View Full Version : ECW Results - 12th Jun 2007

06-13-2007, 07:14 AM
ECW Results - 12th Jun 2007
Announcers - Joey Styles and Tazz

ECW opened with a shot of the WWE flag flying at half-staff at WWE HQ in Stamford, CT. Joey Styles and Tazz, in front of the ring, announced that Vince McMahon had been "presumed dead" after the events of last night's Monday Night Raw and went to the tape of the final segment of the show. They returned to a solemn Joey Styles, noting they would show more of that "graphic and disturbing footage" later this evening. Tazz said there would be a series of matches dedicated to McMahon's memory.

They did a 10 bell salute to the memory of Vince McMahon. The crowd booed after every toll of the bell. Tazz said they were, "highly disrespectful."

The Summerslam promo noted Jackass was crashing.

Extreme Rules Match
Tommy Dreamer vs. Balls Mahoney

Joey Styles said that ECW is back because of Mr. McMahon. Yeah, those hundreds of thousands of DVDs were all bought by Vince. They are beating each other up out of respect to Vince's memory. Weren't all the Originals disgusted Vince was champion a few weeks ago? Balls unloaded with a series of punches on Dreamer, but he returned the favor. Mahoney hit a backdrop driver on Dreamer and charged for a leg lariat, but Dreamer ducked. Balls went over the ropes to the floor. Dreamer pulled out weapons from under the ring, including a kitchen sink. Dreamer misses hitting Mahoney but gets him on the second shot. Mahoney reverses an Irish Whip outside, sending Dreamer into the stairs. Mahoney tosses weapons into the ring himself. The crowd is so crestfallen they chant for tables. Mahoney gets a two count after a trash can lid shot. Dreamer beat down Balls with a series of trash can shots. Mahoney hits a drop toehold into a chair that was laying upside down. Mahoney went up for a moonsault but Dreamer crotched him. Dreamer nailed him with a trash can, knocking Mahoney upside down in the tree of woe before hitting a dropkick into a trash can to Balls' face. Dreamer went under the ring for a table. The crowd booed becaiuse one of the table legs was broken as he set it up. Balls nailed him with a trash can, then put Dreamer on the table. Mahoney went for a legdrop off the ropes through the table but Dreamer moved and Mahoney ate nothing but table. Dreamer hit a DDT on a chair for the win.

Winner: Tommy Dreamer

They announce Chris Benoit & CM Punk vs. Marcus Cor Von & Elijah Burke is coming later, but Boogey Man's debut is up next.

Boogey Man vs. Matt Striker

Boogey's entrance looks way less impressive before the ECW entranceway. Kevin Dunn will fix that soon enough. Boogey went right to work on Striker's arm. Striker tries to fight back with a series of rights but Boogey overpowers him. Striker tries to retreat to the floor but Boogey follows. As Boogey follows Striker into the ring, he gets dropkicked in the head. Striker follows up with a second for a one count. Striker keeps hitting Boogey but he goes into 1980s superhero babyface mode, making a comeback. I wonder how far removed we are from Boogey going heel and being added to the list of monster heels for John Cena to face? Boogey hits a big splash. He picks up Striker for the chokebomb and scores the pin. Striker gets a mouthful of worms for his trouble. Poor Striker. They even showed a slow motion replay of worms into mouth.

Winner: The Boogey Man

Joey Styles announces that we'll see footage of the aftermath of the limo explosion after commercial.

We returned with Joey and Tazz sending us to footage of "when the authorities arrived on the scene." A firetruck drove right past a truck with a Condememned billboard across the side. For reason that struck me as ironic. We see footage of the firefighters putting out the blaze as the car explodes again. WWE has multiple camera angles for the battle against the inferno. There were ONLY two firemen in the entire firetruck? Tazz and Joey Styles talked about the soot on Tazz's car, the billowing smoke in the sky and the acrid smell they could smell all the way back to their hotel.

Chris Benoit & CM Punk vs. Elijah Burke & Marcus Cor Von

Tazz and Joey explained that Benoit was randomly selected last night during the Draft on Raw. All four received individual entrances. Punk and Cor Von started the match with Punk working him over using a headlock. Cor Von was trapped in a hammerlock, but reversed it and went to a side headlock. Cor Von shoulderblocked Punk down. Live crowd chanted for Punk. Punk took down Cor Von with an armdrag. Burke tagged in and tagged Punk in the ribs. Punk tried to fight back but was kneed in the face. Burke got a two count. Punk took control and tagged in Benoit. Benoit and Burke faced off with Burke looking concerned. Benoit clotheslined him and Burke ran for the floor. Benoit followed, attacked him on the floor and tossed him back in the ring. Cor Von tagged in and went back and forth with Benoit. Cor Von worked over Benoit in the corner with shoulderblocks, but Benoit came back with a high kneelift. He tagged in Punk, who nailed a springboard clothesline. Punk hit the high kneelift in the corner and went for the bulldog. Cor Von escaped to the floor. Punk watched him from the ring. Burke tried to attack him from behind but Benoit clubbed him with a clothesline. Burke went to the floor as well as they went to commercial. Good match so far.

When they returned, Burke was working over Punk. He drove Punk into a turnbuckle, then tagged Cor Von. Cor Von continued to work over Punk with clubbing shots to the back. Burke used a series of crossfaces on Punk, garnering a two count. Burke and Cor Von tagged in and out as they controlled the flow of the match. Cor Von caught Punk and slammed him down then catapulted him into the corner. Punk used an inside cradle on Cor Von for a two count. Cor Von taunted Benoit. Cor Von kept beating on Punk in the corner. The referee counted to five and Cor Von wouldn't stop, so they disqualified him. Now, that's extreme. Seriously, when the hell was the last time that was a finish on national TV?

Burke went to attack Punk but Benoit jumped him. All four began brawling in the ring. A fan held up a sign in the second row that read, "You Are Not Extreme." Where was that fan when Boogeyman was out earlier? Benoit began throwing German suplexes on the New Breed members. Benoit nails the swandive headbutt on Burke. Tazz got a great line here, saying, "Wolverines can fly baby!" Benoit locked on the Sharpshooter on Burke, who tapped, but they said the match was already over. They announced Benoit and Punk as winners. Joey Styles and Tazz pointed out the win was by DQ. All four glared at each other.

Winners: Benoit and Punk

Joey and Tazz sent us to yet another look at the demise of Mr. McMahon

Report by: PWInsidr.com / Editing: LionDen

Black Widow
06-13-2007, 09:38 PM
looks like a good show

06-14-2007, 04:05 PM
It Was An Ok Show