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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Default Wrestling History Today - Aug 7th

    On this day in history in ....

    1965 - Larry Hennig & Harley Race defeat Crusher & Verne Gagne for the AWA World Tag Team Title in Minneapolis, Minnesota, starting their second tag title reign.

    1993 - Eddie Gilbert & The Dark Patriot defeat The Super Destroyers in a tournament final for the ECW Tag Team Title in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The title had been vacated when Chris Candido, who held the championship with the Suicide Blondes (Johnny Hot Body & Chris Michaels), jumped to Smoky Mountain Wrestling.

    1995 - Billy Jack Haynes defeats Brad Armstrong for the USWA Southern Heavyweight Title in Memphis, Tennessee, starting his second title reign. That same night, the Heavenly Bodies defeat PG-13 for the USWA Tag Team Title, ending their eighth title reign.

    2001 - At a taping of Smackdown, Chris Kanyon & Diamond Dallas Page defeat The APA for the WWF World Tag Team Title in Los Angeles, California, ending the third, and final title reign for the APA. On the same show, Kane & The Undertaker defeat Sean O'Haire & Chuck Palumbo for the WCW World Tag Team Title.

    2002 - Ron "The Truth" Killings defeats Ken Shamrock for the NWA World Heavyweight Title at the NWA:TNA PPV in Nashville, Tennessee. On the same show, Low-Ki defeats AJ Styles for the NWA:TNA X Division Title. Buck Woodward filed the following PPV report:

    NWA: Total Nonstop Action for August 67th began with Goldy, The Dupps and Apolo standing outside the office of Ricky Steamboat, while Mike Tenay talked about what a busy day Steamboat had been having.

    They went to the ring, with the Spanish Announce Team (Jose & Joel Maximo & Amazing Red) vs. The Flying Elvises (Yang, Estrada & Siaki). All six men went at it as the Elvises got in the ring. The ring emptied, and it was just Red and Siaki in the ring. Red hit some nice kicks, but Siaki decked him with a clothesline and a press into a Samoan Drop. The Elvises triple teamed Joel, with Siaki hitting a flapjack, Estrada following with a springboard moonsault. Jose was given a three man powerbomb, and the Elvises were in full control. Red hit a dropkick on Siaki out of a slam attempt, but Siaki then backdropped him to the floor. Yang and Estrada went into the Elvis pose, and Siaki sent them to the apron. Siaki went after Joel, and took down his Elvis jumpsuit top. Siaki brushed off a request for a tag, and hit a neckbreaker on Joel. Siaki again refused to tag out, and covered Joel for a two count. Estrada and Yang got off the apron, and went to the broadcast table, while the SAT went to work on Siaki, hitting a series of double/triple team moves. Yang joined the announcers on commentary, talking about Siaki's ego. Red hit the Red Star Press on Siaki for a two count. Joel hit a lariat while Estrada was singing at ringside about Siaki being beat up. The Maximos hit the SAT stretch (Dragon Sleeper/Surfboard) and Red hit a double stomp off the top. Mike Tenay mentioned that the SAT were trained by Mikey Whipwreck of "ECW and WCW fame". Yang finally got on the apron, but Siaki would not tag out. Red kicked Siaki in the back of the head, and Jose followed with a forearm. Joel hit a belly to belly for two as Yang went back to the announce table. Red grazed Siaki with a kick that almost missed, then Siaki punched away a backdrop attempt. Siaki went to the top rope, and Red hit him with a spin kick, crotching him. The Maximos ran up the ropes and hit the Spanish Fly (double backflip into a uranage) off the top, and Red followed with the InfraRed (corkscrew moonsault). Yang and Estrada broke up the pin. Yang dove off Estrada to the floor onto the Maximos. Red got a near fall on Estrada with a sunset flip style powerbomb. Yang got a near fall on Red with a dropdown from an attempted sunset flip. Joel took out Yang with a piledriver after a double team move failed. Estrada fought off a Spanish Fly and hit a double DDT on both Maximos off the top. Yang and Estrada hit a top rope legdrop/splash from opposite corners. They did the Elvis pose, while Siaki crawled over and covered Red for the pin. The Flying Elvises win. Siaki walked off while Yang & Estrada danced in the ring.

    They showed an interview with Apolo from earlier today with Mike Tenay. They talked about him being over looked for a World Title shot this week in favor of Ron Killings. Apolo said he lost respect for Ricky Steamboat by taking away his title shot. Apolo said Steamboat would tell him tonight why he didn't tell him face to face last week that he was taking away his shot.

    Backstage, AJ Styles came out of Steamboat's office, and Apolo tried to get a word with him, but Steamboat said he was busy, and he would not be told what to do. Steamboat walked off, the Dupps and Goldy following him. Jerry Lynn ran in and attacked AJ Styles, and the two brawled backstage until security broke them up.

    Steamboat headed to the ring, and the Dupps were following him. Steamboat said he was busy, and that the Dupps could do whatever they wanted to do. The Dupps seemed happy. Steamboat was at ringside for the NWA World Title match.

    They did the "tale of the tape" gimmick to set up Ken Shamrock vs. Ron "The Truth" Killings for the NWA World Heavyweight Title.

    Shamrock and Truth exchanged holds early, with Shamrock going for a leglace, but Truth made the ropes. Shamrock almost slipped ducking a clothesline but still hit a kick. Shamrock applied a headscissors, but Truth made the ropes. Shamrock worked over Truth with punches in the corner, and Truth leapfrogged him, split to duck a clothesline, and hit a side kick for a two count. Truth applied a rear chinlock, and Shamrock elbowed out, but Truth hit a flying forearm for a two count. Shamrock went for a sunset flip into a leglace, but Truth got the ropes. Truth came back with a clothesline, then snapmared him and stomped him. Truth hit a legdrop and got a two count. Truth worked over Shamrock in the corner with punches, but Shamrock pulled him out with a powerbomb. Both men were slow to their feet, but Shamrock hit a series of punches and a powerslam for a two count. Shamrock hit a back elbow and a dropkick. Shamrock hit a slow motion hurricanrana and applied the ankle lock, but Truth made the ropes. Shamrock clotheslined Truth to the floor, and we saw that Malice, Slash and James Mitchell were watching from the stage. Shamrock tossed Truth into the ringsteps. Don Harris stood at the bottom of the ramp with a chair to make sure no one came down to interfere. Monty Brown was on the other side of the stage watching. On the floor, Truth reversed a vertical suplex attempt for one of his own. Back in the ring, Shamrock hit a series of rights, and applied a jujigatame armbreaker. Shamrock kicked down on Truth's head with his leg, but unable to get a submission, he released it. Shamrock backdropped Truth to the floor. Shamrock and Truth slugged it out on the floor, when Apolo, Malice, Slash, Brown, and Harris ran down and a huge brawl erupted. Apolo missed a superkick on Truth and hit Shamrock (actually, he missed him as well, but Shamrock sold it). Truth got in the ring, and Steamboat shoved Shamrock in, while ordering and chasing everyone else away. Truth hit a stunner (called "Truth or Consequences") on Shamrock and got a pin.

    Ron "The Truth" Killings in the new NWA World Heavyweight Champion.

    Ricky Steamboat came back down to the ring, and called out Apolo. Steamboat said he might have made a mistake last week, but that Apolo could not run around rampant like a maniac. Steamboat said he would give him his title shot, and that he had earned it and deserved it. Jeff Jarrett came out on the stage and interrupted Steamboat. Jarrett said he had been waiting for seven weeks for his title shot. Jarrett said that he was a victim of "reverse discrimination" and that because he was not a minority, he was being passed over. Steamboat said "The bulls*** stops here tonight", and that Apolo vs. Jarrett would take place tonight, with the winner getting the World Title shot at The Truth. Steamboat said he would be the referee tonight, and Jarrett said that makes him fair game.

    Disco Inferno came out, and was less than impressed with is new "Jive Talkin'" set, which looked pretty cheap. The Dupps then came out, dressed in what I guess was their Sunday best. They announced the first ever "Dupp Invitational". They had a spittoon, which they claimed their forefathers drank moonshine from, and that their youngest cousin took a "dookie" in it. They said the Dupp Cup would be the hardcore division in NWA:TNA, since Steamboat told them they could do what they want as long as they left him alone. The rules for the Dupp Cup stated that they had to get 10pts. to win the match. Points were awarded for putting someone through a table, a flaming table, putting an opponent's head in the toilet (more points if there is "s***" in it). There were points for goosing a woman (or man), or nailing ring announcer Jeremy Borash. Using a farm animal also gets you two and a half points. Most of the items involved half points. "Crying like a p****" costs you points. Sticking an opponents head in the Cotton Candy machine for one full rotation is ten points and an automatic win. Stan then claimed Goldy was his girlfriend, and opened his shirt and had a picture of her taped to his chest. Disco asked who their opponent would be for tonight, and Bo suggested it would be him. Paulina came out and stood between the Dupps and Disco. Disco said no one would want to wrestle them unless they had something else to offer. The Dupps emptied their pockets and had a total of sixty four cents. They then added one night with Fluff Dupp (but they get to watch) to whoever beats them. Ed Ferrara got in the ring, and took them up on the offer. He nailed Jeremy Borash for two and a half points. He then goosed Don West for more points. Borash jumped on Ferrara, but he dumped him into the crowd. West and Disco called the match on the house mics. Ferrara fought the Dupps, but was overwhelmed. The Dupps hit two chairshots, making the score 6-2. The Dupps used objects handed to them by the fans to make it 6-5. Bo pulled out a blowup doll and hit Ed with it. Stan was trying to knock out the ticket lady (also points), who beat him up with a broom. Bo and Disco got into an argument after Bo broke a lamp on the set. Paulina hit Bo low and repeatedly hit him with a chalkboard that the rules were on. Ferrara hit Stan with a spear at ringside, then a series of chairshots. It was 8-7 and a half in favor of Ed. Ferrara hit Stan with a low blow, then hit Stan with "horsie-poo" (a toy hobby horse), but Stan liked it, so Ed lost points and was down to 5 and a half. Ed set up a table, but Stan chokeslammed him through it. The Dupps had ten and a half points, and retained the Dupp Cup.

    An interview conducted earlier today with Monty Brown by Mike Tenay was shown. Brown talked about his athletic achievements, and the politics in football being a free agent. He said you have to make your own opportunities. Brown mocked The Truth's rap, saying his mind isn't right. Elix Skipper showed up, hitting Brown with a can of yellow paint and beating him down. Skipper said Brown didn't know where he and Ron Killings came from. Skipper said Brown was a chicken, and brushed the yellow paint on him.

