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06-19-2007, 12:23 PM
Pro Wrestling Syndicate Preview for Sunday

Pro Wrestling Syndicate Preview for Sunday

Pro Wrestling Syndicate makes their impact THIS SUNDAY at the Garfield Boys and Girls Club, 490 Midland Ave in Garfield, NJ.

* In the first of TWO MAIN EVENTS, TNA Superstar “The Samoan Submission Machine” SAMOA JOE faces “The Savior of Pro Wrestling” CHRIS HERO.

This hard hitting technical match is a wrestling dream. Will the powerful abilities of Joe overcome the mat wizardy of Hero? With the crowd firmly behind Joe, I think Hero will find himself on the tapping end of a submission.

* In the SECOND MAIN EVENT, a 4 Corner No DQ Survival Match, TNA’s Monster ABYSS will face “The King of Diamonds” EDDIE KINGSTON, New England’s Nutcase MICHAEL SANE, and STEVE “MONSTA” MACK.

With this collection of talent, who knows what to expect? The hidden gem in this match is Michael Sane – this whackjob is as insane as and almost as intense as the monster Abyss himself. Kingston is always willing to go the limit to prove himself. But all of them will have to contend with one man who has gone to the limit & has held more gold than all of them combined in Steve “Monsta” Mack. But I think the uncontrollable Abyss might be too much.

Now this is a dream match fans will salivate over. In what will be an intense match, there is simply no underdog. Shelley has the skill to outwrestle most in the world. Trent Acid is someone who can go toe-to-toe with anyone in any style. Tornado will bust a move in any ring or on any opponent’s face. Trent Acid is who I see walking out with his hand raised
in what will be an awesome match.


Will a real Extreme icon put away the King of Independents? Or will the Technician take out the former ECW Heavyweight champ? These two will take one another to the limit and back. My call? Credible has always been the one to do anything for a win and will find any underhanded way he can to win.


Danny Demanto definitely is walking into that ring with a size advantage and more agile than given credit for. Meanwhile, Jason Blade comes with his own fast paced intensity. But with Talia at his side, I think Demanto will be too much to overcome.

* OUTCAST KILLAHS (Oman Tortuga & Diablo Santiago) vs. CANADIAN SUPERSTARS
(J-Busta & Dave Cole)

It’s always a fight when the OCK make their way to the ring. But The Canadian Superstars have never been known to back down. But I think the Superstars are hungry enough to prove to everyone they can take out the best & it’ll start with Outcast Killahs.


Koko is a true legend by ever concept of the word, deserving the respect of all in wrestling. But Niles Young, recently headbutting a crowd member, then smashing area fans, has shown he has no respect for anyone. Unfortunately, I think the vile duo of Young and Harlow will do all the underhanded damage they can to find a win.


Malta is looking to do one thing – Destroy. But my call? The man with no soul, the most talked about person from the debut of ECW on Sci-Fi – The Zombie.

With this & more, the place to be THIS SUNDAY is Garfield, NJ. Check out more at ProWrestlingSyndicate.com.

June 16 Results

EWF Results for June 16, 2007
Marion, IN

* Frank Stein beat Syphen Torez

Two newcomers wearing Lucha masks came out and rambled something in Spanish.

* Jordan Ice beat Mr. Fitness

* Peter Aiden beat Pat Tanaka by DQ

* Tag Titles: Cupid Valentino & Andy Santos (c) beat Locked N' Loaded

The masked Luchadores came out to hit Cupid & Andy with chairs but it backfired and they hit Locked N' Loaded.

* Wildman Rogers w/ General Lee beat Damian Michaels

General Lee hit Damian with his High Risk sign to help Wildman get the win. Wildman was unaware of what happened.

* Midwestern Title: Nate Pheonix (c) beat Dark Lion

* EGOW (Ric Cannon & Sami Callihan) vs. Bob & Just Justin - No Contest

Both teams were knocked out for the 10 count. After the match, Locked N' Loaded came down to attack Bob & Justin. Nate Pheonix, Cupid, and Santos came out to make the save.

EWF Wrestling returns on a special night, this Thursday, June 21st!

At the EWF Arena on 3400 S. Adams in Marion, IN. Bell Time is 7:30 PM. Tickets are $8 and are available online or at the door.

Former WWE Star PAT TANAKA in action and much more!

Visit us online at www.EWFArena.com

IPW presents "Heat Stroke" on July 7th in Indianapolis!

