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    Default WWE NXT Live Coverage - January 23rd, 2024

    Lyra Valkyria and Roxanne Perez to sign their Vengeance Day match contract.

    After winning the Women’s No. 1 Contender Battle Royal – Fatal 4-Way Finale, Roxanne Perez will the sign contract for her championship match against Lyra Valkyria at NXT Vengeance Day.[/B]

    Your announcers are Vic Joseph and Booker T.

    Semifinal Match in the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic
    Bron Breakker and Baron Corbin vs Axiom and Nathan Frazer

    Axiom and Frazer attack Corbin and Bron before the match strts. They hit a number of double team moves and tney kick Baron. Axiom with a wrist lock and head scissors take down. Axiom and Frazer drop kick Baron and Bron to the floor. Axiom and Frazer with suicide dives onto Bron and Baron.

    Bron tries to send Axiom into the ring steps but Axiom goes over the steps. Frazer sends Bron into the steps. Axiom with a head scissors to Baron. They drop kick Baron into the ringside barrier.

    The match starts and Axiom with a kick and a missile drop kick to Baron for a near fall. Axiom with a wrist lock and Frazer tags in and connects with a forearm and continues to work on the arm. Axiom tags in and he hits a double sledge off the turnbuckles. Frazer tags in and he hits a slingshot forearm to the arm. Frazer with an arm bar. Baron backs Frazer into the corner but misses a clothesline. Frazer with a forearm and arm bar. Baron sends Frazer into the turnbuckles but misses a forearm in the corner. Frazer with punches. Baron with a boot to the head. Baron with kicks to Frazer and a punch. Baron with a punch and he tags in Bron. Baron misses a clothesline and Axiom with a kick. Frazer with an enzuigiri to Bron. Baron blocks a head scissors off the apron and he power bombs Axiom onto the announce table. Frazer comes off the turnbuckles and Bron with a power slam.

    Bron punches Frazer while Baron punches Axiom on the announce table. Bron with punches and kicks. Baron tags in and he adds some more kicks to Frazer in the corner. Baron chokes Frazer in the ropes and then Bron wants to talk to the referee but this referee is not stupid enough to be distracted like that. Baron tags in and punches Frazer in the midsection. Bron with a suplex and he gets a near fall. Bron does some push ups. Bron with shoulders in the corner. Baron with a splash into the corner. Frazer lands on his feet when Baron pulls him up and Frazer with kicks and he tags in Axiom. Axiom with some strikes and a drop kick.

    Axiom kicks Bron off the apron. He tries for a suicide dive and Baron with a forearm to stop Axiom. Bron tags in and he connects with shoulders in the corner. Bron with a side head lock and a clothesline. The straps come down. Axiom with punches and he tries for a suplex but Bron counters with a power slam for a near fall. Baron tags in and he kicks Axiom and follows with a forearm. Axiom with a chop and Baron with a forearm to send Axiom back to the mat. Axiom with forearms and chops but Baron with a Saito suplex for a near fall. Bron tags in and he hits a release belly-to-back suplex for a near fall. Axiom with a kick to Baron and he avoids Bron to tag in Frazer. Frazer with a running forearm.

    Frazer with a chop in the corner. Bron with an Irish whip and Frazer floats over and leap frogs Bron on a spear attempt. Baron goes over the top rope when Frazer drops down. Frazer goes up top and hits a cross body onto Bron and Baron. Frazer sends Bron back into the ring and he sets for a super kick and hits it. Frazer tags in Axiom and both men with frog splashes but Bron kicks out. Axiom with a cross arm breaker and Frazer applies a rear naked choke to stop Baron from breaking up the hold. Bron with a one arm power bomb onto Frazer and Baron. Baron tags in and Axiom with a kick but Baron with Deep Six to Frazer followed by a side slam and brainbuster to Axiom for a near fall. Bron tags in and Baron sends Axiom to Bron for a power slam and he gets a near fall.

    Bron puts Axiom on the turnbuckles and Axiom with forearms. He kicks Baron and leaps over Bron but Bron with a clothesline. Bron with a forearm to knock Frazer off the apron. Bron goes to the turnbuckles for the bulldog but Axiom with a kick. Frazer tags in and Axiom with Spanish Fly and Frazer with a Phoenix Splash but Baron breaks up the cover. Baron with End of Days to Axiom. Frazer with a super kick to Baron but Bron with a spear for the three count.