    Malice, with James Mitchell, vs. Don Harris, First Blood match, was next. They started brawling on the floor, with Malice tossing Harris into the rails. Malice grabbed a chair, but Harris booted it into his face. Harris whipped Malice into the rails. They fought into the crowd, and Malice hit Harris with a chair, but Harris returned fire. They brawled all over the building, and Harris hit a running chairshot to the head. Malice took Harris into the bleachers and rammed him into them. Malice hit a chairshot and pounded Harris in the head. They fought onto the stage, where Harris backdropped out of a powerbomb attempt. Harris tossed Malice off the stage into the ramp. Slash ran out and attacked Harris. Slash took out a spike, but Harris grabbed it and hit Slash with it. Slash was busted open. Harris stayed on Slash, which allowed Malice to grab him and toss him down the ramp. Harris fought off Mitchell and Slash, while Malice put a steel chair in the ring. Mitchell spilled the blood he was carrying in the arc all over himself as he went down. In the ring, Harris hit a sidewalk slam on Mitchell, but Harris was bleeding from the side of the head. Apparently they butted heads on the slam, and Harris was busted open. Malice grabbed him in a chinlock, the referee saw the blood, and the match was over. The New Church beat down Harris before leaving. (Note: I have confirmed that Harris and Malice butted heads at the end of the match, and Harris was actually busted open hardway on the side of the head).

    Goldy was in the back, hoping to talk to Taylor, when Sonny Siaki came by looking for Ricky Steamboat. Bruce grabbed the mic and ran into the locker room. Taylor was there, and the two had a brief confrontation, resulting in Bruce telling Taylor she could have an evening gown match tonight. As Bruce left, AJ Styles and Low Ki busted in, brawling with each other, until security broke it up.

    Apolo vs. Jeff Jarrett, with Ricky Steamboat as ref, for an NWA World Title shot, was next. The two locked up, and went to the ropes. They broke clean on Steamboat's order. They went to the ropes again, and Jarrett tried a shot on the ropes, but Steamboat stopped him. They locked up again, and Apolo hit a knee. He tried to hit him on the ropes, but Steamboat stopped him, allowing Jarrett to hit him. They brawled outside the ring, then got in, where Apolo hit a sitdown powerbomb for a two count. They went back to the floor, where Jarrett dominated the brawl, busting Apolo open. He went for a chair, but Steamboat stopped him, and forced the match back to the ring. Apolo mounted a comeback, but missed a charge in the corner. Jarrett hit an enzugiri for a two count. Jarrett put Apolo in the tree of woe, but Steamboat forced a break. Jarrett put Apolo in the figure four. Steamboat checked the arm, as Apolo seemed out, but he kept the arm up. Apolo reversed the hold, but Jarrett made the ropes. Apolo hit a DDT, and both men were laid out. Both men got to their feet, and Apolo ducked a clothesline, hit a series of rights, and a pair of running clotheslines in the corner. Apolo pounded Jarrett in the corner. They went into a slow series of reversals, until Apolo hit the superkick. Jarrett got his foot on the ropes on the cover. Apolo hit a German suplex, but Apolo had his shoulders down, and Jarrett lifted his on the two count. Apolo was down for three, so Jarrett is the winner. Apolo argued with Steamboat after the match, and he put his hands on him. Apolo said Steamboat stole his spot and his match. Steamboat has security escort Apolo to the back. Steamboat then told Jarrett that earlier he said he would give Jarrett "the Truth" if he won, not that he would give him a title shot. He then informed Jarrett that he was giving him the Truth as a tag team partner next week against AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn for the NWA World Tag Team Titles. Jarrett, and the crowd, were less than happy with this play on semantics.

    The Evening Gown match for the Miss TNA title was next. Taylor had a black evening gown, Bruce had a red evening gown, complete with blonde wig. Bruce took off the wig before the match began. Bruce missed a charge, and Taylor hit a reverse atomic drop. Taylor hit an atomic drop, and mocked Bruce, then got her back raked. They traded slaps, with Bruce going down. Bruce hit a pair of knees to the gut, then a delayed vertical suplex. Bruce rammed Taylor into the corner, then whipped her across the ring and hit a tilt-a-whirl into a face first powerbomb. Bruce slowly pulled off her evening gown, and won the match. Bruce was noticeably disgusted at the sight of Taylor in her bra, panties, stockings and garter belt. Bruce took the mic and said the crowd was probably disappointed that he didn't lose, but that he would make everyone happy. He called for his music, and stripped down. He was wearing a thong, stockings and a garter belt.

    Don West did his hard sell for next week, as well as the merchandise available on NWATNA.com.

    The Three Way match for the X-Division Title was the final match of the evening, Jerry Lynn vs. Low Ki vs. AJ Styles. All three men were in the ring at once. Low Ki and Lynn locked up, then realized Styles was watching them, so they attacked him and hit a flapjack. Ki and Lynn then went at it, with Lynn hitting a tilt-a-whirl into an airplane spin into a backbreaker for a two count. Low Ki dropkicked Lynn's leg out, then hit some kicks to the chest. Lynn caught a kick, and held him while AJ nailed Low Ki with a kick to the head. Lynn hit a clothesline on Styles and pounded him on the mat. Styles came back with a powerslam and a series of rights. Lynn and Styles were trying for a German, and ended up backdropping Low Ki. Lynn put Styles in the spinning Gory Special, but Low Ki dropkicked Lynn, and both went down. Low Ki slammed Styles and hit a powerdrive elbow for a two count. Low Ki hit some chops, and Styles missed a dropkick, but hit the rana from the mat. Styles flipped Low Ki from a torture rack into a facebuster on the knee. Styles hit a spinkick on Low Ki. Lynn went for a German on Styles, but AJ hit a low kick and a neckbreaker. Styles kicked both opponents. Lynn turned a rana attempt into a reverse powerbomb, but Ki dropkicked Lynn to break up the cover. Lynn and Low Ki traded shots, until Ki decked him with a kick. They did a nice exchange off the apron that ended with Low Ki cradling Lynn while Lynn suplexed Styles. Low Ki did a Dragon Sleeper on Styles, then caught a Lynn kick and put him in one, but Lynn reversed into a DDT. Styles broke up the cover. Styles went to the top, but Lynn caught him with a DDT, but Low Ki broke up the cover. Low Ki hit a snap suplex on Lynn for a two count. Styles and Low Ki exchanged chops, then Ki kicked Styles in the head. Ki chopped Styles and hit a double underhook suplex for a two count, but Lynn broke it up with an elbowdrop. Styles hit Lynn with a series of kicks. Lynn caught one and flipped Styles away, and he landed in position to give Low Ki a reverse DDT. Lynn broke up the cover with a legdrop. Lynn went for a superplex on Low Ki, but Ki tossed him up. Styles then went for the superplex, and after a brawl on the ropes, Lynn gave Styles a sunset flip off the ropes as Styles superplexed Low Ki. Lynn took turns covering both men, for two counts. An array of two counts, with reversals into another two count, took place. Lynn kicked out of a Low Ki cradle, and Ki almost ended up in a Styles Clash. Low Ki and Lynn blocked a Styles moonsault, and Ki put Styles in the Hanging Dragon, but Lynn dropkicked them as they hung in the corner. Low Ki ran into a Lynn boot and Lynn went for the Tornado DDT, but Ki put Lynn in the Dragon Sleeper on the ropes. Styles broke it up with a moonsault on Low Ki, but Lynn then slingshot splashed Low Ki when Styles moved. Styles hit a suplex on Lynn for a two count. Low Ki went for a Ki Krusher, but Styles tried to reverse into a rana, but Low Ki reversed into a Styles Clash on Styles for two. Lynn put Low Ki in a Ki Krusher for two. Lynn went for a cradle piledriver, but Styles reversed and gave Lynn a cradle piledriver for a two count. Low Ki missed a handspring kick and hit the referee. Lynn and Styles backdropped Low Ki to the floor. Lynn and Styles collided on bodypress attempts. Styles got a chair and blasted Lynn with it. Styles went to the top for the Spiral Tap, as Low Ki crawled in and covered Lynn. Styles hit the Spiral Tap on the pile as the three count came down, but Low Ki was still on top of Lynn, so the three count went down.

    Low Ki is the new X Division Champion.

    In the back, Jeff Jarrett and The Truth were in the back arguing, with security holding them apart.

    In the ring, Styles attacked Lynn, and Lynn hit a bulldog. Jarrett and The Truth, with security, were arguing and going to the ring, saying they wanted to have a title match (with each other) now, as the show ended.

    Next week:
    - NWA World Tag Team Champions AJ Styles & Jerry Lynn vs. Jeff Jarrett & Ron "The Truth" Killings.

    2002 - World Wrestling Entertainment announced they had eliminated 15 jobs from the company, as part of the $20 million in budget cuts they announced several weeks back for the fiscal year 2002. The complete release reads as follows:

    World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. Announces Expense Reductions to Improve Operating Efficiencies

    STAMFORD, Conn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Aug. 7, 2002--World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. (NYSE:WWE) today announced that it has instituted a series of actions to reduce and realign its operating budgets by approximately $20 million for the current fiscal year, which is in line with the guidance issued in its July 22, 2002 press release.

    As such, it has reorganized several departments and reduced its workforce by 15 employees, or approximately 3% of its total workforce. The attendant expense savings associated with the realignment will be realized throughout the year.

    Forward-Looking Statements: This news release contains forward-looking statements pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, which are subject to various risks and uncertainties. These risks and uncertainties include the conditions of the markets for live events, broadcast television, cable television, pay-per-view, Internet, food and beverage, entertainment, professional sports, and licensed merchandise; acceptance of the Company's brands, media and merchandise within those markets; uncertainties relating to litigation; risks associated with producing live events both domestically and internationally; uncertainties associated with international markets; and other risks and factors set forth from time to time in Company filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Actual results could differ materially from those currently expected or anticipated.

    2003 - XPW owner Rob "Black" Zicari and his wife Janet "Lizzie Borden" Romano were indicted by a grand jury in Pittsburgh, PA. The two had been accused "of sending obscene movies to a Post Office box in the Pittsburgh area. The suspects also allegedly sent obscene tapes and DVDs to a local wholesaler and transmitted obscene footage on the Extreme Associates Web site." The offices of Extreme Associates, the parent company of XPW, were raided in April 2003 by federal agents.

    2003 - Ring of Honor sent out a press release announcing that the announced 9/6 Raven vs. CM Punk Steel Cage Hair vs. Hair match would no longer feature a the Hair stipulation. The complete release reads as follows:

    Due to unforeseen circumstances, the hair vs. hair stipulation will not be able to take place in Boston on September 6th when Raven and CM Punk battle in a steel cage. Punk and Raven would like to express their deepest regrets that they are unable to participate in this stipulation due to previous contractual obligations with TNA.

    Raven would like it known that it is his fault and his fault alone because he placed himself and Punk in that situation. Raven apologizes and promises to increase the violence in Boston by making this a Clockwork Orange House Of Fun in a Steel Cage match. Raven is truly sorry for this turn of events and thanks you for understanding. When asked what he plans to do for the Boston fans Raven said; "Punk must die and you will see new levels of violence from me in Boston on September 6th," Raven said.

    Punk said in response that "Raven must die and I will end this in Boston under any rules and conditions he wants."

    Also just signed is a huge three-way jeopardy match. It will pit ROH world champion Samoa Joe vs. NWA world heavyweight and half the ROH tag team champions AJ Styles vs. "The Notorious 187" Homicide!!! Each man will have something at stake in this one. We'll have what will be at stake soon.

