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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Exclamation LIVE COVERAGE - WWE PPV 'New Years Revolution'

    Join us right here LIVE for the latest WWE PPV 'New Years Revolution'. Updated LIVE in the shoutbox, check out the forum while you wait for updates, discuss the PPV in this thread, do it all in one place, here at UOWforums.com!

    America - Sunday 7th Jan 2007 | 8 PM/ET
    Australia - Monday 8th Jan 2007 | 12 Noon/ET
    Great Britain - Sunday 7th Jan 2007 | 1 AM
    Ireland - Sunday 7th Jan 2007 | 1 AM

    Final Card

    WWE Championship Match
    John Cena (c) vs. Umaga

    World Tag Team Championship Match
    Rated RKO (c's) vs. D-Generation X

    WWE Intercontinental Championship
    Steel Cage Match

    Jeff Hardy (c) vs. Johnny Nitro

    WWE Women's Championship Match
    Mickie James (c) vs. Victoria

    Ric Flair vs. Kenny Dykstra

    Carlito vs. Chris Masters


  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Live Coverage
    New Years Revolution - 7th Jan 2007
    Location - Kansas City, Missouri
    Announcers - J.R and Jerry 'The King' Lawler

    WWE promo hits and the ptros go off and we go immediately to the arena, and J.R with Jerry Lawler welcomed us to the show as the steel cage was being lowered for the Intercontinental Title match.

    They showed a video package to open the show.

    Nitros music hits and he made his way down to the ring ....

    Intercontinental Championship
    Steel Cage Match
    Jeff Hardy vs Johnny Nitro w/Melina

    There was a Hardy chant at the start. Nitro hit a knee to the gut and worked over Hardy with kicks and punches in a corner. Hardy returned fire, stomping Nitro down. Hardy whipped Nitro hard into the opposite corner, and they continued to throw punches. Hardy got on the second rope, punched Nitro down in the corner, then swung down off the top rope with a kick to the chest. Nitro came back with a faceplant takedown for a two count. Nitro tried to ram Hardy into the cage, but Hardy put the brakes on and delivered a gourdbuster.

    Hardy missed a charge in the corner, and Nitro hit a springboard kick off the middle rope for a two count. Nitro started to climb up the cage, but Hardy pulled him back down. Nitro went for a backdrop after reversing a whip, but Hardy kicked it away and hit a clothesline. Hardy crawled for the door, but Nitro pulled him back in by the leg. Hardy gave Nitro a mule kick to break free, then began to climb up the cage. He kicked Nitro away once, but Nitro dropkicked Hardy so he would fall between the ropes and cage wall. Nitro hit some knees to the trapped Hardy, then dropkicked him.

    Nitro climbed up, but Hardy grabbed him, and soon they were both fights on the ropes. Hardy jumped off the top rope and dropkicked Nitro, who was seated on the top rope, and they both fell hard to the mat. Nitro reversed a whip, and Hardy lept to the top rope, then went to go over the cage, but Nitro managed to grab his pants and stop him. Nitro delivered a second rope back superplex, laying out both men. Nitro mounted Hardy and hit some forearm shots. Nitro charged Hardy, but Hardy flung Nitro over his head, and Nitro went face first into the cage. Hardy then started to climb, and Nitro joined him. They slugged it out on the top rope, and Hardy hit a side Russian legsweep, driving both men to the mat.

    Hardy climbed up, and Nitro followed. Nitro actually stepped on Hardy's back to get above him on the cage. They battled it out, with Nitro sitting on the cage and Hardy standing on the top rope, and Nitro gave Hardy a sunset flip into a powerbomb. Nitro started to climb up again, but Hardy got behind him, and Nitro ended up hung upside down with his legs entwined in the scaffolding that ran along the top of the cage. Nitro managed to free himself and fall back into the cage. Hardy climbed up another side, but Melina whipped the cage with a belt, catching Hardy's fingers and sending him stumbling back into the ring, where Nitro nailed him with a top rope dropkick.

