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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Exclamation LIVE COVERAGE - TNA PPV Final Resolution'

    Join us right here LIVE for the latest TNA PPV 'Final Resolution'. Updated LIVE in the shoutbox, check out the forum while you wait for updates, discuss the PPV in this thread, do it all in one place, here at UOWforums.com!

    America - Sunday 14th Jan 2007 | 8 PM/ET
    Australia - Monday 15th Jan 2007 | 12 Noon/ET
    Great Britain - Sunday 14th Jan 2007 | 1 AM
    Ireland - Sunday 14th Jan 2007 | 1 AM

    Final Card

    NWA World Heavyweight Championship
    Elimination Match

    Abyss (c) vs Sting vs.Christian Cage.

    30 Minute Iron Man Match
    Kurt Angle vs Samoa Joe

    X Division Championship Match
    Christopher Daniels (c) vs Jerry Lynn vs Chris Sabin

    NWA World Tag Team Championship Match
    LAX (c's) vs Team 3D

    Last Man Standing Match
    AJ Styles vs Rhino

    Petey Williams vs 'Cowboy' James Storm

    Final of the paparazzi chanpionship Series

  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Dark Match:
    TNA held a dark match tonight before going live to air with The Riggs Brothers, Jason and Johnny Riggs defeating Kazarian and Johnny Devine. The Riggs are former WWE developmental talents that had been working in Ohio Valley Wrestling prior to being released.


    The Pre-Game show opened with a video feature spotlighting the main events for tonight's PPV broadcast from Orlando, Florida.

    We moved live on the air with Raven beating down Serotonin with Singapore Canes for losing a dark match before they went on the air.

    They went to Christy Hemme outside the building, surrounded by chanting fans pushing those at home to order TNA's first PPV of the year.

    TNA is pushing a text message voting for fans to voice who's going to win the 30 Minute Iron Man match at 99 cents a text. I guess that's the new 900 number gimmick.

    Mike Tenay and Don West reviewing the lineup for tonight's PPV.

    Leticia was backstage Bob Backlund, who is going to be one of the judges tonight. Backlund covered her up and basically threw out a ton of big words while Leticia looked confused and tried to ad lib around it. It didn't come off good. In the end, Backlund handed her a dictionary and told her to call her mom. Seriously!

    They aired a video feature on Rhino vs AJ Styles

    Backstage, Jeremy Borash ran down matches for the PPV and pushed the Angle/Joe fan voting, which they claimed was at 50% after seven minutes. Borash introduced Rhino, who promised it was all going to end tonight between he and AJ Styles. He said the final man to stand on their own two feet would be the winner. He promised he would destroy Styles and rip him in half with a gore tonight.

    Lance Hoyt vs Chase Stevens

    Stevens is still wearing his Franchised Naturals gear. They painted it as if Team 3D had destroyed the Naturals last month. They showed The Chicago White Sox' Dale Torborg and AJ Pierzynski at ringside to build to the big MLB tag match scheduled for later this year. Hoyt backdropped Stevens. Stevens hit a springboard dropkick, sending Hoyt to the floor, where he ended up in the Whote Sox's face. They mocked him. Back in the ring, Stevens worked over Hoyt. He went for a high cross bodyblock but was caught and slammed down. Stevens hit a running boot to the face on Hoyt. Hoyt caught him and hit a TKO variation for the pin. OK match. Too short to be anything of note but nothing wrong with it.

    Winner: Lance Hoyt

    Hoyt immediately went down to ringside and got into Torborg's face. Torborg shoved him and they started brawling. Torborg got tossed into the ringside area and Pierzynski slammed Hoyt over the back with a chair. Security broke it up.

    In the midst of all this, Shane Douglas came out and ripped apart Stevens for wearing the Franchise colors. Stevens didn't like it and shoved Douglas back. Security then got between them. Once they pulled the bit with Shane Douglas, it came off like they were trying to do too much at once, but the MLB angle was fine.

    They aired a video feature on LAX vs. Team 3D.

    They reviewed what just happened with Lance Hoyt and the White Sox. Smart idea.

    They aired a video feature on the Three-Way for the NWA title.