    2006 - During an edition of Raw from the FedEx Forum in Memphis, Tennessee, Umaga pinned Triple H after hitting him with the Samoan Spike after Triple H was distracted fighting off Vince & Shane McMahon. Vince then gave Triple H a pedigree after the match. During the show, it was also announced with a vignette that Jeff Hardy would be returning to the company.

    2010 - The day before TNA Hardcore Justice, word came out that Jerry Lynn, who had been scheduled for the main event against Rob Van Dam, had injured himself in training and would not be able to wrestle. Sabu filled the slot. It would be almost a year before Lynn wrestled again.

    2010 - WWE broadcast a music video-themed Wrestlemania highlights special on NBC, WrestleMania XXVI: The World Television Premiere.

    2010 - The NWA Legends Fanfest held a live event as part of their gathering in Charlotte, NC. Mike Johnson filed the following live report:

    We are live in Charlotte, NC at the University Hilton for the NWA Legends Fanfest's first live card of wrestling action. The show will be headlined by NWA champion Adam Pearce vs. Bryan Danielson and appearances by several legends, including Kamala and more.

    PWInsider.com Elite subscribers are able to enjoy the coverage on an ad-free version of the site. You can subscribe by clicking this link and if you've never checked us out before, you can sign up for our three days free offer.

    Welcome to PWInsider.com's live coverage of the NWA Fanfest live event!

    NWA Future Legends Tournament Semi-Final: Caprice Coleman vs. Davey Richards

    Ryan O'Reilly was Coleman's originally scheduled opponent but isn't here due to signing a WWE developmental deal, so Richards was "voted into" the match by the NWA Board of Directors. They locked up and Richards forced Coleman against the ropes but broke clean. They locked up again, this time with Coleman forcing Richards against the ropes. When Coleman broke clean, Richards slapped him in the face. They ended up in the ropes again, but this time Coleman ducked the slap and hit one of his own. Richards rolled out to the floor to break the momentum.

    Back in the ring, Richards took Coleman down and cinched in a side chinlock. Coleman fought his way to his feet and reversed it into an armbar. Richards tried to maneuver his way out but was caught in a Fireman's Carry with Coleman holding onto the armbar. Richards escaped and shoulderblocked Coleman down. Coleman came back with a series of armdrags that sent Richards walking all the way back to the locker room while recovering.

    Richards returned to the ring and began beating Coleman with several stiff kicks but was caught with a reverse elbow while rebounding off the ropes. Coleman and Richards had a great back and forth exchange on the mat. Richards locked him in a leg submission but was caught with a forward cradle for a two count. Coleman shot in for a single leg takdown but Richards began mounting him with punches. They battled back and forth with stiff shots and chops. Richards ended up on the apron and was run into the buckles. He ducked a charge and pulled the ropes down, sending Coleman over the top to the floor. From the apron, he drilled Coleman with a monstrously stiff kick.

    Back in the ring, Richards killed Coleman with several more stiff kicks, then scissored his neck and shoulders with Richards' legs, trying to force a submission. Coleman finally made his way to the ropes to force the break. Richards maintained the control and nailed a diving head butt off the top rope for a two count. The fans chanted, "That was three." Richards drilled Coleman with a kick to the back. Coleman began mounting a comeback but was caught with a roundhouse kick to the mid-section. Richards slammed him down and went to the middle turnnbuckle. Coleman caught him with a shoulderblock.

    They battled in the corner with Richards on the ropes. Coleman chopped away at Richards before hitting a leaping rana out of the corner. The referee nearly counted both men out but they made it to their feet. They chopped and struck away at each other. Richards drilled a hard kick to the chest but Coleman came back with a dropkick that sent Richards to the floor. Coleman then hit a running tope con hilo over the top to the floor.

    Back in the ring, Coleman hit a springboard splash for a two count. They battled back and forth in the center of the ring. It broke down into a series of strikes with Richards beating Coleman down. Richards went to leapfrog over Coleman but was caught in a package piledriver type slam for a two count. That was great. The referee began counting both men down on the mat but Coleman got to his feet at six. Coleman placed Richards on the top rope but was fought off. Richards drilled him with a missile dropkick.

    Richards stalked over Coleman and pulled him up for a German suplex. Coleman used a series of elbows to fight him off but was kicked in the face. Richards finally hit the suplex with a bridge for a two count. Richards went for the Indian Death Lock and caught Coleman in the center. Coleman made it to the ropes. Coleman whipped Richards into the corner but Richards movedand caught Richards with a kick to the guts. He grabbed him into a tombstone type maneuver and spiked him for the pin in 17 minutes. Great opener!

    NWA Future Legends Cup Semi-Final: Chase Stevens vs. Phill Shatter.

    Stevens of TNA Naturals and Showtime All-Star Wrestling fame played heel, getting in the face of several fans around ringside. He brought a chair with him to the ring. Shatter is Gunner the security guard from TNA. He's playing babyface here and is well known on the local scene. Stevens did some stalling to get heat early. He shoulderblocked Shatter down and played to the crowd. They locked up again but when Shatter got the better of Stevens, he played Larry Zbyszko and began stalking the outside, nearly getting counted out in the process.

    Back in the ring, Shatter caught Stevens with a sideheadlock. He was shoved off into the ropes and shoulderblocked Stevens down, then drilled him with a right hand. Stevens was again on the floor. They went back and forth in the ring before both ending up on the floor. They were nearly counted out. Back in the ring, Stevens kicked off a Shatter charge. Stevens worked over Shatter as the fans chanted for Shatter to make a comeback. Shatter mounted a comeback with a series of elbows. They went back and forth with punches.

    Stevens locked on a sleeper but Shatter fought his way back to his feet. Stevens kicked him low to maintain the control. Shatter mounted a comeback and nailed Stevens with a series of punches in the corner but was soon taken back down to the mat with a side chinlock. Stevens mounted yet another comeback but was cut off with a series of right hands. He kept working over Shatter, who made his way to his feet by "sheer will." He began mounting a series of right hands, then clotheslined and slammed Stevens. Stevens kicked off a Shatter charge in the corner but Shatter nailed him with a powerslam as Stevens charged him, getting a two count.

    Shatter whipped Stevens into the ropes and caught him with a spinebuster for a two count. Shatter argued the count with the referee. Stevens nailed Shatter with the lungblower for a two count. He nailed a frog splash off the top rope for another two count. He kept working over Shatter and shoved the referee into the corner when the ref tried to stop him. Stevens backdropped Shatter over the top but the referee didn't see it. Stevens and Shatter were both counted out.

    Legendary referee Tommy Young came out and ordered the match restarted. The place popped for Tommy.

    Stevens caught Shatter with another lungblower but Shatter kicked out. Stevens grabbed a chair and hit the referee. Young hit the ring again to check on the ref. Stevens went to drill Shatter with it but missed. Shatter nailed his finisher and Young counted the pin.

    Your winner, Phill Shatter!

    It's Shatter vs. Richards later tonight.

    Kamala with General Skandar Akbar vs. Manscout Jake Manning

    Manning has been seen on ROH on HDNet and plays, well, a heel boyscout. He's actually an Eagle Scout in real life, which is where the idea for the gimmick came from. Akbar took the mic and said he doesn't care about the United States and he doesn't care about boy scouts. He told Manning he was going to be taught the difference between Men and Boys tonight when he takes an asskicking. Manning went after Kamala but the second Kamala reared away for a chop, Manning ran off.

    Kamala picked up Manning's Boy Scout Handbook, then read it. He threw it down and slapped his belly. Manning kicked him and cinched in a sideheadlock. Kamala pushed him off and chopped him down. He whipped Manning into the corner but Manning evaded a splash. He didn't evade a second, was splashed and pinned in 2:38.

    Your winner, Kamala!

    "The Queen City Killer" Zack Salvation vs. Mike Jackson

    Jackson is the longtime Alabama Junior Heavyweight champion who made himself something of a cult star at the convention with his awesome performances in the past. Salvation is a heel from the NC independent scene. The fans were chanting, "Let's go Mike" before the bell even rang. Salvation got in his face jawjacking immediately. He shoved Jackson, who refused to back down. They locked up but neither man gained an advantage.

    Salvation backed Jackson into the corner but backed off. They locked up again and Salvation began working over Jackson's arm. Jackson reversed it but was kicked in the gut as he rebounded off the ropes. Jackson backdropped Salvation to the floor, then hit a tope through the ropes, his annual spot, only this time, Salvation caught him and slammed him down, then slammed Jackson into the apron. Salvation went for a springboard move but Jackson pulled him to the floor, went to the top rope and dove down to the floor on Salvation. Fans began chanting. "You still got it."

    Jackson tossed Salvation back in the ring but was kicked as he re-entered. Salvation worked him over. Jackson ducked a clothesline and nailed twisting head scissors before armdragging Salvation and cinching in an armbar. Salvation caught Jackson trying to kick him, then spun him around in the corner and drilled him with several kicks. Jackson used to the ropes to his advantage to kick Salvation in the mush, then locked in another hiptoss and armdrag combination.

    Salvation came back with a running boot to the face in the corner. He whipped Jackson into the corner but Jackson reversed and nailed an uppercut. He nailed a series of armdrags. Jackson controlled Salvation with an armbar. Salvation tried to escape but kept ending up trapped in the end. He finally slammed Jackson down. Jackson came back with a one-armed DDT. Jackson locked up Salvation's arm and did his other annual spot, walking the ropes a la the Undertaker's Old School while doing the Fargo Strut, but again Salvation foiled his plans and slammed him into the ring for a two count. Salvation cinched in a side chinlock. Jackson mounted a comeback but was nailed with an over the knee backbreaker.

    Salvation locked Jackson in a front facelock and began drilling him with knees to the head. He scissored Jackson with his legs. Jackson fought his way to his feet but was maneuvered into the corner, where Salvation slapped him several times. He continued to bully Jackson around. He went up and over in the corner to avoid a Jackson charge then caught the veteran with a double leg takedown. Salvation mounted him with a series of rights. The crowd began chanting "Let's go Mike."

    Salvation placed Jackson on the top rope for a superplex but Jackson fought him off. Jackson got the better of Salvation, then did the rope walk spot, coming off with a big shot to Salvation's shoulder. He went for a Hangman's neckbreaker but Salvation reversed it into a Fireman's Carry. Jackson rolled forward for a two count. Salvation shocked Jackson with a move I didn't catch, possibly a brainbuster and scored the pin.

    Your winner, Zach Salvation.

    Really strong old school match. Jackson usually goes over at these shows, so using him to get someone else over was an interesting twist. Salvation raised Jackson's arm after the match. Fans chanted "You still got it" at Jackson and gave him a nice ovation on the way out.

    Future Legends Cup Final: Davey Richards vs. Phill Shatter

    Fans did the dueling chants to open the match. I thought I was going to Orlando tomorrow?

    They tried to test each other with shoulderblocks at the onset. Richards used a series of kicks but was pressed and dropped by Shatter. Shatter shoulderblocked him into the corner a number of times, then whipped Richards into the opposite corner for a splash and a near fall. Richards ended up on the apron and faked a shoulderblock to grab Shatter's leg and nail a Dragon Screw legwhip. Richards controlled him on the mat and cinched in a reverse Indian Death Lock. Shatter struggled for the ropes and finally made them to force a break.

