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    GOD OF THUNDER Kemo's Avatar
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    Angry WWE NXT Live Coverage - February 20th, 2024

    Lyra Valkyria defends the NXT Women's Championship against Shotzi

    The NXT Women’s Championship will be on the line when Lyra Valkyria defends her title against the enigmatic Shotzi. Shotzi expressed interest in challenging Valkyria, and the match was approved by Ava, setting the stage for the SmackDown Superstar to come to NXT to compete for the championship. As a fighting titleholder, Valkyria is determined to overcome this next challenge and continue to cement her legacy as a dominant NXT Women’s Champion. Who will walk out of NXT as champion?

    Your announcers are Byron Saxton and Vic Joseph.

    We see Shotzi arriving at the building earlier today.

    We see Lyra Valkyria arriving at the building as well.

    North American Championship
    Oba Femi vs Lexis King

    King with chops in the corner but Femi blocks an Irish whip. King goes for a cros body and he bounces off Femi. Femi with a back body drop. Femi with European uppercuts. King tries for a sunset flip but Femi does not go over. King with kicks but Femi grabs King by the throat and sends him over the top rope to the floor. Femi sends King back into the ring and King drop kicks Femi off the apron. Femi misses King and he goes shoulder first into the ring post. Femi stops King and sends him back into the ring.

    King with a forearm to the injured arm. King with a top wrist lock.

    We see Stone and Wagner in PIP watching MONITOR and Stone says he has to go somewhere.

    King with an arm bar and Femi with an Irish whip. King sends Femi into the turnbuckles. King with a forearm from the apron and he goes up top.

    Stone makes his way into the arena and King with a double stomp to the arm. King goes to the floor and he pushes Stone down. King returns to the ring and Femi grabs King by the throat. King with chops and forearms. Femi with a clothesline and he sends King face first into the mat. Femi sends King into the turnbuckles.

    Femi with a power bomb and a second one. Femi gets the three count.

    Winner: Oba Femi (retains championship)

    Thea is in the back and she is worried that Riley hasn’t called back. Thea talks about the date and Thea says that Riley opened the door for her and she tells Riley she can do it herself. Ariana Grace stops by after eavesdropping. She says a lady does not have to be afraid to be daring. She says when a man opens a door for you, you welcome it. When a man shows interest in you, you reciprocate. She says that Thea should call Riley. Jacy says she can’t do everything for Thea. Grace asks if Jacy is really her friend. Jacy tells Grace to stay out of their business.

    Bron Breakker and Baron Corbin are walking in the back.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Lyra checks on Tatum. Tatum says everything hurts but all that matters is that Lyra came to help her. Lyra says she feels bad about last week but she asks Tatum to do something for her. Lyra says she needs Tatum to stay away from everything and stay in the back. Lyra says she has a special surprise if Tatum does that.

    Bron and Baron make their way to the ring.

    We see footage of Bron signing with Smackdown last week.

    They are joined in the ring by the Dusty Cup.

    Bron says if you would have thought back at No Mercy when they beat the hell out of each other that they would be standing here as the tag team champions.

    Baron says he remembers No Mercy because he says he beat Bron.

    Bron says Baron wouldn't be champion if he didn't carry the team.

    Baron says he set up Bron with End of Days.

    Bron says Baron set him up with End of Days but he hit the spear. Is that Spear of Days.

    Baron says a couple of a-holes in the ring with some hardware and they have no problem being the tag team champions.

    Andre Chase and Duke Hudson come out and Andre says you might not care who your next challengers are but they do. Duke says to beat seven other teams to win the Dusty Cup and winning the tag titles. Duke says Chase University is back at 100% and it is their time to shine.

    Bron says they can take their school spirit and calendars and shove it up their asses.

    Andre stops Duke and he says this is a teachable moment. Andre says the former champs gave them a title match and they aren't taking no for an answer. Duke says they are going to get their title match and they are going to give them a Chase U sized ass whooping.

    Nathan Farzer and Axiom come out and Frazer says the agreement you had with the former champions is null and void. That is the hard hitting truth. Axiom says they were the closest to beating Bron and Baron so they deserve the chance. Frazer says Bron and Baron wanted to jump them from behind so they will take care of them.

    Duke says it was good to see ya, but get a ticket and go to the back of the line. The future two time NXT Tag Team Champs are going to put the Chase U flag where it belongs.

    Baron stops them and he says this sounds like a 'you guys' problem and the champs have things to do and places to be. He tells them to tell someone who cares.

    Ava makes her way to the ring and she says it isn't up to Baron and Bron who chooses their next opponent, she makes them. She says she sees two deserving teams in front of her. They can meet tonight to see who the number one contender is.