    Nitro delivered a neckbreaker, then went to the top rope for a flying bodypress, but Hardy caught it and planted Nitro with a powerslam. Hardy then hit a Swanton Bomb off the top rope. He was slow to cover and Nitro got his foot on the bottom rope to break up the pin. Hardy hit a forearm and a trio of clotheslines. Hardy backdropped Nitro, but ran into a boot in the corner. Nitro climbed up the cage, but Hardy followed him up. Nitro got one leg out of the cage, but Hardy grabbed him by the hair and pulled him back in. Hardy tried a top rope Twist of Fate, but Nitro held onto the cage and Hardy fell to the mat.

    Nitro regained his footing on the top rope, and went to climb out. Hardy went to crawl for the door, and Melina stood between the outside referee and the door. By the time the ref moved her and unlocked the door, Nitro was coming down the cage, right over the door. Hardy dropkicked the door, it swung open, and Nitro crotched himself on the top of the door. With Nitro crotched on the door, Hardy crawled out of it and got to the floor for the win at the fifteen minute mark.

    Winner: Jeff Hardy

    Hardy celebrates running around the ring with Nitro straddling still up on the door in pain. As Hardy gets to the top of the ramp, Nitro is down, holding his balls as Melina cuddles him .... awwwwww

    Todd Grisham introduces Rated RKO and asks them why they take things so personal. Edge says he and Orton are the future of the company and that tonight they are going to take DX out, their run is over. Orton then carries on about beating up Flair and says theydo not care to much about DX but that he and Edge are fighting for their future. Edge continues on that even though DX has sold alot of t-shirts but tonight DX will be no more.

    In ring:
    Lilian is in the middle of the ring and announces a bonus match tonight, a Tag Team Turmoil. She explains that once a team is eliminated, another team joins in and the winner of this match recieves in the future a chance at the Tag Team Championship.

    The Highlanders music starts and make their way to the ring, then The Worlds greatest tag Team music begins and they make their way to the ring.

    Tag Team Turmoil
    Highlanders vs Worlds Greatest Tag Team vs Super Crazy and Jim Duggan vs Cade and Murdoch vs Cryme Tyme

    Haas started out with Rory, going for a hiptoss, but getting his eyes raked. The Highlanders hit a double suplex, and Robbie scored a two count. Robbie hit an uppercut, then tagged in Rory. Haas ducked a double elbow, but was caught with a drop toe hold/elbow drop combo. Rory missed a charge in the corner when Shelton pulled Haas out of the way. Haas hit Rory with a clothesline and tagged Benjamin. Benjamin straddled Rory on the top rope as Haas held him, and scored a two count as Robbie ran in to break it up. Benjamin slammed Rory across Haas' knee into a backbreaker for a two count. Haas decked Rory with a right hand, then tagged Shelton, who kneed Rory in the back. Shelton put Rory in a rear chinlock, driving his knee into Rory's back. Shelton went for a slam, but Rory managed to shift his weight and fall on top of him. Rory went for some quick pins, but Shelton tripped him. Rory managed to break free and tag Robbie, who slammed Shelton and Haas. Robbie dropkicked both opponents, then clotheslined Shelton to the floor. Robbie slammed Haas, then went to the top rope for a rocket launcher, but Haas rolled away. Rory went after Haas, and Haas pulled Rory through the ropes and to the floor. Meanwhile, Shelton got on the apron, jumped to the top rope, and grabbed Robbie with a superplex for the pin at the six minute mark.

    Next: Hacksaw Duggan & Super Crazy

    Hacksaw and Benjamin traded punches, and Haas clipped him from behind. Haas & Benjamin worked over Hacksaw in their corner. There was actually a chant for Super Crazy as Hacksaw was being worked over. Duggan battled back against Haas, and hit the three point stance clothesline. Super Crazy got tagged in and dropkicked Haas twice. Haas then snapmared Haas and dropkicked him in the face. On the floor, Shelton rammed Hacksaw into the steps. Crazy hit a standing moonsault on Haas for a two count. Crazy went to jump on the ropes, but Benjamin clipped him, and Haas hit a German suplex with a bridge for the win at the three minute mark.

