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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Exclamation Survivor Series LIVE Coverage!

    Join us for Survivor Series LIVE Coverage!

    Sunday 27th Nov 2006 - 8 PM \ ET


    DX (co-captains) CM Punk, Matt & Jeff Hardy
    Rated RKO (co-captains), Johnny Nitro, Mike Knox & Gregory Helms

    John Cena (Captain), Kane, Lashley, Sabu & RVD
    Big Show (Captain), Test, MVP, Finlay & Umaga

    Ric Flair (captain), Dusty Rhodes, Sgt. Slaughter & Ron Simmons
    Kenny (captain), Johnny, Nicky & Mikey

    U.S. Championship
    Chris Benoit vs Chavo Guerrero

    World Heavyweight Championship
    King Booker(c) vs Batista

    First Blood Match
    Undertaker vs Mr. Kennedy

    Women's Championship
    Lita(c) vs Mickie James


  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Check out the forum and keep updated of new PPV updates in the shoutbox!
    Please feel free to comment in this thread about the PPV.
    No spoilers before they are posted in this post.

    WWE Survivor Series (Raw, Smackdown & ECW) PPV Results - 26th Nov 06Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
    Announcers: Jim Ross & Jerry "The King" Lawler and Michael Cole & JBL

    20 years ago tradition began .....

    The WWE promo hits. A video package then airs highlighting Survivor Series tonight.

    A graphic opening then hits welcoming us to Survivor Series.

    We then go live to Philadelphia, PA where a display of pyro goes off in the arena. Michael Cole is the first to welcome us to the PPV tonight, noting it was the 20th edition of the Survivor Series. Cole and JBL pass it on to Jim Ross and Jerry "The King" Lawler of Raw and then they pass it on to the Spanish Announce Team. No ECW at ringside.

    Every Legend had his own enterance coming out and then the Spirit Squad come out and here we go ...

    Elimination Match
    Ric Flair, Ron Simmons, Sgt. Slaughter & Dusty Rhodes, with Arn Anderson
    The Spirit Squad (Nicky, Mikey, Johnny & Kenny), with Mitch.

    Simmons started out with Mikey. Mikey shoved Simmons, then went down when he tried a shoulderblock. They locked up, and Mikey grabbed a side headlock, but Simmons threw him right off and dared him to get up. Mikey poked him in the eyes and hit some forearms, but Simmons powerslammed him, then laid out the rest of the Squad as they ran in. Mitch tripped Simmons, and when Ron went out after him, Mitch backed up into Arn Anderson, who threw him into the ringpost, then into the ring. The referee claimed he counted out Simmons, even though he never actually reached ten in the ring, as far as I could see.

    Ron Simmons is eliminated.

    The referee ordered Mitch to leave as well, claiming he saw the trip. Simmons gave Mitch a spinebuster, then dragged Mitch to the locker room. The referee then ordered Arn Anderson out for throwing Mitch (who was not a match participant) into the ringpost. The fans chanted "bulls***". Lawler noted this is the first time a referee has seen and called everything.

    Slaughter got in with Nicky and after Nicky saluted him, Slaughter gave him a series of bodyslams. Dusty tagged in and hit a bionic elbow to Nicky's outstretched arm. Rhodes elbowed the arm again, then tagged in Ric Flair, who chopped Nicky in the corner. Flair hit some more chops, then tagged in Slaughter, who hit a clothesline then put Nicky in the Cobra Clutch. Nicky was going out, when Kenny ran in to break it up. Dusty stopped him, but this distracted the referee, and Johnny superkicked Slaughter, and Nicky got the pin.

    Sgt. Slaughter is eliminated.

    Dusty dropped an elbow on the nearly unconscious Nicky and got a pin.

    Nicky is eliminated.

    Mikey worked on Dusty, then tagged in Johnny. Dusty threw some elbows, but Johnny managed to keep him in the Spirit Squad corner and tag Kenny. Dusty hit the flip, flop and fly on Kenny, but missed an elbow in the corner. Kenny rolled up Dusty and pulled his jeans for a pin.

    Dusty Rhodes is eliminated.

    Johnny screamed about it being 3 on 1 as he went after Flair. He tagged in Mikey, who traded shots with Flair. Flair hit a reverse atomic drop, then used the ropes for leverage for the pin.

    Mikey is eliminated.

    Kenny backdropped Flair and hit some elbows to the chest. Flair grabbed a small package on a backdrop attempt and got the pin.

