Quote Originally Posted by wnw.com
A caller named Pat phoned Byte This! earlier tonight and asked Todd what he and Vince McMahon thought about TNA signing Sting. Todd said he didn't think Vince really cared because he was the interim GM of RAW and was having a good time. He then quickly hung up on the caller.

Another caller from Calgary, Canada called in and asked Chris Masters a question and then quickly noted "and be sure to check out TNAWrestling.com". Click. Todd ignored it like it never happened.

Another caller phoned in at the end and said "Hey Todd, I love how you dodge TNA questions like you dodge women". Todd was about to answer him and the caller hung up!

Someone in the chat stated "TNA Sucks" and Todd noted it and said "Wow, that's good".

They also showed a video preview of Heat this week which showed former TNA knockout Trinity.
The Byte This callers do have a point, TNA is actually the better product at the moment, and I wonder how long it'll be until WWE once again edits Byte This to avoid the TNA questions being shown, it's funny though, who knows maybe next week some more TNA fans will call in and bash WWE