View Full Version : Sid Vicious & Ric Flair's War of Words Continue

Flair Country
06-08-2007, 01:47 AM
Former WWF and WCW Champion "Sycho" Sid Vicious stopped by ClubWWI.com today for a rare uncut shoot interview with James Guttman. Sid talked about a number of topics including the WWE Four Horsemen DVD. On it, Ric Flair had said that Sid was always out for himself and then asked the interviewer to "please put this on the DVD."

When Guttman asked about it, Sid answered:

"Those guys in WWE contacted me about doing a Horsemen thing, but they told me it wouldn't be a Horsemen video without me in it…The thing is, I was a stronger character than Ric Flair then and I'm a stronger character than Ric Flair now.….We know the Four Horsemen is Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard, and Ole. Those were the Four Horsemen. Anything after that was just trying revamp it. I was very grateful for someone like Arn Anderson who helped me out a lot in my career…I was grateful to be a Horseman…This is the honest to God's truth. Ric Flair has been one of the nicest people to me - to my face. 'Cause he has to be otherwise I'd slap the f**k out of him."

Sid spoke to ClbWWI.com for 35 minute about a number of other subjects as well including Flair and Foley's "cat fight," losing the WCW title to Chris Benoit only to see him leave the company the next day, watching the Shockmaster fall, why he said "It told you" when he did, Vince McMahon, and much more.


06-09-2007, 09:26 AM
LOL I remember seeing the Shockmaster fall and try to keep his helmet on while the guys were still trying to act like they were scared.:lmao: Can Sid still wrestle after he snapped his leg in half?