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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Exclamation Backlash PPV LIVE Coverage!

    WWE Championship
    Fatal Four Way Match

    John Cena (c) vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Edge vs. Randy Orton.

    World Heavyweight Championship
    Last Man Standing Match

    The Undertaker (c) vs. Batista.

    ECW Championship
    3 on 1 Handicap Match

    Bobby Lashley (c) vs. Umaga, Vince & Shane McMahon.

    WWE United States Championship Match
    Chris Benoit (c) vs. MVP.

    World Tag Team Championship Match
    The Hardys (c's) vs. Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch.

    WWE Women's Championship Match
    Melina (c) vs. Mickie James.

    (Click for larger image)

  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Check out the forum and keep updated of new PPV updates in the shoutbox!
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    WWE PPV 'Backlash' - Sunday 29th May 2007
    Location: Philips Arena in Atlanta, Georgia
    RAW: J.R & Jerry 'The King' Lawler
    Smackdown: JBL & Michael Cole
    ECW: Tazz & Joey Styles

    Backlash opened with a video package about Wrestlemania and the events that have followed leading to the three main events tonight.

    A graphic opening then hits welcoming us to Backlash. We go live to Atlanta where a series pyro goes off inside the Phillips Arena.

    Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler welcomed us to the show, then tossed it over to Joey Styles & Tazz, who then tossed it to Michael Cole & JBL.

    Hardys music starts and they make their way to the ring ....

    World Tag Team Championship
    Matt & Jeff Hardy (c's) vs Trevor Murdoch & Lance Cade

    Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler called this one. Ross put over that Murdoch was trained by Harley Race and Cade was trained by Shawn Michaels. I believe that's the first time that has ever been mentioned on WWE television. Matt started off with Cade, with Cade backing Matt into a corner and breaking clean. They locked up again, and Matt grabbed a headlock and took Cade to the mat. There was a chant for the Hardys. Cade shoved Matt into the ropes and hit a back elbow, then decked Matt with a right hand. Matt came back with punches and hiptossed Cade, then gave Murdoch one when he ran in. Murdoch rolled to the floor, and Matt went back to the headlock. Cade pulled Matt into his corner by the hair and tagged in Murdoch. Murdoch missed a clothesline and Matt slammed him, then hit a fistdrop. Jeff tagged in and hit a slingshot dropkick on his way in. The Hardys hit Murdoch with an elbowdrop/legdrop combo for a two count, then a double elbow and a senton/fistdrop combo.

    Jeff hit Murdoch with a Whisper In The Wind, which ended up more like a Blockbuster, but Cade broke up the cover. Cade and Murdoch were sent to the floor, and Jeff used Matt as a springboard to jump over the top rope onto both opponents. Back in the ring, Matt gave Murdoch a second rope elbow to the back of the head for a two count. Matt hit a clothesline in a corner, then went for a bulldog, but Murdoch shoved Matt into a corner and hit a clothesline to the back of the head. Cade and Murdoch double teamed Matt in their corner, and Cade went for a powerbomb, but Hardy reversed it into a Russian legsweep. Jeff tagged in and dropkicked Cade to the floor, then clotheslined Murdoch. Jeff tried for a kick to the floor, but Cade caught it and yanked Jeff down hard to the floor. Back in the ring, Cade hit Jeff with a spinebuster for a two count as Matt broke up the cover.

    Cade slammed Jeff, then tagged in Murdoch and lifted him up for an elevated legdrop on Jeff. Murdoch gave Jeff a neckbreaker. Cade clotheslined Hardy for a two count. Jeff blocked a suplex attempt by Murdoch and rolled him into a small package for a two count. Murdoch came back with a boot to the face, then dragged Jeff to his corner to work him over more. Cade put Jeff in a chinlock, but Jeff got out with a jawbreaker. Murdoch tagged in and gave Jeff a back suplex for a two count. Murdoch hit some crossface blows, then tagged in Cade, who hit a knee to Jeff's back. Murdoch tagged right back in and stomped Jeff. Jeff kicked away a backdrop attempt by Murdoch. Cade tagged in, but Jeff hit him with an enzugiri. Murdoch tagged back in and knocked Matt off the apron and kept Jeff from making a tag. Murdoch went for a jump off the second rope, but Jeff got his feet up. Murdoch stopped himself, but missed an elbowdrop and Matt got the hot tag. Matt knocked Cade out of the ring and bulldogged Murdoch for a two count. Jeff went for a jump off of Matt on Murdoch in the corner, but Murdoch was moved by Cade and Jeff hit the corner hard (looked like he slipped, as he hit the middle turnbuckle). Matt hit a Side Effect on Murdoch, but Cade jumped off the top rope with a double axhandle to break it up. Murdoch hit a slow motion Canadian Destroyer for a two count on Matt.

