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  1. With more 'unfriendly behaviour' and new weapons, the world is preparing for war in space (0 replies)
  2. A woman who claims to be a diagnosed psychopath has shared her ‘morbid’ interests as a kid (0 replies)
  3. End of life nurse reveal why patients let out a 'death rattle' before they die (0 replies)
  4. Woman wheels dead uncle into bank to sign loan (0 replies)
  5. Scientists Give Urgent Warning Ahead of Tomorrow’s Solar Eclipse on April 8 (0 replies)
  6. Various strange, bizarre, mythical and more facts (4 replies)
  7. Antiques Roadshow expert refused to provide valuation after seeing alien figure found during excavation (0 replies)
  8. Blue eyed humans have a single, common ancestor (0 replies)
  9. Scientista say prehistoric creature named after Kermit the Frog offers clues on amphibian evolution (0 replies)
  10. Scientists shocked to discover new species of green anaconda, the world’s biggest snake (0 replies)
  11. Charlotte the stingray due to give birth within weeks despite no male ray company for years (0 replies)
  12. Kentucky city beams message into space inviting extraterrestrial (0 replies)
  13. Couple charged with collecting man’s retirement while keeping body in their home 6 years (0 replies)
  14. 6-legged spaniel undergoes surgery to remove extra limbs and adjusts to life on 4 paws (0 replies)
  15. Earth's orbit is a trash heap. Could lead to collisions, a junk cascade or even war (1 replies)
  16. UFO clearinghouse launched by US Defense Department (0 replies)
  17. Archaeologists discover 3,000-year-old tomb honouring elite religious leader in northern Peru (0 replies)
  18. VIDEO: Various strange, bizarre, mythical videos (3 replies)
  19. Russia's Luna-25 spacecraft crashes on Moon in uncontrolled orbit (0 replies)
  20. India's Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft closes in on Moon landing, as it races Russia (0 replies)
  21. Russia's first Moon mission in 47 years; landing on August 23, 2023 (0 replies)
  22. Loch Ness monster gets renewed interest, as hi-tech search is planned for Nessie (2 replies)
  23. First of August’s two supermoons this week on Aug 1st (0 replies)
  24. Remnants of 2,000-year-old curry shed new light on ancient trade routes and everyday role of spices in ancient civilisations (0 replies)
  25. UFOs attracting renewed attention from U.S. Government (0 replies)
  26. Woman shares chilling voicemail she received from accused Gilgo Beach serial killer (0 replies)
  27. Australian Space Agency says mystery item on Green Head beach could be part of 'foreign space launch vehicle' (0 replies)
  28. Burger King Thailand stuns diners with meatless burger filled with 20 slices of cheese (0 replies)
  29. Scientists Confirm Some People Are Able To Smell When Rain Is Coming (0 replies)
  30. US urged to reveal UFO evidence after military whistleblower claims US has UFO retrieval program (0 replies)
  31. Scientist who spent more than 90 days at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean claims it de-aged him (0 replies)
  32. Arrested last Wednesday, a South Korean female crime story fan killed and dismembered South Korean woman 'to see what it was like for real' (0 replies)
  33. 9 Signs That You Are Being Contacted By A Spirit (0 replies)
  34. Webb Telescope Spots Water Plume '20 Times the Size of the Moon' Erupting From Saturns Enceladus (0 replies)
  35. Manson Family Member Leslie Van Houten Gets Parole Reinstated By Board After Newsom Blocked It (0 replies)
  36. Dog sleeps on his owners grave every night for 6 years (0 replies)
  37. VIDEO: Ruth Judd: The Trunk Murderess - Doco / Info (0 replies)
  38. Large Asteroids expected to by-pass earth in coming days (0 replies)
  39. VIDEO: The Night Stalker: Richard Ramirez - The Horrifying Story (0 replies)