    Richards continued to control the match as Shatter struggled to battle back. He made it to his feet but Richards soon took out his legs again. Richards went for a Figure Four Leglock but when everyone Woo'd, he blew off the move and the fans. Shatter came back with a series of chops, so the fans all woo'd for him instead. Richards cut him off with a kick and worked him over in the corner with a series of strikes. He began kicking and dropkicking Shatter's hamstring.

    Richards locked on a single leg Boston Crab but Shatter grabbed the ropes. Shatter began nailing Richards, who came back with kicks to Shatters legs. As they went back and forth, the dueling chants returned. Each man retreated to a corner to get their wits about them. Richards charged Shatter but was kicked off. Shatter nailed him with a spinebuster for a two count. Shatter whipped Richards into the corner. Richards tried to go up and over but was caught and slammed for another two count.

    Shatter went for a powerbomb but Davey escaped. Davey then suplexed himself and Shatter over the top rope to the floor. Both men were nearly counted out but returned to the ring at the last second. They exchanged punches on their knees then on their feet. They began slugging it back and forth for a long time, which the crowd loved. Richards finally began drilling him over and over ujntil Shatter was down on the mat. Richards hit the ropes but was caught with a spear for a two count.

    Richards came back with a missle dropkick, then a charging, clubbing blow in the corner. He nailed a German suplex with a bridge for a two count. He placed Shatter on the top rope but Shatter fought him off. Richards battled back and scored with a suplerplex off the top rope. Richards locked in the ankle lock but Shatter pulled himself to the ropes. Shatter came back with a huge clothesline, which Richards took a sick bump off. He covered Richards for a two count.

    Shatter finally drilled Richards with a powerbomb and scored the pin in 24 minutes.

    Tully Blanchard awarded Shatter the Cup. Richards showed respect to Shatter by bowing before him and shaking his hand. I really loved the hell out of this, just a good back and forth match with lots of crazy spots and hard hitting shots and some nice submission as well. This was the best I've seen out of Shatter to date as well.

    NWA champion Adam Pearce vs. Bryan Danielson

    Danielson came out to Final Countdown. The ring announcer, a fan who won a silent auction, announced Bryan Danielson as "The Ultimate Dragon Bryan Pearce." REALLY. Pearce took the mic and told the fan he was a nitwit and to get the hell out of the ring. The fan tried to stand up to Pearce but the referee made him leave the ring. That was funny. Fans began chanting "Ultimate Dragon" so Danielson shook the ropes and ran around the ring like Warrior. NOW THAT WAS HILARIOUS!

    Danielson offered a handshake at the bell. Pearce took it. Pearce forced Danielson into the ropes but broke clean. Fans were chanting "Repo Man" and singing "Ole Ole." Danielson forced Pearce to the ropes and we have another clean break. They went into a knucklelock test of strength with Pearce forcing Danielson down onto the mat for several two counts. Danielson maneuvered him into a monkeyflip.

    Pearce took Danielson down to the mat and began working his wrist and arm. Danielson kicked him off and Pearce powdered out to the floor. Back in the ring, Pearce took control with several shoulderblocks and a side headlock. Danielson rolled him over for several near falls, then scissored Pearce with his legs. Pearce made it to the ropes. They continued to go back and forth. Pearce drilled Danielson with a right hand off a clean break and took control with several punches and kicks. Danielson nailed a sunset flip for a two count and they went into a series of near falls. Danielson kept rolling Danielson around on the mat, confusing him and finally Pearce jumped out to the floor.

    When Pearce returned, the crowd began chanting that he sucks. Danielson took control with several kicks to the back. He began tying up Pearce in submission holds and tried to roll him into a pinfall, getting several two counts. Danielson began peppering him with uppercuts but was caught with a big sideslam. Pearce began stomping Danielson and when the ref yelled at him, yelled, "I have until five" as a play on Bryan but it was lost on the crowd. Pearce continued mauling Danielson, who came back with several punches and a swinging neckbreaker.

    Pearce elbowed Danielson in the face and Danielson crumbled to the mat. The fans began chanting for Dragon. Danielson began mounting a comeback with punches to the mid-section and a knee to the gut. Danielson began drilling him with forearms in the corner but ran into Pearce's knees when he charged. Pearce began choking Danielson's throat across the top rope. Pearce locked in his sitting abdominal stretch. Fans rallied for Danielson to recover. Danielson finally made it to his feet and hiptossed Pearce out of it. He went after Pearce but was nailed with the Hot Shot.

    Pearce cinched in a Camel Clutch. The referee checked Danielson's arm but he fought out of it. Pearce got caught trying to leap on Danielson's back, as Danielson turned over so Pearce crotched himself on Dragon's legs. Dragon began working over Pearce and set him for a big back superplex off the ropes. Danielson began beating the hell out of Pearce with strikes and hit a leaping forearm smash in the corner for a two count.

    Danielson continued working over Pearce with headbutts but was caught in a sleeper. Danielson fought his way out and reversed it. Pearce bumped the referee escaping. Danielson small packaged Pearce but the referee was hurt and Danielson only got a two count. Danielson nailed a leaping leg lariat for a two count. Danielson began raining down with elbows to the face. He locked in a Cattle Mutiliation submission but Pearce finally made it to the center of the ring.

    Pearce went to the outside so Danielson nailed him with a big knee off the apron. He tossed Pearce back in and hit a missile dropkick. Pearce tried to beg off but was hit with a leg lariat in the corner for a two count. Danielson mounted several kicks to the chest but Pearce shocked him with a big lariat for a two count. Pearce went to the top for a splash there was no water in the pool. Danielson nailed a back suplex for a two count and then another cattle mutiliation. Danielson couldn't get the submission and went for another move but was kicked low and hit with a piledriver.

    Your winner and still NWA champion, Adam Pearce!

    Another damn good match. I think fans really thought Danielson was taking the belt, which is the mark of a good match.

    That's all from Charlotte, 1985!

    NWA Legends Fanfest Live Notes: They announced they will be selling the DVDs of all of the weekend events for $50 and were taking pre-orders during the show, promising they would be released in two weeks...Our own Les Thatcher and Roddy James provided commentary. Terry Funk joined them for the NWA title match. Tully Blanchard joined them for the Legends Cup...They were letting fans take pictures with the NWA Future Legends Cup for $10 before the show....Don and Rocky Kernodle were backstage visiting....Harley Race, Billy Robinson and Mr. Wrestling II watched the matches from the crowd together...Also watching were Tully Blanchard, Fifi the Maid of WCW Flair for the Gold fame (who looks exactly the same - aka stunning). Jimmy Snuka, Terry Funk, Paul London and Rocky Johnson....Dave Marquez was helping out backstage....For more on the NWA Legends Fanfest, which will be heading to Atlanta, Georgia for the first time, visit www.NWALegends.com

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    Continued ..

    2011 - TNA held their 2011 Hardcore Justice PPV. Stu Carapola filed the following PPV report:

    Welcome to the Hardcore Justice PPV Report, exclusively here at PWInsider.com!

    We're live at the Impact Zone, and our hosts for the evening are Mike Tenay and Taz. Five titles will be on the line tonight, most importantly the World Title Match between Kurt Angle and defending champion Sting! We're even going to kick the evening off with a title match...

    X Division Title Match: Brian Kendrick vs Alex Shelley vs Austin Aries

    Brian Kendrick has new entrance music reminiscent of his old ROH music, and is wearing Neidhart pants. I love it! Aries cheapshots both men but gets laid out by Shelley and Kendrick and is clotheslined to the floor. Shelley and Kendrick cautiously circle one another before going to a mat wrestling sequence. Shelley with a modified crucifix for 2, and takes a glance down at Aries on the floor to make sure he doesn't try anything untoward. Wristlock exchange leads to Shelley picking the ankle of Kendrick and going for a Texas Cloverleaf, but Aries runs in and Shelley drops the hold to chop him back out to the floor. Aries gets back on the apron, so Shelley pops him in the face and puts him back out to the floor again. Aries tries to come in yet again, and winds up on the receiving end of an inverted atomic drop/leg lariat combo from Kendrick and Shelley, and then Shelley rolls Kendrick up for 2. Shelley goes for a vertical suplex on Kendrick, but Aries slips in and saves Kendrick and rakes the back of Shelley. This, for some reason, leads to Shelley getting angry at Kendrick and going to a forearm exchange. Kendrick drills Shelley out to the floor but Aries blindsides Kendrick with a clothesline and puts the boots to him, then baseball slides Shelley off the apron and covers Kendrick for 2. Aries with a figure four stump puller on Kendrick, then drops the hold to knock Shelley off the apron yet again and then awkwardly backdrop Kendrick to the floor, with Kendrick appearing to catch his leg on the apron on the way down. Shelley sunset flips his way back in, but Aries hits an STO and then goes for the pendulum elbow, but stops to knock Kendrick off the apron and then dump Shelley through the ropes right on top of Kendrick. Aries is getting a big reaction from the crowd as he hits a heat seeking missile through the ropes, then rolls Shelley back in and hits a twisting splash over the ropes for 2. Aries goes for a Lionsault, but Shelley gets the knees up and Kendrick hits a leg lariat to the jaw of Aries. Shelley hooks Kendrick in a Crippler Crossface, but Kendrick makes the ropes, so Shelley nails him with the sole butt and goes for Sliced Bread #2, Kendrick shoves him off but Shelley hits a leg whip through the ropes and goes up top. Aries nails him and pulls him down to the apron, but Shelley superkicks Aries off the apron and goes back to the top where Kendrick nails him and follows him up. Shelley shoves Kendrick off and hits a top rope splash, then traps Kendrick in an inverted figure four. Aries comes in and rakes his boot across the eyes of Shelley to break the hold, then rams both men to opposite corners and hits a running bulldog on Shelley before locking him in the Last Chancery. Kendrick breaks the hold, so Aries hits him with the shinbreaker/suplex combo and then goes for the IED, but Kendrick gets the boot up and hits a running boot on Aries for 2. Kendrick tries Sliced Bread #2, Aries blocks and tries a top rope suplex, but Shelley nails him and gets Aries on his shoulders, Kendrick tried Sliced Bread #2 but lost his balance, so Aries hits the shinbreaker/suplex combo on Shelley, dropkicks Kendrick to the floor, then hits Shelley with the IED and brainbuster for 2. Kendrick suddenly runs in and hits Sliced Bread #2 on Aries on top of Shelley and then pins Shelley for the win.

    Winner: Brian Kendrick

    Solid opener, I'm a little surprised to see Kendrick retain, but glad to see him hold onto the title.

    Tenay and Taz discuss tonight's main event between Sting and Kurt Angle, then we go to the back where Jeremy Borash is with Tara and Miss Tessmacher, who say that it's become personal because of the way Sarita and Rosita jumped them in the parking lot. Tessmacher disfigured Sarita becuase she did what she had to do in the parking lot, and Tara says no matter what, they're leaving the ring with the title.

