View Full Version : Important Randomness - by Matt Hardy

Black Widow
06-14-2007, 09:44 AM
Hello my amigos! I hope everyone is doing fabulous! I'm doing fantastic--my ribs are feeling better, I had a great showing in the Battle Royal Monday night, and my life is currently wonderful on every level. I wanna thank all the MFer's that were chanting "HARDY" during the Battle Royal on Raw. You'll never know how much that motivates me and drives me when I'm in the squared circle. Make sure to tune into Friday Night Smackdown, as I'll be performing on the program in a big match Friday night. I saw more "MATT FOR CHAMP" signs this week--the epidemic is spreading. The movement known as Mattitude is rapidly growing and gaining strength. As I said in my last blog, no one can stop US! Let me explain--when I have all of you standing behind me and believing in me and chanting and inspiring me, we're unstoppable. It's never just a win for me, it's a win for US! I've said it before, and I'll say it again--I have one goal right now. To be the absolute best in the professional wrestling business. The man, the standard, the bar, the World Heavyweight Champion. I wanna be the number 1 performer, the number 1 entertainer, the number 1 athlete--the absolute number 1 overall guy in the business. Some people may not think I'll get there. But some people also thought I'd never be where I am now. And just in case you didn't know, nothing makes me happier than to make m*thaf*ckers eat words.

As of today, I'm upping my training and tightening up my diet. It's time to refocus myself when it comes to working out and eating. I've had a few rough months due to my schedule and being beat up physically. No more excuse for me. Regardless of the nagging injuries I have, I'm gonna get in the best shape I possibly can.

I actually traveled with a completely different clique this weekend (I was the only guy, YES!). I had a blast and we all sang our little hearts out during the course of the weekend. There's nothing more fun then singing karaoke while driving 200 miles nightly. Especially when it's off my ipod and it's to a bunch of 80's and 90's songs.

Make sure to get the new WWE magazine with Jeff and I on the cover if you haven't yet. And also head over to WWE Shopzone and check out our brand new Hardys T-Shirt. It's badass! I love it, Jeff loves it, and I hope you all will like it as well.

Life is such an amazing journey filled with high and lows, ups and downs. It's so interesting in how every experience, whether good or bad, shapes and forms your constantly evolving character. You have to take every experience and learn from it, grow from it. You shouldn't ever make the same mistake twice.

It's really hard to watch someone you care about get themselves into a bad situation. So many people have a hard time truly judging people and what they truly are and their true intentions. You have to train yourself to be able to see through the facades that most people initially put up. You also have to be able to judge if people are healthy for you to be associated with. Sometimes it's tough for people to logically decipher if someone will affect them in a negative or positive way. Usually friends and loved ones looking in from the outside are the only ones who can see the situation in an unbiased light. It sucks because there's nothing you can say to someone else to make them change their mind. Only that person can change it. People often get themselves involved with people that ultimately end up being very counterproductive for them. And it seems like everyone around them can see it except them. It's sad. I've seen this happen to several people that I have been very close to during my life. They end up either sinking with the anchor, or breaking free and becoming better and stronger. When my brother came to a crossroads in his life a few years ago, he had to decide his own path. Nothing that I said or did would change his mind or sway his opinions. He had to make his own decisions. Fortunately, he eventually did, and now he's stronger and better as a person than he's ever been. There's a couple of people that I really care about that I hope can do the same. I hope they can survive and become stronger and better than ever as well.

Quote of the day - "Am I a part of the cure, or am I part of the disease" - Coldplay, Clocks