    Next: Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch

    Cade and Murdoch ran down and immediately ambushed Haas & Benjamin. Cade slammed Benjamin, and they gave him a reverse atomic drop/boot to the face combo. Murdoch then unloaded with punches on Benjamin. Murdoch put Benjamin in an armbar. Cade tagged in and hit a neckbreaker for a pair of two counts, then dropped an elbow for another two. Cade slammed Benjamin, then dropped Murdoch into a legdrop on top of Benjamin for a two count. Murdoch went for a vertical suplex, but Benjamin floated over and hit a neckbreaker. Benjamin tagged in Haas, who cleaned house with punches. He dropkicked Murdoch, backdropped Cade, gave Murdoch a boot to the face, and gave Cade an exploder suplex. Haas gave Murdoch a top rope dropkick. The match degenerated into a brawl. Haas put Murdoch in the Haas Of Pain, but Cade jumped off the ropes and nailed Haas while Benjamin was being escorted out of the ring by the referee. Murdoch crawled onto Haas for the pin at the four minute mark.

    Next: Cryme Tyme

    Chad ran in and immediately went to work on Cade. JTG came in for a cannonball type move on Cade for a two count. Cade and Murdoch pulled JTG into their corner to work him over, but JTG grabbed Murdoch with a backslide for a two count. Murdoch kicked away a backdrop attempt, and Cade & Murdoch hit a legsweep/clothesline combo for a two count. Cade worked over JTG with elbows and punches, then Murdoch tagged in and hit a back elbow. Cade & Murdoch continued to work over JTG, tagging in and out and pounding him. JTG managed to grab Murdoch in a small package, but the referee was busy with Cade. Murdoch slammed JTG, but then jumped off the second rope into a boot. Cade cut off the hot tag to Chad, and set up JTG for a double suplex. He floated over and made the hot tag to Chad, who hit a double clothesline and began cleaning house. Chad eventually succumbed to the two-on-one, but Chad dodged the legsweep/clothesline combo. Murdoch was sent from the ring, and Cryme Tyme hit a Samoan Drop/neckbreaker combo on Cade for the pin at the seven minute mark.

    Winners: Cryme Tyme

    Cryme Tyme celebrate and make ummm dance their way up the ramp.

    Vince is shown wondering why can't we all get long. Vince says to Coach that Rosie O'Donell and Trump are everywhere in the news and that the two of them call each other names etc and Coach says it is like something out of the WWE. Vince suggests that on next Monday Night RAW they have a Rosie O'Donell vs Donald Trump to sort out their differences. Coach is excited at the idea and then begins to crawl up Vinces ass a bit more about how great the 'Your Fired' catch phrase is and Vince eventually rolls his eyes and walks away as Coach continues. Coach turns around and Ron Simmons is there and does his usual ... DAMN! Coach looks the usual moron as always.

    Ad for the Royal Rumble - Jan 28th

    Back to J.R and King and they talk about the Rosie vs Trump on RAW.

    Kenny dressed in a cheap copy of Flairs robe comes out and makes his way to the ring. Kenny gets on the mic and shows how Orton and Edge destroyed him last week on RAW. Then carries on how he will beat Flair and then the fans will show him the respect that he deserves.

    Flairs music hits, comes out in a much better and pink robe and here we go ....

    Kenny Dykstra vs Ric Flair

    Dykstra came out in a poor man's version of a Ric Flair robe, then had them air footage of Flair being attacked by DX last Monday. Dykstra said everyone was tired of watching Flair get beat down every week, but Dykstra said that was too bad, as he was going to beat him down again. Flair's music interrupted Dykstra, and Flair made his entrance.

    Dykstra grabbed a headlock at the start and hit a shoulderblock as Flair shoved him into the ropes. Kenny did the Flair strut. Flair hit a shoulderblock of his own, then Kenny leapfrogged Flair and dropkicked him. Kenny hit a fistdrop, and pounded Flair in a corner. Flair responded with some chops, and they went back and forth. Flair hit some chops, then a back elbow. Flair chopped Kenny over the top rope and to the floor. Kenny got on the apron, and Flair yanked him throat first across the top rope. Kenny fell back to the floor, but grabbed Flair by the foot and dragged him to the outside. Kenny suplexed Flair on the floor, then rolled him into the ring for a two count. Dykstra hit a suplex for a two count, then elbowed Flair in the back three times.

