Continued ..

2011 - CHIKARA held the finals of their 2011 King of Trios tournament in Philadelphia, PA at the ECW Arena. Joshua Higham filed the following report:

CHIKARA King of Trios Night 3 Report

Semi-Finals: The Osirian Portal vs The Colony - Bryce Remsburg is your referee. Soldier Ant pinned Hieracon after a super neckbreaker. Tons of false finishes. I thought for sure The Portal would move on. This is the Portal's first loss since Hieracon transformed in January.

Semi-Finals: FIST vs Michinoku Pro - Derek Sabato is your official. Chuck Taylor threw powder into the eyes of The Great Sasuke which allowed Icarus to catch him in a small package for the win.

The final is now set. The Colony vs Team FIST.

Ultimate Spider Jr vs. Jigsaw - John Barber is your referee. Jigsaw won after a brainbuster and a double stomp from the top. Good reaction for Spider and a "Please Come Back" chant.

A King of Trios banner signed by all the participants will be auctioned on this week.

Tag Team Gauntlet: Nick Papagiorgio is your referee. Acid Jaz and Willie Richardson of Da Soul Touchaz enter first. Darin Corbin and Arik Cannon enter second. Corbin slo-moed his way out of one Pounce and not the second. But Cannon schoolboyed Richardson to eliminate them. The Batiri enter next. Corbin called for the Ginger Snap but that allowed for a lungblower and a leaping DDT for the pin. The Throwbacks enter next. Obariyon fouled Dasher Hatfield for a DQ. Death Haze (Sara Del Rey and Daizee Haze) is next. Immediate Royal Butterfly on Dasher for the pin. Matt Classic and Darkness Crabtree are next. Old timey sexism abound from Classic and Crabtree, but a German suplex from Haze on Crabtree to eliminate them. The Roughnecks are out next. Grizzly gets a roll up with his feet on the ropes to eliminate the BDK. Kotoge and Harada from Osaka Pro are out next. Spanish Fly from Kotoge on Grizzly to eliminate the Roughnecks. 3.0 is next. Kotoge victory rolled Matthews to eliminate 3.0. Super Shisa and Kagetora are the final team to enter. Kotoge pinned Shisa after a double team flurry. Team Osaka Pro has three points and can challenge for the Campeonatos de Parejas. They gestured that they want the belts.

Madison Eagles vs. Manami Toyota - PJ Drummond is your referee. Toyota joked out of Hellbound. Eagles kicked out of the Ocean Cyclone Suplex. Toyota finally used the Queen Bee Bomb to get the three.

Akira Tozawa vs. Eddie Kingston - John Barber is your referee. Kingston finally puts away Tozawa with a Backfist to the Future and a backdrop driver. Tozawa continues to impress me every time I see him. Major sign of respect between the two after the match.

El Generico vs. 1-2-3 Kid - Bryce Remsburg is your referee. El Generico wins the 2011 Rey de Voladores with a turnbuckle brainbuster. They gave each other everything. El Generico kicked out of 2 X Factors and a Super X Factor. Kid kicked out of a couple brainbusters and a razor's edge before the end. After the match, Director of Fun Wink Vavasseur presented Generico with the plaque and Kid took the mic. He called Philadelphia the capital of wrestling. He also said that he thinks this will be his last year wrestling, and if this is his last match, he can't think of a better opponent than El Generico. He got another ovation and the crowd chanted "1 2 3!" and "Please Come Back!"

Gavin Loudspeaker announced that the DVDs of this weekend's events are already in production and will be available starting Monday at Smart Mark Video.

The Colony vs. Team FIST - Bryce Remsburg. Green Ant pinned Icarus with a splash from on top the other two Ants who were standing on the ropes. The 2011 King of Trios is The Colony. Great match to end the weekend.

2011 - TNA held their Lockdown PPV. Mike Johnson filed the following PPV report:

TNA is doing a live pre-game show hosted by Jeremy Borash and Christy Hemme, who previewed the top matches. Hemme looked absolutely awesome. Borash looked like, well, Borash.

They aired a video feature on the TNA championship match.

Devon vs. Anarquia

Devon met Anarquia on the ramp as he made his way to the ring. They started brawling around ringside with Devon working him over with punches and tossing him into the railing. Devon tossed him into the cage but Anarquia crotched him as Devon entered the ring.