    Jeremy Borash interviewed NWA champion Abyss and Jim Mitchell. Mitchell said it was a glorious time to be alive. Mitchell said that for the past several months, Sting has been a thorn in Mitchell's side but they have fixed all the things Sting has done to mess with Abyss' mind. Mitchell said that Abyss was going to get the job done once and for all tonight. Christian Cage and Tomko showed up. Cage said that he had something Mitchell would be interested in and said they needed to talk. Mitchell walked off with Cage. Abyss went to follow but Tomko got into his face and the two stared down.

    Christy Hemme took predictions for the Iron Man match from fans at ringside and then pitched it to a video feature on the match. Hemme is really great in her role.

    Jeremy Borash announced that the winner of the Iron Man match would challenge the NWA champion next month at Against All Odds. He interviewed Kurt Angle, who said it he came to TNA with two things in mind. He wanted to end Samoa Joe's winning streak and he did so. He said he wanted to win the NWA title and would next month. He said that last month when Joe beat him, Joe only pissed off Angle so for those 30 minutes, Joe was all his.

    Don West did a hard sell to push tonight's PPV.

    They aired a music video to close out the pre-game show

    TNA Final Resolution PPV Results - 1/13/07
    Location: Orlando, Florida
    Commentators: Mike Tenay & Don West

    The new TNA opening hits. A video package narrated by the great Muhammad Ali airs highlighting the 30 Minute Iron Man Match tonight between Kurt Angle and Samoa Joe and the NWA World Title Elimination Match tonight with Abyss, Sting and Christian Cage.

    A graphic opening hits welcoming us to Final Resolution. We go live where a series of pyro goes off in the Impact Zone.

    AJ Styles' music hits to kick off the PPV. Styles is wearing new ring gear.

    Last Man Standing Match
    AJ Styles vs Rhino

    Rhino took Styles down with a big shoulderblock and a backdrop. Styles tried to kick him off but Rhino grabbed him by the leg and sent him sailing across the ring. Rhino backdropped Styles over the ropes but AJ landed on his feet. Rhino slammed AJ's head into the turnbuckles and he fell to the floor. Rhino did a pescado to the floor. Rhino tossed AJ into the guard rail. Back in the ring, Styles nailed a big dropkick as Rhino rebounded off the ropes. AJ began pummeling Rhino but Rhino began doing the superhuman no sell and unloaded on AJ. AJ cut him off with a kick to the knee.

    Styles took down Rhino with a drop toehold then began choking Rhino with his wrist tape. Rhino began to mount a comeback but Styles lowblowed him as referee Earl Hebner removed the tape from the ring. Styles hit a top rope splash for the pin, but Rhino has a ten count to return to his feet. Styles grabbed his nose after the splash but it didn't appear he struck his face when I reviewed the tape. Rhino got to his knees, so Styles attacked him with a series of rights and kicks to the chest.

    Rhino grabbed Styles and flipped him backwards into the corner with Styles' face hitting the top turnbuckle. Both men were down on the mat. Styles recovered first.Styles tossed Rhino to the floor, then hit a running flip dive to the floor.

    Back in the ring, Styles continued to work over Rhino. Styles went to jump off the ropes but was caught and nailed with a spinebuster and pinned. Styles now has a 10 count to return to his feet. He returned to his feet at 8.

    They faced off and then began slugging it out in center ring. Styles hit a sunset flip powerbomb off the top into the ring scoring a two count. Rhino hit a Samoa Drop/TKO variation that looked nasty, scoring another two count. Rhino slid to the floor, pulling out a table. He took too long, giving Styles a chance to attack and crotch him on it.

    Back in the ring, Styles hit his springboard flying forearm on Rhino, but only scored a 2 count. Styles comes back with a powerbomb for a two count. Rhino pulled Styles up and went to attack, but Styles ducked under and hit the Pele Kicl. Rhino came back to gore Styles and pinned him. Earl Hebner began counting Styles down as Rhino went to the floor and began setting up the table again.

    Rhino returned to the ring and was waiting for Styles to get to his feet at eight. Styles realized it and went back down, telling Rhino "Screw you" as the referee counted to ten and rang the bell.

    Winner: Rhino

    Rhino took the mic and said that he may have won the match but Styles was still breathing and Rhino was going to take care of him tonight. Styles ran to the back with Rhino in chase.