    Kenny went for a Boston Crab, turning it over and Flair initially fought it off. Flair struggled in the hold, stuck in the center of the ring. Flair managed to move a little towards the ropes, really selling the pain of the move. Flair finally made the ropes for a break. Kenny hit a fistdrop, then stomped Flair. Kenny hit some punches in the corner, but Flair returned fire with punches and chops. Kenny got the better of the exchange, and went for a figure four, but Flair rolled him into a small package for a two count. Flair hit some punches, then chops. Kenny ran into a Flair elbow, then Flair went to the top rope. Kenny caught him, and slammed him off the top rope. The announcers pointed out how rarely that move works for Flair.

    Kenny hit a top rope dropkick for a two count. Kenny went after Flair in a corner, but Flair poked him in the eyes and chopblocked his leg out. Flair hit another chopblock, then delivered a kneedrop. Flair grabbed Kenny by the leg, paused to stand on Kenny's groin, then applied the figure four leglock. The crowd, which was into Flair throughout the match, chanted for Kenny to tap. Kenny's shoulders went down, but he lifted them up at two. Flair slapped Kenny while maintaining the hold. Kenny eventually made the ropes, forcing a break. Flair pounded Kenny in the corner with chops and punches. The referee kept getting in Flair's way. Flair moved the ref to the side, and Kenny hit Flair with a low blow (that the ref didn't see). Kenny rolled Flair into a small package for the pin at the ten minute mark. The announcers put over that Kenny beat Flair using an old Flair trick.

    Winner: Kenny Dykstra

    Kenny rolls out of the ring and celebrates his win .. ummmm .. YaY

    They show Nitro getting attention on his shoulder, having it iced and then tells Melina to call Joey and tell him that the Hardys are going to pay for what they have done. As Melina leaves to do this shee runs into Victoria and Victoria says their is one Diva missing from the lst and that is Melina, the reason is she says is because she wants to join Melina in a Tag Team and says that if Melina helps her win the title, she will gice melina the first chance to go for the Womens Championship.

    J.R and King show us footage of the last 5 weeks where she has beaten every diva on her list. Candice Michelle, Maria, Torrie Wilson, Mickie James.

    Victorias music hits and out she comes with her list and makes her way to the ring. Victoria go to the announce table and Victoria leaves her list there and tells J.R and King to watch and learn.

    Mickie James music hits, she bounces her way out and makes her way to the ring ....

    Women's Championship
    Mickie James(c) vs Victoria

    They locked up, and Victoria shoved Mickie to the mat. Victoria took Mickie down with a waistlock and applied a chinlock with a bridge. Victoria went into a front facelock, but Mickie reversed into an armbar. Victoria reversed into her own armbar, and Mickie cartwheeled out of it and hit a monkeyflip. They exchanged arm wringers, then Victoria grabbed a side headlock. Mickie shoved Victoria into the ropes, and Victoria hit a shoulderblock, but Mickie tripped her. Mickie hit a pair of armdrags, then a dropkick for a two count. Mickie kicked Victoria in the corner, but Victoria reversed a whip. Victoria ran into an elbow. Mickie went for a headscissors, but Victoria tossed her off onto the ring apron, then kicked her to the floor. Victoria hit a baseball slide dropkick, then dropped Mickie face first on the security wall.

    Victoria yelled something at Lilian Garcia as she got back in the ring, and Mickie grabbed Victoria into a small package, but Victoria kicked out. Victoria stomped Mickie, then choked her against the ropes. Victoria flung Mickie across the ring by the hair and got a two count. Victoria went to the middle rope for a moonsault, but Mickie rolled out of the way. Mickie hit some right hands, then a series of reverse elbows. Mickie threw some jabs, then decked Victoria with a punch for a two count. Mickie gave Victoria a back elbow and caught her with a rana. Victoria rolled to the apron. Mickie gave Victoria a forearm, knocking her to the floor. Melina came out to help Victoria up. Mickie rolled out of the ring and decked Melina, then kicked Victoria and threw her back into the ring. Mickie went for a DDT, but Melina hooked her foot. Maria and Candice came out to counteract Melina, engaging in a brief brawl, as Mickie rolled up Victoria for a two count. Victoria lifted Mickie for a slam, but Mickie reversed it into a DDT for the pin at the seven minute mark.