    Winners: Bron Breakker and Baron Corbin (Advance to Finals)

    Ilja Dragunov is talking to a production assistant and Josh Briggs shows up. Josh says he needs to know who he is and Ilja is the measuring stick. He wants to see how he matches up to the Mad Dragon. Ilja asks if that is what Josh really wants. Josh says Ilja is making Trick do double duty to make it easier to keep the title. Trick Williams shows up and says he is here to make sure Ilja is good for Vengeance Day. Josh says Trick has no right to tell him what to do. He says after Trick loses, he is going to go back into Hayes' back pocket. Trick says that if Josh wants to see what he can do, he can face him. Ilja tells Trick he will be watching and he hopes that Trick will be able to make it to Vegneance Day.

    Wren Sinclair is in the back and she is talking to herself about her opportunity tonight. Fallon Henley shows up and Wren says she is nervous. She says NXT was a pipe dream before but now it is a reality. She says she is not here to make too many enemies. Fallon says it is hard to be the new girl. She tells Wren to be natural and she will be okay.

    Wren Sinclair vs Lash Legend (w/ Jakara Jackson, Noam Dar, and Oro Mensah)

    They lock up and Lash sends Wren into the corner. Lash corners Wren and sends her back into the corner. Lash blocks an arm drag or two. Wren with a sleeper as she rides Lash. Lash gets to the ropes and forces Wren off when she sends Wren's throat into the ropes. Lash slams Wren's head into the mat and then puts her in the ropes and connects with forearms. .Lash gets Wren up for a torture rack. Wren goes for a sunset flip and Lash windmills to stay on her feet. Lash sends Wren into the corner but misses a shoulder and hits the ring post. Lash misses a boot. Lash blocks a kick but Wren with an enzuigiri. Wren goes for a sunset flip but Jackson holds on and the referee watches it happen.

    Wren gets a near fall. Lash and Jackson almost collide so Wren sends Lash into Jackson. Wren gets a near fall. Lash with spinebuster for the three count.

    Winner: Lash Legend

    After the match:
    MetaFour surrounds Sinclair and Fallon Henley makes her way to the ring to stop the potential attack. Fallon stops Jackson on the floor. Fallon and Wren send Lash over the top rope to the floor.

    We go to RESTAURANT and we see that OTM has attacked some of the employees. They intimidate another employee.

    We see what happened last week with Dijak and Joe Gacy.

    Vic Joseph talks about the 2K24 game.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and we see Elektra Lopez wants to know where Lola Vice is because she is looking for her.

    Dijak vs Joe Gacy

    Gacy attacks Dijak from behind at the entrance. Gacy with punches but Dijak sends Gacy into the ringside barrier. Gacy sends Dijak into the ring post. Dijak pushes Gacy into the ring steps. Dijak punches Gacy and sends him over the ringside barrier. Dijak gets a chair from under the ring but Gacy with a forearm to the back off the ringside barrier. Gacy with forearms while Dijak punches Gacy. Gacy hits Dijak in the ribs and back with the chair. Dijak moves and Gacy hits the ring bell with the chair. Dijak with a cyclone kick to send Gacy through the HBalKony wall.

    Gacy crawls through the wall and he wants more. Gacy sends Dijak into the ring post and punches him. Dijak with a choke slam through the announce table.

    Security comes out to stop Dijak and Dijak does what he is supposed to do and he shows how useless wrestling security is. Gacy with a sleeper on Dijak. Gacy is pulled off Dijak.

    No contest

    Arianna Grace is in the locker room and she gives a speech about what her mother would say. Elektra Lopez shows up and he wants to know where Lola is.

    Lexis King walks in the back and he says he is the only one worth of center stage so Bearhill better thank him for this opportunity.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back at the UCF football stadium with Von Wagner and Robert Stone. Stone says he is getting Von ready for his Heritage Cup match. Stone has his kids to help with the training.

    Stene tells Von he is ready for the Heritage Cup.