    Knockouts Tag Team Title Match: Tara & Miss Tessmacher vs Sarita & Rosita

    Referee Earl Hebner kicks both Hernandez and Anarquia out of ringside, so it's just the four girls. Rosita gets right in Tara's face, so Tara just pops her into the corner and unloads with a big right hand. Rosita tags right out to Sarita, who comes off the ropes and gets elevated into a backdrop. Tessmacher comes in and gets popped into the air, but comes down with an armdrag and then gets a top wristlock on Rosita and takes her to the corner so Tara can come in and overpower Rosita. Rosita comes out of the corner with a flying headscissors, but charges Tara in the corner and eats her boot. Rosita Tullys Tara to the floor and then distracts the referee while Sarita hits a rolling senton off the apron and rolls her back in the ring so Rosita can cover for 2. Tara tags out and Tessmacher comes in with a back suplex and a running dropkick for 2. Sarita tags in, and Tessmacher gets a knee to the midsection and covers for 2, but Rosita nails her from the outside and Sarita drops her on her face. Sarita gleefully tosses Tessmacher around with hiplocks and hair tosses as Taz references Candy Devine of all people, and then Sarita slingshots Rosita off the ropes and onto Tessmacher for 2. Sarita, who is neither Mexican nor American, gets rolled up for 2, then Tessmacher tags out to Tara, who comes in and cleans house on both girls. Rosita tries to interfere, but Tessmacher nails her and Tara wipes Sarita out with a clothesline, but Sarita gets a double chicken wing and drops Tara right on her shoulder in a really nasty spot. Rosita neutralizes Tessmacher on the floor as Sarita covers Tara for 2, then Sarita tosses Tara across the ring in brutal fashion, but Tara wipes both Mexican Americans out with a double clothesline. Tara tries the Widow's Peak but Rosita reverses to a rollup and holds Sarita's hands from the outside, but Tessmacher nails Sarita and Tara kicks out at 2. Tara press slams Rosita, and Rosita tries to make the hot tag, but now Tessmacher yanks Sarita off the apron, dropping her on her face on the apron, and Tara hits the Widow's Peak on Rosita for the win.

    Winners: Tara & Miss Tessmacher

    We go to the back where Jeremy Borash is with the Pope, and Pope says that he's been trying to talk to Devon and his kids and is trying to tweet to everybody that he's trying to do it right tonight. He doesn't know what Devon's problem is because all Pope wants to do is the right thing, and he knows it's going to be intense because this is a Bound For Glory Series match, but Pope's going to go out there and do the right thing tonight.

    We look at the Bound For Glory Series board, and Crimson is still in first place with RVD in second and Devon in fourth with the chance to move into a tie for first if he can catch a submission on Pope tonight.

    Matt Morgan comes out to do commentary on the next match, then we're off the the ring for...

    Bound For Glory Series: The Pope vs Devon

    The bell rings, but before they make contact, Pope gets a microphone and tells Devon that he respects him and he gave Devon seven points a few weeks ago for a reason, because his relationship with Devon, his kids, and their mother means a lot to him. If it means that much to Devon, he'll prove that this means more than beating each other's brains out. Pope lays down, but Devon tells him he's going to get his seven points, but he's going to tkae it out of Pope's ass and to get up and give the fans what they came to see.

    Pope gets to his feet, and we have a match on our hands. Pope has an "Okay, you asked for it!" look on his face as he comes at Devon, but Devon gets a shoulderblock and then a clothesline, and Pope tries to pull Devon on top of him to give him the win, but Devon pulls himself off Pope and smacks him in the face, asking what's wrong with him. Devon wiht an armwringer, Pope reverses to a wristlock of his own and chain wrestles around Devon and catches him with a flying forearm. Pope with an armbar on Devon and rams a knee to the gut and then comes off the ropes with a forearm to the back and an elbowdrop. Devon comes back with a hiptoss and an armdrag, then a flying back elbow for 2. Devon with a big bodyslam and a diving headbutt off the ropes for 2, Pope rolls to the apron but Devon rams him off to the floor and then goes to the floor after him, he tries a charge but Pope moves and Devon hits the ringpost. Pope grabs his chain and goes to hit Devon with it, but Devon's kids talk him out of dropping the chain, and Devon nails him out of nowhere and rolls him back inside and covers for 2. Devon gets a powerslam for 2, but charges Pope in the corner and Pope gets a hard boot up, then an inverted atomic drop and flying shoulderblock for 2. Pope is absolutely destroying Devon with elbows and a reverse chop, then hits the diving straddle through the ropes, and goes up top and hits a flying bodypress on Devon for 2. Devon comes off the ropes with a flying shoulderblock, but he misses another charge and Pope nails him and goes for the DDE, but stops short and lets Devon spear him and cover for 2. Devon goes for a chokeslam, but Pope slips out the back and rolls Devon up for 3.

    Winner: The Pope

    Pope extends his hand to Devon after the match, but Devon just blows him off and walks away. Devon sees his sons on the outside, and comes back in to shake Pope's hand and then leaves. Pope moves into 8th place with 17 points now.

    Jeremy Borash is backstage with another participant in the Bound For Glory Series, as RVD has the opportunity to be the first man to beat Crimson and take first place in the Series. Jerry Lynn comes in and says that he got in the ring with RVD last month, but wants to be in RVD's corner tonight. I smell screwjob!

    We see a video package recapping the Winter & Angelina vs Mickie James feud leading into tonight's title match.

    Knockouts Title Match: Mickie James vs Winter

    Winter tries to sneak a rollup right off the bell, but only gets 1. Micke responds with a legwhip and tries to tie Winter into a modified Indian Deathlock, but Winter manages to escape. Winter tries a rollup, but Mickie blocks and get a sliding sunset flip for 2. Mickie with some hard right hands, but Angelina distracts from the floor and allows Winter to get a knee to the ribs. Mickie dropkicks Winter's knees out from under her and then hits a diving dropkick to the face and Winter tumbles out to the floor. Mickie holds the ropes and invites Winter back in, but Winter refuses so Mickie goes out after her and gets distracted by Angelina, allowing Winter to ram her into the ringpost and dump her into the crowd. Mickie slowly picks herself up and goes back over the rail to ringside, and Angelina Love comes running in with a punt to the midsection. Winter with a double chickenwing, but Mickie escapes and gets a jackknife rollup for 2. Winter rolls out of the hold and chokes Mickie, then gets a side backbreaker and holds Mickie, draping her over her knee. Mickie escapes with kneestrikes to the skull of Winter, but Winter stomps her back down in the corner and chokes her with her boot. Mickie comes back with a flying headscissors out of the corner and a series of clotheslines, followed by a flapjack and a Thesz Press off the top. Angelina sneaks in behind the referee's back and hits a weird neckbreaker over the knees thing and Winter covers Mickie for 2. Winter tries a spinning slam but Mickie slips out and gets an O'Connor roll for 2. Mickie comes out fo the corner with a tornado DDT, but Winter rolls out to the floor, and Angelina tries to come back in and go after Mickie again, but Mickie gives her a neckbreaker and then goes after Winter, rolling her back in the ring, but Winter spews some kind of mist in Mickie's face and covers her for the win.

    Winner and NEW Knockouts Champion: Winter

    And so Winter and finally finished her centuries-old quest to regain the affections of Angelina Love and win the Knockouts Title.

    Jeremy Borash is backstage with Brian Kendrick, who is cut off mid-promo by Austin Aries, who says that tonight was a handicap match with Kendrick and Shelley double teaming him, but he didn't beat him. Kendrick says he won the match, but Aries says Kendrick never beat him and can't call himself a real champion until he beats him.

    Bound For Glory Series: Crimson vs Rob Van Dam

    Van Dam has Jerry Lynn in his corner at ringside. Crimson immediately powers RVD to the corner, RVD tries to dodge around him, but Crimson lays him out with a clothesline for 2. Crimson with a big bodyslam for 2, but RVD whips Crimson to the corner and follows in with a running spinkic and then Rolling Thunder. Crimson with a three quarter nelson with kneestrikes and then a rolling neckbreaker for 2. RVD fires back with some straight punches, but Crimson hits a T-bone suplex for 2. RVD rolls out to the floor and Crimson goes out after him, but RVD floors him with a spinning kick to the jaw out of nowhere. RVD goes back inside and plays to the crowd, but Crimson grabs his ankle and drags him back to the outside and lays him out with a clothesline, then rolls RVD back inside and covers for 2. Crimson continues beating RVD down and whips him hard into the corner and RVD just collapses to the mat and Crimson covers for another 2. Crimson with another three quarter nelson into a snapmare and an elbowsmash to the top of the head gets 2. Crimson goes back to the three quarter nelson, but RVD lays him out with another boot to the face and then hits a split legged moonsault for 2. RVD goes up top and tries a thrust kick off the ropes, but Crimson ducks out of the way and hits a Falcon Arrow suplex for 2. Crimson prepares to finish RVD and sends him to the ropes, but RVD comes back with another thrust kick to the chest followed by a stepover leg lariat. RVD pops up top the top rope and hits the Five Star Frogsplash, but takes too long to cover Crimson and only gets 2. Jerry Lynn looks flabbergasted at ringside that the frogsplash didn't put Crimson away, and Crimson drills into RVD with a spear for 2. Crimson ducks a spinkick and hits the Red Sky, but Jerry Lynn runs in and nails Crimson during the count, and the referee calls for the DQ.

    Winner by DQ: Crimson

    Crimson shoves Lynn off and even RVD gets in Lynn's face and the two of them argue. Lynn says he was just trying to help, and RVD asks how that was supposed to help him and that's why he doesn't have people come out to the ring with him. Now because of the DQ loss, RVD loses 10 points and drops way down the rankings while Crimson stays in first place.

    Jeremy Borash is backstage with Ken Anderson, who says there's only room for one asshole in Immortal, and that's him.