    Winner: Mickie James

    Candice, Maria, Jillian and Mickie celebrate in the ring with Victoria flat on her back. Melina helps Victoria up in the ring. Melina and Victoria stare from the ring as Mickie, Candice and Maria celebrate on the ramp. The Womens division looks like it could be leading up to a faction battle.

    Ad for Hulk Hogan - Hulk Hogan: The Ultimate Anthology

    J.R thanx the TV audience for joining them tonight.

    A video package ios shown from Rated RKO destroying Flair up to the events that lead to tonights Tag Team Championship Match.

    DXs music hits, crowd stand on their feet and goes nuts etc etc ...

    World Tag Team Championshup
    Edge & Randy Orton(c) vs Shawn Michaels & Triple H

    The DX intro only took about five minutes this time. DX charged Edge & Orton in the aisle as they came out and they began brawling at ringside. Triple H suplexed Edge on the floor. Michaels chopped Orton on the outside. Triple H backdropped Edge on the rampway. Michaels floated over a suplex attempt by Orton and rammed him into the ring steps. Triple H rubbed Edge's face across the ramp, then tossed him into the ring to officially start the match. DX worked over Edge in their corner, with Triple H tearing at Edge's face. Triple H hit a clothesline in the corner, then stomped his hand. Triple H continued to try and rearrange Edge's face. Triple H rammed Edge into the outstretched boots of Shawn Michaels, then tagged him in. Michaels hit a chop, but missed a charge in the corner.

    Edge tagged in Orton, who went to work on Michaels with right hands. Orton ran into a boot by Michaels, then hit a chop, snap mared Orton, then stomped him in the face. Michaels kicked Orton in the midsection, then stomped him in the side of the head. Triple H tagged in and decked Orton with a right hand. Triple H dropped a knee, then pulled Orton across the ring apron and elbowed him from the outside. Michaels then hit a ring apron legdrop. Triple H covered Orton for a two count. Michaels tagged in and chopped Orton, then stomped him in the head again. Orton was busted open. Michaels bit the forehead of Orton. Michaels tagged in Triple H, and the took turns slugging Orton. Triple H worked over the cut with punches. Edge tried to knee HHH from the apron, but Triple H grabbed Edge and pulled him into the ring. Triple H worked over both men, but Edge clipped his knee, taking him down.

    Orton legally tagged in Edge, who began pounding the leg of Triple H. Edge kept kicking at the leg, then wrapped it around the middle rope and yanked it. Edge pulled Triple H's leg from the outside and whipped it into the ringpost. Edge let out a "Whoo" and went for a figure four, but Triple H kicked him off into a corner. Michaels tagged in and gave Edge a flying forearm, kipped up, and gave Edge a reverse atomic drop. Michaels knocked Orton off the apron. Michaels slammed Edge, then went to the top rope and hit the elbowdrop. Orton ran in and clotheslined Michaels. Triple H clotheslined Orton over the top rope to the floor. The referee got Triple H out of the ring. Michaels backdropped Edge to the floor, then hit a tope con hilo onto Edge and Orton. Michaels tossed Edge back in. As Michaels got on the apron, Orton grabbed his leg, and that allowed Edge to spear Michaels between the ropes, knocking him back to the floor. Orton nailed Michaels with one of the tag title belts. Triple H ran over and hit Orton, but Michaels was busted open.