  40. Jurassic World is wrong. Terrifying T-rex had lizard lips, new study shows (0 replies)
  41. Meet the Artemis II crew who will fly around the Moon and back (0 replies)
  42. Monsters of the ocean (2 replies)
  43. The sun has developed a ‘coronal hole’ 20 times the size of Earth (0 replies)
  44. Woolly mammoth meatball (0 replies)
  45. 'The Last Of Us' TV show made us wonder: Could a deadly fungus really cause a pandemic? (0 replies)
  46. NASA's Chandra Discovers Giant Black Holes on Collision Course (0 replies)
  47. Saturn's Death Star Moon May Be a 'Stealth' Ocean World in Disguise (0 replies)
  48. The US Government Just Released It's Biggest Unclassified UFO Report Ever (0 replies)
  49. Archaeologists find the worlds 'oldest runestone' in Norway (2 replies)
  50. VIDEO: The Mothman of Point Pleasant Documentary (0 replies)
  51. The Man Who Was Hit On The Head By A Falling Baby, Twice! (5 replies)
  52. Ruohtta (0 replies)
  53. Norwegian Midsummer Traditions/Rites (1 replies)
  54. Drop Bears (0 replies)
  55. Strange creature caught on camera at Texas zoo in May, 2022 (1 replies)
  56. The Strange, Creepy & Bizarre Pictures Thread (41 replies)
  57. Gef, The Talking Mongoose (3 replies)
  58. Trunko (0 replies)
  59. The Lake Monster In Roemsjoen (0 replies)
  60. The Devil's Footprints (0 replies)
  61. The Bunny Man (0 replies)
  62. Devil's Stamping Ground (0 replies)
  63. Organism 46-B (1 replies)
  64. The Third Man Syndrome (3 replies)
  65. Nandi Bear (1 replies)
  66. Inkanyamba (1 replies)
  67. Hafgufa (0 replies)
  68. The Legend Surrounding Norway's Only Canyon (3 replies)
  69. There Was Less Lightning During COVID Lockdowns (0 replies)
  70. The Dinosaur of Ta Prohm (1 replies)
  71. The Eltanin Antenna (1 replies)
  72. Ultra-rare, bizarre fish that washed ashore near San Diego is California’s third this year (1 replies)
  73. Family's 'pet dog' that killed ducks and chickens turns out to be a fox (0 replies)
  74. Travelodge UK reveals strangest requests from guests in 2021 (0 replies)
  75. This Makeup Artist Has Some Mad Skills And Creates Terrifying Amazing Looks (0 replies)
  76. Shudder Tells the True Story of the Most Haunted House in England With ‘The Banishing’ trailer (0 replies)
  77. Jupiter's Great Red Spot may not be disappearing (2 replies)
  78. The weird long cloud on Mars is finally revealing some of its secrets (1 replies)
  79. Aleister Crowley’s less famous satanic house in Cornwall (0 replies)
  80. 'Hovering ship' photographed off Cornish coast by walker (0 replies)
  81. US sex offender charged after ‘deep-fried’ body parts found (0 replies)
  82. Alex Jones Says He’s Considering Eating Neighbors If COVID-19 Lockdown Continues (0 replies)
  83. Human Urine Could Help Make Concrete On Moon: Space Agency (0 replies)
  84. Cow Squirts Projectile Poop On Farmer: ‘I Didn’t Even Stand A Chance’ (0 replies)
  85. Walmart Sells Graduation Cake To Mom Without Telling Her It’s Styrofoam (0 replies)
  86. Fmr. Manager of DOD Aerospace Threat Program: “UFOs are Real” (0 replies)
  87. Florida Thief Tries To Open ATM With Blowtorch; Seals It Instead (0 replies)
  88. Lana Del Rey joining witches to cast a midnight spell on Donald Trump (0 replies)
  89. David Icke explains his infamous theory why 'Queen IS a shape-shifting reptile' (0 replies)
  90. Tiny Moth Named for President-Elect Donald Trump (0 replies)
  91. Mars Investigating Skittles Said to Be Intended for Cattle (0 replies)
  92. Buddhist Monk Charged With Stashing 4 Million Meth Pills in Monastery (0 replies)
  93. College kid says his mom sent him a care package of trash (0 replies)
  94. Teacher receives chilling death threats ordering her to pass students on physics (0 replies)
  95. Virginia police warn of fake blackmail scam claiming evidence of infidelity (0 replies)
