic Oklahoma "Boomer Sooner" music plays to bring out "Good Ole J.R."

    Jim Ross takes his seat alongside Excalibur and Tony Schiavone and the trio that will be calling tonight's pay-per-view event. After one final hard sell for tonight's PPV event, "The Buy-In" at AEW Double Or Nothing 2022 wraps up.

    – AEW Double Or Nothing 2022 pay-per-view officially underway.

    Wardlow vs. MJF

    MJF’s music hits to kickstart the show, and after a slight pause, he makes his presence known, despite any reports about him from today. He does allude to all the reports from today though by running around in the ring like a plane. The bell rings and Wardlow immediately gets out of the ring to avoid any contact.

    MJF then demands that Wardlow backs up, and he ends up sneaking in to get a shot at the back of his former bodyguard, but then Wardlow grabs him, only for MJF to squirm out of the ring again. Wardlow goes after him, and then they switch back as the cat and mouse game continues.

    Wardlow grabs MJF by his head, and he finally gets him into the ring and goes for a Powerbomb straight away, but MJF counters by biting his head. Wardlow then screams at him, but MJF just pokes Wardlow in the eye, he counters another Powerbomb attempt into a pinfall, but when Wardlow kicks out, MJF starts playing up a knee injury.

    MJF tries to put the ring on but the referee sees it and immediately pulls it off him and then he tries to sweet-talk him, claiming he will triple Wardlow’s pay. Wardlow shakes his hand, but then doesn’t let go as he laughs at him and hits a Powerbomb! The symphony then begins, and Wardlow plays to it by hitting a second Powerbomb.

    Things aren’t over though as he hits another three, and puts his foot on MJF for the win…but no. Wardlow pulls his own foot away before the three count, and he hits a sixth Powerbomb. He starts hitting the classic Shawn Spears, ’10’ pose, and he goes on to hit that many Powerbomb’s before getting the victory.

    Winner: Wardlow

    – After the match, MJF is placed onto a stretcher and taken to the back. Tony Schiavone then speaks to Wardlow and reveals that he has heard from Tony Khan and Wardlow is officially All Elite, with the graphic being shown on the big screen.

    The Young Bucks vs. The Hardys

    The two Matt’s kickstart this one, both doing there, ‘delete,’ and ‘elite’ poses to start as Matt Jackson then takes the older wrestler down in their first exchange. Jackson sends Matt Hardy into the turnbuckles, and he is then faster than Hardy as he taps his wrist to mock the age of his opponent.

    Matt Hardy takes control though and brings in Jeff Hardy, but before they can hit a double-team elbow strike, Matt Jackson strolls away to bring in Nick Jackson. He gets dropped by Jeff with a shoulder tackle who then starts juking, but Nick responds in exactly the same manner. Jeff fights back straight away with some elbow strikes that see Nick head outside as The Hardys hit The Young Bucks pose in the ring.

    Nick then sprints back in but trips on the ropes, which lets The Hardys hit a double clothesline to send him out as they then throw Matt Jackson out as well. Matt Hardy then tags in but Nick slaps in, only for Hardy to respond with a clothesline to Matt Jackson as he tags in. Matt takes him down again and The Hardys then work together to throw Nick on top of him.

    The Hardy’s then look for their classic move of Jeff running and leaping off Matt’s back, but Matt avoids it and Nick hits a huge kick to the face to Jeff. Matt Hardy then goes for a Razor’s Edge, but Nick cuts that off as well with a superkick as The Young Bucks take control. Jeff is able to tag in though, and he fights back with a double clothesline, but as Matt Jackson distracts the fans, Brandon Cutler stops the tag by pulling Matt off the ring apron.

    Nick looks for a Whisper In The Wind but he misses wildly, Jeff then hits the move himself after a slight issue on the top rope where he almost slipped. This allows Matt Hardy to tag in and the Delete attack into the turnbuckles begins, which he then gives to Matt Jackson and then to Cutler as well.

    Matt connects with a Side Effect to Nick, but as he goes for a Twist Of Fate Nick pushes him and Matt pulls the ropes, sending him out. Jeff Hardy then gets dropped by Nick Jackson as Matt Jackson tries to fly out but gets attacked. Jeff then attempts to dive back off the ropes, but he gets hit by a superkick and falls down. This leads to Nick Jackson diving off the top rope to wipe out everyone on the floor.