    Kenny is eliminated.

    Kenny and Flair shoved each other, and Johnny shoved Flair from behind, knocking him into Kenny, and knocking Kenny out of the ring. Johnny went for a right hand, but Flair ducked it, hit a shinbuster and applied the figure four leglock for the submission at the ten minute mark.

    Johnny is eliminated.

    Winner: Ric Flair and the Legends.

    The other members of the Spirit Squad ran in and turned the figure four over so Flair was trapped in the move. Kenny hit a top rope legdrop to the back of Flair's head. The Spirit Squad then left, with Flair laid out in the ring.

    A picture of Independence Hall is shown - Philadelphia - We are told is only 3rd city to host Wrestlemania, Summerslam and Survivor Series.

    A video package highlighting the return of Chris Benoit winning the U.S. Championship and the feud that begins with Chavo Guerrero all the way to the lead up of this personal match tonight.

    U.S. Championship Match
    Chris Benoit vs Chavo Guerrero, with Vickie Guerrero

    Benoit hit some forearms at the bell and slammed Chavo, then hit a powerdrive elbow and a side backbreaker for a one count. Benoit rammed Chavo in the buckles, then chopped his chest. Benoit delivered some knees to the gut, then headbutted Chavo to the ring apron. Chavo rolled back in and hit an uppercut, but Benoit chopped him down then hit a snap suplex for another one count. Benoit slammed Chavo for another one. Chavo hit a shot to the gut and went on offense with European uppercuts and punches, but Benoit headbutted him and chopped Chavo. Benoit hit a running forearm for another one count. Benoit hit some kneelifts, then chopped Chavo. Guerrero fired back with some forearms to the back, then stomped Benoit in the corner. Benoit grabbed Chavo's arm and took him down in a Crippler Crossface attempt, but Vickie grabbed Chavo's foot and pulled it to the ropes.

    Benoit hit some knees to the head, then dropped Chavo with a back suplex. Chavo hit a knee to the gut and threw Benoit shoulder first into the ringpost, then choked him with his boot. Chavo delivered a backdrop driver for a two count, then kicked Benoit and applied a rear chinlock before switching to an overhead wristlock. Benoit lifted Chavo and hit a Samoan Drop to escape the hold, but Chavo came right back with a dropkick for a two count. Chavo kicked at Benoit's arm, then decked him with an uppercut. Chavo yelled "I told you to stay out of my business, but you don't want to" as he kicked him. Chavo missed a right hand and Benoit hit three consecutive German suplexes, then called for the top rope headbutt.

    Benoit went to the ropes, but Vickie grabbed at his foot, slowing him down. Benoit went for the headbutt, but Chavo rolled out of the way. Chavo kicked at Benoit's back, then delivered a series of forearms. Chavo hit a brainbuster, then went to the top rope. Chavo hit a frog splash for a two count. There was a brief "Eddie" chant. Chavo went to pick up Benoit, but Benoit grabbed his legs and went for a Sharpshooter, but Chavo started punching Benoit in the head before he could turn it over. Vickie got on the apron, as Chavo kicked off Benoit, and Benoit fell backwards into Vickie on the apron, knocking her to the floor. Chavo rolled up Benoit for a two count, but Benoit rolled through it and got the Crippler Crossface for the tapout win that the eight minute mark.

    Winner: Chris Benoit

    JBL screamed bloody murder over Benoit knocking down Vickie Guerrero, even though the replays showed he went into her back first. He also carried on about how Benoit should be kicked out of the WWE or fined for hitting a woman, my question is, what is a woman doing standing on the side of the ring anyway?

    December to Dismember ad airs for next Sunday LIVE - Join us for LIVE Coverage of this PPV.

    Todd Grisham interviewed Edge and Lita. Lita ripped on the fans and said she hadn't changed her mind, she was retiring tonight. Edge said Mickie James will go down faster than Donovan McNabb for the cheap heat moment. Lita left, then Edge bragged about winning his Survivor Series match later, while Cryme Tyme snuck into Lita's dressing room behind Edge's back. Edge left, and Cryme Tyme walked out with a box with a bra hanging out of it. Grisham asked what they were doing, and they told him he didn't see anything, before taking off with the box.