  96. Projected light creates huge dragon in Chinese fountain (0 replies)
  97. Lidl pricing error leaves shoppers with bizarre bedroom problem - and no way of fixing it (0 replies)
  98. Gruesome new night out of dinner and dissection as real human body is dismembered in front of you (0 replies)
  99. Snowboarders’ Ballsy Image Immortalized On Video (0 replies)
  100. Inside Your Earlobe Is A Terrible Place To Keep A Pet Snake (0 replies)
  101. This Dope Marijuana Bouquet Is What Romance Is All About (0 replies)
  102. 2 Women Try To Sneak 13 Pounds Of Horse Genitals Into U.S. (0 replies)
  103. Man Vows To Eat Jason Segel’s Picture Every Day Until Actor Eats His (0 replies)
  104. 13-Year-Old ‘Spider Boy’ Breaks World Contortion Record (0 replies)
  105. Bizarre! Flight 666 lands in HEL on Friday the 13th (1 replies)
  106. NASA adds 13th star sign, has your star sign changed? (2 replies)
  107. Is your leather from China? It might be made of dog or cat skin (0 replies)
  108. Dog Crashes Car Into Walmart (0 replies)
  109. Shania Twain Fan Fakes Her Own Kidnapping (0 replies)
  110. Cops Found a Head in a Bucket. Then Things Got Weird (0 replies)
  111. Wanted Man Caught While Playing Pokemon Go Outside Police Station (0 replies)
  112. Crews cutting up dead whale that keeps floating to shore (0 replies)
  113. Notorious ‘Nipple Man’ Nabbed After 3 Years As A Public Transit Pervert (0 replies)
  114. Pokemon Go’ Leads Players To Find Naked Woman Vandalizing Church (0 replies)
  115. Suspected bank robber smeared himself with feces , threw it at officers , deputies (0 replies)
  116. Dad Torches Pot Plants, Son Calls Cops on Dad (0 replies)
  117. Sheriff: Naked couple arrested on stolen lawn mower (0 replies)
  118. Cursed Rocks From Gettysburg (0 replies)
  119. Eagle Tries To Carry Off Small Child During Bird Show (0 replies)
  120. With flat tires and no pants,Florida man arrested after Martin County pursuit (0 replies)
  121. Burglary Suspect Found In Bed With $5,000 Lingerie Store Mannequin (0 replies)
  122. Pokemon Go smartphone game leads woman to body in river (0 replies)
  123. Soda maker's campaign drinks: Trump Tonic and Hillary Hooch (0 replies)
  124. Goldie Hawn’s Ouija Board Story From The ‘80s Will Give You Chills (0 replies)
  125. The Amityville Horror House For Sale Again (0 replies)
  126. The Enfield Poltergeist – The True Story Behind The Conjuring 2 (0 replies)
  127. Man Breaks Into Five Guys, Cooks Cheeseburger (0 replies)
  128. Disneyland worker found dead in haunted house (0 replies)
  129. Boy Doesn't Want To Go To School, Shoots Family Instead (0 replies)
  130. 500-Year-Old Skeleton May Belong to Pirate (0 replies)
  131. Teenager infected with rat-bite fever from her pet rodent (0 replies)
  132. Ohio woman fined for damaging county office with glitter, 'silly string' (0 replies)
  133. Man pleads guilty to stealing human brains from Indiana medical museum (0 replies)
  134. Tanzania scraps government Christmas cards to save cash (0 replies)
  135. Brazilian police hunt Santa Claus who stole Sao Paulo helicopter (1 replies)
  136. Woman pleads guilty in South African court to trying to sell baby online (0 replies)
  137. Intruder dies in California chimney after homeowner lights fire (0 replies)
  138. For sale: South Dakota ghost town for $250,000 (0 replies)
  139. Modern science detects disease in 400-year-old embalmed hearts (0 replies)
  140. Canadian caught with 51 turtles in his pants pleads guilty in Michigan (0 replies)
  141. Just a five foot venomous lizard chilling on the side of a house (0 replies)
  142. Nick Jonas Talks About Seeing Three UFOs (0 replies)
  143. Death Valley Flooding Provides Yet Another Alarming El Niño Preview (0 replies)