    Murdoch went for a fireman's carry, but Matt turned it into a Twist Of Fate. Cade pulled Matt to the floor from ringside, and while Matt fought Cade on the floor, Jeff hit Murdoch with a Swanton Bomb. Matt slid back into the ring after outpunching Cade and covered Murdoch for the win at the six minute mark.

    Winners: Matt & Jeff Hardy

    Jeff and Matt celebrate in the ring with the crowd clapping along with their music. They finally end up leaving and head to the back.

    Umaga and Shane Mcmahon are backstage as Shane tells Umaga he is the Somoan Bulldozer and says everything will go perfect tonight. Vince turns up with a black bandanna on his head, maybe a Hulk Hogan send up. Vince starts saying one of them will be champion tonight and says that it will be his son, Shane McMahon and Shane gets excited and says its awesome. Shane then thinks about it and says that his father should be champion tonight since Lashley made him bald.

    An ad for a mobile vote for the Fatal 4 way tonight comes up.

    Back to the arena and Melinas music hits and makes her way to the ring.

    Mickie james music hits and she makes her way to the ring ....

    WWE Women's Championship Match
    Melina (c) vs Mickie James

    Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler call their second match of the night here. Melina grabbed a hammerlock at the start, but Mickie reversed out of it and grabbed an armbar. Melina reversed, but Mickie cartwheeled out of it and hit a monkeyflip. Mickie took Melina to the mat with a side headlock, but Melina grabbed a headscissors to get out. Mickie kipped up out of the headscissors. Melina hit a kick to the gut and took Mickie down with a headlock, and not it was Mickie using a headscissors to break out. Melina pulled out it it, then complained about being poked in the eye, which was a distraction for a sucker punch. Melina hit some shots, but Mickie came back with shoulderblocks in a corner and a monkeyflip, followed by a series of right hands. Melina came back with a shot to the throat, but Mickie kicked Melina as she charged at her. Mickie went to the top rope, but Melina shoved her off and Mickie fell hard to the floor.

    Mickie made it back to the ring by the eight count and Melina threw Mickie by the hair for a two count. Melina choked Mickie on the ropes, then kicked her to the mat for a two count. Melina applied a full nelson with her legs, and rolled Mickie into a pinning position for a two count. Melina then used the ropes for leverage, but got caught, so Melina had to break the hold. Melina went for a suplex, but Mickie rolled her into a small package for a two count. Melina stood on the middle rope and picked up Mickie by the throat for a choke. Melina then drove Mickie to the mat with a vertical bodypress. Melina pulled Mickie by the hair and got a two count. Melina put Mickie in a crossface chickenwing, but Mickie broke out. Mickie went for a kick, but Melina caught it and yanked her to the mat, into a split. Mickie then swept Melina's leg and she fell into a split. Both women, on the mat in splits, started punching it out. Mickie got the better of the exchange, then hit a dropkick. Mickie hit a series of punches, tossed Melina by the hair, then hit a neckbreaker for a two count.

    Melina kneed Mickie in the gut. Mickie caught a charging Melina in a headscissors, but Melina threw it off, sending Mickie to the apron. Mickie hit a forearm from the apron, then went to the top rope and hit a flying bodypress for a two count. Melina eye gouged Mickie, then hit a reverse DDT for the pin at the nine minute mark.

    Winner: Melina

    Melina celebrates in the ring as Mickie lies beaten on the mat. Melina makes her way up the ramp and celebrates as Mickie sits up and stares down melina.

    Maria is backstage with Edge and asks him for his thoughts on the match. Edge makes fun of Maria and says he is happy he did not have to go through Orton last week on RAW as he is not tired. He is happy that Cena and HBK went for an hour on RAW last week as they will be tired and he will win the title tonight. From her cleavage, Maria pulled out a question she was told to ask Edge how he won his frst title match. Edge starts saying it was the Money in the Bank match and continued on explaining the match. Edge asked Maria who asked her to ask that question and she points behind Edge and says he did. There stands Mr Kennedy with his Money in the Bank briefcase and mentioned how brutal the bout will probably be and finally says he hopes Edge wins his match. Mr Kennedy walks away and Edge looks frustrated.