    WWE Women's Championship Match
    Lita vs Mickie James

    Lita was introduced as "competing in her final match". Mickie slapped Lita at the bell, then hit a drop toe hold and kicked her. Mickie hit some punches in the corner, then choked Lita on the middle rope. Mickie hit some kicks to the midsection, but Lita came back with a toss into the buckles and a one legged monkey flip. Lita kit some kicks, then threw Mickie in the corner. Mickie fought back with punches, but Lita threw her down by the hair. Mickie hit a clothesline, then went for a headscissors, but Lita threw it off and rammed Mickie head first to the mat. Lita choked Mickie against the middle rope. The fans keep yelling "Hooo!" and I don't think they are looking for a Hacksaw run-in. Lita hit some knees to the gut, but Mickie fought back, only to be given a side Russian legsweep.

    Lita stomped Mickie in the groin, then headbutted her there. There was a "She's a Crack Whore" chant. Lita suplex Mickie for a two count. Lawler is unloading all of his one-liners, making fun of Lita. Lita applied a sleeper, but Mickie made the ropes. Lita went to the top rope, but Mickie dodged a flying bodypress attempt. Mickie started to climb the ropes, but Lita grabbed her and hit a back suplex. "She's got herpes" chant now. They traded punches, with Mickie getting the better of it. Mickie hit a clothesline, and a pair of back elbows, and got a two count. Mickie threw some kicks, finishing with a spin kick for a two count. Mickie grabbed a cradle suplex for a two count. Mickie set up for a DDT, but Lita shoved her off into the corner. Lita charged, and Mickie grabbed her for a headscissors, but Lita threw it off. Lita hit a moonsault for a two count. Lita went for a DDT, but Mickie grabbed the ropes and Lita fell hard to the mat. Mickie rolled up Lita for a two count. Lita grabbed a small package for a two count. Mickie floated over a slam and rolled up Lita for a two count, then Lita reversed it for a two count. Mickie then grabbed Lita in a swinging DDT for the pin at the nine minute mark.

    Winner and new Women's Champion: Mickie James

    James left. Lita demanded that Lilian Garcia come into the ring and say "Let's here it for the greatest Women's Champion of all time". The fans booed. Lita freaked out, saying how disgusted she was with the fans and how disrespectful they were. Cryme Tyme's music hit, and they came out, carrying the box. Lita was still throwing a tantrum in the ring. Cryme Tyme said they found a box of her stuff, and they were going to have a tribute sale, a "Ho-sale" if you will. They started selling her underwear to fans at ringside, for cash. Lita was freaking out on the mic, while Cryme Tyme kept selling stuff. They found a Monostat box, read the instructions, then sold it for a dollar. JBl said he is the only one in America not to have her panties and asked if he could smell them first. A vibrator was in the box, Lita wanted to buy it but they sold it for $25 lol Litas little sidekick they called it. Final thing they sold was Litas box, the actual box all these things came in. Lita kneeled in the ring distraught, continuing to say she didnt want to go out like this. JBl still complaining he got ripped off and is going to sue them.

    Filmed earlier backstage:
    Michael Cole sat down with Batista and asked about his injury and why he thinks tonight he will win the title back. Batista just sits there with a stern face and ignores Michael Cole, Cole continues tyo try and ask questions but Batista continues to ignore him. Cole finally goes to a clip of the contract signing last week. Finally back to Batista and Cole and Batista only says he will be leaving the Champion tonight.

    We are told Philadelphia the home of Rocky Balboa and see the infamous statue.

    Hazen Street - Are you ready - Official Survivor Series theme song.

    Jeff hardys music hits and he comes out jumping and going nuts as always ....

    Elimination Match
    Team DX (Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy & CM Punk)
    Team RKO (Edge, Randy Orton, Gregory Helms, Johnny Nitro & Mike Knox, with Melina & Kelly Kelly)

    Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler handled this match. The Hardy Boyz came out first, then CM Punk, then DX had their entrance. They all played up to the crowd as DX went into their mic work. A "CM Punk" chant started, so Triple H had Punk ask the crowd "Are You Ready?" before going into his usual bit. Johnny Nitro & Melina then came out, then Gregory Helms, then Mike Knox & Kelly Kelly (who waved to Punk, who waved back), then Randy Orton & Edge.

    A great build up of the crowd with team DX before the match with all of Team DX getting into it, making the crowd roar.

    Knox started off for his team with Triple H, who tried to get Kelly Kelly to flash him, and Shawn Michaels in the ring. Knox shoved Triple H, and Shawn Michaels superkicked Knox and pinned him.

