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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Default Wrestling History Today - Apr 7th

    On this day in history

    1986 - WWF holds the second Wrestlemania, airing from three different locations across the United States. Mike Johnson penned the following:


    April 7, 1986

    Locations: Uniondale, New York; Chicago, Illinois; Los Angeles, California
    Arenas: The Nassau Coliseum, The Rosemont Horizon, The LA Sports Arena
    Combined Announced Attendances: 47,688


    For the second installment of Wrestlemania, the WWF braintrust went with three locations in three time zones, with each Arena watching the other shows via closed circuit television. Interesting to note that the California building watched the remainder of the show after their portion of the live event, while everyone else saw the show in the order of Nassau, Chicago, Los Angeles.

    Uniondale Results: Don Muraco fought Paul Orndorff to a double countout....WWF Intercontinental champion Randy Savage pinned George Steele with his feet on the ropes....Jake Roberts pinned George Wells with a DDT....Mr. T defeated Roddy Piper via DQ in the fourth round of a worked boxing match. T hardly trained for the bout, leading to a horrible performance and most of the Nassau crowd chanting for Piper. Piper eventually bodyslammed T to end the New York portion of the show.

    Uniondale Celebrities: Susan St. James commentated along with Vince McMahon...Lou Duva managed Piper while Smokin' Joe Frazier was T's cornerman....Ray Charles sang "America the Beautiful", starting a Wrestlemania tradition....Joan Rivers was the special ring announcer for the main event....Judges for the boxing match were jazz singer Cab Calloway, NBA player Darryl Dawkins, and G. Gordon Liddy, a political figure from the Nixon Presidential scandal.....The guest timekeeper was "Herb" a character from a Burger King ad campaign of the time which featured a hunt for the one man in the world who hadn't tasted a Whopper. Years before Where's Waldo, consumers were wondering "Where's Herb?"

    Chicago Results: WWF Women's champion The Fabulous Moolah pinned Velvet McIntyre after McIntyre missed a bodypress off the top.....Cpl. Kirchner pinned Nikolai Volkoff after catching Freddie Blassie's cane and hitting him with it. The finish would avenge Blassie's use of the cane to help Nikolai attain a Tag title a year before....Andre the Giant eliminated Bret Hart to win a 20 man Battle Royal that featured wrestlers as well as NFL football players. The Battle Royal was built around Chicago Bear star William "The Refrigerator" Perry and a rivalry with Big John Studd. Studd eliminated Perry from the bout, only to be pulled over when Perry offered to shake his hand. Much of the national news telecasts that night aired the clip. Others in the bout included Bruno Sammartino (in his only Wrestlemania match), Pedro Morales (ditto), Jim Cobert, Pedro Morales, Tony Atlas, Ted Arcidi, Harvey Martin, Danny Spivey, Hillbilly Jim, King Tonga (Haku), The Iron Sheik, Ernie Holmes, The Killer Bees, Bill Fralic, Jim Neidhart, and Russ Francis....The British Bulldogs defeated Greg Valentine and Brutus Beefcake to win the WWF Tag Team championships in the blowoff of their feud. The finish of the bout saw Davey Boy Smith run Valentine headfirst into Dynamite Kid's head, while Kid was perched on the top rope, sending him crashing to the floor in a frightening bump to set up the pin.

    Chicago Celebrities: Obviously, the NFL players who worked the Battle Royal. Cathy Lee Crosby (TV's "That's Incredible") did commentary with Gorilla Monsoon and Gene Okerlund...Claire Peller (who starred in the Wendy's "Where's the Beef?" ad campaign) was the guest timekeeper for the Battle Royal....Dick Butkus and Ed "Too Tall" Jones were the guest referee for the Battle Royal....Heavy metal singer Ozzy Osbourne was in the corner of the British Bulldogs, nearly a decade before he truly hit with the mainstream American audience as the patriarch of "The Osbournes."

    Los Angeles Results: Ricky Steamboat pinned Hercules Hernandez with a flying bodypress....Adrian Adonis pinned Uncle Elmer with a splash....Terry and Hoss (Dory Jr.) Funk defeated the team of Tito Santana and The Junkyard Dog. Terry Funk was awesome here, getting bodyslammed through a table years before Tod Gordon came up with the initials ECW. Terry cracks JYD with Jimmy Hart's megaphone for the pin....WWF champion Hulk Hogan escaped a Steel Cage match to defeat King Kong Bundy, then took liberties in the cage with Bundy's manager Bobby Heenan. This was the debut of the "reinforced" blue Steel Cage that the promotion continued to use all the way until the Attitude era came about. Bundy had destroyed Hogan in a tremendous angle on NBC's Saturday Night's Main Event "injuring" his ribs in the process.

    Los Angeles Celebrities: Horror TV show host Elvira commentated with Jesse Ventura and Lord Alfred Hayes....Tommy LaSorda of the Dodgers was the special guest ring announcer while Ricky Shroeder, fresh of NBC's Silver Spoons was the timekeeper.

    Notes: The show was available to limited homes via PPV. It would be a year later that PPV and WWF become known hand in hand...The show marked the final Wrestlemania appearance of Paul Orndorff, who main evented the first show....The show was another huge hit in the rental stores....The show aired on cable on Showtime several weeks after the event...King Kong Bundy was a focal point of much of the media coverage building up to the event. His stature as a monster was never bigger and the match was the highlight of his career....Future Mania main eventers Randy Savage and Bret Hart made their Wrestlemania debut with this show.

    King Kong Bundy on Main Eventing Wrestlemania 2: It was exciting, being in the main event with Hogan. It was a good match, a lot of fun...But if you check the tape, you'll see that my feet hit the floor first - I never lost! I should have been the champion! (March 2003, Slam! Wrestling)

    Dory Funk Jr. on Working Wrestlemania 2: Wrestling Trivia - Wrestlemania 2 was the only Wrestlemania represented by the number 2 as opposed to Roman numerals. Wrestlemania 2 originated from Los Angeles, Chicago and New York City. Terry and I were in Los Angeles. Marti and my daughter Penny traveled with us to Los Angeles for the show and together for the first time shopped on Rodeo Drive and visited Saks Fifth Avenue and the Gucci store. The match was Terry Funk and myself against Tito Santana and The Junkyard Dog. (Tito's real name is Merced Solice and he comes from the same West Texas State University the same university Terry and I played football at. It is little known in wrestling that Tito was an outstanding receiver for West Texas State University.) With his reputation as a football player, I could not understand why he would change his name, but why would I ever wrestle as Hoss Funk? In Los Angeles, Terry and I were on next to last. The main event was Hulk Hogan against King Kong Bundy. Tito and Junkyard Dog were a hot team. Tito being the great worker and Junkyard Dog the character personality. This was the final match for a feud that began with Terry and Junkyard Dog and was enhanced when the Booker, George Scott called and asked if I would come in for WWF and work a program. My first match ever for WWF was at the TV taping in Poughkeepsie where I interfered in a Terry/Junkyard match and beat the Hell out of Junkyard Dog. This began a program that culminated in the Wrestlemania 2 match. My time working with WWE was challenging because of the work schedule. (At one stretch we did 46 shows in a row.) At the end of the year I had 38 different state tax returns to fill out. It was also a fun time in my life. The money was good and I was able to travel with my wife Marti and at times bring other family members. Being a part of Wrestlemania is an honor, It gives you a unique place in history. It is like being able to say, "I played in the Super Bowl." It would be nice if in the future WWE would give out Wrestlemania Rings. For me, it was one of my biggest paydays working in the wrestling business.

    Velvet McIntrye on Wrestlemania 2: The biggest thing that stands out about that is I wanted to go to Kuwait, but I got WrestleMania II instead. There was a trip for the girls to Kuwait, and I always liked to go where I hadn't been. But I was told, 'Nope, you get to stay here and do Wrestlemania', so I was pretty bummed out about that. I didn't really care for my opponent. (March 2003, Slam! Wrestling)

    Dave Scherer: There are two things that I recall about Mania 2, and really two things only. One was the ambitious way that they did the show from three locations. It was a logistical nightmare, but also a very interesting idea that was worth trying. I also think that they made a great choice by never doing it again. It was not a good concept. The other thing I remember, from sitting in the building where I watched on closed circuit TV (and I am sure most of you don't even remember such a thing) was that the show was pretty dull and there was nothing memorable on it. At this point in time, I loved actual wrestling and the WWF didn't give us much of that.

    Mike Johnson: I can recall waiting weeks to find a copy of the show on video and being completely underwhelmed once I watched it. There were very few highlights of the show with the best matches being The Bulldogs vs. Dream Team, and The Funks vs. Tito Santana & JYD. The Battle Royal was a fun spectacle, making Andre look like a monster to begin the build for the biggest Wrestlemania match of all time, Andre's challenge of Hulk Hogan. The boxing match was beyond awful. This isn't one of the best showings for the Wrestlemania event, period. The idea of the three sites was one that made sense on paper but when you were paying top price for a third of a show, it must have been hell on the fans live.

    Jess McGrath: I had similar feelings to Mike's when I saw it. They tried too hard to make this feel "special". And they went overboard in downplaying the wrestling, instead hyping the three locations and the 25 celebrities. The reason for doing three locations was that Starrcade, the NWA's big show, in 1985 was done in two sites (Greensboro and Atlanta), so Vince of course had to top that. New York fans got the shaft big-time when it came to what they saw live vs. the other sites. Jake Roberts vs. George Wells was really a squash match. Aside from some quick finishes and gimmicky matches like Terry Taylor vs. Bobby Heenan at WM 5, they really did away with the concept of Wrestlemania squash matches after this one. The T-Piper stuff bored me at the time, and the "match" was just terrible. Chicago got the battle royal and the tag title match, both of which were entertaining. I remember the women's title match and Kirchner-Volkoff being really short and essentially a total waste. Los Angeles was the best of the shows, Adrian Adonis-Uncle Elmer notwithstanding. The Funks vs. Santana & JYD was pretty much the highlight of Mania.

    2007 - Kurt Schneider, World Wrestling Entertainment's Executive Vice President of Marketing gave notice that he would be leaving the company to take a position working with the Harlem Globetrotters organization.

    The word going around as to Schneider's departure is that he wasn't happy in his current position and was tired of micro management issues forced upon him by higher-ups (which in that company, meant the McMahon family), so he decided to move on.

    Schneider had been with the company since February 2003 and was responsible for overseeing the marketing for all of WWE's PPV events, live events, global marketing and strategic business operations. Scheider also oversaw all of the company's advertising, promotions, Public Relations, Corporate Communications and other associated responsibilities.

    Many of the marketing techniques and themes you've seen from WWE in recent years have had Schneider's fingerprints all over them and he was very valuable asset to WWE. Schneider was very hands on with many of the upgrades in WWE's different revenue streams including WWE.com, the revamping of WWE Magazine, and the majority of PPV and Television events, including special themed shows like the Raw Family Reunion, the WWE Homecoming, Saturday Night's Main Event, WWE vs. ECW, etc.

    In 2004, Schneider's Wrestlemania XX advertising theme (building the entire year around marketing the company's flagship event) helped lead WWE to its first major PPV revenue increase overall in several years.

    There were a lot of employees unhappy about his decision to leave. Schneider was considered one of the best department heads to work under and his division was said to have had the best morale of any part of WWE's office end. Obviously, his departure was a major loss to the company.

    2008 - Former WWE star Andrew "Test" Martin was arrested for DUI in Pasco County, FL.

    2008 - World Wrestling Entertainment told the FOX affiliate in Atlanta was then-ECW performer Mike Knox was among four developmental talents who rented a home together at an address were steroids and syringes were found in a crawl space by the new owner. They told the station that only Knox is still under contract to the company and that he has denied ownership. A second box found in the vicinity of the drugs contained documents relating to Knox's WWE employment, including his contract. PWInsider.com ndependently confirmed that Ryan O'Riley and Derek Niekirk were two of the other three residents of the home. Niekirk was released last year due to WWE Wellness Policy issues while O'Riley, who was about to be called up to the Raw brand, requested his release as he and girlfriend Kristy Vaine decided they didn't want a life on the road. Years later, O'Riley would sign another deal with the company. The mystery of who's steroids were in the home was never solved.

    2008 - TNA countersued former star Konnan.

    Total Nonstop Action Wrestling, in response to Charles "Konnan" Ashenoff bringing action against the company via EEOC, filed a complaint on in the United States District Court, Northern District of Texas, Dallas Division, seeking declaratory judgment against the international star. For simplicity's sake, I will refer to Ashenoff simply as Konnan from this point forward.

    TNA's 15 page complaint specifically rebuts charges of racism made by Konnan against the company as well as his 'bodily injury claims, racial discrimination claims and trademark claims' against the company while he was under contract to the company:

    TNA claimed that in March 2008, they received "a demand letter" filed outside of the agreed upon jurisdiction of Texas, where Konnan "threatened suit" against the company because of the bolded claims made by Konnan (verbiage is from TNA's complaint, not Konnan's). TNA's responses to those claims appear following the bolded allegations.

    a) Konnan's pre-existing hip injury became a chronic problem.

    b)TNA negligently hired, trained and supervised its personnel and that negligence led to chronic renal failure due to Konnan's "ingestion of performance enhancing drugs and/or the illegal use of prescription medication while wrestling at TNA."

    TNA's complaint claims that Konnan's signed Independent Contractor Agreements with the company noted that he understood the level of health risk involved in professional wrestling and by signing , "I (meaning Konnan) hereby waive, discharge and release any and all claims I have, may have, or that I may ever have in the future, against TNA, its parent and affiliates, and against all of their respective agents, officers, employees and directors....(The "TNA" parties) that arise from or relate in any way to my participation in the activity of professional wrestling or in any related activities, whether caused by the negligence of TNA or otherwise."