    Back inside the ring The Young Bucks continue their control with Matt Jackson picking up a near fall. But he then eats a knee strike from his own brother after Matt Hardy avoids it. That happens again on the outside, this time with Cutler eating a kick as Jeff then dives off the apron to hit a clothesline to Nick. Matt Hardy keeps the attack going with a Side Effect to Matt Jackson onto the ring apron.

    The Hardys then connect with Poetry In Motion, but after that Matt Jackson responds well with a catapult, stopping Jeff coming off the top rope. Nick Jumps in and hits a stomp while Matt is laying on the knees, but Jeff hits a jawbreaker to Matt Jackson, but then misses with the Swanton Bomb.

    Matt hits the Twist Of Fate on Jeff as Nick follows up with Jeff’s own finisher, but he is able to kick out after it all! The Young Bucks miss with the BTE Trigger, but they respond with stereo superkicks to both of their opponents. The Hardys then eat several superkicks and they demand more, which they receive, but both men then kick out of pinfall attempts.

    The Young Bucks then turn the steel steps on its side and set Jeff onto them but The Hardys fight back and Matt hits a BT Bomb to Nick in the ring. Meanwhile, Jeff sets Matt Jackson onto the steel stairs as he then heads to the top turnbuckle, hitting a Swanton Bomb on the stairs! Back in the ring Matt Hardy nails a Twist Of Fate, but Nick manages to kick out just in time.

    Matt looks for it again and Nick reverses into a pinning combination, but Matt kicks out and hits the Side Effect into a Twist Of Fate. Jeff then tags in and connects with a Swanton Bomb for the win.

    Winners: The Hardys

    TBS Championship Match: Jade Cargill (c) vs. Anna Jay

    Jade Cargill looks to charge into Anna Jay early but she responds with a boot to the face, Jay then countered the champion again, landing down on her in the middle of the ring. But, Jade then launches the challenger across the ring, following it up with a suplex and a huge clothesline.

    Cargill heads to the second rope and drops down onto Anna, as she then charges into her in the corner. Jade looks to go to the top rope again, but Anna cuts her off and hits a huge superplex to the champion! Jade swings and misses which allows Anna to hit a lariat, and she then connects with a heel kick as she follows up by launching herself off the top with a flipping blockbuster.

    Cargill takes herself outside the ring to regroup, but she gets sent into the steel steps instead. When she goes back into the ring, The Baddies try to get involved, but Anna drops them both with a double DDT. But when she gets back into the ring she eats a huge kick to the shoulder. Jade then attempts to hit Jaded, but Anna rolls through and then nails a thrust kick.

    Mark Sterling then hobbles down and hands Jade a crutch, but Anna actually uses it and hits a Russian Leg Sweep with it, only for Cargill to kick out. John Silver then comes down and he takes out Sterling with a brainbuster to level things up. However, inside the ring, Jade hits the Eye Of The Storm, as Anna kicks out just in time.

    Anna then reverses Jaded once again though, locking in the Queen Slayer, but Cargill powers up and sends her into the corner to escape the move. She misses with an elbow attack in the corner though, and the two women then end up brawling on the top turnbuckle. Stokely Hathway then comes down and distracts Anna as Cargill hits Jaded from the top rope to retain.

    Winner: Jade Cargill

    – After the match Jade and The Baddies confront Anna, but Kris Statlander comes out to help, they’re then joined by…Athena!

    House Of Black vs. Death Triangle

    Malakai Black starts out in control of the arm of Rey Fenix, and he follows it with several knee strikes until Fenix fires back by avoiding Black’s attack to then do his sit-down pose. Black does the same and they then nip up and Black takes control as Buddy Matthees comes in with a huge boot to the face.

    Fenix hits one of his own and Pentagon Jr then comes in as he gets slapped in the face by Buddy, only for Penta to fire back with his own. The two men go back and forth with strikes but Penta throws him out of the ring, Matthews tries to cut off the dive to the outside, but Penta sees it come and turns and stares him down.

    PAC and Brody King then tag in and the bigger man drops his opponent with some stiff shots. All six men then end up in the ring as they all brawl and spill to the outside, yet inside the ring, Brody and Black take down PAC. Each wrestler then takes someone down and out of the ring until it ends up with PAC and Matthews as the Englishman turns his opponent inside out with a poisonrana and then a lariat.

