View Full Version : Smackdown Results- July 13th

07-14-2007, 08:06 AM
FRIDAY NIGHT SMACKDOWN – Friday July 13, 2007

New Orleans, LA


8:13 – Back from commercial with Masters holding Hardy in a headlock.

Hardy gets to his feet and nails Masters in the chin then starts punching him. Hardy goes to kick Masters and Masters catches his foot.

Hardy kicks Masters in the head, then climbs the ropes and jumps at Masters.

Masters takes Hardy down with a side slam and goes for the cover. 2 count.

Masters whips Hardy into the opposite corner then punches Hardy in the back. Masters goes to pick up Hardy by his hair but the ref stops him.

Masters punches Hardy in the back again, then picks him up but Hardy counters and goes for the cover. 2 count.

Hardy starts punching Masters. Masters whips Hardy into the corner and punches him then goes for the cover. 2 count.

Masters hits Hardy with a backbreaker and holds him there. Masters whips Hardy across the ring and takes him down with a clothesline.

Masters goes for the cover. 2 ½ count.

Masters picks up Hardy and starts punching him in the head. Masters gets hardy in a headlock.

Hardy fights his way to his feet punching Masters in the stomach. Hardy goes for the side effect but Masters counters.

Hardy climbs the ropes and nails Masters with an elbow drop then hits the side effect and goes for the cover. 2 count.

Hardy kicks Masters in the stomach and tries for the Twist of Fate. Masters counters, but Hardy tries again and nails it going for the cover.


MVP gets up and stares at Hardy, holding the belt. Hardy mouths that the belt is his. MVP takes off his coat then his chain. From behind Chris Masters gets Hardy in the Masterlock.

Matt Hardy kicks off the ring post and drops Masters to the mat but Masters doesn’t break the hold. MVP gets in the ring and as Hardy gets up MVP nails him with the playmaker then bounces off the ropes and hits him with an elbow drop.

MVP gets out of the ring and heads backstage.


8:30 – Back from commercial with Finlay heading out to the ring.


The pair circle for a bit then finally lock up. Finlay gets Yang in the corner and the ref breaks them up.

They lock up again and Finlay backs Yang against the ropes, another break.

Yang kicks but misses Finlay. Finlay grabs Yang and take shim to the mat. Finlay picks up Yang and slams him to the mat, getting him in a headlock.

Finlay picks up Yang and slams him down to the mat. Finlay picks Yang up again and punches him. Finlay whips Yang into the corner, Yang uses the ropes, jumps over Finlay and starts punching him.

Yang takes control and takes down Finlay, getting him out of the ring. Yang goes after Finlay and Finlay starts punching Yang then throws him back into the ring.

Finlay hits Yang with an elbow drop. Finlay taunts Yang then whips him into the corner. Yang uses the ropes again but Finlay catches Yang and slams him down on his knee.

Finlay goes for the cover. 2 count. Finlay struggles and goes for the cover again. 2 count.

Finlay takes Yang down and then works on his arm. Finlay picks up Yang and whips him into the corner, grabs Yang and hit shim with a back breaker.

Yang gets free and slams into Finlay, then nails him with two amazing kicks and goes for the cover. 2 count.

Yang picks up Finlay and starts punching him then whips him into the corner. Yang climbs the ropes and nails Finlay with a cross body and goes for the cover. 2 count.

Yang kicks Finlay then slams his head into the ring post. Yang jumps off the ropes but Finlay moves. Finlay takes Yang down then picks him up and hits him with the Celtic Cross and goes for the cover.


Finlay gets out of the ring and lets Hornswaggle out and drops Hornswaggle onto Yang.


8:42 – Back from commercial with Chavo and Jamie Noble making their way to the ring,


Brian and Noble start the match off. Brian twists Noble’s arm behind his back. Noble flips over and takes down Brian. Brian flips over and takes down Noble.

Noble tries to whip Brian across the ring but Brian counters and whips Noble. Brian holds Noble’s arm and tags in Brett.