Devon was choked against the ropes. He worked over Devon in the corner with shoulderblocks and a series of rights in the corner. He took Devon to the mat and began biting him on the forehead. He used the tape around his wrists to choke out Devon but the referee, Jackson James caught it. Anarquia rained down with punches in the corner.

Devin was whipped hard into the turnbuckles. Anarquia whipped him a second time but Devon came out with a clothesline and a big shoulderblock. He nailed a sideslam for a two count. Anarquia missed a clothesline in the corner but was nailed with another shoulderblock for a two count.

Devon drilled Anarquia to the mat with a one armed uranage and scored the pin.

Your winner, Devon!

After the match, Devin tossed Anarquia out of the cage to the floor, then slammed him into the railing. Devon continued the beating. He nailed Anarquia with a drink and choked him out on the floor. Devon followed him up the ramp and suplexed him onto it. Devon nailed a second one and made the Last Rites signal.

Match was solid but way too short to be anything of consequence. Just an opener to set the stage for the night. I kept waiting for Jackson James to reverse the decision since he's always in the middle of some way to screw the babyfaces subvertly, but it didn't happen.

I spotted Ronnie Lang’s Atlas Security in the house.

They aired the Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Jarrett match preview.

Hemme and Borash ran down the details of the Lethal Lockdown match. They do a great job in this role.

They went to a video feature on TNA Lethal Lockdown.

Christy Hemme interviewed Fortune. Chris Daniels said they have had their asses kicked in the past but that pain is nothing compared to being underestimated by people who walk into TNA and act like they are the stars. He said they were the ones who built the company from ground up while they acted like it was beneath them. Then, once they made a name for TNA, people like Ric Flair and Matt Hardy wanted to come and take advantage of their hard work. He said he was tired of dumbasses like them and tonight, Fortune was going to show them once and for all who the real stars of TNA are. Good promo.

The next time TNA does one of these pre-game shows live again, I'd love to see them shoot promos like this on the stage so you can see the crowd in the background. It might give the show a "bigger event" feel.

At ringside, Jeremy Borash gave everyone a close-up look at the inside of the Steel Cage. He then ran down the lineup for the PPV.

Borash pitched it to Taz and Mike Tenay, who discussed the lineup for the PPV, specifically Immortal vs. Fortune. Taz said it was going to be a crazy night and he just hoped that no one was going to be injured.

Borash gave us a look at the live crowd in Cincinnati, then pointed out all the weapons waiting for the Lethal Lockdown match later tonight.

Here we go with the official PPV broadcast.

They aired another really good video opening for the PPV.

X-Division Xscape Match: Jeremy Buck vs. Max Buck vs. Robbie E. vs. Chris Sabin vs. Brian Kendrick vs. Suicide vs. Jay Lethal vs. Amazing Red.

Suicide and E started. Suicide got the better of the exchange and chopped him hard in the corner. Max Buck tagged in but was hiptossed into the corner by Suicide. E and Buck used a double elbow for Buck to get a two count.

Buck nailed a standing dropkick. Jeremy Buck tagged in but Max wanted nothing to do with it, backed off and tagged in Lethal. Lethal and Jeremy showed each other respect. Buck nailed headscissors on Lethal but was caught with a tiltowhirl backbreaker. Buck was caught in the Lethal Combination.

Max Buck tagged himself in but Suicide tagged back in. He drops an elbow on Max Buck. E tagged back in and drilled Suicide to the mat, using his leg as a weapon, then scored the pin.

Suicide is eliminated.

Lethal and E faced off. E dared him to have a fist pumping challenge but tagged out to Sabin. Sabin and Lethal tossed E into the cage. He and Lethal then had a nice back and forth athletic exchange, which Lethal got the better of.

Sabin charged Lethal in the corner for a big boot. Red tagged himself in and nailed a missile dropkick. Lethal went for a handspring elbow but Red dropkicked Lethal as he was upside down. Red drilled him with the Code Red for the pin.

Lethal has been eliminated.

Sabin tried to roll up Red but he kicked out. Red ducked a clothesline. He went for a rana but was caught and tossed into the cage. Red caught himself and kicked Sabin. He went for a DDT but was caught in a suplex mid-move. Red slipped out but was caught with a Fireman’s Carry into a Michinoku Driver. Sabin hit him with a huge running clothesline that sent Red upside down for the pin.