    Kelly asks Roxanne about her match against Wren. She says Wren appears to be happy to be here, like her and then you are here long enough that chances are taken from you. Opportunities you have worked for over years are gone. The only person you can make happy around here is yourself. She says she hopes Lyra and Shotzi are watching her match because she will be watching theirs.

    Roxanne Perez vs Wren Sinclair

    They lock up and Wren backs Perez into the ropes and Perez reverses things and she pushes Wren. Wren pushes back. Wren with a single leg take down and Perez with punches. They roll to the floor and Perez with punches. Perez sends Wren back into the ring and Wren with a back slide for a near fall. Wren with a rollup for a near fall. Perez punches Wren and Wren with a forearm and a Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall. Wren with a front face lock and Perez with an arm wringer.

    Wren rolls to the floor and Perez follows. Wren with a forearm but Perez with an arm wringer on the floor. Perez sends Wren into the apron and she gets a near fall. Perez with an arm bar and a chin bar. Perez gets a near fall. Perez with a chin lock. Perez with a top wrist lock and a leg sweep. Wren with punches as Perez holds on to the wrist lock. Wren with an arm drag to escape. Wren with a back elbow and a kick. Wren with a clothesline and a second one. Wren with a drop kick. Wren charges into a knee from Perez but Wren blocks it and she sends Perez face first to the mat. Perez with Pop Rox and then she applies a crossface and Wren taps out.

    Winner: Roxanne Perez

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Noam says Lash is going to take care of Kelani Jordan. Noam asks why is No Quarter Catch Crew coming after him. They enter and Dempsey says the Heritage Cup is about over a hundred years of tradition. Noam says he doesn’t want to hear about history. He asks who does he fight. Kemp says you will find out when they are all in the ring because of the Catch Clause. Dar says he has to prepare for all four of them.

    Josh Briggs vs Brooks Jensen

    Josh smirks at Brooks when Brooks tries to start things before the bell rings.

    They lock up and Josh with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Brooks with a shoulder tackle. Brooks runs into a boot in the corner and Josh with a clothesline for a near fall. Josh sends Brooks into the turnbuckles and he connects with back elbows. Josh with a forearm to the back of the head. Brooks with an Irish whip and he blocks a boot in the corner. Brooks with a chop and a spinning bulldog. Josh kicks Brooks to the floor.

    Brooks punches Josh from the floor and he pulls Josh to the floor. Brooks with forearms to Josh against the apron. Josh with punches and Brooks with forearms to the back. Brooks with a bulldog and they go to the floor. Brooks sends Josh into the ringside barrier. Brooks sends Josh between the railing and the ringside barrier. Brooks kicks Josh and he stands over Josh. Brooks sends Josh back into the ring.

    Brooks sends Josh into the turnbuckles and then he connects with a double sledge to the back for a near fall. Brooks with a forearm to the back and he applies a reverse chin lock. Josh sends Brooks into the ropes and then he kicks Brooks and stands on his midsection. Josh with a side slam and he gets a near fall. Josh stands on Brooks’ hand and he sends Brooks sternum first into the turnbuckles. Josh with a punch to the nose and he applies a reverse chin lock. Brooks with punches but Josh holds on to the chin lock. Josh with a forearm to the back. Brooks with a back slide for a near fall. Josh misses a clothesline and Brooks goes for a sunset flip but Josh wrings the neck. Josh with forearms to Brooks followed by punches in the corner.

    Josh with a side slam and a splash for a near fall. Josh kicks Brooks in the head and he tells Brooks he is doing it for him. Brooks with a punch and Josh applauds him. Brooks with more punches and forearms. Brooks with a super kick and a clothesline. Brooks with another clothesline followed by a drop kick. Brooks goes to the turnbuckles and he hits a missile drop kick for a near fall. Brooks with clotheslines in the corner.

    Josh avoids a bulldog and Brooks with a boot to the head and Josh with a choke slam for a near fall. Josh pushes Brooks and Brooks punches josh. They go back and forth with punches and forearms. Josh with forearms to the back of the neck. Brooks with a boot and Josh with a boot to the head. Brooks with a rolling heel kick and suplex for a near fall. Brooks with a sunset flip but Josh with a punch. Josh with a clothesline and another one for the three count.

    Winner: Josh Briggs

    We go to Joe Gacy in the straitjacket. Dijak shows up and he says there is no decency in Joe. Joe says he admires Dijak for trying to stop him but this train is on another track. Dijak says he has many instruments of peace to derail Joe’s train.
    Luca Crusifino tells Joe this is false imprisonment and Dijak says he doesn’t care. Luca says this is illegal. Dijak says Joe violated his law. Luca says things don’t work his way. Joe says this isn’t over.

