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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Exclamation LIVE COVERAGE - Destination X - TNA PP

    TNA PPV Destination X 2007


    NWA Championship
    Christian Cage(c) vs. Samoa Joe

    Elevation X Scaffold Match
    Rhino vs. AJ Styles

    Kurt Angle vs. Scott Steiner

    Last Rites Match
    Sting vs. Abyss

    TNA X-Division Championship
    Best of Three Falls

    Chris Sabin vs. Jerry Lynn

    NWA Tag Team Championship
    Ghetto Brawl

    LAX vs. Team 3D

    Voodoo Kin Mafia vs. Christy Hemme’s Mystery Team

    Double Bullrope
    Petey Williams & Gail Kim vs. “Cowboy” James Storm & Jackie Moore

    Senshi vs. Austin Starr - Winner Must Use Crossface Chickenwing

    Japanese star Keiji "The Great Muta" Mutoh is in Orlando and will be appearing on camera during the PPV. Johnny Rodz is also in Orlando and will be appearing during the show.

  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Mike Tenay and Don West welcomed us to the show and ran down the lineup for tonight.

    A video package on Christian Cage vs. Samoa Joe was shown.

    Jeremy Borash and Leticia were standing outside the arena waiting for people to arrive on the "Black and Blue Carpet". Leticia had a DHL envelope, which they said had arrived for Christian Cage. Cage emerged from a limo. They gave him the envelope. It was a letter from Tomko, letting Christian know that he was "in Japan on business" and that he would return when Christian gives him the title shot he promised him. Christian panicked and left to go find Scott Steiner.

    A hearse pulled up, and security unloaded a coffin for the Last Rites match later. A video package on Sting vs. Abyss was shown.

    Bobby Roode (in a suit), Traci Brooks and Eric Young (in a shorts suit) came to the ring, and Roode used Young as a foot stool. Roode said he wanted answers from Young, saying he has detected animosity from him. Bobby reminded Young that he had a legally binding contract to work for him. Roode talked about the fans supporting Young, and told Young to get his "friends" to chant for him. Roode then ripped on the fans, and Young finally stood up to Roode. Young said Roode will not insult his friends, and that one friend told him not to put up with Roode. Roode said that Young didn't have any real friends. Roode told Young to go ahead and quit. Young was going to leave, but Roode said if he did, he would violate the contract and would never wrestle in TNA again. Young didn't leave. Roode told Young to give something to "his friend", and slapped Young. Young was going to hit Roode, but Roode threatened him with the contract again.

    They went outside and showed the limos lined up for the Black and Blue carpet. As clear as day, you could see Vince Russo telling the crowd to cheer. No kidding.

    Two women emerged from a limo, then Scott Steiner came out. They were all drinking wine. Steiner was confident he would beat Kurt Angle. Leticia told Steiner that Christian was looking for him, but Steiner was more concerned with his freaks.

    Another limo was opened, and The Great Muta, in full Muta gear, came out, along with Japanese photographer Jimmy Suzuki.

    In the arena, Jeremy Borash was putting on a harness, as he would be doing a segment on the Elevation X scaffold.


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    TNA Destination X Live Coverage
    Location - Orlando, Florida
    Commentators: Mike Tenay & Don West

    The TNA opening hits.

    A video package airs focusing on Destination X tonight.

    A graphic opening then hits and we then go live to the Impact Zone in Orlando, Florida. Mike Tenay welcomes us to the show as pyro goes off.

    Ghetto Brawl (Weapons Match)
    Team 3D vs LAX

    As LAX came out, then had a staredown with Hector Guerrero, who was doing Spanish commentary. There were trash cans at ringside filled with weapons. They threw the cans in the ring, then got in and started brawling. Devon hit Hernandez with a clothesline and Homicide with a spinebuster. Devon splashed both members of LAX in a corner. Brother Ray worked over Hernandez on the floor, while Homicide DDT'd Devon. Ray ran in and Homicide took him down with a clothesline. Hernandez and Homicide hit a slingshot facebuster to Ray. Hernandez gave Devon a plancha. Ray hit Homicide with a trash can. Ray pulled out a mannequin head, held it up like Al Snow, and then threw it at Homicide. All four men were fighting on the floor now. Homicide hit Ray repeatedly with a cookie pan. Devon and Hernandez fought into the crowd, where Devon used a crutch on him. Ray and Homicide went into the crowd as well. Devon ended up wearing a fan's sunglasses as he hit Hernandez. Ray backdropped Homicide on the steps in the stands. Devon hit Hernandez with a water bottle. LAX started to fight back, but Ray chopped Hernandez, while Devon slammed Homicide in the stands. Ray tossed Hernandez into the wall at the bottom of the stand, and then hit Homicide with a chair.