    Lawler introduces The Condemned and says it has some of the best fight scenes he has ever seen and hypes the movie (to be expected with how bad it is doing at the Box opffice). A behind the scenes look of the movie is shown of the fighting scenes.

    The crowd is cheering for the preview of the movie and then MVP's music hits and the crowd goes suddenly quiet except for a few boos. MVP makes his way to the ring.

    Benoits music hits and the crowd cheers, out comes Benoit and the crowd cheers even more, he makes his way to the ring .....

    WWE United States Championship Match
    Chris Benoit (c) vs MVP

    Michael Cole and JBL call out third title match of the night. They locked up, and MVP broke clean on the ropes, then tried to grab a leg, but was stopped by the referee as they were in the ropes. They circled each other, and MVP threw some leg kicks. MVP went for a leg dive, but Benoit stuffed it. MVP went for a front facelock instead, but Benoit armdragged out of it, hit a second armdrag, then took him down with a drop toe hold. Benoit went for a Crippler Crossface, but MVP made the ropes and went to the floor to regroup.

    MVP took Benoit down to the mat with a side headlock takedown, but Benoit grabbed a headscissors. MVP floated over and into a pinning position, but Benoit bridged up and grabbed a backslide for two, then hit a back suplex and applied the Sharpshooter. MVP crawled to the ropes to break the hold. Benoit hit a knee to the gut, then a knee to the head. Benoit went to chop MVP in the corner, but MVP covered up. MVP reversed a whip and sent Benoit chest first into the corner, then hit a boot to the back of the head for a two count. MVP hit some forearms on the mat, then applied a trapped arm cravate. Benoit elbowed out of it, but MVP hit a knee to the gut. MVP went for a boot to the face, but Benoit hit him with an elbow. Benoit then ran into a belly to belly suplex by MVP for a two count.

    MVP hit a kick to Benoit's back, then applied a trapped arm chinlock. MVP hit an elbow to the back of Benoit's head, but Benoit responded with chops. MVP missed with a clothesline, and Benoit hit three consecutive German suplexes. Benoit called for the diving headbutt, but MVP latched onto Benoit's foot. Benoit lifted MVP up and hit a Northern Lights suplex, but MVP's feet were in the ropes. Benoit charged MVP, but MVP hit a Hot Shot for a two count. MVP hit a neckbreaker for a two count. MVP lifted up Benoit, but Benoit took him down with the Crippler Crossface. MVP made the ropes, then scurried to his feet so he could kick Benoit before he could get up. MVP snap mared Benoit and applied a reverse jujigatame armbar. MVP grabbed the ropes for leverage, but the referee caught him and made him break the hold. MVP hit Benoit with a running kick to the head for a two count.

    MVP went for another boot, but Benoit ducked it and gave MVP five consecutive German suplexes. Benoit went to the top rope and dove off, but MVP got his knees up and caught Benoit in the gut with them. MVP applied a single leg crab, and Benoit struggled, with the crowd chanting his name. Benoit made the ropes to break the hold. MVP hit Benoit in the back and went for a vertical suplex. He lifted Benoit up, but Benoit hit him with knees to the head while being suspended upside down. MVP lost the suplex and Benoit was taking MVP to the mat for the Crossface, but MVP rolled out of it and looked to be going for the single leg crab again, only for Benoit to roll MVP over into a small package for a three count at the fourteen minute mark.

    Winner: Chris Benoit

    Benoit celebrates inside the ring with the crowd in his home town.

    Todd Grisham is with WWE Champion john Cena who gets a mixed reaction from the crowwd. Todd reminds Cena he does not need to be pinned to lose the Championship tonight, then Orton turns up and says he and Cena has alot in common, they are young, incredible and talented. He says Michaels gets treated like royalty and he and Cena get treated down. Orton asks Cena to join forces with Orton tonight to take them out and then them two can see who is better. Cena brings up the gayness in Orton asking him to get together tonight and saying how pretty Cena is and says it is 2007 and people do not mind people like him in this day and age. Cena walks off saying he will see him tonight with Orton yelling after him ... it will be you and me in the ring tonight with me on top ... as Ron Simmons turns up and says his DAMN ... lol funny segment.

    Official Theme Song - Daughtry - There and Back Again

    Video package of for the ECW Title Match with a 3 on 1 match.

    Shane McMahons music hits and oout he comes dancing his moves and finally walks his way to the ring where he dances a little more looking like he has ants in his pants.

    Umagas music hits and out comes the Somoan Bulldozer without his companion Estrada as he was hammered by Lashley last week.