    Abyss, Scott Steiner & Gunner vs AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels & Frankie Kazarian

    Kazarian and Gunner start and do a feeling out process, then Kazarian takes Gunenr down to the mat and controls him, then hits a dropkick to the jaw for 2. Gunner tags out to Scott Steiner and he poses until Kazarian gets an awkward crucifix for 2. AJ tags in and puts the boots to Steiner, but Steiner powers him to the corner and unloads with the heavy artillery. AJ and Daniels with a Double Goozle and Daniels covers Steiner for 2. After all these years, Daniels is back in the ring with the guy who broke his leg with a steel pipe. Abyss tags in and unloads on Daniels, but Daniels evades his grip and unloads with palmstrikes and goes for a springboard leg lariat, loses his balance, and barely hits it. Pandemonium breaks loose as everyone winds up in the ring and Fortune comes out on top with fast paced offense, and Daniels hits a running clothesline to the back of Abyss' head for 2. Abyss simply picks Daniels up and slams him to the mat and Daniels rolls out to the floor, but Steiner comes after him and rams him into the guardrail, then does it again because he's such a nice guy. Immortal takes turns laying a beating on Daniels and then Steiner hits a belly to belly suplex for 2, but Daniels hits a leaping enziguiri to Abyss and makes the hot tag to Kazarian, who comes in and goes to work on Abyss, hitting a springboard back elbow and a springboard splash for 2. Kazarian dumps Gunner to the floor and gets a springboard tornado DDT that sends Abyss to the outside as well, and Kazarian wipes both of them out with a dive to the floor. Now all six men are brawling out on the floor and Kazarian rolls Abyss back in and climbs up to the apron, but Steiner drags him back down and rams him into the barricade. Gunner drags a table out from under the ring and sets it up, but Daniels comes over to make the save and go after Gunner. The referee is frantically trying to get this back under control as Abyss works Kazarian over in the corner, then Steiner tags in and lays Kazarian out with a clothesline, elbowdrop, and the Steiner pushups. Steiner distracts the referee while Gunner chokes Kazarian from the floor, then Gunner tags in and goes toe to toe with Kazarian and wipes him out with a running back elbow for 2. Abyss comes in with body shots to Kazarian, but Kazarian with a slingshot DDT lays Abyss out and he makes the hot tag to AJ, who comes in and cleans house on Immortal, hitting a hammerlock back suplex on Gunner, leaping clothesline in the corner on Abyss, and knocks Steiner off the apron. AJ with a springboard crossbody for 2 on Abyss, he tries the Styles Clash, Abyss blocks and goes for a chokeslam, and AJ reverses to a victory roll for 2. AJ with the Pelle Kick to Abyss for 2, then Kazarian and Gunner come in thering and go at it. Daniels hits an STO on Gunner and hits the BME, but Steiner comes in and lays him out with a Flatliner, AJ wipes him out with a hard kick, then AJ goes up top but Gunner shoves him off onto the top rope. Gunner sets the table up on the floor and gets AJ in a fireman's carry on the apron, but Daniels jumps up on the apron and breaks it up, but Gunner drives into Daniels and they go through the table instead. Back in the ring, AJ hits a Pelle Kick on Abyss and covers for 3.

    Winners: Fortune

    Daniels is in a lot of pain on the floor, and AJ goes out to check on him. Daniels says he wasn't going to let AJ go through that table, but meanwhile in the ring, Steiner and Gunner are chewing Abyss out over the loss.

    Jeremy Borash is backstage with Bully Ray, who says that there may be only room in Immortal for one asshole, and he says that asshole is him. Everyone makes mistakes, his was carrying Devon around for 15 years, Borash's parents made one when they had him, and Hogan and Bischoff made one when they allowed Anderson into Immortal, and he's going to correct that when he beats Anderson down really bad right here and now, and the last face Anderson's going to see is his.

    Bully Ray vs Ken Anderson

    Ray sneaks up behind Anderson during his entrance, but Anderson knew he was there and stopped mid intro and started beating Ray down to the ground, finishes his intro, then cracks Bully Ray in the face with his mic. Anderson continues beating Ray down to ringside and rams him into the barricade, then continues drilling him in the face with right hands and rams him into the barricade yet again before ramming him back first into the ring apron. Anderson takes his t-shirt off and chokes Bully Ray with it, then rolls Ray into the ring and the bell rings to finally officially start the match.

    Anderson rams Ray into the corner hard and follows him in with a clothesline, then tries a second charge and Ray gets his boot up and then rips his head off with a clothesline for 2. Ray hangs Anderson up in the corner and rams headbutts into Anderson's chest and then lays into him with a hard chop. He gets right in Anderson's face and goes "You gonna fight me, asshole? You gonna fight me, asshole? Go ahead and hit me right in the face!" before getting a side suplex for 2. He yells at Anderson that he told Hogan and Bischoff they made a mistake by bringing him into Immortal, but Anderson fires back with right hands until Bubba whips him into the ropes and hits a back elbow for 2. Bubba pulls Anderson's kneepad off and locks Anderson into a neck vice and then starts gouging at Anderson's face, but Anderson bites Bubba's hand until Bubba clubs him with a big forearm and then plants him with a big vertical suplex. Anderson is on his knees and starts firing right hands at Bubba, who just drills him back in the face and goes for the Bubba Bomb, but Anderson slips out and plants Bubba with a DDT.

    Anderson starts firing back on Bubba, but Bubba no-sells until Anderson runs him over with a clothesline and a running back elbow. Anderson with a rolling neckbreaker for 2 and then sets for the Mic Check, Bubba blocks and tries a clothesline, but Anderson with a spinning enziguri I didn't know he was capable of for 2. Bubba with a uranage for 2 and then a running splash in the corner, then Bubba tries coming off the second rope with a senton, but Anderson moves and Bubba hits hard. Anderson goes up top and hits a Swanton for 2, and Bubba catches him on impact and rolls him into a cradle for 2. Anderson comes off the second rope and Anderson catches him in a Bubba Cutter for 2. Bubba goes for the chain but Anderson ducks and picks Bubba up in a fireman's carry, but loses him and they tumble the mat where Anderson covers for a weak 2. Anderson goes up top, but Bubba yells "screw you" at Anderson and heads up the aisle. Anderson goes after Bubba and dumps him back into the ring and grabs Bubba's chain. Bubba begs off, then hits a low blow and rolls Anderson up for the win.

    Winner: Bully Ray

    Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff are backstage chewing out Abyss for losing, and Bully Ray comes into the back and annoys Hogan by interrupting his lecture to talk about how badly he just beat Anderson up. Hogan says he's out of here, and tells Abyss they can't home with him.

    World Tag Team Title Match: Beer Money vs Mexican America

    Earl Hebner, much like earlier tonight, preemptively kicks Sarita and Rosita out of ringside. Anarquia makes a grab at Roode from the apron right off the bell and Hernandez nails Roode, but Roode runs him over with a hard clothesline and then tags in Storm, who comes in with a facebuster on his knee and a neckbreaker for 2. Anarquia tags in and gets hiptossed, then Beer Money with a double back elbow and a pair of kneedrops for 2. Anarquia tries a wild swing and Roode ducks it and gets a Fujiwara armbar, but Hernandez ocmes in and breaks it up, so Beer Money do a wishbone split on Anarquia instead. Storm with a running clothesline on Anarquia, then Roode trips Anarquia from the floor and Storm boots him in the head to send him to the floor. Storm with another boot to the head to Hernandez, then clotheslines him to the floor and runs into Roode, who backdrops him over the top and onto Anarquia on the floor. Storm rolls Anarquia into the ring and covers for 2, then Roode tags in and goes at it with Anarquia until Hernandez nails him from the outside and then he comes in and both members of Mexican America wipe Roode out with a double shoulderblock. Hernandez just tosses Storm across the ring by the neck and covers for 2, then Anarquia comes in and hits a double underhook suplex for 2. Hernandez nails Roode with a Mongolian chop, but Roode catches him coming off the ropes with a spinebuster and finally makes the hot tag to Storm, who comes in and absolutely decimates Anarquia with clotheslines and a big backdrop. Storm with an Air Raid Facebuster for 2 on Anarquia, then Roode comes in and they hit a double vertical suplex on Hernandez. They do the BEER...MONEY! chant and Storm sets Anarquia on the top rope and hits a top rope Frankensteiner, followed by a top rope splash from Roode for 2. Hernandez nails Storm from the outside and Anarquia rolls him up for 2, but Storm dropkicks Hernandez to the floor and Roode shoves Anarquia off the top rope right into a superkick from Storm, who covers Anarquia and gets the win.

    Winners: Beer Money

    Great match thanks entirely to Beer Money, and absolutely the right outcome. Mexican America didn't seem quite able to hang with the champions here. Storm grabs the US flag and holds it high to a great reaction from the crowd.

    Jeremy Borash is backstage with Kurt Angle, and Angle says that he's never really beaten Sting, and to be the best ever, he needs to do that. Angle simply says that he won't lose.

    It's main event time!

    Impact Wrestling World Title Match: Sting vs Kurt Angle

    They tie up and Sting goes right to the arm with a wristlock, and Sting has purplish tights on tonight, making him almost look like some bizarre cross between the Joker and the Riddler. Angle takes Sting down with a side headlock, but Sting comes back with a hiptoss and an armdrag and bars the arm. Sting comes off the ropes and takes Angle down with a shoulderblock, but Angle comes back with an armdrag of his own and now he bars the arm with his knee grinding into the side of Sting's face for good measure. Sting regains his feet and rams Angle to the corner and then kicks his knee out from under him, then does it again. Angle sends Sting to the ropes and nails him with a back elbow, but Sting backdrops Angle to the floor and goes after him, ramming him into the ring steps. Sting follows that by ramming Angle into the barricade, then sends Angle back into the ring, but Angle hoists Sting up coming in and dumps him in a Samoan Drop. Angle mounts Sting with a rear chinlock, Sting tries to escape but Angle catches him coming off the ropes with a knee to the gut and a front backbreaker for 2, then goes back to the chinlock. Angle rams Sting back and forth from corner to corner, but Sting comes out the last time and lays Angle out with a clothesline and a DDT for 2. Angle catches Sting out of nowhere and dumps him with an overhead release suplex for 2, then he tries the Angle Slam, but Sting slips out the back and hits the Scorpion Deathdrop for 2. Now Angle ducks a wild swing and hits the rolling German suplexes and gets 2. Angle goes up top to try for the moonsault, but misses just like EVERY OTHER TIME HE'S EVER TRIED THAT MOVE. Sting capitalizes by hitting Angle with his own Angle Slam for 2, then gets Angle in the Scorpion Deathlock, but Angle makes it to the ropes. Angle collapses into the corner and Sting hits the Stinger Splash, but misses a second attempt and Angle hits the Angle Slam for 2. Angle charges Sting in the corner, but Sting moves and Angle crashes into the ringpost, and Sting hooks Angle's own anklelock and drags Kurt back out to the middle of the ring. Angle makes the ropes and then quickly hooks Sting in his own Scorpion Deathlock and, in a nice touch, holds his own ankle in pain since he had been in his own hold for so long. Sting makes it to the ropes, so Angle goes back to the rolling German suplexes, Sting fights his way out and goes for a slam, but Angle rolls through and gets Sting back in an anklelock, and Sting counters to a victory roll for 2. Angle goes for a kick and Sting catches it, and the referee gets sandwiched between Sting and the ropes so when Angle went for an enziguiri, Sting ducked and the referee gets wiped out. Sting takes Angle out with a clothesline and now both men are down, and Hogan comes in the ring with a chair and goes to hit Sting. Angle grabs the chair out of Hogan's hands and chases him out to the floor, then hits Sting with the chair and hits the Angle Slam and covers for the win.

    Winner and NEW World Champion: Kurt Angle

    Hogan and Angle have a staredown that really doesn't tell us much,

    Thank you for following PWInsider.com's live coverage of Hardcore Justice! I'll be back in just a short while with Dave Scherer for the Hardcore Justice Postgame Show, and we'll have all the news coming out of the PPV throughout the week right here on the site, but right now we want to know what did you think of the show? What was the best match??

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    Continued ..

    2013 - WWE broadcast NXT. Richard Trionfo filed the following TV report:

    This week is ‘Face Off’ Week. Dean Ambrose faces Adrian Neville for the United States Title, Summer Rae and Emma will dance. Bo Dallas will face Leo Kruger for the NXT title.

    We are in Winter Park, Florida and your announcers are Tom ‘Tom’ Phillips and Alex ‘Talking up a storm’ Riley.

    Byron Saxton announces that Tyler Breeze has entered the building.