    They went back to ringside. The crowd was chanting "This is Awesome". Hernandez hit Ray with a trash can lid, and Homicide used a piece of sheet metal on Devon. Back in the ring, Homicide hit Devon with a trash can, but Devon came back with a powerslam. Hernandez gave Devon a power hoist for a two count. The fans were chanting for tables. Devon hit Hernandez with a trash can lid. Ray avalanched Hernandez in a corner. Hernandez went to the ropes, but Ray hit him with a trash can and then superplexed him. Homicide gave Ray a top rope rana, then hit him with a trash can for a two count. Ray came back with a slam on Homicide, and Devon hit the What's Up headbutt. Brother Ray pulled out two beers and he and Devon had a toast before calling for the table.

    As they set up the table, a gang of LAX members hit the ring. Johnny Rodz ran out and cleaned house on all of them, including a pair of nice side kicks. Homicide came in and hit Rodz with a computer keyboard, and then everyone ganged up on Rodz. The announcers noted that this was all legal. A large group of black men hit the ring, and Tenay said they were "Devon's brothers from Brooklyn". Devon's brothers and the extended LAX family fought on the outside, while Homicide & Hernandez fought with Ray & Devon in the ring. Team 3D hit the Doomsday Devin on Homicide, but Hernandez broke up the cover. Hernandez went for the Border Toss on Devon, but Devon slid out. Team 3D hit the 3D on Hernandez, but Machete showed up to pull the referee out of the ring. The brawl continued at ringside, and Ray dove off the top rope onto the pile at ringside. Alex Shelley showed up with his video camera and hit Devon with it. Shelley frog splashed Devon through a table, and Homicide got the pin at the fifteen minute mark. There was a slight chant for Shelley.

    Winners: LAX

    Jeremy Borash plugs the text vote for AJ Styles vs. Rhino tonight in an Elevation X Match. Borash was with Rhino. He said tonight he will be different when he speaks about his match. Rhino said he was scared and that gravity plays no favorites. He said he normally ends his promos with "Gore, Gore, Gore", but not tonight. Tonight is all about who doesn't get thrown off the top of the Elevation X first.

    Mike Tenay & Don West ran down the rest of the lineup for tonight.

    Double Bullrope Match
    Petey Williams & Gail Kim vs. James Storm & Jackie Moore.

    They were using electrical tape to hook the wrestlers to the bullropes. Jackie and Storm attacked before the bell, but Kim and Williams responded with stereo slams and then choked their opponents with the ropes. Jackie and Storm were whipped into each other, and Williams held Storm so Gail could slap her. They went to the floor, and Gail hiptossed Jackie on the ramp. Storm was put in a office chair, and Gail wheeled him into a Williams clothesline. Gail tied Jackie to the ringpost and chopped her. Williams pulled Storm into the ringpost using the rope. The referee was tangled in the rope by Storm, so he could use him as a shield to get a shot in at Williams. On the floor, Jackie was now chopping Gail. The fans chanted "Brokeback Cowboy" at Storm. Storm tied Williams' feet to the top rope, then went for the pin, but the referee wouldn't count it, since his feet were, well, on the ropes. Kim and Jackie were still fighting on the floor, as they were still tangled to the ringpost. In the ring, Storm gave Williams the Eye Of The Storm powerbomb. Storm said he was going to do the Canadian Destroyer, but Williams backdropped him. Williams used the rope to whip Storm, and hit a Russian legsweep. Williams used the rope to crotch Storm. Kim and Moore were finally off the ringpost, but still fighting on the floor. Williams gave Storm a cradle DDT for two. Kim and Moore made it into the ring, and Kim gave her two clotheslines and a back suplex. Kim and Moore collided on a shoulderblock attempt. Williams got set for the Canadian Destroyer on Storm, but Jackie hit him low and Storm hit a superkick for the pin at the eight minute mark.

    Winners: James Storm & Jackie Moore

    Leticia is with Scott Steiner. Steiner hits on Leticia and she brushes it off. She asks him if he should be worried about Kurt Angle tonight. Steiner said he isn't since he has been focused on him for months. Christian Cage walks up and says he has been looking for Steiner. He talks about Tomko being in Japan and calls him the weak link of the group. Steiner said there was a "group" and that Cage was on his own tonight. Cage said this wasn't over and that he has an idea and takes Leticia with him.

