View Full Version : John Cena - Answers to many questions

Black Widow
07-09-2007, 05:47 PM
Hello Chain Gang Soldiers:

I have a few random things to say before I head off of here and fully start my busy day. I have been reading over comments I have received since last night and I have been asked many questions and I'm going to try and answer as honestly as possible. But first I'd like to say thank you to each and every one of you that has let me know that you appreciate what I do for a living and that I have helped you or your family members in many ways. That makes what I do so much more rewarding so thank you once again.

I have been asked many times do I truly believe Chris Benoit murdered his family and then committed suicide. To be quite honest I'm not sure how to answer this question anymore. I have my own personal beliefs on what I think may or may not have happened but they are just my opinion. I don't really know what went on that tragic weekend and I don't believe we will ever truly know exactly what happened. The only people that could answer that question for us are no longer here. Do I believe all the media speculation that has been said? No. Do I believe that Chris Benoit was an evil man? Definitely not. Do I believe that steroids caused this? No way. I think as hard as it may be we all need to try and move on and let them rest in peace. We all need to start the healing process because I don't know about you but I don't think I have even began to heal yet because all I do is hear about it everywhere I go. Nancy and Chris' family need to be able to mourn the loss of their loved ones. I can just imagine how hard this has been for them. If any of you read this I have all of you in my thoughts and prayers. If you ever need anything..I mean anything you know where to find me.

While I'm on this subject I am going to tackle one more question that has to do with Benoit. Many of you have asked me for my personal opinion on what I think about many former wrestlers statements regarding all of this. I firmly believe that everyone has a right to their own opinion and they have the free will to speak it however they like. But that doesn't mean I have to agree with it. For those who say they agree with everything the WWE has done or said well that's just fine and dandy if you do. I don't. But just like you I have my own freewill. I have been getting criticized by some former wrestlers lately regarding my actions. They think I need to agree with everything the WWE says or does. But I don't..people you need to realize the WWE does not own me. I, John Cena, am a free person that has the free will to say or do what I want. The only thing they own is the WWE Championship that I carry around with pride. I have never been the type of man to deny what I believe in which leads me to the next question. But, I will not go around bashing the company I work for. I know what they have done for me and I appreciate and respect that and I will never say anything negative about any of my employers or coworkers.

Some people want to know if I am religious. I'm trying to think of the most politically correct way to answer this. I am not overly religious and I don't spend a lot of time in church. But I am a God fearing Christian man and I say that proudly. I am not ashamed of my belief and love for God. Just because I don't go to church every Sunday, I don't walk around in my best suit preaching the gospel to everyone I see, doesn't make me any less of a Christian than those who do. I just try my best to live my life the way Jesus would but that does not mean I do not mess up. I'm nowhere near being perfect but I can only strive to live as close to a perfect life as possible for a man. I know this is the first time I have spoke up about this and it will probably surprise people and if it does so be it. You wanted to know and now you do.

I have been asked many times who I think should be the next WWE Champion. If I were in character I'd say the belt is my life, I'm going to keep it at all costs, blah blah blah, etc. But, I'm not in "Champ Mode" right now I am just John Cena chillen with a cold drink (soda for those who be thinking I be drinking on a work day) in one hand. I believe that Randy Orton should be the next WWE Champion. Not just because he is my best friend but because I think he is one of our company's brightest stars. Think of how much he has already accomplished in his short career. Imagine all the things he can still do if given the chance. Please don't get me wrong I love being the WWE Champ, it's been an awesome experience but I have been the champion for about two years now give or take. I carry that belt with pride because I worked hard and busted my ass to get it but I think it's time for another top dog to take over and do what I have done if not better. Think of it as a business stand point like I am. I have beaten the Samoan Bulldozer Umaga..I have beaten the Great Khali..and many other huge superstars in the business...Really...what more can I do right now? Start going backwards and have thong matches with Big Dick Johnson? I'm just being humorous here don't take me seriously.

I am out of time now so I have to end this now. If you have any questions that have been on your mind just ask and I'll try and answer when I find time in my schedule. I do have a few messages I need to respond to and those of you know who you are and I will get to you as soon as possible.

Until next time Chain Gangers, life fast..fight hard..and have no regrets. Because at one time your regrets were exactly what you wanted.



07-09-2007, 05:56 PM
I have beaten the Samoan Bulldozer Umaga..I have beaten the Great Khali..and many other huge superstars in the business...Really...what more can I do right now?

Just lose the fucking belt! Whether it be to Randy Orton, HHH, the fat oily guy or Spongebob! I don't care who!

07-09-2007, 06:08 PM
Just lose the fucking belt! Whether it be to Randy Orton, HHH, the fat oily guy or Spongebob! I don't care who!

funny as hell lion but true :lmao:
:bob: just imagine him as champ

Black Widow
07-09-2007, 07:07 PM
id love orton as champ

07-09-2007, 08:09 PM
I believe that Randy Orton should be the next WWE Champion. Not just because he is my best friend but because I think he is one of our company's brightest stars. Think of how much he has already accomplished in his short career. Imagine all the things he can still do if given the chance. Please don't get me wrong I love being the WWE Champ, it's been an awesome experience but I have been the champion for about two years now give or take. I carry that belt with pride because I worked hard and busted my ass to get it but I think it's time for another top dog to take over and do what I have done if not better. Think of it as a business stand point like I am. I have beaten the Samoan Bulldozer Umaga..I have beaten the Great Khali..and many other huge superstars in the business...Really...what more can I do right now? Start going backwards and have thong matches with Big Dick Johnson? I'm just being humorous here don't take me seriously.

i just got even more respect for John after reading that:)

07-09-2007, 08:58 PM
Start going backwards and have thong matches with Big Dick Johnson?

Two questions: 1)Are men allowed to have thong matches and 2) Who is Big Dick Johnson?

07-09-2007, 11:38 PM
Two questions: 1)Are men allowed to have thong matches and 2) Who is Big Dick Johnson?

He is the greasy fat guy who dances in a thong every once in a while. He was on Smackdown a few weeks ago, after the Benoit tragedy.

I'm good with Cena holding the belt, but if he himself is saying he should drop it, then maybe WWE should listen.