    Vince McMahons music hits and out comes a black clothed Vince with his black bandanna and makes his way to the ring in his pole up his ass fashion. Vince gets in the ring and starts to motivate Umaga with Shane and then all 3 stand begging for Lashley to arrive.

    Lashleys music hits to a massive ovation and Lashley looks serious. The ECW champion makes his way to the ring after his pyro, jumps on the ring and gets in as Vince lol is trying to get to Lashley with the ref holding him back. The ref holds the title up, a last few words from the ref to Vinces crowd, Umaga sscreams away, Shane dances in the ring while Vince and Lashley get to the outside, bell rings and here we go ....

    ECW Championship
    3 on 1 Handicap Match
    Bobby Lashley (c) vs Umaga, Vince & Shane McMahon

    It was announced that the winner of the pinfall gets the ECW World Title. Joey Styles & Tazz are calling this match.

    Lashley hit a takedown and delivered some right hands, then hit a clothesline in the corner and stomped Shane down. Lashley hit a spinebuster, then pointed at Vince while Shane crawled to the floor. Shane got back in the ring and tagged Umaga. Umaga missed a charge and Lashley hit some punches, kicks and elbows. Umaga caught Lashley with a kick, then decked him. Umaga elbowed Lashley down and hit some punches. Lashley fought back, leapfrogged Umaga off the second rope, then hit a clothesline in the corner. Lashley went for a belly to belly suplex, but Umaga headbutted out. Lashley came back with a clothesline, sending Umaga to the floor. Shane ran in and Lashley hiptossed him over the top rope. Lashley dared Vince to come in. Umaga got on the apron, and Lashley knocked him down. Shane came in and Lashley suplexed him. Umaga ran in and charged Lashley, but Lashley moved and Umaga ran into Shane. Lashley hit Umaga with some punches. He went to rebound off the ropes, but Shane pulled down the top rope and Lashley fell to the floor.

    On the outside, Umaga threw Lashley into the steps, then back into the ring. Umaga hit a legdrop, then whipped Lashley hard into a corner. Shane McMahon tagged in and put Lashley in a Fujiwara armbar, then switched to a hammerlock. Shane elbowdropped Lashley's arm, then applied an armbar with a headscissors. Lashley struggled in the hold for a while, then stood up, lifted Shane in the hold and slammed him down to the mat. Lashley covered, but Umaga broke it up. Umaga tagged in and hit a diving headbutt on Lashley. Umaga kicked Lashley, then stood on his throat. Umaga applied a bearhug, and Lashley struggled in that for a while. Lashley fought out, but Shane kicked him from the apron and Umaga planted him with a Samoan Drop. Shane tagged in and hit an elbowdrop, then drove some knees into Lashley's back. Shane hit a pair of elbows to the back, then drove in some forearms.

    Shane applied a camel clutch on Lashley, and Lashley struggled in that hold for a while. Lashley eventually stood up and rammed Shane in a corner, then hit an exploder suplex, a shoulderblock and a clothesline. Lashley knocked Umaga off the apron, then backdropped Shane. Lashley put Shane in a Torture Rack, then dropped to his knees. Lashley went to cover Shane, but Umaga ran in and Lashley jumped up and speared Umaga. Lashley gave Shane a running powerslam, but Vince ran in and broke up the cover. Lashley and Vince went face to face. Lashley lifted Vince for a slam, but Shane hooked Lashley's leg and Umaga chopped Lashley to break it up.

    The referee was getting Vince and Umaga out of the ring, and Shane hit Lashley with the title belt. Vince yelled for the tag, and Shane gave it to him. Vince covered, but Lashley kicked out. Vince got up angry, and Lashley cradled him from behind, but Shane broke it up. Vince tagged Umaga, who gave Lashley a top rope splash. Vince called for the tag again, and covered Lashley, but Lashley kicked out. Vince tagged in Umaga, who hit Lashley with another top rope splash. Vince tagged back in (actually, Umaga didn't even realize it at first, as Vince reached in and tagged him as he was standing near the corner), got the cover and won the match at the sixteen minute mark.

    Winners: Umaga, Vince McMahon & Shane McMahon. Your new ECW World Champion is Vince McMahon

    Shane, Vince and Umaga celebrate as Shane places the belt around Vinces waist. Vince looking very excited for himself celebrates all around the ring, Vince and Shane thank Umaga who looks like a hired goon which I think he is anyway. Vince orders the announcer to announce he is the ECW champion again and continues to celebrate in the ring, then Vince gets out of the ring and runs aorund it like a kid on xmas morning, then finally all 3 leave up the ramp with Vince dancing his way up it, at the top, all 3 turn aorund and hold hands up high. I am sure it may have alot to do with it being the ECW title after all these years, who knows or cares. Yeah, exciting stuff ....