    We go to Carmelo Hayes arriving at the barber shop.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back at the Barber Shop. He tells Trick this is where it all began. Good memories, great moments. Here he is, all alone. He says he is here for pride. He knows his principles stay intact. He didn’t snake his boy and get too big for his boots. He says he wanted Trick to experience everything and lift him up with him. This is how you repay him? By trying to be the number one guy in NXT? You could have been number five, or number three, or even number two. You wanted to be one of one and when you come after one of one, you realize no one is above Melo. Did you think that Trick would be ahead of him? To be on top, you have to be ruthless and have the killer instinct He knew that Trick wanted a piece of this. He saw Trick side eying the title. He knew it would be sooner than later that he had to get Trick before Trick got him. Wherever you are at Trick, stay there. Your fifteen minutes are up. You want to see me Ilja? Get in line. If you aren’t going to talk about the championship, we have nothing to talk about.

    Arianna Grace vs Jacy Jayne (w/ Thea Hail and Jazmyn Nyx)

    They lock up and Jacy with a wrist lock. Grace with a reversal. Jacy with a reversal and a leg sweep for a near fall. Grace with a snap mare and a shoulder tackle. Grace tells Jacy to kiss her hand and Jacy refuses. Grace is sent to the floor and Jacy tells Thea and Jazmyn to do something. Jacy sends Grace back in the ring and Jacy yells at Thea. Grace with an arm wringer. Jacy sends Grace into the turnbuckles and follows with an elbow and short arm clothesline. Jacy with a back senton for a near fall. Jacy with a rear chin lock.

    Jacy is sent into the turnbuckles. Grace with a snap mare and an elbow drop for a near fall. Grace with an arm bar. Jacy sends Grace over the top rope to the floor. Jacy goes to the floor and Grace punches Jacy. Jacy with a back elbow and she rolls back into the ring. Jacy is held back by the referee and she wants Thea to interfere. Jazmyn takes the initiative and connects with a forearm. Jacy with a rolling elbow for the three count.

    Winner: Jacy Jayne

    After the match:
    Jazmyn raises Jacy’s arm and they celebrate while Thea feels like she has lost a friend.

    Tony D’Angelo is at RESTAURANT and Rizzo and Channing show up. Tony says he wants to talk to them. Rizzo says she gave everything she had in the ring. Tony says it was a good showing so don’t feel bad. Channing says the loss was on him. He says that they will get the titles back. Tony says they lost track of the big picture. They have been playing small ball. The stuff with Chase U and OTM? They are the D’Angelo family. He is going to lead them in a new direction. They are going his way and if they don’t like it, they are out. He is going to be the Don of NXT.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Ridge Holland is with Sarah and she asks about what happened in the Gallus Gauntlet using the chair on all three men. She asks him what does he have to say. Ridge says he can’t get the stench off of him. Gallus took his surgically repaired leg and put it in a chair and they smashed it. That is fine. When he gets that chair in his hands and he uses it, it becomes a weapon. He can’t fight fire with fire and he can’t defend himself without people judging him. Next week, he says he will address the people and he will apologize for everything he has done. Even if no one cares. With that chair in hand, that is not the man he is in his every day life.

    Shotzi is in LOCKER ROOM preparing for her match against Lyra.

    Number One Contender Match
    Duke Hudson and Andre Chase (w/ Riley Osborne) vs Axiom and Nathan Frazer

    Axiom and Chase start things off and Chase with a wrist lock. Axiom gets back to his feet. Axiom with a head scissors. Chase with an escape and an arm bar. Chase wrings the arm. Axiom escapes and he takes Chase down and gets a near fall. Axiom with a front face lock. Axiom with a waist lock take down and a bow and arrow. Chase with a lateral press for a near fall. Both men go for drop kicks at the same time.

    They shake hands and lock up. Chase with a side head lock. Chase with a hip toss and Axiom with a cartwheel. Axiom with an arm drag and drop kick. Frazer tags in and Axiom with a clothesline and Frazer with a DDT and shooting star press for a near fall. Chase with a kick and he tags Duke in. They send Frazer into the turnbuckles and they hit double sledges to the back. Duke with a shoulder tackle and he gets a near fall. Frazer with a side head lock and he floats over in the corner and returns to the side head lock. Frazer with misdirection and he tries for a drop kick and Duke blocks it and hits a shoulder tackle.