Red has been eliminated.

Max Buck attacked Sabin and worked him over. Sabin tripped him up in the corner and nailed a leaping knee strike. He hung up Buck and nailed the hangman’s dropkick. He cradled Buck for a two count. Meanwhile, Brian Kendrick has been sitting in the corner meditating the entire match.

Buck came off the ropes with a twist into a Buff Blockbuster and pinned him.

Sabin was eliminated.

Kendrick hit the ring and tried to roll up Buck for a two count. E tagged in and worked over Kendrick, only to eat a dropkick. Kendrick charged E and splashed him against the cage but hit his own head on the steel. Buck went for a moonsault but Kendrick got his knees up in time.

Jeremy Buck finally got his hands on Max and worked him over with rights. Max kneed him hard in the chest and tried to ascend the cage. Jeremy pulled him back down. He ran Max into the cage hard and then did it a second time. He did it a third time and drilled Max with a stiff spinning kick. Jeremy continued beating down Max on the mat. Kendrick and E were still out from the splash into the cage. Out of nowhere, Max caught Jeremy in an inside cradle for the pin.

Jeremy Buck is eliminated.

Robbie E started working over Kendrick. Buck joined in. They picked up Kendrick together and lawn darted him into the cage. Kendrick mounted a comeback against them both. He began stomping on E. He nailed Buck and E with leaping thrust kicks and pinned E.

Robbie E has been eliminated.

The first man to escape the cage is the winner.

Buck peppered Kendrick with punches. He started to ascend the cage. Kendrick stopped him but Buck got the better of him, running him into the cage numerous times. Buck went to the top rope but Kendrick met him. Kendrick slammed his head into the cage a number of times and shoved Buck off. Kendrick started to climb up. Buck staggered into referee Brian Hebner. Hebner slammed into the cage and Kendrick fell off into the ring.

Max Buck escaped and won.

Your winner, Max Buck!

Match was OK and what you would expect but there was no time to really develop anything. Some spots were cool but no flow. The finish with the referee being bumped this early in the card totally reeked over overbooking. If they wanted Buck to go over, they could have done a finish where he was bumped out of the cage door and won, anything else. Doing the referee deal this early doesn’t bode well in my opinion.

Eric Bischoff came to the ring to cut a promo. Bischoff said that tonight was a special night and occasion for him personally. He said it was one of the happiest nights he’s ever had in the industry and he’ll explain why in a few moments. He said that after 25 years in the business, people come to him and ask him what matters most to him in his career – the success, the money, the women (which he said was years ago) or something else. He said that when you are in his position and re-written the book of pro wrestling history, you set the standard so high that it’s hard to say what matters most.

Bischoff said that tonight is a special occasion. The fans were on him, chanting that he sucks. Bischoff said he may suck but he has a hell of a lot more money than any of them. He said that tonight Immortal is going to take care of the distraction that Fortune has become. He said that Fortune have a great future ahead of them but they made the mistake of getting into Immortal’s business, but that will be taken care of tonight.

Bischoff said that he is proud to be a small part of the vision of Hulk Hogan. Bischoff said that Hogan taught him everything he knows about pro wrestling. He said that he will get to be a small part of Hogan executing his plan to regain the TNA championship tonight. He said that makes him so happy and that’s the only thing that matters to Bischoff.

So, unless he is made the guest referee or a major part of the main event tonight, when you think about it, Bischoff said NOTHING OF MERIT. This needed to be on the PPV why?

Christy Hemme interviewed Crimson and Scott Steiner about their four way tag match. Crimson said that there was no one who he wanted to have his back more than anyone else in the world. Steiner was asked if he’s evaluated their opponents. He said that they are going to evaluate his fist in their face. He said he wasn’t going to be Kobe Bryant and get people upset but they are going to go to the ring and kick some ass, giving what a tough town like Cincinnati wants.

Ink, Inc. vs. Crimson & Scott Steiner vs. Orlando Jordan & Eric Young vs. Brutus Magnus & Doug Williams.

Eric Young tried to escape the cage but was told that didn’t help his team win. He and Jesse Neal started out. Neal grabbed a side headlock. He was sent off into the ropes but shoulderblocked Young down. He and Young went back and forth with armdrags and faced off.