    Ad - Judgement Day - May 20th

    Return and they show more of the same with Umaga splashing Lashley.

    Shane, Vince and Umaga are celebrating backstage when the ECW Originals looking in disbelief come along, Vince carries on saying look at the real champion now carrying the ECW chmapionship as he motions to the belt around his waist. Shane says to Sabu, he guesses things are now looking up as he points above. Shane grabs the cane stick from Sandman, Vince carries on and then Shane and Vince walk away singing E C Dub as the ECW Originals look on in disbelief and looking pissed off. Sandman moved like he was going to go after them, but Dreamer held him back and just glared at the departing McMahons. I wonder if they are really pissed off, I would have to feel they are since Vince is making fun of this whole situation.

    JBL and Michael Cole do an ad for Judgement Day again.

    A video package shows the lead up to tonights Last Man Standing Match for the World heavyweight Title between Champion Undertaker and Batista.

    Back to the arena, the announcer in the ring says that the only way to win this match is to incapacitate your opponent till he can not get to his feet within the count of 10.

    Batistas music hits and out comes the animal with the crowd going nuts. Dances away, does his machine gun volley and makes his way to the ring.

    Arena blackens, lightning strikes, crowd erupts, the gongs chime, only one dead man can be arriving ... from Death Valley, out comes the World Heavyweight Champion ... The Undertaker.

    Normal entrance, nothing special but Batista and Undertaker do not unlock eyes as Undertaker makes his way to the ring in the blue smoke. Undertaker gets in the ring his usual 30 mins later and here we go .....

    World heavyweight Championship Match
    Last Man Standing Match
    Undertaker (c) vs Batista

    JBL and Cole had the call for this match, obviously. The only way for the match to end is when a wrestler is down for a ten count. Batista has his right thigh bandaged, Undertaker has his right elbow taped up. Batista ran right into a big boot by Undertaker at the bell, and the champion followed with some elbowdrops. Taker whipped Batista across the ring, but ran into a Batista elbow. Undertaker ducked a chokeslam, but Batista elbowed out of it. Taker hit a weak flying clothesline. Taker hit two headbutts, then went for the Old School ropewalk and hit the forearm to the back. Undertaker hit two more headbutts, but Batista reversed a whip and hit a powerslam, almost losing the handle. Batista actually told the referee to count him, and we're only three minutes in. Taker was up at six, and Batista knocked Undertaker to the floor. Batista went to ram Taker into the ringsteps, but Taker blocked it and rammed Batista into the steps. Undertaker hit some kicks and punches on the outside, including a kick to Batista's bad leg. Taker rammed Batista into the steps again, then kicked the bad leg twice. Batista fired back with punches, but Taker kicked his bad leg again.

    Undertaker placed Batista on the ring apron and kicked him in the head, then delivered the ring apron legdrop. Undertaker went to whip Batista into the ring steps, but Batista reversed it and sent Taker knees first into the steps. Batista rolled Undertaker back into the ring. Batista started climbing the ropes, but Undertaker hit him with two punches. Undertaker set up for a superplex, but Batista threw some punches. Taker responded with headbutts, then took Batista down with the superplex. The referee counted, with Taker up at eight and Batista right behind him. Batista was favoring the leg greatly. They traded punches, and Batista ducked a shot and hit a clothesline. Taker got up at eight, and Batista hit another clothesline. Batista slammed Undertaker, then hit a legdrop... with his bad leg. Taker grabbed Batista by the trunks and pulled him through the ropes and to the floor. Undertaker pulled the top off of the Smackdown announce table and removed the monitors. Undertaker went for Batista, but Batista whipped him into the security wall. Batista went to slam Undertaker on the table, but Taker blocked it and gave Batista a backbreaker on the floor.