    The same agreement noted that Konnan agreed that he or his estate would not file suit or assert any demands or claims for "liabilities or damages of any and all losses, injuries or damages of any kind" coming out of his participation in working for the company and that he would "assume full responsibility for any and all risk of personal or bodily injury, death or property damage" and that he would hold TNA harmless from any of the above.

    Konnan's agreement also noted that he understood "injuries received may be compounded or increased by negligent assistance or procedures of the TNA Parties" and that he understood the agreement would extend to "all acts of negligence by the TNA Parties, including negligence in providing assistance."

    *The agreements agreed that any issues that arose legally would be subject to the laws and regulation of Texas (where TNA Entertainment parent company Panda Energy is based), which is why TNA has filed the complaint there. I am not sure where Konnan filed his initial complaint, but it was not within the State of Texas.

    c) Konnan "supposedly suffered from racial discrimination" in connection with having to portray the Konnan character.

    TNA claims that Konnan signed an independent contractor agreement with the company in January 2004 and another in August 2005 and that he voluntarily entered into those agreements with full knowledge that he would be working "subject to TNA direction" and "knowing the contracts required him to portray characters of Hispanic origin, including the Konnan character."

    TNA noted that Konnan, "believed to be Cuban-American" has been portraying himself as Hispanic The complaint read, "Despite assertions to the contrary, this was not a character which TNA created; rather, the "Konnan" character was a mix of several different wrestling characters created by Ashenoff and others over twenty years in the business. When Ashenoff first began providing services to TNA, TNA incorporated Ashenoff's existing character role into its dramatic story lines and scenes for the purposes of providing creative entertainment to its audience."

    The company again pointed out that he had been working as that character "long before" he was an independent contractor with TNA later in their complaint when responding to Konnan claims that he was instructed to speak with a Spanish accent and/or slang, to hit another wrestler with a Tequila bottle, dress and adopt the characteristics of a Latino street gang, and was directed to use "racially charged" language towards a Caucasian wrestler. Konnan also alleged that members of TNA management used a number of racially insulting references to minorities, which I'm not going to reprint. TNA's response to that claim was that Konnan had been suspended prior to raising any issues of alleged racial discrimination, but that he complained the company was retaliating against him for making complaints of that nature.

    TNA also responded that, "While Defendant suggests that he complained to TNA concerning racial discrimination, he continued to perform for TNA and to accept compensation from TNA rather than pursue other opportunities which he has admitted were readily available to him. Defendant continued to provide services to TNA, portray his "Konnan" character, and participate in the creatively developed storylines well after Defendant suggests those events took place. As is evidenced by his continued participation and his own previously existing character, Defendant was simply not offended by TNA's conduct."

    TNA noted that Konnan took part in collaboration and development of the Konnan character's TNA storylines "which included creative elements related to racially-related topics as part of its entertainment and marketing." TNA claims that any "comments related to race" Konnan "allegedly heard, or participated in, were actually uttered, they were part of, and necessary to, the creative process" and were "facilitated by TNA's successful development of its entertainment product."

    TNA noted that "like any entertainment role", they utilized Konnan's physical appearance because it met the character and storyline. "TNA did not treat the Defendant less favorably because of his race or subject him to a racially hostile environment. Instead this was an entertainment role Defendant chose to play and help create."

    d)TNA was committing trademark infringement for their usage of the LAX logo.

    In their complaint, TNA pointed out LAX was "a trio of Hispanic 'stage characters' created by Konnan and "other wrestlers." TNA also noted that in their 2005 agreement with Konnan allowed the company to use "original intellectual property", including trademarks Konnan owned prior to the agreement and any "new intellectual property" created after the execution of the agreement.

    TNA is asking that the court award them damages based on Konnan's breach of his Independent Contractor Agreement with TNA, all attorney's fees and court costs, pre and post-judgment interest, a ruling that Konnan was never an employee and always an Independent Contractor with TNA, that all claims against TNA by Konnan and his estate be released, that TNA has the legal rights to the LAX name and trademark, and a number of additional claims that basically boil down to a ruling TNA did not violate any federal laws by placing Konnan into his on camera roles and backstage environment.

    A court summons was issued to Konnan on 3/27, but as of this writing, has not been executed.

    2008 - WWE broadcast Raw. Richard Trionfo filed the following TV report:
    Last week on Raw (that is war spelled backwards) we saw the official sendoff for Ric Flair after losing his match at Wrestlemania against Shawn Michaels. While it appeared that Flair had forgiven Michaels for beating him, Batista was not so forgiving. What will happen between Michaels and Batista on tonight's show? Who will emerge as the next challenger for Randy Orton's WWE Title? Will it be John Cena or Triple H, who wrestled for the title at Wrestlemania; Chris Jericho, the unofficial number one contender because he is the Intercontinental Champion; or will it be Bradshaw because he called it first? What is next for Santino Marella since his allies among the Divas appear to have turned on him? What is next for the tag team division . . . I can't even finish that thought. What other matches will be announced for Backlash?

    We are live from Albany, New York and your announcers are Jim ‘Pepsi goes well with BBQ’ Ross and Jerry ‘Client Number 9’ Lawler.

    We begin with William Regal in the ring and he is going to talk about hair care and mispronounce names. Regal says that the title match at Backlash will be between the following two men. He says that the first man proved that it was the Age of Orton at Wrestlemania, the Legend Killer (that is Rellik spelled backwards) Randy Orton. The man who will face Randy Orton at Backlash is the most deserving Number One Contender in WWE history (if the WWE was just formed), John Bradshaw Layfield.

    Regal tells them that it will be one of the most fiercely competitive matches, but we are interrupted by Triple Haitch before Regal can continue to speak. Hunter has a mic and he tells Regal to wait a second. Hunter wants some clarification. Hunter says that he has respect for Orton but he wants to know if Regal is out of his fricken mind. Hunter says that he was busy with Flair’s retirement last week, but he must have missed something on the way. While Orton said that he was finished with Hunter because he won the match, he did not beat anybody. Orton points out that he beat John Cena. Hunter wonders what the big move he used to get the pin on Cena and Hunter tells Orton that he did not do anything. Hunter says that Orton took advantage of the situation, took a cheap shot, and got the cover by falling on Cena. Hunter wonders how a guy who was retired for the last two years on Smackdown and the biggest claim to fame since he came back was slapping around a midget. Hunter says that he found that funny but that does not put you in line for a title shot.

    Regal says that he might have a solution. If Triple Haitch wants to be a part of the main event at Backlash, he will have to earn it in a handicap match against Randy Orton and Bradshaw. If Hunter wins, it will be a Triple Threat Match. Bradshaw and Orton are not happy. We go to commercial.

    Match Number One: Youmanga versus Val Venis
    Umaga with forearms to Venis followed by a back elbow. Venis with kicks but Umaga sends Venis into the corner. Venis charges into an uppercut and then Venis goes shoulder first into the post. Umaga throws Venis to the mat and then he kicks Val in the back and it is time for the nerve hold. Umaga with a double chop to Venis and he returns to the neck. Val punches Umaga and connects with forearms but Umaga with a Samoan drop to Venis. Umaga pulls Venis into the corner and it is time for the running butt splash. Umaga sets for the Samoan Spike and he connects and gets the three count.
    Winner: YouManga

    It is time to take a poll (not the TNA type) and text in if you thought Shawn Michaels did the right thing at Wrestlemania. We go to commercial.

    Match Number Two: Melina and Jillian Hall (that is Brooke Hogan spelled backwards) versus Mickie James and Ashley Massaro
    Ashley and Jillian start things off and Jillian with a knee and forearm. Ashley with a gingerly placed rana for a two. Ashley goes up for punches in the corner and Melina pulls Ashley to the mat. Melina tags in and they hit a double team move on Ashley and get a two count but Mickie breaks it up. Melina with an Irish whip and Ashley moves out of the way before gingerly making the tag. Mickie with a clothesline and flying double sledge. Mickie knocks Jillian off the apron but Melina works on Mickie in the corner. Melina with knees to Mickie, but when Melina tries again and Mickie gets her knee up. Mickie with a neck breaker and Ashley takes care of Jillian’s interference. Mickie hits an Impaler DDT for the three count.
    Winners: Mickie James featuring Ashley Massaro

    We go to commercial and if you missed the Ric Flair ceremony, or the recap on ECW, or the recap on Smackdown, or the recap on AM Raw, or the replay on Univision, we will see footage next.

    We are back and Batista will get to complain about Shawn Michaels beating Ric Flair on the Highlight Reel, but before we get there, it is time to take a look back at the end of the road for Ric Flair in Orlando.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Wrestlemania 25 is coming in April 2009, so get your tickets sometime in the future when they eventually go on sale.

    Match Number Three: Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch versus Paul London and Brian Kendrick
    London and Kendrick attack Cade and Murdoch as the bell rings and Kendrick is sent out of the ring while Cade slams London. Cade misses an elbow drop and London hits a dropsault on Murdoch and then gets a near fall on Cade. Murdoch trips London and then Cade kicks London. Cade with a reverse atomic drop followed by a clothesline for a two count. Murdoch is tagged in and Cade gets Murdoch up for a leg drop on London for a near fall. Murdoch with a forearm to the back followed by a kick and then he connects with an elbow for a near fall. Cade tags back in and he chops London. Cade with a knee to London’s back and then he works on London’s neck. Cade slams London’s head into the turnbuckles. Cade charges into the corner and he gets an elbow fro his troubles. Kendrick with a drop kick as he comes into the ring and then he hits some more drop kicks on Cade. Kendrick with a kick and drop kick. Cade with a sit out spinebuster on Cade. Murdoch takes too long to make the cover and Kendrick with an inside cradle for the three count.
    Winners: Brian Kendrick and Paul London despite what Lillian Garcia says

    Randy Orton tells Bradshaw that he did the impossible by walking into and out of Wrestlemania as champion. Orton tells Bradshaw that he beat Hunter before so Bradshaw should stay out of the way. We go to commercial.

    Match Number Four: Triple Haitch with GameFountain versus Bradshaw and Randy Orton without ring entrances in a Handicap Match
    Hunter starts off the match against Orton and Orton tries to punch Hunter but Hunter blocks it and he punches Orton. Hunter with a clothesline as he comes out of the corner on an Irish whip. Orton with knees to Hunter followed by a European uppercut. Hunter fights his way out of the corner and then we get an HD shot of nothing in the ring. William Regal is at ringside watching the match.

    Bradshaw tags in and Bradshaw backs Hunter into the corner using his size advantage. Bradshaw has some words for Hunter when he breaks and then they pause before Bradshaw backs away. Hunter with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Hunter with a side head lock take down. Orton tags in and he punches Hunter in the corner and then when Orton was with the referee, Bradshaw kicks Hunter. Orton with more punches and kicks in the corner. Orton is pulled back by the referee but Mike Chioda is no Earl Hebner and he sees Bradshaw cheating and he admonishes Bradshaw. Orton with a drop kick for a near fall. Orton with the Garvin (you know, he beat Andre) Stomp. Orton finishes it off with a leaping knee drop for a near fall. Bradshaw is tagged in and he punches Hunter. Bradshaw with a swinging neck breaker and elbow drops for a near fall. Orton tags in and he kicks Hunter and then he punches the potential challenger at Backlash in the corner. Hunter punches back and he gains control. Orton with a snap power slam for a two count. Bradshaw tags in and he kicks Hunter followed by a forearm to the back. Hunter and Bradshaw get to exchange punches. Bradshaw with a sleeper to Hunter. Hunter gets out and he hits the facebuster. Hunter punches Bradshaw but Orton tags himself in. Orton tries for the RKO but Hunter sends Orton into Bradshaw and then Hunter hits the Pedigree for the three count.
    Winner: Triple Threat Haitch

    After the match, William Regal and his magical hair enter the ring. Regal announces that it will be a Triple Threat . . . until we are interrupted by John Cena’s music (without the Dave Scherer Mouth Orchestra). Cena congratulates Triple H for being part of the main event at Backlash. Cena has an idea and he remembers what Hunter said earlier about losing because of the Pedigree at Wrestlemania. Cena points out that he beat Hunter twice and that he beat Bradshaw to win his first World Title and then he made Bradshaw quit. Cena points out that he beat Orton last year at Backlash. Cena has a proposition. They have four of the biggest dogs in the ring. Cena proposes that there be a Fatal Four Way at Backlash for the WWE Title.

    Regal says that Cena gave him a great idea. It is his duty to make the main event at Backlash the biggest it can be, John Cena gets the same deal as Triple Haitch. Regal tells Cena that he needs to face Bradshaw and Triple Haitch in a handicap match tonight.

    We go to commercial.

    Match Number Five: Bob Holly and Cody MAH THUN Rhodes versus Carlito and Santino Marella
    Carlito and Cody start things off and Carlito works on the arm but Cody with a drop toe hold into a side head lock. Cody with a wrist lock. Holly tags in and they hit a double hip toss on Carlito. Holly punches Carlito but Carlito punches back. Santino tags in and he runs into an elbow. Carlito hits Holly on the apron but Santino interferes. Holly sets for the Alabama Slam but Carlito with a kick and DDT. The referee sends Carlito to the apron but Santino tags in. Holly punches Santino but Santino with shoulders. Carlito tags in and he kicks and punches Holly. Santino tags in and then he poses for Cody. Santino with a forearm to the back and then he covers Holly but only gets a near fall. Carlito tags in and he hits a suplex for a near fall. Carlito with a rear chin lock. Carlito with a leaping leg drop for a near fall. Carlito punches Holly but Holly with a half nelson slam and both men are down. Holly rolls to Cody but Santino tags in and he keeps Holly from making the tag until Holly hits an enzuigiri. Rhodes with a drop toe hold into the corner followed by a slam and knee drop. Rhodes charges into boots from Marella, but Rhodes crotches Marella. Marella pushes Rhodes off the turnbuckles and Santino with a diving head butt for the three count.
    Winners: Santino Marella and Carlito

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Cryme Tyme is back and it is time for their Wrestlemania Clearance Sale. They have a shaker of soul from Rocky Johnson. Shad has an autographed copy of Maria and they look at the photos and the magazine is not for sale. JTG has a pair of Kim Kardashian’s panties from the Hall of Fame. Shad points out that Kim was not at the Hall of Fame and JTG went into Mae Young’s dressing room.