Shannon Moore tagged in. He caught Young with a twisting headscissors. Moore locked in an armbar, then tagged into Douglas Williams. Williams drilled him with a series of uppercuts. Orlando Jordan tagged in. Taz said you don’t want Jordan to “go go-behind on you.” Jordan was in briefly before Neal tagged in. Magnus tagged in and clotheslined him. Lots of tags.

The Invasion doubled on Neal, nearly scoring the pin. They drilled him down with a neck-tie neckbreaker. The fans chanted for Steiner. The Invasion continued schooling Neal with some nice double team moves.

Neal escapes the Invasion and tags Crimson. He grabbed Magnus in a cravate and beat him with knee strikes. Williams broke up the pin. Magnus and Crimson drilled the other with clotheslines. Steiner made the hot tag and clotheslined the hell out of Williams. He dropped an elbow for a two count.

Steiner backdropped Williams, then Magnus. He nailed an overhead belly to belly suplex on Williams. He took out Magnus, then took a swipe at Shannon Moore. Young was then nailed with an over head belly to belly. Steiner set up Magnus for one. Moore blindtagged himself in. Steiner nailed the belly to belly off the ropes. He went for another but was told that he wasn’t the legal man.

Moore antagonized Steiner, then began working over Williams in the corner. Young stripped down to tiger stripe tights. He and Young went back and forth. Moore was caught with a Jordan swinging neckbreaker, the Gender Bender. Williams speared Jordan. Crimson took out Williams. Magnus took out Crimson. Steiner took out Magnus. Young nailed Steiner and tried to climb out again. Moore hit the Mooregasm and covered Williams for the pin.

Your winners, Ink, Inc.

Young was climbing out of the cage as the finish happened and couldn’t understand why he lost.

Too many cooks spoil the match. I appreciated the effort but nothing of note here. Just too much going on. Steiner was big-time over and some nice stuff with Moore and British Invasion. Everyone worked hard but the time allotted and the sheer amount of people in one place at one time handicapped them.

Christy Hemme interviewed TNA Knockouts Madison Rayne. Hemme said she was rooting for Mickie James. Madison, brandishing scissors told her that wasn’t going to help Mickie. Hemme told her it could be the last night she holds the belt. Rayne asked her what Internet site she read that on. Rayne said she was going to royally kick Mickie James’ ass and then cut her hair off. Tara was staring at her. Rayne told her that she had enough of the attitude. She said she didn’t need her at ringside and told her to stay in the back and watch how a real champion handles business.

Title vs. Hair: TNA Knockouts champion Madison Rayne vs. Mickie James

Mickie came out with her shoulder heavily taped from the separation. Rayne’s theme music and entrance is just awesome. They did the bit from the house shows where Earl Hebner didn’t know how to remove Madison’s tiara and she freaks out.

Mickie grabbed Rayne and threw her into the cage twice, then over the top rope. James was grabbing at her shoulder. She grabbed Rayne for her DDT and scored the pin.

Your winner and new TNA Knockouts champion Mickie James!

So, James gets to be the first woman to hold both WWE titles and the TNA Knockouts belt.

Given James’ injury, this was all they could really do, so you have to grade them on a curve here.

Matt Morgan was interviewed backstage. He said that Hernandez has been a pain in his ass but tonight he’s going to get back on track and go back for the World title. He promised to Carbon Footprint Hernandez all the way back to Mexico. Usual good promo from Morgan.

Samoa Joe vs. Pope Dinero

They went back and forth hard early. Pope slammed Joe but Joe popped up and decked him when Pope played to the crowd. Joe peppered him in the corner with strikes. Joe whipped Pope into the corner and nailed another running strike.

Joe chopped away at Pope. Pope staggered in the corner. Joe went to grab Pope but was sent into the corner. Pope nailed a series of punches in the corner but was tagged with a chop.

Pope started climbing the cage but Joe followed. Joe slammed him into the cage and Pope crotched himself on the top rope. No babies tonight. Joe drilled him with a kick. The fans chanted “TNA.” They keep doing this weird camera angle where a camera is running around in the crowd and it’s very distracting. I know they want to show the crowd but not MULTIPLE TIMES during the match!