    Mike Tenay and Don West ran down the lineup when suddenly Rhino and AJ Styles brawled back out to the entrance stage. Rhino hit the Rhinodriver on Styles. Rhino returned to ringside and dragged the table back. He set up the table so it was standing in front of the entrance tunnel. Rhino gored as Styles got up, but AJ evaded it and Rhino crashed through the table and tunnel. They began playing Styles' music?

    Great visual and that would have been a decent ending to the match - Rhino tries to gore Styles, but Styles misses and Rhino ends up knocking himself out, getting pinned and Styles steals a victory. One mistake costs Rhino what he wants...but instead we had the silly ending of Styles laying them and allowing himself to be counted out. Not to mention, why in the world is Styles music being played? He LOST the match! The match was a victim of trying to be too cute and creative.

    A video package for the X Division Title Match with Christopher Daniels, Jerry Lynn and Chris Sabin aired.

    Leticia was with Jerry Lynn. She called him the pioneer of the X Division and Lynn took that like she was calling him old. Lynn said he was 43 and could still go with some of the best in TNA. He called Chris Sabin a punk and told Christopher Daniels that he still helps him learn new things every time they hook up. Lynn said, "Wrestling 101 is about to begin" and left.

    TNA X-Division championship
    Christopher Daniels vs Jerry Lynn vs Chris Sabin

    Daniels and Lynn worked over Sabin early, so he retreated to the floor. When they turned their attention to each other, Sabin returned to the ring. Daniels hit a combination neckbreaker/diamond cutter on his challengers. Daniels clotheslined Sabin to the floor. He hit Lynn with an enziguiri, then scissored Lynn with his legs, hanging outside the ring upside down in the process. This left Daniels easy pickings for Sabin, who attacked him from the floor.

    With Daniels down on the floor, Sabin turned his attention to Lynn. Sabin charged with an elbow, getting a two count. Daniels returned to the apron but was knocked back to the floor. Lynn slammed Sabin and scored a two count. Daniels returned and locked a submission on Lynn but Sabin broke it up with a stomp off the ropes. Sabin continued to work over Daniels with kicks as Lynn rolled to the floor. Sabin came back with a mule kick and running dropkick to Daniels' head. Sabin hit the Hangtime dropkick into Daniels; who was tied to the tree of woe.

    Lynn returned to the ring, unloading with chops on Sabin. Lynn hit a missile dropkick on both of his opponents. Lynn unloaded with punches on both. Lynn dove off the ropes, catching Sabin with a hurrancanrana, then hitting one on Daniels. Fans chanted, "New Fn' Show" which was Lynn's ECW moniker. Lynn clotheslined Sabin but then went down, which looked weird, so I guess it was supposed to be a double clothesline.

    Lynn went for a top rope bulldog but Daniels leaped up and caught Lynn with a STO off the ropes at the same time. Sabin tried to hit a running boot to Lynn's face but was caught and nailed with a sitdown powerbomb. Lynn scored a twe count, but Daniels broke up the pinfall. Lynn caught Daniels with the Kryptonite Krunch, but Sabin broke up the pinfall.

    Lynn hit the Cradle Piledriver on Daniels and went for the pin but Sabin rolled him up from behind and scored the pin.

    Winner: New TNA X-Division champion Chris Sabin

    Jeremy Borash was with Kevin Nash. Borash talked about how Nash's "boys" were in the Finals of the PCS Series tonight. Nash agreed and then introduced Bob Backlund as one of the judges tonight. Nash tried to get Backlund to talk about old stories on the road, but Backlund said he has never been in a car with Nash. Backlund asks if Nash did hard things in this PCS Series such as 1,000 squad, 1,000 push-ups and teaching them the crossface chicken wing. Nash said they did musical chairs, limbo and some drinking contests. Nash added that he was counting on Backlund tonight. Eric Young then walks up and tells Borash they need to go out shopping since his job depends on it. Borash said he couldn't because there was a PPV going on right now. Young says okay, but they have to soon. Young talks to Bob Backlund, shakes his hand and says he voted for him in 1995. Backlund said his election was in 2000.

    They aired a Paparazzi Championship Series Video segment.