    Crossface Chicken Wing Match
    Austin Starr vs Senshi

    Starr attacked Senshi before the bell. Senshi responded with chops, but Starr hit a knee to the gut and a shoulderblock. Senshi hit a pair of dropkicks and went for the CCW, but Starr avoided it. Senshi gave him a drop toe hold and went for it again. Senshi chopped Starr and hit a back elbow. Senshi went for it again, but Starr avoided hit and Senshi stomped and chopped him. Senshi hit a powerdrive elbow and went for a cover, but there are no pinfalls. Senshi hit chops and elbows, but missed a charge and Starr raked his nails across Senshi's back. Starr hit some short-arm shoulderblocks, then a Northern Lights suplex. Starr went for the CCW, but couldn't get it locked in. Starr chopped Senshi, and Senshi returned fire. Starr catapulted Senshi throat first into the bottom rope. Starr went for the CCW, but Senshi blocked it. Starr hit an STO and then a pendulum elbow. Starr went to the ropes, and Bob Backlund came out, distracting Starr. Senshi hit a cartwheel kick on Starr to knock him down off the ropes.

    Senshi chopped Starr repeatedly, then decked him with a clothesline. Senshi hit some kicks to the chest, then backdropped Starr. Senshi hit Starr with a springboard kick, then called for the CCW. Senshi applied the hold, but Starr armdragged out. Senshi hit a pair of kicks, but Starr poked him in the eye. Starr ducked a kick, but Senshi hit him with a back kick. There was a "Senshi" chant. Senshi went for the CCW, but Starr hit a shinbuster and then a back suplex. Starr hit a dropkick, then went for the CCW, but Senshi armdragged out and hit a dropkick. Senshi went to the top rope for the Warrior's Way, but Starr shoved the referee into the ropes, knocking Senshi off the ropes and to the floor. Starr nailed Senshi with a tope, then tossed Senshi back into the ring. Starr hit a slingshot corkscrew splash. Starr went for the brainbuster, but Senshi kneed Starr in the head as he lifted him and reversed into a CCW, which Starr reversed into a CCW. Senshi broke free, and hit a series of shots. Senshi charged Starr, who moved and Senshi went shoulder first into the ringpost. Starr applied the CCW, but Senshi got his foot on the ropes, which was pointed out by Bob Backlund. Starr broke the hold and complained about Backlund at ringside. This allowed Senshi to roll up Starr from behind, and right into the Crossface Chicken Wing for the win at the twelve minute mark.

    Winner: Senshi

    Backlund offered Senshi a handshake, but Starr rammed Senshi into Backlund, then applied the Crossface Chicken Wing to Backlund, until the referees broke it up.

    Jeremy Borash is with AJ Styles. Borash plugs the text vote for Christian Cage vs. Samoa Joe tonight. Borash mentions Rhino's calmer tone earlier tonight. Styles calls Elevation X his match tonight and says Rhino is out of his element. He said it is Rhino's ego that has him out of his element. Styles said he will beatdown and embarass Rhino tonight. He said there is only one way to go tonight and that is straight down.

    Christy Hemme pics from tonight. LionDen from www.exposeddivas.com

    Voodoo Kin Mafia vs Christy Hemme’s Hand Picked Tag Team

    Christy came to the ring and was about to introduce her team, but was interrupted by VKM's entrance music. Kip James already had a mic in his hand as they came out. Kip asked Christy "How's that strip club thing working out?" Kip insulted Christy, and did his usual male chauvinistic promo. Christy complained about hearing the same thing from Kip over and over. Christy said VKM were "little kids, not real men" and Kip James looked down his trunks to check. Christy introduced her team, the Heartbreakers (formerly the Heart Throbs in WWE).

    Antonio started out with BG, trading armbars. BG hit an elbow to the face, and hit dancing punches. BG straddled Antonio on the ropes then hit a kick to the head. Kip tagged in, but Antonio tagged in Romeo. Romeo hit a forearm to the back, and a flying headscissors. Kip missed a drop toe hold, but hit it on the second try. Kip hit a dropkick, but Romeo came back with some kicks to the gut. Kip hit a shoulderblock, then Christy tried to trip Kip from ringside. Romeo choked Kip on the middle rope. Kip came back with a hiptoss. Antonio ran in, but BG attacked him and they started fighting on the floor. Antonio held BG on the floor and Romeo went for a dive. BG moved out of the way, and Romeo crashed into Antonio (at least, he was supposed to, but he was short). In the ring, Christy went to give Kip a low blow, but hurt her arm. Kip pulled out a metal athletic supporter. Kip rubbed the cup in Christy's face, to the first pop of the match. Lance Hoyt came out, and Kip spanked Christy and gave her to him. Hoyt carried her off to the back.