    Match Number One: Adrian Neville versus Dean Ambrose for the United States Title

    They lock up and Ambrose backs Neville into the corner and he pie faces Neville but Neville pushes back. Ambrose holds on to the ropes to stop an O’Connor Roll but Neville with a leg lariat. Neville sends Ambrose into the turnbuckles and he kicks Ambrose in the chest.

    Ambrose with punches and then he runs his forearm across the face and then he runs Neville’s face across the top rope. Neville with punches and then he takes Ambrose down with a head scissors. Neville sends Ambrose into the turnbuckles and he kicks Ambrose.

    Ambrose with an Irish whip but Neville floats over and then he hits a cross body for a near fall. Neville with a hammer lock but Ambrose gets to his feet and he hits a short arm clothesline. Ambrose punches Neville and then he tries to send Neville into the turnbuckles but Neville reverses. Neville with a round kick to the side of the head.

    Neville goes up top but Ambrose rolls to the floor and Neville returns to the mat. Neville misses a baseball slide and Ambrose with a clothesline on the floor. We go to commercial.

    We are back and Ambrose with a series of snap elbow drops and he gets a near fall. Ambrose stomps on the abdomen but he misses a short arm clothesline. Neville with kicks but Ambrose with a knee to the midsection. Ambrose with a series of punches and he puts Neville in the ropes and Ambrose with a drop kick for a near fall.

    Ambrose with a bow and arrow but Neville is able to counter into a lateral press. Ambrose punches Neville. Ambrose with a head butt followed by chops. Ambrose with a hard Irish whip followed by a suplex and he gets a near fall. Ambrose with a sleeper to Neville and then he turns it into a Cobra Clutch. Neville gets to his feet and Ambrose tries for a belly-to-back suplex but Neville with an elbow.

    Neville gets to his feet and he goes to the apron when Ambrose charges into the corner and Ambrose hits the ring post with his shoulder. Neville with a springboard cross body for a near fall. Neville with a back heel kick and clotheslines. Neville with a head scissors and Ambrose goes to the floor. Neville with a baseball slide and then he hits a corkscrew plancha.

    Neville rolls Ambrose back into the ring and Neville goes up top for the Red Arrow and he hits it but Rollins and Reigns break up the cover and the referee calls for the bell.

    Winner: Adrian Neville (by disqualification)

    After the match, Rollins and Reigns attack Neville. Corey Graves and Xavier Woods make their way to the ring to make the save for Neville.

    We go to commercial.

    We go to the back where Enzo Amore and Colin Cassady meet up with Sylvester Lefort and Scott Dawson.

    Enzo says that he is doing fine. He says that Scott has a big match against Mason Ryan. Enzo tells Scott about Mason Ryan. He says that Mason is S-A-W-F-T. Colin says that Mason is sawft. Enzo says that Scott will crush him.

    Scott says that it will be a piece of cake. Sylvester says that all that matters is the money.

    Colin and Enzo start talking and CJ Parker photo bombs them. Enzo says that he would miss his sister’s wedding to see that.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and it is time to Step Up for the Breakin’ Krush Groove Dance Battle between Summer Rae and Emma. We see footage of Emma defeating Summer in a wrestling match and it set the stage for tonight.

    Summer makes her way to the ring first. Emma makes her way to the ring second.

    Byron Saxton is your host and he says that each Diva will have the chance to dance. There will be four rounds of action and the winner will be decided by the crowd. Summer will go first because she asked for it.

    Summer wants the music stopped because Emma has made a farce of dance. She demands her true music and she does her Fandango free Fandancing. Emma tries to top Summer with her own Emma-Dance.

    After the dancing, it is time for the fans to choose the winner and it is Emma.

    Emma does her victory dance and Summer attacks her from behind and Summer with a step over leg drop.

    We go to commercial with a Leo Kruger promo where he says that the people will be laughing at Bo when he loses the title tonight.

    Match Number Two: Tyler Breeze versus Danny Burch

    Tyler takes some photos before punching and kicking Burch. Tyler takes some more photos. Burch with a punch but Breeze with an enzuigiri and he takes a few more photos. Breeze with a spinning heel kick for the three count.

    Winner: Tyler Breeze

    After the match, Tyler takes some more photos and he gets down next to Burch on the mat and poses.

    We go to Renee Young who is with Bo Dallas. Renee congratulates Bo on his victory but Bo interrupts Renee. He says that he did not survive, he pinned him. It is all that matters. Antonio is a good kid and he has a bright future.

    Renee asks about Leo Kruger, who pinned him last week. Bo says that he was pinned, but it was all on Sami Zayn. He likes Sami but he is inexperienced. He has never been in the ring with a champion. Sami has his back at all times. Bo says that he is a former Tag Team Champion.

    Bo says that Leo is strange and a dangerous man, but he’s got this. When the champ is down . . . don’t stop Bo-Lieving.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Scott Dawson will face Mason Ryan next week. The Shield will face Corey Graves, Adrian Neville, and Xavier Woods as well.

    We are told that Emma is not medically cleared to wrestle so Summer Rae will face Paige for the NXT Women’s Title next week.

    Byron Saxton tells us that Tyler Breeze has left the building.

    Match Number Three: Bo Dallas versus Leo Kruger for the NXT Title

    Kruger goes to the floor to try to gain a psychological advantage over the champion. Kruger uses the referee as a shield and he kicks Bo and then he kicks Bo in the corner until the referee warns him.

    Bo with a few drop kicks followed by a reverse atomic drop and a cross body for a near fall. Bo with a Northern Lights suplex for a near fall. Bo with a hammer lock into a key lock. Kruger with punches but Bo with a forearm. Kruger with a back elbow and then he hits a Mick Foley clothesline and both men go over the top rope to the floor. Kruger returns to the ring and then he hits a baseball slide and Dallas is down. We go to commercial>

    We are back and Kruger with a reverse chin lock. Bo with punches and he gets out of the hold. Kruger with a hard Irish whip. Kruger gets a near fall. Kruger with a snap suplex and he gets a near fall. Kruger with an elbow to the head. Bo with punches to Kruger. Kruger with a knee to the midsection. Kruger runs Bo into the turnbuckles and then he puts Bo on the turnbuckles.

    Kruger with punches as he sets for a superplex. Bo blocks the attempt but Kruger with a head butt and he tries for the superplex again and Bo holds on to the ropes. Bo with a punch and Kruger goes to the mat. Bo with punches and a clothesline off the turnbuckles and both men are down.

    Kruger waits for Bo to get to his feet and he runs into an elbow. Bo with punches and a few forearms. Bo with a punch to the midsection and then he hits a clothesline. Bo with a bulldog using the turnbuckles but he can only get a near fall. Kruger with a double thrust to the throat but Dallas with an inverted DDT for a near fall.

    Bo with Panic Attack in the corner and then he punches Kruger. Bo with forearms and punches to Kruger. Bo with forearms and punches to the back. Kruger gets a second wind and he punches Bo and then he connects with clotheslines. Kruger with a spinebuster and then Kruger sets for the Slice and he connects but Bo kicks out.

    Kruger tells Bo ‘ta ta’ and he goes for the GC3 but Dallas is able to get to the ropes despite Kruger’s attempts to add more pressure to the hold. Kruger releases the hold. Kruger punches Bo and Bo goes to the mat. Kruger goes up top but Bo gets his knees up and Bo with an arm bar submission and Kruger taps out.

    Winner: Bo Dallas

    After the match, Bo celebrates as the smoke machines go off and Bo holds the title belt over his head.

    2014 - TNA broadcast Impact Wrestling, featuring Dixie Carter being powerbombed through a table by Bully Ray. Dave Scherer filed the following TV report:

    Welcome to our ongoing Impact report. Yep, it's me doing the report.

    The show opened with Tommy Dreamer and Brothers Devon and Raw arriving at the building. The gist of what they had to say was that Dixie Carter is going through a table tonight. Team Bully is going to war with Team EC3 to make it happen

    The first mtch on the show is Abyss vs. Bram in a Monster's Ball match. The crowd was chanting ECW early on. Then they chanted that they wanted tables. They will get that and then some.

    The fans then chanted that they wanted blood. Taz was having a ball with the fans. Early on, the two men were plundering each other, leading to a This Is Awesome chant. Bram then brought in a barbed wire board. The two men fought to not get thrown into it, and then Bram kicked Abyss in the nuts. He went out side and got a wrench but Abyss had a cheese grater and used it on Bram's cashews. Abyss threw Bram face first into a chair that Abyss had set up in the corner. Abyss grabbed Janice but Bram got out of the way and Abyss stuck it into the turnbuckle. AByss is bleeding from the elbow. He grand his bag of tacks as the fans the fans chanted for blood. Bram hit him in the head with a kendo stick a few times. Abyss went for a chockeslam but Bram blocked it. Bram grabbed Janice and as he went to use it, Abyss grabbed him and chokeslammed him into the tacks. And the tacks were all over Bram's back. The fans chanted we want blood and this is awesome. Abyss went to use Janice when Magnus came out and stopped him. That allowed Bram to spear Abyss into the Barbed Wire board. Abyss got up and the board was stuck on his back. He got it off and walked into Bram, who used Janice into Abyss' gut and then got the pin. ... It was a demolition derby match with a ton of plunder.

    They talked about tonight's X Division match where Samoa Joe, Low Ki and Sanada will determine the champion. Joe was about to do a promo when Low (Voice) Ki came in and talked down to Joe. Joe was not upset. He said that Ki will go down.

    ECW 3 was with his team. Gene Snitsky did his "it's not his fault". Rhino said Gore. Zeke was Zeke. They definitely were getting Big ECW pops off this. EC3 made a point to say that Dixie Carter would never go through a table.

    Bobby Lashley, MVP and Kenny King came out with hot ladies. They talked about how Lashley beat Austin Aries last week and then MVP cut a promo. He said that when he was the boss, he had to deal with crybaby wrestlers. Now, as long as they have that belt, he has all of the power with none of the problems. No one has been able to beat Lashley. There is no one left for Lashley to beat. That brings out Bobby Roode.

    The crowd chanted for Roode, who told MVP he hears him talking. Some of what he has said are very try. MVP said yeah you are a whiny crybaby sissy. Roode said no, Lashley is a destroyer. He has beaten the best. So Lashley is one of of the most dominating wrestlers to ever hold that title. MVP said tell me something we don't know. He told MVP to shut up. He was here to talk to Lashley. He said he is a former World Champion and he has held that Title longer than anyone else. He knows what it takes to be the champ and MVP knew that, which is why he sent him home. The plan was for MVP to be the champ, but he blew out his knee. He was going to use Lashley to get him the Title. MVP says shut up. Roode said that while Bobby was dominating, he was too kicking King and MVP's asses. Lashley has beaten others but not him. So put up the title in a match. King then attacked Roode. And MVP joined him, while Lashley watched. Austin Aries and Eric Young quickly made the save. MVP said we are not doing this tonight, they are dressed to do hos. And they left. Lashley held up the Title.

    Gunner came walking up with Sam Shaw. They have a match tonight with Ken Anderson as their partner. Anderson doesn't trust Shaw. Gunner does. And he trusts Ken. Now Ken, do you trust Gunner? Off to commercial.