    Michaels was a bloody mess as he crawled back onto the apron. Edge pulled Michaels up on the apron and hit a series of right hands. Orton tagged in and hit a side neckbreaker for a two count. Orton stomped Michaels, then hit a kneedrop to the back of the head for a two count. Edge tagged in and worked over Michaels with punches. Edge whipped Michaels hard into a corner, then hit a backbreaker for a two count. Orton tagged in and gave Michaels repeated forearms to the back. Orton stood on Michaels' chest and posed. Michaels battled back, exchanging shots with Orton. Orton raked Michaels eyes when he started getting the better of the exchange.

    Edge tagged in and they hit a double backbreaker on Michaels. Triple H broke up the count. Edge put Michaels in a surfboard. Michaels hulked up and broke out of it, then exchanged shots with Edge. Michaels hit a back suplex on Edge, but Edge scored with a kick before Michaels could go make the tag. Orton tagged in and trash talked Michaels, measuring him for the RKO. Orton went for the move, but Michaels tossed him away and made the hot tag to Triple H as Orton tagged in Edge.

    HHH nailed Edge with clotheslines and a jumping knee. Triple H pounded both Edge and Orton. Triple H gave Edge a facebuster on the knee, then clothesline him out of the ring. Triple H gave Orton a spinebuster for two (even though he isn't legal). Triple H got up limping, and gave Edge a spinebuster as he ran back in. Triple H got up limping again, and went for a Pedigree on Edge. Orton grabbed Triple H and gave him a sloppy RKO. Michaels superkicked Orton, but Edge shoved Michaels through the ropes and to the floor. Edge then crawled onto Triple H for a two count. Edge measured Triple H for a spear, but Triple H moved out of the way and Edge hit the corner.

    Triple H went for a Pedigree on Edge. Orton ran in with a chair, in front of the referee, looked like he was about to hit Triple H, then turned around and ran back out without using it. That was bizarre. Triple H hit a weak pedigree on Edge, and Edge kicked out of it. Shawn Michaels got into the ring, ran across it, and hit Orton with a tope on the other side. Michaels then grabbed the referee and decked him. Michaels and Triple H then grabbed some chairs and beat the crap out of Edge and Orton. Orton was a bloody mess. DX cleared off both of the announce tables. Triple H set up Edge for a pedigree on one table, while Michaels put Orton on the other. Triple H gave Edge a pedigree on the table, but the table didn't break. Triple H pointed at Michaels, and Michaels came off the top rope with an elbowdrop, putting Orton through the table (that one did break) at the twenty four minute mark. I think I could see a huge gash in Ortons head from the chair shot and he was a damn mess. Michaels and HHH (helped walking) then celebrated and walked off triumphant.

    Results: No contest I think

    This match went to hell as soon as HHH hurt his knee, HBK tried to help it and make a great ending, it was as if no one was sure what to do, quite funny actually. This might say alot about who runs things in the ring. This could be very bad for the near future of DX as HHH was in alot of pain and could hardly do anything. I am wondering if their are not pain killers aorund the ring as he seemed to suck it up in the end and continue on, although slowly but with not as much pain. If their was no pain killer, he has balls.

    HHH was helped to the top of the ramp with HBK, they did their pose then HHH was helped out the back.

    Grisham calls the ending to the World Tag Team Match controversial. Then Cena comes in and Grisham asks him if he can beat the unbeaten Umaga. Cena says so this is where he makes a pre promo deal and then begins to do a smart ass promo about the match. At the end he finally says he faces tonight a man who has never been pinned, beat and decimated eveyone in his path. Cena says tonight he will do the only thing he does, go out and beat Umaga and walk out of Kansas City the WWE champion.

    Ad for the WWE 2006 magazine award - Jan issue WWE magazine, best of 2006

    Ad for Royal Rumble.

    Back to the arena and they show the carnage and with blood everywhere and announce tables broken.

    Carlitos music hits and makes his way to the ring with Torri and her dog.