    Meanwhile, the match resumed with the Heartbreakers double teaming Kip James. Romeo ended up pulling BG off the apron as Kip was close to making the tag at one point. The Heartbreakers went for the old Le Bomb De Rougeau, but Kip moved out of the way. Kip finally made the tag, and BG cleaned house on both Heartbreakers. BG threw Antonio off the top rope into Romeo. Kip threw Romeo to the floor, and BG gave Antonio the Pump Handle slam for the pin at the eight minute mark. Lance Hoyt came back out and left with VKM. Christy came back out, from the other entrance (how'd she get there?), carrying a riding crop. She screamed at the Heartbreakers, then stared at Kip and whipped the mat with the crop. Kip laughed. Christy left with the Heartbreakers.

    Winners: VKM

    Leticia was with Christian Cage as he was approaching Abyss. Cage was great here telling Leticia that he was good with Abyss after last week. He said they had great witty banter on iMPACT! this past week. Cage brings Abyss a picture of him, the champ, to replace the photo of James Mitchell. He said the way family works is that if you do something for them, they do something for you. Cage said after he takes care of Sting tonight, then maybe he could help him out with Samoa Joe. He said he heard Joe wanted to go after Abyss before Sting could. Cage and Abyss touch fists and Cage is surprised. He even channels Will Ferrell's "Ricky Bobby" line by adding, "shake and bake!" when they touch fists

    A video package on Chris Sabin vs. Jerry Lynn was shown.

    X-Division Champion
    2 out of 3 falls
    Chris Sabin(c) vs Jerry Lynn

    Lynn and Sabin exchanged headlocks, and stalemated on a shoulderblock. Sabin shoved Lynn, and Lynn shoved Sabin. They stalemated on a shoulderblock again, and Lynn slapped Sabin, then hit an armdrag and a dropkick. Sabin rolled to the floor, and Lynn chased after him. Sabin stomped Lynn as they got back in the ring and hit some boots to the body. Sabin punched Lynn, but Lynn came back with a rana and a tilt-a-whirl slam. Lynn put Sabin in an armbar. There was an incident in the crowd, which even distracted referee Earl Hebner at one point. Lynn kept Sabin in the armbar, then hit a shoulderblock, but Sabin caught him with a knee to the gut. Sabin hit a baseball slide kick, knocking Lynn to the floor. Sabin then yelled at someone involved in the incident in the crowd, but it was inaudible. Sabin jumped off the apron and sort-of hit Lynn with a knee. Lynn was knocked down on the floor, and something happened in the crowd again. It must be something good, because the fans chanted "TNA" at it.

    Meanwhile, Sabin went for a baseball slide kick on the floor, but Lynn caught him and dropped him chest first on the rail. Sabin came right back though, and tossed Lynn back into the ring. Sabin hit a slingshot elbow. There was a "Jerry" chant. I guess things have finally been settled in the crowd. Sabin pulled Lynn down by the hair. Sabin ran into a Lynn boot to the face and Lynn hit a tornado DDT for the pin at the six minute mark. Lynn wins the first fall.

    Lynn mocked Sabin, but Sabin grabbed him by the trunks and pulled him to the floor. As Lynn got on the apron, Sabin went for a shoulderblock between the ropes, but Lynn avoided it and legdropped Sabin on the back of the head. Lynn knocked Sabin into the crowd, then hit a springboard reverse bodypress into the crowd, nailing Sabin. They got back into the ring, and Lynn went to the top rope, but Sabin crotched him and hit a kick to the head. Sabin went for a rana, but Lynn turned it into a sunset flip for a two count. Sabin kicked Lynn in the head and hit a DDT for a two count. Sabin applied a chinlock. Lynn ducked a clothesline and hit a bodyblock for a two count. Lynn grabbed a sunset flip out of the corner for another two count. There was another chant for Lynn. Lynn went for a rana, but Sabin caught it and powerbombed Lynn. Sabin put his feet on the ropes for leverage and got the three count at the ten minute mark. Sabin wins the second fall.