Insanity Pro Wrestling presents "HEAT STROKE" on Saturday, July 7, 2007 in Indianapolis!

The Salvation Army Community Center
1337 S Shelby Street
Indianapolis, IN

Doors Open 6:00 PM, Bell Time 7:00 PM

Admission $12 for adults, Kids 10 and under only $7
Purchase advance adult tickets online for only $10.

Matches already signed:





Also, scheduled to appear-



More matches to be announced in the coming weeks, STAY TUNED!!!

** Our Webstore is now open with a large collection of DVDs! **
GRAND OPENING SALE - Buy 2, Get 1 Free!!

Visit www.insanityprowrestling.com for more information!

ACW Show Results - Laurinburg, NC - June 17, 2007

American Championship Wrestling (ACW) Results
June 17, 2007
Laurinburg, NC

I just got back from a great American Championship Wrestling show at the National Guard Armory in Laurinburg, NC. It was an afternoon show which is rare for the Laurinburg-based Indy promotion, but that didn't stop the fans from coming out and packing the house. I estimate there was easily 150 fans in the Armory when the show started and more kept coming in as the event wore on.

The show started at 3:00pm and after a few problems with the mic, ring announcer Constance Walker welcomed us to the event and got the already energetic crowd fired up. After a playing of the National Anthem, Walker introduced the crowd to the new ACW Commissioner, Theodore Smith. Smith promised to restore law and order to the ACW ringand said that from now on in, everything will be "by the book!"

The first match was Roughhouse Matthews, accompanied by manager "The Fabulous Playboy" versus Cousin Wilbur. Wilbur is very similar to the WWE's "Hillbilly Jim" character, complete with a little do-si-do with a fan in the crowd. He got the crowd popped pretty quickly though and got a really great reaction from the kids. He came out to the ring to the sounds of "Thank God I'm A Country Boy" by John Denver.

Before the match started, The Playboy got on the mic and really tore in the rowdy crowd and got them stirred up even more, if that was possible. This guy is a great talker and heel and could be the love child of Percy Pringle and Jimmy Hart with his antics. A fair match between the two up-and-coming young ACW Superstars. They both worked pretty hard and the crowd was into the match big time. The end came when Matthews decided to charge at Wilbur, who was being held by The Playboy from outside the ropes on the ring apron. Cousin Wilbur escaped and Playboy and Matthews had a "meeting of the minds", if you will. Cousin WIlbur took advantage and used a roll-up to get the pin.

We saw Playboy and Matthews tease a break-up much to the delight of the crowd, but then they hugged and made up to the resounding jeers and boos of the fans.

Next up was Glutimous Maximus taking on one half of the Soul Patrol, Tyrone Knox. Maximus is a big guy, topping off at 325 lbs who fancies himself to be from Mt. Olympus. He wears a traditional Roman-style garb over his ring attire, so you know the crowd was all over him. Chants of "Toga" filled the Armory more than once.

Knox has his supporters in the crowd as well and they were standing behind their hero as he took on the bigger and more obnoxious wanna-be ruler of the Roman Empire.
A good match that went back and forth with several near falls by both men. In the end, it was Maximus, with a set of brass knucks he had hidden away in his toga, knocking Knox senseless long enough to score the pinfall.

ACW United States Champion Ethan Storm came to the ring next to cut a promo about his challenger later in the evening, Chief Red Thunder. He complained about the stipulation for the match tonight (an Indian Strap Match) and accused the ACW brass of being in cahoots with Thunder against him. He said that tonight, whether it be win, lose, or draw, it's over between him and Red Thunder and Thunder will never get another shot at the ACW United States Championship.

Chief Red Thunder came to the ring and had with him a 15 foot long leather strap. Storm quickly dropped the belt and got out of the ring before Thunder could make him taste the leather. Red Thunder thanked the fans for their support, put over Storm as a great U.S. Champion and said that later in the night, Storm would be tasting leather and that title would end up belonging to him.

The next match of the evening was a fantastic showing between one half of the ACW Tag Team Champions, "Pure Pleasure" Chris Steele (accompanied by his associate, Alexander Hamilton) versus an up and coming young talent named Brad Branson.

I've said it before and I'll say it again - Steele is probably one of the most talented wrestlers I have ever seen and would easily fit right in alongside The Hardys or The X-Division in either WWE or TNA. The man is just phenomenal both on the mic and in the ring and if anyone from either TNA or WWE is reading this, they really need to look into this guy.