    Carlito, w/ Torrie Wilson vs Chris Masters

    Masters stalled at the start, then locked up and pushed Carlito into the ropes. Carlito came right back with a double leg takedown and hit some right hands and chops. Carlito hit a shoulderblock in the corner, then booted Masters in the face and hit a facebuster off the second rope. Masters reversed a whip and hit a backdrop, then flexed his muscles for Torrie at ringside. Masters slammed Carlito, then kicked him in the gut. Masters went for a back suplex, but Carlito flipped over it and hit a dropkick. Masters backdropped Carlito to the ring apron and tried to ram him into the ringpost, but Carlito blocked it and kicked masters. Carlito then hit a double springboard moonsault onto a standing Masters for a two count. Masters grabbed Carlito by the trunks and pulled him into the middle turnbuckle.

    Masters went for the Masterlock, and Carlito reversed it, then Masters reversed it, but couldn't get the hold locked in, so he gave Carlito a one armed back suplex instead. Masters dragged Carlito around the ring by the hair, then hit a backbreaker for a two count. Masters hit a backbreaker and pushed down on Carlito's chin to stretch him across his knee. Carlito kicked up his knee into Master's head to break free. Carlito leapfrogged Masters, but got caught with a clothesline for a two count. Masters trash talked Carlito, saying he was trying to impress Torrie. Carlito ducked a clothesline and hit a springboard reverse elbow. Carlito hit a kneelift and a clothesline, then gave Masters a flapjack for a two count. Masters reversed a whip, and Carlito went for a bodyscissors, but Masters blocked it and went for the Masterlock. Carlito dropped down to avoid it, trying to grab a bodyscissors for a rollup again, but Masters dropped down on him and grabbed his trunks for the win at the six minute mark.

    Winner: Chris Masters

    Masters laid out Carlito. He teased going back to get Torrie, but then turned back around and left.

    A video package leading up to tonights main event, Cena(c) vs Umaga for the Championship.

    Interesting facts:
    - WWE title has only changed twice in kansas City in the last 40 years
    - Cena lost this title at last years NYR

    WWE Championship
    John Cena (c) vs Umaga w/ Armando Alejandro Estrada

    They did the "big match" style introductions after the entrances. Cena is giving up over a hundred pounded to Umaga. Cena dodged an advancing Umaga and threw some punches and shoulderblocks. He dodged another Umaga charge, and hit a bulldog. Cena sidestepped Umaga and threw him out of the ring. Umaga freaked out at ringside, then got on the apron. Cena tried to knock him off, but Umaga gave him a shoulderblock through the ropes, then grabbed Cena by the back of the neck and tossed him over the top rope and to the floor. Umaga tossed Cena into the ringsteps. Back in the ring, Umaga hit Cena with right hands, but ran into a Cena elbow. Cena ran into an Umaga clothesline.

    Umaga threw some shots at Cena's arm, then Cena fought back with punches, but Umaga planted him with a Samoan Drop. Cena rolled to the apron, stood up, and Umaga knocked him off the apron and into the announce table at ringside. Umaga rammed Cena into the table, then went back into the ring. Cena threw a pair of shoulderblocks from the apron, then tried a slingshot sunset flip. Umaga didn't go down, then went to drop his weight on Cena, but Cena moved out of the way. Cena lifted Umaga for a slam, but Umaga shifted his weight and Cena went down. Cena kicked out at two. Umaga dropped a leg, then kicked Cena in the chest. Cena went to the apron, and pulled Umaga down throat first on the top rope. Cena scurried to the top rope and went for a flying bodypress, but Umaga caught him and planted him with a spinning sidewalk slam. Cena got his foot on the bottom rope at the two count.

    Umaga delivered a headbutt, then hit a clothesline. Cena slid under Umaga after a whip into the ropes, and he hit the Throwback, but Umaga got right back up and hit a spinkick. Umaga hit a headbutt, then chopped Cena in the head. Umaga chopped Cena to the mat, then game off the second rope with a Banzai Drop. Umaga gave Cena a second, and Armando called for a third. Cena got his knees up on the third one, and Cena went for an FU, but collapsed under the weight and went face first into the mat. Umaga grabbed Cena and flung him over the top rope and to the floor. Umaga hit Cena in the back of the head as he crawled back in. Umaga hit some shots to the shoulder, setting up for the Samoan Spike. Umaga applied a nerve hold, and continued to pound him.