    Knox eliminated by HBK via pinfall at the 10 sec mark.

    team DX then discussed what they should do next. Michaels and Nitro began running the ropes, and Michaels slid out of the ring, and stood next to Melina. Melina, thinking it was Nitro (she was facing the crowd) hugged him before realizing who it was. Michaels got back in the ring and tagged in Jeff Hardy, who tagged in Matt to double team Nitro. Nitro managed to get Hardy into his corner to tag Helms. Helms and Hardy went at it, and Hardy went to the second rope, but Helms sweeped his leg to knock him off. Edge tagged in, mocked Matt, and stomped him. Helms tagged in and suplexed Matt, then Orton tagged in and stomped Hardy, who was bleeding from the mouth. Nitro tagged in and hit a series of punches and forearms on Matt. Matt came back with a Side Effect on Nitro, then tagged in CM Punk, to a big pop. Punk hit Nitro with some kicks and forearms, then delivered some knees, including a jumping knee in the corner. Punk hit a bulldog. Nitro tried to come back, but Matt yanked him throat first across the top rope. Punk applied the Anaconda Vice on Nitro for the tapout.

    Nitro (and thank gawd that screaming Melina) eliminated by CM Punk at the five minute mark.

    Edge came in, and he and Punk went at it. Punk got Edge in a corner for some punches, but Orton yanked him throat first across the top rope. Orton was tagged in and he dropkicked Punk. Orton tagged in Helms, who put Punk in a front facelock and hit some knees to the head. Orton tagged in, and Punk traded punches with him. Punk missed a punch and Orton hit the RKO. Orton went for the cover, but Michaels broke it up. Edge tagged in and went for the spear, but Punk dodged it and Edge hit the turnbuckles. Punk made the hot tag to Triple H as Edge tagged Helms. Triple H gave Helms a jumping knee, then gave one to Orton, knocking him from the ring. Triple H set up Helms for a Pedigree, but Edge broke it up. Things broke down, but Michaels & Jeff gave Orton and Edge stereo dives on the floor, while in the ring, Triple H gave Helms a spinebuster. Triple H tagged in Matt, who hit the Twist of Fate. Jeff then gave Helms a Swanton Bomb, and Matt made the cover for the pin.

    Helms eliminated by Matt Hardy via pinfall at the ten minute mark.

    Edge & Randy Orton grabbed their tag belts, and seeing the disadvantage, started to leave. The Hardys went after them and threw them back into the ring. Triple H knocked Orton to the floor. Edge was given a jumping knee by Punk, Air Hardy by Jeff, and Michaels hit a superkick on him for the pin.

    Edge eliminated by HBK via pinfall at the eleven minute mark.

    Randy Orton tried to run out through the crowd, but the Hardys and Punk gave chase, caught him, and brought him back to the ring. Michaels hit a superkick, Triple H hit a pedigree, and Orton was pinned.

    Orton eliminated by HHH via pinfall at the twelve minute mark.

    Winners: Team DX

    I believe this is the first all 5 of a Survivor Series team have remained till the end! Team DX celebrate as they walk their way to the back.

    An add for Armageddon Dec 17th - SmackDown PPV

    Video build up footage of The Undertaker and Mr Kennedy.

    Kennedy says this is the biggest match of his year when interrupted by MVP. MVP asks whats on Kennedys face and he says its vaseline. MVP says since he beat Kane in a cage match last week, he will eliminate him tonight and he says kennedy will beat Taker tonight. MVP says is anything goes wrong tonight he will be there for Kennedy and Kennedy walks off.

    Howard Finkel introduces the rules for the First Blood match tonight and Kennedys music starts. He comes down to the ring and starts removing the turnbuckles, then he starts his little routine with the crowd yelling you suck. The Undertakers music hits and here we go ......