    Undertaker grabbed a section of ring steps and hit Batista in the head with them. Batista was busted open, but got up before the ten count. Undertaker hit a series of punches, then put Batista on the announce table. Undertaker stood on the security wall, then legdropped Batista through the Smackdown announce table. Batista used the security wall to pull himself up at the nine count. Undertaker tossed Batista back in the ring and hit a pair of avalanches in the corner. Underaker hit Snake-Eyes, then went for a boot to the face, but Batista got a burst of adrenaline and hit him with a spear as he bounced off the ropes. Taker got up at seven, but Batista put him down with a spinebuster. Undertaker started to get up, and Batista gave him two spinebusters in a row. Undertaker got up at nine, and Batista went for the Batista Bomb, but Taker drove him into the corner. Batista went for a punch, but Undertaker ducked it and chokeslammed him. Both men were down. Taker got up at seven, Batista barely got up at nine. Undertaker stood on the second rope and hit some punches, but Batista pulled him off the ropes and powerbombed him. Batista was up at four, Undertaker barely got up at nine.

    Batista went to ringside and grabbed a steel chair. Batista hit a chair shot to the head, then pulled Taker up off the mat and set up for a powerbomb on the chair. Undertaker blocked it and backdropped Batista, who hit his bad leg on the chair. Batista got to his feet, but Undertaker grabbed him and hit the tombstone. Batista managed to get up at nine, then slumped on the ropes. Taker kicked Batista to the floor, then punched him up the rampway. They made it to the entrance stage and Undertaker teased throwing him off. Batista fought back with punches, then set up for a powerbomb on the stage. Undertaker punched Batista's bad leg to escape, then kicked it. Taker hit a boot to the face, then a punch. Undertaker lifted Batista, but Batista floated over him. Batista speared Undertaker, and they both went off the stage. They went through a platform, and two sets of steel scaffolding that made up part of the set fell down. There was also that really silly pyro blast that goes off when guys get knocked "into production equipment". The referee counted both men out at the twenty one minute mark.

    Result: Draw, but Undertaker wins technically for those Bookie bets retaining title.

    Undertaker begins to rise as his music begins. Undertaker rolls out of the pit as Batista begins to get up out of the pit. Undertaker pushes help away as they show replay after replay of the fall into the pit. Finally the undertaker is at the top of the ramp, turns aorund and slowly salutes the crowd.

    Another ad for the ondemned with Stone Cold.

    Back to the arena with J.R and King for the results for the phone poll on the WWE Fatal 4 way championship tonight.
    Cena 50%
    HBK 34%
    Orton 10%
    Edge 6%

    Video package of the lead up to tonights Fatal 4 way match for the WWE title with John Cena (c), Shawn Michaels, Edge and Randy Orton.

    HBKs music hits and out he comes dancing to the crowd, pyro goes off and makes his way to the ring where he celebrates with the crowd a bit more.

    Edges music hits and he slowly makes his way to the ring looking focused, keeping his eyes on HBK. J.R says Edge and Orton were suppose to wrestle last week but Cena and HBK used all the tv time lol.

    Randy Ortons music hits and makes his way to the ring (guess he did not smash anything tonight) and keeps his eyes on HBK and Edge.

    Cenas music hits and whether you hate or love him, he got the loudest cheer for the night with mixed reaction. Coming out holding the belt high, looking revved up makes his way to the ring and hops in.

    All 4 in the ring staring at each other with the ref trying to relax em all while Cena plays with the crowd to his music. Cenas music ends, ref holds up the title, crowd exploding, ref places belt out, rings the bell. All 4 stand still listening to the crowd, HBK and Cena start chatting, Edge and Orton come over, they all chat away then Cena and HBK smash Edge and Orton and here we go ....

    WWE Championship
    Fatal Four Way Match
    John Cena (c) vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Edge vs. Randy Orton

    Edge and Orton were knocked out of the ring, and Michaels started chopping Cena. Cena came back with a cradle suplex on Michaels for a two count, but Michaels gave him a neckbreaker. Orton came in and clotheslined Michaels. Edge attacked Cena. Cena and Michaels were knocked out of the ring, and Edge and Orton had a staredown. They began exchanging punches, and Orton hit a dropkick, knocking Edge to the floor. Cena threw Edge back in. Michaels pulled Orton out and they exchanged punches, then Cena clotheslined both of them on the floor. Edge then hit Cena with a baseball slide kick. All four men on the floor. Edge whipped Orton into the ringsteps. Edge slammed Cena, then Michaels slammed Edge. Michaels went to the top rope and did a moonsault to the floor on all three opponents.