    Kevin Nash joined Mike Tenay and Don West on commentary. The judges were "Big Fat Naked Oily Guy", a masked Samolian Joe (a reference was made to him during an early Alex Shelley/Kevin Nash video segment), and Bob Backlund.

    Paparazzi Championship Series Final
    Alex Shelley vs Austin Starr

    They felt each other out early in the match. They did some good matwork early but most of the commentating was about Nash vs. Backlund for the WWF title and the oily guy. Shelley clotheslined Starr. Live crowd was into Shelley. Shelley hit a backbreaker and went for Sliced Bread #2 but was shoved off. Starr hit a left and an elbow. He began kicking Shelley in the corner. There were way too many camera shots on the judges so we could see Oily guy eating and rubbing himself. Why would TNA think we want to watch a mockery of a WWE gimmick no one wants to see in the first place? This is really feeling like a WCW Nitro match where everything is being focused on but the Cruiserweights. I didn't like having to watch Eddie Guerrero vs. Dean Malenko while hearing about Hulk Hogan's limo arriving and this sort of has the same feel.

    Shelley hit a knee off the top to the side of Starr's head, sending him to the floor. Shelley hit a dive onto Starr right in front of the judges. Shelley caught Starr with a big kick to the face and hit a quebrada for a two count. Starr tried for a suplex but was cut off with a kick. Shelley controlled a good part of the match so far.

    Starr went to the top but was cut off. Shelley hit a lungblower on Starr, who was set up on the ropes. I bet these guys are doing spots that Backlund has never actually seen before, so if it was a legitimate judging, Lord knows what he would have to say.

    With one minute left, Shelley has controlled everything, so I'm wondering if the finish is that he gets screwed when the judges rule for Starr. The actual in-ring was solid but not the focus on what they showed on TV. Starr locked on a Camel Clutch as the time limit expired.

    Jeremy Borash took the judges' scorecards from ringside and entered the ring to announce the winners like a boxing or UFC fight.

    Judge Samolian Joe ruled for Starr.
    Oily Guy ruled for Shelley.
    Borash didn't know what Backlund ruled, so Backlund entered and began giving a huge monologue. He called Shelley "Alex Shelton" although I don't know if that was a line or a screwup. After all this, Backlund ruled it a draw.

    Kevin Nash decreed that they were going to a five minute overtime since they couldn't come to a decision. They did a series of fast back and forth nearfalls with Alex Shelley scoring the pinfall with a crucifix. Crowd loved Shelley getting the win.

    Winner: Alex Shelley

    Kevin Nash came in and gave Alex Shelley the trophy. Jay Lethal, Sonjay Dutt and Senshi all came down to congratulate Shelley on his win. Starr then starts arguing with Kevin Nash. Nash eventually knocks Starr down. Starr grabbed a mic and said he was sick of this. He said he didn't come to TNA to jump on pogo sticks and do the limbo. Starr said he damn sure wasn't in TNA to revive someone elses career. He said the only person he respects is Senshi. Starr tells Senshi they should leave. Senshi disagrees. Starr says maybe you didn't hear me and told him to leave with him again, but this time in "Warrior tone." The crowd laughs at this. Starr then slaps Senshi and Senshi goes after Starr. Starr gets dumped to the outside and gets in Bob Backlund's face. Starr then pie faces Backlund and Backlund grabs him, locking on the crossface chicken wing to end this very long segment.

    Current TNA mobile results for who fans think will win the 30 Minute Iron Man Match: Samoa Joe with 60% and Kurt Angle with 40%.

    A video package showing James Storm turning on Chris Harris to spell the end for America's Most Wanted is shown.

    James Storm w/Gail Kim vs Petey Williams

    Williams started fast, using his speed to keep Storm off balance. A frustrated Storm went to the floor to regroup. The storyline is that Gail Kim is with Storm because she had to choose and there's no word as to whether Chris Harris will ever come back. Storm and Williams battled briefly on the floor. The crowd began chanting "Kill the cowboy" and "Brokeback Mountain" at Storm. Storm cinched on a chinlock but Williams made a comeback for a near fall.

    Storm took Williams out with a big clothesline. Storm powerbombed Williams, then picked him back up for the Whirlybird. Storm set up Williams on the ropes so Kim could interfere but she was conflicted and didn't do it.