    First Blood Match
    Undertaker vs Ken Kennedy

    Kennedy came to the ring and immediately took the pads off of two of the top turnbuckles, then did his usual self-introduction. The Undertaker then did his usual entrance. Kennedy rolled to the floor at the bell, and Undertaker gave chase. Kennedy rolled into the ring and attacked as Taker rolled in, but the punches had no effect. Taker decked Kennedy and threw him to the floor. Taker rammed Kennedy into the Spanish announcers table. Taker hit a series of punches, as Kennedy was stuck behind the table. Taker rammed him into the table a few more times, then tossed him over it and to the floor. Taker rammed Kennedy into the ring steps, then punched him, knocking him over the security barricade and to the floor. Undertaker hit two headbutts, then hiptossed Kennedy back into the ringside area. Taker booted Kennedy in the head. Taker went for a whip, but Kennedy reversed it and Taker went knees first into the steps. Kennedy rammed Taker into the Raw announcers table, then the Smackdown announcers table. Kennedy hit some chops, then jumped off the ring apron at Taker. Taker caught Kennedy and rammed him back first into the ring post. Undertaker hit some punches to the back, then tossed Kennedy into the ring.

    Taker punched and kicked Kennedy in the back, then sat him on the top turnbuckle and slugged him. Undertaker gave Kennedy a top rope superplex, then went back to punching Kennedy in the ribs and back. Kennedy hit a low blow, then delivered some punches, but Taker took him down with a boot to the face. Undertaker rammed Kennedy face first into the exposed turnbuckle, then hit some body shots to the back. Taker kicked at his ribs, but Kennedy hit a low mule kick to down Undertaker. Kennedy rolled to the floor, and started spitting blood on the floor. MVP ran out with a towel to clean up the spot on the floor and Kennedy wiped his mouth with it as well. The referee, checking Taker in the ring, didn't see it.

    MVP started walking Kennedy up the aisle, saying "You don't need to do this", then turned around and threw Kennedy back into the ring. Undertaker hit some shots to the body and a boot to the face. MVP stayed in the aisle, enjoying that he had prolonged Kennedy's beating. Undertaker hit some shots in the corner, and Kennedy went for a Hotshot on the exposed turnbuckle, but it sort of missed. Kennedy rammed Undertaker into the corner, but Taker wasn't busted open. Kennedy and Undertaker exchanged punches. MVP ran in with a chair, looking to hit Kennedy, but the referee grabbed the chair. MVP shoved the referee out of the ring and swung the chair, but caught Undertaker instead. Undertaker got up, bleeding a gusher, and stalked MVP around the ring. Kennedy charged Taker and hit some punches as the referee got back in, and MVP left. The referee saw the blood on Taker's head and called for the bell at the ten minute mark.

    Winner: Ken Kennedy

    Kennedy pounded down a bloody Taker, then called for his microphone to announce himself as the winner. Kennedy stood over Taker as he did it, and Taker sat up and grabbed his throat. Undertaker pounded Kennedy down in a corner, then picked up the chair and blasted Kennedy in the head with it. The chair shot was so brutal, there was a "Holy SHIT" chant. Taker put Kennedy on the Spanish announcers table and pounded him, then threw him back into the ring. Undertaker gave Kennedy a tombstone, and Kennedy was now bleeding from the head as well. Taker took off his glove and started punching Kennedy in the forehead with his bare fist. Taker then posed, as the referee pulled a bloody Kennedy from the ring.

    Another note: This is the first time i believe I have ever seen undertaker take off his glove to punch someone.

    Ad for Rowdy Piper - Born to Controversy DVD. UOWForums thoughts go out to Piper and hope he is recovering well.

    Sharmelle saying that Batista will never be able to go after the title again after tonight. Booker agrees with her and says there will be no fairy tale end for Batista. Bookers final words - The King of the Ring, Champions of Champions and still heavyweight Champion of the World.

    Survivor Series brought to us by WWE SD vs RAW 2007

    MVPs music hits and the Power Ranger comes out ......

    Elimination Match
    Team Cena (John Cena, Rob Van Dam, Sabu, Kane & Bobby Lashley
    Team Big Show (Big Show, MVP, Finlay, Umaga & Test, with Armando)

    MVP (looking nervous), Test, Umaga, Finlay (who had his shillelagh taken away by a referee as he came out) and Big Show each made separate entrances, then Rob Van Dam, Sabu, Bobby Lashley, Kane and John Cena made their entrances.

    Ross and Lawler called this Survivor match as well. Cena started out with Umaga. Cena ducked a charge and Umaga went into Cena's corner, but he decked Sabu and RVD. Cena threw Umaga from the ring, and pulled Finlay in. RVD was tagged in and he gave Finlay a corkscrew legdrop. Umaga grabbed a television monitor and he hit Cena, RVD and Sabu with it. Umaga laid out Cena on the floor. Kane and Lashley started brawling with Test and MVP, while the referee ordered Umaga out.