    Michaels threw Edge back into the ring, then chopped him. Edge fired back with a forearm and rammed Michaels into the top turnbuckle. Edge and Michaels clotheslined each other, so both were down. Cena came in via the top rope and gave Edge and Michaels simultaneous legdrops to the back of the head as they were getting up off the mat. Orton ran in and clotheslined Cena. Orton tossed out Michaels, then Edge. Orton and Cena slugged it out, and Orton hit Cena with a side backbreaker. Orton did the Garvin Stomp, then hit a knee drop for a two count. Cena mounted a comeback, but missed a charge and went shoulder first into the ringpost. Cena fell to the floor. Michaels got in and started trading shots with Orton. Michaels hit a flying forearm and kipped up, but Edge hit him with a heel kick. Edge covered Michaels, but Orton pulled him off. Edge pulled Orton off as he tried to cover him. Edge then tried to convince Orton to work together.

    Orton and Edge whipped Michaels across the ring and stomped him. Cena got on the apron, but Edge knocked him back to the floor, and Cena bounced off the announce table. Orton pounded Michaels with punches. Edge and Orton whipped Michaels into a corner, then gave him a double backdrop. Orton and Edge applied a double team Boston Crab. Ross wondered who wins if Michaels taps out. Cena came in and hit a double Throwback on Edge and Orton to break up the move. Cena gave Edge and Orton clotheslines and shoulderblocks, then gave a shoulderblock to Michaels. Orton and Michaels rolled to the floor. Cena gave Edge a back suplex. Cena did the "You Can't See Me" and hit the Five Knuckle Shuffle fistdrop on Edge. Michaels and Orton pulled Cena to the floor and threw him into the ringpost. Michaels then threw Orton into the ring post.

    Michaels threw Orton onto the Raw announce table. Michaels teased that he was going to give him a piledriver, but Edge gave Michaels a chairshot to the back to break it up. Orton gave Edge a thumbs up for the save, and Edge gave Orton a chairshot to the head. Edge got in the ring with the chair and went after Cena, but Cena gave Edge a drop toe hold and applied the STFU. Michaels was still out on the announce table, and Orton was out on the floor. Edge struggled and finally made the ropes for a break. Orton was slowly getting into the ring, and Cena tripped him and applied the STFU. Michaels came in, and Cena released his hold and went for Michaels' leg, but Michaels rolled him into a small package for two. Michaels hit a forearm on Cena and kipped up. Michaels gave Cena a reverse backdrop. Michaels gave one to Edge, then tossed him from the ring. Michaels gave one to Orton, then tossed him from the ring. Michaels slammed Cena, then hit a top rope elbow.

    Michaels set up to give Cena a superkick, but Edge ran back in. Michaels dodged his charge, slammed Edge and gave him a top rope elbow. Orton rolled in and Michaels slammed him. Michaels headed for the top rope, but Cena stopped him and set up for a second rope FU. Edge and Orton grabbed Cena by the legs and fell backwards, so Cena was given a double back suplex and Michaels was on the receiving end of a second rope Samoan Drop.

    Orton and Michaels rolled to the floor. Edge stumbled into an FU, but Edge countered, then Cena countered, then Edge countered, then Cena lifted Edge for the FU. Michaels ran in, and Cena lifted Edge AND Michaels, stacked up, for an FU. Michaels floated off and set up for a superkick, but Orton ran in and gave Michaels an RKO. Cena, seeing Orton covering Michaels, dropped Edge and broke up Orton's cover on Michaels. Edge gave Cena a DDT, but Cena kicked out.

    Edge went for a spear on Cena, but Cena leapfrogged it, and Orton grabbed Edge for an RKO.

    But, Edge shoved off Orton into Cena, who lifted Orton for an FU.

    But, Cena shoved off Orton, and Edge hit Orton with a spear.

    Cena grabbed Edge and gave him an FU.

    Michaels superkicked Cena, who fell on top of Orton, and fell down. The referee counted Cena's unconscious cover of Orton before Michaels could break it up and Cena gets the pin on Orton at the twenty minute mark.

    Winner: John Cena

    All men are lieing in the ring collapsed as Cenas music hits. The ref brings the title over to Cena. After a replay all men are still lieing in the ring slowly trying to get up, Cena gets to his knees and stands up as the ref holds his hand high. HBK stands in front of Cena and starts yelling at Cena in the ring, Cena looks on with a look of disbelief or disgust on his face as michaels walks around the ring and finally leaves with Cena and HBK still having words. Cena looks at the crowd as HBK stares on at cena from the top of the ramp with both men still saying stuff to each other as Cena now begins to celebrate his win.

    Credit: Parts by LionDen and parts by PWInsider.com

    Thankyou for joining us for our Live Coverage! See you for our next LIVE Coverage for TNA's 'Sacrifice' and soon after WWE's 'Unforgiven'! Expect fun times at PPV Live Coverages in the future! No spoilers in the shoutbox please.