    The House Of Black then isolate PAC with frequent tags allowing them all to remain fresh. However, Brody crashes and burns with a cannonball as Pac avoids it and brings in Fenix, and he does a great job of taking out Matthews and Black on his own. The Lucha Bros then launch themselves out of the ring with double tope suicidas to take down their opponents.

    Death Triangle then hit a trio combination move on Brody, but he’s able to power out. Fenix then looks to dive out to Matthews but he blocks it and hits a suplex to the floor, so PAC takes him out with a dive only for Black to flip from the top turnbuckle to attack him, as Penta then launches himself out to do the same to Black.

    Brody King then dives over the top rope and doesn’t quite clear it, but he manages to take down his opponents anyway while landing on the apron. They hit Dante’s Inferno, but Fenix’s partners come in and charge to break up the pinfall attempt. Death Triangle then wipe out their opponents and PAC nails a brainbuster to Black, but Matthews breaks it up.

    He then starts fighting the Lucha Brothers, and Matthews gets Fenix to his knees, but Penta runs up them and hits a Canadian Destroyer onto the apron. They then grab Brody King and hit a DDT/Stomp combination to the floor, leaving Malakai surrounded on his own. He eats a trio of kicks to the face.

    Black hits a back heel kick to to both Lucha Bros members, but PAC avoids his and hits a strike of his own. He then heads to the top rope, but Matthews stops the Black Arrow only to eat a kick of his own, as he then connects with a 450 to Black. Matthews gets sent outside the ring, and PAC then nails a German suplex.

    Alex gets on the apron and distracts the official as PAC hits a low blow to Black, he then heads to the top rope…but the lights go off! When they come back on, Julia Hart spits the black mist to PAC, and Black nails the spinning back heel kick for the win.

    Winners: House Of Black

    Owen Hart Foundation Tournament Men’s Final: Adam Cole vs. Samoa Joe

    Adam Cole looks to goad Samoa Joe into locking up, but the ROH TV Champion has other ideas as he starts throwing hands, beating down his opponent in the corner. He then nails a big chop and an enziguri in the corner to stay in control. Cole tries to pick up the pace by hitting the ropes, but he just gets mowed down with a back elbow.

    Joe follows Adam outside the ring, hitting more chops and he sits Cole down onto a chair, but as he charges in Cole sees him coming and hits a superkick, following up by charging him into the ring apron, shoulder-first, which is followed by a charge into the ring post. He continues the attack inside the ring, working the shoulder of Joe once again with submission work.

    Cole looks for Panama Sunrise by Joe catches him and just drives the knees of Cole into the mat. Adam tries to fire back by running into the corner, but he gets planted with an STO and then another series of jabs and a Manhattan Drop into a big boot/senton combination, but that only gets a near fall.

    Joe attempts a powerbomb but his shoulder gives in on him, and Cole follows with a kick to the area, but as he hits the ropes, Joe drops him with a huge lariat. The two men then charge at each other, and it’s Cole that gets the best of the situation with a knee to the face. Joe then counters a superkick and slams Cole to the mat as he then gets onto his back with a STF submission.

    With the official checking up on Cole, Bobby Fish appears and hangs the arm of Jor on the top rope, but he avoids the Boom and locks in the Coquina Clutch, but he has to relinquish it to attack Fish again. Cole then hits a trio of kicks to the injured shoulder as he comes in with the Boom afterward to get the win.

    Winner: Adam Cole

    Owen Hart Foundation Tournament Women’s Final: Ruby Soho vs. Britt Baker

    Ruby Soho has Rancid play her theme song live, while Britt Baker has Fozzy’s lead guitarist play for her to kick things off. The two women then start a feeling-out process with Ruby taking control for the most part, but DM responds well with several forearm shots as she then sends Ruby into the corner.

    Soho fires back with a clothesline which sends Baker out of the ring, and she then dives outside with a major dropkick to keep the momentum going. Inside the ring Ruby heads to the top rope, but Britt pulls her down as she bounces off the top ropes with her ribs, which is an area she begins to sell.

    Baker then targets the area by yanking Soho at the ring post, pulling her ribs into the area for further pressure. Soho fires back with some chops, but Britt then goes back with a big elbow strike to drop her opponent. Britt then goes to the middle rope but Ruby blocks it off and hits a superplex, which also hurts her ribs.