    Umaga is eliminated via DQ at the one minute mark. (He went a little nuts)

    The match settled down, with Finlay going at it with RVD, hitting a sitdown splash before tagging Test. RVD mounted a comeback on Test, but Test caught a bodypress attempt and gave him a backbreaker. Finlay tagged back in and hit an elbowdrop on Van Dam. MVP tagged in and stomped Van Dam, then put him in a chinlock. RVD was bleeding from the mouth. RVD elbowed out, kicked away a backdrop attempt, and cradled MVP for a two count. RVD hit MVP with a spinkick. Van Dam hit a back kick, then gave Test a thrust kick as he came in. Finlay ran in, and RVD kicked him as well. Van Dam then kicked Big Show's legs out on the apron before he could come in. Van Dam was tripped and pulled to the floor by Test. In the ring, Kane grabbed MVP and chokeslammed him. Van Dam got back in, gave MVP a five star frog splash and pinned him. Test then gave RVD a big boot and pinned him.

    MVP, then RVD, are eliminated at the six minute mark.

    Sabu cradled Test for a two count. Test sent Sabu to the floor, then went out after him, but Lashley gave him a spear on the outside. Test was thrown back into the ring, and Sabu hit a slingshot legdrop, then a tornado DDT on Test for the pin.

    Test is eliminated at the seven minute mark.

    Big Show came in and chokeslammed Sabu, then pinned him.

    Sabu is eliminated at the seven minute mark.

    Big Show and Kane faced off, and grabbed each other by the throat. The Little Bastard came in, stood between them, then left. This distracted the referee, and Finlay came in with a new shillelagh and hit Kane with it. Show chokeslammed Kane and pinned him.

    Kane is eliminated at the eight minute mark.

    Show powerslammed John Cena, then tagged in Finlay, who worked over Cena before tagging Show back in. Show hit some chops in the corner, then Finlay tagged in and gave Cena a shoulderblock in the corner. Finlay came off the middle rope, but Cena got a boot up, then made the hot tag to Lashley. Lashley hit some clotheslines and elbows on Finlay, then set up for the powerslam. Finlay floated out of it, but Lashley caught him with an exploder suplex. Lashley covered, but Show broke it up. Cena came in and he and Lashley went to double team Show, but Show clotheslined them down. Finlay grabbed the Little Bastard and was going to throw him at Lashley, but Lashley speared Finlay, and the Little Bastard went into Cena's arms. Lashley pinned Finlay.

    Finlay is eliminated at the eleven minute mark.

    Cena went to FU the Little Bastard, but Show kicked him and Bastard got away. Lashley gave Show a shoulderblock, then he and Cena gave Show a double suplex (Cena couldn't do it alone). Cena did the Five Knuckle Shuffle fistdrop. Fans are booing Cena. Show got up and grabbed Cena by the throat. Lashley came in and shoulderblocked Show to break his grip, and Cena lifted Big Show (which is very impressive) and gave Show the FU, to a pop, for the pin at the thirteen minute mark.

    Show is eliminated at the thirteen minute mark. John Cena and Bobby Lashley are the survivors.

    Winner: Team Cena

    Another ad for ECWs PPV December to Dismember next Sunday. please remember wwe will have LIVE coverage of this event. Hope to see you all here!

    A video build up for the main event tonight of Booker T(c) defending his World heavyweight Championship vs Batista. If batista loses, he never gets another title shot.

    Theodore Long comes out to the ring and makes an announcement. If King Booker gets counted out or disqualified Batista automatically wins the title. My gawd, they did something right with this rule for once

    Batista music hits and comes out looking strong andd here we go .........

    World Championship Match
    King Booker T(c), with Queen Sharmell, vs Batista

    Batista charged Booker in the aisle as the King was making his entrance. They brawled in the aisle, with Batista ramming Booker into the guardrails and ring apron. Batista decked Booker at ringside and pounded him on the floor. Batista rolled Booker into the ring and the bell rang. Batista hit a clothesline and got a two count. Booker hit a back kick and threw punches and forearms at Batista. Batista fired back with punches and chops of his own. Batista rammed Booker head first into the corner, then gave Booker a suplex. Batista went for a powerbomb, but Booker broke free and rolled to the floor. Booker started to walk out, but Sharmell reminded him that he couldn't get counted out. Booker got on the apron at nine, then grabbed Batista and tried to pull him throat first across the top rope, but Batista blocked it and yanked Booker across the rope instead.