Branson reminded me of a young Jeff Hardy in his look - he's not quite as refined in his ring work yet, but he's got energy and enthusiasm and definitely has a good future in the business. It was a good match with Steele perfecting the role of trecherous heel and Branson doing the "face in peril" bit. The crowd really came alive for this match too and the heat coming off the crowd for Steele was just incredible. Of course, Hamilton got in several shots from the outside and earned his keep for his boss. Finally a big legdrop off the top rope ended the match as Steele got the pin and took that trip to the pay window.

Steele got on the mic and talked a bit about how he's beaten everyone and anyone. He plugged an upcoming ACW show for June 30th at the Rockingham Drag Strip - and said that he and his partner, who currently hold the ACW World Tag Team Titles, won't be there. His partner can't be there and they've already beaten everyone there is to beat, so stay at home because the Main Attraction won't be showing up in Rockingham.

This brings Commissioner Smith to the ring. He says that the tag team titles will be defended in Rockingham on the 30th and if the Main Attraction don't want to show up, they will be fined and stripped of the titles. Steele started making excuses that his partner won't be able to wrestle and Smith had the solution. Since Hamilton already carries the belts to the ring and likes to get involved in Main Attraction's matches, he can be Steele's partner when they defend the titles. Steele said that Smith had no rights to do that to him. Smith reminded him that he was the Commissioner and could do whatever he wanted to. So at the Rockingham show on June 30th, The Main Attraction, consisting of Chris Steele and Alexander Hamilton will defend the ACW World Tag Team Titles against The Soul Patrol.

"The Natural " Chris Chance came to the ring next. He spoke a bit about his upcoming match against the ACW World Champion, Timber the Lumberjack. Timber has a manager in "The Fabulous Playboy", so Chance went out and found himself a manager too. He introduces "The Perfect 10" Baby Doll. She might be a few years removed from her days in the spotlight of the NWA and at the side of Tully Blancard, Dusty Rhodes and Ric Flair, but let me tell you, this lady is still a knock-out! Baby Doll comes to the ring and she gives him her full support. She's here to see him win the ACW World Championship and bring home the gold.

We went from this to intermission. I got the chance to speak to Baby Doll for a moment and she is as nice and friendly as anyone I've ever met. A true class act to be sure. And she's still a beautiful lady. Put it this way. I had the chance to meet Sable back in 1998 at an autograph signing. This was in her prime run with the WWE. Looking at Sable in 1998 and Baby Doll in 2007, it's obvious to me that Baby Doll could easily still be a WWE Diva and is still truly a "Perfect 10". I also spoke to Timber for a moment and several others as well.
After the break, it was time for the two big main event matches.

First up was an Indian Strap Match and was for the ACW United States Championship as Champion Ethan Storm faced the fury of Native American warrior, Chief Red Thunder. Storm stalled at the beginning about putting on the strap. He managed to sneak-attack Thunder with some cheap shots and then put on the strap and it was on. Both men felt right at home wearing that long piece of rawhide wrapped around their wrists and used it liberally in their attempts to beat the other into bloody & dazed pulps long enough to drag them around and touch all four corners. Some great back and forth action as Storm focused on the arm of Thunder and kept trying to take away the main offensive weapon of the Indian Warrior, those deadly chops. Red Thunder used the strap to mercilessly rip the skin off the back of Storm,. leaving a ugly mass of big red welts. Just brutal and vicious action. Finally, after a lot of close calls and near misses, we saw Red Thunder manage to drag Storm around the ring and tag the four turnbuckles to win the match and the ACW United States Championship. An awesome and brutal match that had both men working hard and taking some nasty shots from that leather strap. As Chief Red Thunder celebrated with his title, several other wrestlers who had been watching the match came out to congratulate the new Champ. Storm, in an obvious fit of rage, stormed off to the back.

And finally, the main event as Timber the Lumberjack, the ACW World Heavyweight Champion, accompanied by manager "Fabulous Playboy" came to the ring to face the challenge of Chris Chance, who was accompanied by Baby Doll. Lots of fun interaction between Baby Doll and Playboy to start as she made remarks about his belly was really getting under the guys skin. The crowd was loving it and living on every word. A fantastic match between Timber and Chance. Chance bears a strong resemblance to AJ Styles and really plays the face role well. The crowd was behind him all the way. Timber, for a man his size, moves like a cruiserweight and really looked fantastic. He's just phenomenal in that ring. I'm surprised that neither WWE or TNA have snapped this guy up. He is that good. Chance and Timber brawled on the floor and back into the ring. Baby Doll "accidentially" tripped up Chance a bit and he wanted to know what happened. What he found out was that Baby Doll has a mean slap as she fried his jaw with a big right hand. As the referee was distracted by the woman that Dusty Rhodes once refered to as "that Jezebel", Timber used his barbed-wired wrapped axe-handle and rammed Chance into the forehead. Timber with the pin to retain the title.