    It is time to take a look at the problems between the two biggest men in sports entertainment, Big Show and Great Khali.

    Triple Haitch is wrapping his wrists and Bradshaw enters. He talks very quickly about some strategy for the match and how it is better to have one chance in three than one in four. Bradshaw asks Hunter if he is listening and Hunter pulls out his earphones and asks Bradshaw if he said something. Bradshaw wonders why nobody listens to him and Hunter points out that Bradshaw is an ass.

    We go to commercial.

    Match Number Six: Maria (I also miss the Ditzy girl) versus Beth Phoenix
    They lock up and Beth slaps Maria in the arm but Maria slaps Beth. Maria with a kick and then she tries for a handstand but Beth with a knee to the back. Beth with a slam to Maria and then she kicks Maria in the corner. Beth with a baseball slide and Maria goes into the ring post. Beth rolls Maria back into the ring. Beth sends Maria face first into the mat. Beth with a standing cloverleaf and turns it into a back breaker. Maria with an inside cradle for a two count. Maria with forearms and kicks. Maria with a handstand and kick. Maria with a head scissors and then she goes to the second turnbuckle for a cross body. Beth rolls through and gets Maria on her shoulders but Maria with an inverted DDT for a two count. Beth with a hot shot to Maria and then Beth with the fisherman’s suplex for the three count.
    Winner: Beth Phoenix

    Batista and Shawn Michaels walk in split screen in the back as we go to commercial. I guess the Highlight Reel is next.

    We are back and it is time for the Highlight Reel featuring Chris Jericho and Herman Menderchuk. Jericho brings his title belt to the ring. Chris says that tonight could be one of the most intense and emotional Highlight Reel. Things started on Smackdown. Chris Jericho says that his first guest needs no introduction, but he still introduces Batista. It is time for Chris’s other guest and he points out that the name Heartbreak Kid is appropriate because of the number of hearts he broke on Sunday. That man is Shawn Michaels with his cowboy hat.

    Chris tells Shawn about the poll results and 65 percent say that Shawn was right (Batista has a few thousand skulls to crush for their responses). Chris says that none of the tears had to be shed last week if Shawn had lost to Flair. Shawn reminds Jericho that Ric Flair challenged him to have the match at Wrestlemania. We go to the Monkey Monitor for the missed moonsault at Wrestlemania. We see it about as many times as we have seen Ric Flair retrospective video packages. Jericho points out that Shawn’s A Game meant ending Ric Flair’s career. Jericho asks Shawn why he would say that he loved Flair when he put his body through so much. Shawn says that he is sorry, but Batista does not believe him. Batista tells Shawn that his ego made Shawn Michaels end Ric Flair’s career.

    Jericho wants to know if Batista would have done the same thing and Batista says that he wouldn’t. Shawn wants to know if Batista would have put his ego aside over a five year friendship. Where was the friendship in the weeks before Wrestlemania. Shawn asks Dave where he was to try to talk Flair out of the match. Isn’t it convenient that he is talking up now. Shawn tells Batista that Flair did not ask him to be the other man to wrestle Flair because Batista did not have the nerve and that there was only one man to give Flair the match that he wanted. Shawn tells Dave to look at his hands because there is so much blood on those hands. He is proud of some of the blood. Wrestlemania was the hardest night of his career.

    Batista tells Shawn that it was because of all of the blood on his hands, he expected to see Shawn do the right thing. He will never trust Shawn again. Michaels tells Batista that he is sick of this and if he wants to do something about it, go ahead. Batista says that he already has. Batista goes to the apron and he puts on his sunglasses.

    John Cena is walking in the back as we go to commercial.

    We are back and William Regal is on the phone and Randy Orton enters the office. Regal says that he got off the phone with Vickie Guerrero and the match is on for Backlash as Shawn Michaels will face Batista. Orton likes the idea of one-on-one matches but now he might be in a four-way match. Regal says that Orton will learn about respect next week in London when Randy Orton will face William Regal.

    Match Number Seven: John Cena versus Triple Haitch and Bradshaw
    Bradshaw tells Hunter he wants to start and he will as Cena starts for his team. Randy Orton comes out and that distracts Cena and Bradshaw attacks Cena. Bradshaw slams Cena’s head into the turnbuckle and then he kicks Cena. Bradshaw with a forearm and punches for a near fall. Hunter wants the tag but Bradshaw refuses. Cena punches Bradshaw and Bradshaw with a forearm to the back. Hunter wants to tag in but Bradshaw with a DDT for a near fall. Bradshaw with a forearm and punch. Bradshaw still refuses to tag and Hunter is not happy. Bradshaw with a snap mare and diving forearm to the back. Bradshaw with a forearm to Cena but Cena with punches. Cena with an Irish whip but Bradshaw moves and Cena hits the turnbuckles. Hunter wants the tag and Bradshaw refuses. Bradshaw with a running shoulder tackle for a two count. Cena with punches to Bradshaw and Bradshaw goes down but Bradshaw sends Cena through the ropes to the floor. Bradshaw with a short arm clothesline on the floor.

    They return to the ring and Bradshaw with a near fall. Bradshaw with Youmanga’s nerve hold. Cena gets back to his feet and the crowd is not happy. Cena with a kick and punch. Cena with a clothesline followed by flying shoulder tackles. Hunter refuses the tag and Cena with a Blue Thunder Bomb. Cena sets for the Five Knuckle Shuffle and he hits it. Cena signals for FU and Hunter gets crocodile arms when Bradshaw wants the tag. Cena tries for the FU but Bradshaw gets out of the hold. Bradshaw with a big boot and then Bradshaw looks at his tag team partner. Hunter and Bradshaw argue and Hunter punches Bradshaw. Hunter and Bradshaw exchange punches and then they fight outside the ring. Orton tries to separate Hunter and Bradshaw but Orton is punched by Bradshaw. Orton gives Bradshaw an RKO and Cena gets the three count.
    Winner: John Fatal Four Way Cena

    We go to credits wondering who will get involved to make it a Fabulous Five Way or a Super Six Way or a Stupendous Seven Way.

    Raw Thoughts:

    As soon as you heard that it would be Randy Orton versus Bradshaw at Backlash, was there any doubt that Hunter and Cena wouldn’t get involved in the match? Why must it only be limited to the four of them? Jericho was the first Unified Champion. Kennedy won last year’s Money in the Bank. Val Venis has wrestled on Raw in the last year.

    Outside of the two matches that even one of the Japanese soldiers who thinks World War II is still going on could have told you that Cena and Hunter were going to make it into main event at Backlash, the other five matches really did not do much. You had Umaga defeat Val Venis because . . . I have no idea; Paul London and Brian Kendrick beat Cade and Murdoch again even though Lillian Garcia did not think so; Melina and Jillian Hall wrestled Mickie James (featuring guest star Ashley) to give Mickie a win over someone; Cody Rhodes and Bob Holly lost to Carlito and Santino because they are the tag champions; and Maria lost to Beth Phoenix because they were trying to beat the stupid back into her?

    Did people really text in whether they thought Shawn Michaels did the right thing at Wrestlemania? Can some of these people just send me their money instead? I was a bit surprised that the vote was the way that it was; and how does Batista feel. He complains about Michaels ending Flair’s career, and the fans say that Michaels did nothing wrong.

    I guess tonight was Show Bradshaw no Respect Night on Raw. Is he really from Albany instead of Texas?

    While I have had a change of heart on Santino Marella, I still cringe when I have to hear Cryme Tyme talk.

    At least there are three weeks until Backlash because tonight’s show did not really do too much to make me care about the pay per view.

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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Continued ..

    2009 - Ayako Hamada announced that she had signed with TNA.

    2009 - WWE broadcast ECW on SyFy. Richard Trionfo filed the following TV report:
    We are live on tape from Austin, Texas and your announcers are Matt ‘Stone Cold’ Striker and Josh ‘Welcome Back’ Mathews.

    Teddy Long is in the ring and he is trying to dance. Teddy says that as we move on the Road to Wrestlemania 26, there are some changes. We saw last night that Vickie Guerrero is no longer the General Manager of Smackdown. Teddy says that he is the General Manager of Smackdown. Teddy introduces the interim General Manager of ECW and it is Tiffany.

    Tiffany says that it is a privilege . . .

    She is interrupted by Jack Swagger’s music and he comes to the ring. Jack congratulates Tiffany and he knows that it is her first day on the job, but she needs to learn that there is a set of rules when dealing with everyone else and different rules to deal with Jack Swagger, the ECW Champion. Tiffany says that the only rule she will abide by is to give the WWE Universe what they want. Tiffany says that she has a few announcements that relate to Jack. The draft is on Monday and there is a chance that he might not be on ECW. Regardless of what happens, Jack will need to worry about his opponent at Backlash. Tiffany announces that Mark Henry, Finlay, Tommy Dreamer, and Christian will be involved in an Elimination Chase for the Title and the winner will face Jack. The first match will be a Fatal Four Way.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back with the John Cena media tour for 12 Rounds.

    Match Number One: John Morrison, The Miz, and Tyson Kidd with Natalya versus Evan Bourne, Carlito and Primo
    Miz and Carlito start things off and they lock up. Miz pushes Carlito but Carlito pushes back. Miz with punches but Carlito with a springboard back elbow to Miz and then he sends Miz into the turnbuckles. Primo is tagged in and Carlito with a drop toe hold and Primo with a diving head butt for a near fall. Primo punches Miz followed by an Irish whip. Carlito with a headstand in the corner and then he hits a head scissors. Primo with a leg sweep and a leg drop for a near fall. Carlito tags back in and Carlito hits a drop kick. Kidd tags in and Carlito with a power slam. Kidd with a corkscrew drop kick and then he punches and kicks Carlito. Morrison tags in and punches Carlito. Morrison chokes Carlito and then Miz does the same when Morrison talks to the referee. Morrison with a shining wizard for a near fall. Morrison with a cravate on Carlito. Morrison keeps Carlito from making the tag and he brings Carlito back into the corner. Miz tags in and they hit a double gut buster for a near fall. Kidd tags back in and he kicks and punches Carlito. Morrison tags back in and he kicks Carlito before returning to a reverse chin lock. Morrison tries for a belly-to-back suplex but Carlito escapes the hold. Bourne tags in and he hits a head scissors and a clothesline. Bourne with a back kick followed by a kick and a rana that sends him and Morrison over the top rope to the floor. Miz and Kidd try to attack Bourne on the floor, but Bourne avoids them and we go to commercial.

    We are back and Morrison with a reverse chin lock but Bourne tries to fight out of the hold. Bourne tries for a rana but Morrison blocks it and sends Bourne into the turnbuckles. Miz tags in and Miz hits the running clothesline into the corner. Kidd tags in and gets a near fall. Kidd with a knee to the back as he tries to wear down Bourne. Kidd with a snap mare and kick to the back. Bourne and Kidd exchange punches and kicks. Miz tags back in and he hits a snap mare followed by knees to the back. Bourne tries to make it to his corner but Miz keeps him away from the Colons. Miz with a double underhook camel clutch. Bourne is able to get a back slide for a near fall but Miz with a clothesline to keep Bourne from making the tag. Kidd tags back in and he kicks Bourne followed by a knee drop. Miz tags in and he hits a knee drop for a near fall. Miz sets for the catapult to Morrison but Bourne blocks it and hits a leg drop on Miz. Bourne crawls across the ring and Kidd is tagged in but Primo is able to tag in.

    Primo with punches to Kidd but Primo with a back elbow and drop kick. Primo with a running knee into the corner followed by a clothesline for a near fall. Carlito throws Miz out of the ring but Morrison takes car of Carlito. Primo sends Morrison out of the ring. Kidd misses the springboard elbow drop and Primo hits a lungblower before tagging in Bourne to hit the Shooting Star Press for the three count.
    Winners: Evan Bourne, Primo, and Carlito

    It is time for the Raw Rebound.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back with Wrestlemania fun facts.

    We go to footage from the Hall of Fame Ceremony.

    We see the front page of the Houston Chronicle and a photo from the ‘REAL’ Main Event. Time for the Wrestlemania video package.

    We go to commercial.

    Match Number Two: Mark Henry with Tony Atlas versus Tommy Dreamer versus Christian versus Fit Finlay with Hornswoggle in an Elimination Chase Fatal Four Way Match
    Christian and Dreamer lock up while Henry and Finlay do the same. Henry sends Finlay to the mat and then he does the same to Dreamer. Henry catches Christian but Christian escapes. Everyone tries to knock Henry down but they all fail. Henry with a boot to Finlay. Dreamer comes off the turnbuckles and he bounces off Henry. Henry tosses Christian to the mat and we go to commercial.

    We are back and Henry is standing on Dreamer’s chest. Christian punches Henry and Finlay joins in and they try for a double suplex and Dreamer joins in to make it a triple. Dreamer, Finlay, and Christian with stereo baseball slides. Henry is sent into the ring steps. Dreamer hits Finlay and then they return to the ring. Finlay with a double thrust to the throat. Finlay with a fireman’s carry slam for a near fall. Dreamer with an elbow to Finlay and then he puts Finlay on the top turnbuckle. Dreamer tries for a superplex but Finlay stops him. Christian punches Finlay and he tries for the superplex but Dreamer stops him and gets him on the shoulders. Christian with a victory roll for a near fall. Finlay with the fireman’s carry slam to Christian for a near fall. Finlay with a European uppercut for a near fall. Christian with punches to Finlay. Christian with a crucifix but Finlay kicks out. Christian is sent out of the ring to the floor. Dreamer with an elbow drop to Finlay and then he puts Finlay in the Tree of Woe. Dreamer with the baseball slide into the corner. Henry with a clothesline to Dreamer and Christian hits a missile drop kick on Henry for a near fall. Henry kicks out and it sends Christian onto Dreamer for a near fall. Christian sets up for the Unprettier but Dreamer escapes the hold. Dreamer avoids a charge by Henry, but Christian is not so lucky. Hornswoggle helps Finlay get out of the corner and then while the referee is distracted by Tony Atlas, Finlay hits Henry with the shillelagh and gets the three count.
    Winners: Christian, Tommy Dreamer, and Finlay
    2010 - The lawsuit brought against World Wrestling Entertainment by Joe "The Assassin" Hamilton and his company, former WWE developmental territory Deep South Wrestling, was officially closed after the two parties officially agreed to a settlement out of court on 3/16.