    Williams came back with a high knee and attempted a tornado DDT but Storm escaped and put Williams on the apron. Williams hit a high cross bodyblock into the ring, then nailed a side Russian legsweep. He teased a Canadian Destroyer but Storm came back and nailed a DDT out of the corner. Storm scored a two count.

    Williams came back by driving Storm facefirst into his knees. Storm drove him into the corner facefirst and went for the superkick. He went for Chris Harris' finisher, the Catatonic, but Williams escaped and went for the Canadian Piledriver. Storm rolled up Williams and used the ropes to score the pin.

    Your winner: James Storm

    The fans and Gail Kim all tried to tell the referee that Storm cheated to win but Storm attacked Williams and handcuffed him to the corner. He grabbed a beer bottle and went to smash Williams but Gail stopped him. Storm grabbed her by the throat and teased hitting her with the bottle but Kim hit him low and began kicking the crap out of Storm. She teased hitting him with the bottle but Jacqueline Moore (Ms. Texas/WWE's Jackie) hit the ring and laid out Kim. She and Storm hit AMW's finisher, the Death Sentence on Kim.

    They aired a video feature on VKM's challenge to WWE. It sure is something to watch old videos of VKM complaining about what WWE skits have been done after watching some of the stuff that preceded them on this PPV.

    VKM In-Ring segment:
    VKM came to the ring. BG James said that war is hell and it's hard to declare a victory but tonight, they were declaring victory over WWE and Vincent K McMahon. He said that they had no choice, saying they did everything they were supposed to do. He said they spent a night at Titan Tower, but WWE did nothing. He said that they ambushed Paul Levesque at a WWE house show in Knoxville, TN and he did nothing. They then said, "Paul, no one wants to see one of the boys go down. Heal your wheel, bro." BG said that they went to San Antonio, Texas but Michael Hickenbottom was a no show. He said that they laid out the Million Dollar Challenge, but WWE did nothing.

    BG said that it just showed how stupid WWE was because they could have gotten a million dollars and ratings, because ratings is all Vince cares about. He said that they had ratings to have Mr. Spears pin his champion and a match with celebrity look-alikes. He said that Vince sat at ringside listening to the fans booing and then, "as if it was magic, those boos morphed into TNA chants."

    BG said that all those chants made him realize that their battle in the war is over with. What's left is Vince's war against the wrestling fans around the world. He said that fans don't like to have their intelligence insulted and that's what they do every week on Monday Night Raw. Um, this wasn't exactly the PPV you really want to use to compare the differences with WWE. BG James led the fans to sing, "We're Not Gonna Take It."

    VKM said there was a new sherrif in town and his name was TNA. Christy Hemme came running out with a live mic and said that she didn't want to be disrespectful and started getting choked up. She said that she might get fired for this but she had something to say.

    Hemme demanded to know why everyone ignored the importance of Joanie Laurer in DX and asked if it was because she was "just a woman in a man's world." SERIOUSLY. YOU CANNOT MAKE THIS UP!

    Hemme then asked about Lita, saying she ran from the business, She broke down crying asking why women have to run from this business.

    She began naming all the women in TNA saying none of them are disposable. She said she wants to be part of the business so bad and she loves it The fans began chanting, "We want wrestling" and Hemme responded, "I do too." She said that women deserve respect and deserve to be more then just a blip in wrestling. The live crowd turned on it. This started as a promo pointing out fans turning on being fed non-wrestling and it turns into fans turning on being fed non-wrestling. Hemme tried to leave the ring but BG James tried to console her.

    Kip James grabbed the mic and called Hemme a slut. He told her to go back to the strip club she got fired from. He told her never to interrupt him again because women are only good for two things. Hemme agreed, saying those things were their bodies and putting men in line. She slapped him. BG held Kip back.

    Jeremy Borash interviewed Team 3D. Brother Ray said that tonight they are going to see the match that the people have been dying for - the old punks vs. the new punks. He said that LAX took out Brother Runt so they took out Konnan. He said LAX has never been in a match without Konnan at their side. He said that all week, fans have told them they have nothing to worry about because LAX has never done a thing and have nothing Team 3D wants. Ray said that was wrong because they have the glory and prestige of being the NWA Tag Team champions. They said they were coming for the belts. Team 3D left and Borash began signing off the segment when Sting appeared asking if Borash has seen Abyss. Borash said no.