    Lexis KIng vs Trey Bearhill

    King avoids Trey and he chops Trey a few times. Trey pushes King to the mat. King with a chop but Trey chops back. Trey hip tosses King back into the ring and he hits a splash into the corner. Trey with a slam but he misses an elbow drop. King with elbows and kicks to Trey. King with kicks and Trey blocks a kick and he chops King a few times. Trey with a back rake. Trey with a forearm and he goes for a choke slam but King gets to his feet and he hits a super kick and a thrust kick followed by a running knee to the back.

    King with Coronation for the three count.

    Winner: Lexis King

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Hayes shows up and Trick wants to know where he is. Hayes tells Trick to keep the eyes on the prize. Hayes says that Ilja is playing him. Trick says he wants to make sure that Ilja is at 100 percent. Hayes says Ilja is hurt after Trick wins the Iron Survivor Match. Now you are in the Dusty Classic and Ilja is ready to go. Hayes says Ilja sees Trick as a threat so he is going to make sure that they don't win the Dusty Cup and that Trick doesn't beat him. Trick says they take care of the LWO next week. Trick says Hayes has Austin Theory on Friday and he has Josh tonight.

    It is time for Super Nova Sessions with Noam Dar and his personal Ed McMahon . . . Oro Mensah.

    They talk about Von Wagner and his training video. Dar says there is no way that Von can beat him. That is why he is giving Von a Heritage Cup match.

    Dar brings out his guest Lola Vice.

    Dar says it is a pleasure to have her on the show. He says Lopez' reaction after being eliminated was great. He asks if that was planned.

    Lola says their friendship had an expiration date. She calls Elektra a leech. She tried to use Lola's star power to make herself relevant. She says she eliminated Lopez to get rid of the baggage.

    Dar asks if Lola has any regrets.

    Lola says she has no regrets. She does not regret the people watching her on social media. She doesn't mind the people in the locker room being afraid of her.

    Elektra Lopez comes out and she says she wants to know who Lola really is. You act sweet and innocent about being in WWE. Lopez says she sacrificed more than Lola ever did. Lopez says she is real. You got here by shaking your ass on Instagram. One minute, you are auditioning for a Lifetime movie and the next you are a wannabe MMA fighter. Lopez says Lola is the biggest phony in the WWE. Next week, we are going to meet, one on one.

    Lola asks Lopez if she knows what she is getting into.

    Lopez says she doesn't want to wait. She wants to burn Vice City down right now. Lopez spears Lola over the couch and she punches Lola.

    Officials make their way to the ring to separate them.

    We go to Tony D'Angelo to respond to what happened at his restaurant. They say they better have eyes in the back of their head because they are coming.

    We go to Chase U and the movers are taking everything away.

    Riley gets up and he tells Andre he is sorry but he will remember every moment he has had here.

    Andre says he has failed everyone.

    Duke says it is all materialistic stuff and it can be replaced . . . until they take his trophy.

    Andre says he never thought he would see the day that everything he built would go away.

    Andre yells at the mover trying to take his podium. Duke tells him to let it go.

    Andre says they had a good run and it is time to say their goodbyes.

    Andre turns off the lights and he stands by himself in the room before leaving.

    Dragon Lee vs SCRYPTS (w/ Bronco Nima, Lucien Price, and Jaida Parker)

    They lock up and Lee with a wrist lock. Lee with a hammer lock and SCRYPTS gets to the ropes. SCRYPTS misses a punch and Lee with a side head lock take down.

    We see Oba Femi on the HBalKony to watch the match.

    Lee with a shoulder tackle. SCRYPTS with handsprings to avoid punches but Lee with a drop kick and a flip dive. Lee sends SCRYPTS back into the ring. Lee with a leg sweep and a slingshot kick in the corner. Lee with a hesitation drop kick into the corner and he gets a near fall. SCRYPTS goes to the floor and Lee with a handspring to the floor and he punches SCRYPTS and sends him back into the ring. Lee with a shoulder but SCRYPTS kicks Lee off the apron to the floor. SCRYPTS with a Molly Go Round to the floor. SCRYPTS goes up top and he hits a cross body for a near fall. SCRYPTS with forearms. Lee with punches.

    SCRYPTS with a back heel kick and a front kick. SCRYPTS with a snap mare and a drop kick to the back for a near fall. SCRYPTS punches Lee and Lee blocks a punch and punches back. Lee with running forearms and an enzuigiri. Lee with a tornado DDT. Nima gets on the apron and SCRYPTS with a kick. SCRYPTS lands on his feet on a suplex. Lee with Spanish Fly and both men are down.