    Sabin immediately covered Lynn over and over, but only got two counts. Sabin hit a side backbreaker, then mocked Lynn. Sabin did a springboard, but landed on his feet, making fun of the fans, and went for a normal fistdrop. Lynn rolled out of the way, then dodged another. Lynn hit two shoulderblocks and a clothesline, then blocked a Sabin rollup for a two count of his own. Lynn gave Sabin a German suplex for a two count. Sabin caught a charging Lynn and dropped him face first on the top turnbuckle, then hit a running kick to the head. Sabin gave Lynn the cradle shock, but Lynn kicked out at two. Sabin went to give Lynn his own cradle piledriver, but Lynn blocked it and hit a Reality Check/Kryptonite Krunch/Side Driver for a two count. Someone in a Sting mask showed up at ringside and got on the apron briefly, distracting Lynn and referee Hebner. This allowed Sabin to hit a low blow. Sabin hit the Cradle Shock for the pin at the fourteen minute mark.

    Winner: Chris Sabin

    The man with the Sting mask got into the ring. He unmasked and it was a bearded Chris Daniels, with a symbol painted around one eye. He grabbed Sabin and gave him Angel's Wings to a pop. Daniels picked up the X-Division belt and looked at it, then nailed Jerry Lynn with it. Daniels gave Lynn Last Rites, and then walked off.

    Jim Cornette said he will have an announcement regarding next month's Lockdown PPV this Thursday night on iMPACT! on Spike TV. Christy Hemme comes into Cornette's office and said she still won't quite despite coming up short to VKM tonight.

    We see a shot of the Elevation X starting to come down over the ring inside the Impact Zone. Video packages air hyping Elevation X tonight featuring AJ Styles vs. Rhino.

    A video package on Elevation X was shown.

    Elevation X
    AJ Styles vs. Rhino

    Both men came out, and Styles put on a pair of gloves. They argued at ringside, while the referee tried to get them to climb up the structure. Styles shoved Rhino and Rhino attacked Styles. They brawled at ringside, trading punches. Rhino rammed Styles into one of the supports of the scaffold. Styles gave Rhino a back elbow, then hit a springboard off the guardrail into a forearm. Rhino came back with a clothesline, but Styles rammed Rhino back first into the ring apron. Styles climbed up to the X. Styles walked to the middle of the X and yelled at Rhino to come up. Rhino eventually started to climb up, and was having trouble with it. The structure did seem to be a bit shaky, to be honest. Styles stood in the middle of the X, while Rhino was on all fours on one of the corners. Styles slowly approached Rhino, who was holding onto the support at the end of the platform he was on. Styles spat at Rhino.

    Rhino stood up and approached Styles. They slugged it out in the middle of the X. Styles ducked a punch, and Rhino teased that he would fall off. Rhino ended up clutching the scaffolding and was actually standing on the bars beneath the platform. Styles kicked at Rhino's head. Rhino grabbed Styles' leg to trip him. Styles and Rhino were now both standing on the bottom support bars on opposite sides of a platform. Rhino and Styles punched each other. Styles was almost knocked off, but held on. Rhino crawled onto the platform again, but Styles kicked up and hit him in the head. Styles climbed inside the steel structure under the platforms. Rhino, standing on the platform right above Styles, didn't know where he was. Styles crawled into another part of the X, just as Rhino was going to be able to see where styles was. The fans told Rhino which way to go, chanting "Forward" . Rhino reached under the platform to grab Styles, but Styles reached up and raked Rhino's eyes. Styles got out from under and stood on the platform again. Styles kicked Rhino and rammed his head into the platform. Rhino fought back and both men sat on the platform, straddling it, and traded punches and chops.

    Styles got the better of it, and got set for a Styles Clash. Rhino took Styles down with a double leg takedown and pounded him. Styles gave Rhino a jawbreaker. Styles pulled out some white powder, but Rhino knocked it into Styles' face. Rhino hit a short distance Gore, and both men were down on the platform. Styles rolled over and was hanging off the scaffold by his hands. Rhino stomped Styles' hands, and he fell to the mat, landing on his back, at the thirteen minute mark.

    Winner: Rhino

    They put Styles in a neckbrace, and stretchered him out as Rhino was climbing down.

    A video package for Kurt Angle vs. Scott Steiner airs.

    Back live, AJ Styles is on a stretcher. Highlights are shown from Elevation X, including the "thud" that Styles made when he crashed and burned on the mat.

