View Full Version : iMPACT! Results - 7/6/07

Flair Country
07-06-2007, 02:37 PM
Last week, Kurt Angle retained his World title in a three way match against
Rhino and Christian Cage and won the opportunity to team with Samoa Joe to face
off against the TNA Tag Team Champions in the Match of Champions at Victory
Road. This week, Team 3D will defend their titles against the teams of Styles
& Daniels and LAX, in the final qualifier for the Match of Champions. Who will
Angle & Joe face? We’ll find out tonight on Impact.

Impact opens with a video recap of last week’s main event that spanned the
entire broadcast. The Impact intro airs and Mike Tenay hypes the Victory Road
pay-per-view and the Team 3D title defense tonight. Tenay also says that Sting
will reveal a huge surprise tonight and West hypes the self-proclaimed Kurt
Angle Appreciation Night. Let’s just hope there are no exploding

We are treated to another well produced video package highlighting the three
teams that will be participating in the match for the TNA Tag Team
Championships. Every team has their moment of trash talking - of note, though,
is that Homicide mentions that Konnan has bailed on them and he is no longer a
part of LAX. And, much like last week, the qualifying match will open the

Match 1: Styles & Daniels vs. LAX vs. Team 3D (TNA Tag Team Championships)
Tenay mentions that LAX won the tag titles twice, both times by defeating
Styles & Daniels. Of course, Team 3D won the titles by beating LAX, so there
is some history between the three teams in the match.

The bell rings and all six men go at it, with Styles & Daniels working on
Brother Devon, while LAX work on Brother Ray in opposite corners. With Team 3D
out of the ring, Styles & Daniels and the LAX begin to trade blows as well. AJ
Styles is knocked out of the ring as Homicide & Hernandez begin working on
Daniels, but Team 3D re-enters the ring and begins to clear house as a “3D
sucks” chant echoes through the Impact Zone. A double team falling
neckbreaking nets a two count for Brother Ray on Hernandez as we head into a
commercial break.

We return from the break to see that the rules of a tag team match have been
enforced and Brother Devon is alone in the ring with Hernandez. Brother Ray is
tagged into the match and Team 3D’s control slips away as LAX begins to work
over Ray with quick tags and double team moves. LAX score a couple of near
falls on Brother Ray as we head into another commercial break.

We return to see Ray fighting back and landing blows on Hernandez who falls
back into the corner and Daniels makes the blind tag to come into the match.
Daniels works on Ray for a while but ends up on the wrong end of a Bubba Bomb
and Ray makes the much needed tag to his partner. Devon enters the ring and
takes out all four of his opponents. Devon manages to get a couple of pin
attempts on Daniels before Brother Ray tags his way back into the match.

With the ring clear of everyone except for Homicide, Team 3D enters and works
together to take Homicide down, Devon then connects with a flying head butt
from the top rope and Ray signals to the crowd to scream for the tables.
Daniels re-enters the ring only to also be taken out by a double team flying
clothesline, which scores Team 3D another two count.

Styles flies into the ring and takes Team 3D down and out with a dropkick.
Homicide then goes for the Gringo Killa on Styles, but he manages to get out of
the hold and knocks Homicide down with the Pele. Styles then soars off the
ropes and lands a Frog Splash followed by a BME on Homicide by Daniels. Even
though Homicide is not the legal man in the ring, Daniels goes for the pin
attempt but can only keep Homicide down for a two count.

Hernandez enters the ring and takes Daniels down with a Cracker Jack and then
throws Styles who lands awkwardly from a Border Toss. Homicide covers Styles
but is pulled off by Daniels. Soon, the ring is cleared of everyone except for
Hernandez who then dives over the ropes and lands on Styles & Daniels as well
as Devon. That amazing feat gets a “TNA” chant. After a couple of replays,
Brother Ray climbs the ropes and dives out on LAX and Styles, which also gets
a “this is awesome” chant from the crowd.

In the ring, Devon is taken down by Daniels with the STO. Daniels then goes
for the Angel’s Wings, but Devon counters, and with his partner in the ring,
ends up on the wrong end of a 3D. Brother Ray covers Daniels for the pin fall
to retain the title.

Winners of the Match: Team 3D by pin fall to retain the titles and win the spot
in the Match of Champions.

Backstage, Jeremy Borash hypes the mobile service by talking about the Kurt
Angle/Brock Lesnar match. Moaning can be heard which turns out to are Christy
Hemme and Lance Hoyt making out off to the side of the set. Borash walks over
and interrupts them and Hoyt says that he was with Christy Hemme the whole time
he was with VKM and that he has everything going for him right now. Borash
wishes the new happy couple luck and he backs into Samoa Joe.

Joe grabs the microphone from Borash and congratulates Team 3D on their
victory. He then states that he “pimp slapped” Angle last week to show him how
their relationship is. He then warns Angle that after they win the tag belts,
he will come after him to win all of the gold in TNA.