Baby Doll then got into the ring and with a few quick shots to Chance, who was laid out in the middle of the ring, told him that she was only with "champions" and he didn't have any gold. Timber wrapped the ACW World Title belt around her waist as Chance was helped from the ring.

The ring announcer thanked us for coming and reminded us that ACW will be in Rockingham at the Motor Speedway on June 30th and to be there.

It was an awesome show. These guys and girls never fail to deliver with the good and today was no exception. If you live in South-Eastern NC and get the chance to see any of the ACW Superstars (or CWA for that matter), do so. You won't be dissapointed.

Here's a quick recap of the match results...
Cousin Wilber beat Roughhouse Matthews
Glutimous Maximous beat Tyrone Knox
"Pure Pleasure" Chris Steele defeated Brad Branson
In a "Indian Strap Match" , Cheif Red Thunder defeated ACW United States Champion Ethan Storm to capture the title.
ACW World Champion Timber the Lumberjack (with some help from Baby Doll) defeated Chris Chance to retain his title.

Happy Father's Day to everyone..
Thank you

Doug Maynard

I decided to write about wrestling because I never want to be rich or famous and it's working!

"Just what ECW needed. More freaks!" - Joey Styles after learning that The Boogey Man is coming to ECW - WWE RAW DRAFT - June 11, 2007

"This is not a fabricated, pretend sport like the ultimate fighting championships; no, this is sports entertainment. This is REAL." - Chris Jericho - WWE RAW - September 6, 1999

"I'm praying you go to OVW!" - JBL to Michael Cole - WWE RAW DRAFT - June 11, 2007

ACW Tomorrow Night With 6 Man Tag Main Event

American Combat Wrestling

Tuesday June 19, 2007

Bourbon Street Night Club

4331 US19 N in New Port Richey

Belltime 8:45pm

Tickets are $5 with $.25 drafts all night long


Main Event: six man tag team action!

The New Movement (Eddie Taurus, David Mercury & Austin Amadeus w/George Martel) vs. ACW Unified Heavyweight champion “Rough House” Ralph Mosca, Sideshow and Damien Angel

ACW Cruiserweight champion Jaison Moore vs. Nick Fame

ACW Tag Team champion “Candizzle Dream” Joshua Masters (w/Fetish) vs. Ray Beez

Nooie Lee and Shayne Swift vs. the Lifeguards (Daron Smythe and Wade Koverly)

Logan Fernandez vs. Chris Jones

These matches and more to be announced!!

Indy Wrestle Line 6/18 Independent Report

Indy Wrestle Line--6/18 Report

Randy Klemme

317-592-9401 option 2





Hello everyone and this is your independent wrestling update on the Indy Wrestle Line, I am the Weekend Warrior, Randy Klemme

Well, it was a very busy weekend around the circuit this weekend, so we are going to jump right into a lot of results from this past weekend…

First, Wild Championship Wrestling Outlaws was in Greensburg, Indiana on Saturday….

Baron Von Kane and Devan Monroe defeated Ryan Rich and Tiny Timmy Turner

Pogo pinned BA Skynard

WCWO Tag Team Champions, The Chicago Playaz defeated Chris Morgan and Kevin Frost

WCWO Ladies Champion Camrom Star pinned Willie Loosagain and then pinned Dropkick Jay

Apocalypz defeated Wampus Cat

Ryan Rich rolled up Indiana Kidd Jr

Big Red, the wrestling preacher pinned “Dangerous Bull” Don Basher to become the NEW WCWO Heavyweight Champion

And it was “Zombie” Rob Ramer and Manslaughter going to a no-contest when special referee Indiana Kidd Jr walked out…

WCWO is back in action Saturday, June 30th at the Rush County Fair in Rushville, Indiana


EWF was in action Saturday night at the EWF Arena

Frank Stein beat Syphen Torez

Jordan Ice beat Mr. Fitness

Peter Aiden beat Pat Tanaka by DQ

EWF Tag Team Champions Cupid Valentino & Andy Santos beat Locked N' Loaded

Wildman Rogers beat Damian Michaels

EWF Midwestern Champion: Nate Pheonix beat Dark Lion

And it was Ric Cannon & Sami Callihan fought Bob & Just Justin to a No Contest


EWF Wrestling returns on a special night, this Thursday, June 21st to the EWF Arena


New Era Wrestling was in action Saturday at the Sanctuary of Shelbyville…

The Soul Shooters def. Southern Rock

Tom Van Zant def. T.J. Kemp and Troy Van Zant. to become the new N.E.W. U.S. Champion.