    The two sides had agreed to negotiate a settlement last January, but it wasn't signed off on by the presiding Judge Charles A. Pannell, Jr. until that date. Pannell ruled that Hamilton would have 90 days to open the lawsuit again if WWE didn't come through on its settlement agreement, which was confidential.

    Hamilton's Deep South Wrestling was shut down by WWE as a developmental territory in April 2007. Hamilton and Deep South sued WWE for breaking their contractual agreement by not providing 90 days written notice before severing their professional relationship, for leaving DSW in the lurch by forcing the company to cancel planned events at Six Flags in Georgia, and for causing emotional distress to Hamilton personally.

    WWE was able to get all of the claims, with the exception of the contractual violation thrown out of court. WWE pushed back responding to the lawsuit a number of times at that point before coming to Hamilton with a settlement offer.

    2011 - Dragon Gate USA announced that Jon Moxley had been released from his contract so he could sign with WWE.

    2011 - WWE broadcast Smackdown. Richard Trionfo filed the following TV report:
    We are live on tape from Charlotte, North Carolina and your announcers are Josh ‘Why did I get Stunnered at Wrestlemania, I didn’t say Melina versus Alicia Fox’ Mathews, Michael ‘In addition to being Mr. Wrestlemania, I am Mr. Squirting BBQ Sauce on a Shirt’ Cole and Booker ‘Tell Me You Didn’t Stun Me on Sunday’ T.

    Things start off with Alberto Del Rio, the man who could not reach his destiny on Sunday night and he is accompanied on foot by his official ring announcer Ricardo Rodriguez and Brodus Clay.

    While Josh and Booker talk about the value of the car that Edge and Christian destroyed at Wrestlemania, Michael Cole chimes in with the sob story about the destruction of his habitrail. Cole vows that his home away from humanity will be better than ever.

    Alberto is not as gregarious as he usually is but he reminds us who he is, but we already knew that. Alberto says that we may not know that destiny can be delayed. He says that destiny can be stopped. Last Sunday at Wrestlemania, his destiny was delayed by that opportunist Edge and the coward Christian. Together they destroyed his Wrestlemania moment and together they destroyed his car. Alberto talks about his beautiful Rolls Royce and he says that he spent $120,000 on that car. Alberto says that it is not about the money. Those cars are like his children. They think they may have broken him, but Alberto will make them pay.

    When he fulfills his destiny and becomes the World Champion, everything that Edge did to his car . . .

    is interrupted by Edge’s music and he comes into the building on a Brisco’s Brothers tow truck with Alberto’s destroyed Rolls Royce.

    Edge tells Alberto that when he saw him crying and hugging his car on Sunday, he thought that Alberto was a greedy, arrogant, narcissistic moron who puts materialistic things over everything else in his life. Then when he heard Alberto say that his cars are like his children, then it got him thinking. He almost reassessed things and he figures that if he is like a child, he needs to love it unconditionally. It might be a little damaged but nothing a little tender loving care can’t fix.

    Edge gets some spray paint and he decides to do a little touch up on the hood.

    Alberto asks Edge if everything is a joke to him and then he reminds Edge that he had him close to tapping out on Sunday. Edge tells Alberto that he didn’t get the job done and that is why Alberto is in the ring whining and crying. That is also why he is the World Champion.

    Alberto demands a rematch so Edge can redeem himself for his behavior at Wrestlemania.

    Edge thinks about the rematch and he tells Alberto as much as he would love to give it to him, but Alberto lost. Edge tells him to buy a new car and drive to the back of the line. Edge says that there are so many worthy contenders who deserve a title match.

    Edge thinks about some contenders and there is some honking from the truck and we see that Christian is driving the truck.

    Edge says that Christian deserves a title match. Edge points out that Christian has beaten Del Rio twice. Edge tells Del Rio if he wants a fight, Edge has his destiny.

    Edge walks to the ring but he is stopped by the sound of Teddy Long’s music.

    Teddy tells them to wait a minute. They can talk about their destiny all they want, but it is still his show. Teddy says that if things are going to be settled, it will take place in a match. Alberto Del Rio will face Christian tonight to determine who faces Edge at Extreme Rules.

    Teddy reminds us that Extreme Rules is the night that WWE gets extreme. That is why Edge will be defending the title in his specialty match, a ladder match.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and we see footage of the knock out punch by Big Show to Heath Slater from Wrestlemania.

    Match Number One: Corre versus Kofi Kingston, Santino Marella, Big Show, and Kane in a Wrestlemania Rematch with a Twist because it is two out of three falls Match

    Fall Number One

    Santino and Gabriel start things off and they each dance around and miss kicks before Gabriel connects with a kick and he gets a near fall. Slater is tagged in and he kicks Santino followed by a punch and then he stomps on Santino’s leg. Santino with a hip toss and then he runs Slater into the corner and Kane is tagged in. Kane with a vintage uppercut followed by a snap mare and drop kick. Show is tagged in and he chops Slater across the chest while Kane holds him. Show with a slam and then he walks across Slater’s chest. Show with a head butt and then Kofi is tagged in and he goes onto Show’s shoulders and Kofi with a splash. Kofi sets up for Trouble in Paradise but Gabriel pulls Slater out of the ring.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Kane sends Barrett into the turnbuckles and then he punches Barrett. Kane with an Irish whip but he runs into an elbow. Jackson tags in and Kane with a side head lock but Jackson with a forearm. Kane with a shoulder tackle but Jackson stays on his feet. Kane goes off the ropes but Barrett trips Kane and Jackson with a body block and he takes Kane down. Jackson punches Kane and Slater is tagged in. Slater kicks Kane in the corner and then he tags in Gabriel who gets in a few shots before tagging Barrett into the match. Jackson tags in and he kicks Kane and he tags Gabriel in and Justin with a missile drop kick for a near fall. Gabriel with a front face lock to Kane as he tries to keep Kane from making the tag. Kane tosses Gabriel into the air and Kofi tags in.

    Kofi with a springboard clothesline and then he knocks Slater off the apron. Kofi with a drop kick to Gabriel followed by a splash in the corner but Gabriel moves out of the way. Gabriel runs into a pendulum kick and then Kofi goes up top for a cross body and he gets the three count to win the first fall.

    Team Trombone 1 Fall; Corre 0 Falls

    Fall Number Two

    The men who finished fall one start off fall two. We go to commercial.

    We are back and Slater punches Santino and he slams Marella. Slater gets a near fall. Slater with a rear chin lock and arm bar on Santino. Santino with a snap mare but Slater with a forearm to the head and he gets a near fall. Santino with a split followed by a hip toss and a diving head butt that hits the target. Santino calls for the Cobra but he does not see Wade Barrett has tagged into the match and Santino turns around into a big boot. Barrett gets Santino up for Wasteland for the three count.

    Team Trombone 1 Fall; Corre 1 Fall

    Fall Number Three

    Barrett waits for Santino to get up and the ref starts the third fall. Santino tries to make the tag but Barrett stops him. Barrett sends Santino into the turnbuckle and then Slater tags in and he drills Santino in the head. Slater with a modified curb stomp before tagging Ezekiel Jackson back in. Jackson with an Irish whip and a running clothesline in the corner and he gets a near fall.

    Jackson slams Santino and Gabriel tags in and hits a slingshot senton and gets a near fall. Gabriel with a reverse chin lock on Marella. Santino gets to his feet but Gabriel holds on to the chin lock and near fall after an STO. Gabriel misses a splash when Santino rolls out of the way.

    Kane and Barrett tag in and Kane with punches followed by an Irish whip and clothesline followed by a side slam for a near fall. Kane goes up top for the flying clothesline and he hits it. Kane gets another near fall because Jackson breaks up the cover. Jackson goes after Show and they fight to the floor. Jackson takes Show down with a clothesline. Gabriel and Kingston fight on the floor and Slater attack him too.

    Back in the ring, Kane has Barrett ready for a choke slam but Gabriel, Slater, and Jackson attack Kane and the referee calls for the bell.

    Winners: Kane, Big Show, Kofi Kingston, and Santino Marella

    After the match, Corre continues to attack Kane in the ring while the rest of Kane’s team are down on the floor. Big Show and Kofi get back into the ring along with Santino a few seconds later. Show with head butts to Gabriel and Jackson. Then Show with a head butt to Slater. Kofi kicks Slater. Kofi with Trouble in Paradise to Barrett and Show with a punch to Jackson. Kane choke slams Slater. Kane with the knockout punch to Gabriel. Kane and Show grab Jackson and Santino grabs Jackson as well with the cobra. They give Jackson a three man choke slam.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back with a Sin Cara video package.

    Match Number Two: Cody Rhodes versus Trent Barreta

    Cody takes his time taking off his jacket and then he locks up with Trent and Cody with a take down and then he kicks Trent in the midsection followed by a punch. Cody with a punch to the head. Trent with a kick to the chest and then he hits a springboard drop kick and gets a near fall. Cody with a kick to the midsection followed by a side Russian leg sweep. Cody sends Trent into the turnbuckles and then he kicks Trent and sends him shoulder first into the ring post followed by Cross Rhodes for the three count.

    Winner: Cody Rhodes

    After the match, Cody attacks Trent and kicks him. Cody punches and head butts Trent with his face mask. The referee warns Cody and Rey Mysterio’s music plays. Rey comes to the ring and he goes after Cody and focuses on the mask. Rey sends Cody over the top rope but Cody lands on the apron. Cody escapes and goes up the ramp while Rey wants Cody to return to the ring.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Did You Know that Wrestlemania was trending on Twitter on Sunday?

    We are back with the confrontation between John Cena and the Rock and their plans for next April in South Florida. It is time to go back to Monday night.

    We go to the locker room where Christian is getting ready for his match with Alberto Del Rio later tonight. Edge tells Christian that he hopes he wins the match and Christian appreciates the endorsement, but wonders if Edge would want to defend the title against him. Edge says that it is a match they revolutionized and helped make famous. Edge says that Christian deserves a title match and he wouldn’t mind seeing Christian get it.

    Christian wonders if Edge will be saying the same thing after Extreme Rules. Edge tells Christian to cool his jets. Christian says that Edge can cheer for Alberto and he doesn’t mind. Edge says that won’t happen in this lifetime.

    Edge wishes Christian luck again before he leaves. Christian paces around the locker room and then he sees the title belt on the chair but Edge comes back to get it. Christian tells Edge to keep an eye on that.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Cole tries to suggest that his one win was as important as Undertaker going 19-0.

    We see slow motion footage of Snooki’s handspring splash at Wrestlemania.

    Match Number Three: Michelle McCool and Layla versus Kelly Kelly and Beth Phoenix

    Layla and Michelle try to figure out who starts off with Beth and Layla runs to the apron first so Michelle starts. They lock up and Beth sends Michelle to the mat. Beth with punches to Michelle and then Layla yells at the referee but she doesn’t see Michelle being Irish whipped and Michelle knocks Layla off the apron. Beth with a shoulder tackle and Michelle wants to make the tag but Layla is still on the floor. Michelle yells at Layla and Beth with a rollup for a near fall. Beth with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker for a near fall.

    Layla makes the tag and Michelle wants to know why Layla was on the floor a minute ago and Layla tells Michelle that Michelle pushed her out. They continue to argue and Beth presses Layla above her head and puts her on top of the turnbuckles. Beth with a kick and then Kelly tags in. Kelly with a head scissors while hanging over the ropes and then Kelly goes to the floor. Kelly trips Layla and then she goes up top for a cross body and she gets a near fall.

    Kelly a slap to Layla’s rear end and then Kelly hits the X Factor for a near fall. Layla pushes Kelly away and then she connects with a few kicks. Michelle appears to have hurt her back reaching for the tag and she falls to the floor. Layla wonders what Michelle is doing and Kelly gets the three count with a rollup.

    Winners: Kelly Kelly and Beth Phoenix

    After the match, Beth and Kelly celebrate in the ring while Layla wonders what is wrong with Michelle as she walks away. Layla follows after her. Michelle tells Layla that she is the one doing all of the work and she walks away.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back with a look back at what Michael Cole did to Jim Ross on Raw with JR’s Barbecue Sauce.

    Michael Cole is in the ring and he rhetorically asks ‘Who Shot JR’ and he says that he did. Cole wants everyone’s attention please. He wants to take the opportunity to introduce everyone to a man whose instructions he followed implicitly. He wants to introduce us to a man who taught him everything that he knows. He wants to introduce us to a man who was oh so supportive of him and who cares about his well being. He introduces us to the All American American Jack Swagger.

    Jack comes to the ring and then they hug while Josh and Booker talk about Cole’s match at Wrestlemania.

    Jack says that everyone needs to settle down because there is plenty of Team Cole to go around. Everyone told him that it would be impossible for him to get Michael Cole ready for the main event of Wrestlemania, but it was easy. You start with superior intelligence and mix it with an insatiable desire and a man with gifted athletic ability from head to toe. Only Michael Cole can have his first match at Wrestlemania and earn a dominating victory and in one night become the new Mr. Wrestlemania.