Joe set up for the Facewash but Pope pulled Brian Hebner in the way. Again with Hebner??? Joe backed up and went to splash Pope but was caught with a Hot Shot in the corner. Pope raked at his face and punched him. Pope measured him with kicks to the chest and began trash talking. Joe slipped free and started throwing kicks. Pope dropped to his knees and drilled Joe with a punch. Pope covered Joe for a two count.

Joe went for a sleeper but Pope escaped and drilled him with a clothesline/leg sweep combination. Joe kicked up. Pope measured Joe with backhands. Joe caught Pope with a snap powerslam. Both men were down and counted out by Hebner.

They made their way to their feet and tagged the other with slaps across the face. That was great stuff. Joe nailed an inverted atomic drop, big boot and back senton splash for a two count. Joe went to the middle turnbuckle and came off with a unique leg lariat, almost legdropping Pope in a standing position for a two count.

Joe grabbed Pope for the Muscle Buster but Pope got his leg on the rope at the last second. Good match.

Pope tried to climb out of the ring. Joe pulled his tights down. He followed Pope but was kicked off. Pope drilled him with a great top rope elbow but Joe kicked out at one. Joe went for a clothesline and drilled his knees into Joe’s face. Joe kicked up.

Pope set up for the DDE but Joe caught him and slammed him backward into the cage. Joe grabbed the stunned Pope and nailed the muscle buster. Joe locked in the Kokina Clutch in the center and Pope tapped.

Your winner, Samoa Joe!

Very, very good match. Joe looked the best he’s looked in awhile here. He and Pope had some good chemistry in the ring. Easily the best thing on the show from an in-ring standpoint thus far.

Mexican America were with Hernandez psyching him up for his match tonight. Hemme asked him about his match and what Mexican America was. He said that America doesn’t want them, but they need them and will respect them. The others got into it and their deal was real good.

Matt Morgan vs. Hernandez

They slugged it out at the bell. Morgan nailed the rapid fire elbows in the corner. He drilled Hernandez with a running splash in the corner, then a sideslam for a two count. Morgan went to climb up the ropes but was nailed by Hernandez.

Hernandez hit a shoulderblock into Morgan on the apron, sending him into the cage. Hernandez ripped at his face and forced his face into the cage. Hernandez locked on a nerve hold. Morgan did a great job selling this facially. Morgan broke free and fought Hernandez off, hitting a high cross bodyblock for a two count.

Hernandez cut off Morgan and sent him face-first into the cage, covering him for a two count. Morgan started firing back with a series of rights but Hernandez powered him into the cage for another near fall.

Hernandez used his boot to choke Morgan on the mat. He pulled up Morgan and set him up, drilling him with a running shoulderblock into the corner. That looked brutal. Hernandez spent a lot of time playing to the crowd and Mexican America. As he did that, Morgan began recovering. He nailed the discus clothesline.

Morgan made the comeback with right hands and a series of clotheslines. He ran Hernandez into the cage. Hernandez was run into the cage again and again. Morgan nailed a back suplex for a two count. Morgan missed a clothesline and Morgan drilled him in the mid-section, taking Morgan’s wind from him. Morgan slipped out of the way and Hernandez hit the corner.

Anarquia, Sarita and Rosita started climbing the cage to distract Morgan. Morgan knocked Anarquia off the cage. Hernandez pulled himself to the ropes and came off but was nailed with the Carbon Footprint in mid-air for the pin.

Your winner, Matt Morgan!

Good back and forth match. Really liked the finish. Morgan motioned that he was coming for the TNA title.

Sarita got in the ring as Hernandez was helped out. She said that TNA always has to screw over Mexican America to hold them down. She said there is no reason she isn't the Knockout champion except that everyone hates that she's better than them. Sarita's delivery was good. I love Rosita as the gum snapping cousin. Sarita said they weren't going anywhere.

Velvet Sky came out. She nailed a drop toehold on Sarita and speared Rosita. Sky started throwing around Sarita and chased them out of the cage. The crowd loved it. Entertaining.

Backstage, Christy Hemme interviewed Karen Jarrett. She was asked how she felt about the Jarrett vs. Angle match being “Ultramale Rules.” She said Jeff was the ultramale, ultraman and the ultrafather. She said Jeff has this covered and she has nothing to worry about.

They went to the Jeff Jarrett vs. Kurt Angle video feature.

Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Jarrett

Karen Jarrett came to ringside but was sent to the back. They locked the door with a chain. The first fall is submission only. Angle immediately grabbed Jarrett in a side headlock takedown. They went back and forth. Jarrett used a back leg sweep and cinched in a figure four leglock. You can faintly hear “woos” in the background so you probably can’t hear the mic well because that would have gotten a huge reaction.

Angle fights to turn it over and gets it. Jarrett grabs the rope to force the break. Jarrett was caught with a T-Bone suplex. He went for the anklelock but Jarrett slips out. Angle catches Jarrett charging into the corner but Jarrett was able to grab a sleeper and scissored Angle’s body with his legs.

Angle started to fade but got a second wind, trying to fight to his feet. Angle slipped out and turned it into an anklelock. Jeff kicked him off and sent Angle into the corner shoulder-first. Jarrett then kicked him back into it, with Angle hitting the guard rail. Jarrett locked on a cross armbreaker. Taz was really good here, the best the entire show, explaining the submissions.

Angle fought and slipped out, locking in an ankle lock and scissoring Jarrett’s leg. Jarrett tapped.

The winner of the first fall, Kurt Angle!

So far, so good.

The second fall is pinfall only.

They continued immediately. Jarrett ran Angle into the cage and nailed the Stroke for a close near fall. Jarrett went to the top rope and hit a flying bodypress but Angle rolled through for a two count. They battled back and forth in the center of the ring. Angle drilled Jarrett with a leaping clothesline. Jarrett kicked off a charge but was still grabbed in a belly to belly suplex as he went after Kurt. Jarrett kicked up at two.

Angle began nailing the rolling German suplexes. Jarrett nailed Angle and went for the Stroke but Angle turned it into the Olympic Slam for a two count. Think someone will hack Randy Orton’s twitter tonight?

Jarrett went to the top but Angle leapt up and superplexed Jarrett for a two count. Angle worked him over with punches in the corner. Jarrett reversed an Irish whip but was nailed with a running clothesline out of the corner. Angle nailed a RKO for a two count. Sure it was another family member Kurt. Angle went for the Olympic Slam but Jarrett rolled through with a cradle and hooked the tights for the pin.

Your winner of the second fall, Jeff Jarrett!

That came off completely confusing as no one was sure whether it was the finish or not.

The third fall is escape the cage. They have a key in the lock and you have to unlock it and escape.

Jarrett tried to unlock it but Angle nailed him. Jarrett took him out and opened the lock. Angle ran Jarrett into the cage and nailed a German suplex. Angle nailed four more. PLEASE STOP WITH THE ‘RUNNING THE CAMERA THROUGH THE CROWD’ DEAL! Totally kills whatever drama you are trying to build.

Angle began walking out of the cage but stopped on the stairs and returned, locking the cage again to trap Jarrett inside the cage with him. He put the key in his singlet so there’s no way Jeff can escape. I thought that was a great bit. Angle started beating Jarrett, throwing him into the cage again and again. Jarrett was busted open, the first blood of the show, as Angle dug Jarrett’s face into the cage.

Jarrett tried to climb up to escape the cage but Angle cornered him on the top and began beating him with fist after fist. Angle got on Jeff’s shoulders as if he was going to climb over him but Jarrett grabbed him and gave him the scariest powerbomb in the history of wrestling. You have no idea how lucky Angle, with that neck, is that he isn’t dead. I seriously thought that was it.

Jarrett climbed to the top but Angle came back to life and suplexed him out of the corner. Jarrett was dead. Angle went to leave the cage but couldn’t find the key. He started scaling the cage but Gunner ran down with a chair and started beating it against the cage to stop him. Angle stood on the corner of the cage and moonsaulted off. He completely missed Jarrett, who smartly rolled over so the aftermath looked like he did. The place went nuts anyway.

Scott Steiner ran out and chased off Gunner with a chair of his own. Brooke Hogan, at ringside, actually tried to grab the chair to sell the angle, since her father is in Immortal.

Angle somehow found the key and unlocked the door. Karen Angle ran down and sprayed something in Kurt’s eyes. I thought for sure we were gonna see her slam the door in Kurt’s face but why would you do that? The blinded Angle wiped out Brian Hebner, who is three for three when it comes to getting bumped in some fashion tonight. Jarrett tried to climb out but Angle found him and grabbed the anklelock. Angle pulled Jarrett back into the ring. Karen pulled a guitar out from under the ring and nailed Kurt over the head with it.