    Chase tags in and Frazer gets to his feet and Axiom make the tag. Axiom kicks Duke and he goes for a head scissors and arm drag take down on both men. Duke goes to the floor. Axiom with a suicide dive onto Chase and Frazer with one to Duke. They do it again.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Chase with an elbow. Axiomn with a forearm. Frazer with a kick and Axiom with a half and half suplex. Frazer and Axiom with a double super kick for a near fall. Frazer with a rear chin lock and Chase with elbows. Chase sends Frazer to the floor and he hits a Side Effect when Frazer comes off the ropes. Chase gets a near fall. Duke tags in and he connects with a forearm and slam to Frazer followed by a boot to the head. Duker goes for a power bomb to Axiom but Axiom escapes. Axiom with a kick but Duke with a uranage to Axiom. Duke with a Chase Elbow and he hits a Samoan drop of Axiom onto Frazer. Duke tries for the Razor’s Edge but Axiom with a rana to escape. Frazer tags in and then Axiom tags back in. They set for a double superplex but Duke pushes them off. Axiom with a kick to Duke.

    Axiom with Spanish Fly to Duke for a near fall. Frazer tags in and they kick Duke and Duke with a double clothesline. Chase tags in and he goes up top and hits a cross body on Frazer but Frazer rolls through and gets a near fall. Frazer blocks a sunset flip and drops down for a near fall. Chase gets a near fall with a sunset flip and then he gets the three count with a rollup.

    Winners: Andre Chase and Duke Hudson

    After the match:
    Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson attack Chase, Duke, Frazer, and Axiom as well as Riley. They hit Magic Killer.

    Ilja Dragunov says since day one he saw through Carmelo Hayes. You pointed the finger at him? You are a coward to attack Trick from behind. You did the same to him. You are the lowest form of life. Ilja says he has what Hayes seeks. He says he will see Hayes at Roadblock under one condition. Show up next week and meet him face to face. Ilja says he is coming for something more important than the title, your soul.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Fallon Henley says Josh and Brooks were like brothers. Thea is in LOCKER ROOM too and she is not in a good mood. Fallon talks about watching Brooks and Josh in a match. Thea says everything other than Chase U getting the tag title match sucks. She says her date with Riley didn’t go well. She says she thinks she is losing Jacy as a friend. Fallon says she had a bad Valentine’s Day date last year.

    Lash Legend (w/ Jakara Jackson) vs Kelani Jordan

    Lash with a waist lock take down and Jordan pie faces Lash. Lash with a wrist lock and she lifts Jordna in the ahri but the arm. Jordan goes for a sunset flip but Lash blocks it and she picks up Jordan. Jordan with a victory roll for a near fall. Jordan with another near fall. JOrdna with a side head lock. Lash with a bicycle kick when Jordan was going for an aerial move. Lash sends Jordan face first into the mat. Lash with a shoulder tackle and a second one. Lash with a uranage back breaker. Lash with a splash for a near fall.

    Lash chokes Jordan in the ropes. Lash with an Irish whip and another one. Jordan with a back elbow to Lash but Lash with a forearm and a back breaker as she stretches Jordan. Jordan goes for an arm drag but Lash blocks it. Lash goes for a splash but Jordan gets her knees up. Jordan with a forearm and chop. Jordan with more forearms. Jordan goes for a heads cissors take down but Lash blocks it and she goes for a power bomb but Jordan flips to her feet. Jordan with a boot and she goes to the turnbuckles for a head scissors.

    Jordan drop kicks Lash into the corner. Jordan with a step over heel kick. Jordan goes for the split legged moonsault but Jackson gets on the apron. Jordan knocks Jackson off the apron and Lash with a choke slam for the three count.

    Lash with a waist lock take down and Jordan pie faces Lash. Lash with a wrist lock and she lifts Jordna in the ahri but the arm. Jordan goes for a sunset flip but Lash blocks it and she picks up Jordan. Jordan with a victory roll for a near fall. Jordan with another near fall. JOrdna with a side head lock. Lash with a bicycle kick when Jordan was going for an aerial move. Lash sends Jordan face first into the mat. Lash with a shoulder tackle and a second one. Lash with a uranage back breaker. Lash with a splash for a near fall.

    Lash chokes Jordan in the ropes. Lash with an Irish whip and another one. Jordan with a back elbow to Lash but Lash with a forearm and a back breaker as she stretches Jordan. Jordan goes for an arm drag but Lash blocks it. Lash goes for a splash but Jordan gets her knees up. Jordan with a forearm and chop. Jordan with more forearms. Jordan goes for a heads cissors take down but Lash blocks it and she goes for a power bomb but Jordan flips to her feet. Jordan with a boot and she goes to the turnbuckles for a head scissors.