Jim Cornette joins Tenay and West at the announce table as they go over some of
the matches that have been signed for Victory Road. First, Christian Cage will
face off against Chris Harris. Plus, due to costing Rhino the World title
match last week, Rhino will get a chance at revenge as he takes on James
Storm. Cornette says that next week there will be a special announcement about
an X Division Ultimate X match set for the pay-per-view. Not only that, but
the Match of Champions has been set, as Kurt Angle & Samoa Joe will take on
Team 3D.

Cage comes out with a megaphone and Tomko following by his side. Cage says the
megaphone is a symbol of a producer and power and that he produces ratings and
superstars. At Victory Road, he says he will make a star out of Chris Harris
and after that, Cornette will have no other option than to put Cage back in the
main event.

Cornette tells Cage that he has other things to worry about as he heard that
Abyss is still looking for him. Cage says that he knows that Abyss isn’t in
the building tonight and Abyss’ music soon hits. Cage looks around for the
monster as he heads towards the back.

A pre-taped interview Mike Tenay conducted with Rhino is aired. Tenay asks
about Rhino’s outburst a couple of weeks ago on Impact. Rhino explains that
his father was an alcoholic and passed away because of his addiction when he
was a teenager. When he got older and was having problems, he too turned to
drinking, which ended up hurting his life and his marriage. He then quit his
drinking habit, but James Storm opened that all back up after pouring beer on
his face and he will be responsible for his actions.

Match 2: Ms. Brooks vs. Jackie Moore vs. Gail Kim
The match starts as Ms. Brooks and Jackie Moore push each other away to get in
shots on Gail Kim. Moore has enough of Brooks and takes her down with a back
elbow and gets a two count before Kim pulls her off. Kim follows with a side
slam and pin attempt, but that is broken up by Brooks.

Brooks then kicks Kim out of the ring. Brooks goes to pull her back in but Kim
pulls her out by her feet and they fight on the outside as Moore takes Brooks
down with a dropkick through the ropes. Kim then climbs the ropes and takes
them both out with a dive off the top rope. That move elicits a “TNA” chant as
well as a commercial break.

We return to see both Moore and Brooks have a half Boston crab applied on Kim.
Moore breaks her hold and goes after Brooks. Moore then sets Brooks on the top
rope and goes up for a suplex but Brooks pushes her down to the canvas. Kim
the comes up and delivers a hurricanrana on Brooks that sends her across the
ring and down to the mat.

Kim then sends Brooks to the outside as Moore rolls her up from behind,
however, Kim continues to roll and reverses the pin attempt and manages to keep
her down for the three count.

Winner of the Match: Gail Kim by pin fall.

After the match, both Ms. Brooks and Jackie Moore continue on with an attack on
Gail Kim until Eric Young comes to her aid. Ms Brooks distracts Young as Moore
jumps on his back but she is quickly tossed down to the mat. Brooks tries to
do the same and gets the same result. Robert Roode then enters the ring from
behind and takes Young down with a blow to the back of the head. Roode, Brooks
and Moore then celebrate in the ring over their fallen foes.

Jeremy Borash is with Sting in a dark stairway. Borash questions where they
are going to which Sting replies to the bowels of the building. Sting begins
to talk about Abyss – or “Chris” as he puts it – and how he hides behind a
mask. Sting says that he also hides behind paint. He then says that next
week, Chris will have something to say. Borash responds by asking if Abyss is
really going to talk as Abyss turns around without his mask on, but in Sting
face paint.

Kurt Angle’s music hits and he comes out wearing a jacket and tie and holding
both the TNA World Championship and the IWGP Championship. Angle enters the
ring with a microphone and says that he put TNA on the map and refers to the
promotion as Total Nonstop Angle. Angle brings up that since his arrival,
Impact has scored its highest ratings and the pay-per-view buys are up.

Angle then moves on to talk about his opponents at Victory Road, Team 3D.
Angle says that they will at least be able to tell their children that they
have been in the ring with greatness as they will be in a match against him.
Team 3D interrupts Angle’s speech and come down to the ring. Brother Ray
reminds Angle that the company doesn’t revolve around him and that the ratings
are up because of all of the wrestlers and, more importantly, the fans.

Angle and Brother Ray then trade a few words before coming to blows. Brother
Ray then calls for the tables. Devon goes under the ring and grabs a table and
slides it in. Team 3D sets the table up as Samoa Joe runs to the ring and
takes Team 3D out. Angle then gets up and drives Joe through the table with an
Olympic slam. Angle grabs his two World titles and leaves the ring.

The show ends with a recap of tonight’s events as Impact comes to a close.


07-06-2007, 03:27 PM
Abyss with Sting Paint on looked WEIRD I wonder if this is his new look or something temporarily

Flair Country
07-06-2007, 07:36 PM
Abyss with Sting Paint on looked WEIRD I wonder if this is his new look or something temporarily

Yeah he kind of looked like Gene Simmons from KISS! :lmao:

All he needed was a bass guitar, it kind of cracked me up.