    Jeremy Borash is with Kurt Angle. Angle said last month Scott Steiner was a consultant and costed him the NWA World Heavyweight Title. He said after tonight, he will make the TNA ring look like a crime scene after he is done with him. Angle said he came to TNA to prove he is the best wrestler alive, while Steiner came to TNA for greed.

    Kurt Angle vs Scott Steiner

    Steiner was accompanied by the two women that arrived with him in the limo earlier. Steiner argued with fans at ringside after Angle came out. They locked up, and Steiner backed Angle to the ropes. They broke clean. They locked up again and Angle grabbed a headlock. Steiner shoved Angle off and hit a shoulderblock, knocking Angle down. They locked up again, and Steiner grabbed a headlock. Angle shoved it off, and Steiner hit another shoulderblock. There was a slight "You take steroids" chant. Angle got back in the ring and Steiner flexed, and Angle responded with a headbutt. Angle punched and stomped Steiner down in the corner. Steiner was bleeding from the forehead. Steiner hit some chops, but Angle came back with a shoulderblock. Angle hit a belly to belly suplex. Angle clotheslined Steiner over the top rope and to the floor.

    Angle went for a baseball slide, but Steiner moved out of the way and clotheslined Angle on the floor. Steiner rammed Angle into the ring steps, then did it a second time. Back in the ring, Steiner hit a clothesline and dropped an elbow. Steiner ran into a boot by Angle. Angle hit Steiner with a series of right hands, then a uppercut. Angle went for a backdrop, but Steiner kicked it away and hit a clothesline, then applied a chinlock. Angle fought up and hit a back suplex. Angle hit some uppercuts, then three consecutive German suplexes. Angle went for the Olympic Slam, but Steiner blocked it and hit a belly to belly suplex for a two count. Angle went for the Olympic Slam again, grabbing it this time. Angle applied the ankle lock, but Steiner rolled through it and Angle went face first into the turnbuckle. Angle charged Steiner, but Steiner moved and Angle went shoulder first into the ringpost. Steiner applied the Steiner Recliner, but Angle tripped out of it. Angle hit an uppercut, and whipped Steiner across the ring. Steiner put on the brakes, and backdropped a charging Angle over the top rope and to the floor. Steiner whipped Angle into the guardrail, then returned to the ring.

    Angle crawled back into the ring and Steiner gave Angle the Olympic Slam. Steiner applied the Steiner Recliner, but Angle fought out of it and hit the Olympic Slam. Angle pulled the straps down and applied the ankle lock. Steiner made the ropes, but Angle pulled him back into the ring. Steiner turned over and kicked Angle in the head. Steiner hit a clothesline, but was favoring his ankle. Steiner set up Angle for a middle rope belly to belly suplex. Angle blocked it and sunset flipped Steiner from the top rope. Steiner kept his feet on the middle ropes, and held onto the top rope to block the move, but Angle eventually pulled Steiner down into the move and got the pin at the thirteen minute mark.

    Winner: Kurt Angle

    The fans chanted "That was cheap" as Angle left the ring.

    Jeremy Borash is with Samoa Joe. Joe said for two years, two long years, he was locked in a cage. For two years, he was denied what was rightfully his. Joe said tonight, he is set free and born again. He said tonight, he achieves his destiny. Joe said the only person standing in his way is Christian Cage. He adds that if Abyss tries to stop him from getting that destiny, he won't hesitate to take him out just like all the others. Joe said tonight marks the start of the Samoa Joe NWA World Heavyweight Championship reign.

    A video package on the Last Rites match was shown.

    Last Rites Match
    Sting vs Abyss

    There were electric candelabras (as in light bulbs, not real candles) on each ringpost. The "deathbed" is above the ring, and the wrestler must call for it to be lowered. When an opponent is tied to it and it is raised to the ceiling, the match is over. They started brawling on the floor as soon as Sting entered. Sting rammed Abyss into the steps, then the guardrail. There are fake-looking tombstones at ringside too. Abyss hit Sting in the back with a chair, and punched him at ringside, then choked him. Crowd is really quiet. Dead quiet. Sorry, bad joke.

    They made it into the ring, and Sting hit Abyss with some punches. Abyss scooped up Sting for a slam, but Sting floated over into a Scorpion Death Drop. Sting howled at the crowd, and they howled back. Sting hit Abyss with two Stinger splashes. Abyss grabbed a candelabra and as Sting went for another Stinger splash, Abyss cracked Sting in the head with it. That woke the crowd up. Sting is bleeding from the head. Abyss called for the deathbed. It was lowered, and the ring was suddenly bathed in bluelight and smoke came down from the rafters as well. There was a "Fire Russo" chant. The lights went back to normal as the deathbed (coffin on a platform) was fully lowered.