    Jordan drop kicks Lash into the corner. Jordan with a step over heel kick. Jordan goes for the split legged moonsault but Jackson gets on the apron. Jordan knocks Jackson off the apron and Lash with a choke slam for the three count.

    Winner: Lash Legend

    After the match:
    Kiana and Izzi make their way to the ring to check on Jordan, who is still down on the mat Izzi picks up Jordan and Kiana has some words for her. Jordan avoids Izzi and Kiana and then she pushes Kiana into Izzi to escape.

    Shotzi walks in the back and so does Lyra Valkyria.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Luke and Karl are in the Most Dangerous Parking Lot in Sports Entertainment. Karl says they are going to be in NXT as long as they want. Luke says he doesn’t know if Chase U will like it. Karl says they are going to separate the men from the boys in the tag team division. Luke says he didn’t realize Baron Corbin went to NXT to be the biggest comedian. He says they can be heroes to Bron. They are going to win the tag titles with a Magic Killer.

    Next week, Ilja Dragunov and Carmelo Hayes will meet face to face. Noam Dar will defend the Heritage Cup against a member of the No Quarter Catch Crew.

    NXT Women’s Champioinship
    Shotzi vs Lyra Valkyria

    They lock up and Lyra with a waist lock and take down. Shotzi with a side head lock into a front face lock. Shotzi rolls through into a guillotine. Lyra escapes and she takes Shotzi down but Shotzi kicks Lyra away. They lock up and Lyra with a side head lock and a hip lock take down. Shotzi with a rollup for a near fall. Lyra with a rollup for a near fall. Lyra with a wrist lock and a crucifix cover for a near fall. Shotzi gets a near fall wit a rollup.

    They lock up and Lyra with a sid head lock. Shotzi with a shoulder tackle and she howls. Shotzi with a head scissors take down but Lyra with a handspring to land on her feet. Lyra with hip tosses to Shotzi. Shotzi with a chop and a wrist lock. Shotzi goes to the ropes and hits a springboard wrist lock take down. Lyra sends Shotzi to the apron. Shotzi with a forearm and she hits a hanging DDT on the apron and Shotzi lands awkwardly and her knee gives out.

    The referee checks on Shotzi and the medical staff also shows up to check on Shotzi

    Shotzi is helped to the back but she has trouble walking. Lyra goes to check on Shotzi as they try to carry her to the back.

    Lyra is in the ring with the referee.

    We are told that Shotzi is unable to continue.

    Ava makes her way out and she says Shotzi is no longer allowed to compete. Ava says you will get a title match. Ava announces an open challenge.

    Lash Legend comes out.


    NXT Women’s Championship
    Lash Legend vs Lyra Valkyria

    Lash misses a forearm and Lyra with kicks to the leg. Lash with a punch. Lash sends Lyra to the mat. Lash with a half nelson and she gets a near fall. Lash with a reverse chin lock. Lyra blocks a few suplex attempts. Lash with an Irish whip but she runs into a boot. Lyra goes to the turnbuckles and Lash catches Lyra on a cross body. Lash with a uranage back breaker. Lash gets a near fall. Lash with forearms to Lyra followed by an elbow drop to the back and Lash gets a near fall. Lash with a forearm in the corner.

    Lash with an Irish whip and clothesline for a near fall. Lash with a back breaker over the shoulder and she adds more pressure. Lyra flips back to her feet and she connects with a head butt. Lyra with a clothesline.

    We cut to LOCKER ROOM and Roxanne is ANGRY about what happened and she throws MONITOR to the floor.

    Lyra with a head scissors and Lash blocks a spinning heel kick. Lash with a choke slam for a near fall. Lash with an Irish whip and she runs into a boot in the corner. Lyra goes up tiop and she hits a cross body. Lyra gets a near fall. Lyra tries to get Lash on her shoulders but Lash blocks it. Lash with a bicycle kick for a near fall. Lash puts Lyra on the turnbuckles and Lash sets for a superplex. Lyra with forearms to knock Lash to the mat. Lyra with a frog splash for the three count.

    Winner: Lyra Valkyria (retains championship)

    End of show

  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    The New NXT Tag Team Champs the Wolf Dogs come to the ring to celebrate their win

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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Carmelo Hayes says unlike Trick Williams he didn’t get too big for his boots

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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    The Good Brothers have arrived in NXT!

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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Shotzi has confirmed she ruptured anterior cruciate ligament in her (recorded) fight against Lyra Valkyria in NXT and will be out for at least 9 months.

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