  144. Construction Begins on Super Telescope to see Dawn of Universe (0 replies)
  145. Video: Why Do People Think There are Aliens in Area 51? (0 replies)
  146. UFO off California? Streaking light was missile test, Pentagon says (0 replies)
  147. No zombie apocalypse in Wisconsin, just casket falling from a boat (0 replies)
  148. Irish women tweet details of their periods to PM in abortion row (0 replies)
  149. Indonesia to Use Crocodiles as Prison Guards (0 replies)
  150. Rap video recorded inside Georgia jail prompts investigation (0 replies)
  151. Dog named Trigger shoots owner in the foot in Indiana (0 replies)
  152. Sacramento OKs ban of loud or sleeping people from buses and trains (0 replies)
  153. 'Warlock' slapped with restraining order in new Salem witch trial (0 replies)
  154. Abraham Lincoln’s ‘ghost portrait’ taken after assassination (0 replies)
  155. When We Find Aliens, We Might Find Something Like the Borg (0 replies)
  156. International Space Station filled with germs (0 replies)
  157. Dusting the Sky With Diamonds to Cool the Planet?? (0 replies)
  158. Profiling “Wally” The Lake Monster (0 replies)
  159. Maybe It’s Time To Stop Snickering About Aliens (0 replies)
  160. A Massive Asteroid Will Whiz By the Earth on Halloween (0 replies)
  161. It will be soon to know if that star actually harbors aliens (0 replies)
  162. Dogs mysteriously fall ill after walking in notorious Rendlesham Forest (0 replies)
  163. Can You Solve the Creepy Crypto-Puzzle That’s Consuming the Internet? (0 replies)
  164. Massive UFO drops to 10 feet (0 replies)
  165. American Airlines flight delayed in Texas by swarming bees (0 replies)
  166. Danish zoo dissects lion cub for enthralled young audience (0 replies)
  167. Maryland police officer accused of biting testicles has left department (0 replies)
  168. Texas town tries to corral emus on the loose (0 replies)
  169. Alaska tribe to get back totem pole taken by U.S actor in 1930s (0 replies)
  170. Oregon burglar climbs naked into couple's bed, is chased at gunpoint (0 replies)
  171. 5 Gruesome Real-Life Murders That Inspired Spooky Ghost Stories (0 replies)
  172. Earth's Gravitational Pull Cracks Open the Moon (0 replies)
  173. Has ancient biblical city of Sodom been found? (0 replies)
  174. 5 Exciting Technologies NASA's Developing So We Can Make It To Mars And Back (0 replies)
  175. 'Cute ancient furball' fossil unearthed (0 replies)
  176. The Winner of This Competition Will Spend Halloween in the World’s Biggest Grave (0 replies)
  177. Scientists claim they can change your belief on immigrants and God – with MAGNETS (0 replies)
  178. John Titor's 5100 Computer Label (0 replies)
  179. 'Digital skin' activates brain cells (0 replies)
  180. Has Kepler Discovered an Alien Megastructure? (0 replies)
  181. A 'second Snowden' leaks to the Intercept about 'drone wars' (0 replies)
  182. Mars Water Discovery Sparks Exploration Debate (0 replies)
  183. Vampire Birds Thirst for Blood (0 replies)
  184. Oldest Draft of King James Bible Discovered, Historian Says (0 replies)
  185. Extreme weather: Is it all in your mind? (0 replies)
  186. Murdered Woman Hanging From Fence Mistaken For Zombie (0 replies)
  187. Did Jeffrey Dahmer Murder Adam Walsh? (0 replies)
  188. Marijuana bundle drops from sky, slams into family’s carport (2 replies)
  189. Art Bell – Back on Satellite – Taking Back The Night (0 replies)
  190. Saudi Man Narrowly Avoids Death From Falling Glass (0 replies)
  191. Paranormal Activity at the Chatham County Jail? (0 replies)
  192. MUFON Co-Founder, Walt Andrus Jr, Dies (0 replies)
  193. Alien Abduction in Japanese Folk Tale? (0 replies)
  194. Oklahoma man discovers he was shot twice after celebrating birthday (0 replies)
  195. Monkey who took grinning 'selfie' should own copyright: U.S. lawsuit (0 replies)