    Swagger wants everyone to applaud Cole and Cole says that Swagger is making him blush. Cole says that if it is a fair fight, there is no one who can beat Jack. Cole suggests that they do a victory lap and it is time to run with our hands outstretched.

    The lap is interrupted by the Smackdown debut of Sin Cara.

    He points at Swagger and runs down the ramp and flips into the ring. Sin Cara gets in Swagger’s face and then Swagger pushes Sin Cara. Sin Cara with a handspring back elbow followed by a rana that sends Swagger to the floor. Sin Cara with a corkscrew pescado onto Swagger and then he goes up the ramp.

    Cole and Swagger cannot believe what just happened.

    Booker and Josh talk about Sin Cara and Booker says that Sin Cara is making an impression by picking on the biggest cat.

    It is time to take a look back at the Tough Enough contestants being interrupted on Monday during Raw by The Miz. We then see the Most Electrifying Valet in Sports Entertainment received a Stone Cold Stunner.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Michelle is walking around in the back and Layla wants to talk to her but Michelle is not in a mood to talk. Layla asks Michelle about her back and she says that she meant to give something to Michelle last week. Michelle sees that Layla has signed them up for couple’s therapy and Michelle points out that they are not a couple. Layla tells Michelle that they need the help, but Michelle says that she does not need help. Layla just wants Michelle to show up and Michelle says that she always shows up and it is Layla who doesn’t show up.

    Booker talks about how LayCool are a good Divas tag team.

    It is time for a look back at highlights from what, Josh reminded us, was the highest rated Hall of Fame broadcast.

    It is time for the main event and we get Ricardo Rodriguez to introduce Alberto Del Rio.

    Before the match starts, Edge makes his way to ringside to watch the match.

    Match Number Four: Alberto Del Rio with Ricardo Rodriguez and Brodus Clay versus Christian in a Number One Contender’s Match

    They lock up and Del Rio with a waist lock. Del Rio with a forearm to the back followed by kicks. Del Rio with a side head lock and he holds on to the side head lock when Christian tries for an Irish whip. Del Rio with a shoulder tackle and a near fall.

    They have a Greco Roman Knuckle Lock but Del Rio with kicks to Christian. Del Rio with a front face lock and Christian with a shoulder tackle and a near fall. Christian with a side head lock take down. Del Rio gets back to his feet and Del Rio punches Christian. Christian with punches to Del Rio and then he puts Del Rio in the ropes and he slingshots over the ropes for the uppercut but Del Rio knows it is coming and he gets out of the way. Christian returns to the ring and he throws Del Rio over the top rope on the other side of the ring and Del Rio lands in front of the announce table, where Edge is sitting with Booker and Josh.

    Christian with a baseball slide that sends Del Rio off the apron. Del Rio looks at Edge and Edge tells Del Rio it isn’t about this as he holds up the hood ornament from Del Rio’s Rolls Royce and says that it is about this as he holds up the title belt.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Del Rio pulls Christian out of the ring and Del Rio sends Christian shoulder first into the ring steps. Del Rio sends Christian into the ringside barrier and then he chokes Christian with his boot. They return to the ring and Del Rio gets a near fall. Del Rio with a chin lock on Christian and he gets to his feet. Del Rio with a head butt followed by a back breaker and he gets a near fall. Christian struggles to get back to his feet and Del Rio kicks Christian. Del Rio with a kick to the back and he gets a near fall. Christian retreats to the corner and he connects with a kick in the corner.

    Del Rio slaps Christian in the corner but when he goes back for more, Christian punches him. Christian goes up top but Del Rio stops him and Del Rio tries for a superplex and he hits it but Del Rio appears to have landed on his shoulder. Both men are down and the referee starts his count. Del Rio gets to his feet first but Christian gets a near fall with an inside cradle.

    Del Rio punches Christian and then he tries for a clothesline but Christian moves. Christian with a punch followed by a clothesline that sends both men over the top rope to the floor. The referee starts his count and Del Rio sends Christian into the ring post and they return to the ring.

    Del Rio goes to the turnbuckles but he misses a back senton when Christian moves out of the way. Christian gets his second wind and he punches Del Rio. Christian with a running forearm and then he goes to the second turnbuckle for a missile drop kick and he gets a near fall. Christian with a slingshot to the floor followed by the uppercut. Christian goes up top for a cross body and he gets a near fall.

    Christian gets ready for the Killswitch but Del Rio with a kick and he tries for the float over into the cross arm breaker. Christian avoids the move and he pushes Del Rio into the turnbuckles. Christian misses a charge into the corner. Christian with a kick followed by an attempt for a sunset flip from the turnbuckles but Del Rio rolls through. Del Rio slingshots Christian into the turnbuckles and Del Rio floats over into the cross arm breaker, but Christian gets to the ropes.

    Del Rio eventually releases the hold and Christian goes to the apron. Christian drops Del Rio across the top rope as he goes to the floor. Clay gets close to Christian so Edge gets up from the announce table and he spears Clay. Christian goes up top and Del Rio hits the step up enzuigiri and then Del Rio gets the three count.

    Winner: Alberto Del Rio

    After the match, Alberto celebrates his victory from the ramp while Edge stares at him with Christian next to him.

    2012 - Papadon won the 2012 ECWA Super 8 tournament in Newark, Delaware.

    2013 - Representatives of WWE legal swept through the Wrestlecon vendors room this afternoon, seizing "bootlegged" material such as DVDs, t-shirts, etc. that were being sold by some of the vendors who had come into town to sell at the event.

    WWE came armed with a legal order that was signed several days ago that allowed them to seize any material sold within 5 miles of Wrestlemania. That's a standard tactic that touring acts do to prevent bootleg t-shirts being sold outside their events. Since Wrestlecon fell within that perimeter, WWE came by to see what was being sold.

    Those who had material seized were given a court date to appear and try to argue their case as to why the material should be returned...and risk paying damages. WWE took personal information of those who were selling materials.

    WWE came armed with a massive list of their copyrights and trademarks to show they were being infringed upon.

    2013 - DGUSA ran Mercury Rising 2013 on iPPV from Secaucus, NJ. Stu Carapola filed the following live report:

    Tony Nese vs Soldier Ant

    They do some quick mat work to start off, Nese gets a knee to the midsection and starts to unload with the hard hitting offense, but Soldier outmaneuvers Nese and knocks him out to the floor. Nese is not amused, coming right back in and turning Soldier inside out with a hard clothesline. Soldier tries rolling out to the floor to get some space, but Nese wipes him out with a dive and then rolls him back inside and covers for 2. Nese hits a Lionsault for 2, then drills his man with some hard right hands and covers for 2. Nese counters a hiptoss by landing on his feet and then rolling him into a seated octopus hold. Solder lays in some chops and gets a series of lucha armdrags and a flying headscissors. They trade forearms, Soldier tries to get a triangle choke, but Nese just lifts him up with one arm and powerbombs him, then hits a running kick and a 450 splash for the win.

    Winner: Tony Nese

    Solid opener. Nese gets a microphone and reminds us that he said he was going to build a support staff, and he's got his new Director of Brand Imaging, Mr. A with him. Mr. A chokeslams Fire Ant as he's checking on Soldier and then flattens him with a top rope splash. Obviously Nese wants a truly hands on staff.

    Scott Reed vs Caleb Konley

    Konley nails Larry Dallas as soon as he gets in the ring, and then he and Reed start pounding the snot out of each other. Konley gets a boot to the midsection and a scissor kick for 2, but Dallas distracts Konley and Reed nails him with a forearm from behind. Konley goes out to the floor and chases Dallas around the ring, but Reed blindsides him again with another hard shot. Reed puts Konley on the ring apron and hammers him with a forearm and then makes a cover for 2. Reed whips Konley hard into the corner, then takes him out with a nice dropkick that gets 2. Reed tries to skee ball Konley out to the floor, but dumps him into the bottom rope and Konley sort of bounces off it and to the floor. Konley allows himself to be distracted by Trina Michaels and Reed gets him with a baseball slide, then brings him back inside and goes for a delayed vertical suplex. Konley slips out and gets an O'Connor roll for 2, then plants Reed with a spinebuster and drills him with a couple of hard forearms. Dallas interjects himself again, but this time Konley keeps his concentration on Reed and dumps him out to the floor, wipes him out with a dive, then picks Reed up and drops him on the barricade. Reed goes back in and Konley catches him with a missile dropkick, a sliding lariat, and a bridging German suplex for 2. Reed blocks a shot and hits a pump handle slam, followed by a powerbomb for 2. Reed sits Konley on the top rope and goes for a superplex, Konley blocks and picks Reed up in a fireman's carry, but Reed slips out and hits a sweet top rope Frankensteiner. Konley is right back up, Reed drills him with a lariat, Konley picks reed up and dumps him onto the top rope with Reed landing on his head, then Konley hits a springboard moonsault for 2. Dallas gets in the ring and Konley nails him and goes for a fireman's carry move, but Reed nails Konley and hits Smashmouth for the win.

    Winner: Scott Reed

    This was really good, I felt like they really weren't standing out as a team but reminded us how good they are now that they're back to singles and wrestling each other. I'd like to see them face off again.

    Sami Callihan & Arik Cannon vs Super Smash Brothers

    They go at it as soon as the SSB get in the ring, and a short but furious brawl breaks out before it settles down and the DUFs trap Player Uno on their side of the ring. Callihan slams Uno hard and then goes for a modified abdominal stretch, but Uno escapes and gets a neckbreaker for 2. Uno tries to charge Callihan in the corner, Callihan moves and hits a leaping enziguiri to the back of Uno's head, then tags in Cannon to dish out some punishment of his own. Cannon and Uno trade forearms until Uno shows his agility with a leaping enziguiri, Cannon responds with one of his own, then they trade blows until they both tumble out to the floor. Dos and Callihan come in and briefly stare at each other before hitting dives through the ropes onto one another's partners. They come back in and take turns laying each other out with clotheslines until Callihan hits a Death Valley Driver for 2. Cannon and Uno come back inside and trade more heavy shots, Callihan comes in and briefly gets caught in the SSB corner, but Cannon comes in and now all heck breaks loose as they throw spot after spot at each other. The DUFs hit a double team powerbomb on Uno for 2, then Callihan gets Uno in the stretch muffler as Cannon and Dos fight out on the floor. Dos takes care of Cannon and they go for the Fatality, but Callihan slips out, so Dos hits a top rope splash instead and gets the win.

    Winners: Super Smash Brothers

    A bit on the short side, but another solid win by the SSB as they have built some serious momentum this weekend.

    Chuck Taylor vs Brian Kendrick

    Taylor and Kendrick have an extended feeling out process at the start, Taylor tries a back suplex but Kendrick rolls through and lays in a couple of chops and a Frankensteiner before getting Kendrick in a short armscissors. Taylor uses his long body to scoot over to the ropes, but Kendrick slaps the taste out of his mouth and knocks him on his butt. Taylor gets back to his feet and uses his height advantage to get a top wristlock, but Kendrick uses his agility to escape and baseball slides the Swamp Monster, but Orange Cassidy trips Kendrick from the floor and gives Taylor an opening to slip in and get a couple of bodyslams and a kneedrop for 2. He gets Kendrick in a headscissors, but Kendrick makes it to the ropes so Taylor takes him to the corner and unloads with a series of chops. Kendrick fires back a couple of shots and gets thumbed in the eye by Taylor, who then whips Kendrick to the ropes and drills him with a dropkick for 2. Taylor hits Sole Food, but instead of going for the cover he stops to mess with the crowd and gets backdropped out to the floor, then Kendrick takes Taylor and Cassidy out with a dive and puts the Swamp Monster on the homeless veteran guy's wheelchair and wheels them into Taylor. They go back inside and go up top, Kendrick blocks a superplex and hits a tornado DDT for 2, then plants Taylor with a Burning Hammer for 2. Taylor backdrops Kendrick to the apron, boots him in the chest and hits a neckbreaker over the middle rope for 2. Kendrick blocks the half crab, Taylor drills him with a kneelift and a Yakuza kick for 2, then gets Kendrick in the half crab. Kendrick's trapped in the middle of the ring, but reverses to a cradle for 2, he tries another cradle but Taylor counters back into the half crab. Kendrick drags himself to the corner and uses the ropes to climb back to his feet as Taylor makes the break, then he superkicks Taylor in the face and hits Sliced Bread #2. The homeless crippled veteran suddenly pops up on the apron and Kendrick superkicks him, allowing Taylor to come back in and roll Kendrick up for 2, then hit a uranage and a kick to the chest. Taylor goes for Sliced Bread #2, but Kendrick shoves him off, superkicks him, and hits Sliced Bread #2 again for the win.

    Winner: Brian Kendrick

    Another solid match, as Kendrick picks up another win over the Gentlemen's Club this weekend.