    Abyss put Sting in the coffin, but he kept Abyss from closing the lid. Sting fought back, out of the coffin, but Abyss knocked him down. Sting is bleeding buckets from the head. Abyss took one of the fake (and they look really fake, folks) tombstones into the ring. Before he could use it, Sting tripped Abyss and put him in the Scorpion Deathlock. Abyss tapped, but that doesn't matter in this match. Sting hit Abyss with a chairshot. There was a "Boring" chant. Sting put the fake tombstone on Abyss' head on the mat, then broke it with a baseball bat shot. Sting put Abyss in the coffin, but Abyss kept the lid from closing, then grabbed Sting by the throat. They got out of the coffin, and Abyss chokeslammed Sting on the closed coffin, denting in the lid. That got a "TNA" chant. Abyss got a chair and another fake tombstone. Abyss set up two chairs in the ring, and put a fake tombstone across them. Sting rolled off the coffin lid.

    Abyss set up Sting for a superplex through the tombstone. Sting fought Abyss on the ropes and hit him across the back of the head with a candelabra. Sting shoved Abyss off the ropes, and Abyss went down, breaking the tombstone in half with his back. Sting put Abyss in the coffin and closed the lid, winning the match at the ten minute mark. (Isn't this the finish of a casket match?)

    Sting wins match!

    Winner: Sting

    The bluelight and the smoke came back on, and the death bed, with Abyss in it, was raised to the ceiling (once Sting remembered to get off the lid).

    A video package was shown on Samoa Joe vs. Christian Cage.

    Leticia was with Christian Cage, who was complaining about how he didn't have Tomko, Steiner or Abyss to watch his back tonight. The Great Muta entered, with a translator. Christian said it was an honor to meet Muta. Christian said if Muta wanted to "be famous again" he could hang out with Christian. Christian asked what Muta was doing these days, and asked if he was delivering food. Muta took off his hood and spit green mist at a locker, then threatened to do the same to Christian, who took off.

    There was a Samoan dance exhibition, complete with flaming batons, before Samoa Joe made his entrance. Fans threw streamers into the ring as Joe entered. They did the "big fight" style introductions.

    Samoa Joe's entry!

    NWA World Championship
    Christian Cage(c) vs Samoa Joe

    Christian and Joe went chest to chest and mouthed off to each other, then Joe hit some leg kicks to start the match. Christian got frustrated by the kicks and went to the apron. Christian got back in and grabbed a waistlock, but Joe reversed into a hammerlock. Joe took Christian down with a side headlock. Crowd is really into Joe. Christian shoved off Joe and leapfrogged him, but Joe came back with a shoulderblock. Christian went to the apron, but Joe pulled him back in and slapped him to the mat. Joe hit some kicks, then delivered a series of chops. Joe elbowed Christian. Christian came back and went to the second rope for a dropkick, but Joe casually stepped aside and Christian fell to the mat. Joe hit a kneedrop, then kicked Christian to the floor.

    Joe went outside, but Christian rammed Joe into a ringpost. Christian grabbed a chair, but the referee told Christian he would lose the belt if he used it. Christian tossed aside the chair and charged Joe, but Joe just picked him up and threw him on the ground. Joe tossed Christian into the crowd and dragged him into the stands. They brawled in the crowd, and Joe headbutted Christian down. Tenay said the referee was giving them "leeway" by not counting them out. Joe dominated Christian, kicking him in the head after propping him against a wall. They went back to ringside, and were on the ring apron, when Christian kicked Joe in the gut and gave him a DDT on the apron. Christian went to the middle rope in the ring and hit a spinning elbowsmash for a two count.

    Joe battled back with punches, the swept Christian's leg. Joe went for a backsplash, but Christian moved and nailed Joe with an elbowdrop. Christian raked at Joe's face, then kicked him repeatedly in the shoulder. Christian worked Joe over with a chinlock, then posed for the crowd. Joe headbutted Christian in the gut and went for a Muscle Buster, but Christian floated out and hit a reverse DDT for a two count. Christian choked Joe against the middle rope and stood on Joe's back. Christian slapped Joe across the back of the head, and Joe came back with some chops. Christian raked Joe's eyes and slugged him. Christian went to the middle rope, and dove right into a jumping kick by Joe. Joe and Christian, on their knees, traded punches. Joe got the better of it, and Joe hit a jumping knee in the corner. Joe hit some punches, and stood on the second rope. Christian tried to powerbomb him out of the corner, but they collapsed and Joe pounded Christian and hit a facewash kick. Joe hit a second rope kick for a two count.