    Cena struggled in the nerve hold and finally broke out of it, but Umaga took him right down with a back elbow. Umaga went to the second rope and dove off for a Spike, but Cena moved out of the way. Both men got to their feet and began trading punches. Cena got the better of it, then hit two clotheslines, but Umaga cut him down with a shot to the gut. Umaga missed a charge in the corner, and Cena rammed Umaga head first into the steel ringpost, sending Umaga over the turnbuckles in doing so. Cena suplexed Umaga to a huge pop. Cena did the "You Can't See Me" bit, then dropped the Five Knuckle Shuffle fistdrop. Cena went for the FU, but couldn't get Umaga up, and Umaga gave him a belly to belly suplex.

    Umaga hung Cena in the Tree Of Woe, then drove in a flying headbutt to the chest. Cena fell out of the Tree of Woe, and was slumped down in the corner. Umaga charged, but Cena threw his feet up and caught Umaga in the face, then grabbed a cradle for the pin at the 18 minute mark.

    Winner: John Cena

    Cena rolled out of the ring and looked surprised he won. Umaga went nuts in the ring staring at Cena. Cena celebrated at the top of the ramp as Umaga looked on. Cena went backstage and Umaga left the ring and started destroying everything, incuding the announce table (it earned its money tonight) and then Cena came back out and celebrated once more with the crowd as the PPV ends.

    Thankyou for joining us for our Live Coverage, see you for our next Live Coverage for TNAs 'Final Resolution' and for WWEs next HUGE PPV 'Royal Rumble' 28th Jan. Expect fun times at PPV Live Coverages in the future with prize giveaways and more! No spoilers in the shoutbox please.

  3. #3
    Flamez -O- Holic flamesoffury's Avatar
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    it's gonna suck... except for dx vs rko
    < Thanks Eragon

    < Thanks Joe

  4. #4
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flamesoffury View Post
    it's gonna suck... except for dx vs rko
    I have to agree the card does not look to fancy to me. DX should destroy Rated RKO and become the new champions IMO although having these 2 have it out for the championship sure doesn't do much for all these other tag teams on there.

    I am looking forward to the cage match though, I am a fan of Jeff hardy and seeing him in a cage will be awesome, especially with his style. You just know he will be coming off the top of the cage in one way or another.

  5. #5
    S.H.I.E.L.D. Black Widow's Avatar
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    these 2 matches will suck

    Ric Flair vs. Kenny Dykstra

    Carlito vs. Chris Masters

    who want to see Carlito vs. Chris Masters again

  6. #6
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    I do not understand why Flair is even still wrestling, I mean wouldn't he make enough money from his books to pay his ex wife lol. That is one match that i am not looking for ward to, fair enough Flair is helping the young one get over but come on, enough is enough.

    They have Rated RKO beating him up one week and then they have Kenny attacking him the other, unless Kenny is going to join RKO, this storyline is just nutty.

  7. #7
    On the bench!
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    So you think the fued theyre having sucks? Or they shudnt wrestle in matches on RAW shows anymore to keep it a bit exclusive for PPV addience?

  8. #8
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    I will be happy when the feud is over as it is becoming repetative, if they brought in more people and had a proper stable vs stable, now that would be great.

    I say let these two grow their stable and fight each other and leave the tag titles to the mid carders.

    As for Flair, he just seems to be their to bring Kenny over and that is it. Rated RKO beating him up was not a storyline in itself IMO but a lead in for DX to fight with Rated RKO.

  9. #9
    S.H.I.E.L.D. Black Widow's Avatar
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    Kenny Dykstra should be in ovw he still sucks

  10. #10
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Rated [R] Ryan View Post
    Kenny Dykstra should be in ovw he still sucks
    He always seemed to be the one that stood out in the SS though, maybe cause of his size. Either the WWE see something in him (I can not think of anything right now except for his size or that Flair has no one else to put over) or kenny kissess ass like a champion lol.

    I have to say, I can think of alot more matches I'd like to see on this PPV than Kenny vs Flair, it seems they seem to have fill in matches now adays, why not bring some of the younger talent in and have some better matches, just my opinion.

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