Noble takes down Brett and tags in Chavo. Brett grabs Chavo and tags in Brian.

Chavo starts punching Brian then slams him to the mat and tags in Noble. Noble takes down Brian and hits him with an elbow.

Brian tags in Brett and the pair leap frog over Noble then take Noble down. Noble takes Brett down and pulls him to his corner tagging in Chavo.

Chavo slams Brett’s head into the ring post then gets Brett in a headlock.

Brett starts punching Chavo. Chavo slams Brett’s head into the ropes and starts beating on him. The ref pulls him off and Noble grabs the cheap shot.

Chavo tags in Noble who gets in and takes down Brett going for the cover. 2 count.

Noble gets Brett in a submission hold. Brett crawls towards his corner but Noble takes out Brian.

Brett goes for a cover but Chavo pulls the ref out. Noble tags in Chavo and Chavo works over Brett and goes for the cover. 2 count.

Chavo tags in Noble who starts to hit Bret. Noble uses the ropes to choke Brett. While the ref yells at Noble, Chavo takes a cheap shot.

Noble tags in Chavo and hey go for the double team but Brett spoils their plans. Brett takes down both and tags in Brian.

Brian gets in and slams Chavo to the mat. Chavo gets up and Brian nails him with a spine buster and goes for the cover. Noble breaks up the 3-count.

Brett gets in and suplexes Noble over the ropes. Brett gets tagged in and climbs the ropes and takes down Chavo and goes for the cover.


Outside the ring Chavo and Noble start to argue.

Backstage Khali’s translator approaches Vicki. He talks to her about the contract signing and they want to cancel the contract signing and the match at the Great American Bash.

They want to cancel because Batista is a fan favorite and no one wants to see a fan favorite get beaten.

Vicki disagrees and says that this is a match everyone wants to see (I don’t believe that), and therefore the match will take place. She turns to go and walks into Khali who yells something.

They then turn around and they are bringing in the furniture for the contract signing. The guy says they even have a chair for Khali’s size.

Khali gets offended and slams the guy into the wall.


8:58 – Edge is backstage watching the Mysterio promo. He turns around to look at his belt and Kane’s face appears on the screen. When he turns around again Kane’s ace is gone.

Teddy Long makes his way to the ring for the contract signing. Teddy introduces Khali and then Batista.

Teddy asks them to keep it civilized and has both men take their seats. Batista sits down and signs right away, and passes the contract over.

The translator says something to Khali then says that when Khali issued the challenge he was looking for a sportsman, a gentleman much like himself, not an untamed animal. Batista is an animal and he should be locked up in a cage, not in the ring.

Khali isn’t scared of Batista or of anyone. He’s a man of pride and honor. Khali takes the mic and says something and signs making the match official.

Batista holds out his hand. Khali ignores it, Batista gets mad and slaps him.

Khali gets out of the ring while Batista throws furniture. Khali grabs the steel steps and flings them into the ring. Batista just stands there.

Batista picks up the steps “You want to throw stairs?” Batista flings the stairs and then a chair up the ramp at Khali, then he throws the table and the other chair.


9:12 – Back from commercial break and they’re showing flashbacks of Khali and Batista.


The pair lock up and Chuck slams the jobber to the mat and twists his arm back.

Jobber kicks Chuck but Chuck takes him down again and starts punching him again. Chuck slams the jobber to the mat then picks him up and slams him into the ring post.

Chuck whips the Jobber across the ring. The Jobber climbs off the ropes but Chuck catches him and slams him to the mat.

Chuck picks up the jobber and slams him to the mat and goes for the cover.



9:23 – Back from commercial with Edge brushing his teeth and washing up in the bathroom. He glances in the mirror and thinks he sees Kane. He turns around and Kane is gone.

Backstage they show Deuce and Domino. Eugene comes over and says he likes the car and wants to go for a ride. They tease him and say they’ll let him wear Cherry’s skates and tie rope around his waist.