  3. #3
    BANG! bad_meetz_evil's Avatar
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    I'd rather to see individual brand PPV's. Damn buyrates. Ohwell, I ordered this PPV. Hope it will turn out as good as it sounds.

  4. #4
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Problem I always saw with all brand PPV's is exactly what is happening, all title matches. Ofcourse this may not happen all the time but considering this is one of the first, they are off to exactly what i thought. There is no chance for mid carders or lower to get on a PPV and I am sure they are not to happy since alot of money can be gained to be on a PPV, not to mention more exposure.

  5. #5
    S.H.I.E.L.D. Black Widow's Avatar
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    i feel if WWE are using this PPV with all championship matches they must be a little desperate for ratings, and the fact that some great wrestlers like kennedy, finlay, helms, kane, cm punk havent even been given a spot i think is unfair..

    PPV without mr kennedy :sad:

  6. #6
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kurt View Post
    i feel if WWE are using this PPV with all championship matches they must be a little desperate for ratings, and the fact that some great wrestlers like kennedy, finlay, helms, kane, cm punk havent even been given a spot i think is unfair..

    PPV without mr kennedy :sad:
    Very true, I will miss not seeing Kane involved, it has been a long time since he has missed a PPV. Though Kurt, you express the same reasoning as I do, a waste of all these people although I can go either way with Mr kennedy lol. I see alot of little rumbles in the future although we do not know if they will stay with this program.

    Like RAW last week, just because Orton got sent home, why have an hour match of Cena and HBK? All I remember before dozing off was HBK in Cenas armpit all the time and I can not remember the last time I have dozed off watching RAW. Alot of other wrestlers backstage I am sure to fill in a match.

    Don't get me wrong, I like all the large matches but it is a shame missing all the mid carders. I mean even having a 4 way for the title, they can not do this all the time or can they? It is the WWE ....

  7. #7
    Resident Cena Fan tommy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LionDen View Post
    Very true, I will miss not seeing Kane involved, it has been a long time since he has missed a PPV. Though Kurt, you express the same reasoning as I do, a waste of all these people although I can go either way with Mr kennedy lol. I see alot of little rumbles in the future although we do not know if they will stay with this program.

    Like RAW last week, just because Orton got sent home, why have an hour match of Cena and HBK? All I remember before dozing off was HBK in Cenas armpit all the time and I can not remember the last time I have dozed off watching RAW. Alot of other wrestlers backstage I am sure to fill in a match.

    Don't get me wrong, I like all the large matches but it is a shame missing all the mid carders. I mean even having a 4 way for the title, they can not do this all the time or can they? It is the WWE ....

    So...you are complaining about WWE not giving quality non-title matches, and at the same time complaining about the best non-title TV fight they've put out in a long time? Wow...

  8. #8
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tommy View Post
    So...you are complaining about WWE not giving quality non-title matches, and at the same time complaining about the best non-title TV fight they've put out in a long time? Wow...
    Ok, I guess you could say I said that about non title matches at PPV's but technically I am talking about mid carders and lower. I am saying why push all title matches at PPV's (if they did do this and it is hypothetical) when I believe it is a good idea to give the lower carders more coverage than just the top guys. I understand it is buyrates and they are important but I see no reason why they can not share the spotlight with the top guys and get that extra cash in their pocket.

    As for your best non title TV fight in a long time, that is your opinion but I totally disagree with you. The Benoit vs MVP was better than that whole match IMO. HBK and Cena went way to long and was boring as hell IMO.

  9. #9
    Resident Cena Fan tommy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LionDen View Post
    Ok, I guess you could say I said that about non title matches at PPV's but technically I am talking about mid carders and lower. I am saying why push all title matches at PPV's (if they did do this and it is hypothetical) when I believe it is a good idea to give the lower carders more coverage than just the top guys. I understand it is buyrates and they are important but I see no reason why they can not share the spotlight with the top guys and get that extra cash in their pocket.

    As for your best non title TV fight in a long time, that is your opinion but I totally disagree with you. The Benoit vs MVP was better than that whole match IMO. HBK and Cena went way to long and was boring as hell IMO.
    Well, I liked the fight...

    I am half and half on how this works. I don't want all the pay per views to be like this, but I get why. They want to restrict title changes to pay per views, that way people buy the pay per views, I think.

  10. #10
    Mid-carder Con's Avatar
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    I'm debating over ordering this or not. Do you think I should order it?

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