View Full Version : Shantelle Taylor & Mike Knox Backstage, WWE Insults Past Stars

06-09-2007, 06:01 PM
In addition to Harry Smith and Jacob Duncan, developmental wrestler Shantelle Taylor was backstage at the SmackDown tapings on Tuesday as well. WWE was looking at them for possible call-ups to the main roster in the future. You can see a picture of Taylor signing some autographs for fans outside the arena here. If you'll notice, Mike Knox is signing some autographs next to her, so it looks like he was backstage as well. He currently has the longest active drought of physically able WWE stars not appearing on television. He has hasn't appeared on WWE programming since mid-February. And as reported earlier, Brian Knobs was backstage at the Raw taping on Monday night. http://i12.tinypic.com/5xesk1u.jpgto see a picture of him meeting and greeting some fans outside the arena.

In the WWE History of Champions magazine, WWE takes aim at a few wrestlers who they feel didn't deserve to wear a championship belt including former WWE star Maven Huffman. Here is what they wrote:


Maven: The first Tough Enough winner was also a three-time Hardcore Champion. Folks, there was nothing hardcore about Maven.

The Headbangers: Between the eras of The Smoking Gunns and the New Age Outlaws, these painted poseurs in kilts became champions by default.

Oklahoma/Madusa: One was a tubby wannabe legend; the other a washed-up lady wrestler in chaps. Luckily, WCW went out of business soon after they traded the Cruiserweight Championship.

David Arquette: Does it bother anyone that the star of Eight Legged Freaks is a former WCW World Champion?

Hervina: Congratulations, Harvey Wippleman! You're the only man to hold the Women's Championship. Awesome.

Credit: PWMania

06-09-2007, 06:37 PM
thats pretty funny that they are insulting champs

Darth Fozzy
06-09-2007, 07:36 PM
Why aren't Cena, Batista or Lashley in this list?!

Role Model
06-09-2007, 07:40 PM
Why aren't Cena, Batista or Lashley in this list?!

Compared to the names listed they do deserve it but I see what you mean but in a way these guys are not horrible champions to WWE as they earn them big money and can still manage to do a good job in the ring and such whether people like to face it or not.

06-10-2007, 12:23 PM
He forgot Judy Bagwell as a tag team champion.... That ranks right up there on the list of people who dont deserve a championship!