    They aired a video feature on LAX vs Team 3D.

    NWA Tag Team championship
    LAX vs Team 3D

    Devon and Hernandez started the match. Devon shoulderblocked Hernandez and neither went down but Hernandez was selling the shots. Devon hit a shoulderblock to take down Hernandez, then nailed a series of armdrags and dropkicks for a near fall.

    Brother Ray tagged in. Homicide spit his gum at Ray. Ray picked it up, chewed it, and spit it back in his face. Homicide hit the ring and got slammed down. Ray picked up Homicide and sent him sailing across the ring. Homicide came back with a series of punches but couldn't whip him out of the corner. He went for a monkey flip out of the corner but was shoved off and clotheslines. They went back and forth with Ray finally hitting a uranage.

    Team 3D doubleteamed Homicide. Hernandez and Devon began chopping each other. LAX took over on Devon. Ray and Homicide began stiffing each other in the ring with chops. Ray tossed Homicide to the floor where he kept bullying him by shoving him into the railing. Devon tagged in. LAX doubleteamed him and began making some tags back and forth, getting some near falls.

    Devon came back with a double clothesline while rebounding over the ropes. Hernandez missed a shoulderblock in the corner and was clotheslined by Devon. Hernandez hit a backdrop suplex and Homicide came off the ropes with an elbow. Ray was bleeding above the eye. They did the Whazzup headbutt on Hernandez and hit a 3D on Homicide, who wasn't the legal man in the ring.

    Brother Runt came out dressed like Santa Claus, was drunk and hit a top rope splash of sorts on Homicide. The referee rang the bell and called for a disqualification.

    Winners by disqualifiction: LAX

    Personal Note: That was a crappy match, TNA need to pull something out to make this PPV worth while, so far it has not been up to scratch.

    Both Brother Ray and Brother Devon have both shocked and confused looks on their faces. After the match, Brother Ray grabs Runt and sends him to the outside crashing into the ring barrier.

    Final poll TNA mobile results for who fans think will win the 30 Minute Iron Man Match: Samoa Joe with 57% and Kurt Angle with 43%.

    Jeremy Borash was with Samoa Joe. Joe tells Kurt Angle, "Welcome to the climax. Welcome to the final resolution." Joe says when this first started between them, the question on everyone's mind was who was the best? He said when Angle found out who the best was, it drove him nuts. Joe said Angle made this personal. He ends the interview saying he will torture Angle for 30 minutes.

    A video package for Kurt Angle vs. Samoa Joe in a 30 Minute Iron Man Match airs.

    30 Minute Iron Man Match
    Samoa Joe vs Kurt Angle

    They went right to the mat at the bell. Angle worked over Joe with a headlock. Joe shoved Angle towards the ropes and took him down with a shoulderblock. Angle went to the floor. Joe challenged him to return to the ring. Angle returned to the ring. He and Joe began doing a ton of counters, then returned to their feet, facing off. Joe took Angle down with a tackle and he returned to the floor.

    Back in the ring, Angle took down Joe with a big shoulderblock and began nailing uppercuts. You could see he was tagging Joe hard and wasn't holding back. Angle was whipped into the corner and clotheslined as he came out. Joe began peppering him with punches in the corner. Joe nailed Angle with a huge kick in the corner for a two count.

    Joe began working over Angle with some matwrestling holds but Angle fought back to his feet. He drove Joe back into the corner and went after Joe's knee. Angle snapped a release belly-to-belly suplex. He measured Joe and kicked him in the face. Angle applied his foot over Joe's throat to choke him.

    Angle hit a belly to back suplex for a near fall. Angle went right after Joe with a sidechinlock. Joe fought his way to his feet but was cut off with a kick to the gut. Angle snapmared Joe over then went to a sidechinlock. scissoring his legs around Joe's waist. Angle tried to suplex Joe but Joe reversed it.

    With 20 minutes left, no falls taken.

    They began battling back and forth. Angle whipped Joe into the ropes but Joe held on and didn't rebound. Angle went after him but Joe tossed him to the floor. Joe hit a running tope into a forearm, although it looked like he glancingly nailed Angle, then came down hard and hit his head on the rail.