Jarrett started celebrating but Karen began screaming for him to just get the hell out. Kurt grabbed the ankle lock again as Jeff was halfway out of the cage. There’s the Cage Door spot. Karen slams it into Kurt’s head and Jeff falls to the floor.

Your winner, Jeff Jarrett!

Hey, if the referee is out, who called for the bell anyway?

A hell of a physical performance for Kurt Angle and I have no idea how that man is alive. They threw everything you can think of out there. In some ways, there was no need for the first two falls but they wanted to make this a blowoff. The third fall was all drama, crazy bumps and twists and turns. That was very good. I don’t think this was the best wrestling match the two had – the TNA PPV in North Carolina is still the tops in that department to me – but this was absolutely entertaining. I hope someone sends Angle to get that neck checked out immediately. Even if he's completely fine, his history should demand he gets some tests done.

TNA champion Sting vs. Mr. Anderson vs. Rob Van Dam

Anderson talked trash to the others, so they ended up both punching him back and forth between them. RVD drilled him into the buckles. Sting followed suit. Sting nailed the Stinger Splash in the corner. He went for the Scorpion Deathlock but Van Dam waited until he turned it over and drilled him with a spinning kick.

RVD did hit shoulderblocks into the backflip and kick in the corner on Sting. Van Dam nailed a standing moonsault press for two count. He rebounded off the ropes but Anderson pulled the ropes down and RVD hit his head on the cage.

Anderson was caught by Sting and went for the Scorpion Deathlock again. Van Dam tried to interfere but Sting nailed him and locked it on both of the challengers at the same time. That was creative. Van Dan finally reached the ropes, as did Anderson.

Sting whipped RVD into the corner and drilled him as Van Dam tried to go up and over. They both went down in the collision. Anderson tried to cover each but couldn’t get the job done. Anderson nailed Rob with a neckbreaker. He set up for the Mic Check on both and nailed it. Sting kicked up. Anderson covered RVD who kicked up as well.

Anderson charged RVD but was kicked off with a spinkick. RVD went for the Five Star Frog Splash and connected. Sting broke up the cover. Sting whipped Van Dam into an Anderson kick. Sting went for the Deathdrop on Van Dam but as he hit it, Anderson clotheslined him.

With everyone out, Hulk Hogan’s music hit and he came to the ring with a pipe. Hogan’s wife and daughter got a lot of camera time. Hogan tried to offer the pipe to RVD. Rob accepted it but then threw it down at the mat. Anderson grabbed it and nailed RVD but warned Hogan he wasn’t doing it for him, but for himself.

Anderson set up Van Dam in the center for the pin but Sting grabbed him and nailed the Scorpion Death Lock for the pin.

Your winner and still TNA champion, Sting!

The match was decent but wasn’t anything that is going to be considered a classic. They all worked hard but it was all about the tease of an RVD heel turn. Everything was secondary to the Hulk Hogan Shakespearean drama.

They showed lots of shots of Hogan not looking happy on the stage. Sting dared him to get in the cage. The crowd popped for that. Hogan said it would happen on his time and walked out. We are so getting Hogan vs. Sting at Bound for Glory at this rate. I hope Nick Patrick isn’t the referee.

Immortal (Ric Flair, Bully Ray, Matt Hardy, Abyss) vs. Fortune (Christopher Daniels, Kazarian, James Storm, Robert Roode) in a Lethal Lockdown.

TNA yanked the video feature on the match since they are running late.

Immortal sent Abyss in first, although Matt Hardy wanted in. Kazarian will start for Fortune. Kazarian started off hot with lots of offense but was shoved down. He came off the ropes but was caught for a chokeslam. Kazarian slipped out but was drilled with a big boot.

Abyss drilled him with punches and used his boot. Bully Ray was in the corner, talking trash. Abyss brought Kazarian over to Immortal’s side of the cage, where they were all screaming at him and smashing the cage at him. That was cool.

Kazarian nailed Abyss and slipped out of a charge in the corner. He went to the top for a dropkick and nailed it. Kazarian worked on Abyss as the time period expired.

Immortal sent in Matt Hardy.