  196. Oregon town seeks solutions to droves of fearless deer (0 replies)
  197. China to prosecute former official for 'crazily luxurious' club (0 replies)
  198. Oregon artist to sell image of Trump painted with menstrual blood (0 replies)
  199. Florida woman arrested in 'booby trapped' home with more than 3,700 blades (0 replies)
  200. Studies on kissing, the word 'huh?' among Ig Nobel award winners (0 replies)
  201. Watching paint dry leads to Guinness world record in rural Indiana (0 replies)
  202. Couple likes "Living Life the Victorian Way" (0 replies)
  203. Skeleton Found in Roots of Old Tree (0 replies)
  204. Unsolved Mysteries of Sports (0 replies)
  205. Bizarre Shape-shifting ‘Cuttlefish’ UFO Caught on Camera (0 replies)
  206. Florida Man: Foot Sniffing Fetishist Arrested (0 replies)
  207. Angry ‘Humanoid’ Throws Rocks At Bigfoot Hunter (5 replies)
  208. Florida Man Fends-Off ‘Vampire’ by Dancing on Cop Car (Video) (0 replies)
  209. Bubonic Plague reported in Michigan (0 replies)
  210. Connecticut court keeps 'Arsenic and Old Lace' records sealed (0 replies)
  211. Ghost of Billie Holiday to Return to The Apollo (0 replies)
  212. The Anniversary of the “Flatwoods Monster” (0 replies)
  213. Financial Collapse Coming Sun. 9/13/15? (0 replies)
  214. Oklahoma Has One Month to Remove Ten Commandments Monument (0 replies)
  215. Record-breaking runner to pay $500 fine for Maine celebration (0 replies)
  216. Wisconsin baby survives after drinking vodka in formula (0 replies)
  217. Lawsuit reignites longstanding feud between Ohio church, strip club (0 replies)
  218. Arby's fires Florida manager after police officer joke goes 'awry' (0 replies)
  219. Police Warning of Flakka ‘Zombies’ (0 replies)
  220. Nazi Fools’ Gold? (0 replies)
  221. Early Universe Plasma created by Physicists (0 replies)
  222. Video: Lake of Bourbon Goes Up In ‘Firenado’ (0 replies)
  223. Abandoned Air Force Station Haunted? (0 replies)
  224. Magnetic Wormhole Demonstrated for First Time (0 replies)
  225. Two men hospitalized after jumping into canal at Venetian in Las Vegas (0 replies)
  226. Devil to pay: Taiwan to launch softer than soft porn-star metro cards (0 replies)
  227. Facing shortage, British sperm bank tells men: 'Prove your worth' (0 replies)
  228. Bartender finds $20 bill, wins $1 million California lottery with it (0 replies)
  229. First Dane goes into space -- to test bike gear (0 replies)
  230. Texas teen fatally shoots himself while taking selfie (0 replies)
  231. London's car-melting skyscraper wins Carbuncle Cup (0 replies)
  232. Fox News anchor sues Hasbro over toy hamster sharing her name (0 replies)
  233. Obesity Linked Metabolically to Eating Speed (0 replies)
  234. NASA Self-Healing Material Can Repair Bullet Holes (0 replies)
  235. Psychics Sue over Cereal Ad (0 replies)
  236. September’s ‘Blood Moon’: What You Need To Know (0 replies)
  237. Real Life Folk Hero Hugh Glass (0 replies)
  238. Multiple ‘Glowing Orb’ UFO’s Caught on Camera (0 replies)
  239. Girl’s Eyelashes Removed Due To Lice (0 replies)
  240. Unicorn Chases Man Through Graveyard Wielding Knife (0 replies)
  241. Cloaked Figure Deposits Meat on Playground – Mystery Solved? (0 replies)
  242. Clown Wielding Axe Allegedly Threatens Resident (8 replies)
  243. Gov. To Seize Family Land Near Area 51 (6 replies)
  244. Evidence Of Destroyed Civilization On The Planet Mars (0 replies)
  245. Wormhole Created in Lab (1 replies)
  246. Haunted By Waters – Teton Dam Collapse (2 replies)
  247. Who Is Deez Nuts – Could He Be President? (0 replies)
  248. Scientist Warns – ‘think twice before replying to alien signals’ (4 replies)
  249. Archaeologists Discover 1200 Year Old Telephone (0 replies)
  250. Helicopter Crashes Filming Paranormal Reality Show – Two Injured (0 replies)