Eugene says no because he may get a “Boo boo”. They then say that if he gets a win tonight then he can have a ride.


9:27 – Back from commercial break with Deuce and Domino driving Eugene out.

Eugene waves and runs to the ring.


Eugene extends his hand to Henry. Henry takes Eugene down and slams him into the corner.

Henry throws Eugene to the center of the ring. Eugene rolls around in pain. Henry picks up Eugene and lays him on the ropes, punching him in the back.

Henry picks up Eugene and slams him to the mat. Henry picks Eugene up again and holds him in the bear hug.

The ref calls for the bell.


Deuce and Domino get in the ring and laugh at Eugene.

They flash back to the confrontation between Torrie and Victoria last week.


9:40 – Back from commercial break with Teddy and Kristal. Vicki comes in and Teddy tells her how he likes how she stood her ground and how that’s what makes a great General Manager.

Kristal then asks her to be her Maid of Honor.


Victoria kicks Torrie and gets her in the corner, punching her. Victoria grabs Torrie by the hair and tosses her into the ring.

Torrie takes down Victoria with a clothesline and then starts choking Victoria. Torrie grabs Victoria but Victoria shoves her off.

Victoria takes Torrie down and grabs her hair, yelling. Victoria gets Torrie in a submission hold but the ref makes her break it.

Victoria sits on Torrie and slaps her yelling about how she thinks she’s better.

Torrie gets to her feet and punches Victoria. Victoria kicks her and takes her down.

Victoria goes for the cover. 1 count. Victoria grabs Torrie by the hair and whips her across the ring then chokes her on the ropes. The ref yells at Victoria about the hair and using the ropes.

Victoria knees Torrie in the back. Victoria picks up Torrie and slams her to the mat. Victoria goes for her standing moonsault but Torrie moves.

Torrie whips Victoria across the ropes and takes her down with a clothesline followed by a neck breaker. Torrie goes for the cover. 2 count.

Torrie hits her with a Suplex and goes for the cover. 2 count.

Victoria kicks Torrie then picks her up, Torrie counters and breaks free. Torrie kicks Victoria out of the ring.

Torrie follows Victoria outside the ring where the pair exchange punches as the ref counts.


Backstage there are a bunch of people in costumes and Edge comes over, loving everyone all dressed up. He points to the King and says he likes him better then Lawler.

Edge starts singing, “When the saints go marching in” and he leads everyone out.


9:51 – Back from commercial break with Edge’s parade. Edge rides out to the ring on a float with all the characters just dancing and having a good time.

Edge dances his way into the ring and grabs a mic, “This is great. New Orleans! The real City of Sin.

That’s right, see Las Vegas has got nothing on some of the things I saw on Bourbon Street last night. If there was ever a city for the Rated R Superstar, this is it.

I’m going to give you the biggest party this city has ever seen. But I have to admit this celebration is going to pale in comparison to the party I’m going to throw after I defeat Kane at the Great American Bash.

That’s right, I’m going to walk out of San Jose still your World Heavyweight Champion. But now that we have the business out of the way it’s time to get this party started. What do you say.”

They then start throwing beads into the crowd. Edge dances by the Queen then stops. He tells them to cut the music.

Edge looks at the Queen and takes off his hat then spears the Queen. He taunts the Queen then turns around to see that Kane is taking off the King mask.

The pair get in the ring and Kane slams Edge to the mat. Edge gets up and Kane goes for the chokeslam but Edge manages to escape as Kane passes out chokeslams to everyone else.

Edge goes up the ramp and yells that Kane is his and Kane will not take the belt.


~Will WWE ever learn that contract signings are BORING??? And add to the fact you have Batista and Khali out there and that’s just asking to put fans in a coma.

~The roster must be thin if they are dusting off Chuck Palumbo for matches. Did anyone else forget that he had a job?

~When Edge’s wrestling career is over I would love to see him in an announcing job. The man is very amusing.

credit: gerweck.net