View Full Version : Will Harry Survive? **Contains Spoilers**

07-16-2007, 12:10 PM
With the release of Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows just less than a week away, speculation has never been higher amongst children and slightly creepy adults about how the book ends. Does Harry Potter die? Does Voldemort kill Harry Potter? Does Harry Potter start taking his clothes off and stabbing horses in the eyes again? Well maybe now we know - a hacker claims to have stolen an entire transcript of Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows from publishers Bloomsbury out of outrage at all the paganism that Harry Potter dabbles in. And how does Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows end? Let's just say that Hermione probably shouldn't bother making any long-term plans.

However, JK Rowling did say that two main characters would die by the end of Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows, although she wouldn't be drawn on which ones. But now we know. Sort of. Well, OK, we've got information from an anonymous source claiming to have hacked a transcript of the last Harry Potter book from a Bloomsbury computer, so it's just as likely that it was written by a non-hacker in a room full of cats on a rare break from blogging about what they had for their tea.

Really, don't read this next bit if you don't potentially want the ending of the final Harry Potter book ruined, although we'll clearly think less of you if you do care that much about that sort of thing. Anyway, on a website Gabriel writes:

Dear my brothers,

Voldemort killed Hermione. Yes, that's true. And we knew that 2 days ago.

This is the end of the not yet published (someone could call that 0day) book

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows .

At the end of the story Hagrid was killed by Snape in the attempt of ambush Hermione and Ron.
Ron and Hermione flees in privet drive but Voldermort, surprising them, engaged a magical duel with Ron and Hermione.

Voldemort attacked trough the imperius curse and Hermione, to protect the life of Ron fight hardly for more than 6 pages and then finally die.
(boring, very boring... it's always the same story!)

Then, to make a long story short, Harry came up, killed all the bad guys and Hogwarts against became a good place to stay and have fun.

Ah, i missed one important information about Draco Malfoy, he started to create Horcrux (for fun and profit!).
The end.
************************************************** **********

Yes, we did it.
We did it by following the precious words of the great Pope Benedict XVI when he still was Cardinal Josepth Ratzinger.
He explained why Harry Potter bring the youngs of our earth to Neo Paganism faith.

So we make this spoiler to make reading of the upcoming book useless and boring.

The attack strategy was the easiest one.
The usual milw0rm downloaded exploit delivered by email/click-on-the-link/open-browser/click-on-this-animated-icon/back-connect to some employee of Bloomsbury Publishing, the company that's behind the Harry crap.

It's amazing to see how much people inside the company have copies and drafts of this book.
Curiosity killed the cat.

Who kill curiosity?

To protect you and your families

God bless you


What are your predictions? Will Harry Survive the last part of the famous Harry Potter Series?

Black Widow
07-16-2007, 04:00 PM
lol i chose Dont Care, because i really really hate the film i seen

07-16-2007, 05:20 PM
Hermione can't die. She's hot in the movies. :(

I voted for yes Harry will survive in the poll before reading. I haven't seen any horror movies where the main character dies, except for where the main character is the bad guy. lol.

07-17-2007, 08:54 PM
Dont bash it till you have tried it. I read the books(well when I did there was only 3 so I read the first three) Did not care for any of them. But I dont bash it till I have tried it. I like the movies though.

07-19-2007, 03:29 PM
i voted for harry will die... there are many reasons for that choice.
firstly, jk rowling woudnt like anyone writing harry potter books further. so, if the main character dies, no one can write any further.

secondly, it is quite possible that voldemorts last part of his life is within harry (horcrux).... so, harry will have to kill himself so that voldemorts finally dies.