View Full Version : JR's Blog: "Banned Moves", Ric Flair, WWE Draft

Flair Country
06-08-2007, 04:04 AM
Jim Ross has posted his latest blog entry, which you can check out by clicking here. Some highlights from this entry:

- Concerning the three-hour Raw this Monday with the WWE Draft, Ross writes "Big week upcoming up, with the WWE Draft taking place in sold out Wilkes Barre, Pa Monday night on RAW that will start one hour early, and is a three hour broadcast (that means no bathroom breaks for some people. I am looking forward to the draft, which is one of the most interesting nights of the year and also one of the most subjective. We all have an opinion as to who should go where, much as we do for the NFL Draft, of which I am a big fan. Opinions are like noses in that we all have one, and there will be plenty of speculation, anticipation, and, finally, second guessing once the draft is completed. It is still my belief that wrestlers should be drafted to the brands they can help the most and that can help the wrestlers advance their careers and therefore make more cash. Not unlike any other job, boyfriends and girlfriends and best friends in general, may be split up, which is just a fundamental fact of working in the same business. I am not wholeheartedly advocating such, but if it happens, then so be it. The bottom line is that it will be really interesting to see how each of the three brands change beginning Monday night. All any wrestler can ask for from any company is an opportunity and the WWE Draft should present ample, new opportunities for many superstars."

- As far as the announce teams being split, Ross comments "I don’t expect any of the announce teams to be changed, but then again no one has told me that they won’t. I hope that King and I stay together and my instincts tell me that we will. Call it “wishful thinking” or whatever, but I don’t see J.R. and The King going our separate ways and that goes for the other teams, too. But matters such as this are one of the reasons the draft can be so entertaining and unpredictable. I hope you tune in Monday night and then on Tuesday morning, if not before, let the second guessing begin!"

- Regarding "banned moves", Ross writes: "Some have asked about “banned moves” in the WWE. I have yet to see an official list of what is or isn’t allowed, but I can assure you that moves that may be banned are done so with the wrestler’s safety in mind. Some high risk maneuvers are safer to execute than others even though all flying, high risk moves provide no guarantee of safety to the participants. I think it is wise to eliminate the maneuvers that hold the highest risk of serious injury. Old time wrestlers will opine that young wrestlers who rely almost exclusively on high risk maneuvers simply can’t wrestle. I don’t know if I would be so bold to say that, but the art of mat wrestling and hold knowledge is very important, in my opinion, for any wrestler to learn, and to thoroughly understand first before “graduating” to the high flying stuff as a viable compliment to basic, fundamental mat wrestling and the utilization of holds. Do high risk maneuvers have a place in today’s business? Absolutely. However, common sense and logic must be factored into any decision to use these moves. As the bar seemingly continues to be raised as it relates to high risk offensive maneuvers, we are likely to see more injuries and see beginning wrestlers not learn the art of wrestling but focus more on the art of crashing and burning which will lead to shortened careers. Don’t get me wrong, I like to see high risk moves as well as the next guy, but I also understand that these moves, when missed by “this much” can lead to serious injuries which any company should want to avoid."

- Concerning style in the ring, Ross states "My personal favorite wrestling style is mat wrestling and the proper use of holds with some high risk sprinkled in for “seasoning.”"

- JR's take on Ric Flair, "Ric Flair is arguably the greatest living wrestler and should continue to entertain us until Ric Flair says it is time for him to call it a day. Even after Ric retires, he should still have a presence in the business. I do think Ric wrestling every week may be pushing the envelope but by no means do I think that “Naitch” should hang it up at this time. Flair’s legacy is awe-inspiring and when he finally does call it a day, The Nature Boy will never be replaced or surpassed… in my opinion."

- Something Ross has mentioned several times recently, the idea of Jerry Lawler wrestling at Wrestlemania, "The King would enjoy wrestling more in the WWE, but that is not his call. There is no doubt that King brings great value to the announce table but he still loves to wrestle. If I had one wish to grant Jerry it would be that he be able to compete at a Wrestlemania before he decides to hang up his boots."

Ross also covers numerous other topics, answering emails from readers, and discusses his soon-to-be-open restaurant in the blog, which you can check out by clicking here.


06-08-2007, 01:14 PM
good post

Role Model
06-08-2007, 07:50 PM
It's good to hear that WWE is taking care of their wrestlers for now but hopefully it continues so there is hardly any controversy about the topic anymore.