    The two women then break things down with a slugfest just going back and forth until both of them drop down. The two women then exchange good reversals until Ruby connects with a suplex, following it with a senton from the top rope, but Britt kicks out! They once again head to the top rope, and Britt throws her off, following up with a Curb Stomp, and this time it’s Ruby kicking out just in time.

    Baker then puts the glove on for the Lockjaw, but Ruby is able to reverse it, only for Baker to put her back in and go for it again which Soho gets out of with a pinning attempt. She hits the No Future and she then locks in a Sharpshooter, but the former Women’s Champion gets to the bottom ropes.

    Soho then ends up on the shoulders of Britt, but Ruby gets out with a victory roll only for Baker to counter that with a pinning combination of her own, which catches Soho out as Baker wins.

    Winners: Britt Baker

    – After the match, Dr. Martha Hart makes her way out as Adam Cole and Britt Baker celebrate their victories. She thanks the fans for their warm welcome, she then puts over the work of Owen Hart and says we can now celebrate him again in the squared circle. She thanks Tony Khan, Chris Jericho, the Dark Side Of The Ring, Pro Wrestling Tees, and her family. She then presents the winners with a title each, and the trophy itself.

    Scorpio Sky, Ethan Page, & Paige VanZant vs. Sammy Guevara, Frankie Kazarian, & Tay Conti

    Sammy Guevara showcases great athleticism to avoid Ethan Page’s offensive moves, but he then gets to pick him up and hit a power slam as Sammy gets too arrogant. Scorpio Sky and Frankie Kazarian then come in and go back and forth until Sky catches him with the dropkick, but Frankie then responds with a power slam of his own.

    Sammy then tags in and Tay Conti distracts Sky, allowing him to take control as he then leaps from the top rope to hit a cutter. He heads over and swears at Paige while Sammy and Tay hit a double suplex to Sky, who kicks out straight away. Frankie comes back in and continues attacking his former partner.

    Page grabs Kazarian to cheat, and that allows Sky to connect with a Flatliner, but as he looks for a tag Conti takes out Paige on the ring apron. Kazarian wants to tag out but his partners are busy flirting, yet as he takes control Sammy then tags in, which leads to him and Kazarian arguing and Sky pushes them into each other.

    Paige then gets to tag in and she connects with several clotheslines and then a back suplex which she follows up with a back handspring. She looks for a TKO but Sammy stops it only to eat a huge punch from her and then a tornado DDT to Sammy. Paige then drops Conti head-first into his crotch and then a Michinoku Driver.

    Conti then uses her Judo background to take Paige down and she follows up with a series of big pump kicks in the corner and then another in the ring but Paige kicks out. Conti hits a facebuster to the knee, and the couple then ends up making out until their opponents all get in the ring, but Frankie has seen enough and he leaves them to it.

    It all breaks down here until Sammy is taken down with a cutter from Sky, but Kazarian comes back in with a DDT to him. He tags himself in and launches Sky in and then nails a cutter, but he kicks out just in time! Conti then argues with Frankie for tagging in, Sammy tries to nail him with a superkick but he moves and he takes out Conti!

    Frankie throws him out of the ring, but he turns around into a roundhouse kick from Page and the TKO from Sky.

    Winners: Scorpio Sky, Ethan Page, & Paige VanZant

    Back inside the ring, Deeb connects with a swinging neck breaker, and she then sets Rosa on the top rope, locking on another submission that wears the champion down. Rosa battles back and charges into the corner several times to take down Deeb, followed by a great dropkick and Northern Lights suplex.

    The two women continue to go back and forth until Deeb locks in the Octopus hold, and then connects with an impressive move from the top rope, flipping while holding Thunder to slam her face-first. The Professor then focuses on the ankle, but Thunder turns it around and starts smashing the knee of Deeb into the mat before a big double clothesline.

    Rosa dives from the top rope to stomp down on Deebs back, immediately hitting a Death Valley Driver, but the challenger kicks out and then comes in with a chop block to get straight back on top of things. She follows it with a Figure Four Leglock and while it’s set in the women just trade huge slaps to each other as they then roll out of the ring.