    Joe tossed Angle back into the ring, and covered him for a two count. Angle began coming back but Joe caught him with a powerslam for another nearfall. Angle came back to hit an overhead release suplex, scoring a two count. Joe went for the Muscle Buster but Angle evaded and rolled through. Joe caught Angle with a choke and Angle tapped out.

    Samoa Joe 1: Kurt Angle 0 with 16:49 to go.

    Joe charged across the ring and kicked Angle, then chopped him down to the mat. Angle came back to rock Joe with shot after shot. Angle went right back to the mat, working over Joe with a chinlock. He held Joe in it for a long time. He tried for the Olympic Slam but Joe reversed out of it and nailed a running knee. Angle came back with the Ankle Lock in the center of the ring. Joe tapped out.

    Samoa Joe 1: Kurt Angle 1 with 13:54 to go.

    Angle began focusing his attack on Joe's ankle and knee, kicking and stomping it. He began choking out Joe in the corner. Angle went back to the rear chinlock with the body scissor again. Angle tried to Olympic Slam Joe but as he came down Joe tried to do something but didn't catch Angle. Angle covered him real quick but Joe kicked up. Angle locked on the Ankle lock again and Joe tapped.

    Kurt Angle 2: Samoa Joe 1 with 11 minutes to go.

    Angle continued to work over Joe in the corner. Joe was limping bad. Joe finally came back with a big clothesline out of the corner. He began coming back with thrusts and punches, then hit a knee to the jaw of Angle. Joe grabbed Angle for the Muscle Buster but Angle rolled through with a sunset flip for a near fall. Joe went for it again but Angle rolled through for another two count.

    Angle locked in the ankle lock but Joe rolled through. Angle's face hit the turnbuckles. Joe hit the muscle buster for the pin.

    Kurt Angle 2: Samoa Joe 2 with 7:39 to go.

    Joe limped towards Angle and began peppering Angle with right hands. Angle ducked a clothesline and tackled Joe's leg. Angle cinched in a toehold, then locked the anklelock in the center of the ring. Joe began trying to hold on and drag himself towards the ropes. Joe finally kicked off Angle, sending him into the ropes. Angle leaped off the ropes but Joe caught him. Joe went for a suplex but Angle rolled through and scored the pin.

    Kurt Angle 3: Samoa Joe 2 with 5:17 to go.

    Joe and Angle battled to the floor. Angle returned to the ring first and went after Joe as he returned through the ropes. Angle continued to work over Joe in the corner. He charged Joe but was caught with a uranage out of the corner.

    Joe put Angle on the ropes but Angle dropped down and pulled Joe's leg towards the ringpost. He slammed Joe's knee into the post several times. They stalked around ringside and returned, where they traded punches.

    Joe put Angle on the top rope and kicked him in the head, then hit the muscle buster, With 90 seconds left, Angle got his foot on the ropes. Joe went for the choke but Angle escaped and went for the ankle lock. Joe escaped and pummeled Angle with kicks and elbows. Joe locked on the Ankle Lock but Angle was able to hold on to the bell. Angle tapped out after the clock had expired.

    Angle: 3 | Samoa Joe: 2

    Your winner: Kurt Angle

    Kurt Angle will challenge the NWA champion next month.

    Sting was interviewed by Jeremy Borash. He promised that Abyss would no longer be the puppet held by Jim Mitchell and Chris would have a new life. Mitchell showed up with Abyss and told him that Sting's crusade would end tonight. Sting grabbed Mitchell by the throat and told him that tonight he would be dancing with the devil in Hell because there was no more room for him up here anymore.

    They aired a video feature on the NWA title match.

    NWA championship
    Abyss vs Christian Cage vs Sting

    Tomko is in a cage to keep him from interfering. All three began battling center ring. Sting (back to his old look already?) clotheslined Abyss over the top to the floor. Sting worked over Cage in the corner with a series of punches. Abyss posted Sting. Cage dove on Abyss but was caught and tossed into the rail. Abyss tried to clothesline Cage but hit the ringpost instead. Cage slammed Sting on the floor.