Hardy went for the Side Effect but something didn’t go right. Kazarian nailed him and came off the rope with a springboard clothesline. Kazarian went for the reverse piledriver but was nailed. Abyss nailed Kazarian. Hardy locked in the Icepick submission as Abyss stomped Kazarian. That’s actually great strategy since there’s no way to stop Immortal.

Abyss held Kaz as Hardy measured and nailed him. Hardy nailed the Side Effect. Hardy and Abyss worked over Kazarian as the time period ended.

In for Fortune was Chris Daniels. He nailed palm thrusts, elbows and strikes on Abyss and Hardy. He nailed the BME on Abyss and a leaping forearm in the corner on Hardy. Daniels used the ropes for a knee strike on Hardy and started cleaning house on Abyss.

Daniels and Kazarian doubled on Hardy. They then turned their attention to Abyss, nailing him with double team kicks and a Northern lariat. Daniels worked over Abyss with punches. Kazarian and Hardy battled. The crowd chanted for Flair.

The time period ended and Ric Flair entered the ring, chopping away at Daniels. Flair and Abyss doubled on Kazarian as Hardy trashed Daniels. Immortal continued to trash Daniels and Kazarian. Hardy whipped Daniels hard into the corner.

Next in for Fortune was James Storm.

He spit beer in Abyss’ eyes then nailed a backstabber on Hardy. Storm and Flair went face to face and Flair begged off. Storm broke a beer bottle over Flair’s face and the cameras caught Flair going for…well, you know. Storm grabbed the glass and dug it into Flair’s face and Ric is busted open. Storm beat the hell out of Flair in the corner. Flair’s shirt was ripped off. He was beaten by Fortune and did the Flair flop face first bump. Flair tried to escape the cage and they pulled his tights down.

The time period ended and Bully Ray hit the cage, working over everyone. The tide turned again. Flair began chopping away at Storm. Hardy did the Tully Blanchard catapult under the ropes on Kazarian. Bully and Abyss doubled up on Daniels.

Finally, Robert Roode entered.

Roode cleaned house and came off the ropes with a reverse snapmare on Abyss. Flair started chopping away on Roode in the corner but Roode reversed it and went back and forth. Roode backdropped Flair. Beer Money double suplexed Bully Ray.

Fortune had regained control as the Lethal Lockdown cage lowered.

Everyone from Fortune grabbed weapons and started swinging, cleaning house. Fortune sent Abyss out of the cage to the floor. Daniels followed him out and nailed him with a trash can lid. Hardy went to help but Daniels chased him away. Hardy went to the top of the cage. Daniels followed.

Daniels caught Hardy on the top and Daniels began beating him on top of the cage. Hardy was looking for a way down but Daniels refused. Daniels went for Angel’s Wings but Hardy slipped out and backdropped Daniels near the edge. Daniels almost went off the Cage but saved himself. He acted like he was hanging off but Hardy pulled him up and nailed the Twist of Hate on top of the cage.

Inside the cage, Kazarian dropkicked Hardy off the cage as he was climbing down. Flair looked like he was a plasma convention at this point. Storm covered Ray but Flair began beating him with a kendo stick. Roode caught Flair with a spinebuster.

Daniels recovered and dove off the cage with a dive onto Abyss and Hardy on the floor. That was impressive as hell.

Inside the ring, Roode locked on a figure four in the middle on Flair. Ray nailed him with a trash can to break it. Bully started laying waste to everyone in the ring from Fortune. Daniels returned to the cage but was nailed with the trash can. Ray started killing everyone with the kendo stick with shots to the head and the back.

Flair got a kendo stick of his own and they took turns beating Fortune down. Daniels was busted open. Ray grabbed an axehandle and told Daniels that this was for AJ Styles. Styles’ music hit and he hit the ring, going nuts and beating the hell out of Ray. The crowd loved it. Styles nailed the Pele Kick on Ray.

Flair went to nail AJ from behind but Roode grabbed him and threw him into the ring. Fortune started beating the hell out of Flair. Roode locked on a Fujiwara armbar and finally Flair topped.

Your winners, Fortune!

Fortune all embraced in the center of the ring and celebrated.

A fitting edition of the closest thing we have to the old Wargames - The Match Beyond. This was a hell of a war. Plus, TNA FINALLY booked some babyfaces to be effective asskickers. Very well done main event!