Cousin Cooter def Donnie Idol.

P.T. Hussla def. Big Jon Wall

Bobby Black Vs. The Metal Master battled to a time limit draw

And Damian Cole def. Marc Houston in a Bull Rope Hog Tie match for the N.E.W. Heavyweight Title.

The Next NEW show is Saturday, July 28 at the Sanctuary of Shelbyville….


Northern Wrestling Federation was at the UAW Hall in Fairfield, Ohio

The Crybaby defeated Tiny Tim & The American Eagle in a Triple Threat Match.

Clutch McAllister defeated Zodiac #2

Stamp Lickage & Austin Meddler were disqualified for hitting The Thugs with the hubcaps.

"The Man" Roger Ruffen upset Chad 2 Badd Allegra with a handful of tights.

In a 4 Man Survivor Match, The Genuine Superstar Anthony Bryant defeated Ice, Christopher Michael Lotus, and Dr. Melvin Winkleman.

Jesse Hyde defeated Zodiac #1

Pompano Joe defeated Muldoon by DQ

And Ryan Stone retained the NWF Title in a Ladder Match over Stewie Backlund


Gen-X Wrestling Saturday night in Irvine, Kentucky

Cujo and Lincoln Walker won by pin over Joey Knight and Izzy 4Real

NWA National Title Champion Chance Prophet and The Juggulator battled to a no contest

The Prophet defeated Gen-X Champion Vic The Bruiser by disqualification

And Gen-X Breaker champion Jay-Ten Lyons defeated K-Lo


Ohio Championship Wrestling was in Strassberg, Ohio

The Black Bloods defeated the Single White Males.

Unknown downed Eddie Insane.

Brian Biggs & Sargon beat Jack Diamond & Max Fahrenheit.

Jason Thunder pinned Chiyuda Ropa.

And it was “Big Guns” Jeff Cannon, “The Natural” Christian Vaughn & “The Feature Attraction” Ryan Midnite defeating Robby Starr & the A-List


And the Supreme League of Wrestling was in action in Mattoon, Illinois, Saturday

Dennis Devine b Ricky Powers

Alex Monroe b Cyclone

Prince Nova & Dexter Schwartz b Eric Ruffington & Blake Steel

Cecil Cervez won over Jaxson Pride, Jon Divosi and Jeff Harris

Paige Adams b Electra Fine

K.C. Jackson b Donovan Cain

Aaron Matthews b Bear

Drew Thomas b Truk Thompson

And it was Issan Hadeev, DaCobra b Jason Lyte


A LOT of results and more are coming in and as we get them they will be posted on themidwestinsider.com….

Don’t forget…Check out my MySpace page at myspace.com/rklemme. On there we are selling the “Little Boy Tinkling on the WWE” window decals. These decals are 5 ½” in size and they come in a variety of solid colors with a transparent background. The price of the window decals are $7.95 which includes postage and handling. This is a MUST buy for your independent wrestler or wrestling fan. The address to order will be posted shortly…but if you would like to be one of the first drop me an e-mail or message me on MySpace….

If you would like to get in touch with me in regards to questions or comments you can find me on myspace at myspace.com/rklemme or you can e-mail me at rklemme@verizon.net

So until next time this is the weekend warrior Randy Klemme….have a great weekend!

BWO 6/23 press release

Blackball'd Wrestling Organization returns to Phoenixville, PA at Top Gun Wrestling Academy, 373 Walnut Street on June 23rd for "Betrayal Part 2" with a 7:00 pm Bell Time. Tickets $10.00!

The fans asked for, and they shall receive! Our first match has been chosen by YOU THE FANS!

Dr. Spider v Angus the Caveman for the Interstate Title BULL ROPE MATCH!!!

We've also had a few requests for different tag teams for matches for the title so we've decided that again, YOU THE FANS, will get what you want but with a little twist.