    Deeb nails the Detox inside the ring, but Thunder ends up getting her foot onto the ropes. Deeb stomps on that for good measure and then powerbombs the champion. Thunder then hits a back body drop and almost wins it with a roll-up, but she then hits a roundhouse kick for good measure.

    Rosa misses with a knee attack in the corner, but Thunder catches her opponent on the top turnbuckle. They crash down with a superplex and Thunder hits Fire Thunder Driver to win.

    Winner: Thunder Rosa

    Anarchy In The Arena Match: Jericho Appreciation Society vs. Blackpool Combat Club, Eddie Kingston, Santana, & Ortiz

    The match starts immediately with everyone brawling around the arena as this kickstart with complete chaos as Jon Moxley’s music just blares. Matt Marnard gets launched into the seats while Moxley brawls with Chris Jericho. This is complete chaos and impossible to keep up with as Moxley’s song has started again.

    Jericho nails Moxley in the eye with sunglasses, while brawling just continues everywhere. Kingston has bust open Marnard massively, while in the ring Jake Hager is brawling with Santana and Ortiz are brawling as tables are being set up on the side. They get a two-count for a double suplex, while Jericho uses the soundboard to attack Moxley.

    Kingston and Marnard brawl into the bleachers, while Danielson is attacking Cool Hand Ange on the stairs. Back at ringside Santan and Ortiz layout Hager, putting him through the tables while Moxley uses the huge swinging camera to smash into Jericho. In the bleachers, Marnard is covered in mustard and is brawling away.

    Garcia is fighting with Ortiz, dropping him with a piledriver onto the steel stairs while Danielson keeps fighting Parker down the stairs. Marnard has trapped Kingston with the merchandise stand, while Moxley continues brawling with Jericho. Garcia has joined Marnard and he beats down on Kingston.

    Moxley launches a cooler at Jericho while Kingston and Garcia brawl on the concourse, with Garcia dragging him by a belt around his neck. Jericho then tries to lock in Walls Of Jericho to Moxley on a table, but it breaks on him and they both collapse through it. Moxley then hits a tope suicida to Chris, following it with a Figure Four Leglock on the outside.

    Danielson appears at ringside and he is unloading on Hager with kicks while Moxley starts unscrewing the top turnbuckle, but Hager turns things around and suplexes Bryan onto the entranceway. Moxley starts whipping Jericho with the turnbuckle while Santana and Ortiz brawl with 2.0 out near the fans.

    Jericho turns things around on Moxley with a chair, attacking him, while 2.0 get placed onto tables as a ladder is set between them. Moxley pulls out a barbed wire table in the ring, but Santana and Ortiz climb their ladder and drop down to take out 2.0 through the tables! Jericho uses the fire extinguisher back at the ringside area to the face of Moxley.

    Danielson and Hager are crawling into the ring and they end up brawling as do Jericho and Moxley, but they end up swapping opponents. The BCC members stare at each other and just beat down their opponents before they lock in submissions! Kingston then starts hobbling down with a can of gasoline and he pours it all over Jericho and Bryan.

    He gets the lighter but Bryan slaps it away and they then start brawling. Moxley tries to pull them apart but he eats a chair shot and Hager sends him into the barbed wire table. Jericho then hits Judas Effect to Kingston and then he whacks Bryan around the head with the turnbuckle post but he kicks out!

    Bryan starts fighting back to Hager and Jericho, unloading his classic kicks to each man. He connects with the Psycho Knee to Hager, and then to Jericho who is holding a chair that smashes him in the face, yet Chris kicks out! Bryan promises he’s going to kick his “f*cking head in,” but Hager appears with the bat to attack the knee of Bryan.

    Jericho then locks in Walls Of Jericho while Hager chokes him with the ring rope, and the official rules the match to an end, giving the Jericho Appreciation Society the win.

    Winners: Jericho Appreciation Society

    AEW World Tag Team Title
    Jungle Boy Jack Perry & Luchasaurus (C) vs. Powerhouse Hobbs & Ricky Starks vs. Keith Lee and Swerve Strickland

    Taz has joined the booth.