    Ladders Are Legal Fray: AR Fox vs Samuray Del Sol vs Matt Jackson vs Nick Jackson vs Christina Von Eerie vs Uhaa Nation vs Facade

    Okay, we start off with Fox and Del Sol and ladders are only legal after everyone has entered the match. They have a fast paced start to the match as they trade armdrags, dropkicks, and headscissors and wind up at a stalemate. Samuray feints a series of lockups until Fox kicks him in the gut and starts unloading with forearms and takes Del Sol to the mat as we count down to the entrance of Matt Jackson, who goes right to the top rope for a dive that both opponents avoid. Matt hits hard and rolls right back out to the floor as Fox and Del Sol trade kicks, Del Sol goes for a top rope something, but Matt drags him down and hits a German suplex before knocking Fox to the floor. Matt goes for a double cartwheel as if he were going over the top, but instead slides under the bottom rope and rakes Fox's back. Matt rams Del Sol into the barricade as the clock counts down again and Christina Von Eerie makes her entrance, Matt charges at her as she makes her entrance, but she pulls the top rope down and Matt goes out to the floor, then she hits a springboard crossbody and wipes all her opponents out. Von Eerie hammers Matt with forearms and a series of headbutts, Matt goes to the eyes and chases her out to the floor, ramming her into the ring apron and then sliding back inside to take her out with a slingshot plancha. Now Matt and Fox are going at it, then Del Sol nails Matt and goes back inside with Fox as we count down to the entrance of Nick Jackson, who will now join his brother in what seems to have broken down into a 2-on-2 match against Fox and Del Sol. They hit a series of double teams to clear out the ring, then they allow Von Eerie to get back into the ring like good sportsmen...before superkicking her into next week and pinning her. The clock counts down and Uhaa Nation is out next, running over both Bucks with clotheslines, popping Nick into a Samoan drop, powerbombing Matt, hitting an overhead release suplex on Del Sol, and then tossing Matt to the floor on top of Nick and Fox. Uhaa prepares to hit a dive, but Fox comes in and drills him with a Yakuza kick that sends him to the floor before wiping everyone out with a somersault dive. Nick hits a moonsault to the floor as we count down to the final entrant, Facade, who runs down to the ring and wipes everyone out with a springboard dive first thing. Ladders are now legal, so Facade brings one into the ring and immediately gets nailed by the Young Bucks. They try to hit Facade with the ladder, but he springboards off the ladder, then springboard moonsaults off the top rope to take both men out with the ladder. Fox and Del Sol go at it, Del Sol superkicks Fox and hits an inverted Frankensteiner for 2. Nick superkicks Del Sol as he goes to the top and Fox hits Lo Mein Pain to eliminate Del Sol. Facade goes after Fox, he ducks a clothesline and nails Fox with a Yakuza kick and then gets a tornado DDT on Uhaa.Facade nails Nick in the...uh, midsection with the ladder and then sets it up in the corner, but Matt whips Facade into the ladder and Facade goes out to the floor as Fox hits a springboard Ace Crusher on Matt. Fox sets up the ladder in the middle of the ringand starts climbing, Facade leaps off the ropes and tries to land on the ladder, but his weight actually bends the ladder and Facade crashes hard. Fox nails Facade with Meteora to leiminate him, and we're down to Fox, Uhaa, and the Bucks. Nick gets backdropped to the floor, Uhaa splashes Matt in the corner, Fox dropkicks him, Uhaa hits a charging knee, Nick comes in and superkicks both Uhaa and Fox, nails Uhaa with a spinning enziguiri, then baseball slides Uhaa out to the floor. The crowd chants for the Bucks as Nick goes to bring another ladder to the ring, they ram Uhaa in hte face with it and then bring it inside to use as a battering ram on Fox's...uh, midsection. Lot of that going on tonight. Nick slams Fox and climbs the ladder, but Fox is up and he pushes the ladder over, and instead of landing hard on the floor, Nick uses the momentum to springboard off the top rope and hit a somersault dive onto Uhaa. Matt sets up the ladder between the ring and barricade, the Bucks try to suplex Fox onto it, but Fox fights his way out and lays Matt out on the ladder. Fox springboards out of the corner and moonsaults onto Matt, then brings Matt and the ladder back inside and prepares to splash him, but Ricochet runs out, shoves Fox off the top rope and onto the ladder, then hits him with a 630 splash and Nick Jackson quickly slips in and pins Fox to eliminate him. Now Uhaa Nation is by himself against both the Bucks, they whip Uhaa into the ladder and do it again. The Bucks put the ladder on the mat and they double suplex Uhaa onto it, but Uhaa kicks out at 2, so they use the ladder to double team choke Uhaa and then use it as a battering ram into Uhaa's head. They set the ladder back up in the corner, but this time Uhaa whips Nick into the ladder, backdrops Matt onto it, but the Bucks hit a double team Sliced Bread # 2 and Nick hits a running kneestrike for 2. They take turns superkicking Uhaa until the big man fires up and takes them both out with a double clothesline. He goes to press slam Matt, but Nick upserkicks him and then Matt powerbombs Uhaa into a superkick from Nick. They go for More Bang For Your Buck, but Uhaa shoves Matt into Nick and rolls Matt up to eliminate him, then hits his finishing combo on Nick for the win.

    Winner: Uhaa Nation

    I don't know if I'm quite on board with having one guy beat both the tag champs by himself, but it came off like he survived this match more than he won it. If the goal was to make Uhaa look unbeatable, this did the trick.

    Intermission notes: During the earlier tag match: Player Uno's shoulder popped out while the Super Smash Brothers were going for their finish on Sami Callihan, which is why he lost the move and Dos had to improvise with a top rope splash for the finish. Arik Cannon was also knocked out legit during this match.

    Jon Davis vs Orange Cassidy

    This doesn't look good for our old pal Orange, who has Chuck Taylor, Drew Gulak and the Swamp Monster at ringside. Orange barely seems to notice the match starting, and he just slouches in the corner as Davis crouches in his own corner as usual. The crowd chants "this is awesome" as Davis finally gets tired of waiting and grabs Orange, who just shoves him off and goes back to slouching. Davis finally has enough and hits a kneelift to Orange, then hits the ropes for something he never gets to hit because Orange falls on his butt. He picks Orange up and goes for a hard lariat, but Orange falls down again. Running boot attempt, and Orange passes out flat on his back. Orange keeps rolling away from Davis' offense, so Davis yanks him up by the neck and Orange hits a Frankensteiner, then goes to the second rope and hits a DDT. Orange comes off the ropes and passes out on top of Davis for 2. He kips up and goes to the top rope to try another Frankensteiner, Davis picks him up for a powerbomb, Orange goes over the top for a sunset flip, but Davis yanks him up again by the neck and just launches him across the ring, then hits a hard clothesline that also wipes out the referee, and the bell rings as Davis has apparently been disqualified again.

    Winner: Orange Cassidy by DQ

    Drew Gulak comes in and attacks Davis, but gets powerbombed into the corner. Taylor comes in to go after Davis, but Davis short clotheslines him into next week, so the Swamp Monster comes in to check on his crew, and I think we all know what's coming now. Davis stalks the poor Swamp Monster, picks him up, and hits Three Seconds Around The World to complete the collection.

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    Continued ..

    2013 - WWE broadcast Wrestlemania 29 on PPV from Metlife Stadium in East Rutherford, NJ. Richard Trionfo filed the following PPV report:

    Welcome to PWInsider.com’s continuing coverage of Wrestlemania 29 from MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford, New Jersey. Make sure to check out the additional coverage on the site including Dave Scherer’s blog. After Wrestlemania, make sure to check out in the Elite Section the Wrestlemania 29 Post Game Show.

    We begin with the video from Friday night of Vince McMahon revealing the set of the Wrestlemania 29 set. It is accompanied by the first of many many many many many replays of the song ‘Coming Home’.

    Your announcers for the Pre-Show are Josh Mathews and Matt Striker.

    Josh wants people to send their Touts of their favorite Wrestlemania Moments.

    Scott Stanford is with Jim Ross, Dusty Rhodes, and Kofi Kingston in the ‘studio area’. Scott asks Jim about the anticipation for this Wrestlemania. Jim says that he is just as excited tonight as he was when he debuted at Wrestlemania 9. Scott asks Kofi about the crowd. He says that this is the foundation for WWE so they are back in their home area. Dusty says that Wrestlemania will fulfill dreams tonight. There are issues to be solved, careers and streaks are on the line. Dusty says this will be something big.

    We take a look at the World Title Match between Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter with a video package.

    Scott asks Jim Ross about Jack Swagger and whether he thinks he is more focused or determined. Jim says that Jack is not the same person he met at the University of Oklahoma. Zeb Colter has influenced Jack and he says that Del Rio will have to wrestle the match of his life to retain.

    Kofi says that Alberto is also determined after what Jack and Zeb did to him as well as what Jack did to Ricardo.

    Dusty says that the American Dream can be grabbed by Del Rio to show that he is the better man. Dusty thinks that Alberto will win the match.

    Scott mentions that Wrestlemania is coming home. We see photos from WWE fans all over the world showing how far they are from New York.

    We go back to Josh and Matt at the announce table. Josh reminds us about sending TOUTs about their favorite Wrestlemania moments.

    Josh reminds us that if Triple H loses tonight, we will not see him at Wrestlemania 30. We have a video package.

    We return to the booth and Scott asks Dusty about Triple H’s chances against Brock. Dusty says that this is nothing more than a fight. We will see who comes out in the end. Anything goes. Dusty says that he has been in this situation before.

    Kofi says that this is very personal. We have seen what Brock has done to Vince and Hunter. Now that it is No Holds Barred, he does not know.

    Jim Ross says that Paul Heyman has a genetic monster with him and it will be a long night for Triple H.

    Scott sends it to Tony Dawson who is tailgating with fans outside the building. They are ready for Wrestlemania.

    Snooki is in an office and Miz congratulates her on being a mom. Snooki wants to know if she wants Miz to have her tweet something. Wade interrupts and says that he deserves better than to be slumming with two reality stars.

    Snooki mentions that is more than 140 characters.

    Miz says that he will take the one thing that makes Wade Barrett relevant.

    Barrett says that he will show Miz a different type of reality and that he never liked Miz.

    Snooki tells Miz that his spray tan looks awesome.

    There will be a colossal collision between Mark Henry and Ryback. We take a look at the Bench Press competition from Smackdown two weeks ago. Then we see what happened on Raw between Mark and Ryback.

    Renee Young is with Mark Henry in the interview area. She asks Mark if he has any concerns about Ryback being able to match his strength and power. Mark asks if Ryback matched him in that clip. Ryback was lying on his back and gasping for breath, just like he will tonight. Since this is Ryback’s first Wrestlemania, he thinks it will be his most memorable. Ryback is right because Ryback will be entered into the Hall of Pain.

    Scott asks Kofi how to beat the World’s Strongest Man. Kofi says that it will be like moving a mountain. We will find out who the man is.

    Dusty says that they are talking about two of the strongest men, but Mark Henry is a baaaaaaaaaaaaaaad man. Ryback might be fed more.

    Jim Ross says that it is a mastodon matchup and experience will win out with Mark Henry.

    We go to footage from the Press Conference at Radio City Music Hall this week.

    Will the Undertaker get a chance to go 21-0 or will CM Punk become the 1 in 20-1? We have a video package.

    Scott asks Jim Ross about the Undertaker at Wrestlemania. Jim says that CM Punk has been the MVP of WWE the last year. It is the Voice of the Voiceless versus the Soul of the Soulless and Taker will go 21-0.

    We have less than a half hour until the start of the pay per view and we go to Tony Dawson outside the stadium. Tony asks the fans what they are looking forward to the most.

    We take a look at some of the fan’s TOUTs.

    What will happen when Randy Orton, Sheamus, and The Big Show face The Shield? We have video.

    Scott asks Dusty for his prediction on the match. Dusty says that if the Shield is going to be stopped, this team can do it. Kofi says that there is nothing more dangerous than a team clicking on all cylinders. Jim Ross wonders if there will be any dysfunction with Orton, Sheamus, and Show. Jim thinks that the Shield will win tonight.

    Match Number One: Intercontinental Title Match: Wade Barrett versus Miz

    They lock up and Miz with a side head lock. Barrett with a kick and elbow to the back of the head followed by a punch. Barrett with a belly-to-back suplex attempt but Miz lands on his feet and he goes to the apron. He slides back in and gets a near fall. Barrett with an Irish whip and Miz tries to float over but Barrett catches him and forces Miz to the mat. Barrett with punches to Miz.

    Barrett puts Miz on the top turnbuckle and he connects with forearms to the back followed by a kick to the midsection and Miz falls to the mat. Barrett gets a near fall. Barrett puts Miz in the ropes and connects with knees to the head. Barrett sets for the running boot but Miz knows it is coming and he kicks Barrett. Miz with a running forearm and a knee lift. Miz hits Reality Check and gets a near fall.

    Barrett gets Miz on his shoulders for Wasteland but Miz escapes. Miz tries for the Skull Crushing Finale but Barrett with a snap mare. Miz sets for the Awesome Clothesline but Barrett comes out of the corner and meets Miz with the Blackpool Slam and he gets a near fall.

    Barrett sets for the Bull Hammer but Miz avoids it and he puts Barrett in the figure four leg lock. Barrett reaches for the ropes and he gets there. Miz has to release the hold. Barrett with a rake of the eyes when the referee was not in position. Barrett hits Wasteland but only gets a two count.

    Miz takes Barrett down and applies the figure four again and Barrett taps out.

    Winner: Miz

    We go back to Scott and the studio team. He asks Jim about the way the show started. Jim says that it is a special week for Miz to win with the Figure Four.

    Scott asks Miz about the main event. Is this a must win for John Cena. Kofi says it is a must win. He has thought about that loss every day. With the WWE Title on the line, it is a must win situation.

    Dusty says that it isn’t best to think about something for a year. John Cena has lived with it for a year and it ate at him day in and day out. He knows what is going on tonight. Cena has the eye and he will do whatever it takes to win.

    Scott asks Jim if the respect will be there when the match starts. Jim says that it better because of the prize they are battling for. Jim says that he recruited and signed both guys. If it is less than 30 minutes, Rock wins. If it goes more than 30 minutes, John Cena wins.

    Kofi says that John has to stay focused tonight. It cost him last year.

    Dusty says that it is the walk down the aisle and you paint your portrait and you paint your win. The Rock is in the greatest shape of his life. It will be an epic battle.

    We have a video package.

    Welcome to the coverage of Wrestlemania 29 from MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford, New Jersey. Your announcers tonight are Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler, Michael Cole, and John ‘Bradshaw’ Layfield.

    The New Jersey National Guard is on the stage with American flags.

    Match Number One: The Shield (Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, and Roman Reigns) versus Randy Orton, Big Show, and Sheamus

    The Shield make their way through the huge crowd, as is tradition.