    Batista gave Booker a backbreaker and a clothesline for a two count, then hit some more clotheslines for another two count. Batista choked Booker against the middle rope, but Booker came back with a Hot Shot. Booker drove Batista throat first across the rope again, then hit a thrust kick for a two count. Booker hit some chops and punches, knocking Batista down in a corner. Batista came back with punches, but Booker poked him in the eyes. Booker hit a clothesline in the corner, then chopped Batista. Batista reversed a whip into the corner, then hit a side slam for a two count. Batista gave Booker a jackhammer for a two count. Booker hit some knees to the head, but ran into a sidewalk slam by Batista for two.

    Booker went to leave the ring, but Batista stopped him, and they slugged it out on the apron. Booker poked Batista in the eyes. Batista blindly knocked Booker back into the ring. Batista went to reenter as well, but Sharmell grabbed his foot. He shook her off, but this allowed Booker to superkick Batista off the apron and into the security wall. Booker rammed Batista into the ring steps, then rolled him back into the ring for a two count (using the ropes for leverage). Batista threw some punches, but Booker nailed him with a side kick for a two count (hooking the trunks for leverage). Booker applied a cobra clutch, but Batista fired up and broke free.

    Batista hit some punches, but ran into a back elbow by Booker. Booker ran into a belly to belly suplex by Batista, and as the two got up, they exchanged punches. Batista hit a clothesline, then another. Batista hit a clothesline in the corner, then a boot to the face and Booker fell to the floor. Batista threw Booker into the ringsteps, then back into the ring. Batista went to the top rope and hit a flying shoulderblock for a two count. Batista gave Booker a spinebuster for another two count. Batista went for a clothesline, but Booker ducked it and hit the Bookend for a two count. Booker went for an ax kick, but Batista kicked him in the gut and hit the Batista Bomb. Batista covered, but Booker reached out and grabbed the ropes at the two count. Batista complained about the count, as Sharmell slid the belt to Booker. Sharmell got in the ring, and Batista grabbed her. Batista set her up for a powerbomb. The referee threatened to disqualify him, so Batista let her go. While the referee got Sharmell out of the ring, Booker went to hit Batista with the belt. Batista ducked it, kicked Booker, grabbed the belt, and hit Booker with it. Batista tossed the belt out of the ring and covered Booker for the pin at the fifteen minute mark.

    Winner and new World Champion: Batista

    Batista celebrated with the belt as fireworks went off to end the show.

    Thankyou to PWInsider for parts and LionDen for parts in the LIVE COVERAGE!

    Thankyou for joining us for our Live Coverage, see you for our next Live Coverage next Sunday for ECWs 'December to Dismember'. No spoilers in the shoutbox please.

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    Free Spirit Kellie's Avatar
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    IF there are any live streams for the PPV then they are found in the Wrestling Media section


    "In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different." - Coco Chanel

    EeL: I love you Kellie with all my heart and soul
    EeL: if I had to choose between one last gasp of oxygen or Kellie, I'd choose Kellie

    Super Klawz: I LOVE YOU KELLIE!

    PheTravenal: but I love you

    PheTravenal: piss off!!!
    Kellie: You would miss me!!!!!
    PheTravenal: yes.

    EeL: I love you more than Randy Orton's glistening abs

    The Black Wings of Death: <3 you Kellie
    The Black Wings of Death: You are awesome Kellie

    4033: YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. #4
    Ring Crew
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    wherethe wrestling media section

  5. #5
    Kal Ho Na Ho,C'est La Vie Will's Avatar
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  6. #6
    Mid-carder willpro256's Avatar
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    Nice Job!!!!

    Credit To Eel&{PAJ}

  7. #7
    Kal Ho Na Ho,C'est La Vie Will's Avatar
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    The first two matches have gone exactly how I thought they would, except I thought Simmons would last longer than 1st eliminated.

  8. #8

  9. #9
    Kal Ho Na Ho,C'est La Vie Will's Avatar
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    May 2006
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    I agree. I don't think that she should have retired with the belt, but she deserved better than that.

  10. #10
    Mid-carder Coruptyed's Avatar
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    Jan 2006
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    Quote Originally Posted by LionDen View Post
    Poor Lita :sad:
    wow lita got so much respect for retiring....... one of the better wwe women wrestlers and that..
    The One, The Legend, The Icon


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