    A perfect time for Tony D'Angelo, Channing Lorenzo, and Adrianna Rizzo to come out and they fight with Parker, Nima, and Price during the match.

    Lee with Operation Dragon to a distracted SCYRPTS for the three count.

    Winner: Dragon Lee

    After the match:
    Oba says he has made his decision and he will see Lee at Vengeance Day.

    Edris Enofe says he spent all this time to make this gear and they are frustrated. She shows up and tries to motivate Edris and Malik. Brinley Reece shows up and she says she has built off losing in the Battle Royal and she is ready for the next thing that comes her way. Edris says they have thought about the problems and they need some luck. She tells them to write down five things they liked about the match and five things they didn't like about the match. She cartwheels away.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Lyra Valkyria is looking at something on her tablet in the locker room. Tatum Paxley shows up and talks about how happy she was to team wtih Lyra. Lyra says Tatum is a special kind of girl but last week was a one time thing. LYra says she has a lot going on and she cannot answer all of the voicemails and emails from her. Tatum says she understands Lyra and it is all about Roxanne. Tatum says she gets it. Lyra says she is glad they are on the same page. Tatum then maniacally says that they are on the same page.

    Blair Davenport vs Karmen Petrovic

    Karmen with a kick to the leg. Karmen avoids Blair and kicks her again. They lock up and Blair with forearms. Karmen with a leg trip and a La Magistral for a near fall. Karmen with a kick to the leg but Blair with a knee and a double stomp to the back off the turnbuckles. Blair with Irish whips into the corner followed by a back breaker for a near fall. Blair with a rear chin lock and her knee in Karmen's back. Blair with a knee and Irish whip but Karmen avoids a back breaker and Karmen with a rollup for a near fall. Karmen with kicks to the leg and midsection. Karmen with forearms and she gets Blair to the mat. Karmen with a running kick into the corner but she misses a spinning round kick.

    Karmen escapes a Falcon Arrow. Karmen with a back heel kick for a near fall. Karmen misses a knee into the corner and Blair drop kicks Karmen into the turnbuckles. Blair with a Falcon Arrow followed by the Bea Trigger for the three count.

    Winner: Blair Davenport

    Kelly Kincaid is with Ridge Holland and she asks about what happened after the match. Ridge says he won but he got his ass kicked. Ridge stepped away from the Brawling Brutes to rediscover himself. Kelly asks Ridge if he is going to take Gallus on by himself and he says that is what is going to happen.

    Ilja Dragunov makes his way to the ring to watch the next match.

    Next week, Von Wagner faces Noam Dar for the Heritage Cup. Lola Vice faces Elektra Lopez. Hayes and Williams face Wilde and Del Toro in the other Dusty Classic Semifinal match.

    Trick Williams vs Josh Briggs

    They lock up and Josh misses a punch on the break. Trick has some words for Josh before locking up again. Josh with a back elbow and a slam. Josh with an elbow drop for a near fall. Josh has some words for Ilja as he connects with elbows in the corner. Josh with an Irish whip and Trick with kicks and punches. Trick with a drop kick and slam. Trick with a slam. Josh with a punch and boot to the head. Josh sets for a choke slam and hits it for a near fall. Trick rolls to the floor and Ilja gets up to motivate Trick.

    Josh grabs Trick and connects with a forearm and sends Trick into the apron. Josh sends Trick back into the ring and he kicks Trick and follows with forearms to the back. Josh with a suplex for a near fall. Josh with a reverse chin lock. Trick with a sunset flip for a near fall. Josh with an elbow and he gets a near fall. Josh with a reverse chin lock. Trick with elbows and punches. Josh with a side slam for a near fall. Josh with a drop kick to the back. Trick with forearms but Josh with a knee and Irish whip. Trick avoids a clothesline in the corner. They both throw many punches. Trick with a flying clothesline and a jumping side kick and a second one. Trick with a flapjack.