    Joe put Christian on the ropes and set up for the Muscle Buster. Christian shoved Joe back and leapfrogged him. Christian bounced off the ropes and Joe caught him with a powerslam. Christian kicked out and went for an Unprettier, but Joe reversed it and powerbombed him for a two count, then turned it into a Boston Crag, then into an STF. Christian tried to roll out, but Joe turned it into a Crippler Crossface, then a Kokina Clutch, but Christian reached the ropes. Christian was on the apron and hit a shoulderblock between the ropes. Christian went for a springboard, but Joe caught him in the choke, but Christian reversed it into the Unprettier for a two count.

    Christian tried to choke Joe, but Joe made it to his feet and dropped back, slamming Christian down on the mat. Christian crawled to the apron and stood up. Joe charged and jumped through the ropes, spearing Christian off the apron and to the floor. Joe rolled back into the ring, and Christian walked off. The referee kept counting, but Christian was leaving. Joe stopped the count. Jay Lethal, Sonjay Dutt, Senshi and Petey Williams came out and tossed Christian back into the ring. Joe hit a Side Driver on Christian, but the referee was busy getting the wrestlers to leave ringside. He got back in and counted two. Joe went for a kick to the head, but Christian moved and the referee got kicked. Christian went to the floor. Joe went for a tope, but Christian hit him with a chair.

    Christian went for the cover, but the referee was still out. Christian grabbed the chair and went to hit Joe with it, but Joe ducked and then slapped Christian twice. Joe grabbed Christian and hit the Muscle Buster. The referee woke up, and Christian got a shoulder up at two. Joe went for the Kokina Clutch, but Christian gave him a low blow mule kick (which the referee should have been able to see, as it was right in front of him). Christian went to the top rope, but Joe kicked him in the head. Joe applied the Kokina Clutch. Joe dropped back, but Christian kicked his legs over and Joe's shoulders were down. Christian's legs were in the ropes, but the referee didn't see that and counted the three at the eighteen minute mark.

    Winner: Christian Cage

    Christian Cage hangs on to his belt!

    Christian hugged the NWA Title belt on the floor, while Don West said it was a "bunch of crap" to end the show.

    Thankyou for joining us for our Live Coverage, see you for our next Live Coverage WWEs PPV 'Wrestlemania 23' and UOWforums huge celebration of WWEs PPV 'Wrestlemania 23' begins soon. On WM 23 weekend, 8 months of Babe of the Months are to be posted plus competitions for prizes so be sure to join us for the excitement! Expect fun times at PPV Live Coverages in the future! No spoilers in the shoutbox please.

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  3. #3
    On the bench!
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    I think all belts will change hands in this PPV, auto setting up some matches for the Lockdown PPV.

  4. #4
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    lol thanx for what, lets wait for the day, should an ok PPV.

  5. #5
    Ring Crew
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    I think that it's going to be a great ppv for TNA heres who i think iz going to win
    now rember thiz ain't a spoiler.

    NWA Championship
    Christian Cage(c) vs Samoa Joe WINNER= Samoa Joe

    Kurt Angle vs Scott Steiner :lmao: WINNER= Scott Steiner by submission

    Elevation X Scaffold Match:devil:
    AJ Styles vs. Rhino WINNER= Rhino

    Last Rites Match:whacky:
    Sting vs Abyss Winner= Sting

    TNA X-Division championship:devil:
    Chris Sabin vs. Jerry Lynn WINNER= Chris Sabin

    Ghetto Street Fight:footloose:
    NWA Tag Team championship
    LAX vs Team 3D Winner= LAX

  6. #6
    Ring Crew
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  7. #7
    Ring Crew
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    I think it should be good ppv.

  8. #8
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    That match certainly was busy lol

  9. #9
    Kal Ho Na Ho,C'est La Vie Will's Avatar
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    That was probably the biggest overbooked ending of Russo's illustrious overbooking career. I really don't see where the feud can go from here. LAX has beat them so many times that there really isn't a point of going longer except for the fact that the Dudley's want the belts before tna drops the nwa name.

  10. #10
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    I will try to get pics up alot more from now on from the PPVs we do Just testing it out today.

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