    Abyss went for Shock Treatment on Cage, who escaped. Abyss attempted and got it a second time, but cage kicked out at the last minute. Abyss missed a clothesline. Cage dropkicked him in the knee. Abyss chokeslammed Cage for a two count.

    At ringside, Tomko reached out from the cage and began choking Sting. The referee ran to aid him, so he didn't see Abyss nail Cage with the Black Hole Slam to no avail.

    Sting returned and hit the Scorpion Death Drop and pinned Abyss, eliminating him. Jim Mitchell began screaming for Abyss to chokeslam Sting. Abyss goozled him but eventually let him go and walked out. Mitchell shoved Abyss and told him to go back to the locker room.

    Cage came off the top but scored a two count. He began beating Sting with punches and choked him. Cage cinched in a chinlock but Sting made the big comeback. Cage kept punching him but Sting was unaffected. Sting pressed and slammed Cage and hit the Stinger Splash.

    Sting missed a second splash. Cage went to the top but Sting met him there and superplexed him into the ring. Jim Mitchell returned to ringside. Sting was distracted by Mitchell but came back to apply the Scorpion Deathlock. Mitchell attacked a TNA staffer at ringside and let Tomko free. Mitchell distracted the referee so Tomko could interfere. Cage covered Sting but Sting got his shoulder up at the last second.

    Tomko tried to interfere but Sting clotheslined him over the top. Abyss returned to ringside and brawled with Tomko, throwing him back into the cage. Cage tried to use the NWA title belt but Sting caught him with the Unprettier, Cage's own finisher. Cage kicked up.

    Cage tried to clothesline Sting, who ducked. Referee Rudy Charles was bumped. Mitchell got in the ring but Sting locked him in the Deathlock. Abyss teased hitting Cage with his chain but instead hit Sting from behind. Cage hit a top rope frog splash on the unconscious Sting and scored the pinfall.

    Winner: New NWA champion Christian Cage

    Cage and Tomko celebrate in the rin.

    Thankyou for joining us for our Live Coverage, see you for our next Live Coverage for WWEs 'Royal Rumble'on 28th Jan. Expect fun times at PPV Live Coverages in the future with prize giveaways and more! No spoilers in the shoutbox please.

  3. #3
    Ring Crew
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    Looks like they went all out on this ppv. Oh well, I've really started to get into TNA after WWE canceled their press conferences.

  4. #4
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    I am looking forward to seeing 3D in action, the Angle vs joe angle is old to me now. WWE cancelling the press conference a bit to much, maybe they could not have fans there and air it live on wwe.com. I like the press conferences but obviously Vince does not think they are needed.

  5. #5
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    I won't be ordering this PPV as I have other plans for tonight but I can't wait to read about Joe/Angle, The PCS Finals, as well as who will walk out of Final Resolution with the Tag Belts: Team 3D or LAX. I'm rooting for LAX, Joe, and Alex Shelley so hopefully, after I finish up and get online to read results, my boys come through.

    Should be another excellent TNA PPV. The line-up is stacked and I'd really like to see this live; too bad I won't.

  6. #6
    Moving To Insanity Rated X's Avatar
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    After watching Impact last night it looks like it will be a good PPV. I actually wish I could watch it just so I can say I've seen a TNA PPV.

  7. #7
    Kal Ho Na Ho,C'est La Vie Will's Avatar
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    is there not going to be live coverage tonight?

  8. #8
    Free Spirit Kellie's Avatar
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    Yes, Lion is just running alittle late .. it will start asap

    "In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different." - Coco Chanel

    EeL: I love you Kellie with all my heart and soul
    EeL: if I had to choose between one last gasp of oxygen or Kellie, I'd choose Kellie

    Super Klawz: I LOVE YOU KELLIE!

    PheTravenal: but I love you

    PheTravenal: piss off!!!
    Kellie: You would miss me!!!!!
    PheTravenal: yes.

    EeL: I love you more than Randy Orton's glistening abs

    The Black Wings of Death: <3 you Kellie
    The Black Wings of Death: You are awesome Kellie

    4033: YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. #9
    On the bench!
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    we are an hour in to the pay per view dose anyone know when lion is coming

  10. #10
    Moving To Insanity Rated X's Avatar
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    Wow Chris Sabin is now the champ.

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