    Trick misses the cyclone kick and Josh with a side slam and splash for a near fall. Josh with an Irish whip but he runs into an elbow. Both men goe to the floor and Ilja motivates Trick but Josh with a boot that misses Trick and takes out Ilja. Trick with a spinning heel kick to Josh on the floor. Ilja gets on the apron and Carmelo Hayes stops him. Trick comes off the turnbuckles. Josh goes for a choke slam but Trick counters iwth a victory roll for the three count.

    Winner: Trick Williams

    After the match:
    Josh with a clothesline to Trick. Ilja has to be held back while Trick and Hayes have some words in the ring. Ilja is escorted away while Trick and Hayes remain in the ring.

    Thea is in the back and she says Chase U was her life. She says it gave her everything. Jacy says it isn't over. Lexis tells Thea she should climb the shoulder of a winner. Lexis asks Thea to tell him what he needs to do to cheer her up. Riley Osborne shows up and he tells Lexis to leave. Thea calls Lexis a zero and Riley a hero. Riley says he wants to talk to Thea later. Jacy tells Thea that she needs to keep it cool because she is a grown ass woman.

    Roxanne Perez and Lyra Valkyria walk in the back.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back with the No Quarter Catch Crew. They are four strangers with the same goals. There are no friendships. They are not in it for the acknowledgement. They relish in the work. The catch clause says they determine who fights for them. They are prepared to show no pity, no mercy, no remorse, and no quarter.

    Carmelo and Trick walk in the back and Hayes says that Ilja was coming for him but Trick says he wasn't coming after him. Hayes tells Trick he needs to wake up and see what is going on.

    We are told that a six person mixed tag match is official for Vengeance Day.

    The table is in the ring and we go to Ava to be the MC for this contract signing.

    Ava says all eyes are on NXT and she brings out the two participants in the Women's Title Match.

    She brings out Roxanne Perez first.

    Out next is the NXT Women's Champion Lyra Valkyria.

    Ava says there are big expectations for Vengeance Day so it is time to sign the contract.

    Roxanne says we know they respect each other. She says this is the Stand and Deliver main event nine weeks early.

    Lyra says this is a match everyone wants to see. She says they are on a parallel path for the last twelve months. She says she debuted when Roxanne won the title.

    Roxanne says Lyra has had a great first year. You are the number one woman in the best division of WWE. She says it feels a little familiar. She was exactly where Lyra is last year. People get to see the rise of Lyra while Roxanne says she has had to fight harder and dig deeper to get a title that she never lost. No more Triple Threats or Four Ways. She gets her one on one match. Everything she went through will be worth it. You will travel down the same road that Roxanne did to get the title back.

    Lyra says she saw Roxanne grow from a girl happy to be here to someone who has confidence. She is not trying to push Roxanne's buttons. You had a great run and Lyra says she has replaced Roxanne at the top of the division. She wants the edgy Roxanne at Vengeance Day. The only person she has to prove that this is her division to is Roxanne.

    Roxanne says Lyra is so confident and Roxanne says she was the same. She says she has been there. Roxanne wants to give Lyra some advice. You are going to lose and that is when the real questions come in. Were you overrated? Was it too fast and too soon? People are going to be with you one day and boo you the next. When you are on top it is great, but will you be able to rebuild yourself like Roxanne did.

    Lyra says she has always been mentally and physically tougher than Roxanne. She might have been following behind Roxanne but Roxanne will always stay behind her.

    Ava says it is time to sign the contract.

    Lyra signs the contract first and hands it to Roxanne. Roxanne signs the contract

    Lyra and Roxanne stand face to face in front of the contract signing table.

    They shake hands.

    Tatum Paxley comes from under the table and she sends Roxanne through the table with a spinebuster.

    Lyra wants to know what Tatum did and Tatum hugs Lyra. Lyra pushes her away and wants to know what did Tatum do.

    End of show.

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    The Wolf Dogs defeat Nathan Frazier & Axiom to move on in the Dusty Tag Team Classic

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    William Regal is back in WWE on NXT!


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    Dijak and Joe Gacy got out of control in their match

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    Lexis King defeated Trey Bearhil

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    Embargaron a la Chase U, pipipi The farewell is next week.

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    Dragon Lee defeated Scrypts, Oba Femia accepted revenge on Vengeance Day.

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    Blair Davenport defeated Karmen Petrovic

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    NXT Champion Ilja Dragunov heading to the commentary table

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