Tag Team Title Lethal Lottery!!! Yup, you read it right! Names will be drawn and partners will be matched up for the Tag Team Titles!! Who will partner with whom? How much dissension and chaos can occur if two competitors hate each other? You'll have to be there to see!!

Hard Candy vs Chris Wylde & Mike Brown

*** the winner faces the Krotch Stomp Kings

*** then who ever wins that match will become tag team champions

Kage will face the winner of the battle royal for the heavy weight title

Keep your suggestions coming!


TICKET INFO: 610-933-8550


Do you have the desire to be a Professional Wrestler? BWO is proud to announce Top Gun Wrestling Academy, Inc. in Phoenixville, PA!

The Academy is a full state of the art Training Center. We offer the use of our 16ft. ring, complete Weight & Fitness Training area, and much much more.

All Training is done by Professional Wrestling & Fitness Trainers. Our Trainers have wrestling experience in countries all over the world. Join in with Rockin Rebel, Judas Gray, Ricky Reyes and Angus the Caveman.

Come visit and check us out at 373 Walnut Street, Phoenixville, PA - just blocks from the Vale Rio Diner and Phoenixville Hospital. New Classes always opening!

We offer everything you need to become a Star in the Professional Wrestling World today and are just minutes from Philadelphia, New Jersey and Delaware.

Call today (610) 933-8550 or email RockinRebel1@aol.com for a tryout, hours, rates and information on our programs and unleash the Wrestler in YOU!!!!


Now on MYSPACE: http://myspace.com/blackballdwrestling



June 16, 2007 -- AWA-Supreme from Madison, Indiana: Nic Noble won a Battle Royal to gain entry into "Surviving The Steel 4", Joey Bravo beat Karma, Vito Andretti beat Jesse Emerson, Damien Divine beat Ricky Ruckus to win the Mid-America Title, Supreme Champion Billy Maverick beat Eric Draven, Nic Noble won "Surviving The Steel 4" to earn an automatic Supreme Title Shot.

June 9, 2007 -- AWA-Supreme from Madison, Indiana: "Sweet" William Valentine pinned Eric Draven, The Regulators defeated Country Cousin Jimbo & Aftershock, Mid-America Champion Ricky Ruckus beat Tommie "T-Dogg" Foreman by DQ, "The Black Redneck" Kliff Hanger pinned Erik Mathews, Robert Royale defeated Nic Noble to take his spot in next week's Surviving The Steel event, Joey Bravo beat Kris Kenton, Mid-America Champion Ricky Ruckus beat Damien Divine.

June 2, 2007 -- AWA-Supreme from Madison, Indiana: Eric Draven pinned "Sweet" William Valentine, Johnny Stratlin pinned Ricky Ruckus, Eric Draven beat Johnny Stratlin to advance to the final vs. Nic Noble, Eric Draven defeated Nic Noble in a Contract on a Pole Match.

Shawn Sands, promoter
AWA-Supreme: an official territory of the American Wrestling Association.

Sooner World Class Wrestling

June 16th Results
The Underground Arena
Oklahoma City, OK

3rd Rail def. Outlaw to become the #1 contender to the SWCW Title

The Tulsa Anti-Juggalo League (Cast-Iron Cothern & Shane Morbid, w/ Boss
Campbell) def. Trailer Park Trash (J. C. & K. C.)

Big Daddy Moore def. Dexter Hardaway (w/ Talon). Due to a pre-match
stipulation, Hardaway was forced to retire from pro wrestling

Matthew Emerald (w/ Talon) def. Beau Dalton

X-Rated (Kevin James Sanchez & Shane Sanchez) def. Kareem Sadat in a
Hardcore/Handicap Match


Press Release for PWSTV

"Pro Wrestling Superstars-Past, Present and Future" (PWS) is proud to announce that PWS TV is currently available across the UK.

Available this week on The Wrestling Channel is PWS # 10 featuring:

*Pete Williams v Alex Shelly
*Cat Fight between Angel Williams & Tracy Brooks
*Sabu & Scott D'amore & Simon Diamond v Cyrus & Terry Taylor & Chris Sabin
*AJ Styles v Xavier
*In the Main Event, The Sandman faced Chris Candido

"What the world is Watching"
PWS- US and Canadian PPV
Featuring: Andre, Christian Cage, Bam Bam Bigelow


06-19-2007, 02:28 PM
^ that match would be good to see. :)