    - Hobbs and Starks grab the title belts and taunt the champs
    - It's a 6 way brawl as Starks and Swerve fight on the ramp.
    - Perry with a top to them both
    - Luchasaurus with a lariat to Starks for 2. Swerve with a headscissors to Starks
    - Swerve ties up Hobbs but Hobbs clobbers him off.
    - Looks like only 2 men will be legal in the ring
    - Lee tags in Swerve and knocks Starks off the apron. Perry breaks up a Swerve pin attempt
    - Perry tags himself in and ranas Hobbs, he tries a tope on Lee but Lee powerbombs him into Luchasaurus
    - Hobbs tags himself into the match via Swerve and suplexes Jungle Boy. Big elbow by Hobbs
    - Starks tags in and hits a big backbreaker to Perry and poses
    - Perry crotches Starks on the top rope after he tried Old School
    - Resetting, Swerve and Hobbs are the legal men. Diving uppercut by Swerve
    - Swerve moonsaults all the opposition on the floor with an assist by Lee
    - Swerve with a rana to Hobbs for 2.
    - Hobbs evades a Lee powerbomb and nails a Spanish Fly off the top to Swerve
    - Luchasaurus takes out Team Taz with Splashes and a double clothesline.
    - Lee tags himself in. The 3 hosses face off. Luchasaurus gets chokeslammed by the others
    - Hobbs and Lee battle it out. Lee expler suplexes Hobbs to the floor. Tope con hillo by Lee to the oppostion
    - Luchasaurus rolls back, Lee hits him with an elbow. Luchasaurus with a DVD for 1
    - Lee and Luchasaurus trade punches and clothesline. Hobbs with a double blockbuster. Starks andPerry tag in
    - Christian Cage breaks up an illegal pin
    - Hobbs sends Cage into the steps
    - Luchasaurus saves Perry from Rochambeau
    - Swerve tags in. Luchasaurus accidentally kicks Perry
    - Hobbs saves Perry from a pin after Hobbs and Swerve hit their finisher
    - Perry superkicks Swerve
    - Luchasaurus and Perry nail the Jurassic Express on Swerve for the pin

    Winners: Jungle Boy Jack Perry & Luchasaurus

    AEW World Championship
    Hangman Adam Page (c) vs. CM Punk

    Vegas is firmly behind the challenger. Page is getting booed. Roundly. They go nose to nose. Lockups, neither man gets the edge. They trade chops. Page favors his nose. Tight lockup, Page with forearm they trade chops. Back elbow by Punk snap mare by Punk into a hammerlock. Page stomps him in the corner. Page with chops, Punk fires back and whips Page hard into the buckle. Russian Leg Sweep by Punk for 1. Bodyslam by Punk, followed by a 2nd. A third. Cross body by Punk and a fallaway slam by Page. Vegas is booing the champ hard.

    Action spills to the floor and Page rubs Punks face into the steps.

    Page with an elbow, he tries a buckshot but Punk punches him off the apron. Lariat by Page for 2. Page goes for a moonsault but Punk punches him off the top. Punk with a superplex. Both are down.

    They trade elbow strikes. Running knee and a bulldog by Punk. Springboard by Punk. Neckbreaker by Punk after Page evades a GTS. Page with a moonsault to the floor, he throws Punk back in. Page may have hurt his knee. He goes for the buckshot but Punk catches him and applies a sharposhooter. Page makes the ropes. Champion and challenger go for each others finish.

    It’s a fight now between 2 completely exhausted men. Vegas appreciates it. They spill to the floor. Page grabs the bet and declares it’s his. Page goes for the buckshot. Referee goes down. Page hits a lariat but Paul Turner is down.

    Page grabs the AEW belt but refuses at the last second. He tries a buckshot but Punk catches him and nails the GTS for the pin

    Winner: CM Punk

    The new champion celebrates as we go off the air.

  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Looking forward to Punk vs Page and Anarchy in the Arena.

  3. #3
    Main Eventer TKO's Avatar
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    Terrible card

  4. #4
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Love Britt Bakers entrance

  5. #5
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Good match between Serena Deeb vs. Thunder Rosa

  6. #6
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    lol Jericho and his crew come out looking like a boy band ... at least Moxley and his crew came out looking normal with a cool song.

  7. #7
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Anarchy in the Arena lol awesome beginning with anarchy in the arena and the music playing lol

  8. #8
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Anarchy in the Arena was a chaotic match lol. I loved it A shame the boy band won. lol

  9. #9

  10. #10
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    lol the ref adjusting Punks trunks as he was down lol

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