    The camera dude was asking Bully, Devon and Dreamer to tell him who their partner was. They laughed at them and said they aren't telling a stooge like him. Member four is an old friend and is wrestling on his birthday. Mike Tenay tried to say it was Taz. Taz said no.

    Zema Ion, Robbie E and Jesse Godderz took on Sam Shaw, Ken Anderson and Gunner. Anderson did the intros and mentioned himself and Gunner and then called Shaw this frickin' guy. Shaw wanted to start the match but Anderson did so instead.

    The main event will be an eight man hardcore extreme someone must die and lose their spleen match. And I only added a few extra words.

    The faces were in control early with the story that Anderson wouldn't work with Shaw. That led to Zema getting control and his team working over Gunner. Well for a minute or so. Gunner made his way to the corner and was gonna tag Shaw but Mr. Glommerson grabbed the tag. He doesn't trust Shaw. Anderson allowed the heels to take control of him briefly until Shaw came in and cleaned house. He threw all three out of the ring while Anderson watched. Ken walked over to Shaw, barking at him, when he got rolled up. Shaw tried to make the save but was help back. Anderson got in Shaw's face, even though he did nothing wrong. Gunner broke them up.

    Dixie Carter was in the back. She is not afraid. She has King Mo by her side. He has knocked some people out. Let's go. The Eight man is next.

    They plugged the One Night Only PPV.

    In the back, Anderson was mad. He got in Gunner's face about Shaw. They were about to go at it. Shaw came back and said Ken was right. It was his fault. Ken grunted and acted like a jerk.

    Time for the eight man main event. Guys will join the match every 90 seconds. Dixie and Mo are watching up in the balcony. EC3 will start off for his team. Dreamer for Team don't call them Extreme. Anything goes. No one can win until all 8 guys enter the match. We still don't know who the fourth guy of Bully's team is.

    Dreamer was in control early and pointed at Dixie. But then Rhino came out for team EC3 and the heels went to work on Dreamer as Rhino plundered him with a trashcan lid. And then they used a kendo stick. Tommy took the abuse. ... Devon thn came out for Team Bully. He brough a trashcan and went to work. Devon looks good, in great shape. The faces took control as they went to commercial.

    We came back from commercial and Snitsky had come out, but then Bully came out. the faces were in control when Big Zeke came out and it's now four on three. We still don't know who the fourth man is for EC3's team is. All we know is it's not Mike Johnson. And EC3 is bleeding. A lot. The heels were in total control when Christy Hemme started the count down for the last man. Who will it be? The heels turned to watch and they saw.....Al Snow. With Head. The fans in the crowd had Heads, like back in ECW. The crowd chanted that they wanted head. Who doesn't? Bully hit a splash from the top on Zeke and Snitsky. Rhino nailed him but Dreamer hit a DDT on Rhino. Spud hit Dreamer with a stick, but the four men then destroyed him. Dreamer made out with head Snow went to the top and drove Head into Spud's nuts. All four faces did get the tables. But Zeke and Snitsky came back and went to work on them Snow came out of nowhere with an Asai Moonsault as the crowd chanted You Still Got it. The Dudleys hit 3 D on Rhino for the win. Dixie will now go through a table and she is not happy. Even a little bit.

    Bully said shut off the music. Where is she. The crowd pointed her out. He said you are surrounded by a bunch of NYC crazy people. Your boys are down. They got their ass beat down and they are leaving. Tick tock he said. The clock is ticking. Bully will put her through a table tonight. She said that won't happen. She promises by the end of the night King Mo is going to knock Bully out. Bully doesn't agree.

    The BPs were in the back ragging on Taryn Terrell.

    In the back, bloody EC3 said that King Mo will make sure that Dixie Carter won't go through a table.

    They pushed Bound For Glory from Japan.

    Angelina Love ragged on Taryn Terrell and then said she wanted her rematch for the Knockout Title and wants it right now. Terrell came out. She says Love is a ho. Love says she is hotter than every other woman and better than Terrell. Go tell your little baby that. Gail Kim them came out. She says Taryn will get a chance to knock Love's head off later. Angle told her she could choose who she defends against. She chooses Love. But also Taryn Terrell. Finally, Kim asked Velvet how she felt about being the second fiddle to Angelina. FINALLY. Love wouldn't let her answer but it didn't matter but Kurt put her in the match next week too. So it's all four of them. The BPs go to work together but it backfired and Velvet hits Angelina. They regrouped on the floor.

    In the back, James Storm said to Sanada he is not doing it for his country, Great Muta or the fans. He is doing it for Storm. Now bow. Sanada does. The three way X Division match is next.

    Havoc is coming. Next week for the first time in a long time, The Hardys vs. Team 3D plus the four way for the Knockouts Title. And a Scramble match.

    Bully doesn't care about Mo. This is not Bellator. Dixie's ass is going through a table. Period.

    X Division Title match. James Storm introduces Sanada. Low Ki is next. Joe is last. It was what you expect early on, with everyone doing their stuff. Sanada then got tossed and it came down to Ki and Joe. Joe went for a Buster but Ki put him in a submission. Sanada broke it up and Ki nailed him and got a two, which Joe broke up. Joe got a near fall on Ki would an Oklahoma Stampede. Joe went for a submission but Sanada broke it up. Joe got Sanda in the choke and he tapped before Low Ki could break it up. Your winner and X Division champion is Samoa Joe.

    In the back, Dixie told Mo that he has this and he is to take Bully out. He says he has it.

    Time for the main event segment. Dixie came out with Mo, Zeke, Spud, Rhino, Stitsky, EC3 and Zeke. She heeled all of them, They are worthless. EC3 said calm down. She pushed him. She fired them all. Called Snitsky and Zeke hasbeens. They left. She fired the fans and told them to get out of her building. She cursed at one of them.

    Bully, Devon and Dreamer came out with a table. The fans chanted table. Dixie said shut up. Bully said that for a long time he has promised the people that Dixie, the most hated woman in professional wrestling, is going through that table. Dreamer said he tried telling her with an extreme pipebomb. She is all that is wrong with this business. Mo hit Dreamer but Bully laid him out. Spud got tossed. EC3 is not here. They set up the table as Dixie cried. She rolled out and Spud saved her. Spud said it would never happened when every babyface in the locker room came out. Spud feinted. Dreamer grabbed Dixie and pushed her in the ring. Devon got her and handed her to Bully on the second rope. Down goes Dixie, and she missed most of the table. I mean like her whole upper back missed it. I can see why that one hurt. Nothing broke her fall. The fans chanted TNA as Bully glared. Dixie sold it like she was dead. Bully put his arms up to the air as the fans cheered. On the replay, Bullys ass broke the table. I can see why Dixie was hurting after that one. Good for her for taking that bump.

    2015 - WWE NXT ran Orlando, Florida. Andrew Twiss filed the following live report:

    Here are full results for NXT Live at the Orlando Armory for 8/7/15. All results will feature the new ring names. The notes section at the end will list all name changes that I am aware of.

    - Enzo Amore and Colin Cassady defeated Alexander Wolfe and Marcus Louis w/Sylvester Lefort. Standard opener to warm up the crowd. Match was ok, but nothing too special.

    - Bull Dempsey defeated "The Drifter" Elias Samson. Before the match, Samson sang a quick song about wanting to get out of Orlando. The match itself wasn't anything too special. They kept playing up Bull being out of shape until he made the big comeback.

    Post Match: Tyler Breeze came out with a bodyguard. While he wasn't identified to the crowd, he is developmental talent Radomir Petkovic. He's one incredibly intimidating looking guy. Radomir offers Bull a handshake. Bull shakes it but Radomir grabs him for what looked like a combination tombstone piledriver/powerslam. It looked a little awkward. Bull is helped to the back.

    - Eva Marie and Dana Brooke vs. Carmella and Billie Kay ended in a no contest. The match was stopped after Billie was injured. I don't recall the spot that injured her, just that she was in there with Dana and nothing looked out of the ordinary. It looked like Billie was bleeding from the nose. As for the match itself, Dana looked more confident in the ring, but you can still see some of the rough edges in Eva's game. Billie walked off under her own power and looked legitimately sorry the match was stopped.

    - Levis Valenzuela came out for a quick promo talking about how he wants to represent the Dominican Republic and how happy he is to be in NXT. He and Dasha Fuentes danced the tango before he left.

    - Tye Dillinger defeated Riddick Moss. Decent match. The Perfect 10 gimmick is way over with the crowd. It looked like Tye took a rough bump on the back of his head during a back suplex. I dont know if he was just really good at selling or had his bell rung, but he looked like he was struggling for a few minutes.

    - Bayley and The Vaudevillains defeated BAMF (Blake, Alexa, and Murphy) in a 6 person mixed tag when Bayley pinned Alexa. Match of the Night. Crowd was on fire for the whole thing. Best moment of the night came halfway through the match when Blake tagged in while Bayley and Alexa were in the ring. They tried to double team her but she kicked Alexa away, kicked Blake in the gut and gave him a Stone Cold Stunner. Blake sold it like he was Shawn Michaels selling for Hulk Hogan, but it was amazing and the crowd went INSANE for it. Really, it was great work by all 6 of the competitors involved.

    - Apollo Crews defeated Tucker Knight. Kind of a meh match. Crews has amazing talent. Knight is big, but I haven't seen enough of him to really get a read on if he is anything special.

    - Scott Dawson and Dash Wilder defeated Jason Jordan and Chad Gable. Another really good match. Gable is going to be a star and Jordan looks more confident than ever. If Jordan can put all the pieces together, he could be a major player down the line. Not much to say about Dawson and Wilder except that they are the best team in NXT. Period.

    - Tyler Breeze defeated Solomon Crowe. Solid match between these two. Breeze spent a lot of time working submissions and even used the Lance Storm Official single leg boston crab a few times. Breeze ends up winning with the Beauty Shot after Radomir distracts Crowe.

    Post Match: Radomir and Breeze are getting ready to work on Crowe when Bull Dempsey comes out. He lures Radomir behind the curtain, then comes back out to throw Breeze back in the ring. Crowe hits a kick on Breeze, Bull hits the top rope sit down splash, and the babyfaces celebrate.

    Another fun show on another steaming hot night at the Armory.


    - Several Superstars and Divas received new ring names. Their social media accounts were also updated to reflect the change. Nothing is official until it appears on tv, but here are the following talents that I am aware have changed ring names:

    - KC Cassidy/Cassie is now Peyton Royce
    - Jessie McKay is now Billie Kay
    - Axel Tischer is now Alexander Wolfe
    - Mike Rallis is now Riddick Moss
    - Lina Fanene is now Nia Jax

    - The Tough Enough competitors were in attendance. All but Gigi were there for the whole show. Gigi showed up after intermission. They had no involvement in the actual show.

    - From the looks of house show events over the last few months, it appears Sylvester Lefort is transitioning into a full time manager.

    - Dasha Fuentes and Greg Hamilton were the hosts and ring announcers for the evening. Meet and Greet before the show featured: Dana Brooke, Tyler Breeze and Tye Dillinger.

    - NXT will return to the Orlando Armory on September 3rd. Tickets are available.

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