    Reigns and Sheamus start things off. They lock up and Reigns with punches but Sheamus punches back. Sheamus with a knee and he sends Reigns into the turnbuckles. Reigns punches Sheamus. Sheamus with an Irish whip but Reigns with an elbow. Sheamus with a clothesline and forearm to the back. Sheamus blocks a hip toss and Sheamus with punches and a short arm clothesline for a near fall.

    Orton tags in and they send Reigns to the mat. Orton with a leaping knee drop and then he stomps on Reigns’ head and he does the Garvin stomp. Reigns with a knee and forearm. He tags in Rollins and Orton with a drop kick. Orton sends Rollins into the turnbuckles and Orton climbs the turnbuckles and punches Rollins. Orton with a slingshot suplex and he tags in Sheamus.

    Sheamus with a punch to the midsection and forearm to the back. Sheamus misses a short arm clothesline and Rollins with a drop kick to the knee. Ambrose tags in and he kicks Sheamus until the referee pulls him off. Sheamus with punches and a knee. Sheamus with a power slam and he gets a near fall.

    Show makes the tag because he did not want to be left out and Show with a head butt. Show pulls off Ambrose’s vest and Show with a chop to the exposed flesh. Show with more chops followed by an Irish whip and running butt splash but Ambrose with a drop kick to the knee. Rollins tags in and he hits a knee off the turnbuckles followed by boots to the head to keep Show on the mat.

    Rollins with a near fall but a powerful kick out. Reigns tags in and he hits a flying forearm and he gets a near fall. Reigns with a forearm to the head and he tags in Ambrose. Ambrose kicks Show and connects with forearms. Ambrose with a kick and then he rubs his forearm across Show’s brow.

    Rollins tags in and he kicks Show and punches him. Rollins with a forearm to the back and kicks. Rollins with a flying knee and he takes Show down again and he gets a near fall. Reigns tags in and he connects with a head butt. Reigns with a reverse chin lock. Show with a Saito suplex and both men are down.

    Rollins tags in and he kicks Orton off the apron and then Show with a back drop from his knees. Sheamus tags in and he hits two running double sledges and he sends Rollins into the corner and then he hits the running knee lift. Sheamus sends Rollins to the apron for the forearms across the chest and then Ambrose makes the blind tag. Sheamus with the forearms across the chest to Ambrose.

    Sheamus brings Ambrose in and he hits the Finlay slam. He does the same to Rollins and he lands on Ambrose. Sheamus goes up top but Reigns pulls Sheamus off the turnbuckles. Ambrose and Reigns go after Sheamus. Orton fights off Ambrose and Reigns but Rollins with a suicide dive and he hits the ringside barrier.

    They get Sheamus up for the Cerberus Bomb but Show spears all three men. Sheamus crawls to his corner and Show wants the tag but Orton steals the tag and he clotheslines Ambrose twice. Ambrose misses a clothesline and Orton with a power slam and he sends Ambrose into the ropes for the IEDDT and he connects. Orton twists into the mat and he waits for the RKO but Rollins comes off the turnbuckles. Orton RKOs Rollins off the turnbuckles and Reigns with a spear to Orton and Ambrose gets the three count.

    Winners: Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, and Seth Rollins

    After the match, Show gets into the ring and he takes off his knee pad and he wants to know what Orton did taking the tag. Sheamus is on the floor. Show punches Sheamus when he enters the ring and then Show punches Orton.

    We see the Rock/John Cena video package.

    We take a look from above MetLife Stadium and we find out that it was 55 degrees when the show started. We see Snooki in the crowd.

    Match Number Two: Mark Henry versus Ryback

    They get face to face and they exchange some pleasantries before they collide and neither man gets an advantage. They do it again with the same result. Henry with a punch and Ryback fires back. Ryback with the advantage in the ring, but not from the crowd. Ryback with a clothesline with no effect. Henry is staggered a bit on a second clothesline. Henry with a shoulder tackle and Ryback is down.

    Henry with a power slam for a near fall. Ryback with kicks and he tries to suplex Henry but Henry blocks it and he sends Ryback to the apron. Henry sends Ryback into the ring post. Henry knocks Ryback off the apron. Ryback returns to the ring and Henry kicks him. Henry with a forearm to the kidneys. Henry with a bear hug and he turns it into a waist lock. Henry with a shot to the ribs and then he runs Ryback into the turnbuckles. Henry clotheslines Ryback over the top rope to the floor and Henry tells us that is what he do.

    Ryback gets back into the ring at nine and Henry with forearms to the back. Ryback with punches and kicks but Henry with a head butt. Henry returns to the bear hug. Ryback with head butts to try to escape the hold. Ryback tries for a hip lock take down but Henry maintains the advantage and Henry slams Ryback.

    Henry returns to the bear hug. Ryback powers out of the bear hug but Henry with punches. Ryback with punches and he runs Henry into the corner and connects with shoulders. Ryback with a running clothesline into the corner. Ryback sets up for the lariat and he connects. Ryback with a kick and he tries for Shellshock and he gets Henry up but Henry grabs the ropes and Henry falls onto Ryback.

    Henry gets the three count.

    Winner: Mark Henry

    After the match, the medical staff checks on Ryback but Mark Henry comes back into the ring and he tells them to let Ryback suffer. Ryback with a spinebuster and then he says he will finish it. Ryback gets Henry on his shoulders and he hits Shellshock.

    Michael Cole announces that the WWE is entering into a partnership with the Special Olympics for the 2014 Games in Princeton.

    Match Number Three: WWE Tag Title Match: Daniel Bryan and Kane versus Big E Langston and Dolph Ziggler (with AJ Lee)

    Ziggler wants AJ to give him a kiss and Bryan with a round kick to the head but Ziggler kicks out. Ziggler gets to the floor and Bryan with a suicide dive onto Ziggler. Bryan brings Ziggler back into the ring and he kicks Ziggler in the chest and arm. Langston tags in and Bryan tags in Kane.

    They lock up and Langston pushes Kane into the ropes. Kane with punches but Langston catches Kane and hits three back breakers and he drops Kane to the mat. Langston with a shoulder to the midsection in the corner. Langston runs into a boot from Kane and Kane grabs Langston by the throat but Langston powers out and he punches Kane. Kane punches back and Langston with a body block and Kane goes down.

    Langston with a front face lock and Ziggler tags in and he punches Kane. Ziggler with a drop kick and he gets a near fall. Langston tags in and he punches and kicks Kane. Langston with punches to the midsection. Kane with a leaping DDT. Ziggler tags in and knocks Bryan off the apron. Kane with a punch and Irish whip. Kane with a splash into the corner and then Ziggler misses a splash into the corner and Kane with a side slam for a near fall.

    Kane misses the clothesline from the top and Ziggler with a Fameasser for a near fall. Ziggler drop kicks Bryan and Bryan goes to the floor. Ziggler goes up top and he is met by an uppercut and Kane gets a near fall but Langston breaks up the cover with a splash. The straps are down and he picks up Kane. Kane gets to his feet and he sends Langston over the top rope to the floor and Bryan with a flying knee.

    Ziggler with a Zig Zag for a near fall. AJ gives Ziggler the briefcase and AJ distracts the referee. Ziggler misses with the briefcase and Kane with a boot and a choke slam. Bryan tags in and hits the diving head butt for the three count.

    Winners: Daniel Bryan and Kane

    We see a John Cena Make-A-Wish video package.

    We have a sea of dancers to lead us into the Wrestlemania debut of Fandango (with Sue)

    Match Number Four: Fandango versus Chris Jericho

    Fandango dances around before locking up and Jericho with a double leg take down and punches. Jericho with chops but Fandango goes to the floor. Jericho follows and Jericho with another double leg take down and punches. Jericho punches Fandango and he kicks him in the corner until the referee pulls him out of the corner.

    Fandango with punches and kicks but Jericho drops Fandango on the top rope and Fandango bounces to the mat. Jericho with an Irish whip but Fandango floats over. Jericho with a Codebreaker but Fandango falls to the floor so he may have saved himself. Jericho with a baseball slide and then he goes up top and hits a cross body.

    Jericho sends Fandango head first into the apron and then he chops Fandango against the ringside barrier. They return to the ring and Jericho slaps Fandango in the head. Jericho with a boot to Fandango and then he sends Fandango over the top again.

    Jericho goes for the springboard drop kick and Fandango with a round kick to the head. Fandango gets a near fall and then he punches Jericho. Fandango assumes the position and he kicks Jericho in the head.

    Fandango with a reverse chin lock and he punches Jericho in the back of the head. Jericho with shoulder tackles to Fandango. Fandango sends Jericho over the top rope but Jericho lands on the apron and then Jericho with a double sledge from the top. Jericho misses a bulldog but he does not miss the Thesz Press. Jericho with an enzuigiri and he gets a near fall.

    Fandango sends Jericho to the apron and Jericho goes up top for a cross body and he gets a near fall. Fandango with a kick and he sends Jericho shoulder first into the ring post. Fandango with a splash in the corner followed by a Flatline and he goes up top for the Fandangobama Jam and he connects but Jericho kicks out.

    Jericho with a rollup for a near fall. Jericho blocks a drop kick and he tries for the Walls of Jericho but Fandango kicks him away. Fandango with a clothesline and both men are down. Fandango goes up top again but Jericho hits the ropes and Fandango falls to the mat. Jericho puts Fandango on the top turnbuckle and he chops Fandango. Jericho tries for a superplex but Fandango with head butts and Jericho falls to the mat.

    Fandango misses the Fandangobama Jam but Jericho does not hit the Lionsault properly and he appears to have hurt his knee. Jericho tries for the Walls of Jericho but Fandango gets an inside cradle and the three count.

    Winner: Fandango

    We are back and we see footage from the pre show when Miz defeated Wade Barrett to become the new Intercontinental Champion.

    We have a video package for the Rock.

    We have a video package of some of the great moments in WWE history.

    It is time for a performance by Diddy.

    We take a look at the Jack Swagger and Alberto Del Rio feud with a video package.

    Zeb Colter is in the ring and he says that they are Real Americans. This past week he walked the filthy streets of New York and he has a question. When did ‘we’ let ‘them’ take over? Wasn’t New York a beacon of American prosperity. Now it isn’t worth the beads we paid for it. It is a cesspool of criminals and illegals who crept across our borders and they speak Spanish . . . Italian . . . Greek . . . Chinese . . . and something they call Yiddish as they plot against us. He says that you can boo him, but you know you agree with him. Either you are too afraid to say something or too gutless to do anything about it. Tonight, Jack Swagger will reclaim this country when he walks out the World Champion.

    Jack tells everyone ‘We The People’.

    Match Number Five: World Title Match: Alberto Del Rio (with Ricardo Rodriguez) versus Jack Swagger (with Zeb Colter)

    Swagger backs Del Rio into the corner and he punches him but Del Rio with punches and he sends Swagger into the turnbuckles. Del Rio with a kick and Swagger goes to the floor. Del Rio with a drop kick through the ropes and they fight on the floor.

    They return to the ring and Del Rio goes to the turnbuckles and Colter distracts Del Rio long enough to allow Swagger to pull Del Rio off the turnbuckles. Swagger sends Del Rio shoulder first into the ring post. Swagger works on the arm in the ropes and then he connects with a short arm clothesline for a near fall.

    Swagger with a key lock on Del Rio. Del Rio with a punch and crucifix rollup for a near fall. Swagger with a big boot to the head. Swagger with the double jump Swagger bomb for a near fall. Swagger tries to use the ring post to work over the leg for the ankle lock but Swagger is pulled into the post by Del Rio.

    Del Rio kicks Swagger in the head. Swagger returns to the ring and Del Rio with a punch. Swagger runs Del Rio into the corner. Del Rio with a kick and two clotheslines to Swagger. He avoids a clothesline from Swagger and he hits a tilt-a-whirl back breaker. Del Rio kicks Colter and then he hits Swagger with a super kick but he can only get a two count.

    Del Rio tries for the float over into the cross arm breaker but Swagger counters and he hits a power slam for a near fall. Swagger goes for the knee and he applies the ankle lock. Del Rio kicks Swagger into the corner and Del Rio misses the enzuigiri. Swagger tries for the Swagger bomb but Del Rio pulls Swagger into the buckles. Del Rio with forearms to the back followed by a lungblower for a near fall.

    Swagger tries for a German suplex but Del Rio blocks it and he hits a German suplex of his own. Del Rio tries for the cross arm breaker but Swagger locks his arms and Swagger hits the Doctor Bomb and he can only get a two count. Swagger with the ankle lock and Del Rio tries to figure out how to escape. Swagger pulls Del Rio into the center of the ring and Del Rio applies the cross arm breaker.

    Del Rio gets Swagger to break the grasp with his arms. Swagger counters and returns to the ankle lock. Del Rio gets to the ropes and Swagger releases the hold. Swagger goes to the ankle again but the referee warns him because Del Rio is on the ropes. Del Rio escapes a gutwrench suplex and Del Rio with a kick to the head.

    Del Rio with the running step up enzuigiri and Colter puts Swagger’s leg on the ropes to get the count stopped. Ricardo goes to Colter but Colter kicks Ricardo’s crutches. We have a Mexican-American standoff with Colter and Del Rio. Swagger hits Del Rio from behind and then sends him into the ringside barrier. Swagger gets back into the ring at nine. Del Rio floats over and applies the cross arm breaker and Swagger taps out.

    Winner: Alberto Del Rio

    We see the Undertaker/CM Punk video package.

    Match Number Six: Undertaker versus CM Punk (with Paul Heyman)

    Punk tries to do his best to tire Taker and avoid him. Punk with a slap to the face and Punk goes to the floor. He gets back in the ring first and he punches Taker and connects with forearms. Taker grabs Punk and puts him in the corner but he misses with a punch. Punk with a punch and he eggs on Taker.

    Punk with a kick but Taker with a boot to the head. Taker sends Punk to the floor and he punches Punk against the ringside barrier. Taker with an Irish whip and Punk goes over the ringside barrier into the Lillian Garcia cubicle. Taker sends Punk into the announce table and then Taker starts to rearrange the Spanish announce table. Taker with a bear hug and he runs Punk’s back into the ring post.

    Taker returns Punk to the ring and then he pulls Punk’s head over the apron and Taker with a punch. Taker goes to the apron and he hits the vintage leg drop. Heyman shows some frustration with what has been going on in the last minute of the match. Taker punches Punk in the corner and then he gives ‘that look’ to the referee.

    Taker kicks Punk in the ribs and then he goes to the turnbuckles and it is time to go Old School but Punk with an arm drag to stop Taker. Punk pops up to his feet and he hits a drop kick to the back. Punk with a forearm and kicks to Taker. Punk with a kick and Punk goes to the turnbuckles for his version of Old School and he connects.

    Punk with a side Russian leg sweep for a near fall. Punk with a key lock on Taker. Taker gets back to his feet and he backs Punk into the corner and he punches Punk. Taker with a punch to the head. Taker with an Irish whip and Punk hits the ring post. Taker misses a boot into the corner and Taker hits the turnbuckle with his knee.

    Punk goes up top and hits a double sledge on Taker and Taker is down. Punk with a neck breaker to Taker and he gets a near fall. Punk with a shoulder to Taker’s shoulder but Taker with punches to Punk. Punk with a swinging neck breaker when he ducks a punch from Taker and he gets a near fall.

    Taker with a knee and suplex. Taker runs into a boot from Punk and Punk goes Old School a second time but Punk is too cocky and he gets crotched. Taker punches Punk and he falls to the floor. Heyman wants to know what happened. Heyman gets on the apron to stop Taker’s dive to the floor. Punk hits a springboard clothesline but he can only get a near fall.

    Punk with a running knee into the corner and then he hits a short arm clothesline. Punk goes up top for the elbow drop and he hits it and gets a near fall. Punk signals that it is time for someone to go to sleep. He gets Taker on his shoulders but Taker escapes and he gets Punk up and hits a choke slam but Punk kicks out. Punk and Taker exchange punches with Taker ahead on points. Taker punches Punk in the corner and the referee warns Taker. Taker with an Irish whip and clothesline into the corner. Taker with Snake Eyes but Punk with a drop kick to stop the running boot from Taker and Punk gets a near fall.

    Punk clotheslines Taker over the top rope to the floor. Punk goes to the Spanish Announce Table and he rearranges it a bit more. Taker with a head butt to Punk and then Taker sets for a power bomb through the table but Punk escapes. He kicks Taker onto the table. Punk looks at the turnbuckles and he is going to go up top. Punk hits the elbow on Taker but the table does not break.

    Punk rolls back into the ring and he holds his knee. The referee makes his count and Taker struggles to get back into the ring but he gets in before the referee can get to ten. Paul tells Punk to do whatever he has to do. Punk rolls over to make the cover but Taker applies Hell’s Gate but Punk is able to counter with a jackknife cover.

    Punk tries for the Anaconda Vice and he locks it in. Punk gets a near fall but Taker sits up and he gets back to his feet. Punk escapes the choke slam and hits Go To Sleep but Taker with the Tombstone and Punk kicks out at two.

    Taker and Punk exchange punches on their knees. Punk with a head butt and punch followed by a chop but Taker with punches. Punk with a kick and Taker does not budge. Taker grabs Punk and the referee goes down. Punk with a back heel kick. Punk hits the knee into the corner but Taker sets for Last Ride and Punk hits Taker with the urn after being handed it by Heyman. Punk with the cross armed cover and Taker kicks out at two.

    Paul cannot believe what he is seeing after all of the chances that Punk has had.

    Punk with the throat slash. Punk gets Taker on his shoulders again but Taker with elbows. Punk with a reversal into the tombstone. Punk reverses and then Taker with the Tombstone for the three count.

    Winner: Undertaker

    After the match, Undertaker reclaims the urn and he goes up the ramp and does the Undertaker salute.

    We see a John Cena video package.

    We have the Triple H/Brock Lesnar video package before their match.

    Match Number Seven: No Holds Barred . . . Triple H’s Career on the Line: Triple H (with Shawn Michaels) versus Brock Lesnar (with Paul Heyman)

    Lesnar tries to take Hunter into the corner but Hunter with punches. Lesnar with knees to the midsection and then he sends Hunter to the apron and floor and Brock follows. Hunter with an Irish whip into the ringside barrier. Hunter sends Brock face first into the announce table and then he punches Lesnar.

    Lesnar sends Hunter into the apron and then over the ringside barrier and into the crowd. Brock grabs a chair but Hunter clotheslines Brock off the ringside barrier. Brock with a kick and forearm to the back. Hunter returns to the ring and Brock brings the chair into the ring but Hunter with a running high knee. Heyman takes the chair out of the ring.

    Hunter throws Brock to the floor and Hunter follows. Brock with a punch to the midsection and then he sends Brock head first into the ring steps. Brock with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex on the floor. Lesnar hot shots Hunter on the announce table. Lesnar suplexes Hunter onto the Spanish Announce Table and that table is finished.

    Brock lets out a scream after the impact.

    Brock with a knee to the midsection and then he hits another overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Brock has a maniacal laugh after he looks at Hunter. Brock chases Shawn Michaels away from checking on Hunter. Brock returns to the ring and he kicks and punches Hunter. Hunter with a punch but Lesnar with a clothesline and a near fall.

    Brock with a kick and Hunter punches back. Lesnar with a knee and Irish whip but he runs into a boot from Hunter. Brock with a belly-to-belly suplex and he gets a near fall. Lesnar with a waist lock but Hunter with elbows. Lesnar with a German suplex while Paul tells Hunter to stay down. Lesnar gets a near fall. Lesnar with another German suplex for a near fall.

    Hunter kicks Lesnar and then he punches Lesnar in the corner. Lesnar with an Irish whip and Hunter does the Hunter flip over the turnbuckles toe the floor. Lesnar goes to the floor and Michaels backs up. Hunter with a clothesline and punch to Lesnar and then Hunter clotheslines Lesnar into the Garcia Cubicle. Lesnar is sent into the table and Hunter takes the chair from Lesnar and he hits Brock with it.

    Hunter rolls Brock into the ring and Lesnar with another German suplex and he gets a near fall. Paul and Shawn get on the apron and Lesnar knocks Shawn off the apron. Hunter with a spinebuster and he starts to get a second wind. Hunter with a kick and he sets for the Pedigree but Lesnar gets Hunter on his shoulders. Shawn tries for Sweet Chin Music but Lesnar blocks it and he hits the F-5 on Shawn. Hunter with a Pedigree for a near fall.

    Hunter has retrieved the GameHammer from under the ring. Lesnar intercepts things and he hits the F-5 but Hunter kicks out at two. Lesnar grabs the chair and hits Hunter in the back. Lesnar Irish whips Hunter into the ring steps. Lesnar picks up the ring steps and he waits for Hunter to get up. Lesnar hits Hunter in the head with the steps. Lesnar gets the other steps and he throws them into the ring.

    Hunter is rolled back into the ring and Lesnar signals that it is over. Lesnar hits Hunter in the side with the steps and he gets a near fall. Lesnar tells Hunter it is over and that he should retire. Hunter slaps Lesnar and then he punches Lesnar and he tries for the Pedigree but Lesnar with the Kimura. Hunter runs Lesnar into the turnbuckles to try to get out of the hold but Lesnar has reapplied the hold.

    Lesnar with knees and then he sits on the turnbuckles and applies the Kimura and he has applied a body scissors. Hunter picks up Lesnar and hits a spinebuster on Lesnar and both men are down. Hunter with a crotch chop and Lesnar misses a charge into the corner and hits the ring post with his shoulder. Hunter with a low blow.

    Hunter wrings the arm into the ring post. Hunter grabs a chair and he hits the arm against the post with the chair. Hunter brings the chair into the ring and he hits Lesnar’s arm on the steps with the chair. Hunter with a Kimura of his own and he applies a body scissors. Heyman grabs the chair but he turns around into Sweet Chin Music from Michaels and Heyman is down.

    Lesnar tries to fight through the pain and he picks Hunter up and power bombs Hunter on the ring steps to get out of the hold. Hunter reapplies the Kimura and Lesnar with another power bomb on the steps. Hunter applies it again and Lesnar with a spinebuster on the steps but Hunter hooks the head and Lesnar hits the steps and he is out.

    Hunter grabs the GameHammer and he hits Lesnar in the head with it. Hunter does the regeneration pose and then he picks up Lesnar to Pedigree him on the ring steps. Hunter gets the three count.

    Winner: Triple H

    We take a look at highlights from the Hall of Fame Ceremony.

    Howard Finkel is in the ring to introduce the 2013 Hall of Fame inductees

    Justin Roberts announces that they have set an attendance record for this building at 80,676.

    Match Number Eight: WWE Title Match: Rock versus John Cena

    Cena with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. They lock up and Rock with a side head lock. Rock with a shoulder tackle. They lock up and Rock with a side head lock. Rock blocks a hip toss and he connects with one and Cena goes to the floor to regroup. Cena with a kick and punches. Cena with a hard Irish whip and more punches in the corner. Rock with a clothesline after being Irish whipped into the corner.

    Rock with a series of punches and a hard Irish whip. Rock sends Cena to the apron and then Rock with an elbow to the throat. Cena with a clothesline and he gets a near fall. Cena with a reverse chin lock. Cena with a side head lock take down. Cena with a belly-to-belly suplex for a near fall. Rock with a sleeper. Cena escapes the hold and he gets a near fall.

    Cena kicks Rock and then he misses an elbow drop. Rock with a Samoan drop. Rock and Cena go back and forth with punches and Cena with a suplex and he gets a near fall. Cena runs into an elbow in the corner and Rock with punches. Cena with a flying shoulder tackle but Rock ducks on the second one. Rock with a punch and then he tries for a spinebuster but Cena tries for the STF.

    Cena with two flying shoulder tackles and Rock counters the Blue Thunder Bomb with a snap mare. Rock with a SharpShooter but Cena escapes. Cena with the Blue Thunder Bomb and it is time for the Five Knuckle Shuffle but Rock moves. Rock with a DDT and he waits for Cena to get up for the Rock Bottom. Cena counters and he applies a Crippler Crossface. Rock with a rollup for a near fall. Cena catapults Rock into the turnbuckles and Cena with another Blue Thunder Bomb and Cena hits the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Cena gets Rock on his shoulders for the Attitude Adjustment and Rock escapes and hits a spinebuster. Rock sets for the People’s Elbow but he takes too long and Cena applies the STF.

    Rock hits the Rock Bottom but Cena kicks out at two. Cena with an Attitude Adjustment but Rock kicks out. Cena goes up top for the Rocker Dropper but Rock moves and Rock with a spinebuster and it is time for the People’s Elbow. Cena kicks out at two and then Cena falls out of the ring. Rock pushes Cena into the ring and he punches Cena but Cena punches back. They go back and forth and Rock with the advantage. Rock with a cross body and Cena catches Rock and he gets him on his shoulders but Rock escapes and hits the Rock Bottom but Cena kicks out at two.

    Rock sets up for another People’s Elbow but he decides to go for the Five Knuckle Shuffle and Cena with an Attitude Adjustment for a near fall. Rock and Cena exchange punches and kicks. Cena with a rollup for a near fall. Cena with a Rock Bottom for a near fall. Cena signals for the Five Knuckle Shuffle but he thinks about it and will he do the People’s Elbow again? Rock throws the arm bands away and he mocks the Rock and he holds the ropes when Rock gets up. Rock escapes the Attitude Adjustment and Rock with a Rock Bottom for a near fall.

    Rock escapes the Attitude Adjustment and Cena escapes the Rock Bottom. They go back and forth with counters and escapes. Rock with a DDT. Rock has some not so kind words for Cena while he waits for John to get up. Cena with an Attitude Adjustment for the three count.

    Winner: John Cena

    After the match, Cena says something to Rock and they shake hands and hug. Cena leaves the ring to give Rock his moment. Rock goes around ringside and then Cena salutes him when he gets up the ramp. They raise the other’s hand as the fireworks go off to end the show.

    2014 - Ezekiel Jackson announced the following:

    "In July 2008 I made my #smackdown television debut with "Thee Brian Kendrick"... much love to TBK for seeking me out and choosing me. I was fulfilling a dream I had as an 8 yr old kid who saw and fell in love with professional wrestling for the first time through my neighbors window in #Guyana South America... On April 6th 2014 my contract expired so #WrestleMania 30 was #bittersweet. I thank God for all the blessings he's bestowed upon me in the last 7 years. In my time in the #wwe I became the last #ECW Champion and a one time Intercontinental Champion... I've also traveled the world given the opportunity to do what I love. Encountering some of the most passionate and reliable fans in the world... I am deeply appreciative to Vincent McMahon and the #WWE for allowing a snotty nose lickle bai from Victory Valley Linden Guyana to live out my childhood dream on the highest level. #Godspeed to the company and all of my friends and colleagues. #beblessed Extremely excited for the next chapter in my life. I'm looking forward to this new season.... I'm still 290 pounds and #healthy. I can be reached for bookings, sponsorship and signings through my manager at: Rjsmanandco@gmail.com #Godbless"

    2015 - TMZ.com picked up the story of the Hulk Hogan-Scott Steiner issue last week in San Jose, CA, reporting that that Hogan and his wife Jennifer went to the police after Steiner "grabbed" her at the luggage area of the San Jose Airport and "threatened to kill" Hulk Hogan.

    TMZ also reported Steiner is being investigated for "felony terrorist threats" and that authorities have gathered airport surveillance video that "shows Steiner confronting Jennifer."

    Steiner told TMZ, "Typical Hogan. He's just a punk."

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